



一、 选择题:(每题3分,共30分) 1、在15,



,211,40中最简二次根式的个数是………………( )

A .1个

B .2个

C .3个

D .4个

2、下列各组二次根式中是同类二次根式的是………………( )

A .2112与

B .2718与

C .313与

D .5445与

3、下列各式正确的是………………( )

A .a a =2

B .a a ±=2

C .a a =2

D .22a a = 4、32-的一个有理化因式是………………( )

A .3

B .32-

C .32+

D .32+- 5、若1<x <2,则()2


-x x 的值为………………( )

A .2x -4

B .-2

C .4-2x

D .2

6、(10与(29乘积的结果是………………( )。

A 、

B 、2

C 、-

D 、-27、下列二次根式中,可以合并的是………………( ) A .23a a a 和

B .232a a 和

C .a

a a a 132

和 D .2423a a 和 8、如果1122=+-+a a a ,那么a 的取值范围是…………( )

A .0=a

B .1=a

C .1≤a

D .10==a a 或


2x-5,则x 的取值范围是………( )

A .x 为任意实数

B .1≤x≤4

C .x≥1

D .x <4

10、已知三角形三边为a 、b 、c ,其中a 、b 两边满足0836122=-++-b a a ,那么这

个三角形的最大边c 的取值范围是…………………( )

A .8>c

B .148<

C .86<

D .142<

1、当x_________x __________时,式子



-x 有意义。

2、36的算术平方根是 。请写出两个与________。

3 2 =____________,当a≥0=_____________。



6、已知xy <0= ;比较大小:-





7、最简二次根式b a 34+与162++-b b a 是同类二次根式,则a = ,b = . 8、已知5的整数部分是a ,小数部分是b ,则b

a 1



10==请你将发现的规律用含自然数n (n ≥1)的等式表示出来______________________。 三、解答题







22 (4)

2、已知:实数a ,b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,(5分)

a b -。


(4分) (1)a 2-ab+b 2 (2)a 2-b 2


、已知1x =,求2

23x x --的值。(4分)

5、若x ,y 为实数,且y =x 41-+14-x +21


y y x ++2-x y y x +-2的值。(5分)

a b






m 、n ,使22m n a +=

且mn =

则将a ±222m n mn +±,即变成2()m n ±







2、在矩形ABCD 中,,,AB a BC b M ==是BC 的中点,DE AM ⊥,垂足为E 。 (1) 如图①,求DE 的长(用a ,b 表示);

(2) 如图②,若垂足E 落在点M 或AM 的延长线上,结论是否与(1)相同?




一.计算题: 1. (235+-)(235--); 2. 1145 -- 7 114--7 32+ ; 3.(a 2m n -m ab mn +m n n m ) ÷a 2b 2m n ; 4.(a +b a ab b +-)÷(b ab a ++ a a b b --ab b a +) (a ≠b ). 二.求值: 1.已知x = 2 323-+,y = 2 32 3+-,求 322342 3 2y x y x y x xy x ++-的

值. 2.当x =1- 2 时,求 2 2 2 2 a x x a x x +-++ 2 2 2 22 2a x x x a x x +-+-+221 a x +的值. 三.解答题: 1.计算(2 5+1)(211 ++ 3 21++431 ++… +100 991 +). 2.若x ,y 为实数,且y = x 41-+14-x +21 .求

x y y x ++2- x y y x +-2的值. 计算题: 1、【提示】将35-看成一个整体,先用平方差公式,再用完全平方公式. 【解】原式=(35-)2 -2)2(=5-215+3-2=6-215. 2、【提示】先分别分母有理化,再合并同类二次根式. 【解】原式=1116)114(5-+-7 11) 711(4-+- 79) 73(2--=4+ 11-11- 7-3+ 7=1. 3、【提示】先将除法转化为乘法,再用乘法分配律展开,最后合并同类二次根式. 【解】原式=(a 2 m n -m ab mn +

m n n m )·2 21b a n m =2 1b n m m n ?-mab 1n m m n ? + 2 2b ma n n m n m ? =21b -ab 1+221b a =2221 b a ab a +-. 4、【提示】本题应先将两个括号内的分式分别通分,然后分解因式并约分. 【解】原式=b a a b b ab a +-++÷) )(() )(()()(b a b a ab b a b a b a b b b a a a -+-+-+-- = b a b a ++÷) )((2 222b a b a ab b a b ab b ab a a -++---- =

高一英语必修3 Unit3单元测试题及答案

福州市第十八中学高一英语必修3 Unit 3单元测验 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note Name:___________ No: ________ Marks: ______________ 第一部分:单项填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) ( )1. -- What have you done with my new shirt?” -- _________. A. Forget it B. I put it away C. In the washing machine D. It’s my honour. ( )2. -- Can you ______ for every cent you spend in the school? -- Of course, I keep all my ______. You can have a check. A. explain, accounts B. account, accounts C. show, account D. reason, account ( )3. -- May I have your ______now, sir? -- Minutes, please. I’ll have another look at the menu. A. bill B. service C. order D. credit card ( )4. I wonder ____ . A. what’s there to wait for B. who are you waiting for C. how long we have to wait D. how long we have been kept waiting for ( )5. -- Do you remember _____ Mr. Brown’s address is ? -- He may live at No.7 or No.17 of Bridge Street. I’m not sure of ____ . A. where; which B. where; what C. what; where D. what; which ( )6. T he problem is ____ we can deal with _______ rubbish. A. whether; a large amount of B. how; a large number of C. what; a great deal of D. if ; large quantities of ( )7. T he rules of the school don’t _______. A. allow to smoke B. be permitted to smoke C. be allowed smoking D. permit smoking ( )8. D on’t forget to tell their parents they _____ be back late A. are going to B. will C. are to D. are about to ( )9. T he old man just stood there ______ the pickpocket without a word. A. looking B. staring at C. glaring at D. glancing ( )10. H e is very tall and can be _____ in the crowd. A. know easily B. recognize easily C. easily spotted D. easily realized ( )11. The number of students who would take part in the contest _____ fifty, but a number of _____ absent for different reasons. A. was; was B. were; were C. were; was D. was; were ( )12. D o you have any money _____you? A. on B. with C. about D. all above ( )13. _____ at the salary, he refused to sign a contract with the company. A. Disappointing B. Disappointed C. Disappoint D. Disappointment ( )14. A fter the disaster, people’s _____ got thinner. A. patience B. temper C. mind D. anger ( )15. Y ou should _____ your manner in the public A. notice B. mind C. watch D. look after 第二部分:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) As a child, I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost; these fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments. Maybe it was the strange 16 things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that 17 me so much. There was never total 18 , but a streetlight or passing car lights 19 clothes hung over a chair take on the 20 of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my 21 , I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no 22 . A tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight. My 23 run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would 24 very still so that the “enemy” would not discover me. Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, 25 on the way home from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home—that was no 26 . After school, 27 , when all the buses were 28 up along the street, I was afraid that I’d get on the wrong one and be taken to some 29 neighborhood. On school or fami ly trips to a park or a museum, I wouldn’t30 the leaders out of my sight. Perhaps one of the worst fears 31 all I had as a child was that of not being liked or 32 by others. Being popular was so important to me 33 , and the fear of not being liked was a 34 one. One of the processes of growing up is being able to 35 and overcome our fears. Understanding the things that frightened us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life. ( )16. A. way B. time C. place D. reason ( )17. A. wounded B. destroyed C. surprised D. frightened ( )18. A. quietness B. darkness C. emptiness D. loneliness ( )19. A. got B. forced C. made D. caused ( )20. A. spirit B. height C. body D. shape ( )21. A. eye B. window C. mouth D. door ( )22. A. breath B. wind C. air D. sound ( )23. A. belief B. feeling C. doubt D. imagination ( )24. A. lay B. hide C. rest D. lie ( )25. A. especially B. simply C. probably D. directly ( )26. A. discussion B. problem C. joke D. matter ( )27. A. though B. yet C. as if D. still ( )28. A. called B. backed C. lined D. packed ( )29. A. old B. crowed C. poor D. unfamiliar ( )30. A. leave B. let C. order D. send ( )31. A. above B. in C. of D. at ( )32. A. protected B. guided C. believed D. accepted ( )33. A. then B. there C. once D. anyway ( )34. A. strict B. powerful C. heavy D. right ( )35. A. realize B. remember C. recognize D. recover 三、阅读理解:(每题2分,共20分。) A Strange things happen to time when you travel because the earth is divided into twenty-four zones(时区), one hour apart. You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-fours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days. If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Traveling west, you set your clock back, traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours. If you travel by ship across the Pacific Ocean, you cross the International Date Line (国际日期变更线). By agreement, this is the point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar one full day, backward or forward. Traveling east today becomes yesterday. Traveling west, it is tomorrow. ( )36. S trange things happen to time when you travel because _____. A. no day really has twenty-four hours B. no one knows where time zones begin C. the earth is divided into time zones D. in some places one day always has twenty-five hours. ( )37. T he difference in time between zones is _____. A. one hour B. more than seven days C. seven days D. twenty-four hours ( )38. T he International Date Line is the name for “_____”. A. the beginning of any new time zone B. any point where time changes by one hour C. the point where a new day begins D. the end of any new time zone B Three men traveling on a train began a conversation about the world’s greatest wonders. “In my opinion,” the first man said, “the Egyptian pyramids are the world’s greatest. Although they were

第三章 单元测试题 (2)

《声现象》复习检测题 (总分: 100分) 江西 刘诗枫 一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共30分 ) 1.如图1所示各图中,主要描述声音能够传递能量的是( ) 2. 如图2所示,将悬挂的乒乓球轻轻接触正在发声的音叉,乒乓球多次被弹开,关于此实验,下列说法错误的是( ) A .音叉发出声音的响度越大,乒乓球被弹开的越远 B .音叉发出声音的音调越高,乒乓球被弹开的越远 C .本实验可以研究“声音是由于物体的振动而产生的” A .①② B .②③ C . ③④ D .①④ 4.2016年被认为是全球人工智能发展的元年,人工智能在不少领域已经超越人类的能力。如图4所示,在2017年最新一季《最强大脑》节目中,人工智能产品小度与听音神 图3

童孙亦廷在合唱团演唱过程中进行语音识别比赛,最终打成平局。有关比赛中声的说法正确的是( ) A. 孙亦廷说话时不是声带振动产生声音 B.现场观众能听到声音是靠空气传播 C. 小度发声的频率越高,响度越大 D.合唱团所有成员发声的音色相同 5.美国乔治梅森大学工程专业的两名学生研究制造的声波灭火装置,如图5 所示,为消防灭火技术提供了一种新思路。 这台低频发声灭火装置,通过发出30~60赫兹的低频声波,能够在短短数秒之内扑灭火焰,令人大开眼界.尽管这项发明并非属于“高精尖”的前沿科技,但是它的现实意义或许更大一些。下列说法正确的是( ) A.低频发声灭火装置发出的是次声波 B.低频发声灭火装置利用的是其发声的响度大 C.声波可以灭火说明声波具有能量 D.低频发声灭火装置是高科技产品,发声不需要振动 6.A 声音波形如图6甲所示,把音调比A 高的B 声音输入同一设置的示波器,B 声音的波形是图乙中的哪一幅( ) 7.如图7所示,与图中情景相关的说法中正确的是( ) 乙


Unit 3 单元测试题 Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) ( )16. You can walk to ______ subway station. It’s not far. A. the B. a C. an D. 不填 ( )17. It’s easy for me ______ English. A. speak B. speaks C. to speak D. speaking ( )18. I ______ my bike to school every day. A. ride B. show C. drive D. stop ( )19. This hat is too old. I want a ______ one. A. clean B. long C. big D. new ( )20. It takes me 25 minutes ______ to the club by bus. A. to go B. going C. go D. goes ( )21. —______ is it from your home to the clothes store —Three kilometers. A. How far B. How long C. How much D. How old ( )22. There are no ______ now, so we can’t cross the river. A. boats B. cars C. trains D. subways ( )23. My brother and I ______ sports every day. I love ______ tennis, but he doesn’t. A. do; play B. do; to play C. does; play D. does; to play ( )24. —Does Mike always drive a car to the radio station —______. He goes there by bike. A. Yes, he does B. Yes, he is C. No, he isn’t D. No, he doesn’t ( )25. —Have a good time on the weekend. —______. A. You, too B. Yes, please C. Sounds good D. I’m not sure Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Mike is 6 years old. 26 parents work in Beijing. They are very 27 and don’t have t ime to look after (照顾) him. Mike 28 with his grandparents in a small village. Mike’s parents work 29 a factory (工厂). They live far from the factory. 30 about 11 kilometers from their home to the factory. So they have to 31 early in the morning. They usually 32 home at half past six in the morning. They walk to the bus station and 33 the No. 10 bus to the subway station. Then they go to the factory by 34 . It takes them about an hour to go to work. The trip to their factory is really tiring (累人的), 35 they like their jobs very much. ( )26. A. His B. Her C. My D. Your ( )27. A. free B. busy C. interesting D. boring ( )28. A. helps B. plays C. lives D. talks ( )29. A. to B. with C. in D. from ( )30. A. It’s B. He’s C. She’s D. I’m ( )31. A. brush teeth B. eat C. get up D. exercise ( )32. A. lose B. leave C. get D. find ( )33. A. drive B. on C. take D. by ( )34. A. bus B. train C. car D. subway ( )35. A. because B. so C. but D. and Ⅵ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) A 易读度★☆☆☆☆ Bill is a teacher. He goes to work from Monday to Friday every week. Usually he gets up at six in the morning. After breakfast, he takes a bus to work. He is a . teacher, so he often plays sports with his students. He has classes every day. Two are in the morning and two are in the afternoon. In the evening he usually eats dinner at home and then he watches TV. He thinks he has a happy life. 根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。


第三章 字母表示数 测试题 七年 班 姓名: 学号: 二、选择题(每题3分,共30分) 1、下列各式符合代数式书写规范的是( )。 A 、a b B 、a ×3 C 、1÷3x D 、2 21n 2、下列各式中,是代数式的有( )个 32).6(1 15).5(1 2)4(0).3().2()1(34).1(2 =-+--<--+y x x x x a x A 、2 B 、3 C 、4 D 、5 3、乙数为a ,甲数比乙数的3倍少2,则甲数为( ); A 、3a-2 B 、3a+2 C 、 32+a D 、32-a 4、下列各式中,( )中的两项是同类项; A 、2233 1xy y x -和 B 、 b a b c a 2222-和 C 、44-和 D 、222和x 5、某品牌平板彩电降价30%以后,每台售价a 元,则该品牌彩电的标价为( )元 A 、3 .0a B 、 7.0a C 、0.3a D 、0.7a 6、与 y x 2 2 1不仅所含字母相同,而且相同字母的指数也相同的是( ) A.z x 221 B. xy 2 1 C.2yx - D. x 2y 7、 )]([n m ---去括号得 ( ) A 、n m -- B 、n m +- C 、 n m + D 、n m - 8、下列各等式中,成立的是( ) A 、 )(b a b a +-=+- B 、)8(383+=+x x C 、 x x 8412=- D 、) 25(52--=-x x 9、小明编制了一个计算程序。当输入任一有理数,显示屏显示输出的结果是一个有理数,若输入1-,并将所显示的结果再次输入,这时显示的结果应当是( ) A -21 B -23 C -24 D -25


中考数学一轮复习提高题专题复习二次根式练习题附解析 一、选择题 1.下列计算正确的是( ) A .235+= B .422-= C .8=42 D .236?= 2.下列计算正确的是( ) A .2+3=5 B .8=42 C .32﹣2=3 D .23?=6 3.下列二次根式中,最简二次根式是( ) A . 1.5 B . 13 C .10 D .27 4.已知52a =+,52b =-,则227a b ++的值为( ) A .4 B .5 C .6 D .7 5.下列运算中,正确的是( ) A .1333??+ ? ?? =3 B .(12-7)÷3=-1 C .32÷ 1 22 =2 D .(2+3)×3=63+ 6.下列运算正确的是( ) A .52223-=y y B .428x x x ?= C .(-a-b )2=a 2-2ab+b 2 D .27123-= 7.下列计算正确的是( ) A .822-= B .321-= C .325+= D .(4)(9)496-?-= -?-= 8.如图,是按一定规律排成的三角形数阵,按图中数阵的排列规律,第9行从左至右第5 个数是( ) 1232567 22 310 A .210 B .41 C .52 D .51 9.将1、 、 、 按图2所示的方式排列,若规定(m ,n )表示第m 排从左到右第 n 个数,则(4,2)与(21,2)表示的两数的积是( )

A .1 B .2 C . D .6 10.下列二次根式是最简二次根式的是( ) A .0.1 B .19 C .8 D .14 4 11.设0a >,0b >,且( )( ) 35a a b b a b +=+,则 23a b ab a b ab -+++的值是 ( ) A .2 B . 14 C . 12 D . 3158 12.给出下列化简①(2-)2=2:②22-=()2;③221214+=123; ④11 142 - =,其中正确的是( ) A .①②③④ B .①②③ C .①② D .③④ 二、填空题 13.已知2215x 19x 2+--=,则2219x 215x -++=________. 14.若a ,b ,c 是实数,且21416210a b c a b c ++=-+-+--,则 2b c +=________. 15.对于任何实数a ,可用[a]表示不超过a 的最大整数,如[4]=4,[3]=1.现对72进行如下操作:72 [72]=8 [8]=2 2]=1,类似地,只需进行3次操作 后变为1的所有正整数中,最大的是________. 16.当x 3x 2﹣4x +2017=________. 17.把1 a - 18.已知2,n=1222m n mn +-的值________. 19.若a 、b 为实数,且b 2211a a -+-+4,则a+b =_____. 201262_____. 三、解答题 21.观察下列各式子,并回答下面问题. 211-

人教版三年级英语下册 Unit 3 第三单元测试卷及答案

小学英语人教三下Unit 3测试卷 听力部分 一、听录音,在相应的图片下打“√”。每小题听一遍。(10分) 1. A. B. 2. A. B. ()()()() 3. A. B. 4. A. B. ()()()() 5. A. B. ()() 二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(√)否(×)相符。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4.

()5. 三、听录音,给下列句子标序号。每个句子听两遍。(10分)()It has a big body and a small head. ()And it has long legs. ()Come here, children! Look at the bird. ()It has a short tail. ()Wow! It’s so tall. 笔试部分 四、选出下列单词的对应词,只填序号。(8分) A. thin B. short C. tall D. small 1. big______ 2. short______ 3. long______ 4. fat______ 五、单项选择。(15分) ()1. Look ______ me! A. on B. at C. so ()2. I ______ big eyes and small ears. A. has B. with C. have ()3. The elephant ______ two big ears. A. have B. has C. is

()4. It has ______ long nose. A. a B. / C. an ()5. You ______ tall. I ______ short. A. are;is B. are;am C. is;am 六、根据句意,选择相应的图片。(15分) ()1. It has big ears and a long nose. A. B. ()2. It’s big and fat. A. B. ()3. It has a long tail and small ears. A. B. ()4. It’s tall and thin. A. B. ()5. It’s small. A. B.


第三章《字母表示数》 单元测试卷 班级 姓名 学号 得分 温馨提示:亲爱的同学们,经过这段时间的学习,相信你已经拥有了许多代数式的知识财富!下面这套试卷是为了展示你在本章的学习效果而设计的,只要你仔细审题,认真作答,遇到困难时不要轻易言弃,就一定会有出色的表现!一定要沉着应战,细心答题哦!本试卷共120分,用100分钟完成,制卷人:周杰Qjsb9C2kjy 一、耐心填一填:(每题3分,共30分> 1、32x y 5 -的系数是 2、当x= __________时, 的值为自然数; 3 12 -x 3、a 是13的倒数,b 是最小的质数,则21 a b -= 。 4、三角形的面积为S ,底为a ,则高h= __________ 5、去括号:-2a2 - [3a3 - (a - 2>] = __________ 6、若-7xm+2y 与-3x3yn 是同类项,则m n += 7、化简:3(4x -2>-3(-1+8x>= 8、y 与10的积的平方,用代数式表示为________ 9、当x=3时,代数式 ________1 3 2的值是--x x 10、当x=________时,|x|=16;当y=________时,y2=16;

二、精心选一选:<每小题3分,共30分.请将你的选择答案填在下表中.) 1、 a 的2倍与b 的3 1的差的平方,用代数式表示应为< ) A 22 3 12b a - B b a 3 122 - C 2 312? ?? ? ?-b a D 2 312? ? ? ??-b a 2、下列说法中错误的是( >Qjsb9C2kjy A x 与y 平方的差是x2-y2 B x 加上y 除以x 的商是 x+x y C x 减去y 的2倍所得的差是x-2y D x 与y 和的平方的2 倍是2(x+y>2 3、已知2x6y2和321 ,9m - 5mn -173 m n x y -是同类项则的值是 ( > A -1 B -2 C -3 D -4Qjsb9C2kjy 4、已知a=3b, c=) (c b a c b a ,2 a 的值为则 -+++ A 、7 12 D 611C 115B 511、、、 5、已知:a<0, b>0,且|a|>|b|, 则|b+1|-|a-b|等于( > A 、2b-a+1 B.1+a C.a-1 D.-1-aQjsb9C2kjy


《二次根式》培优 一、知识讲解 1.根式中的相关概念 ⑴二次根式:形如)0a ≥的代数式叫做二次根式。 ⑵ n n 次根式.其中若n 为偶数,则必须满足0a ≥。 ⑶最简二次根式:满足以下两个条件的二次根式叫做最简二次根式:①被开方数的因数是整数,因式是整式;②被开方数中不含有能开方的因数或因式。 ⑷同类二次根式:几个二次根式化成最简二次根式之后,如果被开方数相同,则这几个根式叫做同类二次根式。 时,a c +=+ 2. 二次根式的性质 (1 ) ()2 0a a =≥. (2 00 0 0a a a a a a >?? ===??- (4 ) )0m a =≥ (5)若0a b >> >4. 分母有理化 (1)把分母中的根号化去叫做分母有理化. (2)互为有理数因式:两个含有根式的代数式相乘,如果它们的积不含有根式,则这两个代数式互为有理化因式 . 互为有理数因式。分母有理化时,一定要保证有理化因式的值不为0. 二、习题讲解

基础巩固 1.化简: (1 ) (2 (3 (4 ) (5 (6 ) 解:(1 ). (2 3. (3 ) (4 3 . (5 ) 2 32 - . (6 ) 2. 设y = ,求使y 有意义的x 的取值范围. 解:由题知2102010x x x -≥?? -≥??->?,解得1221 x x x ?≥?? ≤??>? ?,所以x 的取值范围为12 2x ≤≤. 3.(1)已知最简二次根式b a = , b = . (2)已知 0=,则2mn n +-的倒数的算术平方根为 . 解:(1)由题知:2 322b a b b a - =??=-+?,解得02a b =??=?. (2)因为0 ≥,2160m -≥0=


1、已知,为实数,且,求的值. 2、若的整数部分为,小数部分为,求的值. 3、. 4、阅读下列解题过程:, , 请回答下列回题: (1)观察上面的解答过程,请直接写出= ﹣; (2)根据上面的解法,请化简:. 5、数a、b在数轴上的位置如图所示,化简:. 6、使有意义的的取值范围是. 7、若x,y为实数,且y=4++,则y﹣x的值是.8、当x时,二次根式在实数范围内有意义. 9、方程:的解是 . 10、若代数式有意义,则的取值范围为__________. 11、若,则的值为. 12、比较大小:; 13、若+有意义,则= 14、已知xy=3,那么的值为_________. 15、把根号外的因式移到根号内: = . 16、已知a,b,c为三角形的三边,则 = . 17、________.

18、计算. 19、计算; 20、; 21、); 22、计算: 23、计算:; 24、 25、计算: 26、若二次根式在实数范围内有意义,则x的取值范围为( ). ≥ 2 B. x≤ 2 ≥-2 ≤-2 27、若二次根式有意义,则的取值范围是【】A. B. C. D. 28、若, 则的值为() A. C. 9 D. 29、不改变根式的大小,把中根号外的因式移到根号内正确的结果是 A . B .C.- D . 30、为使有意义,x的取值范围是() A. x> B. x≥ C.x≠D. x≥且x≠ 31、下列二次根式中,化简后能与合并的是( ) A.B.C. D. 32、已知则与的关系为()

33、下列计算正确的是() A. B.+ C. D. 34、下列计算或化简正确的是() A . B . C . D . 35、下列二次根式中属于最简二次根式的是【】 A . B . C . D . 36、如果,那么 (A );(B );(C );(D ).37、下列二次根式中,最简二次根式是(). A. B. C. D. 38、已知,则a的取值范围是…………【】 A.a≤0;B.a<0; C.0<a≤1;D.a >0 39、式子(>0)化简的结果是() A. B. C. D. 40、式子成立的条件是() A.≥3 B.≤1 ≤≤3 <≤3 参考答案


第三单元检测卷 时间:120分钟满分:120分 听力部分(25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选出与句子意思相符的图片。听两遍。(5分) A B C D E 1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ Ⅱ.听五段短对话和问题,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分) ()6.A.Tiring. B.Boring. C.Fun. ()7.A.Jerry's brother. B.Lucy's sister. C.The boy's sister. ()8.A.He has no time. B.He hates to do the dishes. C.He doesn't like to do his homework. ()9.A.Because it doesn't work. B.Because Danny is going to work on it. C.Because Danny lent it to others. ()10.A.Sandy. B.Bill. C.Peter. Ⅲ.听两段长对话,选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分) 听第1段材料,回答第11~12小题。 ()11.How often does Tom clean the room? A.Every day. B.Three times a day. C.Three times a week. ()12.Did Amy clean her room this morning? A.Yes,she did. B.No,she didn't. C.We don't know. 听第2段材料,回答第13~15小题。 ()13.What is Mike going to do first? A.Clean his room. B.Do his homework. C.Take out the rubbish. ()14.What is Mike's mom going to do? A.Go to a meeting. B.See a movie. C.Go to a party. ()15.What does Mike ask for? A.Some drinks. B.Some clothes. C.Some money. Ⅳ.听短文,根据短文内容完成表格。听两遍。(10分) 笔试部分(95分)


九年级化学第三章单元测试题及试卷答案 (时间:60分钟总分:100分) 相对原子质量:C-12 H-1 O-16 Fe-56 S-32 Ca –40 一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确的答案,每题3分,共30分) 1、市场上销售的食盐种类有加钙盐、加锌盐、加碘盐等,这里的钙、锌、碘是指( )。A.原子B.元素C.分子D.单质 2、下列说法没有科学性错误的是() A.纯天然物质酿成的食品中绝对不含化学物质 B.水和油可以进行相互转化 C.没有水就没有生命 D.气功可以使铝变成金 3、春暖花开季节,人们站在紫丁香树旁,常闻到怡人的香味。这一现象说明( )。A.分子很大 B.分子分裂成原子. C.分子在不停地运动 D.分子之间有空隙 4、下列化学符号表示两个氧原子的是( )。 A.20 B.2O2 C.CO2 D.O2 5、对于m个SO3分子和n个SO2分子,下列相应的结论正确的是( ) A、氧原子个数比为3m:2n B、氧元素质量比为m:n C、硫原子个数比为6m:5n D、硫元素质量比为3m:2n 6、新型净水剂铁酸钠(Na2FeO4)中铁元素的化合价是( )。 A +2 B. +3 C. +6 D. +5 7、下列物质的化学式和名称相符合的是( )。 A.氧化镁(MgO2) B.干冰(H2O) C.锰酸钾(KmnO4) D.五氧化二磷(P2O5) 8、下图是表示物质分子的示意图,图中―●‖和―○‖分别表示两种含有不同质子数的原子,则图中表示单质的是() A、 B、C、D、 9、分子与原子的主要区别是( )。 A.分子大,原子小 B.分子能直接构成物质,原子不能 C.分子之间有间隙,原子之间没有间隙 D.在化学变化中,分子能分,原子不能分 10、维生素C(C6H8O6)主要存在于蔬菜和水果中,它能促进人体生长发育,增强人体对疾病的抵抗力。近年来科学家还发现维生素C有防癌作用。下列关于维生素C的说法中正确的是( )。 A.维生素C是氧化物 B.维生素C是由6个碳元素、8个氢元素和6个氧元素组成的 C.维生素C中C、H、O三种元素的原子个数比为9:1:2 D.青少年应多吃蔬菜水果,切勿偏食 把选择题的答案写在下表中:
