An Unforgettable Travel

An Unforgettable Travel

An Unforgettable Travel

I have traveled to a lots of cities and scenic spots.But the most unforgettable trip for me is a summer camp in Beijing when I was in my senior high school.

It is a summer camp that organized by my senior high school and several apex universities in Beijing.Therefore,the topic of this traveling is visiting top collages and the places of interests in Beijing.Although that was the third time for me to traveling to Beijing.But this time gave me a refreshing impression to Beijing.We visited the greatest universities in Beijing.Such as Peking University,Tsinghua University,Renmin University of China and the like.What gave me the most impression is the auditorium of Peking University which is the most magnificent and spectacular building I had ever seen.We had our closing ceremony there for an ending of the trip.It was a wonderful experience for all of us.

Of course we visited the Great Wall,the palace of museum and other places of interests.But the auditorium still shocked me the most.As a result because of the refreshing experience,this trip to Beijing is my most unforgettable travel.


我永远也忘不了你 我永远也忘不了你,即便你已经不再陪伴我了。——题记 那一天,我转过身看着你,很想记住你的脸上溢出的笑容,那是欣慰的笑容。是离别的时候了,我忆起往事,猛地吸了吸鼻子,忍着没让泪水掉下来。 三年级的时候,贪玩的我一不小心就把鼻子撞出了血。听到这个消息时,当时正在办公室的改作业的你吓了一跳。你连忙放下手中的红笔,从办公室里冲出来,看见了我狼狈地坐在地上,鼻子里溢出两条鲜红的液体。你慌慌张张地递给我卫生纸,然后便把我背在了背上,向诊所跑去。你的肩膀并不是很宽,甚至还有些硌人,但让我感觉很踏实。我忍不住侧过头去打量你:一双大眼睛,小小的鼻梁两侧有点点雀斑。你是才被学校招来一年的女老师,作为班主任,你很负责任。这便是我给你下的定义。 在你的背上时间过得很快,一会儿就到了诊所。你把我轻轻地放在椅子上,叫来医生给我看看。看着医生手里那些恐怖的器具,年幼的我顿时吓哭了。你在一旁安慰我,你说,一点也不疼,乖,把凝血的药上了就好了。你一边分散我的注意力,一边叫医生轻一点。我也乖乖的听话,乖乖地给医生帮我上药。最后,你帮我付了医药费,叫我好好的回去上课,以后注意点。那一刻,我很幸福,也很快乐。 从小我就很容易发烧感冒,常常旷课去打针,因此落下了一些课。你知道后二话不说,在放学后加班帮我补你的语文课,有

时你也会帮我补补其他的科目。你真的对我很好,我也真的很感动。你我就像是朋友,几乎无话不谈。你说我是一个老成的孩子,我说,我知道。所以,你的爱我也懂。后面那句话,我放在了心里,没说出来。 回忆到此,我终于忍不住泪流满面,双手怎么擦也擦不掉不断涌出的泪水。 再后来,我有几次经过小学时,会看见你。你很忙,忙着去照顾那些一二年级的小朋友,与他们嬉戏玩耍。我想,那些孩子是幸福的,有你这样的老师。我没有叫你,只是一个人就这样看着你,因为我不想打破这美好的画面。 对了,我们都叫你李老师。

My Unforgettable Experience

Everybody has some experience he can’t forget. I was no exception. This summer holiday, I as a member of the English language, and my roommateto join the summer tutoring classes in a small town under the jurisdiction of Sanmenxia,and as a teacher of this role, to experience a different kind oflife.This is my unforgettable experience. For me, this experience is hard but it's very meaningful.In June 27, 2016, after we finished the test step on the road to Sanmenxia. After a 5 hour journey, the car slowly to the Yang Ping town, a town rich in minerals. We first entered the stage of enrollment. The weather was very hot at that time, up to 32 degrees of temperature to fry. There was few people around town, so we endure hot, well tanned to each district, village and school nearby to give publicity to. Although it was very tired every day, but we still insisted on a period of six days of enrollment. In the process of propaganda, met all kinds of people, but also learned a lot of knowledge, improved the personal ability of social communication. What impressed me most was an uncle. He told me about his entrepreneurial history, emotional


【初一作文】我永远忘不了你 时光匆匆,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉,是谁在那盛夏光年抚平我心中的忧伤?是谁在那青春雨季温暖我的心窝?是你,那个我永远忘不了的你。 那年,我11岁,你12岁,虽然只有一岁之差,但你却比我稳重多了。那时我上四年级,有些内向,在偌大的校园里没有一个朋友。那天,我孤零零地走在校道上,冷风飕飕的呼啸,操场上的榕树被风吹得张牙舞爪。突然,一名急匆匆的的男生把我撞倒,腿擦破了皮,疼痛让我嚎嚎大哭,可路人没有一个回头看看我或者扶我,孤独的我,哭的更加伤心了,这时,你走到我的身边,把我扶起来,轻轻地问:“小妹妹,那你没事吧?”我一时愣住了:“哦……我……我没事。”你听了,还是二话不说,把我带到医务室,并替我垫上了医药费。 后来,我们成为了形影不离的好朋友,不管是去食堂还是图书馆都要黏在一起。我也不知道为什么在认识你之后变得不再内向,变得活泼了,但是真心的感谢你。你就像初升的太阳,温暖了我心窝,把我从忧郁的世界拉回来,让我相信这个世界的美好。 原本数学较好的我,期中考竟然栽了,这让我很恐慌,不知道怎么办。我把自己封闭起来了,不想与人沟通。这时你又像一位小老师,你悄悄地在我的课本上写下:“稚嫩的幼苗,历经风雨,长成参天大树;涓涓细流,坚持不懈,最终汇成浩瀚大海。没有什么是过不去的坎,加油,把分数赚回来!”这让我重拾信心,我知道,微微上扬的嘴角,是我信心和意志的证明。 感谢您的阅读,希望文章能帮助到您。 最后,你小学毕业了,你跟着父母去了外地读初中,却没有给我留下联系方式,如今一年过去了,你还没有回来,我很失落,我多么希望你能回来同我一起上中学。 我依然会去我们第一次见面的地方走走,回想你说的:“小妹妹,你没事吧?”……时光匆匆,在青春雨季温暖我心窝的你,我期待着在某个拐角与你相遇。一夜春风,唤醒了早春三月的晨曦,也唤来了今年这第一场春雨。白天走在春天的细雨中,欣赏着、享受着第一场春雨的欢愉。此刻,夜幕悄悄地拉开了,雨,仍在下。静夜,一个人的房间,静静聆听着这场春雨,忘掉那段和你的交往,把心绪收了回来,收到了自己的胸口里。听窗外还有滴答的春雨滑落声,便轻吟道:悲欢离合总无情,一任阶前点滴到天明…… 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

An unforgettable moment

An unforgettable moment 1.What’s your unforgettable moment? 2.Why is it unforgettable? 注意点: 1. 关键词:1)unforgettable 2) moment 2. 时态:叙述过去时发生的事,一般过去时。感想根据情境可以一般现在时,也可以一般过去时。 3. 注意点题:类似的文章写过很多,学生容易写成“难忘的经历”,“难忘的一件事”。在套用文章的时候注意点题,这是这篇文章的关键。 An unforgettable moment When it comes to the most unforgettable moment, I will definitely choose the group singing at the school Art Festival, which adds a brilliant touch to my memory. As the School Art Festival approached, we, four girls decided to sing a song, but trouble came one after another. Mistakes, arguments and conflicts almost separated us. However, strong minds brought us together and made us more determined to reach the peak of the success. Finally, when we stood in the spotlight and sang the song we had practiced for hundreds of times, cheers rose from every corner of the theatre. At that moment, I was so delighted that our hard work was praised by the audience. It left the deepest impression in my mind. That’s my most unforgettable moment. An unforgettable moment The most unforgettable moment in my mind is so beautiful that it encourages me a lot. During the first four months when I studied in Shanghai, I was poor at English and failed in all the tests. I was very worried, but I didn’t give up. In order to catch up with others, I worked very hard. Several weeks later, with the help of my teachers, classmates and my hard work, I did a very good job in an English exam. I was praised by my teacher. At that moment, I saw my classmates looking at me with smile. I felt very delighted because I had made great progress by working hard. As a saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” So the moment I was praised by my teacher is the most unforgettable moment in my life.


我永远忘不掉那个夜晚 我永远不会忘掉那个夜晚,它比我所经历的其他夜晚加在一起还要不可思议。那是在一个裸露出大块红壤的陌生小镇。很少的房子,几棵怪模怪样的树,一个小旅馆,墙体由片岩堆砌而成。 我忘了是什么原因让自己在这个小镇停留下来。可能是一场突发的洪水冲垮了公路,一次心血来潮的独自出游,一个互联网上的无聊约会……总之,我背着双肩包到了那儿。背包里有一台联想笔记本、几件换洗衣裳。小镇的夜空异常大,群星璀璨。我看了一眼,就把脖子看扭了。疼,很别扭的疼,整个人都感觉是长在这种“疼”上,变成了一棵歪脖子树。我拦住一个穿花衣裳的少年,问小镇哪里有药店。少年目光警惕,瞪着我,看到我心里都浮现出一头野兽的时候,他才把一只鸡爪般蜷缩的手缓慢地指向树下的旅馆。 是一棵歪脖子的槐树。

我在旅馆老板娘手里买到一盒跌打扭伤膏药。不是三无产品,上面有国药准定号。保质期已过了二年整。我拿不准主意。身材瘦削的老板娘穿一件灰格子高領外套,眼里有难以捉摸的光。我问她药膏能否便宜点,一盒五十块钱太贵。她说就这个价,这里只有鬼才会把脖子扭伤。我苦笑,抱着死马当活马医的心态买下药膏。又问她房间一晚上多少钱。她说三十块。我吓一跳。有了前车之鉴,就算她说一千块,我也不会吃惊。没想到这么便宜。交完钱,洗过热水澡,贴上膏药,推开窗户,望远山,再听松涛,听到恍恍惚惚时候,肚子饿了。我想去找些食物,她敲门进来,问我要不要服务。我问她都有哪些服务。 她解下外衣,露出一对丰满乳房。 我问她多少钱。她说,五百,全套,整晚。她说的六个字,声调与和尚念六字真言差不多。我动心了,犹豫,怕遇上仙人跳。我说等会不会有男人拿着斧头闯进来吧?她露齿微笑,说小店信誉良好。我点燃一根烟,说其实进来也没关系,别闯,男人都怕这种破门而入的


老师,我永远忘不了你! 老师,我永远忘不了你! 作者:房海哲 亲爱的吴老师,此时此刻你正在干吗?想必是在为我们的期末考试而担忧吧,最近同学们学习有些浮躁,老师不在时就在讲小话,让你担心了,在这我为全班同学真心的和你说一声“对不起” 无知的毛孩,变成一个充满智慧的少年。让我懂得了什么是对,什么是错,还有一些人生道理,说实在的,我真的有点舍不得,恨不得大哭一场。但你鼓励过我,这只是人生的第一个转折点,外面的世界还有很多东西由我去闯。我的泪水又从眼里缩回去了。吴老师,你是一位教学经验丰富的好老师,你给我的印象,恐怕是我永远都忘不了的。这三年来的种种种种,我都记忆忧新。 记得第一次,你给我们上英语课的时候,我门胆子非常小,上课不积极举手发言,生怕答错了,每但这个时候,你总是和蔼可亲的说:“别害怕,也别紧张,,就算答错了,我也不会责怪你,只要勇于回答就是好的。”这时,你的眼光流露出鼓励的目光。啊!这目光只有慈母才有的呀!此时此刻,我就觉的你是一位好老师。 你对我门的慈母般的关爱与抚爱,不仅在这里表现出来,在日常生活中也闪闪发光。 在运动回的时候,你总是牺牲自己的休息时间,放学陪我门一起练习。你还认真的指导:“不要从中间出来,跑到前面去从侧面出来,这样才不会被绳子绊到。”在你的焦急当中,就知道你对我们是多么

的负责啊。可见你有多少个睡不饱的夜,在为我们而费心啊! 你,是一位出色的工程师,没有辜负人民的期望,培育出一批有一批的英语接班人。在这里,我想送你一句话:“你就象蜡烛一样,燃烧了自己,照亮了别人;你就象村蚕,奉献了自己,装饰了别人;你就象一支支粉笔,牺牲了自己,留下了知识;你就象园丁不辞劳累,培育了一多多小花。老师,我爱你!!!我忘不了你对我的无微不至,我永远忘不了你。”

The most unforgettable moment in my memory

The most unforgettable moment in my memory C1, G9 Maurice tong As we all know, the “May 12th” earthquake made every one sad, but it also left behind lots of unforgettable memories. During that period, I read newspapers every day. One day a report caught my eye. It said thousands of poor people took out their own money and gave it to the people who needed it most. That report shook my heart. Although the number of the money was not large, it expressed everyone’s best wish. At that time, I felt warm and excited. I think it is the most unforgettable moment in my memory. C1, G9 Joe Zhong The most unforgettable moment in my memory is the time when I got a special gift on the night of my 14th birthday. It was an ordinary night, the same moon and stars up high. But when Dad came into my room with the gift, nothing was ordinary any more. The gift was an album of my favorite singer. The album was not new and there was a little dust on the cover. But I didn’t mind at all. I knew Dad had tried hard to get it because it was really difficult to find the album of an American singer who was not famous in China. I shall forever remember the album, and the love of a father contained in it. C1, G9 Jacky wang It was raining cats and dogs. The road outside the school gate was crowded with cars and bicycles picking up students. I waited in the classroom and looked outside through the window. I thought my mum should be at home because of her illness and I had to walk back by myself on such a terrible day. Suddenly I found a familiar figure standing in the pouring rain with an umbrella in her hand. That was my mum! I was touched. Mother’s love is a reliable umbrella, protecting me from the “storms” in my life, the same today and forever. That became the most unforgettable moment in my memory. C1, G9 Jeremy Yu In the latest summer holiday, I worked as a traffic police assistant to keep the traffic safe on Wuning Road. It took me only two hours, but it became the most unforgettable moment in my memory. Before I went there, I thought it would be a hard job because I would always have to prevent people from jaywalking. But it was totally beyond my expectation. The truth is that most people could follow the traffic rules. There is a saying, “Handsome is he who does handsomely.”As a citizen of Shanghai, we need to follow the rules to keep Shanghai tidy and safe. “Better city, better life.” Let’s do our best to make Shanghai more beautiful and civilized. C1, G9 Sean Zhang I like going hiking with my friends. One day, we went to climb a mountain. The trip was nice at the beginning but something unexpected happened halfway. I had a terrible pain in my stomach and couldn’t move any farther. My friends all worried about me. Some of them gave me water. Others made a phone call to look for help, but there was no signal. Luckily, after a rest, I felt much better. I think friendship is important to us. I will never forget the moment when my friends laid their warm hands on my shoulder.


关于我忘不了那一次为题的初中作 文5篇 人生中总有许多难忘的瞬间,有的美好,有的痛苦;有的带来了欢笑,有的却带来了哭声;有的带走了痛苦,有的却带走了生命……下面给大家带来几篇关于忘不了为话题的初中作文,欢迎大家参考借鉴。 第1篇:我忘不了那被风吹过的夏天 “还记得昨天,那个夏天,被风吹过的一瞬间……”我很喜欢这首歌,好想给我量身订做的一样。我也有过同样的经历,我不知道他忘没忘。 那是在我上初一的时候,在第一堂体育课时,我认识了他……伟。他张的一般,身体微胖,我很不喜欢他,甚至讨厌他。我只要看见他就能吐出来。可是在那件事之后我对他的印象就不同了。 那是一个炎热的下午,在体育课上,我们玩游戏。但是我摔了一绞,忍不住哭了。是他在我的腿最痛的时候来安慰我,我当时看见他的面孔,感到温暖和亲切,我真的很感激他。

从那以后我就把他当哥哥一样看待,他也很照顾我这个妹妹,关心我,爱护我。可好境不长,我有一天突然发现,我一天见不到他就非常想念,一看见他心就“碰,碰”直跳,难到我喜欢上他了?我并没跟他说,只是比原来对他更好了。这事让全班同学都知道了就传来传去,最终还是传到他耳朵里。正好那是在放寒假,在一个寒假里,我每一分一秒都在想念,可是让我没想到的是,一开学他好象变了一个人,我俩的距离越来越远。现在我俩见面只是擦肩而过,谁也不和谁笑一下,说一句话。 我好怀念那个夏天,那个被风刮跑的夏天,我等着你回来。 第2篇:我忘不了那一次友谊 有人说:友谊如酒,经历的岁月愈多便愈香,有人说:友谊似茶,那味淡而不浓,却沁人心脾,令人久久难忘。在生活中,友谊无处不在。我在这沙滩上,踩上了许多脚印,有许多都被海浪抹去,而唯有这一个令我记忆犹新,让我难以忘怀…… 这是一个星期五的上午,学校组织了去天空开物园一游。 在去天空开物园的路上,我们都兴致勃勃,很有活力,太阳在天空中上班,火辣辣的。我们踏过龙山大道,越过大桥,就来到了沿河南路,到这里时,同学们都气喘吁吁,时不时会把一瓶水一口气喝完,现在很多人都走不动了,我也不例外,但还得顶着火热热的太阳走着。突然,我看见我看见有一位同学——陈


四年级作文-老师,我永远忘不了你我的眼前,时常浮现出一张熟悉、亲切、令人难忘的脸庞,她便是我的启蒙老师--马老师。 马老师有一头乌黑发亮的卷发,一双大大的眼睛炯炯有神,一张白皙的脸上总是带着微笑。她工作认真、关心学生是我敬重她的重要原因。 有一天晚上,我吃过饭后到学校附近玩耍。当时,天已经很晚了,学校里一片漆黑。忽然,我发现我们教室依然灯火通明。于是,我跑到教室外窗户那里,踮起脚朝里面看,只见马老师手拿红笔,正在认认真真地批改我们的作业。那时我们小,作业写的乱七八糟,错字连篇。老师看到正确、整齐的地方,就笑容满面;看到错误、潦草的地方就锁紧眉头,用红笔纠正错误。老师改的很认真,我在教室外面站了很久她都没有注意到。最后,马老师发现了我,于是走到窗前,关切地问:“你有什么事吗?”我轻声地说:“老师,这么晚了你怎么还不回家呢?”老师听了,笑着说:“白天太忙了,只有晚上才有时间批改你们的作业。况且,明天你们还要改错呢。等会儿批改完了,老师就可以回家了。”接着,她回到了讲桌旁,继续批改作业。 我性格内向,胆子又小,上课不敢主动发言,也不敢大声回答问题。有一次语文课,马老师叫我回答问题。我站起来,心“咚咚”直跳,两腿瑟瑟发抖,声音比蚊子还小。老师鼓励我:“不要怕,大声些。”于是,我慢慢放开胆子大声回答了这个问题,四周立刻响起雷

鸣般的掌声。下课了,马老师走到我跟前,轻声对我说:“以后要多多发言,即使回答错了,也是一种收获呀!”我听了,心里顿时热乎乎的,觉得老师就像妈妈一样关心我、爱护我。 啊!马老师,你是辛勤的园丁,为我们浇水施肥。你就像一支蜡烛,燃烧自己,照亮我们。我永远忘不了你--马老师。

Unforgettable person 难忘的人

Unforgettable person 难忘的人 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The most unforgettable Person I ever Know. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below: 1、我生活中最难忘的人是谁; 2、为什么他(或她)令我难以忘怀; 3、结论。 作文范文 In my life I have met a great many people who are really worth recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever know is my English teacher. What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First and foremost, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer---an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Furthermore, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were


我永远忘不了他_700字 一个让我永远不会忘记的人,必然是对我影响较大的人,在我的身边,像这样的人的确有不少,比如,乐于助人的爸爸,工作认真负责的妈妈,爱生如子的老师,刻苦学习的表姐,热心为他人排忧解难的邻居……然而,除了父母外,还有一个人使我永远不会忘记,他,就是我们班的韦如磋。 提起韦如磋,谁不翘起大拇指?他有一张能巧言善辩的嘴巴,还有一个胖乎乎的脸蛋,扁扁的鼻子,那大大的脑袋里穿着无穷无尽的知识。韦如磋从一年级起就一直从事劳动委员这职务,工作非常认真,平时,他总是为了工作,而最后一个离开教室。韦如磋在我校可小有名气,被同学们称为“数学王子”。 咦!韦如磋是如何使我永远不会忘记?还是让我从头说起吧! 一天,我和韦如磋正与其他几位同学在玩捉迷藏。一声令下,游戏开始了。我环视了四周,看看有什么地方能藏起来,就在这时,我发现了足球场旁边的阶梯上,是一个很不错的位置,便与韦如磋一起藏到那儿。过了一会儿,我和韦如磋坚持到了最后,依然没有被发现,便以击掌表示胜利,可谁知,在击掌的一刹那间,竟发生了令人意想不到的事情,由于我伸手太快,没拍到韦如磋的手,却拍到了他的肩膀,

使他摔倒在地上,腿还出了不少的血。这使我心惊胆寒,急急忙忙的将韦如磋送到了校医室。校医看了看,对韦如磋说:“怎么那么不小心,都伤成这样了。”我刚想说是我弄的,可韦如磋却赶在我前面,对校医说“是我自己不小心摔倒的。”我惊讶地看着韦如磋,感到他的这句朴素的话,似乎包蕴着意味深长的哲理。还没等我细细体味,校医已经上好了药,我得和韦如磋回教室了。我边走边对韦如磋说,我是无意的,我本以为他会恨我一辈子,可韦如磋却笑眯眯地对我说:“没关系,我们是朋友呀!”他的这句话,让我的脸上又露出了一丝微笑。 从此,韦如磋的思想行为成了我学习的榜样。他纯真无私的友谊深深扣动了我的心弦,使我从此成为了一个珍惜友谊的人。韦如磋,你是我永远忘不了的朋友。


那件事我总忘不了作文 【篇一:那件事我总忘不了】 每个人都有过梦幻般的童年。因为无忧天真而 美好,而灿烂!因而童年让人留念,才让人珍惜。 我的童年是沐浴在爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈的关爱中 度过的。这段童年生活给我留下了许多值得回味 而美好的故事。然而有一件事让我始终不能忘记,也更无法释怀。记得那是一个夏日的黄昏,天气 出奇的热,我骑着自行车急急忙忙的回家。唉, 此时我已是满头大汗。算了,歇一会,买一瓶饮 料喝吧。我停下车,跑到最近的一家小商店,买 了瓶汽水,坐在车上喝了起来。无意中,我抬起头,发现面前站着一位衣衫褴褛,白发苍苍,骨 廋如柴的老奶奶。咦,她干嘛老盯着我看,再看 看她手中的大麻袋,我明白了,她原来是要我手 中的饮料瓶。想到这,我快速的将饮料喝完了。 忽然,一只干枯的老手伸到我的眼前,我抬头一看,原来是一位老爷爷,他年过古稀,一头白发 也稀稀疏疏的,向我伸出那双手似乎在微微颤抖。 给谁呢?给她,还是给他?老奶奶先来,老爷 爷又离我更近。他们谁先从我的手中取走,就给

谁吧!一个小小只值几分钱的饮料瓶啊!就给我 出了这么一道难题。 最终,老爷爷的手接近了饮料瓶 望着老奶奶失望的眼神,那无言的忧伤,我终 究无法面对。摸摸发胀的肚皮,我毅然跑进小店,又买了一瓶汽水,迎风一饮而尽 老爷爷、老奶奶,我想你们本应该子孙满堂, 在家享受天伦之乐了吧?为什么现在还流浪街头,因为一个小小的饮料瓶而露出如此忧伤的神情啊。此刻你们的子孙又在何处呢?多年过去,那两个 老人身影面容时举在我脑海中出现,朦胧中我似 乎读懂了孤独和凄凉的意义。 抬头望望将逝的夕阳,不知不觉中,我的眼睛 湿润起来。风送来一朵紫云,将夕阳遮住了一边,如血的夕阳仿佛在哭泣 【篇二:那件事我总忘不了】 生活中。我经历了许许多多的事,唯有一件事,令我非常感动,至今还记忆犹新,总是忘不了。 那是一个春天的夜晚,春雨连绵,我到同学家 去玩。回家时,我经过一片草坪地,刚要踩上去,心想:我如果把鞋弄脏了,奶奶一定会唠叨个没完。于是,我就从别人家的屋檐下走过去。可是,

英语作文:The most unforgettable person in my life

The most unforgettable person in my life our life is a short journey.We will meet many people in this journey.We can't remember everyone,but the memory about a person who exerted a great influence never fade away in your mind. When I went to high school,I didn't want to study and often played truant.Once I left school for cinema,when I went back,my teacher,Miss Li,catched me.I had thought she would punish me.But it was strange that she said nothing and let me go back.I thought it a only reason that she had given me up.But it was more strange that she let me go to her office after two days. I didn't know what will happen but I still went to her office.She saw me and said:"Do you like movies?",I said:"Yes".She said:"I have many free movie tickets which my friend gave me.If you want to get them,you can take them.".These words astonished me and I didn't know what to say.Next she said:"Now these will let you feel happy.However,do you think about your future?Life is very simple and I think you can understand meanings of your every choices.".She was so quiet that she Seldom said with me.But the talking changed me a lot. I am very grateful for her because he made simple words changed my life.She is my the most unforgettable person in my life.


那件事,我永远忘不了 爱是香喷喷的,那是一碗热气腾腾的面条;爱是甜蜜蜜的,那是一颗含在嘴里的糖果;爱是暖洋洋的,那是一件披在身上的棉衣。在记忆深处,总有一个纤弱的身影。那件事,我永远忘不了。她就是我的妈妈。妈妈用她无私的爱爱护着我。 这一天,下着倾盆大雨,而我,因为昨天没看天气预报,所以我今天忘记带伞了,只能等家长来接。放学了,我跟着队伍走出了校门,左看右看,怎么不见爸爸的身影。我只好淋着雨垂头丧气地由返回了学校,站在传达室的屋檐下,那里还有几个我的同学,我们热火朝天地聊了起来,时间过得越来越快,人渐渐少了,少得只剩下我了。我的眼睛左顾右看,我一看表,天啊!5点10分了,平时爸爸总是早早地来到这里等我,可这次都……突然,一个纤弱的身影进入了我的视线里,这怎么那么熟悉呢,啊!是妈妈,妈妈来接我了,只见妈妈手里拿着伞想我飞奔过来,我顶着书包跑到校门口,而妈妈却一个不小心摔了一个跟头,我连忙跑商前去扶起妈妈,妈妈的裤子上溅了好多泥。可妈妈忍着疼痛对我说:“孩子,不好意思,我来晚了!”我拿出纸,一边给妈妈擦裤子,一边回答妈妈:“没事,我们快回家吧。”我扶着妈妈,妈妈只打了一把伞,伞歪着打,而却歪向我这边,更好地为我挡雨,我是不是地瞟妈妈一眼,妈妈的左肩已经湿透了,我对妈妈说:“妈妈,伞歪向妈妈那边推推,妈妈也就没推辞。可不一会,伞又歪了,好在已经到家了,不然妈妈该湿得不成样子。到了家,我帮妈妈掀开裤子,一看,呀!膝盖上擦破了皮,血直往外流,我还听见妈妈是时不时地留鼻涕,我猜妈妈感冒了。我身上一滴水也没有,可妈妈却成了“落汤鸡。” 昨天,也就是5月13日,我为妈妈送上了最亲切的祝福。母亲用她的实际行动告诉我,世上最为大的爱是母爱。706字


【英语作文An,unforgettable,Party】unforgettable The first time I realized it was Nurses"s Day. The first time I had the most unforgettable party in my life. The arrangement of my American teachers is so imaginative, the creative games we had brought so much fun that I never experienced before. In fact, I felt I had already been exhusted when we were playing the first game.Cause Iris and I. both of us laughed so much and so deep and so long. The posture of everyone to throw out the ball was such funny that we can"t help laughing at htem were partners.Perhaps its God"s guiding provide Summer with the precious opportunity.Because she once told me that Abraham just looks like her first boy friend.She will feel sad if she sees Abraham"s face. Fingding out the clue is my favorite game.Gusse what? The first person our team need to meet was Mr Elijah. Standing at the gate of Shanghai Memory in rainsilencely, he still looked so attractive for his quiet. ON our way to KFC, I recognized

英语作文 An unforgettable experience

An unforgettable experience Breathing the fresh air,I was walking along the Pearl River,with the breeze blowing on my face gently. I closed to the River little by little,watching a number of children who were catching the fishes with fishing net made by hand,which made me lost in my mind. It was a sunny day that I heard a exciting voice from my home downstairs when I was doing my homework. “Come down to go fishing with us!”Xiaoqi shouted to me,carrying all the fishing equipments. So surprised I was that I went downstairs with my fishing net without hesitating.No sooner had I arrive at the ground where the river tide went to than I took off my shoes and socks as far as quickly I could.With the pupose of catching a large number of fishes,I insisted on catching the fishes with Xiaoqi.Several hours passed,Xiaoqi and his friends had caught a bucket of fishes,counting how many fishes they had canght.I,however,caught a little fishes,which really broke my heart. After a few muitue,I made a daring decision that I would never forget in my life.I slowly closed to the river,with one hand holding the guardrail,with the other hand catching fishes.Accidentally,so dark the water was that I couldn't distinguish where was the water and where was the land,which made me fall into the Pearl River.I opened my eyes as soon as I fell into the river,thinking that I was dying and I couldn't see my parents again.How should I do?Who can help me?Almostly I scared to death. Suddenly,I saw one hand waving towards me above the river,like the Angel’s hands.I seized her hand tightly for the reason that it was an opportunity for me to survive . The person who helped me was Xiaoqi. I was so appreciated with her for the reason that it was her that I had a second life .How lucky I am.I will never forget this special experience.
