



I sat in my seat as my new classmates found theirs. At the front of the class our new math teacher stood watching us. ―Come on. We don’t have all day.Get settled,please.‖The bell rang.

―Welcome to a new school year. I’m Mr. Stevens and I’m sure I’ll learn all your names in no time.‖ He walked around the class handing out math books. When he was done, he returned to the front of the class and looked at us.We started back. ―What are you waiting for? Get started?‖ he said.

We looked at him and were confused. Wasn’t he going to teach us?

―Is there something wrong with your ears? You’re not all deaf, are you?‖

A brave boy at the back of the class asked what we all wanted to know. ―Mr. Stevens, aren’t you going to teach us?‖

Mr. Stevens said, ―You’re smart kids. Open your books and get to it. If you have any trouble or any questions, raise your hand, and I’ll help you.‖

My friend Paul and I exchanged glances and opened our books to the first chapter.A competition began.Paul and I spent all our free time at home working through the lessons.Mr. Stevens,keeping,his word,helped anyone who was stuck in a problem.We worked hard and finished two and one half math books the first year.It was a turning point in my life. Mr. Stevens made me realize I was good at math and also able to reach the top of any class I attended.

Monty Python’s Flying Circus was a popular television show back then. The actors brought the best British humor into our Canadian lives. Mr. Stevens would often act out one of their skirts in front of the class. Some thought he was strange, and I guess he was, but he knew how to make a math lesson interesting.

21. What was special about Mr. Stevens,according to the author?

A. He was strict with the students.

B. He treated each student equally.

C. He taught the students to learn on their own..

D. He brought English humor into class.

22. Why did the author believe being taught by Mr. Stevens was a turning point in his life?

A. Because he came to like school from them on.

B. Because he realized he could be a top student.

C. Because he began to show interest in math.

D. Because he changed his attitude towards life.

23. The author’s attitude towards Mr. Stevens is that of ___________.

A. respect

B. doubt

C. misunderstanding

D. disappointment

24.The underlined word ―skits‖ in the last paragraph probably means ―___________‖

A. important lessons

B. wild animals

C. famous actors

D. funny performances


An upper class British lady once declared:―Anyone seen on a bus after the age of 30 has been a failure in life.‖I guess she meant that if you're middle aged and don't have a car then you are a loser.Some wealthy folk in the West look down on buses and forget how many years it has been since they last traveled by one.

How sad is that? Our roads are packed with cars and the air is full of the pollution.they.But still, many car users are unwilling to get on a bus or a bike or a train to take themselves to work.It's convenient(方便的) to drive, they'll say.Buses are so unreliable, they'll claim .And trains are expensive,--- at least in the UK.It's an attitude which may have to change.It doesn't make sense to drive a car in a city where there's a public transport system.Also, these rush hour commuters (往返上班者) usually travel alone.

As a result, transport authorities in the UK are looking at solutions to the traffic jam in the city center.One is to increase the number of parking spaces at out-of-town railway stations.More motorists (乘汽车的人) can then leave their cars and travel into the city by train.Light rail or tramways are another environmentally friendly solution.Many cities across Europe have installed light rail or tramway systems.The subway in London is used by everyone, rich and poor.It's the quickest way of getting around the city, whatever your bank balance.And then there are the cycle hire schemes you find in many modern cities.In London and Paris, you can hire a bike by the hour to get you where you need to go.

Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, is often pictured cycling to work. David Cameron ,the British prime minister, cycled to the House of Commons before he became leader.

25. What’s the implied meaning of the underlined sentence in the first paragraph?

A.If a person above 30 can travel on a bus, he was successful.

B.If you are middle-aged and don’t have a car, then you are a loser.

C.If a person above 30 cannot travel on a bus, he has failed in his life.

D.If the middle-aged often travel by bus, they will be losers.

26.Which of the following is NOT the reason why some car users are unwilling to change their way of transport?

A.Driving cars has little effect on environment.

B.They cannot depend depend on buses.

C.It costs then much money to take trains.

D. It’s convenient to drive around the city.

27.How many solutions to the traffic jam have been mentioned in the article?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

28.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. More people are taking different methods to better the environment.

B. David Cameron keeps driving to work all the time.

C. Prime Minister is a good example.

D. Cycling to work grows in popularity in the UK.


Have you ever thought of taking a train and having an adventure?Riding the train can be a real adventure.That is how I feel every time I take Amtrak.I often take a four-hour trip to visit my children.Every time I take this trip I never know what will happen.

Last week when I was on the train and over an hour into the train ride,there was a man sitting by himself in the back of the train carrying on a mobile phone conversation——in another language.It was loud and disturbed most of the people on the train.I think it was annoying.

Fortunately I sat next to a wonderful old lady who was taking a two-day trip by train.She said her two daughters were worried at the thought of her driving for three days to reach her home,although she had no trouble driving.The train ride was the only choice for her.She loved to look out of the window and watch the world go by on the train.

She was fun to talk to and asked me when my children started being parents.That is a very good question.Both of us are old and have children.She asked that same question from time to time.

There are always many people on the train from all walks of life,different countries,and many languages.Riding the train is a great way to increase your knowledge and take in all kinds of cultures.If you get hungry,you can buy food in the food car at any time.If you need to use the restroom there is always one available.

It sure beats driving the car,which has to stop for food and restrooms.And it is better than taking the bus.

29.According to the passage,the purpose of the author's train ride was_____.

A.to do business B.to visit places of interest

C.to see her children D.to see her old friends

30.Which of the following is TRUE about the old lady sitting next to the


A.Her daughters live far away from her home.

B.She does not like to take trains.

C.Although she is old,she has a good memory.

D.She is too old to drive now.

31.In the author's opinion,on the train Amtrak________.

A.all the passengers are polite B.the food is terribly expensive

C.the services are quite good D.all the passengers are American

32.What is the best title for this passage?

A.A painful experience on the train B.Train ride-a cultural experience

C.The history of Amtrak D.A wonderful lady


A person’s name is very important. Some names have special meanings in popular American expressions.

One day, an average Joe was walking down the street and lost. An average Joe is a common person – either male or female. He did not know Jack about where he was going. By this, I mean he did not know anything about where to find things in the city.

So average Joe asked John Q. Public, also a common person---male or female, for directions to the nearest bank.

"Jeez Louise," said John Q. Public. This is an expression of sur prise. "Jeez Louise, don’t you know that all banks are closed today? It is Saturday."

"For Pete’s sake. I do not believe you," said average Joe. This is also an expression used to show a feeling like surprise or disappointment. He was being doubting Thomas, someone who not believe anything he is told.

At that moment, Joe Blow was walking down the street with a woman. Joe Blow is also an expression for a common man. Now this Joe Blow was not walking next to a plain Jane. A plain Jane is a woman who is neither ugly nor pretty. The woman with Joe Blow was a real Sheila – a beautiful woman.

Average Joe asked the woman if all banks were closed on Saturday. "No way, Jose," she answered. This is a way of saying "no." "No way, Jose. Many banks are open on Saturdays."

Average Joe did not know either of these two people from Adam. That is, he did not know them at all. But he followed their directions to the nearest bank.

When he arrived, he walked to the desk of the chief bank employee. Now this man was a true Jack of all trades. He knew how to do everything.

"I am here to withdraw some money so I can pay my taxes to Uncle Sam," said average Joe. Uncle Sam represents the United States government. The banker produced some papers and told average Joe to sign his John Hancock at the bottom. A John Hancock is a person’s signed name –a signature. Historically, John Hancock was one of the signers of t he United States Declaration of Independence. Hancock had a beautiful signature and signed his name larger than all the others.

As average Joe left the bank he began to sing. But sadly, average Joe was not a good singer. He was a Johnny One Note. He could only sing one note.

33. Which of the expressions mentioned in the passage have the same meaning?

A. An average Joe & a true Jack of all trades

B. Joe Blow & John Hancock

C. A plan Jane & a real Sheila

D. An average Joe & John Q. Public

34. Which of the following can stand for the government of the USA?

A. John Q. Public

B. Joe Blow

C. Uncle Sam

D. John Hancock

35. The passage is developed mainly by______________.

A. raising questions and answering

B. making up a story and giving examples

C. comparing one thing with another

D. analyzing and solving problems


清华附中高三十月月考 第三部分:阅读理解(共两小节;40分) A Life is all about making choices. At any stage along the way, you may find yourself asking: Am I headed in the right direction What would I really enjoy doing What do I want to do next The six-week summer Career Discovery program at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD) welcomes people—from recent high school and college graduates to seasoned professionals—who are grappling with questions like these. And not just people considering a career in design or planning, but people with a broad spectrum of interests and remarkably diverse plans and goals. What they have in common is the drive and desire to seek the answers to those questions. Participants in our program commit themselves fully to a path of intensive studio work, lectures, workshops, and field trips. Deeply immersed in a culture that is both challenging and rewarding, they experience what education and work are like in the design and planning professions. They emerge—many of them exhilarated—with a more profound understanding of the possibilities ahead and the choices they will make. We invite you to explore the possibilities in Career Discovery: If you would like to be placed on our mailing list to receive a copy of this information in brochure format, please complete an online request form. You may also view a PDF of the brochure here. Career Discovery is open to anyone graduating from high school in 2016 or older with an interest in design or planning. A high level of academic skill is necessary to take full advantage of our rigorous program. The online application deadlines are as follows:

北京市海淀区清华附中2019-2020年九年级(上)月考数学试卷(10月份) 解析版

2019-2020学年九年级(上)月考数学试卷 一.选择题(共8小题) 1.下列倡导节约的图案中,是轴对称图形的是() A.B. C.D. 2.已知关于x的一元二次方程mx2+2x﹣1=0有两个不相等的实数根,则m的取值范围是() A.m<﹣1 B.m>1 C.m<1且m≠0 D.m>﹣1且m≠0 3.二次函数y=2x2﹣4x﹣2的对称轴是() A.直线x=﹣1 B.直线x=1 C.直线x=0 D.直线y=1 4.如图,⊙O的直径AB垂直于弦CD,垂足为E.若∠B=60°,AC=3,则CD的长为() A.6 B.C.D.3 5.已知二次函数的图象经过P(2,2),顶点为O(0,0),将该图象向右平移,当它再次经过点P时,所得抛物线的函数表达式为() A.y=x2B.y=(x﹣2)2 C.y=(x﹣4)2D.y=(x﹣2)2+2 6.如图,△ABC和△A1B1C1是以点O为位似中心的位似三角形,若C1为OC的中点,AB=4,则A1B1的长为()

A.1 B.2 C.4 D.8 7.如图,?ABCD中,E是边DC上一点,AE交BD于F,若DE=2,EC=3,则△DEF与△BAF 的周长之比为() A.3:2 B.2:3 C.2:5 D.3:5 8.如图1,AB是半圆O的直径,正方形OPNM的对角线ON与AB垂直且相等,Q是OP的中点.一只机器甲虫从点A出发匀速爬行,它先沿直径爬到点B,再沿半圆爬回到点A,一台微型记录仪记录了甲虫的爬行过程.设甲虫爬行的时间为t,甲虫与微型记录仪之间的距离为y,表示y与t的函数关系的图象如图2,那么微型记录仪可能位于图1中的() A.点M B.点N C.点P D.点Q 二.填空题(共7小题) 9.如果,那么的值为. 10.如图,四边形ABCD内接于⊙O,∠BOD=120°,则∠DCE=.


清华附中高三2019年12月月考试卷数学 一、选择题(共8小题;共40分) 1.已知集合{}1,0,1A =-,2 {1}B x x =< ,则A B =U ( ) A. {}1,1- B. {}1,0,1- C. {} 11x x -≤≤ D. {} 1x x ≤ 2.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项的和为n S ,且1352S =,则489a a a ++=( ) A. 8 B. 12 C. 16 D. 20 3.若12 2log log 2a b +=,则有( ) A. 2a b = B. 2b a = C. 4a b = D. 4b a = 4.一个棱长为2的正方体被一个平面截去一部分后,剩余几何体的三视图如图所示,则截去的几何体是( ) A. 三棱锥 B. 三棱柱 C. 四棱锥 D. 四棱柱 5.已知直线0x y m -+=与圆O :2 2 1x y +=相交于A ,B 两点,若OAB ?为正三角形,则实数m 的值为( ) A. 2 B. 2 - 6.“1a =-”是“函数()2ln 1x f x a x ?? =+ ?+?? 为奇函数”( ) A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件 C. 充分必要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件

7.函数()log a x x f x x = (01a <<)的图象大致形状是( ) A. B. C. D. 8.某学校运动会的立定跳远和30秒跳绳两个单项比赛分成预赛和决赛两个阶段,如表下为10名学生的预赛成绩,其中有三个数据模糊. 在这10名学生中,进入立定跳远决赛的有8人,同时进入立定跳远决赛和30秒跳绳决赛的有6人,则( ) A. 2号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 B. 5号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 C. 8号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 D. 9号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 二、填空题(共6小题;共30分) 9.直线y x = 被圆22 (2)4x y -+=截得的弦长为________. 10.函数f (x )=sin 22x 的最小正周期是__________. 11.在△ABC 中,23A π∠= ,,则b c =_________. 12.已知正方体1111ABCD A B C D -的棱长为M 是棱BC 的中点,点P 在底面ABCD 内,点Q 在线段11A C 上,若1PM =,则PQ 长度的最小值为_____. 13.如图,在等边三角形ABC 中,2AB =,点N 为AC 的中点,点M 是边CB (包括端点)上的一个动


清华附中高三十月月考 第三部分:阅读理解(共两小节; 40 分) A Life is all about making choices. At any stage along the way, you may find yourself asking: Am I headed in the right direction? What would I really enjoy doing? What do I want to do next? The six-week summer Career Discovery program at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD) welcomes people — from recent high school and college graduates to seasoned professionals — who are grappling with questions like these. And not just people considering a career in design or planning, but people with a broad spectrum of interests and remarkably diverse plans and goals. What they have in common is the drive and desire to seek the answers to those questions. Participants in our program commit themselves fully to a path of intensive studio work, lectures, workshops, and field trips. Deeply immersed in a culture that is both challenging and rewarding, they experience what education and work are like in the design and planning professions. They emerge — many of them exhilarated — with a more profound understanding of the possibilities ahead and the choices they will make.


2018北京清华附中高三(上)11月月考 英语 第一部分阅读理解第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 45 分)阅读下列短文,从每题 所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 1.(9分)Directory of camps for kids and teens. Find the best overnight, residential and sleepaway camps for this summer. ?Game On! Sports Camp 4Girls Girls Only - Day Camp Chicagoland Area, Illinois, USA - (847)229-9959 Game On! Sports 4 Girls is the best organization committed to empowering young girls through sports. Our unique & fun programming, all-girl environment, and staff of passionate role models foster the "GIRLSTRONG" crucial to every girl's development as an athlete and a person. ?International Riding Camp Girls Only - Overnight Camp Greenfield Park NY, New York, USA - (845)647-3240 Located 90 miles NW of NYC. 2, 4 and 8 week sessions, Mother Daughter week. Horse shows, jumping, three hours riding daily. Beginners welcome. Tennis, water skiing, jet skiing, arts and crafts. Swim your horse in the ocean! Organic food menu. One week Equestrian(马术)Teen Tour of Russia. ?All Tournament Players Park Boys Only - Day Camp Marietta, Georgia, USA - (678)384-6500

北京市清华大学附属中学2020-2021学年高一第一学期10月考数学试题 (无答案)

清华附中高20级10月阶段性适应练习 一、选择题:(共10道小题,每小题4分,共40分) 01.命题p:?x ∈N,x 3>1,则?p 为【 】 A.?x ∈N,x 3<1 B.?x ?N,x 3≥1 C.?x ?N,x 3≥1 D.?x ∈N,x 3<1 02.已知全集U={1,2,3,4,5}.集合A={1,2,3},B={2,4,5},则B ∩C U A=【 】 A.{2,4} B.{1,3} C.{4,5} D.{2} 03.若正实数x,y 满足2x+y=1.则xy 的最大值为【 】 A .1 4 B .1 8 C .1 9 D .1 16 04.已知x ∈R 则“x=1“是“x 2=1“的【 】 A.充分而不必要条件 B.必要而不充分条件 C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分又不必要条件 05.若b<0bd B.a b c d > C.a+c>b+d D.a-c>b-d 06.若a,b ∈R,且ab>0.则下列不等式恒成立的是【 】 A.a 2+b 2>2ab B.a+b ≥ C.11 a b +≥ D.2b a a b +≥ 07.若关于x 的不等式ax+b<0的解集为(2,+∞),则bx+a<0的解集为【 】

A.1,2??+∞ ??? B. 1,2??-+∞ ??? C. 1,2? ?-∞ ??? D. 1,2??-∞- ?? ? 08.加工爆米花时,爆开且不糊的粒数的百分比称为“可食用率”.在特定条件下可食用率p 与加工时间t(单位:分钟)满足函数关系p=at 2+bt+c(a,b,c 是常数),如图记录了三次实验的数据.根据上述函数模型和实验数据,可以得到最佳加工时间为【 】 A.3.50分钟 B.3.75分钟 C.4.00分钟 D.4.25分钟 09.若关于x 的不等式kx 2-kx<1的解集为R 则实数k 的取值范围是【 】 A.()4,0- B.(4,0]- C.[]4,0- D.(,4][0,)-∞-+∞ 10.已知非空集合A,B 满足以下两个条件: ①AUB={1,2,3,4,5,6},A ∩B=?; ②若x ∈A ,则x+1∈B. 则有序集合对(A,B)的个数为【 】 A.12 B.13 C.14


初三第一学期10月学科能力测评 数学 一、选择题(本题共24分,每小题3分) 1.下列倡导节约的图案中,是轴对称图形的是( ) A. B. C. D. 2.已知关于x 的一元二次方程2210mx x +-=有两个不相等的实数根,则m 的取值范围是( ) A.1m <- B.1m > C.1m <且0m ≠ D.1m >-且0m ≠ 3.二次函数2242y x x =--的对称轴是( ) A.直线1x =- B.直线1x = C.直线0x = D.直线1y = 4.如图,O ☉的直径AB 垂直于弦CD ,垂足为E .若60B ∠=?,3AC =,则CD 的长为( ) A.6 B.23 C.3 D.3 5.已知二次函数的图象经过()2,2P ,顶点为()0,0O ,将该图象向右平移,当它再次经过点P 时,所得抛物线的函数表达式为( ) A.2 12 y x = B.()2122 y x = - C.()2142 y x = - D.()2 1222 y x = -+ 6.如图,ABC △和111A B C △是以点O 为位似中心的位似三角形,若1C 为OC 的中点,4AB =,则11A B 的长为( ) A.1 B.2 C.4 D.8

7.如图,ABCD 中,E 是边DC 上一点,AE 交BD 于F ,若2DE =,3EC =,则D EF △与BAF △的周长之比为( ) A.3:2 B.2:3 C.2:5 D.3:5 8.如图1,AB 是半圆O 的直径,正方形OPNM 的对角线ON 与AB 垂直且相等,Q 是OP 的中点,一只机器甲虫从点A 出发匀速爬行,它先沿直径爬到点B ,再沿半圆爬回到点A ,一台微型记录仪记录了甲虫的爬行过程.设甲虫爬行的时间为t ,甲虫与微型记录仪之间的距离为y ,表示y 与t 的函数关系的图象如图2所示,那么微型记录仪可能位于图1中的( ) A.M B.N C.P D.Q 二、填空题(本题共24分,每小题3分) 9.如果 14 b a b =-,那么a b 的值为__________. 10.如图,四边形ABCD 内接于O ☉,120BOD ∠=?,则DCE =∠__________. 11.若方程() 22110x m x m +-++=的两根互为相反数,则m =__________. 12.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,过格点A 、B 、C 作一圆弧,则圆心的坐标是__________.


2018-2019学年北京市清华附中九年级(上)月考数学试卷(10 月份) 一、选择题(本题共16分,每小题2分) 1.(2分)(2018秋?历城区期末)下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是() A.B.C.D. 2.(2分)(2018秋?正定县期末)一元二次方程2x2+3x﹣4=0的二次项系数、一次项系数、常数项分别是() A.2,﹣3,﹣4B.2,3,4C.2,﹣3,4D.2,3,﹣4 3.(2分)(2018秋?滨湖区期末)若要得到函数y=(x+1)2+2的图象,只需将函数y=x2的图象() A.先向右平移1个单位长度,再向上平移2个单位长度 B.先向左平移1个单位长度,再向上平移2个单位长度 C.先向左平移1个单位长度,再向下平移2个单位长度 D.先向右平移1个单位长度,再向下平移2个单位长度 4.(2分)(2015秋?涞水县期末)如图,⊙O的半径为5,AB为弦,半径OC⊥AB,垂足为点E,若CE=2,则AB的长是() A.4B.6C.8D.10 5.(2分)(2018秋?海淀区校级月考)点P1(﹣1,y1),P2(3,y2),P3(5,y3)均在二次函数y=﹣x2+2x﹣1的图象上,则y1,y2,y3的大小关系是() A.y1=y2>y3B.y3>y1=y2C.y1>y2>y3D.y1<y2<y3 6.(2分)(2018秋?正定县期末)如图,⊙O是△ABC的外接圆,∠OCB=40°,则∠A的大小为()

A.40°B.50°C.80°D.100° 7.(2分)(2017?莘县一模)如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,E为CD上一点,连接AE、BE、BD,且AE、BD交于点F,S△DEF:S△ABF=4:25,则DE:EC=() A.2:3B.2:5C.3:5D.3:2 8.(2分)(2012?桂林)如图,在边长为4的正方形ABCD中,动点P从A点出发,以每秒1个单位长度的速度沿AB向B点运动,同时动点Q从B点出发,以每秒2个单位长度的速度沿BC→CD方向运动,当P运动到B点时,P、Q两点同时停止运动.设P点运动的时间为t,△APQ的面积为S,则S与t的函数关系的图象是() A.B. C.D. 二、填空题(本题共16分,每小题2分)

2018-2019学年清华附中高三12月月考数学试卷 (理)试卷及答案

清华附中高三2018年12月月考试卷 数学(理) (清华附中高16级) 2018.12 一.选择题:(共8小题,每小题5分,共40分) 1. 抛物线22y x =的焦点到准线的距离为(B) (A)1 2 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D)3 2. 在定义域内单调递增,且为奇函数的为(A ) (A) 3x y = (B) (C)x y 1 -= (D)1-=x y 3. 甲、乙等四人排成一排,甲与乙不相邻的排法的种数有(B ) (A) 6 (B) 12 (C) 18 (D) 24 4. 右侧程序框图所示的算法来自于《九章算术》.若输入a 的值为16,b 的值为24,则执行该 程序框图输出的结果为(C ) (A)6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9 5.数列{}n a 是无穷项等比数列,则“{}n a 单调递增”是“123a a a <<”的(C ) (A) 充分而不必要条件 (B) 必要而不充分条件 (C) 充分且必要条件 (D) 既不充分 又不必要条件 6. 设实数,x y 满足22(2)3x y -+=,那么 y x 的最大值是 2x y =

(A) 12 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 7. 某四棱锥的三视图如图所示,该四棱锥的四个 侧面的面积中最大的是(C) (A )3 (B )(C )6 (D ) 8. 在棱长为2正方体1111ABCD A BC D -中,E 为棱CD 的中点,点P 是侧面11AA D D 上一动点,且CP ⊥1B E ,则线段CP 的取值范围为(B) (A) [ 3 (B) [ 2 (C) [3 (D) [2 二.填空题:(共6小题,每小题5分,共30分) 9. . 已知双曲线C :2 2 14 y x -=,则双曲线C 的渐近线的方程为___.2y x =± 10. 在二项式6 21()x x + 的展开式中,常数项为___________.(15) 11. 函数()f x 在[0,2]上的图象连续不断,能说明命题“若函数()f x 在(0,2)存在唯一 零点,则(0)(2)0f f ?<”为假命题的一个函数为()f x =___________. 12. 在△ABC 中,B =60°,且c =8,b -a =4,则b =____7________. 13.实数,x y 满足3, 0,60.x x y x y ?? +??-+? ≤≥≥若z ax y =+的最大值为39a +,最小值为33a -,则a 的取值范围是________. [1,1]-


2020北京清华附中高一(上)10月月考 数学 一、选择题:(共10道小题,每小题4分,共40分) 01.命题p:?x∈N,x3>1,则?p为【】 A.?x∈N,x3<1 B.?x?N,x3≥1 C.?x?N,x3≥1 D.?x∈N,x3<1 02.已知全集U={1,2,3,4,5}.集合A={1,2,3},B={2,4,5},则B∩C U A=【】 A.{2,4} B.{1,3} C.{4,5} D.{2} 03.若正实数x,y满足2x+y=1.则xy的最大值为【】 A.1 4 B. 1 8 C. 1 9 D. 1 16 04.已知x∈R则“x=1“是“x2=1“的【】 A.充分而不必要条件 B.必要而不充分条件 C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分又不必要条件 05.若b<0bd B.a b c d > C.a+c>b+d D.a-c>b-d 06.若a,b∈R,且ab>0.则下列不等式恒成立的是【】 A.a2+b2>2ab B.a+b≥ C.11 a b +≥ D.2 b a a b +≥ 07.若关于x的不等式ax+b<0的解集为(2,+∞),则bx+a<0的解集为【】

A.1,2??+∞ ??? B. 1,2??-+∞ ??? C. 1,2? ?-∞ ??? D. 1,2??-∞- ??? 08.加工爆米花时,爆开且不糊的粒数的百分比称为“可食用率”.在特定条件下可食用率p 与加工时间t(单位:分钟)满 足函数关系p=at 2+bt+c(a,b,c 是常数),如图记录了三次实验的数据.根据上述函数模型和实验数据,可以得到最佳加工时间为【 】 A.3.50分钟 B.3.75分钟 C.4.00分钟 D.4.25分钟 09.若关于x 的不等式kx 2-kx<1的解集为R 则实数k 的取值范围是【 】 A.()4,0- B.(4,0]- C.[] 4,0- D.(,4][0,)-∞-+∞ 10.已知非空集合A,B 满足以下两个条件: ①AUB={1,2,3,4,5,6},A∩B=?; ②若x ∈A ,则x+1∈B. 则有序集合对(A,B)的个数为【 】 A.12 B.13 C.14 D.15 二、填空题(共5道小题,每小题5分,共25分) 11.集合{1,0}的子集的个数为 12.已知集合m,+∞).若AUB=R,且A∩B=?,则m= 13.若{x ∈N*|x 2+mx<0}恰有三个元素,则实数m 的取值范围为 14.已知集合A={x|x 2-2x+a≥0),B={x|x 2-2x+a+1<0},若AUB=R ,则实数a 的取值范围为

北京市海淀区清华大学附属中学2020届高三上学期10月月考数学试题 Word版含解析

清华附中高三2019年10月月考试卷数学 一、选择题 1.已知集合 ,B ={|(1)(3)0}x x x --<,则A∩B=( ) A. {|1}x x > B. {|23}x x << C. {|13}x x << D. {|2x x >或1}x < 【答案】B 试题分析:{|(1)(3)0}{|13}B x x x x x x =--<=<< 又{}2A x x = 所以{|23}A B x x ?=<< 故答案选B 考点:集合间的运算. 2.若角θ的终边过点()3,4P -,则()tan θπ+=( ) A. 34 B. 34- C. 43 D. 43 - 【答案】D 分析:利用任意角的三角函数的定义,诱导公式,求得要求的式子的值 详解:角θ的终边过点()34P -, , 则()4tan 3 y tan x θπθ+== =- 故选D 点睛:本题主要考查了任意角的三角函数的定义,属于基础题,结合诱导公式运用定义即可求出结果。 3.已知函数,log a b y x y x ==的图像如图所示,则

A. 1b a >> B. 1b a >> C. 1a b >> D. 1a b >> 【答案】A 【解析】由图象,得log b y x =在(0,)+∞上单调递增,即1b >,a y x =在[0,)+∞上单调递增,且增加得越来越慢,即01a <<,则1b a >>.故选A. 【点睛】本题考查对数函数、幂函数的图象和性质.解决本题的难点是利用幂函数的图象判定幂指数a 与1的大小,若0a >时,幂函数a y x =在[0,)+∞上单调递增,要与常见函数2y x =、y x =、1 2y x =的图象对照确定. 4.已知函数()f x 的定义域为R ,则“()00f =”是“()f x 是奇函数”的( ) A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件 C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 【答案】B 试题分析:()2f x x =满足()00f =,但不是奇函数,因此充分性不成立;若()f x 是奇函数,又定义域为R ,因此()()()0000f f f =-?=,必要性成立,因此选B. 考点:充要关系 【方法点睛】判断充分条件和必要条件的方法 (1)命题判断法: 设“若p ,则q”为原命题,那么: ①原命题为真,逆命题为假时,p 是q 的充分不必要条件; ②原命题为假,逆命题为真时,p 是q 的必要不充分条件; ③原命题与逆命题都为真时,p 是q 的充要条件; ④原命题与逆命题都为假时,p 是q 的既不充分也不必要条件.


北京清华附中高三上学期10月月考 生物 一、选择题 1.真核细胞中,合成场所相同的一组物质是() A. 磷脂分子和血红蛋白 B. 胃蛋白酶和抗体 C. DNA聚合酶和DNA D. 胰岛素和乙烯 【答案】B 2.有关细胞代谢的叙述,不正确的是 A. 各种细胞的同化作用本质是一样的 B. 细胞中的有序化学反应需酶的催化 C. 光合作用和呼吸作用是细胞代谢的中心 D. 细胞代谢过程中都伴随着能量的转移或转化 【答案】C 3.线粒体中不会出现 A. 葡萄糖的分解 B. 氨基酸脱水缩合 C. ATP的水解 D. DNA聚合酶的催化 【答案】A 4.科研人员通过对缺少H蛋白的癌细胞进行研究,发现染色体在一些关键位置处于展开状态,激活了一系列基因,使癌细胞“永生”,癌细胞因此持续分裂。下列叙述相关不正确的是 A. 肿瘤的发生可能与染色体解螺旋有关 B. 癌细胞无限增殖与基因表达调控无关 C. 在癌细胞中H蛋白基因可能处于关闭状态 D. 提高癌细胞H蛋白合成的药物有助于攻克癌症 【答案】B 5.壁虎的尾巴断裂后能再生,这是由于 A. 细胞的全能性 B. 细胞的增殖分化 C. 细胞的凋亡 D. 细胞的衰老 【答案】B 6.下图所示是一个基因型为AaBb(两对基因独立遗传)的精原细胞在一次减数分裂过程中产生的两个次级精母细胞,则该过程发生了: A. 交叉互换与同源染色体未分离 B. 交叉互换与姐妹染色单体未分离 C. 基因突变与同源染色体未分离 D. 基因突变与姐妹染色单体分开后没有正常分离 【答案】D 7. 经过科学家的不懈努力,逐渐建立了遗传学。下列有关叙述不正确的是( ) A. 沃森和克里克提出DNA结构中A与T、G与C配对 B. 艾弗里的肺炎双球菌转化实验证明遗传物质是DNA C. 孟德尔发现遗传因子传递规律并推测其在染色体上


2018届北京市清华大学附属中学高三10月月考物理试题 (清华附中高15级) 2017.10 一、本题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项是正确的,有的小题有多个选项是正确的.全部选对的得3分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分.把你认为正确答案填涂在答题纸上. 1.如图所示,质量为m 的物体沿倾角为θ的斜面加速下滑,关于物体在下滑过程中所受的支持力N 和滑动摩擦力f ,下列说法中正确的是( ) A .sin N mg θ= B .cos N mg θ= C .sin f mg θ= D .cos f mg θ= 2.跳伞运动员正以5m /s 的速度竖直匀速降落,在离地10m 高处掉了一粒金属扣子.不计空气阻力对扣子的影响,取210m /s g =,则跳伞运动员比扣子晚着陆的时间为( ) A .2s B C .1s D .(2 3.如图所示,长为L 的细绳一端固定,另一端系一质量为m 的小球.给小球一个合适的初速度,小球便可在水平面内做匀速圆周运动,这样就构成了一个圆锥摆,设细绳与竖直方向的夹角为θ.下列说法中正确的是( ) A .小球受重力、绳的拉力和向心力作用 B .小球受的重力和绳的拉力的合力为一恒力 C .θ越大,小球运动的速度越大 D .θ越大,小球运动的周期越大 4.质量为2kg 的物体在x y -平面上做曲线运动,从某时刻开始计时,在x 方向的速度图象和y 方向的位移图象分别如图甲和乙所示,在0~2s 内,下列说法正确的是( )

A .质点的初速度为5m /s B .质点所受的合力为3N C .质点初速度的方向与合力方向垂直 D .2s 末质点速度大小为6m /s 5.太阳系外有一名为HD209458b 的小行星,它的一年只有3.5个地球日.这颗行星靠恒星很近绕其运转,因此它的大气层不断被恒星风吹走.据科学家估计,这颗行星每秒就丢失至少10000吨物质,最终这颗缩小行星将只剩下一个死核.假设该行星是以其球心为中心均匀减小的,且其绕恒星做匀速圆周运动.则下列说法正确的是( ) A .该行星绕恒星运动的线速度大小不变 B .该行星绕恒星运动周期变大 C .该行星绕恒星运行的加速度大小会不断减小 D .该行星绕恒星运行角速度会不断变大 6.同步卫星离地心距离为r ,运行速度为1v ,加速度为1a ,地球赤道上的物体随地球自转的向心加速度为 2a ,第一宇宙速度为2v ,地球半径为R ,则下列比值正确的是( ) A .12a r a R = B . 2 12a R a r ??= ??? C . 12v r v R = D . 1 2 12v R v r ??= ??? 7.如图所示,质量为M 、长度为L 的木板静止在光滑的水平面上,质量为m 的小物体(可视为质点)放在木板上最左端,现用一水平恒力F 作用在小物体上,使物体从静止开始做匀加速直线运动.已知物


清华附中高三2019年5月月考试卷 数学(理) 一、选择题:(共8小题,每小题5分,共40分) 1.已知集合{}2,1,0,1A =--,(){}|20B x x x =+<,则A B =I ( ) A. {}|20x x -<< B. {}{}|201x x -<

3.执行如图所示的程序框图,则输出的x 值为( ) A. 95 B. 47 C. 23 D. 11 【答案】B 【分析】 按照程序框图运行框图,直至3n >时,退出循环体,输出x 值. 【详解】初始条件为:2,0x n ==,因为03n =≤成立,所以2215,011x n =?+==+=; 因为13n =≤成立,所以25111,112x n =?+==+=; 因为23n =≤成立,所以211123,213x n =?+==+=; 因为33n =≤成立,所以223147,314x n =?+==+=,因为43n =≤不成立,所以退出循环体,输出47x =. 故选:B 【点睛】本题考查了根据程序框图求输出变量的值,考查了当型循环结构,属于基础题. 4.已知等比数列{}n a 满足122336a a a a +=+=,,则7a =( ) A. 64 B. 81 C. 128 D. 243 【答案】A


高三5月考理综试卷 (清华附中高16级)2019.5.26 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共120分) 本卷共20小题,每题6分,在每题列出的四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的一项。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 Li 7 C 12 N 14 O 16 P 31 Fe 56 Ni 59 Br 80 13.下列有关光现象的说法正确的是 A .在太阳光照射下,水面上油膜出现彩色花纹是光的全反射现象 B .光导纤维丝的内芯材料的折射率比外套材料的折射率大 C .在光的双缝干涉实验中,若仅将入射光由绿光改为黄光,则条纹间距变窄 D .光的偏振现象说明光是一种纵波 14.下列说法中正确的是 A .用打气筒的活塞压缩气体很费力,说明分子间有斥力 B .在阳光照射下,可以观察到教室空气中飞舞的尘埃作无规则运动,属于布朗运动 C .一定质量的理想气体温度升高其压强一定增大 D .一定质量的理想气体温度升高其内能一定增大 15.如图所示是原子物理史上几个著名的实验,关于这些实验,下列说法错误的是 A .图1:卢瑟福通过α粒子散射实验提出了原子的核式结构模型 B .图2:放射线在垂直纸面向外的磁场中偏转,可知射线甲带负电 C .图3:电压相同时,光照越强,光电流越大,说明遏止电压和光的强度有关 D .图4:链式反应属于核裂变,铀核的一种裂变方式为n Kr Ba n U 1 089361445610235923++→+ 16.如图,左边为竖直弹簧振动系统,振子连接一根水平很长的软绳,沿绳方向取x 轴。振子从平衡位置O 以某一初速度向A 端开始运动,经t =1s ,x =5cm 处的绳开始振动,则下列说法正确的是 A .此绳的周期为4s B .绳上各质点都沿x 轴方向运动,因此绳波为横波 C .绳上产生的波的传播速度决定于弹簧振子振动的频 率 D .若振子振动频率f =10Hz ,则绳波波长为0.5cm


清华附中高三语文统练试题 2020 年 4 月22 日 一、本大题共 6 题,共19 分。 阅读下面材料,完成各题。 材料一 今天,对中国文化稍有了解的人,都或多或少地知道中国有书法这种独特的艺术。书法艺术与写 字有关,但不等于说,将字写得好看一些,就是书法艺术了。 汉字书写的形式有很多种,早期刻在龟甲等上的叫甲骨文,后来镌刻在青铜器上的铭文叫金文, 又叫大篆。秦始皇统一中国,文字也随之统一,那叫小篆。汉代以后又有隶书,后来在隶书的基础上 产生了楷书、行书、草书。行书和草书是书写的(甲),(乙)强,又有流畅的节奏,是人们平时很 喜欢的书法形式。 中国有书法艺术,得力于两方面的因素。一是汉字,汉字是以象形为基础的方块文字,它具有独 特的优美形式,为书法艺术的(丙)提供了条件。一是毛笔。毛笔的发明,是中国文化史上的重要事件,它不仅是书法艺术产生的基础,中国绘画的独特形式在一定程度上也来自于毛笔。由兔毫、羊毫、狼毫等做成的毛笔,柔软而富有弹性,可以产生丰富的变化,为书法艺术的产生提供了可能。 书法是线条的艺术。当代中国台湾舞蹈家林怀民领衔的“云门舞集”舞蹈团,曾创作《行草》组舞,享誉世界。他的灵感来自中国书法。它活化了中国书法的精神,其中《行草贰》最为典型。在舞 蹈过程中,舞者如同一个即兴创作的书法家,挥毫泼墨,时而停顿,时而激越,时而流动婉转,时而 迟缓柔媚。虽然布景上没有书法,舞台上没有字迹,但使人感受到书法的气脉在流动。 一千多年前的唐代,大书法家张旭整天沉浸在他的行草世界中,他日日临摹前代大师的书迹,但 进步不大。一日,他到长安街头,看到人头攒动,凑前一看,见一位女舞蹈家,姿容曼妙,身材纤秀,挥舞着长剑,凌空飞舞,柔美的身躯,飘拂的衣带,随着剑起伏。舞蹈家的身体、长剑和外在的世界 几乎合为一体。她就是京城著名的舞蹈家公孙大娘。张旭看得如醉如痴,从中悟出了书法妙道,从此 书艺大进。 一个是当代舞蹈家从书法中得到舞蹈的灵感,一个是古代书法家从舞蹈中得到书法的启发,它说 明书法和舞蹈有共通的因素。这共通的因素,就是无影无形又无处不在的内在气脉。书法以流动的气 脉为灵魂。有的人说,看中国书法,就像看太极拳,拳手以优游回环的节奏,在茫茫虚空之中,舞出 一条流动的线。中国书法所说的“一笔书”,就是就这一内在线条而言的。一笔书,不是说一笔写成,


清华附中高三2019年12月月考试卷 数学 一、选择题(共8小题;共40分) 1.已知集合{1,0,1}A =-,2 {|1}B x x =<,则0A B ?=( ) A.{1,1}- B.{1,0,1}- C.{|11}x x -≤≤ D.{|1}x x ≤ 2.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项的和为n S ,且1352S =,则439a a a ++=( ) A.8 B.12 C.16 D.20 3.若212 log log 2a b +=,则有( ) A.2a b = B.2b a = C.4a b = D.4b a = 4.一个棱长为2的正方体被一个平面截去一部分后,剩余几何体的三视图如图所示,则截去的几何体是( ) 正(主)视图 侧(左)视图 俯视图 A.三棱锥 B.三棱柱 C.四棱锥 D.四棱柱 5.已知直线0x y m -+=与圆2 2 :1O x y +=相交于A ,B 两点,且OAB V 为正三角形, 则实数m 的值为( ) A. 32 B.62 C.32或32- D.62或6 2 - 6.“1a =-”是“2()ln 1x f x a x ?? =+ ?+?? 为奇函数”的( ) A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件 C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 7.函数log || ()(01)|| a x x f x a x = <<图象的大致形状是( ) A. B. C. D. 8.某学校运动会的立定跳远和30秒跳绳两个单项比赛分成预赛和决赛两个阶段,如表下为10名学生的预赛

成绩,其中有三个数据模糊. 学生序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 立定跳远(单位:米) 1.92 1.96 1.78 1.76 1.74 1.72 1.80 1.82 1.68 1.60 30秒跳绳(单位:次) 63 75 60 63 72 70 a b 65 在这10名学生中,进入立定跳远快赛的有8人,同时进入立定跳远决赛和30秒跳绳决赛的有6人,则( ) A2号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 B.5号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 C.8号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 D.9号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 二、填空题(共6小题;共30分) 9.直线3 3 y x = 被圆22(2)4x y -+=截得的弦长为________. 10.函数2 ()sin 2f x x =的最小正周期是________. 11.在ABC V 中,23A π∠= ,3a c =,则b c =________. 12.已知正方体1111ABCD A B C D -的棱长为42,M 是棱BC 的中点,点P 在底面ABCD 内,点Q 在线段 11AC 上,若1PM =,则PQ 长度的最小值为________. 13.如图,在等边三角形ABC 中,2AB =,点N 为AC 的中点,点M 是边CB (包括端上的一个动点,则 AM BN ?u u u u r u u u r 的最小值是________. 14.已知A ,B ,C ,D 四点共面,2BC =,2 2 20AB AC +=,3CD CA =u u u r u u u r ,则||BD u u u r 的最大值为________. 三、解答题(共6小题;共80分) 15.(13分)已知数列{}n b ,满足14b =且1 2(2)1 n n b b n n n --=≥-. (1)求证{}n b 是单增数列; (2)求数列1n b ?? ? ??? 的前n 项和n S . 16.(13分)已知函数()2cos (sin 3cos )3f x x x x =+-.
