lesson plan

My name is Peanuts.

Information about the class:

There are 40children aged about 11-12 in this class. Their mother tongue is Chinese. They have English lessons twice a week. They have been learning English for more than two years. They are interested in learning English and they always get involved in every activity. Most of them like to imitate others. Some of them are visual learners, and some of them are kinesthetic learners. They are always active and eager to learn English. Main aim:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be better able to read for gist and specific information in the context of a funny story about a boy named Peanuts with his two friends in the zoo last Sunday.

Subsidiary aim:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be better able to use the past form related to actions in spoken form.

Personal aim:

Make good time management.(Anticipate some problems, when teaching flexible the time)

Reduce teacher talk, to be more student-centred.(Make the instructions short and simple.)


Ss have learnt the past form last term, they had a primarily understood of the simple past tense. And they have already been able to use some past form like:went, played, got and did.

Anticipated difficulties with materials, activities and tasks:

1. Some Ss may find the past form

is boring and difficult that they

may not be interested in it.

2. Some Ss may not understand the

instructions. Solutions:

Use games to stimulate interest and make it easier for Ss to master the past form.

Give them an example or demonstration.


TangDongmei Level:


Lesson length: 30mins

Lesson type:

Reading and Grammar

Language analysis

Form Meaning Phonology Anticipated problems

peanuts go—went

see-saw play—played act—acted get—got bring—brought ask—asked answer—answered try—tried

say--said Plant of the pea family bearing edible seeds in

pods which ripen underground.

Refer esp to movement away from the place

where the speaker or writer is or a place where

he imagines himself to be. Went is go’s past


(not in the continuous tenses)become aware of

(sb/sth)by using the eyes;perceive. Saw is the

past form of see.

Activity done for amusement, esp by

children;recreation. Played is the past form of


Thing done;deed. Acted is the past form of act.

Receiving or obtaining. Got is the past form of


Come carrying sth or accompanied by sb.

Brought is the past form.

Request information(about sb/sth) (from sb).

Asked is the past form.

Thing said, written or done as a response or

reaction; reply. Answered is the past form.

Make an attempt. Tried is the past form.

Tell sth to sb, usually in words. Said is the past



[ɡ?u]------ [went]


[ple?]---- [pleid]

[?kt]----- [?ktid]





[trai] -----[tra?d]

[sei] ----- [sed]

1.Ss may read [pleid] instead

of [pleit]

2.Ss may read [?ktid] instead

of [?ktd].

3.Ss may overgeneralize

brought to bringed.


1. To ask Ss to read it

following the right


2. Ask Ss to pay more

attention to the teacher’s


3. Highlight the right form on

the blackboard.

Skill analysis

Skill/subskill Tasks for skills development Preparing learners for tasks Anticipated problems

1. Reading for


2. Reading for specific information Match the sentences with the pictures.

True or False.

Give Ss a demonstration.

2. Read by themselves then

check the answers in groups.

1. Ss may read the sentences word

by word.

2. Ss may not understand the



1. Set time limit.

2. Use demonstration to make Ss


Stage Stage aim Procedure Inter-



Warm up To make the students

active and make them

ready to learn. Teacher and Ss sing a chant.

● kite,kite, fly a kite. Football, football, play football. Swim, swim, go to

swim. Skate, skate, go to skate.

T-Ss 1

Lead in and pre-teaching To make the Ss be familiar

with the key words of the


●Divide the class into two groups, have a competation between them.

●Give Ss many letters on PPT, let Ss find some words from them.Eg:

three, boys, last, Sunday, zoo, peanuts.

● Use realia to convey the meaning of peanuts.




Presentation To elicit the past form they

have already known, and to

convey the new past forms. Handout 1

●Let the ss work in pairs to circle the past form in the story.First give

them an example.

●Let ss speak out what they find. Put the past form on the bb.




Feedback To give ss an opportunity to

practice the past form.

●Let ss read the basci form and past form together. S-Ss 2

Matching To give ss an opportunity to

practice reading for gist. Handout 2

● Let ss work in four. Give each group seven pictures related to the

story, and give them seven pieces of paragraphs, let them match the

pictures with the paragraphs.

●Change their seats to check the answer.

Ss-Ss 6

T/F To give ss an opportunity to

practice reading for specific

information. Handout 3

● Let ss read the story again, then circle T or F.

●Let them check their answers in pairs.




Production To provide Ss an

opportunity to vary

interaction. And to provide

Ss an opportunity to

personalize. ●Let ss work in four write down what they did last weekend. Use :On

Saturday morning, I …, I…in the afternoon.

●Invite some ss to read their passage in front of the class. Ask the class

some questions to make sure all the ss are listening.

Ss-Ss 8

Board plan

My name is Peanuts.

go----went see----saw

play----played act----acted

get----got bring----brought ask----asked answer----answered try----tried say----said

教学设计题目:Lesson77 My name is Peanuts. 作者姓名:唐冬梅



