



1何时用far away from正确

表示距离时如前面已有具体数词不用far 否则可以2关于to的用法


(1)连词连接两不定式前面的有do后面的to do的to省略,如:I have nothing to do but watch TV all day long. Tom have no choice but to give it up.

(2)用is连接,不定式作表语时前面主语有do时后面表语to do的to省略,如:What I want to do is stay at home. What I want is to stay with you.



let sb do make sb do have sb do had better do help sb (to)do (get sb to do wait for sb to do )

(5) 副词前不用to

go home go anywhere

3 如果形容词说明不定式的逻辑主语的性质用of 不用

for It is kind of you

4 return home 不是return back home

Enter the building 不是Enter into the building

5 名词后加’s 表示对应地址my sister’s 我姐家

The doctor’s医院

6 except for +名词或代词或doing


Despite=in spite of为介词后接宾语不能直接接从句Despite=in spite of the fact that从句

7 whennever 或if it is possible

whennever 或if possible


总共有7个,按含义程度分——1、…多了:a lot, much, far 2、甚至更:even, still 3、稍微有点a little和a bit 同样可以接原级

I hope to do more to make my life many more beautif ul (应该用much)

I hope to do more to make my life much beautiful(少m ore)



I was in my ninth grade

This was my ninth birthday

10 关于时间什么时候用on


On a rainy day on Sunday on the night of his arri val (in the 1986s in 1986 这两种用in)

11 以下这下搭配注意介词哦

In the newspaper in the future be graterful to sb fo rsth on duty take care of (照顾) take care(小心)shout或smile glare at sb nod to sb on time (准时) in time(及时) be admitted to on t he contrary at your service at a low price

at a cost at a discount at a loss in a voice h old sb in one ’s arms

12 in one’s fifties 注意复数哦注意是one’s

13 a good many 后面无of

Plenty of前面无a

14 一些常见的过去分词

A Be seated(seat oneself)

B a. Dressed in a red shirt,she was easy to find (Dressi ng herself in a red shirt,she went to a party)

b. Devoted to his country,he spent little time on his fa mily(Devoting himself to his country, ,he spent little tim e on his family0

C make oneself understood /heard/known a dog named /called Pipi

D Crowded 无对应的ing eg a Crowded bus 而不是a Cr owding bus

(a burning house 而不是 a burned house)

E in the weeks that followed

15 wish sb did It is time that we did sth

16 三种改错常考句型

A强调句型It is we ourselves that creat our own happi ness

a. 当把it is that 去掉时能组成一个句子则为强调句型b.常出两种错误(1)it is us。。。。


B so that such that

a. so 和such互换

b.very 和so such互换

Sometimes a smile can be very powerful that it gives people great courage to face disasters(用so)

He is so a clever boy that all teachers like him(用such) C be about to …when hardly …when no sooner …t han

Was /were doing …when


The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me. They were also the best and worse years in my life. At the first, I thought I knew everything but could make decisions by myself. Besides, my parents didn’t seem to think so. They always tell me what to do and how to do it. At one time, I even felt my parents couldn’t understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them. I showed them I was independent by wear strange clothes. Now I am leaving home for college. At last, I will be on their own, but I still want to have my parents to turn whenever I need help. I was reading an article in a book while I came across a word I didn’t know. “Dad, what is the meaning of the word?”My dad, as he usual did after work, was watching his most favorite show. “You have the dictionary, don’t you?”he shot back. He didn’t even look up my face. I went back my room, and there on my study table is that dictionary. I looked it up and found it’s exact meaning. Ten year have passed and I still use that dictionary, along with the lesson I received earlier in life from my old man: to be independent.


高考短文改错解题技巧 短文改错是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性英语试题,旨在考查学生对语言的评价与校正的能力以及对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力。 一、做短文改错题基本步骤 1、改前通读,强化语篇意识。在着手改错之前一定要快速阅读全文,这一步很关键,切忌拿来就改。只有站在语篇的高度上,通篇解读全文,了解短文大意,才能贯通短文改错上下文,找出与语篇有关的错误并进行有效的改正。 2、改中细读,注意语法、词汇错误。在纠错时要仔细地读懂每一个句子,因为只有站在完整句子的角度,才能发现其中的错误。由于多数句子不是只占一行,所以只有读完整个句子,仔细分析,才能发现错误、纠正错误。 3、改后复读,纠正失误,减少差错。做完短文改错后将答案放回原文,再重读全文,其目的主要是查看有无不符合逻辑,语句不通畅,不符合英语习惯的问题。改后复读,往往会发现那些在通读与细读中不曾发现的问题或作出的误改。 二、出题规律以及解题关键 1、名词 短文改错的名词考点主要涉及名词的单复数问题,即在该用复数的地方误用其单数,或在该用单数的地方误用其复数。例如: (1)We stopped to rest for a while and to drink some waters from a stream. (waters 改为water,因“水”为物质名词,不可数) (2)There are branch library in many villages. (library 改为libraries,因其前的谓语are为复数) (3)I hope that you two could come and visit us some times soon. (times 改为time,some time 意为“某时”) (4)They were eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question. (question 改为questions,因其前有表示复数意义的修饰语lots of) 2、代词 短文改错对代词的考查主要涉及人称代词的前后一致性(包括指代的一致性和单复数的一致性)、人称代词的主格与宾语变化、各类代词的误加与漏用(尤其是一些易受汉语影响的结构)、某些不定代词的用法(尤其是在意思上用错)、代词在某些习语中的用法等。例如: (1) David pointed to a path which it he thought would probably lead to a village. (去掉it,因它与其前的关系代词which 语义重复) (2) When we walked to the car, Bill smiled and shook head. (head 前加his,汉语可“摇头”,而英语的习惯要说shake one’s head) (3) We climb everywhere, not only in America. They have been to Europe many times. (They 改为We,前后人称不一致) (4) The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. (his 改为their,因前面的the Smiths 指的是“史密斯夫妇/一家”,是复数意义) 3、冠词 短文改错对冠词的考查主要涉及冠词的误加和漏用,有时也考查不定冠词与定冠词以及零冠词的用法区别(包括 a 与an 的区别)。其中,涉及最多的是,当一个单数可数名词表示泛指时,其前漏用不定冠词;另外,冠词在一些习语中的用法也是一个重要考点。例如: (1) After a hour or so we began to feel very frightened. (a 改为an,因hour 读音以元音开头)


专题练习一 A (2017·山西省大同市灵丘县模拟) The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military book __1__(date) from the 5th century BC.__2__ (write) by the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (“Master Sun”,also spelled Sunzi), the book consists of 13 chapters, each of __3__ is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is__4__ (common) thought of __5__ a great work on military strategy and tactics(战术). It __6__ (place) at the head of China's Seven Military Classics in 1080 by Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty , __7__ it has long been the most influential strategy text in East Asia. It has had__8__ influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond. Its first complete English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. __9__ (leader) such as Mao Zedong, General V o Nguyen Giap, General Douglas MacArthur and so on have drawn__10__ (inspire) from the work. 答案与解析 文章介绍了“孙子兵法”这本中国古代杰出的军事作品,以及对后人的影响。 1.dating考查非谓语动词。此处dating from是现在分词短语作定语,修饰book。 2.Written考查非谓语动词。分析句式可知,write和句子主语the book 之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式表示被动。 3.which考查关系代词。根据句式可知,此处是一个非限制性


高考英语短文改错题 一、短文改错的复习重点 1.考生必须熟悉设错方式:多词、少词、错词。 ⑴多词现象大多出现在冠词、介词、助动词、连词、语义重复及行文逻辑等方面。 ⑵少词现象主要出现在冠词、介词、副词、助动词、不定式符号to、连词等。 ⑶错词现象主要在冠词、介词、名词单复数、动词时态、非谓语动词、主谓一致、代词、连词、词形。 2.考生平时应加强基本功训练,用一个“错题集”本把自己或同学在书面表达中出现的错误归纳一下,以便考前复习。 短文改错与书面表达一样,最能反映一个人的语言功底。考生在该题上失分最厉害,因为此题而影响英语总成绩的占大多数。 二、对全文的宏观把握 学生应把改错内容当作一篇小短文来理解,这样能对短文有个宏观把握,对上下文有全面的了解。 在理解篇章的基础上逐句审读,分析判断,上下兼顾,把明显的、拿的准的题先做完,这样可以缩小包围圈,也有助于对全文的进一步理解。 三、从语法角度审查 1.查看时态是否一致

My favorite sport is football. I was a member of our football team. 全文都是用的一般现在时,此句中的was显然与上下文语境不符,应改为am。 2.查看主谓是否一致 Anyone may borrow books, and it cost nothing to borrow them. cost应改为costs,因其主语是it(为形式主语),且上下文均为一般现在时。 3.查指代是否一致 The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.句中的主语the Smiths表的是Smith一家人,因此指示代词his应改为their。 4.查平行结构是否平行一致。 由and, or, but, either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but also..., as well as等并列连词和词组连接的结构可称为平行结构。 It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. 句中的drove显然与and前面的to meet不平行,应改为drive。 5.查名词的单复数与修饰词语或上下文是否一致。 We study quite a few subject, such as Maths, Chinese... quite a few 只能修饰复数名词,故subject应改为subjects。 6.查行文逻辑是否一致。


高中英语短文改错专题练习(10篇) 答题要求:此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 A While traveled to Paris on a bus, I became very sick. 1. _______________ A well-dressing man on the bus helped me greatly. He 2. _______________ took me off the bus, found out where the doctor’s office. 3. _______________ and took me to there himself. The next day, he came 4. _______________ to visit me. I didn’t speak French well, so I can’t talk with 5. _______________ him very much. However, even if we couldn’t talk, but 6. _______________ we could communicate. I communicated myself thanks 7. _______________ to his great kindness, and he communicated his concern 8. _______________ for my healthy. Through this experience I have learned 9. _______________ that communication can take place without much actual 10. ______________ language at all. B The Internet is playing a important part in81._____ our daily life. On the net, we can learn about82._____ news both home and abroad and some other83._____informations as well.We can also make phone calls,84._____ send messages by e-mails,go to net schools,and85._____ learn foreign languages by ourselves.Beside,we86._____ can enjoy music,watch sports matches,and play the87._____ chess or cards.The net even help us do shopping,88._____ make a chat with others and make friends with them.89._____ In a word,the Internet has made our life more easier.90._____ C A few months after returning the US from Germany, I took 81. part in a college course in French. Since I have learned to 82. speak German good in Germany, I thought that it might be 83. interested to begin studying another language. At the first 84. class, the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation exercise, 85. in which he would say one word or two in French, and each 86. student would do their best to copy. When he got to me, he 87. kept having me to say more words, and I finally asked him 88.


高中英语短文改错技巧 高中英语短文改错技巧 1.短文改错题型特征 1.1短文改错题型解读 全国《考试说明》对短文改错题的测试要求描述如下:本题给出一篇约100个单词的短文,文中有10处错误,错误类型包括语法、 句法、行文逻辑等。要求考生对每个句子进行判断,如有错误即将 其改正。 短文改错试题将错误放在一篇短文之中,这就要求学生在短文所提供的语篇环境下考虑文中的错误。有时从单个句子来看,没有错误,而从语篇角度来看,句子中某个部分是错的,是上下文连贯性 和行文逻辑方面的错误,如使用连接词不恰当,人称代词的不连贯 等错误。该题是为了有效地检验考生综合运用英语知识的能力,因 此难度较大、要求较高。 短文改错试题中将十个错误“隐藏”于一篇短文,有的句中没有错误,而有的句中有2个(最多)错误,这样就增加了学生答题难度。 新的短文改错题只是给定一篇文章让学生修改十处而非以往改错题指定十行让学生就每一行找出一处错误(其中一行无错误)。新短 文改错综合性强,难度高,易失分,主要检测学生英语语言的实践 技能,是大部分学生的致命题型,历年高考平均分多在3-4分之间,这就意味着相当一部分学生得分在3分以下。 1.2短文改错题型规律 (1)语法错误。词法错误:动词、冠词、名词、代词、形容词、 副词、连词、介词。句法错误:并列句、复合句、强调句、倒装句、感叹句、省略、主谓一致。 (2)逻辑错误:转折、并列、选择、因果、递进。

(3)连贯错误:代词一致。 1.3短文改错常见错误类型 (1)名词的数。经常在不可数名词homework,equipment, advice等后面误加s,有时候又在可数名词friend,parent,hour 等后面少加s等。 (2)代词。人称代词与物主代词如you与your,代词的单数与复 数如it与they或them,one与ones,人称代词宾格与反身代词如me与myself,不定代词another与other等的误用。 (3)形容词与副词。主要考查如surprising与surprised,high 与highly,hard与hardly,possible与possibly,therefore与however等的误用,另外还要注意形容词与副词的比较级与最高级 的用法。 (4)介词。介词的错误主要在多词或缺词上,同时还会涉及介词 的误用。 (5)冠词。主要考查a与an,a与the的误用以及冠词的多或缺。 (6)时态。时态的错误主要有一般现在时与一般过去时,一般过 去时与现在完成时,现在完成时与过去完成时等的.误用。 (7)连词。主要有or与and,and与but,so与but的误用,另 外还要注意because与so,although或though与but的连用等错误。 (8)一些固定结构。如so...that...被误用作very...that...,too...to...被误用作very...to...,as...as...被误用作 so...as...等。 (9)复合句。主要涉及定语从句中which与that,which与when 或where以及名词性从句中that与what的误用等错误。 2.短文改错解题技巧 2.1练习由句到篇,句篇穿插进行


短文改错专项训练 下面短文中每篇各有10 处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分 Passage 1 It was 7:15 in the morning of February 8, 2007.I was walking along Park Road towards the east while an old man came out of the park on the other sides of the street.Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and made a right turn into Park Road.The next moment the car hit the man while she was crossing the road.He fell with a cry.The car didn’t stop and drive off at full speed heading west.I noticed the driver was young woman wore a pair of glasses and the plate number was AC864.After two minutes later, I stopped a passed car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. Passage 2 I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. She holds view that senior three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons. It seems to me that once I am allowed to do that, I’ll unable to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks it is bad for my eye. But I really can’t accept her ideas. In my opinion, watch TV can set my mind at rest after a day’s hard works. Besides, it is import ant for us to know what had happened at home and at abroad. Thus, we shouldn’t be forbidden to watch TV. Passage 3 Dear sir, Last year I buy a refrigerator in your store on Chang An road. We all like shape of the refrigerator. And recently I find something is wrong with it. It begins to make noise when it turned on. At first it is low but gradually it become louder and louder. To make the matter worse, it even stops working sometimes. We all feel disappointing. I am writing you to ask for help. Would you please send a people to repair it? I will at home this weekend. Please call me before you come to here. My telephone number is 6606.5531. Thanks you very much.


1 高一英语短文改错专题练习(10篇) 答题要求:此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 A While traveled to Paris on a bus, I became very sick. 1. _______________ A well-dressing man on the bus helped me greatly. He 2. _______________ took me off the bus, found out where the doctor’s office. 3. _______________ and took me to there himself. The next day, he came 4. _______________ to visit me. I didn’t speak French well, so I can’t talk with 5. _______________ him very much. However, even if we couldn’t talk, but 6. _______________ we could communicate. I communicated myself thanks 7. _______________ to his great kindness, and he communicated his concern 8. _______________ for my healthy. Through this experience I have learned 9. _______________ that communication can take place without much actual 10. ______________ language at all. B The Internet is playing a important part in 81. _____ our daily life. On the net, we can learn about 82. _____ news both home and abroad and some other 83. _____ informations as well .We can also make phone calls , 84. _____ send messages by e-mails ,go to net schools ,and 85. _____ learn foreign languages by ourselves .Beside ,we 86. _____ can enjoy music ,watch sports matches ,and play the 87. _____ chess or cards .The net even help us do shopping , 88. _____ make a chat with others and make friends with them . 89. _____ In a word ,the Internet has made our life more easier . 90. _____ C A few months after returning the US from Germany, I took 81. part in a college course in French. Since I have learned to 82. speak German good in Germany, I thought that it might be 83. interested to begin studying another language. At the first 84. class, the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation exercise, 85. in which he would say one word or two in French, and each 86. student would do their best to copy . When he got to me, he 87. kept having me to say more words, and I finally asked him 88. why. “I find it great funs. It’s the first time I’ve heard an 89.


【解题技巧】 1、通读全文,了解短文大意,把握全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑,尤其是有的行文逻辑方面的错误在看单句时难以发现错误(比如前文用mike,后文代词用she等)。在通读全文时把一些容易的错误先改好,再进行分句改错。 2、分局阅读,逐行找错。在完成第一步后,要进行逐行主句的改错。这是要对文中的词法、句法和语篇角度着重分析和特别注意。 3、最后把改好的短文再阅读一遍,检查答案是否正确,感觉是否还有不妥之处,最终形成定稿。 【考查要点】 1 词法的测试: 2 定冠词和不定冠词的用法,即a, an, the三者的转化与增减。例:A beauty of the West Lake is more than I can describe.正解:A--The 3 名词的单复数和名词所有格。 例:More than one students can’t take in it.正解:students—student 4 动词的时态、语态、语气,情态动词和非谓语动词。

例:He is good at sing songs.正解:sing—singing 5 人称代词的格、物主代词、指示代词、连接代词、不定代词等用法。 例:The book is her.正解:her—hers 6 词性的变化。 例:John deep believed that the God knows everything.正解:deep—deeply 7 并列连词、从属连词的用法。 例:She insisted that the boy told was a lie.正解:that—what 8 形容词、副词以及比较级与最高级的用法。 例:They all exacting by the exacted news.正解:exacting—exacted ; exacted—exacting 9 固定搭配与习惯用法。 例:It happened all of sudden.正解:of 后加a 11、句法的测试: 12 考察英语的一致性现象,主要包括:主谓不一致、代词不一致、


此文档下载后即可编辑 高一英语单句改错专项训练 考查类型: 1. 多词 1)不可数名词泛指时,多冠词,或不可数名词/抽象名词,多不当修饰词. 2)谓语动词多不当助动词3)感官使役动词后不定式作宾语补足语时多了to 4)不是从句却加了关系词或连接词 5)及物动词后多了介词或副词 6)比较级前多词 7)词义重叠 / 冗词错误 8)作时间状语的名词短语前多了介词 9)固定搭配中多词 2. 缺词 1)可数名词前缺限定词 2)动词不定式缺to 3)不及物动词后缺介词或副词 4)固定搭配中缺词 5)被动语态缺助动词be 6)句子成分残缺(一般缺谓语动词或动词) 3.错词 1)不定冠词a / an、定冠词或物主代词错误 2)可数名词复数少了-s 3)动词时态与时间状语(或上下文)不一致 4)语态错误 5)非谓语动词形式错误 6)主谓不一致 7)代词和名词不一致 8)词义辨析错误 9)介词与名词、动词或形容词搭配错误 10)连词错误 11)词类错误 12)关系代词或关系副词错误 13)逻辑错误 14)固定搭配和习惯用法错误 短文改错口诀 动词形,名词数, 注意形和副; 非谓动词细辨别, 习惯用法要记住;

句子成分多分析, 逻辑错误须关注。 一、动词形 主要包括两类错误:动词的时态和语态错误,以及主、谓不一致的错误。例如: My favourite sport is football. I was member of our school football team. is Now my picture and prize is hanging in the library. are 上述两例分别属于时态错误和主、谓不一致错误。找出此类错误的关键是树立牢固的时态概念,注意短文内容发生或存在的时间,保持时间概念的一致性。 二、名词数 指名词单、复数形式的用法错误。常表现为将名词复数写成单数。例如: …so that I’ll get good marks in all my subject. subjects 三、区分形和副 即区分形容词和副词在句子中的作用和具体用法。这也是高考短文改错的常考点。例如: I’m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time together. wonderful Unfortunate, there are too many people in my family. Unfortunately 需要注意的是,形容词多用来做定、表、补语等,而副词只能在句子中作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。第一例中的wonderful作定语修饰time,第二句的Unfortunately作状语修饰整个句子。 四、非为动词细辨别 这是考查最多的错误形式之一。主要有分词和动名词类错误,也包括不定式类错误。例如:…in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football. interested Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also … playing My parents love me…and will do all they can ∧make sure…to 上述二、三例分别是动名词作主语,和不定式作目的状语。一般的,现在分词有主动态和进行时的含义,而过去分词具有被动态和完成时的含义,不定式有将来时态的含义。 五、习惯用法要记住 主要考查习惯搭配方面的基础知识。这也是历年高考的常考点,其错误表现形式主要有三种:多词、少词和搭配错误。例如: It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and… of We must keep in mind that we play for the team instead ∧ourselves. of__ 六、句子成分多分析 不同的句子成分要用不同的词类;不同的语景要选择不同的词语。这些都有待我们对句子结构和句子成分作细致的分析,才能找出用词不当的错误。例如: They ∧eager to know everything about China and…were I live in Beijing, where is the capital of China. which 第一例漏掉了谓语动词were,这是受寒于习惯的影响而导致的错误;第二例则是词类与它在句子中的成分不相符,where是副词,不能作主语。


外研版高中英语必修一《短文改错》专项练习题(含答案) 1.(1-10小题) Mr. Smith, our English teacher, works hard. Every day, he spends too much time with his work. With little sleep and hardly any break, so he works from morning till night. Hard work have made him very ill. “He has ruined his healthy. We are worried about him.” That is which other teachers say. Yesterday afternoon, I paid visit to Mr. Smith. I was eager to see him, but outside her room I stopped. I had to calm myself down. Quietly I step into the room. I saw him lying in bed, looking at some of the picture we had taken together. I understood that he missed us just as many as we missed him. 11.短文改错 When I was young, I lived in the countryside. At that time, the trees there were very green, that left a deep impression on me. The waters there was so clear that I even could see the fish swam. When it got dark, the air was cooler than it in the daytime. People liked to walk out of their houses to chat together. I liked to play games with my friends but run along the village happily. As the moon rose highly in the sky , the village was lighting. When I looked up, I could see moon and a few stars. They were so close to me. It seemed that I could touch on them. The life in the countryside were so wonderful. 12. Last summer vacation, I worked as a volunteer in the Wolong China Giant Panda Garden in Sichuan, where I stay for two weeks. That I needed to do was to clean the pandas’ houses, feed the pandas or make food for them. One male panda I took care was named Jingjing. She was one of the most interested pandas in the Garden. Normally, the panda is a shy creature, not used to be in contact with other animals, particularly humans, but Jingjing seemed very differently. He often reached out one of his foot to greet me and smiled at me. Sometimes he tried to make me to laugh. 13.


短文改错 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 1 A shopkeeper once found that a bag money had been stolen from his shop.He went to the judge(法官)and tell him about his loss(损失)The judge ordered all people of the shop to come before him.He took a number of the sticks of equal length(长度)or gave one stick to each person.Then he said,“Come after me again tomorrow.I’ll then know which of you are the thief because the stick given to a thief will be one inch longer than the other.” 2 Miss Evans taught physics in school in London.Last month she was explaining to one of her class about sound ,and she decide to test them to see how successful she had been in her work.She said to them,“Now I ha s a sister in Washington.If I was calling her by the phone,and you were on the other side of the street.Who would hear me first,my sister and you And why” A clever boy at once answered,“You sister,Miss Evans,because the electricity travels much faster than sound waves.” “Very well,” Miss Evans praised. 3 It is interested to visit another country,but sometimes there are some questions when we don’t know the language very well.It may be difficult to talk about the people there.We may not know how to use the telephone in the country which are visiting.We may not know what to buy the things we need.In a strange country we may not know where to eat and what to order in a restaurant.It is not easy to decide how many money to tip(付小费)waiters or taxi drivers.When we are helpless,we may not know how to ask help.After a short time later,however,we learn what to do and what to say.We learn to enjoy life in another country,and then we may be sorry to leave both the place and the people. ' 4
