Unit 5 What’s your hobby?

美术、数控专业(3)(1)(2)班第9 周星期三第 7 节2009 年 10月 28日

(设计意图: 激活学生已有的词汇知识。通过词汇比赛启发学生的主动思维,调动学生的积极性、主动性,也为后面的听说做好最基础的词汇铺垫。)

Step Two Word Study (10 min)

1.Matching game (Activity 1 )

Teacher : Show the words and related pictures of different hobbies on the screen.

Students: Work in pairs and match the words to make phrases as the example.

2.Listen and check (Activity 2 )

Listen to the tape and check the answers in Activity 1.

3.Listen and complete (Activity 3)

Listen to the tape again and complete the sentences under each picture to talk about hobbies.

(设计意图: 动词和名词的配对活动,以及将词汇学习与具体的图片相结合,帮助学生以较为生动的形式学习词汇。并通过听力和完成句子的书面活动让学生在听、写方面巩固词汇。)

Step Three Listening (15min)


Teacher: Ask several students about their own hobbies. The dialogue as follows :

T: What?s your hobby ?

S: ……..

T: So your favorite is …..

Students: Make up dialogues in pairs according to the example presented by the teacher and student.

(设计意图: 通过对话,联系学生的生活实际,巩固前两个活动中的重点词汇并引出另一重点词汇favorite,以帮助学生扫除在接下来的听力中的语言障碍。)


(1)Listen and tick (Activity 4)

Teacher: Lead students to look through the three pictures, and ask them what are the hobbies the pictures tell us.

Students: First, look through the pictures and get the main idea of each picture by answering the teacher?s question. Then listen to the tape and tick out the picture of Li xiaonian?s hobby.

(2)Listen and complete (Activity 5)

Students listen to the tape again and complete the sentence in activity 5. If they can?t, listen to the tape again.


3.Post-listening ( class work and pair work )

Teacher :Play the tape sentence by sentence and lead students to repeat them.

Students : Listen to the tape again and repeat sentence by sentence.


Step Four: Speaking (15min)

1. Read and underline (Activity 6)

Students read the dialogue and underline the sentences about hobby. Teacher writes the sentences on the board.

(1)What?s your hobby ?

(2)I love…..

(3)Do you like ……?

(4)They?re my favorite.

(5)I?m crazy about ……

If students can?t understand the words or sentences, teacher should explain them .


2. Activity 7: Listen and repeat

Students read the dialogue after the tape, focusing on the sentences talking about hobby.


3. Practice and act
