The neuroscience of motivation

The neuroscience of motivation
The neuroscience of motivation

The neuroscience of motivation Dr. Dean Mobbs and Walter McFarland

This article was published in the NeuroLeadership journal

Issue THRee 2010

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human motivation has been a key focus of organizational science for the last hundred years. In spite of this focus, much remains unknown about how to create and sustain high levels of motivation in the organizational context. This fact is increasingly important to modern organizations as they strive to create the motivated workforce essential to higher performance and real competitive advantage. This article begins with a review of motivation theory – focusing specifically on five key perspectives. It then introduces the field of neuroscience and asserts that emerging research on the human brain is adding additional understanding of human motivation that can help modern organizations create and sustain higher levels of employee motivation. specifically, neuroscience research suggests that most motivators, from those entwined in the various needs, expectancy and equity Theories, are modulated by the brain’s dopamine or wanting system. We finally propose several avenues from which neuroscientific research might benefit organizations by clarifying what behaviors and decisions engage ‘aversive’ and ‘motivation’ neural systems.


Human motivation has been a topic of keen interest to organizational scholars and practitioners since Fredrick Taylor (1911) and has been a featured topic in the disciplines of psychology, sociology, economics, political science, organizational development, leadership, management, and even philosophy. each discipline has sought to better define what human motivation is, how it can be measured, and how it can be achieved and sustained. The result of this cross-disciplinary focus has been the development of numerous Theories of Motivation – many of which have contributed to our understanding of motivation in the context of the organization. However, after some 100 years of study, our understanding of human motivation remains limited – and this limitation is of particular concern as we enter the 21st Century for at least two reasons. Human motivation has been a

key focus of organizational science for the last 100 years.

The first reason is more esoteric and concerns the notion of ‘meaning’ in work. since the days of Mary Parker Follett (1940), organizational scholars have imagined a new type of organization: one in which human needs for achievement and organizational needs for performance coincide. scores on survey instruments measuring such things as job satisfaction and employee engagement are often regarded as indicators of both employee motivation and their meaning in work. said another way, high levels of employee motivation are seen as being ‘good’ both for organizations – because of

The neuroscience of motivation

Dr. Dean Mobbs* and Walter McFarland*

Dean Mobbs, senior Investigator scientist, MRC-Cognition and Brain sciences unit,

Cambridge university, CB2 7eF, uK.


Walter McFarland, senior Vice President, BoozAllenIHamilton, Mclean, Virginia, usA.,

*authors contributed equally to this work


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the link to performance, and for people – because of the link to meaning in work.

The second reason is more practical and concerns the role of human motivation in providing organizations with competitive advantage. As the global economy inches toward recovery, organizations all over the world are preparing themselves to cope with unprecedented levels of competition and pressure to perform. These organizations are facing a legion of complex issues that include: the need to assume a more global stance; the need to become more innovative; the need to manage scarce resources better; and the need to deal with a growing set of issues over which they have no control. examples include such things as energy constraints, climate changes, and political instability. For many organizations, the search for competitive advantage is focused on maximizing human performance and the question of how to create and sustain a highly motivated workforce is taking on new meaning and urgency. For many organizations,

the search for competitive advantage is focused on maximizing human performance…

Arguments for motivation as a source of competitive advantage tie to recent data related to employee engagement. As discussed later, ‘engagement’ is one of a group of variables often used to measure employee motivation in an organization – and one that has grown in popularity in recent years. The Return on Investment (ROI) estimates on employee engagement paint a vivid picture of why engagement (i.e., motivation) matters in organizational performance. For example, ulrich & smallwood (2004) estimated that engaged employees are two to four times more productive than average employees; Pfeffer & sutton (2006) stated that employee engagement matters even more in complex jobs and estimated that highly engaged software engineers are 12 times more productive than the average; and the Gallup organization estimated that disengaged employees cost an organization $3,400 for every $10,000 in salary. These and other data prompted Human Resources consulting firm Towers Perrin (2006) to conclude: “We are witnessing an era for businesses around the world in which engaging employees makes the difference between success and failure.”

“We are witnessing an era for businesses around the world in which engaging employees makes the difference between success and failure.”

This paper suggests that although motivation theory has come a long way in the last century, important gaps in our understanding remain. Further, it asserts that the field of neuroscience can help fill some of these gaps by incorporating emerging information on how the human brain works. The study of the brain, particularly within the field of social, cognitive and affective neuroscience is starting to provide some underlying brain insights that can be applied in the real world (Lieberman, 2007) – and, we believe, to increasing our understanding of motivation. The paper begins with a brief review and critique of the current theories of motivation. It then introduces the field of neuroscience and concludes with a discussion of how breaking research in neuroscience may add important insight into human motivation in organizations. Theories of motivation

Although there are numerous definitions of motivation, Robbins (1996) offers one that is particularly relevant to human motivation in the organizational context. He states that motivation is: “The willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the effort’s ability to satisfy some individual needs.” (p. 212)

Although there are many theories of motivation, the major ones are often organized into five groups: Need Theories, Goal-setting Theory, Reinforcement Theory, equity Theory, and expectancy Theory. each group will be briefly discussed.

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need Theories

Much of how we now see human motivation began in the 1950s with the Need Theories, the most famous of which is Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow (1954) asserted that internal to each of us is a hierarchy of five needs: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. As each need is met, in succession, the next need becomes dominant. According to Maslow, although no need is ever fully gratified, a substantially satisfied need no longer motivates. To motivate an employee, managers must know what level of the hierarchy the employee is currently on and focus on satisfying needs at or above this level. Although Maslow’s theory has received wide recognition, Maslow provided no empirical substantiation for it, and research does not generally validate it. Much of how we now see human motivation began in the 1950s

with the Need Theories…

Frederick Herzberg (1959) proposed another famous Needs Theory referred to as Motivation-Hygiene Theory. simply put, Motivation-Hygiene Theory states that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors relate to motivation. Intrinsic factors include things such as: personal achievement, recognition, the work itself, and the opportunities for responsibility, advancement and growth. extrinsic factors included such things as: company policy, supervision, work conditions, salary, relationship with peers, and status. Herzberg suggested that intrinsic factors related to job satisfaction while extrinsic factors were associated with job dissatisfaction. Herzberg also observed that removing dissatisfying factors from a job (company policy, supervision, and salary, etc.) does not necessarily make the job satisfying. Instead, removal of these ‘hygiene’ factors merely makes a job less dissatisfying. To Herzberg, the secret to increasing employee motivation was in focusing on improving intrinsic factors.

In the 1960s, Clayton Alderfer (1969) reworked Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory to align it more closely with emerging research on motivation. He called his revised hierarchy eRG Theory. eRG Theory substitutes three levels (i.e., existence, Relatedness, and Growth) for Maslow’s five. The existence need is concerned with providing our basic material requirements and combines Maslow’s physiological and safety needs. Relatedness refers to the need we have for maintaining important interpersonal relationships and aligns to Maslow’s social need and to a portion of his esteem need. Growth needs are the intrinsic desire for personal development and incorporate portions of Maslow’s esteem

and self-actualization categories. Beyond the reduction

in categories, eRG Theory is different in other ways. Most importantly, eRG Theory argues, like Maslow, that satisfied lower order needs lead to the desire to satisfy higher order needs. unlike Maslow, however, eRG Theory asserts that multiple needs can be operating as motivators at the same time, and frustration in attempting to satisfy a higher level need can result in regression to a lower level need.

David McClelland’s (1961) Theory of Needs focuses on the motivating power of three needs: achievement, power, and affiliation. The need for achievement is the drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards, to strive to succeed.

The need for power is the drive to make others behave in a

way they would not have behaved otherwise. The need for affiliation is the drive for friendly and close interpersonal relationships. Of the three needs, the most research has been done on the need for achievement. This research suggests several things. First, individuals with a high need to achieve are most motivated by jobs with personal responsibility, feedback and an intermediate degree of

risk (Davidson et al.,2002). second, high achievers are

not necessarily good managers as their focus is on how

they do personally (Davidson et al., 2002). Third, the needs

for affiliation and power are closely related in managerial success. The best managers are high in their need for power

and low in their need for affiliation (ibid.). Relatedness

refers to the

need we have

for maintaining important interpersonal relationships…

Goal-setting Theory

edwin Locke (1968) proposed that intentions to work toward

a goal are a major source of work motivation. That is, goals

tell an employee what needs to be done and how much



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effort will need to be expended. More specifically, we can say that specific goals increase performance; that difficult goals, when accepted, result in higher performance than do easy goals; and that feedback leads to higher performance. In addition to feedback, three other factors have been found to influence the goals-performance relationship: goal commitment, adequate self-efficacy, and national culture. reinforcement Theory

Where Goal-setting Theory is a cognitive approach, proposing that an individual’s purposes direct his actions, Reinforcement Theory, by contrast, is a behavioristic approach (skinner, 1953), which argues that behavior is only about reinforcement and is environmentally caused. said another way, behavior is a function of its consequences. Reinforcement Theory ignores the inner state of the person (i.e., feelings, attitudes, expectations, etc.) and focuses on what happens to a person when he or she takes some action. Reinforcement Theory ignores the inner state

of the person…

equity Theory

equity Theory (Knutson et al., 2001) states that individuals compare their job inputs and outcomes with those of others and then respond to eliminate perceived inequities. equity Theory recognizes that individuals are concerned not only with the absolute amount of rewards they receive for their efforts, but also with the relationship of this amount to what others receive. When people perceive an imbalance in their outcome-input ratio relative to others, tension is created. This tension provides the basis for motivation, as people strive for what they perceive as equity and fairness. expectancy Theory

One of the most widely accepted explanations of motivation is Victor Vroom’s (1964) expectancy Theory. expectancy Theory argues that the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. simply said, expectancy Theory says an employee is motivated to exert a high level of effort when he or she believes effort will lead to a good performance appraisal; a good appraisal will lead to organizational rewards like a bonus, a salary increase, or a promotion; and the rewards will satisfy the employee’s personal goals. The five theories briefly discussed provide some insight into the volume of work and research that has been focused on human motivation in the 60 years since Maslow introduced his Hierarchy of Needs. still, important limitations in motivation theory persist. For example: there is no common agreement on how motivation is defined and measured; some or all of the current motivational theories may be culturally biased; and most importantly there is no single theory that best predicts motivation. each of these limitations will be briefly discussed. . . . current theories of motivation may be culturally biased

– and therefore

of limited use

to organizations whose employees are increasingly multinational.

First, researchers commonly use different things to define and measure motivation in organizations. Common things include: productivity, absenteeism, turnover, and employee satisfaction. In recent years, the employee satisfaction variable is often re-defined as employee engagement. What is motivation? Is it just one of these things or all?

Next, current theories of motivation may be culturally biased – and therefore of limited use to organizations whose employees are increasingly multinational. Most current motivational theories were created in the united states by and for Americans. Inherent in these theories is a strong emphasis on both individualism and ‘quality of life’. For example, both Goal-setting and expectancy theories emphasize the motivational power of goal accomplishment and individual effort.

Finally, an examination of research data notes that some theories are better at predicting some definitions of motivation than others. For example, Landy and Becker (1987) found that: “employee productivity is best predicted by Goal-setting Theory followed by expectancy Theory; absenteeism is equally predicted by Reinforcement Theory, equity Theory, and expectancy Theory; while employee satisfaction is best

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predicted by expectancy Theory followed by equity Theory.” This observation leads to the second point: no singe theory or combination of theories predicts motivation holistically.

In fact, as noted above, research has supported a number of the theories – at least in part. each of the five theories has been shown to predict one or more of the motivation definitions listed – with some theories predicting more than one. still, no theory has been found to be a good predictor of all definitions. The closest is probably equity Theory, which is a strong predictor of absence and turnover and a weak predictor of employee productivity and satisfaction (ibid.). In fact, the theories discussed are not mutually exclusive but complementary. The challenge for the practitioner – often the Chief Human Resources Officer – is deciding when and how to use each, while understanding the limitations of all. This is a daunting task to say the least.

In summary, current theories of motivation are helpful, but do not yet provide the insight needed to create and sustain a highly motivated workforce. In their search for competitive advantage, 21st Century organizations need all the insight they can get. We believe that a neuroscience perspective on motivation can add an important and powerful perspective. We believe that

a neuroscience perspective on motivation can add an important and powerful perspective.

The neuroscience of motivation

Neuroscience is beginning to play a key role in creating new perspectives in several fields. some examples include the popular field of neuroeconomics as well as the less well-known fields of neuroaccounting and neuromarketing. We propose that understanding how the brain responds to specific motivators will allow a fresh look at motivation theories. The first step in understanding motivation is to understand how the brain has evolved. Our brains have evolved to detect biologically salient stimuli and to optimally pursue a course of action. such simple mechanisms of motivation are seated in the oldest parts of our brains that are common to our mammalian cousins. In the field of neuroscience, the question of what brain systems motivate an organism to act, was first shown by Olds & Milner in 1954. These neuro- scientists showed that when the pleasure centers of the brain are electrically stimulated, the rodent’s behavior

is positively reinforced illustrating that motivation and reinforcement have an underlying neural basis. After this study, researchers have shown that stimulation of the brain can result in escape behaviors in the absence of any environmental threat (Moreau, 1986). These and other studies revolutionized psychology and reinforcement theory

and set the stage for the modern neuroscience of motivation.…understanding

how the brain responds to specific motivators will allow a fresh look at motivation theories.

We now have an intricate picture of the neural systems associated with motivation. This has come about by advances in measuring brain responses including single-cell recording, lesion mapping and brain-imaging techniques such as Positron emission Tomography (PeT) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). While each

of these techniques has its limitations when the evidence

is accumulated, it is clear that the midbrain, striatum,

and prefrontal cortex are critical in eliciting reward and punishment related behaviors. Overall, these techniques have bridged the gap between human and animal physiology showing overlapping neural systems relating to motivation. Below we discuss some of the theories of motivation in

the context of recent developments in brain-imaging. We specifically focus on the Needs theories of Maslow and McCellend, as well as equity and expectancy theories.

how does the brain motivate us?

The goal of the nervous system is to produce responses

that yield the best possible inclusive fitness (Glimcher, 2003). evolution has created core motivation systems that,

in their basic form, manifest as approaching or retreating behaviors. Approaching in the form of exploration or foraging is associated with reward processes. under most circumstances, these behaviors are driven by the brain’s dopaminergic system, which originates in the midbrain ventral tegmental area (VTA) and substantia nigra pars compacta (sNC). The VTA axons extend to the nucleus



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accumbens, amygdala and hippocampus via the mesolimbic pathway while the prefrontal cortex receives dopamine via the mesocoritcal pathway. The caudate and putamen receive dopamine via the nigostriatal pathway from the sNC. The dopamine system is associated with many types of rewards and is thought to increase motivation and vigor. The goal of the nervous system

is to produce responses that yield the best possible inclusive fitness…

Conversely, the motivation to avoid a stimulus such as a predatory threat activates a set of distinct neural systems. The major neurostransmitter associated with aversion is serotonin (5-HT). The core 5-HT cell bodies are found in the midbrain raphe nuclei with the dorsal (upper parts) of the raphe nuclei which sends projections to the limbic system including the amygdala and striatum as well as the cortex (Dayan, 2008). In relation to aversion, McNaughton & Corr (2005) have proposed that defensive avoidance of a threat is associated with a cascade of regions that reflect distal and proximal danger. This network of systems, which are associated 5-HT expression, involves the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG) and hypothalamus when the threat is close and amygdala and ventral prefrontal cortex when the threat is distant (Deakin, 1991; Mobbs, 2007). While these reward and fear networks overlap (Daw, 2002; ?ngür, 2003), neuroscientific research clearly illustrates that a set of hard-wired neural systems motivate avoidance and approach to stimuli.

needs Theory and neuroscience Neuroscientists typically place rewards into the categories of primary (e.g. food) and secondary rewards (e.g. money). Others, such as Berridge & Robinson (1995) have proposed that rewards can be further divided into the two components of wanting (motivation) and liking (pleasure). ‘Liking’ is believed to be a hedonic reaction to the pleasure of a reward. Conversely, despite being a component of reward ‘Wanting’ is not pleasure but the motivational drive to pursue a potential reward. Berridge has shown that dopamine is associated with ‘Wanting’, while the opioid system modulates ‘Liking’ and both are differentially represented in a distinct sub-region of ventral striatum known as the nucleus accumbens. Therefore, the Needs Theory is in harmony with the brain’s ‘Wanting’ system.

At the basic level of primary rewards, physiological needs like food (Beaver, 2006) and sex (Komisaruk, 2005) activate the brain rewards circuitry. In most behavioral economic studies, however, secondary rewards such as money are typically used. Not surprisingly, money is a robust method of evoking the brain’s reward system and innumerable studies are testament to this (e.g. Mobbs et al., 2009; O’Doherty et al.,2003; Knutson et al.,2001). Another important part of Maslow’s hierarchy is the need of safety. using fMRI, Kim and coworkers (2006) have shown that the avoidance of punishment activates the reward circuitry itself, thus it is rewarding to escape punishment (Kim, 2006). At the highest level of the hierarchy of needs are cognitive rewards such as curiosity and desire for knowledge. To test if such needs activate the brains reward systems, Kang and coworkers (2009) conducted an experiment where subjects read trivia questions while having their brains scanned. The level of curiosity to know the answer correlated with activity in the reward area of the caudate. Therefore, many of what Maslow termed ‘Needs’ seem to be closely associated with the brain’s dopamine system.

…it has been shown that affiliation activates the brain reward network.

Fitting with a later model of Needs (i.e. McClelland’s theory (1961), it has been shown that affiliation activates the brain reward network. Mobbs and coworkers (2009) created a Game show paradigm where subjects were first introduced to two contestants who played a guessing game. First, subjects were asked to rate how similar they were to the contestants (on social, ethical and personal preferences like favorite movies or music). Next, subjects in the MRI scanner watched as the contestants took turns guessing the likelihood of a card being higher or lower than another unseen card. Results showed that when the subjects observed the similar contestant win money, activity increased in the ventral striatum. such vicarious reward was not observed when the dissimilar contestant won money. Also supporting McClelland’s idea that power is a basic need, Zink and colleagues (2008) showed that when subjects were rated higher in a social hierarchy (superior compared to inferior players in a game), activity increased in the ventral striatum. Taken together, we can speculate that the brain treats many needs as rewarding and motivates the individual to perpetually pursue the fulfillment of these needs.

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equity Theory and social comparison

Adam’s theory of equity proposes that employees aim to keep equity between themselves and co-workers (Adam, 1965). It has been shown that social comparison can have a strong impact on perceived fairness. For example, how would you feel if you just got a pay rise, but then found out that your work colleague was given a smaller or bigger pay rise? Fliessbach et al., (2007) investigated this question by scanning pairs of subjects in two adjacent MRI scanners. During the scan, the subjects performed a simple task (guessing the number of dots on a screen) that entailed financial rewards for correct responses. Following this, the pair of subjects was told how much money they would be given for their correct response. When one was given more money than the other subject, there was increased activity in the ventral striatum. Thus, $10 means more when another person is given $5, compared to when another is given $15 suggesting that, under these circumstance, social comparison is as important as the actual amount of money. social comparison can also create negative emotions such as envy

and gloating at another’s failures.

similarly, we are particularly vulnerable to acting adversely to others being unfairly paid more or less. Known as inequity aversion, it is proposed that people act to reduce such inequity because it has a negative impact on experienced reward. In a recent study, Tricomi et al., (2010) used fMRI to examine the neural systems that underlie inequity-averse social preferences. Inequity was manipulated by recruiting pairs of subjects and dividing them on how much money they were given ($50 or $0). Both the rich ($50) and poor ($0) subjects transferred money either to themselves or to the other person. Results showed that activity in the ventral striatum was most responsive when rich players transferred money to the poor others, therefore supporting the inequality-averse models. However, poor subjects showed the opposite pattern with increased activity in this reward region when transferring money to themselves. Intriguingly, Brosnan and de Waal (2003) also showed inequality-aversion in non-human primates (capuchin monkeys) suggesting that it is a basic and primitive sentiment.

The perception

of fairness by

a workforce is believed to be

a fundamental requirement for high levels of motivation and performance.

social comparison can also create negative emotions such

as envy and gloating at another’s failures. Takahashi et al. (2009) showed that when subjects were asked to imagine a

self-relevant individual in an envious situation (e.g. gaining

top scores on an exam), the brain’s pain circuitry became active. However, when something bad happened to the self-relevant and envied individual the subjects showed increased activity in the brain’s reward circuitry. This suggests that when

we are envious of a self-relevant individual we gain more satisfaction when being told about that person’s encounter

with a terrible event (i.e. schadenfreude or joy at another’s misfortunes). Fairness can also evoke schadenfreude. Tania singer and colleagues (2006) have also shown that observing

an unfair individual being shocked results in the reward systems being activated and that these reward areas were correlated with revenge scores. One explanation is that it is rewarding to experience another’s failure because it reduces competition and teaches others that it is not acceptable to

act in certain ways.

Given the negative emotions that go with inequity and envy,

it is not surprising to suggest that this may have a negative relationship to the organization. Adams proposes that employees will attempt to restore equity through a number

of means. For example, employees who feel underpaid and underappreciated may attempt to restore equity in ways

that are detrimental to the organization (Adams 1965). Both Adam’s assertions and the neuroscience research point to

the importance of perceived fairness in human motivation.

This suggests that organizations seeking higher levels of employee motivation should focus significant attention and resources in designing performance management systems

that are perceived by employees as appropriate and fair. We believe there is no substitute for direct employee involvement

in the design of these systems and that all stages of the


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design should be transparent to all. The perception of fairness by a workforce is believed to be a fundamental requirement for high levels of motivation and performance. expectancy and the brain

expectancy theory (Vroom, 1964) is based on the idea that expectancy of a certain outcome (e.g. possibility of a pay rise) influences how we act. expectancy is believed to increase motivation. Nearly 80 years ago, Hull offered the theory of goal-gradience, which states that the organism will show increased motivation and vigor with the higher likelihood of acquiring the goal (Hull, 1932). This is supported by later research showing that rats pull with more force on a harness when a reward is close compared to distant (Haner, 1955). such increased motivation may relate to increased likelihood (or expectancy) of acquiring the goal. …stopping people from acquiring their goals can have a detrimental effect on behavior

and presumably the organization.

Research on rodents has shown that expecting an outcome is associated with the obitofrontal cortex (OFC). The OFC receives dense input from dopamine cell bodies via the mesocortical pathways and is believed to guide behaviors associated with generating outcome expectancies. schoenbaum et al., (1998) have shown that the OFC learns to discriminate between two odors based on outcomes they predict. One study conducted on patients with damage to the OFC, showed that these patients exhibited an inability to discriminate between two competing stimuli and, thus, where unable to generate expectancy outcomes (Camille, 2004). From this and other studies, schoenbaum & Roesch (2005) have proposed that outcomes generated by the OFC allow for the comparison between predicted and actual outcome, which in turn generate expectancies and motivate the organism to pursue a course of action.

What happens when our expectations are not met?

B.F. skinner was the first to suggest that the omission of a scheduled reinforcement results in rats showing subtle forms of aggression. The observation was taken further by Amsel, who showed that blocking rats from gaining rewards resulted in what he coined “frustrative non-reward” (Amsel, 1958). Inspired by both Amsel’s theory and Hull’s theory of goal-gradience, we have recently examined the neural basis of expectancy and frustration (Yu et al., unpublished observation) showing that stopping people from acquiring their goals can have a detrimental effect on behavior and presumably the organization.

By understanding how the human brain works to motivate people, we can start

to think about how to enhance motivation…

From the brain to the organization

We began this paper by asserting that human motivation is a key topic for 21st Century organizations that depend on a highly motivated workforce for competitive advantage – and that current theories of motivation are a good starting point but fall short in several ways. We then suggested that the field of neuroscience could add a new perspective and, hopefully, some additional understanding into human motivation. The neuroscientific studies reviewed lend credence to many of the models of motivation. Most of these occupational motivations tap into the various theories of motivation, which have overlapping neural signatures. By understanding how the human brain works to motivate people, we can start to think about how to enhance motivation (and productivity) in efficacious ways. What this review of the neuroscientific literature shows is that most motivators, from those entwined in the various Needs, expectation, and equity Theories, are modulated by the brain’s wanting system, which is mediated by dopamine. We also know that such negative situations like inequity tap into the brain’s aversive systems (Takahashi, 2009).

so how can we take this neuroscientific information and help organizations? Neuroscience provides clarity on the biology of motivation and how the aversive systems can easily be engaged. Thus, neuroscience can inform us about how to not engage the ‘aversive’ system and better engage the ‘motivational’ system. Below we discuss some of the important implications of neuroscientific research.

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? Neuroscience has taught us that motivations are more complex than previously thought. What, however, is clear is that different motivators tap into overlapping motivational systems. In HR systems, the role of neuroscience may help to get the best out of employees by understanding their idiosyncratic motivations.

What are the implications of a neuroscience finding that motivations are more complex than thought? One is that it’s probably simplistic for managers to rely on any one theory of motivation as important considerations will be missed. What would neuroscience have managers do instead? For example, is triggering the brain’s aversive systems a profound mistake? Is a key thing for managers to know what ‘not to do’ as much as what to do? Is another piece of advice the focus on the brain’s wanting systems? so a neuroscience lens might suggest: not to rely on one theory; to avoid as a priority the de-motivational aspects of triggering the brain’s aversive systems; and focus motivational strategy on the brain’s wanting systems that include both extrinsic and intrinsic factors.

All of this suggests a new role for managers. Not as people who memorize motivational theories and blindly apply them to an anonymous workforce, but as enlightened leaders who understand that people are unique but that knowledge of the brain offers advice on motivating and de-motivating them.

? People compare themselves to others. When people are satisfied with their own circumstances they will act as better collaborators, willing to help others and work with more motivation. An important finding of neuroscience is that equity may have even more power to motivate and de-motivate than previously thought. When the brain perceives inequity, in spite of the absolute value of a reward, it is profoundly de-motivated. A more important consideration in using rewards to motivate, is how the reward will be compared to that of others. An effective reward system has several features: the amount of the reward should be perceived as significant; how awards are distributed should be perceived as fair; and extrinsic awards should be complemented by intrinsic awards such as public recognition, managerial praise, etc.

? Furthermore, dissatisfaction based on inequity is a powerful way of evoking the aversive system through cynical emotions like envy, jealousy and gloating at another’s failures. Therefore, when inequity is high the aversive system will be evoked and there may be increased job dissatisfaction and decreased motivation.

This is the down side of the above discussion. It can be rolled into that or kept separate, but the point is that rewards used poorly can de-motivate as much as motivate, or more. The implications of triggering the aversive systems are profound? The brain loses

productivity, shuts down, and productivity is hard to

regain. said another way, triggering the aversive system

has a deleterious effect on organizational productivity. It

elicits both down time and costs to fix.

? expectancy plays a major role in motivation and job dissatisfaction. We know that people have expectations

that motivate them and when blocked can result in the

engagement of the aversive system (i.e. frustration)

and work dissatisfaction. Therefore, job goals and

aspirations should be clear between the individual

and the organization. Making goals unclear or even

blocking goals may tap into the brain aversive system.

In this way, managers become facilitators for employee

achievement. Managers insist on clarity, agree to

support, and actively help to remove impediments to

goal accomplishment. The impetus to accomplish goals

remains with the employee.

The goal of the organization

is to minimize engagement

of the brain’s aversive system and attempt to

best engage the motivational system.

The goal of the organization is to minimize engagement

of the brain’s aversive system and attempt to best engage

the motivational system. We believe the above knowledge

can make valuable contributions to modern organizations

by making important contributions to various parts of an organization’s Human Resource Management system. some examples include: the increased use of neuroscience technologies such as brain imaging to support leadership development programs; leveraging neuroscience thinking

to coach leaders on how to better communicate with employees, that is, to use language that is more inspirational

and evokes less resistance.

It should also be noted that even with better integration of neuroscience principles, important challenges around human motivation remain. examples include: the lack of a common



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definition of what human motivation in the organizational context is and how to best measure it; ensuring that motivation enhancements are implemented without cultural bias (a real advantage for neuroscience); tailoring motivation enhancements to specific professional groups (neuroscience says different professions literally ‘think’ differently); better understanding of the impact of intrinsic motivators; and rethinking how neuroscience principles should be integrated across the entire HRM system life-cycle.


Alderfer, C. P. (1969). An empirical test of a new theory of human needs. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 142-175.

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英文动机信Motivation Letter

Motivation Letter December 12, 2014 Dear Mr. /Mrs. I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for scholarship of the Master Program in Electrical Engineering at TUE. First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Liu Jiapeng. I’m an undergraduate of Zhejiang University. My major is Bachelor of Engineering in Optical Engineering. In the first two years, I did well in mathematics and physics, which was not only helpful to my later study, but also helpful to my further study in postgraduate education. I also like programming, since I find it a great source of fun rather than a process of creation and design. After learning C Language, MATLAB and Proteus, I put them into practice and made some products such as auto-controlled cars and acceleration transducer. Besides these, I passively take part in extracurricular activities which practice my teamwork and good communication, as well leadership, which are also helpful for my further study and career plan. In my university I have made much progress. My general GPA is:3.59/4 and major GPA 3.71/4. I wish I were an ideal candidate for scholarship of Master Program in Electrical Engineering at TUE. In addition, in my university, I realized that my true interest was in


消防安全知识大全 消防安全小常识 1、爆炸、火灾应急 ◆防止火灾发生的基本措施是什么? 答:四种。隔离法、窒息法、冷却法、抑制法。 ◆发生火灾拔通“119”后,应向“119”台报告哪些情况? 签:应报告失火部位所在的区县、街道、燃烧的物质,火势大小,所威胁的物质,报警人姓名、单位、电话号码等情况,并派人到路口迎接消防车的到来。 ◆液体石油气起初火灾如何扑救? 签:用湿布保护好手迅速关好气瓶的截门,然后再用灭火器材进行灭火。 ◆人穿着衣服着火怎么办? 答:(1)在可能的情况下尽快脱去着火的衣服;(2)就地翻滚把火压死。 ◆发生火灾后,您有几种逃生的方法? 签:(1)选择最近的逃生出口逃生;(2)逃离火场的路线上遇有浓烟烈火时,必须把自己的衣服淋湿;再找一块湿毛巾捂住口鼻,起到隔热滤毒的作用;(3)在有浓烟的情况下,采用低姿势撤离,视线不清时,手摸墙壁徐徐撤离;(4)楼道内烟雾过雾,无法冲出时,应利用窗户或阳台逃生,并注意拴上安全绳逃生;(5)上述情况不具备时,不能盲目逃串应等待救援。 2、化学品泄露应急 ◆人员应迅速撤离泄漏污染区至安全区,隔离并严格限制出入 ◆切断火源 ◆尽可能切断泄漏源,防止进入下水道、排洪沟等 ◆用现场的应急物资对泄漏进行处理,防止污染范围扩大 ◆将外泄化学品或油品尽量收集于容器内 ◆清理现场产生的废物送入危险废物收集站 3、化学品伤害处理 ◆皮肤接触:立即脱去被污染的衣着,用肥皂和清水彻底冲洗皮肤。就医。 ◆眼睛接触:立即提起眼睑,用大量流动清水或生理盐水彻底冲洗至少15分钟。就医。

◆吸入:迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处。就医。 4、消防知识 ◆当你发现液化石油气瓶,灶具漏气时应怎么办? 答:1、首先关闭气瓶角阀,并开窗通气,使可燃气体敞开;2、严禁动用电器和一切火源;3、立即找液化石油站及时修理或更换。 ◆使用液体石油气炉时为什么先点火,后开气? 答:如果先开气后点火,先喷出的大量石油气,就有可能与空气形成爆炸气体,这时遇到明火就有发生爆炸危险,因此必须先点火后开气。 ◆电气设备引起火灾的原因有几种? 答:(1)短路;(2)过负荷;(3)接触电阻热;(4)电火花和电弧;(5)照明灯具、电热元件、热工具的表面热;(6)过电压;(7)涡流热。 ◆怎样使用干粉灭火器? 答:先拔掉保险箱,一手握住喷嘴对准火点,另一手压下压把。 ◆扑救电器火灾应首先做什么?在带电时,可用什么灭火器扑救? 答:切断电源、二氧化碳和ABC干粉灭火器。 ◆泡沫灭火机不能扑救什么火灾? 答:1、不能扑救电器火灾;2、不能扑救忌水性物品火灾;3、不能扑救贵重物品、仪表火灾。 ◆现生产的干粉灭火器有哪几种? 答:有ABC、BC、BCD三种。不同类别火灾如下: 防火防爆基础知识 制造和使用易燃物品时有何安全要求?


劳动保护安全方针 安全生产方针,又称劳动保护安全方针。是我国对安全生产工作所提出的一个总的要求和指导原则,它为安全生产指明了方向。要搞好安全生产,就必须有正确的安全生产方针。 1983年国务院在[1983]85号《批转劳动人事部、国家经委、全国总工会关于加强安全生产和劳动安全监察工作的报告的通知》中指出:“在‘安全第一,预防为主’的思想指导下搞好安全生产,是经济管理、生产管理部门和企业领导的本职工作,也是不可推卸的责任。”第一次明确提出我国的安全生产方针是“预防为主,安全第一”。 这个安全生产方针,强化了安全生产的重要性,并强调在生产中要做好预防工作,尽可能将事故消灭在萌芽状态。这个方针,其含义是: 1、安全生产工作的重要性 在生产过程中的安全是生产发展的客观需要,特别是现代化生产,更不允许有所忽视,必须强化安全生产,在生产活动中把安全工作放在第一位,当生产与安全发生矛盾时,生产要服从安全。这就是安全第一的含义。

我国是社会主义国家,安全生产是党和国家的一项重要政策,是保护劳动者安全健康和发展生产力的重要工作,同时,也是维护社会安定,促进国民经济稳定、持续、健康发展的基本条件,是社会文明程度的重要标志。安全生产也是社会主义企业管理的一项重要原则,这是社会主义制度性质所决定的。 2、安全与生产的辩证统一 在生产建设中,必须用辩证统一的观点去处理好安全与生产关系。也就是说,企业领导者必须善于安排安全和生产。越是生产任务忙,越要重视安全,把安全工作搞好。否则,就会招致工伤事故,既妨碍生产,又影响安全。这是生产实践证明了的一条重要经验教训。 怎样理解安全和生产的辩证统一关系呢?在生产过程中,安全和生产既有矛盾性,又有统一性,所谓矛盾性,首先是生产过程中不安全因素与生产的矛盾。要对不安全因素采取措施时,就要增加支出,或影响生产进度。所谓统一性,对不安全因素采取措施后,改善了劳动条件,职工就有良好的精神状态和劳动热情,劳动生产率就会提高。没有生产活动,安全工作就不会存在;反之,没有安全工作,生产就不能顺利进行,这就是安全与生产互为条件,互相依存的道理,也就


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 大学生交通安全常识 一、大学生交通安全的概念与交通事故的危害交通安全是指不发生交通事故或少发生交通事故的主观条件,即指交通参与者要严格遵守交通法规,提高警惕,不因麻痹大意而发生交通事故。大学生交通安全是指大学生在校园内和校园外的道路行走、乘坐交通工具时的人身安全。只要有行人、车辆、道路这三个交通安全要素存在,就有交通安全问题,也许只是一个小小的意外,就会造成严重后果,断送美好的前程,甚至生命。据上海市交通巡警总队事故防范处统计,2001年上海市大学生发生道路交通事故300起,死亡4人,伤220人。二、大学校园易发生交通事故的主要原因随着高校改革的不断深入,高校与社会的交流越来越频繁,使校园内人流量、车流量急剧增加。许多高校教师拥有私家轿车已不算希奇,摩托车更是普遍,学生骑自行车的很多,开汽车上学也已不再是新闻了。校园道路建设、校园交通管理滞后于高校的发展,一般校园道路都比较狭窄,交叉路口没有信号灯管制,也没有专职交通管理人员管理;校园内人员居住集中,上、下课时容易形成人流高峰等等原因,致使高校的交通环境日益复杂,交通事故经常发生。据武汉某交通大队统计,1999年4月至2002年4月该辖区十余所大专院校校园内发生交通事故16起,伤15人,死亡6人,其中重大交通事故5起。三、大学生交通安全事故的主要表现形式 1、校园内易发生的交通事故校园内 1 / 9

三一口语六级话题 Motivation

三一口语六级话题 Motivation Have you ever tried to lose weight? What motivated you to start a diet? Is it important to motivate children? How do you motivate children? Can some people destroy your motivation? What is something a boss can do to motivate his workers? How are you best motivated? How do you motivate your friends? Have you ever tried to quit smoking? How do you define motivation? What are some of the factors of motivation? What part does motivation plays in effective teaching? What is the role of motivation for slow learners? What are three things that motivate you? Do you feel motivated when you are at school? Do you feel motivated when learning something new? How would you describe motivation? Does motivation affect learning? In what way can we help people to increase their motivation?


危险化学品安全知识 一、什么是危险化学品? 答:凡具有易燃、易爆、有毒、有害、腐蚀、放射性等特性,会对人、设施、环境 造成伤害或损害的化学品。 二、危险化学品分几类? 答:常用危险化学品按其主要危险特性分为8类: 1、爆炸品。如:黑索金、TNT、硝铵炸药、高氯酸铵等。 2、压缩气体和液化气体。如:易燃气体氢气、甲烷、乙烷等;不燃气体氧气、氮气、氩气等;有毒气体一氧化碳、硫化氢等。 3、易燃液体。如:天那水(主要成分苯类)、汽油、煤油及部分柴油、酒精等。 4、易燃固体、自燃物品和遇湿易燃物品。如:红磷、白磷、锂、钠、钾等。 5、氧化剂和有机过氧化剂,如:双氧水、双氧化钠、二氧化镁等。 6、毒害品。 7、放射性物品(不在《危险化学品安全管理条例》管理范围之内)。 8、腐蚀品。如:酸性腐蚀品硝酸,硫酸,盐酸等;碱性腐蚀品烧碱、氨水等,及其它腐蚀品氯化铜、氯化锌等。 三、危险化学品有哪些主要危害? 答:危险化学品的主要危害是易燃、易爆、有毒、有害、腐蚀,环境污染等。 四、控制与消除火源具体措施是哪些? (一)明火主要是生产过程中的加热用火、维修焊割用火及其他火源,它是导致火灾爆炸事故最常见的原因。 1、加热用火 加热易燃危险化学品时,应尽量避免采用明火设备,而宜采用蒸气或其他载热体加热。一定要用明火加热设备时,应远离可能漏气易燃气体或蒸气的工艺设备和贮罐区,并应布置在其上风向或侧风向。 2、切割用火 焊接切割时,飞散的火花及金属熔融碎粒的温度高达1500?2000℃,高空作业时飞散 距离可达20米远,容易引发火灾,在焊割时必须注意以下几点: (1)没有办理《动火作业许可证》,禁止动火。 (2)可以移出易燃易爆危险区域的动火作业,禁止在油气危险区域内动火。 (3)动火单位必须派有资格的安全监护人在现场执行现场监护任务,否则不准动火。(4)作业人员要严格遵守安全操作规程,禁止交叉作业。 (5)动火周围(至少15米范围)的易燃物质清除干净;附近难以移开的易燃物品要采取安全防范措施。 (6)凡盛装过易燃、可燃液体、易燃气体易燃危险物品的容器、管道必须洗刷干净,不能确认为干净的,必须用惰性气体置换到氧气浓度低于2%,或者用水置换。 (7)凡动火点盛装油、气等易燃物品的容器、管道相连的必须用盲板隔开或者拆开连接,呈断开状态。 (8)动火现场必须配备适合的、足够的灭火器材。 (9)动火作业结束后,动火人员必须彻底清理现场火种、残留物,经监护人检查确认没有火险隐患后,才能离开现场。 (10)气焊作业时,应将乙炔发生器放置安全地点,以防回火爆炸伤人或将易燃物引着。(二)摩擦与冲击 1、机器中轴承等转动部分的摩擦,铁器的相互撞击或铁制工具打击混凝土等,都可能发生


企业安全生产方针和安 全生产目标 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

1、企业安全生产方针和安全生产目标 答:安全第一、预防为主、综合治理、以人为本、科学管理、持续改进。安全生产目标:实施安全标准化工作管理,全面落实安全生产责任制,建立以人为本的安全文化理念,搞好本质安全。杜绝重特大设备、人身事故,消除一般事故,避免微小事故发生,不发生环境污染事故,杜绝职业病,不损害员工的身体健康。 2、职工在企业的职责是什么 1、安全生产人人有责,企业的每个员工都应在自己的岗位上,认真履行各自的安全职责,对本岗位的安全生产负直接责任。 2、针对矿山的行业特点,每个员工都要提高安全生产意识,严格认真地做好各项工作。 3、认真学习和遵守各项安全生产规章制度,严格遵守安全生产的各项禁令和规定。 4、严格遵守本岗位的安全生产操作规程,严格遵守劳动、操作、工艺、施工和工作纪律。 5、认真学习并执行各种安全管理制度和规定,不违章作业。 6、正确分析、判断和处理各种事故苗头,把事故消灭在萌芽状态。在发生事故时,及时如实地向上级报告,按事故预案正确处理,并保护现场,做好详细记录。 7、正确操作、精心维护设备、妥善保管、正确使用各种防护器具和消防器材,保持作业环境整洁,搞好文明生产。 8、积极参加各种安全活动、岗位技术练兵和事故预案演练。

9、有权拒绝执行违章作业指令,对他人违章作业加以劝阻和制止。 3、一岗一责内容、有岗必有责上岗必守责。 4.危险点1:倒闸操作危险点及防范措施 1 主变操作的危险点及其防范 变压器操作的危险点主要有:一是切合空载变压器过程中可能出现的操作过电压,危及变压器绝缘;二是变压器空载电压升高,使变压器绝缘遭受损坏。 切合空载变压器产生操作过电压的防范措施 变压器中性点接地,主要是避免产生操作过电压。防范措施是合上变压器中性点接地刀闸。 2 直流回路操作的危险点及其防范 直流系统发生一点接地时查找接地点的检查,某些继电保护及自动装置临时性的检查、退出、投入等。直流回路操作同样存在危险点,如操作方法不正确,也将造成某些保护及自动装置误动作。 控制电源开关的操作防范措施如下: (1) 取下直流控制熔断器时,应先取正极,后取负极。装上直流控制熔断器时,应先装负极,后装正极。这样做的目的是防止产生寄生回路,避免保护装置误动作。 (2) 运行中的保护装置要停用直流电源时,应先停用保护出口连接片,再停用直流回路。恢复时次序相反。 (3) 在断路器停电的操作中,断路器的控制开关应在拉开刀闸之后分开。因为当断路器万一未断开,造成带负荷拉隔离开关时,断路器的保护可动作于跳闸。如果在拉开隔离开关之前取下熔断器,则会因断路器不能跳闸而扩大事故。 (4) 在断路器送电操作中,断路器的控制开关应在合刀闸之前合上。可以检查保护装置和控制回路工作状态是否完好,如有问题,及时处理。另外,这时保护装置已处于准备工作状态,万一在后面的操作中,因断路器的原因造成事故,保护回路可以动作于跳闸。如果在合上隔离开关后,合控制开关,万一因断路器未断开造成带负荷合隔离开关,使断路器不能跳闸而扩大事故。 危险点2:巡检危险点及防范措施


Dear Professor: I’m a postgraduate student from Peking University in China and I’m now a freshman. My English name is Lily, I choose this name because I want my personality as pure and peaceful as lily. During my undergraduate education, I mainly studied Tourism Management in Sun Yat-sen University, and took Business Communication as my minor. I have published a paper named "A Comparative Study on Two Models of Tourism Area Life Cycle" on Tourism Science as a second writer. When graduating, my dissertation had been honored as “outstanding”, and I was the Excellent Graduate Student of grade 06 in 2010. Now I’m studying Environmental Planning and Management in the School of Environment and Energy in Peking University, my main interests concentrate on the environmental law and policy. In my opinion, the technological methods are only one aspect to solve the environmental issues, while, sometimes the social science perspective, like law, policy, risk regulation and etc., is the effective way, maybe the only way, to achieve that goal. So if I’m lucky enough to be admitted by University of Kent, I want to learn Environmental Social Science, and I would like to follow the courses like Social science perspectives on environmental issues, Environmental Law and Policy, International Environmental Law, Environmental anthropology, Environmental Politics, Techniques of Data Analysis and so forth. Although I have limited knowledge about environmental law and policy, I have learnt some basic knowledge about data analysis and anthropology, so I feel confident in myself to learn this subject well. There are two reasons why I want to study abroad: For one reason, In Peking University, my tutor is engaged in the research of environmental law and risk regulation, since I don’t have the background of law and policy, It’s proper for me to take this chance to study environmental social science systematically and to accumulate some research experience, which will makes me competent to do better


安全生产方针 方针是国家或政党在一定历史时期内,为达到一定目标而确定的指导思想和遵循原则。安全生产方针是指我国对安全生产工作所提出的一个总的要求和指导原则,它为安全生产指明了方向。安全生产方针是党和国家为确保安全生产而确定的指导思想和行动准则。要搞好安全生产,就必须有正确的安全生产方针。党和政府有关安全生产的方针、政策是适应生产发展的需要,结合我国的具体情况而制定的,是安全生产的先进经验的总结。不论是实施安全生产的技术措施,还是组织措施,都是在贯彻安全生产的方针和政策。只有安全生产的方针、政策被各级领导和工人群众理解和掌握,并得到贯彻执行,安全生产才有保证。只有充分认识、深刻理解其含义,才能在实践中处理好安全与生产的关系。特别是安全与生产发生矛盾时,要首先解决好安全问题,切实把安全工作提高到关系全局及稳定的高度来认识,把安全视作企业头等大事,从而提高安全生产的责任感与自觉性。 我国的安全生产方针,又称劳动保护方针,我国的安全生产方针经历了一个产生和发展的过程。从五六十年代的“安全第一”,到七十年代之后的“安全第一、预防为主”,再到党的十六届五中全会提出的12字方针,反映了我们对安全生产规律特点认识的不断深化。依据这一方针,必须把防范事故作为安全生产的主体性任务,把工作重心转移到排查治理隐患、提高事故防范能力上来;必须坚持标本兼治、重在治本,综合运用法律、经济、科技手段和必要的行政手段,解决突出问题和深层次问题,建立长效机制。 安全生产方针的产生和发展 安全第一"这个词最早是美国钢铁公司B·H·格里董事长提出来的。1901年,美国的钢铁工业受到经济萧条的影响的冲击,同时,钢铁业作为当时先进的工业行业,客观的高危险性对产业发展造成了明显的影响。1906年,格里从长期接连不断的事故中得出教训,针对钢铁业生产的需要,他别出心裁地把公司提出的经营方针加以变动,将原来的"质量第一"、"产量第二",改为"安全第一"、"质量第二"。"产量第三"。这项方针的改动,致力于安全生产的目标,发现其效果不但减少事故,同时产量和质量都得到提高。既保障了雇员的安全,又使质量,产量得到保证,凯里"安全第一"


消防安全知识119题(含答案) 一﹑单项选择题(每题一个正确答案,共50题) 1.我国消防工作的最高法律是( C )。 A.《中华人民共和国安全生产法》 B.《机关﹑团体﹑企业﹑事业单位消防安全管理规定》 C.《中华人民共和国消防法》 2.消防工作贯彻(C)的方针,坚持专门机关与群众相结合的原则,实行防火安全责任制。A﹑谁主管、谁负责B﹑安全第一,预防为主C﹑预防为主,防消结合 3.《中华人民共和国消防法》自(B)起施行。 A﹑1997年B﹑1998年C﹑2001年 4.我国的“119”消防宣传活动日是(A)。 A 、11月9日 B 、1月19日C、9月11日 5.我国目前通用的火警电话是(B)。 A、911 B、119c、110 6.燃烧是一种放热发光的(B)反应。 A﹑物理B﹑化学C﹑生化 7.火灾初起阶段是扑救火灾(B)的阶段。 A﹑最不利B﹑最有利C﹑较不利 8.烟头中心温度可达(C),它超过了棉、麻、毛织物、纸张、家具等可燃物的燃点,若乱扔烟头接触到这些可燃物,容易引起燃烧,甚至酿成火灾。 A﹑100—200℃B﹑200—300℃C﹑700—800℃。 9﹑消防工作中的爆炸,主要针对的是( B )。 A﹑物理爆炸B﹑化学爆炸C﹑核爆炸 10.采取适当的措施,使燃烧因缺乏或断绝氧气而熄灭,这种方法称作(A)。 A﹑窒息灭火法B﹑隔离灭火法C﹑冷却灭火法 11.使用灭火器扑救火灾时要对准火焰(C)喷射。 A、上部 B、中部 C、根部 12.常用灭火器的压力指示表针指向( C )色区域时表示灭火器压力正常,可以使用。 A﹑红B﹑黄C﹑绿 13.泡沫不能用于扑救(D)火灾。 A、塑料 B、汽油C﹑煤油D、金属钠 14.以下灭火剂中(C)破坏大气的臭氧层,要逐步淘汰使用。 A﹑二氧化碳B﹑干粉C﹑1211 15.电器设备在发生火灾时不应该用(B)。 A﹑卤代烷B﹑水C﹑干粉


安全生产方针 集团企业公司编码:(LL3698-KKI1269-TM2483-LUI12689-ITT289-

安全生产方针安全生产方针,又称劳动保护安全方针。是我国对安全生产工作所提出的一个总的要求和指导原则,它为安全生产指明了方向。要搞好安全生产,就必须有正确的安全生产方针。 1983年国务院在[1983]85号《批转劳动人事部、国家经委、全国总工会关于加强安全生产和劳动安全监察工作的报告的通知》中指出:“在 ‘安全第一,预防为主’的思想指导下搞好安全生产,是经济管理、生产管理部门和企业领导的本职工作,也是不可推卸的责任。”第一次明确提出我国的安全生产方针是“预防为主,安全第一”。 这个安全生产方针,强化了安全生产的重要性,并强调在生产中要做好预防工作,尽可能将事故消灭在萌芽状态。这个方针,其含义是: 1、安全生产工作的重要性 在生产过程中的安全是生产发展的客观需要,特别是现代化生产,更不允许有所忽视,必须强化安全生产,在生产活动中把安全工作放在第一位,当生产与安全发生矛盾时,生产要服从安全。这就是安全第一的含义。

我国是社会主义国家,安全生产是党和国家的一项重要政策,是保护劳动者安全健康和发展生产力的重要工作,同时,也是维护社会安定,促进国民经济稳定、持续、健康发展的基本条件,是社会文明程度的重要标志。安全生产也是社会主义企业管理的一项重要原则,这是社会主义制度性质所决定的。 2、安全与生产的辩证统一 在生产建设中,必须用辩证统一的观点去处理好安全与生产关系。也就是说,企业领导者必须善于安排安全和生产。越是生产任务忙,越要重视安全,把安全工作搞好。否则,就会招致工伤事故,既妨碍生产,又影响安全。这是生产实践证明了的一条重要经验教训。 怎样理解安全和生产的辩证统一关系呢?在生产过程中,安全和生产既有矛盾性,又有统一性,所谓矛盾性,首先是生产过程中不安全因素与生产的矛盾。要对不安全因素采取措施时,就要增加支出,或影响生产进度。所谓统一性,对不安全因素采取措施后,改善了劳动条件,职工就有良好的精神状态和劳动热情,劳动生产率就会提高。没有生产活动,安全工作就不会存在;反之,没有安全工作,生产就不能顺利进行,这就是安全与生产互为条件,互相依存的道理,也就是安全与生产的统一性。


大学生应知应会的交通安全常识 一:步行安全 明确交通安全的知识,遵守交通法规能有效预防和减少交通事故。作为一名大学生,遵守在行车、走路时必须交通法规,人身安全才有了保障。如果我们安全意识淡薄,思想麻痹不重视很容易带来生命之忧。据不完全统计,湖北高校近三年来因乱穿马路造成的交通事故平均每年不低于120起。遵守交通规则,珍爱生命,已成为学校和社会对大学生的迫切要求。 【案例】2009年3月6日,晚上21时,政法学院学生万某在外做家教回学校时,路过湖滨西路(校南二门对面)时,由于没有观察车辆行驶状况,被一辆小轿车撞倒,当场死亡,万某老师、同学悲痛万分,一个年轻的生命就这样被交通事故无情夺去。 二、骑车安全 1、没有刹车或没有安全保证的自行车、电动车不能上路;不要在车行道上学骑自行车。 2、要在非机动车道上行驶,在混行道上要靠右边行驶,不能在机动车道和人行道上行驶。 3、如过较大陡坡或横穿四条以上机动车道时应当推车行走;雨、雪、雾等天气要慢速行驶,路面雪大结冰时要推车慢行。 4、转弯时要提前减速慢行,定要不要急转,转弯时要开启指示灯,不要突然猛拐;

5、不要手中持物骑车,不要双手离把骑车;骑车不要曲折行驶,不要相互竞驶,不要两辆以上并排行驶。 【案例一】2009年4月15日上午10时许,我校一名女生驾驶一辆车牌鄂BGA025两轮摩托车,车后乘坐另一名女生,两人均未戴头盔,在湖师大道与一辆校车放生碰撞。校保卫处及时出警将两名女生送到医院救治。经调查,摩托车驾驶员未考取驾驶证,因操作不当与前方校车发生追尾事故,造成两名女生多处部位受伤,其中一名女生头部受到撞击,现场血迹斑斑。 【案例二】2009年5月29日凌晨1时许,我校一名男生驾驶一辆无牌无证两轮摩托车,行至凤凰超市旁,撞上绿化带,当场翻车,男生躺在草坪上呼呼大睡,车辆倒在一旁,油箱漏出许多汽油,非常危险,好在被保卫处巡逻人员及时发现送往医院,医院诊断为多处软组织受伤,幸无大碍。第二天该生对自己酒驾、无照驾驶行为后悔不已。 【案例三】2013年9月2日下午15:00左右,校马克思主义学院1201班学生张某某驾驶一辆电动车从校门行至牛尾巴十字路口,在遇到红灯的情况下强行左转与一辆从亚光新村行至凤凰山隧道的出租车发生碰撞,张某某当场倒地,出租车司机随即报警送往市中心医院治疗。经医院诊断,张某某腰椎受损。交警事故认定认为张某某因在十字路口冲红灯强行左转,在此事故中占70%,负主要责任,出租车在此事故中占30%,负次要责任。张某某驾驶的电动车因冲红灯、又未戴安全头盔的违法行为造成该事


工厂消防安全知识培训 安全工程师吕老师的工厂消防安全知识培训课程,以火灾案例形式分析了当前火灾的频发性和突发性,重点就火灾发生的原因、危害、防火灭火常识、逃生技巧、常用灭火器的性能、原理及使用方法等以图文并茂的形式,通过列举典型火灾案例,为大家上了一堂深刻的消防安全知识课,使全体职工深刻体会到消防知识的重要性,进一步提高了消防安全防范意识及自防自救能力。 课程主题:工厂消防安全知识培训 课程时间:1-2天 课程预定: 工厂消防安全知识培训课程大纲 第一讲:消防和火灾 第一节消防的概念 一、消防工作方针、原则和责任制 二、火灾的概念 第二节火灾的危害 一、造成惨重的直接财产损失 二、间接财产损失更为严重 三、造成大量的人员伤亡 四、破坏生态平衡、造成环境影响 五、造成不良的社会政治影响 第三节引起火灾的几个规律

一、火灾时段分布为冬季高发 二、农村和县城集镇火灾所占比重较大 三、夜间火灾的亡人率高出白天三倍多 四、电气火灾所占比重大 第二讲:消防法律知识 第一节消防法律体系 一、消防法规的概念 二、消防法规的形式 三、消防法简释 第二节违反消防法规的刑事责任 一、消防刑事责任 二、消防监督相关刑事责任 三、案例简析 第三节违反消防法规的行政责任 一、消防行政违法案件的概念和特征 二、消防行政责任 三、案例简析 第四节违反消防法规的民事责任 一、民法简述 二、消防相关民事责任 三、案例简析 第三讲:建筑消防安全知识

第一节建筑防火常识 一、建筑物的分类 二、建筑物的耐火等级 三、生产和贮存物品的火灾危险性分类 四、防火间距 五、防火分隔物 六、防爆泄压 七、安全疏散 八、室内消防给水 九、“三合一”建筑 十、高层建筑的火灾特点 十一、有关建筑消防的法律规定 第二节消防安全标志 一、消防安全标志的分类 二、消防安全标志的设置 …… 第四讲:公众聚集场所消防安全知识 第五讲:危险化学品消防安全知识 第六讲:消防技术服务机构和执业人员的资质、资格第七讲:火灾预防知识 第八讲:应对火灾的方法 第九讲:火灾公众责任保险


学生交通安全 据有关报道,自从有机动车道路交通事故死亡记录以来,全世界死于道路交通事故的人数已超过3200万人,近百年来累计死于交通事故的人数已超过两次世界大战中死亡人数的总和。全世界每年有100多万人死于交通事故,其中我国每年就有近十万人死于交通事故。交通事故已成为人类死亡的第五大要因,仅次于心脏病、癌症、突发病(中风)和肺炎。在我们的日常生活中,有许多的突发事故是可以通过努力预防和避免的。事实证明,良好的安全意识、自觉地遵守交通法规、快速灵敏的反应、正确的救护技巧是预防交通事故、最大限度的避免或减轻伤害的有效手段。 聚焦案例: 吉林某高校大三学生王某,虽然是个近视眼,可他却最喜欢戴着耳塞边听音乐边走路边看书,有时候汽车到了他跟前才发觉。有同学曾提醒过他要注意安全,他却当作耳边风。2006年10月的一天下午,他跟往常一样一边听着音乐、看着书回宿舍,经过一个是十字路口时,一辆桑塔纳轿车从他左侧开过来,汽车鸣笛,他丝毫没有避让的意思,结果汽车刹车不及将他撞倒,造成左手骨折,幸好车速不是太快,否则性命难保。 从这个案例中可以看出,该同学不够重视交通安全,注意力分散,终酿成大祸,自食其果。在平时的生活中,大学生要重视交通安全,学习和积累交通安全常识,自觉遵守交通规则,无论在校园内还是校园外出行时,要做到“眼观六路,耳听八方”,时刻注意来往车辆和行人,做到注意力不分散,及时避让往来车辆,学会保护自己的人身安全。 特别提醒: 大学生步行、骑车、驾车、乘车、乘坐飞机、火车、轮船等交通工具外出时,时刻要注意交通安全问题,要把自己的生命安全摆在第一位,不能有丝毫的松懈和疏忽。 一、大学生易发生的交通事故主要类型 近几年来,随着各种车辆的剧增,大学生发生的交通事故呈不断上升趋势。大学生在校园内外发生的交通事故类型主要有: 1.被机动车撞伤、撞死。大学生发生交通事故致伤致死的,主要是与机动车相撞造成的,其中有的是汽车,有的是摩托车。被撞伤、撞死的大学生有的是在马路上骑自行车,有的是步行横过马路或者在便道上行走,还有的是在车站候车。被撞伤、撞死的大学生,有的要承担一定的责任,如骑车违章带人、闯红灯、逆行,过马路不走人行横道,在校园道路上踢球、拍球、嬉笑打闹,在马路上边走边聊天等;有些交通事故是机动车驾驶员违章造成的,如学生在非机动车道被汽车撞伤、撞死;学生在绿灯放行的情况下步行通过人行横道,被违章的汽车撞伤、撞死;学生在车站站台候车,被酒后驾车者撞伤、撞死;学生在校园内人行便道上行走,被违章汽车撞伤、撞死等。


规章制度:________ 化学品库房消防安全管理制度 单位:______________________ 部门:______________________ 日期:______年_____月_____日 第1 页共5 页

化学品库房消防安全管理制度 1.1目的 加强消防安全管理、预防火灾事故的发生,保障工厂财产和员工生命安全及生产的正常进行。 1.2适用范围 适用于工厂危险化学品库房、油库的消防安全管理。 2相关文件 外来文件:《易燃易爆化学物品消防安全管理办法》 3.1危险化学品:是指爆炸品、压缩气体和液化气体、易燃液体、易燃固体、自燃物品和遇湿易燃物品、氧化剂和有机氧化物、有毒品和腐蚀品。 3.2危险化学品库:储存危险化学品的库房。 5化学品库消防安全制度 5.1库房管理 5.1.1库房管理部门须指定专门的化学品库消防安全责任人,其职责是:负责库房消防器材的管理和日常消防安全检查。 5.1.2仓库管理员应经过专门的消防安全知识培训,了解、掌握所保管的化学品性质、灭火方法以及消防器材的使用,持证上岗。 5.1.3库房内所使用的电气设备都应为防火、防爆电器。电器维修时必须由设备动力科专业人员进行。 5.1.4化学性质相抵触或灭火方法不同的易燃易爆物品不得同库存放。 5.1.5库房内物品的存放应严格按要求留有通道(1m)、垛距、墙 第 2 页共 5 页

距(0.5m),储量不超过0.5t/m2。 5.1.6禁止烟火等警示标志要明显,消防器材配备齐全、完好。在库房内及库房周围动用明火,须严格执行动火作业审批制度,并采取必要措施后方能动火。 5.1.7库房安装有避雷设施,避雷设施每年检测一次。 5.1.8库房内不许设置办公室,除库房管理员及安检人员外其他人员不得进入库房,必须进入库房的搬运工等,严禁携带火种。 5.2操作管理 5.2.1库房管理员接班后,应对库房全面巡视,检查存放物品、设备设施、防雷设施、消防器材是否正常,如有异常及时处理并报告主管或制造部。 5.2.2危险化学品入库时,应严格检验物品质量、数量、包装情况、有无泄漏,杜绝隐患。对于物品性质不清的化学品不得入库。 5.2.3运输甲类危险物品的车辆须停放在远离库房10米之外的空地上,再通过叉车转运到库房门口,叉车不得进入库房,要求叉车排气口距离库房门口不得少于3米,然后通过人工转运进库。 5.2.3装卸、搬运危险化学品时,要做到轻装、轻卸,严禁摔、碰、撞、击、拖拉、倾倒和滚动。 5.2.4库房内严禁分装作业。 5.2.5库房管理员应做到对库房一日两检,及时开启通风设备强制通风。 5.2.6对于初起火灾库房管理员应及时组织扑救,并按应急响应流程执行。 5.2.7下班时应仔细检查库房内物品、设施,确定正常后,关闭电 第 3 页共 5 页


目录 安全生产方针和目标 (3) 安全方针 (3) 安全生产目标 (3) 安全生产方针和目标的措施 (5) 制定目标落实计划 (5) 健全安全管理机构 (5) 安全责任体系 (5) 法规和安全管理制度 (6) 安全投入 (7) 装备设施 (8) 人员安全管理 (8) 作业管理 (9) 危险源辨识与风险控制 (10) 隐患排查与治理 (10)

职业健康 (11) 安全文化 (11) 应急救援 (11) 事故报告调查处理 (12) 绩效考核与持续改进 (12) 安全生产方针及目标管理制度 (14) 安全生产方针及具体要求 (14) 安全生产目标及具体要求 (14) 安全生产方针及目标的制定、实施、管理 (15) 安全生产方针和目标 为了贯彻落实“安全第一,预防为主、综合治理”的方针,巩固项目部安全生产秩序,加强项目部安全标准化管理,落实安全生产责任制,特制定安全生产的方针和目标。 一、安全方针 1、安全第一,预防为主。 2、落实责任、确保安全。

3、预防为主、加强保护。 4、遵守法规、强化管理。 5、改善环境、保护健康。 二、安全生产目标 项目部全体在岗员工认真学习和贯彻《中华人民共和国安全生产法》等法律法规,严格执行各项制度和职责,实现六个为零,四个达标。 (1)六个为零: 死亡(含交通责任)事故为零 重大火灾(爆炸)事故为零 重大设备事故为零 重大责任事故为零 重大环境污染事故为零 职工职业病发病率为零 (2)重伤率控制在生产总值每亿元‰以下。 (3)安全责任签约率为100%。 (4)在岗员工安全教育率100%。

(5)无治安案件与影响社会稳定的事件。 安全生产方针和目标的措施 为了实现项目部的安全生产工作方针与目标,特此制定相应的工作要求和措施,明确责任人以及完成的时间节点等。 一、制定目标落实计划。 1、制订和实施项目部安全生产工作方针与目标的措施。 2、根据公司安全生产中长期规划和公司跨年度安全生产工作方案制定项目部的安全生产年度计划和安年度安全活动方案。 3、将安全生产管理指标进行细化和分解,制定阶段性的安全生产控制指标。 4、制定安全生产目标考核与奖励办法。 5、定期考核项目部的年度安全生产目标完成情况,并奖罚兑现。 二、健全安全管理机构 1、项目部成立安全生产领导小组,明确职责,实行“一岗双责、党政同责、失职追责”的基本要求。 2、按规定足额配备专职安全生产和应急管理人员。 3、定期召开安全生产领导小组会议,每个月要召开一次安全工作例会。 三、安全责任体系


大学生必须牢记的交通安全常识 (一)、大学校园易发生交通事故的客观原因 随着高校改革的不断深入,高校与社会的交流越来越频繁,使校园内人流量、车流量急剧增加。高校教师拥有私家轿车的数量不断攀升,学生骑自行车、电瓶车的很多,开汽车上学也已不再是新闻了。校园道路建设、校园交通管理滞后于高校的发展,一般校园道路都比较狭窄,交叉路口没有信号灯管制,也没有专职交通管理人员管理;校园内人员居住集中,上、下课时容易形成人流高峰等原因,致使高校的交通环境日益复杂,交通事故经常发生。 (二)、大学生交通安全事故的主观原因 校园内发生交通事故的主观原因是当事人思想麻痹和安全意识淡薄。许多大学生刚刚离开父母和家庭,缺乏社会生活经验,头脑里交通安全意识比较淡薄,同时有的同学在思想上还存在校园内骑车和行走肯定比公路上安全的错误认识,一旦遇到意外,发生交通事故就在所难免。引发校园内发生交通事故的主观因素有以下几种:(1)注意力不集中。这是最主要的形式,表现为行人在走路时边走路边看书边听音乐,或者左顾右盼、心不在焉。(2)在路上进行球类活动。大学生精力旺盛、活泼好动,即使在路上行走也是蹦蹦跳跳、嬉戏打闹,甚至有时还在路上进行球类活动,更是增加了发生事故的危险。(3)“骑飞车”、“炫车技”。由于高校校园面积都比较大,宿舍与教室、图书馆等之间的距离比较远,许多大学生购买了自行车,上课或下课时骑着自行车在人流中穿行。但部分学生骑车不以保证安全为重,经常在校内骑飞车、甚至不握车把、甩手骑车来“炫耀”自己的车技,这是对自己和他人的人身安全极不负责的表现。 (三)、校园外常见的交通事故 1、行走时发生交通事故。大学生余暇空闲时购物、观光、访友要到市区活动,这些地方车流量大,行人多,各种交通标志眼花缭乱,与校园相比交通状况更加复杂,若缺乏通行经验发生交通事故的概率很高。难怪上海一所著名大学的校长说:“在各个大学中普遍存在这样一种情况,少数学生书读得越多,越不会走路,遵守交通规则的意识越淡薄,不仅在校园里乱骑车、乱停车,在马路上行走违反交通规则也时有发生。”
