


题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People care more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder.

I think it will be impossible for the public to work hard any more if no more money is given.

First, money has become the most universal evaluation nowadays, we judge on a person's hard work largely by how much money he has made. Modern phycology already revealed the fact that the ultimate purpose for a people living on the planet is to make achievements. Among all the achievements, the most substantial one is money, and this is called capitalism, the most advancing and widely believed form of government across the world. Historian Thomas Sowell, in his book, expressed his opinion about the advantage of evaluating works by money. "With the appearance of coinage, our world is progressing into an era which judges a person by wealth, which is relatively equally accessible with hardworking instead of nobility, which is unreachable with working alone." The whole world has already adopted the concept that money equals achievement, and then equals hardworking, there is no reason for us to go against it. So only by given money can we work hard, only by given more money, can we work harder.

Second, money is actually a vital part of public recognition which cannot just be torn apart. Public recognition doesn't contradict the money, when we read newspapers, we will concern how much money does this project cost, how much budget does this country's congress spend on military so that we will know whether we are going demonstration, the flood in Thai destroyed the semiconductor factory so that the next generation of iPhone will be expensive. The integrity of public recognition makes it never stands alone with money excluded, so it is not wise to talk about public recognition without money around.

In conclusion, the so-called ”public recognition” with t he absence of paying money will never raise people's willingness about hardworking.
