Article1HRM in SMEs China

Article1HRM in SMEs China
Article1HRM in SMEs China

Asia Paci?c Business Review


Small and medium-sized enterprises in China:a literature review, human resource management and suggestions for further research

Li Xue Cunningham*and Chris Rowley

Centre for Research on Asian Management,Cass Business School,City University,London,UK

As the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)has increased,it has

been accompanied by an increase in the amount of research attention paid to them.This

has been the case in Asia,and also China.However,this work concentrates mainly on

entrepreneurship,small business development and government support.Moreover,the

fact is that in terms of issue focus,it is?nance,marketing and ownership rather than

people management that are the central themes of the discussion.However,there are

some studies of human resource management(HRM)in SMEs in China.Our study here

provides a broad review of prior work,and the results highlight some important issues

for the study of HRM in SMEs and call for the development of more sophisticated

theoretical models and more longitudinal research.

Keywords:Asia;China;human resource management(HRM);management;small

and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)


China,a growing economic superpower,has achieved an annual gross domestic product (GDP)growth rate of7to13%for nearly three decades from the1980s,even through the Asian Financial Crisis of1997when some other high-growth economies in the region stagnated and declined(Hsiung2003).Along with the quickening pace of the structural adjustment of Chinese state-owned enterprises(SOEs)in the past few years,small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)have played an important role in the economy,easing employment pressure,boosting non-governmental investment and helping in bringing about market prosperity(Anderson et al.2003,Zhang2005).

However,SMEs face enormous pressures as China integrates more into the world economy(Cunningham and Rowley2008).In?uences,such as globalization, technological innovation and demographic and social change(Yu et al.2001),as well as the level of technology deployed,innovative ability,?nancial support and entrepreneurship that can be found in the business environment,all impact on SMEs as both external and internal factors.Consequently,the way SMEs develop in an increasingly competitive market has become one key issue.Part of this involves the use of human resources(HR).

Some non-Asian literature addresses the importance of human resource management (HRM)in SME development.A number of studies con?rm the signi?cance of a well-motivated,highly skilled workforce as being a key to the success of smaller?rms(for example,Marlow2000,Hornsby and Kuratko2003,Gray and Mabey2005).Although SMEs are criticized for their failure to use practices such as so-called high performance *Corresponding author.Email:xue.cunningham.1@,

ISSN1360-2381print/ISSN1743-792X online



320L.X.Cunningham and C.Rowley

work practices(HPWP)(Kok and Uhlaner2001,Cassell et al.2002,Storey2004),some research on SMEs demonstrates that not only is a HPWP utilized in some small businesses (Bacon et al.1996,Baron and Kreps1999),but also that the linkage between HRM and organizational outcomes exists in SMEs.By using structural equation modelling,for instance,Sels et al.(2006)conclude that the positive relation between an‘intensive’HRM system,which re?ects a con?guration of‘best practices’in six HRM areas(selection, training,careers,appraisal,compensation and participation),and pro?tability in Belgian small?rms(,100employees)matches prior empirical work on this topic in larger companies.The analysis of371small?rms(,100employees)in Australia also shows that the implementation of formal HRM structures and procedures necessary to support growth differs between successful and unsuccessful SMEs(Kotey and Slade2005).Thus,it is evident that HRM is crucial in SMEs’development,as HRM may provide a useful vehicle for?rms to obtain sustainable advantages in an increasingly competitive environment.

Although the potential of HRM to add value to the?rm is recognized by a number of SMEs,little attention has been paid to the study of HRM in SMEs in China.As the importance of SMEs in China has increased,it is critical to review research on HRM in SMEs to identify the‘gaps’or areas that exist in current coverage.Therefore,the purpose of this present study is to provide an overall examination of research on HRM in SMEs in China.First,some literature addressing HRM in SMEs is discussed by looking at the nature of HRM in SMEs and the importance of contextual factors on HRM‘take-up’in enterprises.Then,research methods and data collection processes are described. The?ndings are then illustrated using data analysis.Finally,our study draws together some conclusions and offers useful possible future research perspectives for this increasingly important area.


Of course,we need to note conceptual and de?nitional dif?culties here.We will not become engrossed in debates about what HRM is and if and how it is different from earlier forms of people management,such as Personnel Management(PM)or that it is less likely to be found the smaller the organization.Rather,we simply note that as organizations grow in size and complexity,a priori,the likelihood of more systematic people management and PM,and?nally HRM,do so too.

The nature of HRM in SMEs

Although the status of SMEs in the general management literature has been contested (for example,Torres and Julies2005,Harney and Dundon2006,Behrends2007), many HRM researchers conclude that SMEs tend towards an informal HRM approach (see Table1).They also argue that this approach re?ects some key characteristics of SMEs themselves,such as?exibility,informality,external uncertainty and innovation.For example,Marlow’s(2000)investigation of64SMEs(,210employees)reveals that such ?rms rely largely on an informal and?exible approach to strategic HRM activities because of external uncertainty due to market volatility.Similarly,Hill and Stewart(2000)claim that the nature of HR development(HRD)in SMEs(,250employees)mirrors the characteristics of SMEs themselves,such as being reactive,informal and short-term in outlook.Furthermore,the study in Hong Kong by Siu(2000)illustrates that SMEs(,500 employees)are highly sensitive to changing tendencies and environments,and that this sensitivity itself is deeply re?ected in daily management practices.

T a b l e 1.O v e r v i e w o f e m p i r i c a l r e s e a r c h o n H R M i n S M E s .

A u t h o r (s )/(y e a r )C o u n t r y N a t u r e o f s a m p l e

H R M c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s i n S M E s

H a r n e y a n d D u n d o n (2006)B a c o n a n d H o q u e (2005)K o t e y a n d S l a d e (2005)S t o r e y (2004)

C a s s e l l e t a l .(2002)M a r l o w (2002)

K o k a n d U h l a n e r (2001)M a r l o w (2000)H i l l a n d S t e w a r t (2000)C a r r o l e t a l .(1999)D u n d o n e t a l .(1999)

I r e l a n d U K

A u s t r a l i a

O E C D c o u n t r i e s (6)U K


T h e N e t h e r l a n d s U K



6S M E s (,250e m p l o y e e s )

338p r i v a t e s e c t o r w o r k p l a c e s (,250e m p l o y e e s )371s m a l l g r o w i n g ?r m s (,100e m p l o y e e s )S M E s (,500e m p l o y e e s )

122s e n i o r m a n a g e r s (,250e m p l o y e e s )44m a n u f a c t u r i n g ?r m s (,200e m p l o y e e s )16?r m s (,50e m p l o y e e s )

64?r m s (,210e m p l o y e e s )

S M E s (,250e m p l o y e e s )

40s e r v i c e ?r m s (7–207e m p l o y e e s )S e r v i c e ?r m (65e m p l o y e e s )

I n f o r m a l a n d e m e r g e n t ,h e t e r o g e n e i t y a n d c o m p l e x i t y .

I n f o r m a l i t y w i d e s p r e a d a n d d i v e r s e r a n g e o f ‘e n t e r p r i s e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s ’e x p l a i n s v a r i a t i o n i n e m p l o y e r s t r a t e g i e s .I n f o r m a l i n t h e m a j o r i t y .

M o s t e f f e c t i v e l e a r n i n g n o t t h r o u g h f o r m a l t r a i n i n g b u t t h r o u g h e x p e r i e n c e .

F a i r l y p i e c e m e a l a n d r e a c t i v e ,r a t h e r t h a n p r o a c t i v e ,h o l i s t i c o r s y s t e m i c a p p r o a c h .

I n f o r m a l i t y a n d ?e x i b i l i t y a r e m a j o r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f e m p l o y e e r e l a t i o n s .

H e t e r o g e n e o u s a n d i n f o r m a l .

A c t i v i t i e s f a r m o r e i n f o r m a l a n d ‘h a n d s o n ’t h a n p r e v i o u s l y s u g g e s t e d b y d e s i g n s c h o o l a d v o c a t e s .N a t u r e o f H R D i s r e a c t i v e ,i n f o r m a l a n d s h o r t -t e r m i n o u t l o o k .

L i t t l e i n w a y o f f o r m a l i z e d a n d s y s t e m a t i c p r o c e d u r e s p r e s c r i b e d i n t e x t b o o k s .

N a t u r e o f l a b o u r m a n a g e m e n t r e l a t i o n s d y n a m i c ,c o n t r a d i c t o r y a n d c o n t i n g e n t .

Asia Paci?c Business Review


322L.X.Cunningham and C.Rowley

While the literature suggests that informality is the basis of the nature of HRM in SMEs,the dynamic of informality has been highlighted by many researchers(for example, Ram et al.2001,Harney and Dundon2006).By analysing338workplaces in the private sector in the UK,Bacon and Hoque(2005)conclude that informality is widespread,but not universal.Kotey and Slade’s(2005)study of371small?rms(,100employees)in Australia also shows that HRM remains informal in the majority of?rms,while a signi?cant percentage of SMEs implement formal HRM practices with growth.Again,the ?ndings by Harney and Dundon(2006)in six SMEs(,250employees)in Ireland con?rm that there is a distinct mix of HRM policies and practices which are uneven and contradictory and imbued with varying levels of formality and informality amongst and within SMEs.Indeed,as Ram et al.(2001,p.846)state,informality in SMEs is‘a matter of degree and not kind,and its nature may vary as much between?rms of a given size as between large and small ones’.Thus,‘all?rms combine formality and informality just as they combine control and consent.The balance differs as conditions vary’(Ram et al. 2001,p.859).

Overall,the literature reinforces the view that informality,which is de?ned as‘a process of workforce engagement,collective and/or individual,based mainly on unwritten customs and the tacit understandings that arise out of the interaction of the parties at work’(Ram et al.2001,p.846),is the core concept upon which HRM in SMEs is based. Therefore,the following proposition is put forward:

1.The approach to HRM in SMEs in China will show informality,which is determined

by the characteristics of a SME and the ever-changing market environment.

Contextual factors in HRM in SMEs

In SME studies,empirical evidence demonstrates that institutional in?uences have strong impacts on HRM practices(see Table2).For instance,the evidence drawn from six SMEs operating in Ireland shows that a complex interplay of external structural factors and internal dynamics shaped HRM in the companies(Harney and Dundon2006).Likewise, one of the greatest mistakes of much early research was its failing to link employee relations processes in small?rms with external factors(tax,social insurance structures, product markets and inter-organizational relationships),or failing to place SMEs in a longer-term economic context(MacMahon1996).Again,a number of researchers point out that one of the key characteristics of SMEs is that they are highly sensitive to changing tendencies and external environments(Siu2000,Hill and Stewart2000).

In the context of Asia,Whitley(1992)addresses the importance of national institutions in the development and continued effectiveness of particular business structures and practices.Related to HRM in particular,Rowley et al.(2004)argue that the area of HRM is probably the most context-sensitive aspect of management in the region since the history,culture and institutions of these countries have retained their power and in?uence even into the twenty-?rst century.In relation to HRM in China,a number of studies have veri?ed that Chinese culture,national institutions and organizational factors all have strong impacts on the take-up of HRM practices(for example,Wright et al.2002,Gamble 2003,Hassard et al.2004,Wei and Lau2005).Although the discussion is based mainly on large?rms due to the lack of research into SMEs,it is believed that the factors affecting the transferability of HRM practices in larger?rms will also in?uence SMEs because of the same national culture and institutions in which they are embedded(Chen1995,Child and Warner2003).In the view of the above,the following proposition is put forward:

Asia Paci?c Business Review323 Table2.Contextual factor?ndings of HRM in SME studies.

Author(s)Nature of sample Context factors on

(year/location)(number/employees)HRM practices

Edwards and Ram123(,50)Survival relies on dynamic use of resources (2006/UK)and context of changing economic and

regulatory conditions.

Chandler and McEvoy66(median?31)Production strategy is key factor in determination (2000/US)of which practices adopted.

Hill and Stewart(,250)More likely to evolve and change based on (2000/UK)external environment than in larger?rms.

Ram(2000/UK)3(,15)Sectoral characteristics are key considerations

in training practice.

Kinnie et al.(1999/UK)3(130–450)Changing environment within which operating

contributing to signi?cant developments in

way employee relations managed.

Wong et al.(1997/UK)138(25–500)Factors shaping HR development:HR supply,

industry sector,product–market structure,

location,competition in product market,

ownership and organizational character of?rm. Duberley and Walley(,500)Key factor in?uencing adoption of practices (1995/UK)–perceptions held by senior management

about how best to deal with opportunities

and threats posed by environment.

Stanworth and Curran8(,200)Small?rm as a social grouping cannot be (1981/UK)analysed as if isolated from trends in wider


2.The development of HRM in SMEs in China has been affected by a set of wider

in?uences,including social,cultural and institutional factors.Therefore,it is likely that this tendency will continue.


De?nition of SMEs

Table3shows that there is no general,legally binding de?nition for SMEs globally.SMEs are de?ned against various criteria,such as different sectors,the number of workers employed, the volume of output or sales,the value of assets employed and even the use of energy(ILO 2003).In addition,the de?nitions of SME differ from one country to another,as they can be based on a nation’s history and economic situation.For example,Germany de?nes an SME as having fewer than500employees whereas South Korea classi?es an SME as having fewer than1000employees(Zhou and Cheng2003).Furthermore,within a country or region, de?nitions of SMEs vary at different stages of economic development.For example,in the US,the number of employees used to categorize SMEs in the manufacturing sector was less than250in1953,but this?gure was recently amended to no more than1000employees (Zhou and Cheng2003).Another example is that in China the de?nitions and criteria of SME have been adjusted four times since1949.In2003,a new‘Standards on the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises’document was published to relevant government agencies with the approval of the State Council in China(Cunningham and Rowley2007).The standards apply to the government statistics for work and replace the old classi?cation standards,which came into effect in1988,and the supplementary standards published in1992.

324L.X.Cunningham and C.Rowley

Table3.De?nitions of SME in Asian countries.

Country Sector category Criteria/of?cial de?nition

Hong Kong,Manufacturing,100employees

China Non-manufacturing,50employees

Indonesia SME,100employees

Japan Manufacturing,mining,300employees or invested capital

and transportation,construction,£0.42million

Wholesale trade,100employees or capitalization


Retail trade and services,50employees or capitalization


Korea Manufacturing,300employees,£10.89–£43.57million

of capital(assets)

Mining and transportation,300employees Construction;,200

employees Commerce and other service


Malaysia Small and medium,150full time workers or shareholder


Philippines SME,200employees,asset size,£0.63million Singapore Manufacturing?xed assets,S$15million

Services,200employees and?x assets,£4.98million Taiwan Manufacturing,mining,200employees and,£0.93million

and construction

Services industries and others,50employees and,£1.24million sales volume Thailand SME,?200employees or?xed assets,£1.49million Vietnam SME No?xed de?nition,generally,500employees Note:Local currency converted to GBP(£)based on exchange rate at,.

Source:Adapted from Cunningham and Rowley(2007).

Sampling methods

Two online search engines,‘Business Premier Source’and‘Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Management Library’,were used in this study.The reasons for using these two search engines are largely due to the fact of their leading roles in the world’s scholarly business database.For example,the‘Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management Library’comprises 12volumes,with over4400entries each covering major subject areas,while‘Business Source Complete’offers a comprehensive coverage for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as1886,providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content.In order to reduce the stated weakness of the methodology,the search terms were also applied to some of the more general academic databases,such as‘ISI web of knowledge’and‘Google Scholar’.

From the perspective of managing people in China,the modern key reforms have occurred since1986.Thus,the timeline for the current review was set up as between1988 and2008,assuming that most HRM studies would be carried out after1986and,given the normal research and publication lags,studies would not be completed and published until after1988.The initial search was by using several search parameters(‘China’or ‘Chinese’,‘human resource management’or‘human resource’,‘small and medium sized enterprises’or‘SMEs’or‘small businesses’,‘academic journal’,‘1988to2008’),but generated zero articles.After adjusting the parameters by removing‘small and medium sized enterprises’or‘SMEs’or‘small businesses’,a total of93articles were derived from the databases.Those93articles were all China,HRM-related and published as academic

Asia Paci?c Business Review325 articles between1988and2008.Excluding studies with a focus on Hong Kong and/or Taiwan,introductions or conclusions from editors and book reviews,?nally some70 articles were selected.Then,the research process involved the printing of all the tables of contents and abstracts.After a thorough screening on these70articles,16articles were identi?ed as paying special attention to HRM in SMEs in China(see Table4).

Data analysis and results

Figure1exhibits the numbers of empirical HRM studies in China over the two decades from1988to2008.It shows that there has been a signi?cant rise of HRM studies since 1998.For instance,the total number of empirical studies in the last10years between1998 and2008jumped to6.6times as many as those in the?rst10years from1998.Moreover, the?gure suggests that an impressive progress in HRM study in SMEs has been achieved. Thus,the number of SME-related HR articles has steadily increased to over one-third of the total numbers of HRM articles in the same period,going from0%(1988–1997)to 28.5%(1998–2002)to36%(2003–2008).Although large-sized enterprises are still the centre of the discussion,accounting for over two-thirds(36studies,68%),it is evident that the weight of HRM study in China has started to tilt more towards SME-related areas. Thus,the growth of HRM studies in SMEs implies that academics and researchers are recognizing the importance of SMEs in HRM studies.

Looking at the nature(organizational and sectoral types)of HRM studies in SMEs in China,Table5illustrates a focus on the importance of private enterprises(PEs)in SMEs’development in over one-half of the research(8studies,50%).Also,a sectoral bias continues,with manufacturing industry(7studies,44%)still the dominant sector to study. In addition,the geographical focus of HRM studies in SMEs is largely along the coastal regions of China.The two largest cities(Beijing and Shanghai)and the two main provinces(Guangdong and Jiangsu)of China were the most frequently chosen areas and/or cities for the research(13studies,81.25%).In contrast to a high involvement of coastal China,only3studies(18.75%)(Zheng1999,2006,Li et al.2006)included central and/or Western China as part of their investigation.

In relation to the content of HRM studies in SMEs in China,three main themes can be concluded from looking at the previous research.These are,?rst,the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance(5studies,31%);second,the impacts and importance of contextual factors in the adoption of HRM(7studies,44%);third,the differences between traditional Chinese personnel management(PM)and Western HRM practices(4studies,25%).

Whilst several key issues that are associated with HRM practices in SMEs in China are investigated from different perspectives(see Table4),the results also show that a wide variety of HRM practices are examined in the studies(see Table6).Those HRM practices can be categorized under the four major categories that capture much of HRM’s content, namely,employee resourcing,development,rewards and relations.Among four key HRM categories,the?ndings illustrate that recruitment(7studies,43.75%)and selection practice (6studies,37.5%)are the most repeatedly studied areas in employee resourcing,while training practice(10studies,62.5%)is a central issue in employee development.Incentive pay(8studies,50%)and social bene?ts(6studies,37.5%)have drawn the most attention in HR research,whereas trade unions(4studies,25%)and workers’congress(2studies, 12.5%)are two key aspects often covered in the discussion of employee relations.

The reasons that certain HRM practices are more frequently studied than others are several.For instance,effective recruitment and selection,high level training and high

T a b l e 4.R e v i e w o f H R M i n S M E s t u d i e s ,1988–2008.

A u t h o r s (y e a r )S i z e b y e m p l o y e e s (n o ./%)

H R M e x a m i n e d /c o v e r a g e

G e n e r a l H R p r a c t i c e s G o o d a l l ,K .a n d W a r n e r ,M .(1998)43–820e m p l o y e e s (20)P r a c t i c e s i n f o r e i g n -i n v e s t e d ?r m s W a r n e r (1999),500(8o u t o f 12)P r a c t i c e s i n s m a l l /l a r g e h i g h -t e c h ?r m s W a n g a n d Q i a o (2007),150P r a c t i c e s i n s m a l l ?r m s C u n n i n g h a m a n d R o w l e y (2008),500P r a c t i c e s i n s m a l l a n d m e d i u m s i z e d ?r m s

L i n k b e t w e e n H R p r a c t i c e s a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n a l p e r f o r m a n c e Z h e n g ,C (1999)n o d e ?n i t i o n P r a c t i c e s i n S M E s D e n g ,M e n g u c ,a n d B e n s o n (2003),500(96.9%)E f f e c t s o f H R M o n e x p o r t p e r f o r m a n c e Z h e n g ,C .e t a l .(2006)20-500P e r f o r m a n c e e f f e c t o f H R M p r a c t i c e s i n S M E s L i ,Y .,Z h a o ,Y .,a n d L i u ,Y .(2006),500(74.7%)E f f e c t s o f H R M o n t e c h n o l o g i c a l i n n o v a t i o n a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n a l p e r f o r m a n c e

S t a f ?n g C h o w ,F u n g ,a n d Y u e (1999),500(76%)J o b t u r n o v e r i n l a r g e /s m a l l m a n u f a c t u r i n g e n t e r p r i s e s

T r a i n i n g N g ,Y .C .a n d S i u ,N .Y .M .(2004),500(p a r t )I m p a c t o f t r a i n i n g o n ?r m p e r f o r m a n c e i n s m a l l a n d l a r g e ?r m s

C o m p e n s a t i o n a n d B e n e ?t s

D i n g ,A k h t a r ,a n d G e (2006),500(64%)I m p a c t o f o r g a n i z a t i o n a l f a c t o r s o n m a n a g e r s ’c o m p e n s a t i o n a n d b e n e ?t s

E m p l o y e e r e l a t i o n s C o o k e ,

F .L .(2002)n o d e ?n i t i o n E m p l o y e e r e l a t i o n s i n s m a l l m a n u f a c t u r i n g ?r m s C o o k e ,F .L .(2005),100E m p l o y e e r e l a t i o n s i n s m a l l c o m m e r c i a l ?r m s

O t h e r s V e r b u r g e t a l .(1999)M e d i u m (n o d e ?n i t i o n )C o m p a r i s o n o f H R p r a c t i c e s i n C h i n a a n d t h e N e t h e r l a n d s S i u ,N .Y .M .a n d G l o v e r ,L .(2001),500(50o u t o f 129)C u l t u r e a n d i n s t i t u t i o n a l f a c t o r s i n m a n a g e m e n t p r a c t i c e s D i n g ,G e ,a n d W a r n e r (2004),500(14o u t o f 20)

H R p r a c t i c e c h a n g e s r e l a t e d t o s h i f t s i n c o r p o r a t e g o v e r n a n c e i n s m a l l a n d l a r g e T V E s


L.X.Cunningham and C.Rowley

Asia Paci?c Business Review


N u m b e r o f A r t i c l e s






Figure 1.Empirical HRM studies,1988to 2008.

rewards at the core of HPWP have been highlighted by a number of HRM scholars and practitioners (for example,Huselid et al.1997,Guest 1997,Guest et al.2004,Michie and Sheehan 2005).Research con?rms that the recruitment and selection process is of paramount importance in an organization,since such an effective procedure can attract and ?nd the ‘right’individuals who can contribute to organizational success.Training practice and rewards system are inevitable requirements for developing and retaining the competence of a workforce so that employees can work with new methods and technologies in the new environment.As China emerges more into the global economy,the increasingly high competition in both domestic and international markets encourages entrepreneurs to learn best experiences from the outside world.Thus,key HRM practices have become the focus of HRM study in China because of their important roles in the enhancement of competitiveness and organizational performance.

Not only does the external environment act as a key determinant in the centre of HRM study in China,but con?icts and problems occurring during any transfer process of Western management practices to China have also drawn increased interest from researchers.It is evident that the distinctive Chinese characteristics (political,economic,and cultural factors)have strong in?uences on HRM practices in Chinese ?rms,especially in areas such as recruitment and selection,training,rewards and employee relations (for example,Redding and Ng 1983,Easterby-Smith et al.1995,Verburg et al.1999,Child and Warner 2003,Cooke 2005,Cunningham and Rowley 2008).Thus,the focus on those HRM practices in HRM studies on China provides an interesting insight and deeper understandings on the transferability of management practices in a different cultural and societal context.

With regard to the different research methodological approaches applied by studies of HRM in SMEs in China,the ?ndings show that 6out of the 16studies (37.5%)adopt case studies or interviews as their research methods,while the rest were carried out using mixed-methods (5studies,31%),surveys (4studies,25%),or secondary data analysis (1study,6%).This ?nding is in line with the research design employed in HRM studies in larger enterprises in China,and also con?rms that qualitative approaches,such as case studies and/or interviews,are the preferred strategy in HRM studies in China (see Table 7).In contrast to quantitative methods,qualitative approaches,such as case studies and interviews,are highlighted by many researchers as the preferred strategy when ‘how’or ‘why’questions are being posed,when the investigator has little control over events,and

T a b l e 5.N a t u r e o f H R M i n S M E s t u d i e s i n C h i n a ,1988–2008.

A u t h o r s (y e a r )L o c a t i o n

O w n e r s h i p

I n d u s t r y R e s e a r c h m e t h o d

G o o d a l l a n d W a r n e r (1998)E :S h a n g h a i F I E s (20)C r o s s s e c t i o n I n t e r v i e w a n d q u e s t i o n n a i r e Z h e n g ,C .(1999)N ,S E ,E ,S W :10c i t i e s S O E ,F I E ,P E ,J V E (74)C r o s s s e c t i o n I n t e r v i e w W a r n e r (1999)N :B e i j i n g S O E ,C O E ,P E ,J V E (12)H i -t e c h C a s s s t u d y C h o w ,F u n g ,a n d Y u e (1999)E :S h a n g h a i S O E ,C O E ,J V E ,F O E (5413)M a n u f a c t u r i n g F i r m -l e v e l p a n e l d a t a V e r b u r g e t a l .(1999)E :Z h e j i a n g J V E ,S O E (97)M a n u f a c t u r i n g S u r v e y a n d s t r u c t u r e d i n t e r v i e w S i u a n d G l o v e r (2001)N ,S :B e i j i n g ,G u a n g z h o u

S O E ,C O E ,P E ,J V E (129)

S e r v i c e ,m a n u f a c -Q u e s t i o n n a i r e a n d c a s e s t u d y

t u r i n g C o o k e ,F .L .(2002)S :G u a n g d o n g S O E (2)M a n u f a c t u r i n g C a s e s t u d y D e n g ,M e n g u c ,a n d B e n s o n S :S h e n z h e n ,Z h u h a i ,S h a n t o u ,S O E (96)

M a n u f a c t u r i n g

S u r v e y a n d q u e s t i o n n a i r e

(2003)X i a m e n D i n g ,G e ,a n d W a r n e r (2004)S :G u a n g d o n g T V E (20)M a n u f a c t u r i n g I n t e r v i e w s N g a n d S i u (2004)E :S h a n g h a i S O E v s .n o n -S O E (485)M a n u f a c t u r i n g S u r v e y C o o k e (2005)S :G u a n g d o n g P E (24)C o m m e r c i a l S u r v e y D i n g ,A k h t a r ,a n d G e (2006)

S ,E :S h a n g h a i ,N a n j i n g ,S O E ,P L F ,F I E (465)

C r o s s s e c t i o n

S u r v e y

G u a n g z h o u L i ,Z h a o ,a n d L i u (2006)S ,E ,S E ,W ,N :8p r o v i n c e s V a r i o u s (194)H i g h -t e c h S u r v e y a n d i n t e r v i e w Z h e n g ,C .e t a l .(2006)N ,S E ,E ,S W ;10c i t i e s D P E s ,S O E s ,F I E s ,a n d C O E s (74):C r o s s s e c t i o n S e m i -s t r u c t u r e d i n t e r v i e w W a n g a n d Q i a o (2007)N P E (15)C r o s s s e c t i o n S e m i -s t r u c t u r e d i n t e r v i e w C u n n i n g h a m a n d R o w l e y E :J i a n g s u

P E ,S O E ,C O E ,F I E (114)

C r o s s s e c t i o n

S u r v e y a n d s e m i -s t r u c t u r e d (2008)

i n t e r v i e w

N o t e :S ?S o u t h ;E ?E a s t ;S E ?S o u t h -e a s t ;W ?W e s t ;N ?N o r t h .


L.X.Cunningham and C.Rowley

Asia Paci?c Business Review329 Table6.Key HR practices examined in HRM in SME studies in China,1988–2008.

HRM practices Total number of studies Percentage of the sample Employee resourcing:

Recruitment743.75 Selection637.5

Job turnover212.5 Employment contract1 6.25 Employee development:

Training and development1062.5 Performance appraisal531.25 Employee rewards:

Incentive pay850

Reward system743.75

Social bene?t and welfare637.5 Compensation318.75

Career development and promotion318.75 Employee relations:

Trade union425

Decision-making425 Workers’congress212.5

Party1 6.25

Labour–management relations1 6.25 Employee protection1 6.25

Work time arrangement1 6.25

Table7.Research methods applied in HRM studies in China.

HRM studies in SMEs HRM studies in larger


Research method No.%No.%

Qualitative approach Mixed-methods Quantitative approach 6













when the focus is on a contemporary phenomenon within some real-life context (Robson1993,Yin1993,Bryman2001).For example,in a study of the adoption of HRM practices in16small and medium-sized manufacturing organizations(,500employees), Duberley and Walley(1995,p.895)argue that‘the use of case studies should overcome the problem identi?ed by Guest(1990),namely,that what companies tell the world they are doing can hide other practices that they may be less keen to publicize’.In a comparative study of small business management(,500employees)among94American ?rms and37Hong Kong?rms,Siu(2000)also found that quantitative research methods (that is,a survey)might not be very useful when trying to determine how and why Chinese SMEs performed as they did.Instead of using a survey approach,Siu(2000)suggests that qualitative research methods,such as in-depth personal interviews or case studies,might be possible alternatives for advancing the knowledge of management of Chinese SMEs.

Moreover,the lack of quantitative approach in studies of HRM in SMEs in China is largely due to the obstacles in gathering data in both SMEs and the developing market.

330L.X.Cunningham and C.Rowley

For example,in an in-depth qualitative assessment of three descriptive data sets,Heneman et al.(2000)found several major dif?culties in conducting research in SMEs,such as the lack of information about HR,the impediments in gathering data and the reluctance to participate in academic studies.In addition,Wright and Hoa(2001)point out that asking questions in any form is viewed with suspicion in a developing market.Furthermore, Cooke(2002,p.23)mentions that‘in general,academics in China do not have much bargaining power in negotiating research access with business organisations,which do not have a tradition of supporting social science research either in the form of surveys or case studies’.Again,various studies con?rm that personal relationships are crucial in academic research in China,since little data is likely to be gathered without connections (for example,Ding et al.2006,Zheng et al.2006,Cunningham and Rowley2008).As the investigator who is doing research in China has little control over events,and the emphasis of HRM study is mostly on a contemporary phenomenon within some real-life context,it is inevitable that a qualitative research design,such as case studies and/or interviews,is chosen in most studies of HRM in Chinese SMEs.


In line with Proposition1,the results of this review suggest that informality is the key concept of HRM in SMEs in China.For instance,Cunningham’s(2007)research on HRM practices in114SMEs in China illustrates that informal approaches to the role of HR function(a belief in the importance of HR but lacking any formality),employee resourcing (‘word-of-mouth’),training(‘sitting by Nellie’),and employee relations(informal discussions,dismissal and termination procedures)are the most common methods applied.

The?ndings of previous research illustrates that two key factors contribute to the informal HRM approach in SMEs in China.One is the characteristics of SMEs(that is, external uncertainty and the‘dictatorship’of the owner manager),and the other is the market environment.For example,Ding et al.(2000)state that political fears of social instability limited the pace and depth of change in HRM.Siu and Glover(2001)claim that the turbulent political,economic and legal changes created barriers for Chinese managers to accurately forecast the market situation.Goodall and Warner(1998,p.18)point out that ‘much of what we...saw in China was to do with uncertainty and change’.Thus,it is clear that external uncertainty,which is led by the context of changing economic and regulatory conditions,encourages SMEs to adopt an informal and?exible approach in their HRM activities.

Not only external uncertainty,but ownership form reinforces the informal HRM approach in SMEs.Evidence shows that most SMEs in China are PEs(Cunningham and Rowley2008).It is clear that the‘dictatorship’of the owner-manager remains as one of distinctive characteristics in most PEs in China,especially in SMEs(Schlevogt2001, Cunningham2007).For instance,in their study of HRM practices in15small private?rms (,150employees),Wang and Qiao(2007)found that most HRM practices in SMEs were developed by the owners themselves,based on strong indigenous Chinese characteristics. Similarly,the owners’approach towards HRM is essential in deciding what kinds of HRM practices to apply and whether or not HRM is strategically important to the businesses’operation(Cunningham2007).

Overall,this review con?rms that HRM practices in SMEs in China are rather more informal than those formalized and systematic procedures prescribed in the concepts of Western HRM‘best practices’.

Asia Paci?c Business Review331 The?ndings of our analysis also shows that research has demonstrated that there is a positive link between enterprise performance and HRM practices in SMEs in China. For instance,Zheng(1999)researched74SMEs in10cities in China and argues that there is an underlying association among HRM practices,HRM outcomes and enterprise performance.By measuring export growth and the percentage of export sales of96SOEs in four special economic zones,Deng et al.(2003)also found that HRM had a substantial impact on enterprise performance.Again,Li et al.’s(2006)survey?ndings using194 high-technology?rms in eight provinces in China suggests that a?rm’s HRM practices (training,non-material incentives and process appraisal and control)can advance the ?rm’s technological innovation,which in turn leads to that?rm’s superior performance. For instance,employee training helps high-tech?rms to‘not only gain technological progress through increased knowledge,but also to?nd new market opportunities and to enhance their innovation ability through information exchange and skill improvement’(Li et al.2006,p.692).Therefore,current research on HRM in SMEs in China supports the arguments made by Sels et al.(2006)and Kotey and Slade(2005)by suggesting that HRM is crucial to SME development.

Although China provides a dynamic environment for SMEs to grow and evidence encourages a linkage between HRM and organizational performance,at the same time the research implies that it is clear that contextual in?uences restrain the pace and depth of HRM changes in SMEs.This result of this review supports our Proposition2.It is evident that traditional Chinese culture limits the applicability of some HRM in non-Western countries,while institutional factors create barriers to effective management practices (for example,Verburg et al.1999,Siu and Glover2001,Cunningham2007).For instance, Siu and Glover(2001)argue that harmony maintained within the hierarchy led to workers having less autonomy to make decisions,while too much interference from local government hindered economic development.

Not only do external factors have impacts on HRM take-up,but internal organizational factors also affect HRM evolution in SMEs.For example,?rm size is a key determinant of the formalization of HRM practices(Ding et al.2004),as commonly found in other countries.Additionally,type of ownership is another key factor in understanding job generation and reallocation(Chow et al.1999).For example,the?ndings from Chow et al.’s(1999)study of manufacturing?rms in Shanghai,China show that the rate of the net job growth of the smallest-sized?rms is roughly three times that of the largest-sized ?rms.Again,location and industry strongly affect the variance in coverage of various workers’social welfare(Cunningham2007),while the industrial sector has signi?cant impacts on managerial compensation levels(Ding et al.2006).

An important?nding is that this review reveals that the research on HRM in SMEs in China is sparse,limited,geographically biased and concentrated,even though we have shown that the progress of SME-related HRM studies is promising.For example,only16 out of70HR articles(22.85%)from1988to2008studied HRM in SMEs.In fact,if we delve a little deeper,this paucity becomes even more evident thus:only7articles(10%) focused on SMEs(,500employees)entirely,while another9(12.85%)articles included SMEs as part of their studies.

Also,with regard to geographical focus,there is a lack of research in swathes of much of the country,such as central and Western China.One possible reason for the unevenness of HRM studies in China may relate to the difference between coastal and inland regions in terms of the market environment in which SMEs operate.It is obvious that economic growth is much more rapid in coastal areas(Cunningham and Rowley2008).Therefore, on the one hand,studies in coastal China are popular as they will draw much more public

332L.X.Cunningham and C.Rowley

attention,including that of policy-makers,Chinese managers and foreign-invested companies,academics and researchers,than those studies relating to inland and/or Western China.On the other hand,the attitudes of SMEs towards academic research are more positive,which is partly due to the higher competitive pressures from both local and foreign rivals.For instance,one of top issues that SMEs’senior management was concerned about was how to strengthen the?rms’competitiveness to survive in the current market,so senior managers were keen to participate as one of the main purposes was hoping to?nd management‘best practices’that could be implemented to enhance the companies’performance(Cunningham2007).Hence,public interests,active engagement from SMEs and personal connections lead to rich investigations along costal line regions of China(13out of16studies,81.25%).

Finally,this current review highlights that the political and socio-economic content and environment is one of the major determinants in the development of studies of HRM in SMEs in China.China’s open door policy,economic reforms and WTO accession have stimulated SMEs’development as well as encouraging the proliferation of Western management theories and practices in China.As a result,studies of HRM in SMEs are increasing.The growing emergence of such studies not only underlines an important role of SMEs in HRM study,but also exempli?es that HRM has become a key factor in SME development.


Of course,the natures of the comparisons we are making also need noting.This is can be seen in Figure2.This shows that we can have four broad comparisons.While we are looking at quadrant4,and this should be in comparison to quadrant3,too often it is actually comparing to quadrant2or even1.

This overview and review indicates what may lie ahead for the development of HRM in SMEs in China.It implies that there is some tendency for people management in SMEs to move towards some convergence with HRM practices aimed at enhancing organizational performance.However,it is worth noting that convergence appears to be more on the macro level,pushed by competitive forces from the business environment in China and abroad,such as WTO accession and internal Chinese economic and social structural reforms.These institutional contingencies stimulate the development of SMEs and support the demands of Western management concepts,such as‘best practice’.At the enterprise level,indeed,evidence shows that current HRM practices in SMEs in China are quite different from the ones deployed in large enterprises in the West(Cooke2005, Cunningham and Rowley2008).

Moreover,the current review suggests that there are similarities between people management in SMEs in China and the early stages of HRM in the West.For instance,in the1980s,some HRM scholars argued that the change from PM to HRM re?ected wider changes in organizations and in society(Kochan et al.1986,Guest1987,1991,Keenoy 1990).In a similar vein is the shift of people management in SMEs in China,which can be observed from the old Chinese personnel administration to a‘newer’PM model,and then Focus West China

Large Firms 1 2

Small Firms 3 4,parison matrix.

Asia Paci?c Business Review333 a somewhat slow convergence towards HRM encouraged by external factors such as a new political ideology and the changed national and global environment.As some HRM researchers argue(Cooke2002,Mok et al.2002,Cunningham and Rowley2008), additionally staff in SMEs in China are facing similar problems to those in Western countries(Cully et al.1999,Hill et al.2000),such as inequality of bargaining power between labour and management,job insecurity and employment contract issues. Therefore,although we cannot make conclusive predictions,since we are dealing with two very different systems,nevertheless the?ndings of this review seem to suggest that,if left to evolve,people management in SMEs in China will probably converge somewhat towards that in the West,while retaining unique Chinese characteristics.This re?ects earlier views,such as Ng and Siu(2004),who found the training programme in SMEs incorporate a hybrid form combining Chinese management characteristics with an individualistic approach.

Limitations and future research

Some possible limitations of this study might remain despite the above implications.First, the current review only covers HRM studies in China from1988to2008.In addition,the sample was chosen mainly from the two largest academic databases,although some of the more general academic databases were also applied.Other search engines,databases and years were not applied in this research.Thus,some relevant articles may not be included. However,despite these limitations,this study has offered an overview of recent studies of HRM in SMEs in China,its HRM development,and suggested the possible future direction of HRM in Chinese SMEs.

Another possible limitation is that the geographical focus of HRM studies in SMEs in China is constrained and the research methods applied in those studies are restrained by the dif?culties relating to sampling SMEs in China.Thus,a longitudinal participating study would be the ideal way to offset the weaknesses of current HRM studies.Moreover, a more comprehensive analysis of HRM in SMEs in China is needed with the involvement of enterprises from different regions and perspectives.Furthermore,a systematic comparative study is encouraged across regions,sectors and countries,both inter and intra-Asian.By doing this,appropriate theories and theoretical models can be built which could act to guide HRM practices in SMEs in China.


SMEs have become recognized as being important to business development in many economies around the world.China is no exception to this.This review was conducted to enhance the understanding of HRM development in SMEs in China.The emphasis was to highlight the depth and breadth of research that has occurred and to identify the gaps that exist in the current studies.New directions are called for for the development of more longitudinal research,more rigorous empirical studies of HRM in SMEs in China.

Of course,this is a clarion call for more dif?cult and long-term but more meaningful research in an always dif?cult area dealing with employment matters.This is also against the grain and pressures and trends in academia to churn out salami-style publications to meet whatever the latest rankings are based on and their fetish of?gures.

334L.X.Cunningham and C.Rowley

Notes on contributors

Li Xue Cunningham is a RCUK research fellow,deputy director of Centre for Research in Asian Management,Cass Business School,City University.Before she embarked on her research career, she worked as a manager for several large Chinese corporations in international business. Mrs.Cunningham’s research interests include international and comparative human resource management,organizational behaviour,corporate management,small and medium enterprise business and development,especially in China.

Chris Rowley is a Professor at the Centre for Research on Asian Management at City University, London,as well as Director of the Centre for Research on Asian Management.His most recent book (as editor)is The Changing Face of Chinese Management(with Fang Lee Cooke),London and New York:Routledge,Forthcoming.He is currently co-editor of Asia Paci?c Business Review. References

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六年级上册短语 1、come to 来到… 2、make noise 制造噪音 3、be doing 正在进行时 4、 a list of 一览表,清单 5、hand in 上交 6、on time 准时,按时 7、ask questions 问问题 8、be quiet 安静 9、tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 10、at home 在家 11、make a mess 乱扔乱放东西 12、help to do sth 帮助做某事 13、watch TV 看电视 14、go to bed 上床睡觉 15、keep…clean 保持…清洁 16、go home 回家 17、too late 太晚 18、wait for 等候… 19、keep off 不接近 20、take good care of 照顾好… 21、in front of 在…前面 22、hold up 举起 23、tell sb about sth告诉某人做某事 24、go to school 去上学 25、from…to 从…到 26、get home 回到家 27、in the morning 在上午,在早晨 28、in the evening 在晚上 29、have breakfast 吃早饭 30、have lunch 吃午饭 31、have dinner 吃晚饭 32、get up 起床 33、have classes 上课 34、be glad to do…很高兴做 35、be kind to 对…好 36、take a walk 散步37、play with 和…一起玩 38、go out 出去,外出 39、go shopping 去购物 40、stay up late 熬夜 41、want to do 想要做… 42、talk with 和…交谈 43、quick lunch 快餐 44、go on 继续,进行 45、learn from 向…学习 46、have meals 吃饭 47、be going to do 将要做… 48、be interested in 对…感兴趣 49、collect stamps集邮 50、collect candy paper 收集糖纸 51、collect picture cards 收集图画卡 片 52、play table tennis 打乒乓球 53、on the farm 在农场 54、be good at 擅长于… 55、grow vegetables 种植蔬菜 56、make tools 制作工具 57、plant flowers 种花 58、raise animals 喂养动物 59、cut out 剪下 60、talk about 谈论… 61、want to do 想要做… 62、I would like = I’d like 63、pick up 接人;拾起 64、light the candles 点燃蜡烛 65、make a wish 许愿 66、cut the cake 切蛋糕 67、have a good time 玩得愉快/开心 68、 a cup of tea 一杯茶 69、 a glass of juice 一杯果汁 70、 a piece of cake 一块蛋糕 71、blow out 吹灭 72、go camping 去野营/夏令营 73、go back to 回到 74、think of 考虑;关心;想起 75、lots of 许多 76、come out 出来(在课文中译为苏醒) 77、farm the land 耕地 78、go camping 野营 79、look at the flowers 看花 80、fly kites 放风筝 81、enjoy oneself 过得愉快 82、plant rice 种水稻 83、play on the beach 在沙滩上玩 84、look for shells 寻找贝壳 85、make a sandcastle 垒沙堡 86、pick apples 摘苹果 87、cut rice 割稻子 88、feed the animals 喂动物 89、play with snow 玩雪 90、sweep the snow 扫雪 91、make a snowman 堆雪人 92、cut the grass 割草 六年级上册时态及语法知识 1、正在进行时 be doing 2、将来时 be going to 3、被动语态 be﹢动词过去式 4、形容词+er and 形容词+er 越来越……例 如:warmer and warmer 5、形容词+er 为形容词的比较级例如: warmer 更暖 6、形容词+est 为形容词的最高级(需要注 意在最高级前用the 修饰,以元音字母+辅音 字母结尾的词要双写词尾再+est) 7、在句子中,如果主语是“第三人称单数” 那么它所跟随的“动词”需要加“s”例如: He enjoys playing basketball. 一年中的节日及日期 1、January(一月Jan)is the first month of the year. 节日:New Year’s Day(新年). January 1st (1月1日) 2、February(二月Feb)is the second month of the year. 节日:Spring Festival(春节).In January or February. 3、March (三月Mar)is the third month of the year. 节日:Tree Planting Day(植树节)。On March 12th 4、April (四月 Apr)is the fourth month of the year. 节日:Easter(复活节).It can be on any day from March 20th to April 20th . 5、May (五月May)is the fifth month of the year. 节日:Mother’s Day(母亲节)、Labour Day (劳动节).Labour Day is on May 1st. 6、June(六月 Jun)is the sixth month of the year. 节日:Children’s Day(儿童节)、Father’s Day(父亲节). Children’s Day is on June 1st. 7、July(七月Jul)is the seventh month of the year. 8、August(八月Aug)is the eighth month of the year. 节日:Army Day (建军节).It’s on August 1st. 9、September(九月Sep)is the ninth month of the year. 节日:Teachers’Day (教师节).It’s on September 10th. 10、October(十月Oct)is the tenth month of the year. 节日:National Day(国庆节).It’s on October 1st.


鲁教版英语六年级上册听力 篇一:鲁教版六年级上册英语听力任务型阅读 一、听力测试(共20小题,计20分) (一)听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片按顺序写出答案(其中 有一幅多余)(5分) A BC D E F 1._________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.___________ 5._________ (二) 听句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分) ( )6. A.Mary B. His name’s Eric. C. I’m Gina. ( )7. A.Yes, I have one.B.Yes, I do.C. Yes, I am. ( )8. A.It’s black.B. Yes, it is. C. It’s in the backpack. ( )9. A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, thank you. C.No, I don’t. ( )10.A.That’s a baseball. B. No, it isn’t. C. That sounds good. (三) 听对话,选择最佳答案。(5分) ( )11. What color is the chair? A.Red B. Blue C.yellow ( )12. The boy has a _________. ball B. volleyball C. ping-pong ball

( )13. The girl likes _________. A.pears B.strawberries C. oranges ( )14. Where is the ruler?_______________ A.In the backpack. B. On the desk. C. Under the backpack. ( )15. The girl likes fruit for_____. A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner (四)听短文,填入恰当的内容完成表格。(5分 ) ( ) ball C.volleyball ball ( )17.A.bedB.desk C.tableD.chair ( )18. A.tennisB.volleyball ( )19. A.pears B.eggs C.banannas,k ( )20.A.vegetablesB.carrots C.tamatoes D.chicke 根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 Jenny is my cousin. She is an E____1____ girl. She likes s___2___. She two ping-pong balls and one baseball. She p__3___ baseball very well. Jenny likes f___4___ and v____5___, so she is very h. For fruit, she has apples and bananas. For vegetables, she has carrots and


人教版新起点小学英语词汇总 一年级上(没有分单元) book书ruler尺子pencil铅笔eraser橡皮pencil case 铅笔盒 backpack书包school学校 eye眼睛hand手ear耳朵mouth嘴nose鼻子foot(feet)脚 face脸leg腿arm手臂 cat猫bird鸟rabbit兔dog狗chicken鸡duck鸭 monkey猴子tiger虎panda熊猫elephant 大象fish鱼 one一two二three三four四five五six六 seven七eight八nine九ten十 red红色(的) yellow黄色(的) purple紫色(的) brown棕色(的) orange橙色(的) white白色(的) green绿色(的) pink粉红色(的) blue蓝色(的) black黑色(的) apple苹果banana香蕉peach桃melon瓜 pear梨orange橙子grape葡萄strawberry草莓pineapple菠萝 一年级下 Unit9 classroom 教室door门window窗户blackboard黑板wall 墙desk 桌子chair 椅子boy 男孩girl 女孩in 里面on 上面under下面where哪里 unit 10 room房间closet衣柜telephone电话computer 电脑TV 电视bed 床picture图片table餐桌lamp台灯armchair 沙发behind后面next to旁边 Unit 11 Toys玩具plane飞机boat船train火车ball球teddy bear玩具熊 bus公交车Car小汽车doll玩具娃娃pinwheel风车box盒子 Unit 13 Shapes图形circle圆形triangle三角形rectangle长方形square 正方形 eleven 11 twelve12 Thirteen13 fourteen14 fifteen15 sixteen16 seventeen17 eighteen18 nineteen19 twenty20 Unit 14 Clothes衣服T-shirt T恤衫pants 裤子shorts短裤jacket 夹克 Sweater毛衣skirt短裙dress连衣裙shoe鞋子sock袜子 Unit 15 Food食物drink 饮料rice 米饭noodles面条jiaozi 饺子tofu豆腐Vegetables蔬菜meat牛肉fish 鱼肉chicken鸡肉bread 面包 milk牛奶ice cream冰激凌juice果汁egg鸡蛋


六年级下册英语短语 M1: 1.look good 看起来很好2.want to 想要…… much 多少钱 careful 小心5.lots of 许多 M2:1.get up 起床2.have breakfast 吃早饭3.have a picnic 野餐 half past twelve 在十二点半 the sky 在空中6.on the pond 在池塘里7.have lunch吃午饭8.a beautiful day 一个艳阳天9.go to the park 去公园10.go to school 去学校 chess 下象棋 go 剩余13.look like 看来好像 M3: 1.look at 看2.write to me给我写信3.on the pond 在池塘里4. have a picnic 野餐5.have a lovely time 玩得很愉快6.have a very interesting day 度过非常有趣的一天7.on Saturday 周六8.start to rain 开始下雨 away 飞走10.clean my room 打扫我的房间 hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏12.look out of the window 向窗外看 M4:…for…给……买…… 2.happy birthday 生日快乐3.have a birthday party 举办一个生日派对4.get on/off the bus上/下车 the supermarket 在超市6. be careful 小心7.fall down 跌落8.on the phone 打电话 M5: the suona 吹唢呐 dinner 吃晚饭3.ride a bike骑自行车4.start to rain 开始下雨 TV 看电视 a book 读书7.the third time 第三次8.cross the street过马路 exercise 做操10.walk in the park 在公园散步11.wake up 醒来 in the sky 在空中飞


P E P小学六年级英语第一单元检测题 Listening Part(听力部分) I. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词。) ( )1. A. bookstore B. science museum C. hospital D. cinema ( )2. A. hospital B. cinema C. store D. post office ( )3. A. left B. right C. straight D. crossing ( )4. A. next B. near C. beside D. behind ( )5. A. far B. follow C. feature D. street II. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的句子。) ( )1.A.Let’s go straight and turn left at the crossing. B. Let’s go straight and turn right at the crossing. ( )2. A. How can we get to the hospital? B. How can we get to the crossing? ( )3. A. The museum shop is near the door. B. The museum shop is near the bookstore. ( )4. A. Where is the science museum? B. Where is the museum shop? ( )5. A. There is a science museum next to my home. B. There is a post office next to my home. III. Listen and choose(听问句,选择恰当的答语。) ( )1. Where is the bookstore? A. It’s next to the zoo. B. It’s behind the zoo. C. It’s in front of the zoo. ( )2. Is there a hospital near here? A.I don’t know. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there isn’t. ( )3. How can we get to the restaurant?


单元教材分析: 第一单元主要学习关于教室的3个单词desk, chair, blackboard ,三个表达位置的词汇:in, on, under;以及询问和表达位置的功能句:Where is…?It'under/ in/ on…。本单元是学生开学后的第一单元,与学生生活实际紧密联系,学习教室有关的物品名称,易于学生接受,容简单实用,易于教师操练。本单元为下个单元Room做了很好的铺垫,由教室到房间,使得下一步的学习变的简单,过度自然。 单元教学目标: 1、语言技能目标 (1)能够听懂、会说与教室有关的三个词汇:chair, desk, blackboard,以及三个表达位置的词汇:under/ in/ on。 (2)能够听懂、会说有关询问和表达位置的功能句:Where is…?It'under/ in/ on…,并能在恰当的情境中初步运用。 (3)能够听懂简短的课堂指令语,女口:Put your ... in/on/under ...等,并作出相应的反应。 (4)能够借助日常生活图片识别、会说大写英文字母A、B、C、D。 2、情感目标 (1)能够跟随录音大胆模仿说唱歌曲和歌谣。 (2)能够对英语学习保持兴趣,并积极参与课堂上组织的各种活动;能做到有序参与,积极使用英语。 (3)能够在活动中逐步养成爱护教室的课桌椅和学习用品的习惯。 单元教学重点:与教室有关的3个词汇:desk, chair, blackboard ;三个表达物品位置的介词:under / in / on 。 单元教学难点:句型Where is…?It's…的使用。 单元课时安排:五课时 第一课时 教学目标: 能够在适当场景下听懂、说出与教室有关的三个词汇:blackboard,desk,chair;以及三个表达位置的词汇:in, on, un der. 教学重难点: 能听懂、说出与教室有关的三个单词:blackboard,desk,chair;以及三个


六年级下册各单元短语Unit 1 the forest 在森林里 2.walk by 走过… 3.wake ... up 唤醒狮子 4.want to 想… 5.some day 某一天 6.small and weak 又小又弱 7.the next day 第二天 8.get out 出去 9.just then 就在那时 0.from then on 从那时起 11.let …go 释放;放开 12.Aesop’s Fables 《伊索寓言》 13.a Chinese idiom book 一本中国成语书 14.find many animal stories 发现许多动物故事 table tennis 打乒乓球 good at =do well in 擅长 17.hit the ball hard 用力击球 18.find a hole in the ground 在地上发现一个洞 19.reach it 够到它 20.have an idea 有一个好办法 21.bring some water 带来一些水 22.pour …into …把…倒入… 23.well done 干得好 24.a shopping centre 一个购物中心 25.on the floor 在地板上 26.take to 把…带入… 27. cheer for...为。。。欢呼 28. too deep太深 29.the sweet shop 糖果店 doesn’t matter. 没关系。 Unit 2 1.good habits/ a good habit 好习惯 2.bad habits/ a bad habit 坏习惯 3.go to bed early睡得早 4.put ... in order 把...整理得井井有条,st night 昨晚 6.go into 走进,走入 7.brush one’s teeth 刷牙 8.before bedtime 睡觉前


听力专项复习卷(一) 题号一二三四五六总分得分 一、听录音,选出所听句子中出现的一项。(10分) ()1. A. ant B. angry C. afraid ()2. A. bus B. by C. businessman ()3. A. count B. country C. crossing ()4. A. far B. fall C. feel ()5. A. gave B. get C. gym 二、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(10分) () 1. A. B. C.

() 2. A. B. C.

() 3. A. B. C.

() 4. A. B. C.

() 5. A. B. C.

三、听录音,选择正确的答语。(20分) () 1. A. It's a bookstore. B. It's in the bookstore. C. It's in front of the museum. () 2. A. I usually come to school at 7:30. B. I live near school. C. I often come to school on foot. () 3. A. I'm going to have a music lesson. B. I like drawing pictures. C. I don't like the park. () 4. A. He likes reading books. B. She likes going hiking. C. He is going to sing a song. () 5. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, we are. 四、听对话,根据对话内容判断以下内容正误,正确写T,错误写F。(20分) () 1. Amy often goes to school by bus. () 2. Linda is going to buy a comic book this afternoon. () 3. Amy's uncle studies Chinese in Beijing. () 4. Sam's grandfather works in a big factory. () 5. Peter's brother was ill, but he feels well now. 五、听短文,连线。(20分)

人教版新起点英语一下 英语录音内容

一年级下册英语录音内容 新起点一年级下册课文录音材料 49 A项:In my classroom I can see, A desk, a chair, For you and me. In my classroom I can see, A window, a door, For you and me. In my classroom I can see, A wall, a blackboard, For you and me. 50 A项:CHANT Where’s Angel?Whe re’s Angel? She’s in the pencil case. Where’s Angel?Where’s Angel? She’s on the pencil case. Where’s Angel ?Where’s Angel? She’s under the pencil case.Oh, oh! Lily: Under the desk? B and G: No! Lily: Under the chair? B and G: No! Lily: In the desk? B and G: Yes! 51 A项Where is the blue ruler? Blue ruler? Blue ruler? Where is the blue ruler? It’s under the desk. Where is the red star? red star? red star? Where is the red star? It’s on the wall. Where is the black pencil? Black pencil? Black pencil? Where is the bl ack pencil? It’s in the pencil case. Bill: Where is the blue ruler? Lily: It’s under your desk, 52 A项: Put the pencil in the pencil case. Put the ruler in the pencil case. Put the eraser in the pencil case. Put the pencil case in the backpack.


2012—2013学年度第一学期 小学英语六年级期中测试卷听力材料及答案一、Listen and choose(听音,根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的 一项,并将其字母编号写在题前的括号里。) 1. Go straight. 2. I am going to Australia by plane. 3. Red means stop. 4. I usually go to school on foot. 5. I often plant trees in March. 6. There are twelve months in a year. 7. What are you going to do this weekend? 8. We’re going to play chess under the big tree. 9. Sometimes I go to school by bus. 10. Get on the No.3 bus 参考答案: A C C A A A B C B B 二、Listen and judge. 你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容, 在每小题的大图中圈出相符的图片。别忘了先浏览选项!每小题读两遍。 1.I usually go to Canada with my parents by plane. ( picture 3) 2.No entry. (picture 1) 3.The science museum is near my home. So I often go there with my classmate on the weekend. (picture 2) 4.Excuse me, how can I get to the cinema ? Turn left at the zoo. It’s on the right. (picture 3) 5.I am going to buy a dictionary for my brother this weekend. (picture 2) 6.Where is my toy bus, dad? Look! It’s behind the desk. (picture 2 ) 7.Turn left at the park, you will see the bookstore. It’s near the park. (picture 1) 8.Where is John going next Sunday? He is going to the Great Wall.


Unit 1 Unit 1 My neighbourhood Excuse me. Where is the hospital? 不好意思。医院在哪里? Go straight. It's on your right. 直走。在你右手边。 It's next to the restaurant. 紧挨餐厅。 Excuse me. How can I get to the post office? 不好意思。请问怎么去邮局? Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads. 直走,在第一个十字路口左转。It's between the bookshop and the grocery. 它在书店和杂货店之间。Lesson 1 第一课 A Look, Listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。 restaurant 餐馆 post office 邮局 bank 银行 grocery 食品杂货店 across from 对面 next to 紧邻 between 在……之间 Yaoyao's aunt comes to vist her family. 瑶瑶的阿姨来她家做客。

Yaoyao is showing her around the neighbourhood. 瑶瑶带着她参观街坊。"Look, this is a post office. Our school is next to it." “看,这有一间邮局。我们学校在它旁边。” "Oh, I see. What's that?" "哦,我看到啦。那是什么?” "That's a restaurant. We can eat Beijing duck there. “那是一家餐厅。我们可以在那吃北京烤鸭。" We often have a grocery in the neibourhood. 我们小区还有一间杂货店。 It's across from the park. 就在公园对面。 Mum often buys fruit and vegetables there." 妈妈总在那买水果和蔬菜。” "I want to buy some gifts. Is there a supermarket here?" “我想买一些礼物。这有超市吗?” "Yes, of course. It is between the bank and the park." “当然。就在银行和公园中间。” B Look and say. 看和说。 Where is the bank?银行在哪里 It's between the supermarket and Sunday Park.在超市和周日公园中间。 Lesson 2 第二课 A Look, listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。 turn left 向左转 go straight 直行


人教版新起点一年级上册单词表Unit 1 book 书,书本 ruler 尺子 pencil 铅笔 schoolbag 书包 teacher 教师 I 我 have 有 a/an 一(个) Unit 2 face 脸 ear 耳朵 eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴巴 this 这(个) is 是 my 我的 Unit 3 dog 狗 bird 鸟 tiger 老虎 monkey 猴子 cat 猫 what 什么 it 它 Unit 4 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 how 多少 many 多的,许多的 are 是 there (代替主语) Unit 5 black 黑色;黑色的 yellow 黄色;黄色的 blue 蓝色;蓝色的 red 红色;红色的 green 绿色;绿色的 colour 颜色 Unit 6 apple 苹果 pear 梨 banana 香蕉 orange 柑橘;橙 do (助动词) you 你;你们 like 喜欢;喜爱 yes 是,是的 no 不,不是 人教版新起点一年级下册单词表Unit 1 chair 椅子 desk 书桌,写字台blackboard 黑板 on在……上 under 在……下面/下方 in在……里面 where 在哪里

the 放在名词前,特指人、事或物Unit 2 light 灯 bed 床 door 门,出入口 box 箱子,盒子 near 靠近,接近 behind 在...背后 Unit 3 plane 飞机 ball 球 doll 玩偶,玩具娃娃 train 列车,火车 car 小汽车,轿车 bear 玩具熊,熊 can 可以,能够 sure 当然 sorry 对不起,抱歉 Unit 4 rice 米饭,米 noodles 面条 vegetable 蔬菜 fish 鱼肉,鱼 chicken 鸡肉,鸡 egg 鸡蛋 hungry 饥饿的 want 要,想要 and 和 Unit 5 juice 果汁,蔬菜汁 tea 茶,茶叶 milk 奶,牛奶 water 水 thirsty 口渴的thanks 感谢 Unit 6 shirt 衬衫 T-shirt T恤衫,短袖圆领衬衫skirt 裙子 dress 连衣裙,套裙 socks 短袜 shorts 短裤 your 你的,你们的 人教版新起点二年级上册单词表Unit 1 father 父亲 mother 母亲 brother 兄;弟 sister 姐;妹grandmother (外)祖母grandfather (外)祖父 who 谁 he 他 she 她 Unit 2 classmate 同班同学 friend 朋友 woman 女人 girl 女孩 man 男人 boy 男孩 look 看;瞧 his 他的 name 名字 her 她的 or 还是 Unit 3


Module 1 hot dog热狗 I don’t know. 我不知道 look good 看起来不错 Can I help you? 我能帮你吗 how much多少钱 here you are. 给你 Thank you. 谢谢你 enjoy your meal 祝你用餐愉快 be careful 当心 I’m sorry 我很抱歉 want to 想要 lots of /a lot of 许多,大量的come in 进来 Module 2 get up 起床 have breakfast 吃早餐 have lunch 吃午餐 have dinner 吃晚餐 have a/our picnic举行野餐 be going to打算,将要 in the park在公园 go to the park去公园 at half past twelve 十二点半What time is it now? 现在几点了one hour to go 差一个小时 on the pond在池塘上dark clouds 乌云 in the sky在空中 I don’t thank so.我不这样认为 a beautiful day 一个好天 Let’s go 让我们走 oh dear 天哪 oh no 不 look at 看 look like看来好像 stay hungry继续挨饿 after dinner 晚餐之后 play chess 下象棋 go to bed 上床睡觉 have a good night 祝你好梦 read a book 看书 at home 在家 Module 3 naughty bird 淘气的小鸟 little dog 小狗 How are you?你好吗 have a very interesting day 非常有趣的一天 send you some photos 寄给你一些图片miss everyone 想念每个人 write to me soon 快点给我回信 in the tree在树上 start to rain 开始下雨 fly away飞走 clean the room 打扫房间 in this photo在这张照片中


六年级英语上册单元测试听力材料及答案(一) 听力材料: 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1. hospital 2. cinema 3. right 4. crossing 5. turn 二、听录音,填入所缺单词,每空一词。 1. How can I get to the science museum ? 2. Go straigh t and turn right at the bookstore. 3. Turn left at the hospital . 4. The hospital is next to the bank. 5. Where is the cinema ? It ’s near the library. 三、听音,选图画。 1.Excuse me. Where is the hospital? 2.—How can I get to the bookstore? — Turn left at the cinema. 3.Where is the museum shop? I want to buy a post card. 4.I’m hungry. I like pizza. Let’s go to the restaurant. 5.--Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?— Yes, there is. 四、听句子,选择合适的答句。 1.Excuse me, where is the museum shop? 2.How can we get there? 3.I want to send a post card. 4.Is there a bookstore near the school? 5.Where is the park? Turn left here? 答案: 一、CAACA 二、略 三、CACAB 四、ACAAB 五、 1-5BBACA 6-10ABCCC 六、 1.Where is the cinema? 2.It ’s next to the hospital on Dongfang Street. 3.How can I get to the post office? 4.Turn right at the hospital. 5.What a great museum! 六年级英语上册单元测试题(二) 听力原文:

人教版新起点英语一年级下册全册教案 (最新)

人教版新起点英语一年级下册全册教案 (最新) Unit 1 Classroom 单元教材分析: 第一单元主要学习关于教室的3个单词desk,chair,blackboard,三个表达位置的词汇:in, on, under;以及询问和表达位置的功能句:Where is …? It’s under/ in/ on…。本单元是学生开学后的第一单元,与学生生活实际紧密联系,学习教室有关的物品名称,易于学生接受,内容简单实用,易于教师操练。本单元为下个单元Room 做了很好的铺垫,由教室到房间,使得下一步的学习变的简单,过度自然。 单元教学目标: 1、语言技能目标 (1)能够听懂、会说与教室有关的三个词汇:chair, desk, blackboard,以及三个表达位置的词汇:under/ in/ on。 (2)能够听懂、会说有关询问和表达位置的功能句:Where is…? It’s under/ in/ on…,并能在恰当的情境中初步运用。 (3)能够听懂简短的课堂指令语, 如:Put your ... in/on/under ...等,并作出相应的反应。 (4)能够借助日常生活图片识别、会说大写英文字母A、B、C、D。 2、情感目标 (1)能够跟随录音大胆模仿说唱歌曲和歌谣。 (2)能够对英语学习保持兴趣,并积极参与课堂上组织的各种活动;能做到有序参与,积极使用英语。 (3)能够在活动中逐步养成爱护教室的课桌椅和学习用品的习惯。 单元教学重点:与教室有关的3个词汇:desk, chair, blackboard;三个表达物品位置的介词:under / in / on。 单元教学难点:句型Where is …? It’s …的使用。 单元课时安排:五课时 第一课时 教学目标: 能够在适当场景下听懂、说出与教室有关的三个词汇:blackboard,desk,chair;以及三个表达位置的词汇:in, on, under. 教学重难点: 能听懂、说出与教室有关的三个单词:blackboard,desk,chair;以及三个表达位置的词汇:in, on, under。 教学准备:课件 教学时间:年月日 教学过程: 一、热身 教师发出指令,请学生听指令完成任务,如:Show me your ruler / book.等。
