acei mi146 TRAF

Clinical Science (2010)119,395–405(Printed in Great Britain)doi:10.1042/CS20100003


Expression of miR-146a/b is associated with the T oll-like receptor 4signal in coronary artery disease:effect of renin–angiotensin system blockade and statins on miRNA-146a/b and

T oll-like receptor 4levels

Yuji TAKAHASHI,Mamoru SATOH,Yoshitaka MINAMI,Tsuyoshi TABUCHI,Tomonori ITOH and Motoyuki NAKAMURA

Division of Cardiology,Department of Internal Medicine and Memorial Heart Center,Iwate Medical University School of Medicine,Uchimaru 19-1,Morioka 020-8505,Iwate,Japan


The TLR4(T oll-like receptor 4)signal plays an important role in immunity in CAD (coronary artery disease).miR-146a/b (where miR is microRNA)regulates the TLR4downstream molecules IRAK1(interleukin-1-receptor-associated kinase 1)and TRAF6(tumour-necrosis-factor-receptor-associated factor 6).It has also been reported that statins and RAS (renin–angiotensin system)inhibition and have anti-atherosclerotic properties.In the present study,we have investigated whether miR-146a/b was expressed with the TLR4signal in CAD patients,and whether combined treatment with a statin and RAS inhibition might affect these levels.A total of 66patients with CAD and 33subjects without CAD (non-CAD)were enrolled.Patients with CAD were randomized to 12months of combined treatment with atorvastatin and telmisartan [an ARB (angiotensin II receptor blocker)]or atorvastatin and enalapril [an ACEI (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor)].PBMCs (peripheral blood mononuclear cells)were obtained from peripheral blood at baseline and after 12months.Levels of miR-146a/b ,IRAK1mRNA,TRAF6mRNA and TLR4mRNA/TLR4protein were signi?cantly higher in the CAD group than in the non-CAD group (all P <0.01).Levels of miR-146a/b were positively correlated with IRAK1mRNA and TRAF6mRNA levels.After 12months of treatment,these levels were markedly decreased in the ARB and ACEI groups,with the decrease in the ARB group being greater than that in the ACEI group (all P <0.05).In our 12-month follow-up study,high levels of miR-146a and TLR4mRNA/TLR4protein at baseline were independent predictors of cardiac events.The present study demonstrates that combined treatment with an ARB and a statin decreases miR-146a/b and the TLR4signal in CAD patients,possibly contributing to the anti-atherogenic effects of ARBs and statins in this disorder.

Key words:angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI),angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB),atherosclerosis,interleukin-1-receptor-associated kinase 1(IRAK1),microRNA (miRNA),Toll-like receptor 4(TLR4),tumour-necrosis-factor-receptor-associated factor 6(TRAF6).

Abbreviations:ACEI,angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors;ACS,acute coronary syndrome;AngII,angiotensin II;ARB,AngII receptor blocker;BMI,body mass index;BP ,blood pressure;CAD,coronary artery disease;CI,con?dence interval;FBS,fetal bovine serum;GAPDH,glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase;HbA 1c ,glycated haemoglobin;HDL,high-density lipoprotein;hsCRP ,high-sensitivity C-reactive protein;IL-1,interleukin-1;IRAK1,IL-1-receptor-associated kinase 1;LDL,low-density lipoprotein;MFI,mean ?uorescence intensity;miRNA (miR),microRNA;NF-κB,nuclear factor κB;PBMC,peripheral blood mononuclear cell;PCI,percutaneous coronary intervention;RAS,renin–angiotensin system;t-BHP ,t-butyl hydroperoxide;TLR,Toll-like receptor;TNF,tumour necrosis factor;TRAF6,TNF-receptor-associated factor.Correspondence:Dr Mamoru Satoh (email


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C l i n i c a l S c i e n c e

TLRs(Toll-like receptors)have been identi?ed as key recognition components of pathogen-associated molecular patterns controlling innate immune responses in mammals[1].Our previous reports have demonstrated that activation of the TLR4signal is involved in the downstream release of in?ammatory cytokines in circulating monocytes obtained from patients with CAD (coronary artery disease)[2,3].It has therefore been suggested that a potential pathophysiological link exists between the TLR4signal and immune response in coronary atherosclerosis.

It has been reported that miRNAs/miRs(microRNAs) are the most abundant family of small non-coding RNAs and regulate mRNA translation of target genes through the RNA interference pathway[4,5]. Taganov et al.[6]have demonstrated a role for one human miRNA family,miR-146,in controlling TLR4and its downstream cytokine signalling in a human monocytic cell line.In particular,miR-146a/b regulates the NF-κB(nuclear factorκB)-dependent genes,such as IRAK1[IL-1(interleukin-1)-receptor-associated kinase1]and TRAF6[TNF(tumour necrosis factor)-receptor-associated factor6],through a negative-feedback regulation loop[6].Recent reports have indicated elevated miR-146expression in patients with chronic in?ammatory diseases,such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis,which have been shown to have increased levels of in?ammatory cytokines[7,8].It has become evident that coronary atherosclerosis is an in?ammatory disease involving an immune response during its initiation and progression[9].However,it is unclear whether monocytic expression of miR-146a/b is related to the TLR4signal in patients with CAD.

Clinical studies have reported that RAS(renin–angiotensin system)blockades including ARBs [AngII(angiotensin II)receptor blockers]and ACEIs (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors),have an anti-atherosclerotic effect in patients with cardiovascular risk factors or CAD[10,11].A recent report found that ARB treatment reduced TLR4expression in PBMCs (peripheral blood mononuclear cells)obtained from patients with CAD[12].It has also been reported that statins(3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitors)have pleiotropic effects including anti-in?ammatory properties[13].Moreover,an experimental study has shown that RAS inhibitors and statins have a combined effect on in?ammatory pro?les,such as in?ammatory cytokines and atherosclerosis[14]. However,it remains uncertain whether combined treatment with RAS inhibitors and statins affects the TLR4signalling pathway in patients with CAD.

In the present study,our aim was to determine whether miR-146a/b is expressed with its target genes(IRAK1and TRAF6)and TLR4,and whether it could be modi?ed by combined treatment with RAS inhibition and a statin by comparing the effects of an ARB with those of an ACEI in patients with CAD.


Study population

A total of66patients with stable CAD were admitted to our hospital for PCI(percutaneous coronary intervention)and stent implantation,and none had previous exposure to treatment with RAS inhibitors and statins.All of the enrolled patients underwent initial diagnostic coronary angiography.CAD was diagnosed on the basis of(i)a history of typical chest pain on effort, (ii)documented exercise-induced myocardial ischaemia, (iii)angiographically proven CAD,and(iv)the absence of ACS(acute coronary syndrome)for3months before blood sampling.Patients were excluded from the study if they had clinical signs of acute infection,severe renal failure(serum levels of creatine>3mg/dl),secondary hypertension or rheumatoid disease,or if they were suspected of having a malignant or primary wasting disorder.

The non-CAD group comprised33subjects with suspected CAD on the basis of symptoms and/or minor ECG changes.Subsequent coronary angiography and close clinical examination failed to show any evidence of CAD,and these subjects were thus designated as non-CAD.In addition,blood samples were obtained from ?ve healthy volunteers for in vitro study(?ve males;age, 39.3+?9.5years).

Approval for the study protocol was obtained from the ethics committee of the Iwate Medical University School of Medicine(H17-73).All patients agreed to participate in the study and written informed consent was obtained in each case.

Study design

The present study was designed as a prospective randomized investigator-blinded study.The investigators were blinded to the allocation of each subject’s treatment group and thus did not know whether patients were receiving the study medication.Patient with CAD who met all of the eligibility criteria were randomly assigned using computer-generated random numbers in a1:1 ratio to receive telmisartan(40mg/day)and atorvastatin (10mg/day)(ARB group)or enalapril(5mg/day)and atorvastatin(10mg/day)(ACEI group)for a period of 12months.

Blood sampling

Fasting peripheral blood was collected from patients with CAD in the morning after an overnight fast before PCI and treatment with the RAS inhibitors and the statin for baseline data and again after12months of treatment

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Expression of miR-146and TLR4signal in CAD


with RAS inhibitors and the statin.Fasting peripheral blood was also collected from the non-CAD group in the morning after an overnight fast.

Clinical follow-up study

Follow-up coronary angiography was carried out at least 12months after PCI in all patients with CAD.Cardiac events were de?ned as target lesion revascularization(the lesion segment with5mm margins from each end),target or other vessel revascularization,cardiac death and ACS.

Cell preparation

PBMCs were isolated from peripheral blood samples obtained from all subjects by Ficoll–Paque density gradi-ent centrifugation.To exclude platelet contamination, isolated PBMCs were washed and centrifuged twice with PBS containing5mM EDTA for15min at400g at 20?C[15].Isolated PBMCs were left to adhere to a plastic dish(120min at37?C)and then detached from the dish by incubation in ice-cold PBS.After washing three times with PBS,the cells were resuspended at a?nal concentration of1×106cells/ml in RPMI1640(Sigma–Aldrich).

Real-time PCR for miR-146a/b,IRAK1 mRNA,TRAF6mRNA and TLR4mRNA

Total RNA including the small RNA fraction was extracted from isolated PBMCs using a mirVana TM Paris miRNA isolation kit(Ambion),according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Extracted RNA from isolated PBMCs and human total RNA as a control(Applied Biosystems)were initially reverse-transcribed using a High Capacity cDNA Archive kit(Applied Biosystems)and were then ampli?ed in a10μl PCR mixture and primer set for ampli?cation of human miR-146a(assay ID000468),miR-146b(assay ID001097)and U6 (assay ID001093)using TaqMan?microRNA assays, according to the manufacturer’s recommended protocol (Applied Biosystems).Levels of IRAK1(assay ID Hs00355570_m1),TRAF6(assay ID Hs00377558_m1), TLR4(assay ID Hs01061963_m1)and GAPDH (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase;assay ID Hs99999905)mRNA were ampli?ed using TaqMan?Gene Expression assays(Applied Biosystems).The ampli?cation steps consisted of denaturation at95?C, followed by40cycles of denaturation at95?C for15s and then annealing at60?C for1min.All reactions were carried out on the7500real-time PCR system (Applied Biosystem)using the TaqMan?Universal PCR master mix and assays on demand(Applied Biosystems). Relative quanti?cation was carried out using the threshold cycle(C t)method for recurrent compared with primary with U6or GAPDH as an endogenous control, and fold changes were calculated for each gene[16].Replicates with a C t>40were excluded.The assay was run in triplicate for each case to allow for assessment of technical variability.To account for PCR ampli?cation of contaminating genomic DNA,a control without reverse transcription was included.To improve the accuracy of the real-time PCR for quanti?cation, ampli?cations were performed in triplicate for each RNA sample.

Flow cytometric analysis

The amount of TLR4and CD14on the cell surface of PBMCs was measured by FACS.Isolated PBMCs were incubated with FITC-conjugated mouse anti-(human TLR4)antibodies(Santa Cruz Biotechnology)and PerCP-conjugated CD14antibody(Becton Dickinson). Isotype-matched irrelevant control IgG was used as a control(Becton Dickinson).TLR4levels in CD14-positive cells were measured by a FACScan?ow cytometer(Becton Dickinson)and are shown as the MFI (mean?uorescence intensity).

Laboratory measurements

Laboratory data were measured by standard biochem-istry methods in our hospital laboratory.All analyses were performed in the same run from samples that were frozen and stored at?80?C immediately after centrifu-gation.hsCRP(high-sensitivity C-reactive protein)was quanti?ed using a latex-enhanced immunonephelometric assay(detection range,0.035–2.200mg/dl;CardioPhase hs-CRP;Dade Behring).

Transfection with miR-146a/b mimic

and inhibitor

Human THP-1cells,an undifferentiated promonocytic cell line(A.T.C.C.,Manassas,VA,U.S.A.)were maintained by twice weekly passage in ATCC-RPMI 1460medium,10%(v/v)FBS(fetal bovine serum; Gibco BRL),100units/ml penicillin and100μg/ml streptomycin at37?C with5%CO2,and then cultured at a density of1×106cells/ml.For miR-146a/b mimic and precursor transfections,THP-1cells were transfected with20ng/ml pre-miR TM miR-146a/b precursor molecules(Ambion)and20ng/ml anti-miR TM miR-146a/b inhibitors(Ambion)using the NeoFx transfection agent(Ambion).Those cells were used for experiments24h after transfection and were exposed at each passage to0.1μM t-BHP(t-butyl hydroperoxide; Sigma–Aldrich)for an additional48h.Levels of miR-146a/b,IRAK1mRNA and TRAF6mRNA were measured using the methods described above.

Cell culture with oxidant treatment Atorvastatin(0.5μM;P?zer),telmisartan(30μM; Sigma–Aldrich)and enalapril(100mM;Sigma–Aldrich) were dissolved in DMSO(Gibco BRL;DMSO?nal

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concentration,0.05%).To induce oxidative stress, cultured PBMCs from?ve healthy volunteers were grown in RPMI1640medium(Sigma–Aldrich)with10% (v/v)heat-inactivated FBS(Gibco BRL),100units/ml penicillin,100μg/ml streptomycin and each drug or drug vehicle(0.05%DMSO)and were exposed at each passage to0.1μM t-BHP(Sigma–Aldrich)or PBS.After48h of culture,levels of miR-146a/b,IRAK1mRNA,TRAF6 mRNA and TLR4mRNA were measured as described above.

To assess cell viability,we used Trypan Blue(Gibco BRL)exclusion staining of cultured cells;cell viability was over90%using this method in all experiments.

Statistical analysis

All values are presented as means+?S.D.Kolmogorov–Smirnov analysis was performed to assess the data distribution.An unpaired Student’s t test was performed for normally distributed data,and the non-parametric Mann–Whitney U test was performed where this was not appropriate.Statistical analysis of categorical variables was also carried out usingχ2analysis and Fisher’s exact analysis.After12months of combined treatment with RAS inhibitors and statin,comparisons between the two groups(ARB group and ACEI group) were analysed using a two-way repeated measures ANOVA for normally distributed variables and using the Kruskal–Wallis test for non-normally distributed variables.When applicable,signi?cant differences were analysed further with Dunnett post-hoc tests.Pearson’s correlation coef?cients were used to examine the relationship between miR-146a/b,TLR4,IRAK1and TRAF6.Multivariate association between miR-146a/b, TLR4,IRAK1and TRAF6levels and clinical outcomes was evaluated with logistic regression models.Relative risks are reported with logistic regression models adjusted for factors that are independently associated with the outcome variable.A value of P<0.05was considered statistically signi?cant.


Baseline and clinical characteristics Baseline characteristics of the study populations are shown in Table1.There were no signi?cant differences in age,percentage of males,BMI(body mass index)or number of subjects with a past history of dyslipidaemia between the CAD and non-CAD groups.There were signi?cant differences in other clinical parameters between the two groups(P<0.05).

Clinical characteristics in ARB and ACEI groups

As shown in Table2,there was no signi?cant differences in baseline characteristics between the ARB Table1Baseline and clinical characteristics of study population

*P<0.05compared with the non-CAD group.N/A,not available.

CAD group Non-CAD group Characteristic(n=66)(n=33) Age(years)66.2+?9.564.2+?10.3 Male gender(n)52(79%)26(79%) BMI(kg/m2)25.1+?2.724.9+?3.0 Hypertension(n)42(64%)*13(39%) Diabetes(n)15(23%)*3(9%) Dyslipidaemia(n)24(36%)10(30%) Previous CAD(n)18(27%)*0 Smoking(n)17(26%)*5(15%) Angiographic degree of CAD(n)

Single-vessel disease38(58%)*0

Multi-vessel disease28(42%)*0 Systolic BP(mmHg)141.1+?13.1*133.8+?13.8 Diastolic BP(mmHg)81.4+?12.2*75.4+?12.3 Fasting glucose(mg/dl)123.5+?17.8*106.3+?13.9 HbA1c(%) 5.5+?0.4* 5.3+?0.4 HDL-cholesterol(mg/dl)48.8+?13.3*58.5+?15.9 LDL-cholesterol(mg/dl)114.7+?31.0*88.3+?22.6 hsCRP(mg/dl)0.421+?0.246*0.113+?0.140 Medication(n)

Aspirin66(100%)N/A Ticlopidine hydrochloride26(39%)N/A Clopidogrel sulfate40(61%)N/A

β-Blockers15(23%)N/A Calcium antagonists30(45%)N/A Nitrates28(42%)N/A

and ACEI groups.After12months of treatment,BP (blood pressure)and laboratory data[LDL(low-density lipoprotein)-cholesterol and hsCRP]were decreased in both the ARB and ACEI groups.HDL(high-density lipoprotein)-cholesterol levels were increased in both groups.

Levels of miR-146a/b,IRAK1mRNA,TRAF6 mRNA,TLR4mRNA and TLR4MFI

There was no difference in average C t of U6between the CAD and non-CAD patients(21.3+?2.1compared with 21.4+?2.0arbitrary units;P value was not signi?cant). Levels of miR-146a/b were higher in the CAD group than in the non-CAD group(P<0.01;Figure1A).

Levels of IRAK1and TRAF6mRNA were higher in the CAD group compared with the non-CAD group (both P<0.01;Figures1B).Levels of TLR4mRNA and TLR4MFI were higher in the CAD group than in the non-CAD group(both P<0.01;Figures1C and 1D).The average C t of GAPDH did not differ between the two groups(23.2+?2.7compared with23.1+?2.5

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Expression of miR-146and TLR4signal in CAD


Table2Baseline clinical characteristics and changes in these characteristics after12months in the ARB and ACEI groups

*P<0.05compared with baseline.

Characteristic ARB group(n=33)ACEI group(n=33) Age(years)65.5+?9.966.9+?9.4

Male gender(n)26(79%)26(79%)

BMI(kg/m2)24.3+?3.225.3+?2.7 Hypertension(n)20(61%)22(67%) Diabetes(n)7(21%)8(24%) Dyslipidaemia(n)12(36%)12(36%) Previous CAD(n)9(27%)9(27%) Smoking(n)9(27%)8(24%) Angiographic degree of CAD(n)

Single-vessel disease18(55%)20(60%)

Multi-vessel disease15(45%)13(40%) Systolic BP(mmHg)

Baseline141.3+?11.8141.0+?14.6 Follow-up123.2+?11.4*126.2+?15.5* Diastolic BP(mmHg)

Baseline82.6+?11.180.1+?13.2 Follow-up70.8+?10.1*70.2+?11.7* Fasting glucose(mg/dl)121.6+?20.1125.3+?15.3 HbA1c(%) 5.4+?0.3 5.5+?0.4


Baseline48.7+?13.748.8+?13.0 Follow-up56.6+?16.5*53.5+?16.3* LDL-cholesterol(mg/dl)

Baseline116.7+?32.4112.6+?30.0 Follow-up81.5+?18.0*79.0+?21.4* hsCRP(mg/dl)

Baseline0.432+?0.2930.411+?0.193 Follow-up0.093+?0.093*0.114+?0.160* Medication(n)

Aspirin33(100%)33(100%) Ticlopidine hydrochloride13(40%)13(40%) Clopidogrel sulfate20(60%)20(60%)

β-Blockers7(21%)8(24%) Calcium antagonists16(48%)14(42%) Nitrates13(40%)15(45%)

arbitrary units in the CAD and non-CAD groups respectively).

Levels of miR-146a/b were positively correlated with IRAK1and TRAF6mRNA levels in both the CAD and non-CAD groups(miR-146a and IRAK1mRNA: r=0.72,P<0.01;miR-146a and TRAF6mRNA: r=0.79,P<0.01;miR-146b and IRAK1mRNA: r=0.76,P<0.01;miR-146b and TRAF6mRNA: r=0.82,P<0.01)(Figure2).Levels of miR-146a/b were slightly positively correlated with TLR4mRNA levels(miR-146a and TLR4mRNA:r=0.66,P<0.01; miR-146b and TLR4mRNA:r=0.67,P<0.01).Cultured cells transfected with the

miR-146a/b mimic and inhibitor

THP-1cells were transfected with the miR-146a/b mimic and inhibitor followed by challenge with t-BHP for48h.Levels of miR-146a/b expression were higher in the miR-146a/b mimic-transfected cells than the mock-transfected cells(Figure3A).On the other hand, miR-146a/b levels were lower in the miR-146a/b inhibitor-transfected cells than the mock-transfected cells (Figure3B).To determine the effects of gain-of-function or loss-of-function of miR-146a/b on IRAK1and TRAF6 expression,samples from transfected cells were analysed for levels of IRAK1and TRAF6mRNA.THP-1cells transfected with the miR-146a/b mimic had a decrease in IRAK1and TRAF6mRNA levels compared with mock-transfected cells(Figure3C).THP-1cells transfected with the miR-146a/b inhibitor had an increase in IRAK1 and TRAF6mRNA compared with mock-transfected cells(Figure3D).

In vitro study with RAS inhibitor

and statin treatment

Levels of miR-146a/b,IRAK1mRNA,TRAF6mRNA and TLR4mRNA increased in t-BHP-stimulated PBMCs compared with those treated with PBS(Figure4). These levels were decreased in t-BHP-stimulated PBMCs treated with the RAS inhibitor(telmisartan or enalapril) and atorvastatin compared with those treated with the vehicle.In addition,these levels were decreased in t-BHP-stimulated PBMCs treated with telmisartan and atorvastatin compared with those treated with enalapril and atorvastatin(Figure4).

Effect of RAS blockade and statin on

miR-146a/b,IRAK1mRNA,TRAF6mRNA and TLR4mRNA levels

Figures4and5show changes in miR-146a/b,IRAK1 mRNA,TRAF6mRNA and TLR4mRNA levels after combined treatment with RAS inhibitors and statin. There was no signi?cant difference in baseline levels of miR-146a/b,IRAK1mRNA,TRAF6mRNA and TLR4mRNA between the ARB and ACEI groups (Figures5and6).For both ARB and ACEI,combined treatment resulted in decreased miR-146a/b,IRAK1 mRNA,TRAF6mRNA and TLR4mRNA levels after 12months(all P<0.01;Figures5and6).Decreases in miR-146a/b levels,IRAK1mRNA and TRAF6mRNA after treatment were greater in the ARB group than in the ACEI group(Figure5).In addition,decreases in TLR4 mRNA and TLR4MFI after treatment were greater in the ARB group than in the ACEI group(Figures6D and6E).

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Figure 1Comparison of miR-146a/b (A),IRAK1and TRAF6mRNA (B),TLR4mRNA (C)and TLR4MFI (D)levels between the CAD (n =66)and non-CAD (n =33)groups

Levels of miR-146a/b ,IRAK1mRNA,TRAF6mRNA,TLR4mRNA and TLR4MFI were higher in the CAD group than in the non-CAD group.*P <0.01compared with the non-CAD


Figure 2Correlation between miR-146a/b and IRAK1and TRAF6mRNA levels in CAD and non-CAD groups

There was a positive correlation between miR-146a/b and both IRAK1and TRAF6mRNA levels.Correlations are:(A)r =0.72,P <0.01;(B)r =0.79,P <0.01;(C)r =0.76,P <0.01;and (D)r =0.85,P <0.01.

Clinical follow-up study

At the time of follow-up,cardiac events were observed in 13out of 66patients with CAD at 12months after PCI.Cardiac events consisted of target lesion revascularization in 11subjects,and target or other vessel revascularization in three subjects (both target lesion and other vessel revascularizations were shown in one patient).When the CAD group was divided into tertiles according to miR-146a and miR-146b levels,and IRAK1mRNA,TRAF6mRNA or TLR4mRNA levels at baseline,high levels of miR-146a and TLR4mRNA were independent predictors of cardiac events {miR-146a :relative risk =6.32[95%CI (con?dence interval)=1.13–35.19],P =0.04;TLR4mRNA:relative

risk =9.44(95%CI = 1.10–88.10),P =0.04}after

adjusting for various clinical parameters [age,gender,culprit lesion (left anterior descending coronary artery),past history of hypertension,diabetes mellitus,previous CAD or smoking,BP ,fasting glucose,HbA 1c (glycated haemoglobin),LDL-cholesterol and hsCRP].


Among the family of TLRs,TLR4is considered to be an important player in the initiation and progression of atherosclerotic disease [17].Our previous studies and other reports have shown a relationship between


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2010Biochemical Society

Expression of miR-146and TLR4signal in CAD


Figure 3Levels of miR-146a/b ,IRAK1mRNA and TRAF6mRNA in THP-1cells transfected with an miR-146a/b mimic and inhibitor

(A)Levels of miR-146a/b were higher in the miR-146a/b mimic-transfected cells than in mock-transfected cells.(B)Levels of miR-146a/b were lower in the miR-146a/b inhibitor-transfected cells than in mock-transfected cells.(C)IRAK1and TRAF6mRNA levels were lower in the miR-146a/b mimic-transfected cells than in mock-transfected cells.(D)IRAK1and TRAF6mRNA levels were higher in miR-146a/b inhibitor-transfected cells than in mock-transfected cells.*P <0.01compared with mock


Figure 4Effect of RAS blockade (telmisartan or enalapril)and atorvastatin on levels of miR-146a/b (A),IRAK1and TRAF6mRNA (B),and TLR4mRNA and TLR4MFI (C)in cultured PBMCs stimulated with t-BHP or PBS

All values in t-BHP-stimulated PBMCs treated with vehicle (0.05%DMSO)are de?ned as 100%.Percentage changes in miR-146a/b ,IRAK1mRNA,TRAF6mRNA,TLR4mRNA and TLR4MFI levels were lower in t-BHP-stimulated PBMCs treated with an RAS inhibitor (telmisartan or enalapril)and atorvastatin than in those treated with drug vehicle.In addition,percentage changes in these levels were lower in t-BHP-stimulated monoyctes treated with telmisartan and atorvastatin compared with those treated with enalapril and atorvastatin.*P <0.05compared with t-BHP-stimulated PBMCs treated with vehicle.#P <0.05compared with t -BHP-stimulated PBMCs treated with enalapril and atorvastatin.

an activated TLR4signal and its downstream pathway in circulating monocytes obtained from patients with CAD [2,3,18].In addition,expression of TLR4in in?ltrating macrophages within the coronary arteries may be an important factor underlying coronary plaque

destabilization and rupture in CAD [19].In agreement with these reports,the present study has shown an increase in TLR4levels (both mRNA and protein levels)in the CAD group when compared with the non-CAD group.A mouse model has reported that loss


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Figure 5Effect of treatment with an ARB and statin or an ACEI and statin on miR-146a/b ,IRAK1mRNA and TRAF6mRNA in the CAD group

Levels of miR-146a (A),miR-146b (B),IRAK1mRNA (C)and TRAF6mRNA (D)at the time of follow-up (post)were markedly decreased in both the ARB and ACEI groups compared with at baseline (Pre)(P <0.01).Decreases in miR-146a/b ,IRAK1mRNA and TRAF6mRNA after treatment were greater in the ARB group than in the ACEI group (P <0.05).

of TLR4reduced the severity of atherosclerosis and altered atherosclerotic plaque [20].It has been suggested that a potential pathophysiological link exists between activation of the TLR4signal and the progression of coronary atherosclerosis.

It has been shown previously that the miR-146family (miR-146a/b )regulates downstream TLR4signalling (IRAK1and TRAF6)through a negative-feedback regulation loop [6].The human genome contains miR-146a and miR-146b genes on chromosomes 5and 10respectively [6,21,22].Promoter analysis of miR-146has demonstrated that both miR-146a and miR-146b function as negative regulators of adaptor molecules of IRAK1and TRAF6.This suggests that IRAK1and TRAF6are targeted for post-transcriptional control by both miR-146a and miR-146b [6].IRAK1and TRAF6activate NF-κB and AP-1(activating protein-1)transcription factors,and then up-regulate the TLR4-mediated immune response [23].An in vitro study using human monocytic cell line stimulated with LPS (lipopolysaccharide)has shown that elevation of miR-146expression occurred in an NF-κB-dependent manner [6].Therefore miR-146a/b has been shown to be induced by pro-in?ammatory stimuli such as TLR4,IL-1and TNF-α[24].A novel ?nding of the present study was

that levels of miR-146a/b and its target genes (both

IRAK1and TRAF6)were higher in PBMCs obtained from the CAD group than in the non-CAD group.It has been reported that the key kinases downstream of TLR4,including IRAK1and TRAF6,are activated in PBMCs from patients with CAD as well as activation of TLR4[25,26].A recent study has shown that the expression of miR-146a in PBMCs was signi?cantly increased in patients with ACS [27].In addition,levels of miR-146a/b were positively correlated with levels of IRAK1,TRAF6and TLR4mRNA expression.Our gain-of-function and loss-of-function approaches to miR-146a/b have shown that transfection of miR-146a/b into THP-1monocytes resulted in a down-regulation of IRAK1and TRAF6mRNA expression,but it remains uncertain whether endogenous IRAK1or TRAF6mRNA levels were in?uenced by miR-146a/b expression in humans.This discrepancy between our in vivo and in vitro studies may suggest that the impairment of IRAK1/TRAF6regulation by miR-146a/b could contribute to the prolonged activation of TLR4and its downstream signalling in patients with CAD.It is therefore speculated that this impairment of IRAK1/TRAF6regulation by miR-146a/b may play a role in the pathogenesis of CAD.Further studies will be


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Expression of miR-146and TLR4signal in CAD


Figure 6Effect of treatment with an ARB and statin or an ACEI and statin on TLR4mRNA and TLR4MFI levels in the CAD group

(A)CD14-positive cell population (R1)was gated by using PerCP against cell granularity (SSC;side scatter).Using the distribution,levels of cell-surface ?uorescence can be measured.The ordinate relates to the relevant cell number,whereas ?uorescence intensity can be seen on the abscissa,representing TLR4levels in the ARB group (B)or the ACEI group (C).A shift to the left demonstrates a decrease in the amount of TLR4staining in a cell.Speci?c MFI was measured in each case.Levels of TLR4mRNA (D)and TLR4MFI (E)at the time of follow-up (Post)were markedly decreased in both the ARB and ACEI groups compared with baseline (Pre)(P <0.01).Decreases in TLR4mRNA and TLR4MFI after treatment were greater in the ARB group than in the ACEI group (P <0.05).needed to clarify the mechanism by which miR-146a/b dysregulates IRAK1/TRAF6expression in patients with CAD.

Another important ?nding of the present study was that combined treatment with RAS inhibitors and a statin reduced monocytic levels of miR-146a/b ,IRAK1mRNA,TRAF6mRNA and TLR4mRNA in patients with CAD.RAS inhibitors,including ARBs and ACEIs,exert potent anti-atherosclerotic effects,which are mediated not only by their anti-hypertensive properties,but also by their anti-in?ammatory properties [28].An in vitro study has reported that AngII up-regulated TLR4-dependent signalling and then induced an in?ammatory response [28].The present study has also suggested that RAS inhibitors block the AngII-induced TLR4signalling pathway [29].RAS inhibitors may therefore decrease monocytic activation of TLR4through inhibition of AngII and then decrease miR-146a/b levels due to down-regulation of the TLR4signal.In particular,decreases in miR-146a/b ,IRAK1,TRAF6and TLR4levels after treatment were greater in the ARB group than in the ACEI group.It has been reported that treatment with an ARB reduced NF-κB activity in human PBMCs,whereas treatment with an ACEI had no effect

on NF-κB activity [30].It has been speculated that treatment with an ARB may directly down-regulate NF-κB activity and repress miR-146a/b levels in patients with CAD.It has also been reported that oxidized LDL activated the RAS and increased TLR4expression in cultured endothelial cells [31].An in vitro study using PBMCs treated with statins has shown that they decreased several TLR4transcription factors,such as IRAK1and TRAF6,and then inhibited the TLR4signal [32].Our present in vitro study has shown that telmisartan and atorvastatin had a greater effect than enalapril and atorvastatin on miR-146a/b ,IRAK1and TRAF6.An Apoe (apolipoprotein E-knockout mouse model has reported that combined treatment with an ARB and a statin decreased in?ammatory mediators compared with combined treatment with an ACEI and statin or treatment with ARB,ACEI or statin alone [14].From these observations,combined treatment with telmisartan and a statin may down-regulate IRAK1,TRAF6and TLR4expression,and then repress miR-146a/b resulting from the down-regulation of the TLR4signalling pathway in CAD.

Our 12-month follow-up study showed that high levels of miR-146a and TLR4mRNA at baseline are


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potent independent predictors of cardiac events through regression analysis.Our present study and those of others have reported a marked TLR4expression in human atherosclerotic plaques[19,33],and indicated that oxidative stress up-regulated TLR4expression in macrophages[34],suggesting an association between TLR4,in?ammatory and immune responses,and coronary atherosclerosis.Therefore activation of the TLR4signal may induce miR-146a/b expression as a negative regulator,and then induce progression of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with CAD.

A limitation of the present study is the small number of CAD and non-CAD groups.A further limitation is the relatively low dose of enalapril(5mg/day) compared with other reports from Western countries; this dose was chosen because it is the most commonly prescribed dose of enalapril in Japan(the maximum approved dose of enalapril is10mg daily)[35].However, there was no difference between the AR

B and ACEI groups with regard to BP after12months of therapy, which suggests that enalapril(5mg/day)and telmisartan (40mg/day)have the same anti-hypertensive effect.It was an ethical criterion of the study that the statin had to be administered to all patients with CAD because LDL-cholesterol levels in the majority of these patients were over100mg/dl.AHA(American Heart Association)/ACC(American College of Cardiology) guidelines for secondary prevention in patients with CAD state that the goal of treatment is an LDL-cholesterol level<100mg/dl[36].In addition,the present study could not elucidate the mechanism by which combined treatment with an ARB and statin affects miR-146a/b expression in patients with CAD.Further studies will therefore be needed to determine a causal relationship between these therapeutic agents in CAD.


The present study has suggested that dysregulation of miR-146a/b expression may contribute to the prolonged activation of TLR4and its downstream signalling in PBMCs obtained from patients with CAD.In addition, combined treatment with an ARB and statin decrease miR-146a/b levels,its target genes(IRAK1and TRAF6) and TLR4in patients with CAD,possibly contributing to the synergic effects of this therapeutic combination in this disorder.


Yuji Takahashi conceived and designed the study, interpreted the data,and revised the manuscript;Mamoru Satoh conceived and designed the study,and drafted the manuscript;Yoshitaka Minami analysed and interpreted the data;Tsuyoshi Tabuchi conceived and designed the study,and interpreted the data;Tomonori Itoh drafted the manuscript;and Motoyuki Nakamura revised the manuscript.


This study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for General Scienti?c Research from the Japanese Ministry of Education,Science,Sports and Culture[grant number 20590886],and Keiryokai Research Foundation[grant number98].


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Published as Immediate Publication4June2010,doi:10.1042/CS20100003

C The Authors Journal compilation C 2010Biochemical Society


强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis,AS)是一种慢性进行性疾病,主要侵犯骶髂关节、脊柱及外周关节,可有关节外表现,严重者可发生脊柱强直和关节强直。治疗强直性脊柱炎常用的药物有甲氨蝶呤、柳氮磺吡啶(SASP)、反应停等。来氟米特(LEF)作为新型免疫抑制剂对类风湿关节炎疗效确切,本研究通过对来氟米特治疗强直性脊柱炎为期6个月的观察,评价来氟米特治疗强直性脊柱炎的疗效和安全性。 目的 观察来氟米特治疗强直性脊柱炎的疗效和安全性。 方法 53例强直性脊柱炎患者给予来氟米特治疗,并随访6月,分别在治疗前、治疗后3个月、6个月记录患者症状、体征、强直性脊柱炎活动指数(BASDAI)、强直性脊柱炎功能指数(BASF I)、红细胞沉降率(ESR)、C-反应蛋白浓度(CRP)。 结果 在治疗后与治疗前比较,患者的腰背痛、晨僵时间均改善,指地距、BASDAI、BASFI、ESR、CRP均下降(P<0.05);枕壁距、扩胸度、Schober试验改善无统计学意义(P>0.05)。不良反应主要为胃肠道症状和肝功能异常。 结论 来氟米特治疗强直性脊柱炎有较好的疗效,不良反应轻,易耐受。 讨论 强直性脊柱炎是一种常见的炎性脊柱关节病,病情严重者最终会进展为脊柱融合和关节破坏,影响患者生活质量。HLA-27被认为与强直性脊柱炎密切相关,此外还存在其他重要的候选基因和AS相关,包括TNF-α、MMP3、IL-1等。另外,金属蛋白酶(MMP)也参与了强直性脊柱炎的发病,有研究表明血清MMP的浓度与强直性脊柱炎患者疾病的活动性密切相关。为了诠释强直性脊柱炎的发病机制,形成了多种假说。目前研究的热点是HLA-B27的非折叠蛋白反应理论,HLA-B27重链的折叠引起了广泛的关注,有研究显示,强直性脊柱炎的发生与HLA-B27分子的非折叠有关。当未折叠的重链在内质网内大量堆积,形成了“未折叠蛋白反应”,导致NF-k B及其他致关节炎的前炎性细胞因子的活化。至今,不管何种假说都不能完全阐明强直性脊柱炎的发病机理。 目前,对于强直性脊柱炎的治疗药物包括非甾体抗炎药和改善病情抗风湿药。临床上常用柳氮磺吡啶来改善强直性脊柱炎病情,但是强直性脊柱炎对柳氮磺吡啶反应不一,一些患者病情控制不理想,尤其对中轴关节症状疗效不佳;此外柳氮磺吡啶的不良反应较多,除了胃肠道症状和过敏外,还可能出现中毒性肝炎、粒细胞缺乏症等严重不良反应。来氟米特作为一种新型的免疫抑制剂,其活性代谢产物A77 l 726,通过抑制线粒体内二氢乳清酸脱氢酶的活性,从而阻断嘧啶的从头合成途径,减少滑膜细胞的合成和释放MMP,减轻基质的降解;来氟米特还能抑制核转录因子NF-k B的活化,阻止TNF-α、IL-1通过 NF-k B信号转导途径发挥生物学效应,同时也能阻断TNF、IL-1等细胞因子的表达。基于上述来氟米特作用机


来氟米特治疗类风湿关节炎的疗效探析 发表时间:2018-07-05T13:26:32.193Z 来源:《中国医学人文》(学术版)2018年1月第2期作者:朱家刚 [导读] 探讨来氟米特治疗类风湿关节炎的应用效果 朱家刚 宜都市五眼泉镇卫生院湖北宜昌 443000 【摘要】目的:探讨来氟米特治疗类风湿关节炎的应用效果。方法:选取我院2015年3月-2017年3月期间收治的类风湿关节炎患者48例为研究对象,均分为两组,对照组为甲氨蝶呤片,观察组为来氟米特片,对比两组治疗情况。结果:治疗后,两组的ESR、RF低于治疗前,观察组低于对照组,统计学有意义(P<0.05)。结论:来氟米特治疗类风湿关节炎的应用效果显著,症状得到改善,提高了治疗效果,值得应用。 【关键词】来氟米特;类风湿关节炎;疗效探析 类风湿性关节炎为常见疾病,也为典型慢性病症,该疾病难以治愈,对患者的生活质量和生存质量有着严重的负面影响,症状主要为关节畸形病变、关节功能障碍等,主要的发病人群为35-50岁的人群,女性患者的人数明显高于男性患者,药物治疗为其常见治疗方法,来氟米特的应用效果显著[1]。本文为探讨来氟米特治疗类风湿关节炎的应用效果,特选取我院2015年3月-2017年3月期间收治的类风湿关节炎患者48例为研究对象。报道如下。 1.资料与方法 1.1资料 选取我院2015年3月-2017年3月期间收治的类风湿关节炎患者48例为研究对象,均分为两组,每组24例,其中,对照组男性患者7例,女性患者17例,年龄在21-65岁,平均年龄为(35.21±1.25)岁,病程在0.5-7年,平均病程为(3.24±0.25)年;观察组男性患者6例,女性患者18例,年龄在61-66岁,平均年龄为(35.26±1.24)岁,病程在0.6-7年,平均病程为(3.28±0.23)年。两组患者在(年龄、病程、性别)等方面,统计学无意义(P>0.05)。纳入标准:依据2010年ACR/EULAR类风湿关节炎中关于类风湿关节炎的诊断标准[2],确诊为类风湿关节炎患者;所有患者均签署知情同意书。排除严重肝、肾等器官功能不全者;排除精神疾病者;排除不签署知情同意书者;排除全身免疫性疾病者。 1.2方法 对照组为甲氨蝶呤片,甲氨蝶呤片(湖南正清制药集团股份有限公司生产,国药准字:H19983205),口服治疗,每周用药一次,每次的剂量控制为7.5mg,连续治疗半年。 观察组为来氟米特片,来氟米特片(苏州长征-欣凯制药有限公司生产,国药准字:H20000550),口服治疗,每天两次,每次用药剂量为10mg,连续治疗半年。 1.3观察指标 观察两组治疗前后各项指标情况。各项指标:类风湿因子(RF)、血沉(ESR)。血沉选用XC-A30全自动血沉分析仪检测;类风湿因子选用免IgG致敏的羊红细胞测定法测定。 1.4统计学处理 将数据输入到SPSS19.0中,分析,用(±s)表示平均值,组间用t、χ2检验,P<0.05,统计学有意义。 2.结果 2.1.两组治疗前后各项指标情况 治疗前,两组的ESR、RF进行比较,统计学无意义(P>0.05);治疗后,两组的ESR、RF低于治疗前,观察组低于对照组,统计学有意义(P<0.05)。见表1。 3.讨论 类风湿性关节炎作为典型的炎症病症,发病后,患者的关节功能会产生严重障碍,影响患者的生活自理能力,治疗不及时或不合理,导致患者病情恶化,还会累及患者的其他组织器官,危及患者的生存质量,应给予重视。 临床上,针对该疾病的治疗,多为药物治疗,甲氨蝶呤片作为常见的治疗药物,临床时间极长,该药物存在免疫抑制和抗炎的药效,存在一定程度的治疗效果,使用该药物,极易导致患者产生口腔溃疡、胃肠道反应等不良反应,整体治疗效果不甚理想;随着我国医疗水平的提升,来氟米特片逐渐取代甲氨蝶呤片,成为了主要的治疗药物,该药物为典型人工合成药物,能减少T淋巴细胞产生的炎症因子,还能调节免疫能力,应用价值极高,值得选用[3]。 综上所述,来氟米特治疗类风湿关节炎的应用效果显著,症状得到改善,提高了治疗效果,来氟米特片值得类风湿关节炎患者应


来氟米特片说明书 【药品名称】 通用名:来氟米特片 商品名:爱若华 英文名:Leiflunomide Tablets 汉语拼音:Laifumite Pian 主要成分是来氟米特,其化学名称为:N-(4¢-三氟甲基苯基)-5-甲基异 唑-4-甲酰胺。 分子式:C12H9F3N202 分子量:270.2 【性状】本品为白色薄膜衣片,除去薄膜衣呈白色。 【适应症】适用于成人类风湿关节炎,有改善病情作用。 【用法用量】由于来氟米特半衰期较长,建议间隔24小时给药。为了快速达到稳态血药浓度,参照国外临床试验资料并结合I期临床试验结果,建议开始治疗的最初三天给予负荷剂量一日50mg(5片),之后给予维持剂量一日20mg(2片)。在使用本药治疗期间可继续使用非甾体抗炎药或低剂量皮质类固醇激素。 【不良反应】主要是腹泻、瘙痒、可逆性肝脏酶(ALT和AST)升高、脱发、皮疹等。在国外临床试验中,来氟米特治疗1339例类风湿关节炎病人中,发生率≥3%的不良事件包括:乏力、腹痛、背痛、高血压、厌食、腹泻、消化不良、胃肠炎、肝脏酶升高、恶心、口腔溃疡、呕吐、体重减轻、关节功能障碍、腱鞘炎、头晕、头痛、支气管炎、咳嗽、呼吸道感染、咽炎、脱发、瘙痒、皮疹、泌尿系统感染等。以上不良事件均在安慰剂对照或阳性对照柳氮磺吡啶治疗组及MTX治疗组中发现,其中来氟米特治疗组以腹泻、肝脏酶升高、脱发、皮疹较为明显,在应用过程中应加以注意。 【禁忌】对本品及其代谢产物过敏者及严重肝脏损害者禁用。 【注意事项】 1、临床试验发现来氟米特可引起一过性的ALT升高的白细胞下降,服药初始阶段应定期检查ALT和白细胞。检查间隔视病人情况而定。 2、严重肝脏损害和明确的乙肝或丙肝血清学指标阳性的患者慎用。用药前及用药后每月检查ALT,检测时间间隔视病人具体情况而定。如果用药期间出现A TL升高,调整剂量或中断治疗的原则:(1)如果ALT升高在正常值的2倍(<80U/L)以内,继续观察。(2)如果ALT升高在正常值的2—3倍之间(80—120U/L),减半量服用,继续观察,若ALT继续升高或仍然维持80—120U/L之间,应中断治疗。(3)如果ALT升高超过正常值的3倍(>120U/L),应停药观察。停药后若ALT恢复正常可继续用药,同时加强护肝治疗及随访,多数病人ALT不会再次升高。 3、免疫缺陷、未控制的感染、活动性胃肠道、肾功能不全、骨髓发育不良(bone marrow dysplasia)的患者慎用。 4、如果服药期间出现白细胞下降,调整剂量或中断治疗的原则如下: (1)若白细胞不低于3.0×109/L,继续服药观察。 (2)若白细胞在2.0×109/L—3.0×109/L之间,减半量服药观察。继续用药期间,多数病人可以恢复正常。若复查白细胞仍低于1.5×109/L,中断用药。 (3)若白细胞低于2.0×109/L,中断用药。建议粒细胞计数不低于1.5×109/L。 5、准备生育的男性应考虑中断服药,同时服用考来烯胺(消胆胺)。 6、在本品治疗期间接种免疫活疫苗的效果和安全性没有临床资料,因此服药期间不应使用免疫活疫苗。


(来氟米特)知识问答 1、来氟米特是一种什么性质的药物? 2、来氟米特需服用多少剂量比较合适? 3、来氟米特主要用于治疗什么疾病,效果如何? 4、来氟米特有哪些不良反应? 5、来氟米特能治疗强直性脊柱炎吗? 6、来氟米特的治疗成本有多大? 7、有了来氟米特意味着什么? 8、来氟米特与一个病人80岁生日的故事 1、来氟米特是一种什么性质的药物? 来氟米特,英文名:1eflunomide,LEF。商品名:爱诺华、妥抒。来氟米特是一个具有抗增殖活性的免疫调节剂。 来氟米特口服后经肝脏和肠壁细胞的细胞质和微粒体迅速转化为活性代谢产物A771726(M1),通过活性代谢产物A771726在体内发挥免疫调节作用。 来氟米特的作用机制包括:抑制细胞的嘧啶生物合成,能可逆性地抑制嘧啶核苷酸从头合成途径中的限速酶二氢乳清酸脱氢酶的活性,阻断嘧啶核苷酸的合成,从而抑制细胞内DNA和RNA的合成;抑制酪酸激酶的活性和细胞的粘附,通过抑制中性粒细胞的趋化和表达,减慢粒细胞进入关节和减少局部巨噬细胞的数量,而不影响人粒细胞的吞噬作用;抑制自身抗体的产生和分泌。这些已发现的作用机制,成为解释其疗效的重要理由。但尚有许多未知的机制有待进一步阐明。根据这些已知的作用,来氟米特目前临床主要用于治疗类风湿关节炎,至今已积累了大量的病例资料,其疗效得到全世界风湿病学术界的公认,并将本药编入了医学院校的教科书之中,使未来会成为临床医师者对来氟米特有充分的认识。 除此以外,来氟米特还有用于治疗系统性红斑狼疮(尤其是狼疮肾炎)和其他多种自身免疫病的报道。我们对其他药物无效的狼疮肾炎,使用来氟米特治疗取得了令人满意的效果,对这些难治性的狼疮肾炎来氟米特不失为一种有效手段值得一试。 2、来氟米特需服用多少剂量比较合适? 来氟米特口服吸收迅速,6~12小时内,其活性代谢产物(A771726)的血药浓度达峰值,口服生物利用度约80%,吸收不受高脂肪饮食的影响。 单次口服50毫克或100毫克后24小时,血浆中A771726的浓度分别为4微克/毫升或8.5微克/毫升。A771726主要分布于肝、肾和皮肤组织,而脑组织中分布较少。A771726血浆浓度较低,血浆蛋白结合率大于99%,稳态分布容积为0.13升/千克。 来氟米特在临床应用中使用3天(每天50毫克)的负荷剂量可以快速达到稳态血药浓度。肝细胞微粒体是药物的主要代谢部位。A771726在体内进一步代谢,从肾脏以及直接从胆汁排泄,43%从尿中排泄,48%从粪便中排泄。其半衰期约为10天,肠肝循环是导致A771726半衰期较长的主要因素。 从以上药代动力学可以看出,推荐开始三天可以用负荷剂量,100mg/日。这样有利于及早达到有效血药浓度。但这样的剂量,可能出现一些药物的副作用,部分病人有不适的感觉。所以,对一些体质较差,年龄较大的病人,不推荐使用这样的负荷剂量。而是从开始就用常规剂量,20mg/日。这样做,虽然达到有效血药


来氟米特治疗类风湿关节炎临床观察 发表时间:2014-08-26T15:30:37.730Z 来源:《医药前沿》2014年第20期供稿作者:丁武[导读] 来氟米特单用或联合甲氨蝶呤治疗活动性类风湿关节炎优于单用甲氨蝶呤。 丁武 (贵州省贵定县人民医院 551300) 【摘要】目的观察来氟米特在活动性类风湿关节炎的治疗效果。方法对治疗效果差的活动性类风湿关节炎采用来氟米特或来氟米特联合甲氨蝶呤治疗,观察疗效。结果来氟米特或来氟米特联合甲氨蝶呤治疗活动性类风湿关节炎有较好疗效。结论来氟米特单用或联合甲氨蝶呤治疗活动性类风湿关节炎优于单用甲氨蝶呤。 【关键词】来氟米特甲氨喋呤类风湿关节炎 【中图分类号】R969 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2014)20-0227-02 1、引言 类风湿关节炎(RA)是以对称性多关节炎为主要临床表现的异质性、系统性疾病。现在临床上多采用以甲氨喋呤为基础的联合治疗方案,取得了较好治疗效果。而少部分患者对甲氨蝶呤无效,我院采用来氟米特治疗取得了较好效果,现报道如下: 2、临床资料 2.1一般资料 2006年6 -2013年12月在我院门诊治疗的活动性RA患者,均符合美国风湿病协会1987年提出的诊断标准。其中男8例,女14例,年龄36-60岁,中位年龄54岁,就诊时病程1年6年,中位病程4年。服用甲氨喋呤,雷公藤多甙,以及非甾体体抗炎药大于半年者16例;服用甲氨喋呤、火把花根、强的松1年以上者6例,所有病例按ARA临床缓解标准评定,均无缓解。 2.2临床表现 22例患者均有晨僵,持续时间大于1小时。双侧腕、掌指、近指关节、双膝关节肿,持续时间大于2个月者14例。五个以下关节肿,持续时间大于2个月者13例。尺侧偏斜,天鹅颈样畸形者6例。双膝关节功能明显障碍,生活不能自理2例。类风湿结节6例。发热4例,体温37.6℃~38.2℃。血沉大于100mm/h5例;血沉30~50mm/h17例。类风湿因子阳性9例。X线检查有关节畸形、关节间隙变窄者9例;骨质疏松、囊性变者13例。 2.3治疗及转归 所有病例在我院门诊治疗,并随诊,其中16例患者采用来氟米特(20mg/d)联合一种非甾体抗炎药;6例患者采用来氟米特(20mg/d)联合甲氨喋呤及一种非甾体抗炎药。治疗二周后9例患者关节肿胀,疼痛减轻,未再使用非甾体抗炎药;八周后16例患者关节肿胀消退,无关节疼痛,晨僵改善,持续时间小于15分钟。十二周后所有病例关节肿痛显著改善,血沉在16-28mm/h之间。22例患者均达ARA临床缓解标准,服药期间无皮疹,腹泻、肝功能损害等副作用。 3、讨论 RA的治疗目的是减轻疼痛,控制病情进展,阻止不可逆的骨改变,尽可能保护关节和肌肉的功能,目前治疗RA的药物大致分为三大类:第一类为非甾体抗炎药:起效快,具有抗炎、止痛、消肿等使用,但不能改善病情进展,不能减轻骨质损坏和防止致残,是一种对症药物;第二类药物为病程改善药:一般起效慢,起效时间1~3个月,长期使用减缓病情发展,阻止骨质损坏;第三类药物为糖皮质激素,激素能迅速减轻关节疼痛与肿胀,但长期应用容易引起骨质疏松、糖尿病、细菌和病毒感染,无菌性骨坏死等并发症。近年来早期使用改变病情抗风湿药(DMARD)的意义得到越来越多的证实,无论单独使用或与其他DMARD联合使用,都可以提高缓解率。如甲氨喋呤、来氟米特、柳氮磺吡啶、硫唑嘌呤、以及中药雷公藤制剂等均属此类,而两种DMARD联用较单用1种效佳,所以目前一般倾向于DMARD联合治疗。基层医院因经济等原因一般采用甲氨喋呤与氯喹组合或甲氨喋呤与雷公藤组合的治疗方案。甲氨喋呤作用机制为竞争性抑制二氢叶酸还原酶,阻止二氢叶酸还原为四氢叶酸,抑制DNA、RNA和蛋白质的合成,从而抑制细胞免疫和体液免疫。甲氨喋呤的疗效和不良反应与亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶的基因多态性有关,带有677C~1298C单体型者,甲氨蝶呤的用量可比无此基因者少;而带有667T~1298A单体型者,甲氨喋呤治疗的不良反应发生率高[1]。对甲氨喋呤无效的RA病人,我们采用来氟米特治疗,来氟米特作用机制为:来氟米特的活性代谢产物抑制二氢乳酸脱氢酶,后者是嘧啶生物合成途径中必需的酶。其突出作用是抑制T淋巴细胞增殖。来氟米特和甲氨蝶呤一样有效的控制RA的症状和体征,减缓关节的破坏进程。来氟米特可单独给予,也可与甲氨蝶呤同时给予,是治疗RA时最常用的免疫抑制剂。[2]甲氨喋呤与来氟米特作用机理不同,临床效果亦不一样。由以上病例可知,对甲氨喋呤治疗无效的RA病人单用来氟米特或来氟米特联合甲氨喋呤,可取得较好疗效。 参考文献 [1]曾庆馀,类风湿关节炎治疗的新理念[J]新医学,2006,37(1):5 [2]田新平、曾小峰主译哈里森风湿病学北京人民卫生出版社,2009:84


爱若华(来氟米特片)说明书 【爱若华药品名称】 通用名称:来氟米特片 商品名称:爱若华 英文名称:Leflunomide Tablets 汉语拼音:Laifumite Pian 【爱若华成份】 主要成份为来氟米特。 爱若华其化学名称为α,α,α-三氟-5-甲基-异噁唑-N-酰基-对甲苯胺。 【爱若华性状】 (1)10mg爱若华为白色薄膜衣片,除去薄膜衣呈白色。 (2)20mg爱若华为薄膜衣片,除去薄膜衣后呈白色。 【爱若华适应症】 (1)适用于成人类风湿关节炎,有改善病情作用。(2)狼疮性肾炎。 【爱若华规格】 (1)10mg(2)20mg 【爱若华用法用量】 (1)成人类风湿性关节炎:口服。由于来氟米特半衰期较长,建议间隔24小时给药。为了达到稳态血药浓度,参照国外临床试验资料并结合Ⅰ期临床试验结果,建议开始治疗的初三天给予负荷剂量一日50mg,之后根据病情给予维持剂量一日10mg或20mg。在使用本药治疗期间可继续使用非甾体抗炎药或低剂量皮质类固醇激素。 (2)狼疮性肾炎:口服。根据病情选择适当剂量,推荐剂量一日一次,一次20-40mg,病情缓解后适当减量。可与糖皮质激素联用,或遵医嘱。 【爱若华不良反应】 用于类风湿关节炎的治疗:主要有腹泻、瘙痒、可逆性肝脏酶(ALT和AST)升高、脱发、皮疹等。在国外临床试验中,来氟米特治疗1339例类风湿关节炎病人中,发生率≥3%的不良事件包括:乏力、腹痛、背痛、高血压、厌食、腹泻、消化不良、胃肠炎、肝脏酶升高、恶心、口腔溃疡、呕吐、体重减轻、关节功能障碍、腱鞘炎、头晕、头痛、支气管炎、咳嗽、呼吸道感染、咽炎、脱发、瘙痒、皮疹、泌尿系统感染等。以上不良事件均在安慰剂对照或阳性对照柳氮磺胺吡啶治疗组及MTX治疗组中发现,其中来氟米特治疗组以腹泻、肝脏酶升高、脱发、皮疹较为明显,在应用过程中应加以注意。 用于狼疮性肾炎的治疗:国内临床试验资料显示,来氟米特治疗108例活动增殖型狼疮肾炎病人中,前6个月(20-40mg/日),共有43人发生与试验药物可能有关/有关的不良反应,发生率为39.81%;治疗期间,发生率≥3%的不良事件包括:脱发、血压升高、带状疱疹、转氨酶升高、腹泻/稀便、白细胞下降、皮疹、月经不调、心悸、腹痛;发生率<3%的不良


来氟米特治疗难治性原发性肾病综合征 作为一种新型免疫抑制剂,来氟米特(LEF)已被纳入治疗类风湿性关节炎的一线药物。LEF具有抑制淋巴细胞增殖的作用。近年来,它又被越来越多地应用于其他免疫性疾病及肾脏疾病的治疗。通过来氟米特治疗难治性原发性肾病综合征的文献荟萃,表明来氟米特联合糖皮质激素治疗具有降低尿蛋白和提高血清清蛋白的作用,并可能有促进RPNS患者肾功能恢复的作用。来氟米特对于不同病理类型的疗效存在差异。对于微小病变型、系膜增生型和膜型肾病普遍或大部分有效,而对于局灶节段性肾小球硬化和膜增殖型肾炎仅少数有效,且效果不够理想。来氟米特的不良反应是可以耐受的,建议可作为二线联合用药选择。目前此类研究样本量较少,还有待进一步证实。 标签:来氟米特;原发性肾病综合征;难治性;综述 来氟米特(Leflunomide,LEF)是具有抗增殖活性的免疫抑制剂[1],其临床应用于类风湿性关节炎的治疗已10余年,随着对LEF认识的不断深入和临床经验的不断积累,LEF已越来越多地应用于其他风湿免疫病,并尝试应用于肾小球疾病的治疗[2-4],也积累了一定的临床经验。现就LEF治疗难治性原发性肾病综合征(refractory primary nephrotic syndrome,RPNS)做一综述。 1 LEF的生理特性及药理学作用机制 LEF(化学名称:a,a,a-三氟-5-甲基-异口唑-N-酰基-对甲苯胺),其活性的代谢产物A77 1726通过抑制二氢乳酸脱氢酶及酪氨酸激酶的活性,抑制细胞尤其是淋巴细胞的增殖,减少自身抗体产生,阻止炎症因子的表达[5-7]。T淋巴细胞增殖活化期,对LEF抑制作用较为敏感;同时,T淋巴细胞在类风湿性关节炎发生、发展中起重要作用[8-9]。因此,LEF被用于类风湿性关节炎。 学者观察到LEF的活性产物A77 1726还抑制NF-KB,阻止炎症因子的表达。动物实验证明NF-KB在细胞因子介导的肾小球肾炎的病理损害过程中扮演重要角色。提示LEF可应用于免疫性肾脏病领域。人们在实践中也发现了LEF 治疗肾小球疾病有良好的效果[10-11]。因此,LEF可能对原发性肾小球疾病临床治疗有效。近年来,LEF用于RPNS亦取得较好的疗效。 2 LEF在RPNS患者中的临床应用 原发性肾病综合征是常见的肾小球疾病,根据对糖皮质激素的反应,分为激素敏感型、激素抵抗型和激素依赖型,后两者称为RPNS[12]。 RPNS往往需加用免疫抑制剂治疗。研究结果[13-15]显示,环磷酰胺或吗替麦考酚酯联合激素仍然是治疗RPNS的一线方案,但这些方案仍对一部分患者无效。此外,环磷酰胺的一些不良反应使许多患者无法耐受,一直是困扰临床工作的难题。余荣杰等[16]于2003年开始报道LEF治疗27例RPNS,完全缓解率为


来氟米特片 来氟米特(Leflunomide)别称爱若华,为具有抗增殖活性的异噁唑类衍生物,能抑制二氢乳清酸合成酶,通过抑制嘧啶的全程生物合成,从而直接抑制淋巴细胞和B细胞的增殖。此外,本品还能抑制酪氨酸激酶的活性,抑制核因子-KB的活化和基因的表达,抑制细胞因子、黏附分子的表达,抑制抗体产生、分泌及NO的生成,故具有抗炎作用。 基本信息 药品名称来氟米特 别名爱若华 剂型片剂 贮藏温度25℃ 包装双铝包装 类别免疫抑制剂 作用抗炎 适应症 用于成人类风湿性关节炎和狼疮性肾炎的治疗。还可用于大疱性类天疱疮、结缔组织病、Wegener肉芽肿病、严重型银屑病等。 临床应用 1.口服 负荷量50毫克/日,3天后改为维持量20毫克/日。病情缓解后,可改为10毫克/日。狼疮性肾炎每日20~40mg,病情缓解后可适当减量。 不良反应 1.主要不良反应包括瘙痒、剂量依赖性皮炎、可逆性脱发和氨基转移酶升高及胃肠道不良反应(最常见的有厌食、腹痛、腹泻、呕吐、胃炎及胃肠炎)。 2.未见有肾毒性及骨髓毒性发生,但已有血象改变的报道。 3.另有发生间质性肺炎、肺纤维化和肝衰竭,严重者致死报道。 注意事项 不良反应主要为腹泻、瘙痒、可逆性ALT/AST升高等。若出现白细胞下降,应减量或停用。准备生育的男性应考虑中断服药,同时服用考来烯胺(消胆胺)。剂量过大或出现毒性时,可给予考来烯胺或活性炭加以消除。 用药禁忌

妊娠和哺乳期妇女禁用。免疫缺陷、未控制的感染、活动性胃肠道疾病、肾功能不全、骨髓发育不良患者禁用。 罕见间质性肺炎,有肺部疾病的患者慎用。尚未有儿童的疗效和安全研究资料,建议小于18岁者不要使用。 药物相互作用 考来烯胺、活性炭可抑制本品在肠道的吸收,降低其血药浓度。 说明:上述内容仅作为介绍,药物使用必须经正规医院在医生指导下进行。


来氟米特治疗类风湿关节炎的临床治疗效果观察 发表时间:2017-04-11T14:50:13.207Z 来源:《中国医学人文》(学术版)2017年2月第3期作者:周艳华 [导读] 分析来氟米特治疗类风湿关节炎的临床治疗效果,为临床提供指导。 湖北省洪湖市中医院 433200 【摘要】目的分析来氟米特治疗类风湿关节炎的临床治疗效果,为临床提供指导。方法抽取来我院治疗的62例类风湿关节炎患者(2012年9月至2015年12月)作为本次实验的目标对象,对62例患者实施随机分组。对照组31例患者实施甲氨蝶呤治疗,实验组31例患者在对照组患者的基础上实施来氟米特治疗,两组类风湿关节炎患者均随访半年,分析比较两组类风湿关节炎患者的临床疗效、类风湿因子、C反应蛋白水平及关节肿胀指数。结果实验组31例患者的总有效率为93.55%,显著高于对照组31例患者(74.19%);且两组类风湿关节炎患者比较可得,组间治疗后的类风湿因子、C反应蛋白水平及关节肿胀指数的结果存在差异,P<0.05。结论在甲氨蝶呤治疗的基础上,对类风湿关节炎患者应用来氟米特治疗的效果更显著,可有效缓解患者的临床症状。 【关键词】来氟米特;类风湿关节炎;效果 类风湿关节炎属于临床免疫科的常见病之一,该病主要发病人群为女性,各年龄段均可发病,但以25至50岁较多见,主要临床症状表现为晨僵、关节畸形、关节活动受限等,严重影响了患者的工作和生活,因此,及时对患者实施有效治疗尤为重要[1]。我院对类风湿关节炎患者在甲氨蝶呤的基础上实施来氟米特治疗,详见下文。 1 62例类风湿关节炎患者的资料和方法 1.1 62例患者的一般资料 抽取来我院治疗的62例类风湿关节炎患者(2012年9月至2015年12月)作为本次实验的目标对象,对62例患者实施随机分组。实验组31例患者男女分别为12、19例,年龄25-65岁,平均年龄(42.12±2.12)岁。对照组31例患者男女分别为11、20例,年龄24-64岁,平均年龄(42.04±2.05)岁。实验组31例患者的一般资料和对照组31例患者无显著区别,P大于0.05,具有可比性。 1.2 治疗干预方法 对照组31例患者实施甲氨蝶呤治疗,每次7.5mg,每天3次;实验组31例患者在对照组患者的基础上实施来氟米特治疗,甲氨蝶呤的治疗方法参照对照组患者,同时给予患者口服来氟米特治疗,每次20mg,每天1次,实验组和对照组类风湿关节炎患者均连续治疗半年。 1.3 评估指标及效果评估标准 1.3.1评估指标 两组类风湿关节炎患者均随访半年,分析比较两组类风湿关节炎患者的临床疗效、类风湿因子、C反应蛋白水平及关节肿胀指数,总分为10分,分值越高,表示关节肿胀程度越明显 [2]。 1.3.2效果评估标准 以总有效率作为临床疗效的判定标准,无效:患者的临床症状、生命体征指标及实验室指标较治疗前改善程度小于30%;好转:患者的临床症状、生命体征指标及实验室指标较治疗前改善程度介于30%至50%之间;有效:患者的临床症状、生命体征指标及实验室指标较治疗前改善程度介于51%至75%之间;显效:患者的临床症状、生命体征指标及实验室指标较治疗前改善程度大于75%[3]。 1.4 统计学分析 对实验组和对照组类风湿关节炎患者的临床疗效、类风湿因子、C反应蛋白水平及关节肿胀指数应用统计学软件(SPSS21.0)进行数据分析,统计方法采用χ2检验、t检验,P<0.05,差异有统计学意义。 2 研究结果 2.1 比较两组类风湿关节炎患者的临床疗效 实验组31例患者的总有效率为93.55%,显著高于对照组(74.19%),组间结果存在差异,P<0.05,见表1: 3 讨论 目前,临床治疗类风湿关节炎主要对患者实施药物治疗、手术治疗。该病若不及时加以干预,易使患者出现关节增生、关节畸形等症状,严重者引起患者出现全身症状,极大程度影响了患者的生活质量[4]。对此次研究的数据进行分析可知,实验组31例患者的总有效率为93.55%,比对照组31例患者高出19.37%,氟米特治疗类风湿关节炎的临床治疗效果显著,对类风湿关节炎患者应用来氟米特治疗可有效


来氟米特(leflunomide)的作用机制和临床应用 作者:王泳 作者单位:南京军区南京总医院,解放军肾脏病研究所,南京,210002 刊名: 肾脏病与透析肾移植杂志 英文刊名:CHINESE JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY,DIALYSIS & TRANSPLANTATION 年,卷(期):2004,13(2) 被引用次数:15次 参考文献(31条) 1.Fairbanks LD;Bogil M;Ruekemann K Importance of ribonucleotide available to proliferating T-lymphocyte from healthy humans:disproportion expansion of pyrimidine pools and contrasting effects of de novo synthesis inhibitors 1995 2.Davis JP;Cain GA;Pitts WJ The immunosuppressive metabolite of leflunomide is a potent inhibitor of human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase[外文期刊] 1996 3.Lucien J;Dias VC;Le Gatt Blood distribution and single-dose pharmacokinetics of leflunomide 1995 4.Xu X;Williams JW;Gong H Two activities of the immunosuppressive metabolite of leflunomide,A77 1726.Inhibition of pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis and protein tyrosine phosphorylation[外文期刊] 1996 5.Elder RT;Xu X;Williams JM The immunosuppressive metabolite of leflunomide,A771726,affeacts murine T cells through two biochemical mechanisms 1997 6.PaulWE;Seder RA Lymphocyte responses and cytokines[外文期刊] 1994 7.Schmidt A;Schwind B;Gillich M Simultaneous determination of leflunomide and its active metabolite,A771726,in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatograpb[外文期刊] 2003(4) 8.Siemasko KF;Chong AS;Williams JW Regulation of B cell function by the immunosuppressive agent leflunomide[外文期刊] 1996(4) 9.Hardinger KL;Wang CD;Schnitzler MA Prospective,pilot,openlable,short term study of conversion to leflunomide reverse chronic renal allograft dysfunction[外文期刊] 2002 10.Fei xiao;Anita Chong;Jikun Shen Pharmacologically induced regression of chrouic transplant rejection[外文期刊] 1995(10) 11.Xiao F;Chong ASF;Foster P Leflunomide controls rejection in hamster to rat cardiac xenografts[外文期刊] 1994 12.Xiao F;Chong ASF;Shen J Pharmacologically induced regression of chronic trabsplant rejection[外文期刊] 1995 13.Williams JW;Mital D;Chong A Experience with leflunomide in solid organ transplantation[外文期刊] 2002(3) 14.Remer CF;Weisman MH;Wallace DJ Benefits of leflunomide in systemic lupus erythematosus:a pilot observational study[外文期刊] 2001(07) 15.Morris RE;Huang X;Cao W Leflunomide (HWA 486) and its analog suppress T-and B-cell proliferation in vitro,acute rejection,ongoing rejection,and antidonor antibody synthesis in mouse,rat,and cynomolgus monkey transplant recipients as well as arterial intimal thickening after bal 1995


来氟米特片 曾用名爱诺华说明书 英文名 LEFLUNOMIDE TABLETS 拼音名 LAIFUMITE PIAN 药品类别解热镇痛及非甾体抗炎镇痛药 性状本品为白色薄膜衣片,除去薄膜衣呈白色。 药理毒理 本品为一个具有抗增殖活性的异口恶唑类免疫抑制剂,其作用机理主要是抑制二氢乳清酸脱氢酶的活性,从而影响活化淋巴细胞的嘧啶合成。体内外试验表明本品具有抗炎作用。来氟米特的体内活性主要通过其活性代谢产物 A771726(M1)而产生。药代动力学本品口服吸收迅速,在胃肠粘膜与肝中迅速转变为活性代谢产物A771726 (M1),口服后6~12小时内A771726的血药浓度达峰值,口服生物利用度约 80%,吸收不受高脂肪饮食影响。单次口服50或100mg后24小时,血浆A771726 浓度分别为4或8.5μg/ml。A771726主要分布于肝、肾和皮肤组织,而脑组织分布较少;A771726血浆浓度较低,血浆蛋白结合率大于99%,稳态分布容积为 0.13L/kg。A771726在体内进一步代谢,并从肾脏与胆汁排泄,其半衰期约10 天。 适应症 适用于成人类风湿关节炎,有改善病情作用。 用法用量 由于来氟米特半衰期较长,建议间隔24小时给药。为了快速达到稳态血药浓度,参照国外临床试验资料并结合Ⅰ期临床试验结果,建议开始治疗的最初三天给予负荷剂量一日50mg(5片),之后给予维持剂量一日20mg(2片)。在使用本药治疗期间可继续使用非甾体抗炎药或低剂量皮质类固醇激素。 建议开始治疗的最初三天给予负荷剂量一日50mg,之后给予维持剂量一日20mg或10mg。 不良反应 主要有腹泻、瘙痒、可逆性肝脏酶(ALT和AST)升高、脱发、皮疹等。在国外临床试验中,来氟米特治疗1339例类风湿关节炎病人中,发生率≥ 3 %的不良事件包括:乏力、腹痛、背痛、高血压、厌食、腹泻、消化不良、胃肠炎、肝脏酶升高、恶心、口腔溃疡、呕吐、体重减轻、关节功能障碍、腱鞘炎、头晕、头痛、支气管炎、咳嗽、呼吸道感染、咽炎、脱发、搔痒、皮疹、泌尿系统感染等。以上不良事件均在安慰剂对照或阳性对照柳氮磺胺吡啶治疗组及MTX治疗组中发现,其中来氟米特治疗组以腹泻、肝脏酶升高、脱发、皮疹较为明显,在应用过程中应加以注意。 禁忌症 对本品及其代谢产物过敏者及严重肝脏损害患者禁用。 注意事项 (1)临床试验发现来氟米特可引起一过性的ALT升高和白细胞下降,服药初始阶段应定期检查ALT和白细胞。检查间隔视病人情况而定。 (2)严重肝脏损害和明确的乙肝或丙肝血清学指标阳性的患者慎用。用药前及用药后每月检查ALT,检测时间间隔视病人具体情况而定。如果用药期间出现ALT升高,调整剂量或中断治疗的原则: ①如果ALT升高在正常值的2倍(<80U/L)以内,继续观察。 ②如果ALT升高在正常值的2-3 倍之间(80-120U/L),减半量服用,继续观察,若ALT继续升高或仍然维持 80-120U/L之间,应中断治疗。 ③如果ALT升高超过正常值的3倍(>120U/ L),应停药观察。停药后若ALT恢复正常可继续用药,同时加强护肝治疗及随访,多数病人 ALT不会再次升高。 (3)免疫缺陷、未控制的感染、活动性胃肠道疾病、肾功能不全、骨髓发育不良(bone marrow dysplasia)的患者慎用。(4)如果服药期间出现白细胞下降,调整剂量或中断治疗的原则如下:①若白细胞不低于3.0×109/L,继续服药观察。②若白细胞在2.0×109/L一3.0× 109/L之间,减半量服药观察。继续用药期间,多数病人可以恢复正常。若复查白细胞仍低于3.0×109/L,中断服药。③若白细胞低于2.0×109/L,中断服药。建议粒细胞计数不低于1.5×109/L。 (5)准备生育的男性应考虑中断服药,同时服用考来烯胺(消胆胺)。 (6)在本品治疗期间接种免疫活疫苗的效果和安全性没有临床资料,因此服药期间不应使用免疫活疫苗。 孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药 孕妇及尚未采取可靠避孕措施的育龄妇女及哺乳期妇女禁用。 儿童用药 对儿童应用本品的疗效和安全性还没有研究,故年龄小于18岁的患者,建议不要使用本品。 老年患者用药 药物相互作用文献资料报道:(1)考来烯胺和活性炭 13例患者和96例志愿者给予考来烯胺或活性炭,血浆中Ml浓度很快减少。(2)肝毒性药物来氟米特和其它肝毒性药物合用可能增加不良反应,同时也应考虑到虽然中断来氟米特治疗,但没有采取药物消除措施就接着服用这些药物,同样有可能增加不良反应。在小样本(30例)来氟米特和MTX联合用药的研究中,


相关杂质整理列表 中文名英文名CAS号规格纯度结构式 来氟米特杂质1(来氟米特EP杂 质A)Leflunomide Impurity 1 (Leflunomid e EP Impurity A) 455-14-1 10mg-25mg-50mg-100mg ≥99% 来氟米特杂质2(来氟米特EP杂 质B)Leflunomide Impurity 2 (Leflunomid e EP Impurity B) 163451-81- 8 10mg-25mg-50mg-100mg ≥99% 来氟米特杂质3(来氟米特EP杂 质C)Leflunomide Impurity 3 (Leflunomid e EP Impurity C) 61643-23-0 10mg-25mg-50mg-100mg ≥99% 来氟米特杂质4(来氟米特EP杂 质D)Leflunomide Impurity 4 (Leflunomid e EP Impurity D) 42831-50-5 10mg-25mg-50mg-100mg ≥99% 来氟米特杂质5(来氟米特EP杂 质E)Leflunomide Impurity 5 (Leflunomid e EP Impurity E) 208401-20- 1 10mg-25mg-50mg-100mg ≥99% 来氟米特杂质6(来氟米特EP杂 质F)Leflunomide Impurity 6 (Leflunomid e EP Impurity F) 1403564-0 6-6 10mg-25mg-50mg-100mg ≥99% 来氟米特杂质7(来氟米特EP杂 质G)Leflunomide Impurity 7 (Leflunomid e EP Impurity G) 724429-16- 7 10mg-25mg-50mg-100mg ≥99%


爱若华(来氟米特片)说明书 【爱若华药品名称】 通用名称:来氟米特片 商品名称:爱若华 英文名称:Leflu nomide Tablets 汉语拼音:Laifumite Pian 【爱若华成份】 主要成份为来氟米特。 爱若华其化学名称为a,a,a -三氟-5-甲基-异噁唑-N-酰基-对甲苯胺。 【爱若华性状】 (1) 10mg 爱若华为白色薄膜衣片,除去薄膜衣呈白色。 (2) 20mg 爱若华为薄膜衣片,除去薄膜衣后呈白色。 【爱若华适应症】 (1) 适用于成人类风湿关节炎,有改善病情作用。 【爱若华规格】 (1) 10mg( 2) 20mg 【爱若华用法用量】 (1) 成人类风湿性关节炎:口服。由于来氟米特半衰期较长,建议间隔 达到稳态血药浓度,参照国外临床试验资料并结合I 期临床试验结果, 天给予负荷剂量一日 50mg,之后根据病情给予维持剂量一日 期间可继续 使用非甾体抗炎药或低剂量皮质类固醇激素。 (2) 狼疮性肾炎:口服。根据病情选择适当剂量,推荐剂量一日一次,一次 情缓解后适当减量。可与糖皮质激素联用,或遵医嘱。 【爱若华不良反应】 用于类风湿关节炎的治疗:主要有腹泻、瘙痒、可逆性肝脏酶 (ALT 和AST)升高、脱发、皮 疹等。在国外临床试验中,来氟米特治疗1339例类风湿关节炎病人中, 发生率》3%的不良 事件包括:乏力、腹痛、背痛、高血压、厌食、腹泻、消化不良、胃肠炎、肝脏酶升高、恶 心、口腔溃疡、 呕吐、体重减轻、关节功能障碍、腱鞘炎、头晕、头痛、支气管炎、咳嗽、 呼吸道感染、咽炎、脱发、瘙痒、皮疹、泌尿系统感染等。以上不良事件均在安慰剂对照或 阳性对照柳氮磺 胺吡啶治疗组及 MTX 治疗组中发现,其中来氟米特治疗组以腹泻、肝脏酶升 高、脱发、皮疹较为明显,在应用过程中应加以注意。 用于狼疮性肾炎的治疗: 国内临床试验资料显示, 来氟米特治疗108例活动增殖型狼疮肾炎 病人中,前6个月(20-40mg/日),共有43人发生与试验药物可能有关 /有关的不良反应, 发生率为%治疗 期间,发生率》3%勺不良事件包括:脱发、血压升高、带状疱疹、转氨酶 升高、腹泻/稀便、白细胞下降、 皮疹、月经不调、心悸、腹痛;发生率V 3%勺不良事件包 (2)狼疮性肾炎。 24小时给药。为了 建议开始治疗 的初三 10mg 或20mg=在使用本药 治疗 20-40mg ,病
