【最新】冀教版八年级英语下册Unit8 Save Our WorldLesson47 教案

Unit8 Save Our WorldLesson47 教案

Teaching aims:

Aim of knowledge: Master the usage of new vocabularies for describing mater ials and for comparing quantities.

Aim of ability: Improve students’ reading and speaking ability

Aim of emotion: cultivate students to get into a good habit of collecting and sorting garbage. Train students to play an active

role in connecting to nature.

Difficult Points: learn the new vocabularies for des cribing material and for comparing quantities according to key structures given on the big screen Important Points: learn about connecting to nature; train students to take personal action to reduce pollution.

Learning Methods: Listening; speaking; inductive method

Situational Activities: pair-work; group-work; self-presentation

Teaching Aid: some slides; a tape recorder

ing appliance


things on the pl anet



what should we do to Improve stude nts’ reading ability; grasp the

Co llect useful

informat ion to summarize
