

A:Alpha B:Bravo C:Charlie D:Delta E:Echo F:Foxtrot G:Golf H:Hotel I:India J:Juliet K:Kilo L:Lima M:Mike N:November O:Oscar P:Papa

Q:Quebec R:Romeo S:Sierra

T:T ango U:Uniform V:Victor W:Whisky X:X-ray

Y:Yankee Z:Zulu


《GMDSS通信设备与业务》试卷(A卷) 姓名:成绩: 一、选择题(每题2分,共70分) 1、在GMDSS 系统中的救助是以,______为核心,岸上和遇险船舶附近的船舶共同救助。 A、周围的船 B、岸基 C、NCS D、自我救助 2、 GMDSS 建立的目的是______。 A、遇险船舶能够迅速向RCC 或者附近的船舶报警 B、RCC 协调救助 C、附近船舶参与救助 D、A+B+C 3、下面那一项不属于GMDSS 的功能______: A、现场通信 B、遇险报警 C、船位报告 D、常规通信 4、下面哪一说法不正确______: A、GMDSS 仅是一个全球遇险报警系统 B、GMDSS 能够播发海上安全信息 C、驾驶台与驾驶台通信是GMDSS 一个功能 D、GMDSS 能使遇险船舶可靠地报警 5、 GMDSS 中遇险报警指______ B、船对船的报警 C、岸对船的报警 D、以上都是 6、下面那一项不属于GMDSS 的七大功能______: A、搜救协调通信 B、搜救现场通信 C、船队业务 D、常规通信 7、在A1 海区实现船对岸遇险报警通常可采用______。 A、VHF DSC 设备 B、HF DSC 设备 C、MF/HF DSC 设备 D、MF DSC 设备 8、没有报警功能的设备为______: A、EPIRB B、SART C、DSC D、卫星船站 9、遇险现场通信常使用______: A. HF 设备的无线电话和电传 B. Inmarsat 船站的电话和电传 C. MF/VHF 的无线电话 D. VHF/DSC 10、在A4 航区播发航行警告主要靠______实现 A、Inmarsat B、MF/NBDP C、NAVTEX D、HF/NBDP 11、 Inmarsat 系统规定的通信等级中,常规通信等级代码是______: A、0 B、1 C、2 D、3 12、在卫星线路中,回声干扰产生的原因是______:


GMDSS 通信英语

GMDSS英语阅读500题单选题一 第三部份英语阅读 单项选择题 1. IMO has decided that all ships over 300TGt must be fitted with a NAVTEX receiver ______ . A. by 01 Feb 1992 B. by 01 Aug 1993 C. between 01 Feb 1992 and 01 Feb 1999 D. before 01 Feb 1992 2. GMDSS is to provide ______ with reliable communication . A. all large passenger vessels B. freighters of more than 300gt in coastal waters C. all passenger ships and cargo ships engaged in international-voyages D. all passenger ships and cargo ships of 300gt upwards in open sea 3. The complying vessels can transmit ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least ______ . A. One means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniques B. Two means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniques C. Two separate and independent means, each using different radio communication services D. Two means, such as MF DSC and HF DSC 4. The quality of the message can be affected by ______ . A. climate B. sunshine C. human beings D. both a and b 5. Within the polar areas it is ______ to see a satellite in geo-stationary orbit . A. impossible B. possible C. easy D. difficult 6. The Inmarsat system is open for use by ______ countries on a non-discriminatory basis . A. some B. lots of C. many D. all 7. With the help of GMDSS ______ can be alerted to a distress incident as soon as possible . A. all ships in a large sea area B. only the sea authorities ashore C. the SAR units ashore and at sea D. the port radios and the coast stations 8. In areas covered by Inmarsat HF can be used as an ______ to satellite communications. A. alternation B. alternate C. alter D. alternative 9. When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities


通信码语学船舶驾驶的朋友都学过,但是又很容易遗忘,现整理出所有码语对照,供大家急用时查看。 0: NADAZERO 1: UNAONE 2: BISSOTWO 3: TERRATHREE 4: KARTEFOUR 5: PANTAFIVE 6: SOXISIX 7: SETTESEVEN 8: OKTOEIGHT 9: NOVENINE A:Alpha [AL FAH] 诶尔发 B:Bravo [BRAH VOH] 布日阿佛 C:Charlee [CHAR LEE] 查理 D:Delta [DELL TAH] 刁他 E:Echo [ECK OH] 诶可喔 F:Foxtrot [FOKS TROT] 佛克司爪 G:Golf [GOLF] 高尔夫 H:Hotel [HO TELL] 后跳 I:India [IN DEE AH] 因帝呀

J:Juliet [JEW LEE ETT] 朱丽叶K:Kilo [KEY LOH] 克一楼 L:Lima [LEE MAH] 立马 M:Mike [MIKE] 麦克 N:November [NO VEM BER] 喏玩波O:Oscar [OSS CAH] 奥斯卡 P:Papa [PAH PAH] 怕怕 Q:Quebec [KEH BECK] 魁北克 R:Romeo [ROW ME OH] 罗密欧 S:Sierra [SEE AIR AH] 死也爱阿T:Tango [TANG GO] 探戈 U:Uniform [YOU NEE FORM] 优你佛V:Victor [VIK TAH] 维克托 W:Whisky [WISS KEY] 威士忌 X:X-ray [ECKS RAY] 爱克死瑞 Y:Yankee [YANG KEY] 淹克一 Z:Zulu [ZOO LOO] 租鲁


《GMDSS通信设备与业务》试卷(B卷) 姓名:成绩: 一、选择题(每题2分,共70分) 1、406MHZ EPIRB 电池每______年换一次 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 2、406MHZ EPIRB 的主要优点是______ 。 A.实时性强B.全球模式C.信息量大D.容量大 3、在NBDP 遇险通信中,SILENCE MAYDAY 表示_____ 使用的信号。 A.对干扰电台强制静默B.恢复正常工作 C.遇险通信结束D.与RCC 已建立通信联系 4、_______是我国船舶电台的MMSI A.47735000 B.004122100 C.412123000 D.219442573 5、船台DSC 设备收到遇险确认报警时,应该______: 1)应立即用DSC 设备给予确认 2)应推迟片刻,以便让岸台给予遇险确认,并在相应R/T 遇险频率上守听 3)若3 分钟无岸台应答,船台应在相应R/T 遇险频率上给遇险船应答 4)若用无线电话给遇险船应答无效,并连续收到DSC 报警,且3 分钟无岸台应答,船台应 直接用DSC 给予确认,然后向RCC 进行遇险转发 5)在HF 上收到遇险报警时,可立即直接转发给RCC A.2)3)4)B.1)3)C.1)5)D.1)2)3)4) 6、如果用DSC 设备转发遇险报警信息,在DSC 上选择______: A.DISTRESS ALTER B.URGENT CALL C.DISTRESS RELAY D .SAFETYCALL 7、使用VHF 进行船岸间通信,通信频道应选择_____: A.单工B.双工C.CH 16 D.任意 8、目前INMARSAT 系统投入使用的有______ 颗工作卫星。 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 9、GMDSS 中可以用以下______设备接收海上安全信息。 1)NAVTEX 接收机2)NBDP 终端3)EGC 接收机 4)DSC 终端5)SART 6)EPIRB A.1)2)B.1)3)C.1)2)3)D.2)3)4) 10、使用INMARSAT-C船站进行常规通信,通信优先等级应选择_______:A.DISTRESS B.URGENT C.SAFETY D.ROUTINE 11、用A 站与航行在印度洋上的某轮1602431 通话,正确地址为_____:A.005821602431# B.008731602431# C .008721602431# D.005831602431# 12、INMARSATC系统报警,______分钟内未收到LES/RCC 确认,可重发 A.1 B.3 C.5 D.10 13、COSPAS-SARSAT系统中由______提取示位标的位置。 A.LUT B.MCC C.RCC D.EPIRB 14、在遇险报警或遇险中文,遇险时间采用_____格式: A.LT B.PT C.UTC D.ST


GMDSS通信英语朗读题 1.Mayday Mayday Mayday This is motor-vessel Noble Prince Mayday Noble Prince One seven nine degrees true, three miles off Stone Point I have struck a submerged object, taking in water fast, engine damaged. I can not keep afloat more than three hours, crew thirty. Chief engineer and two ratings seriously injured, I need assistance and rescue. I am keeping continuous watch on two one eight two KHZ. This is motor vessel Noble Prince. Over. Questions: 1) What happened to Noble Prince? 2) What is the position of the distress vessel? 3) How long can the vessel keep afloat'? 4) How many persons were seriously injured? 5) On what frequency is she keeping continuous watch? Answers to the questions above: 1) She has struck a submerged object, taking in water fast, engine damaged. 2) One seven nine degrees true, three miles off Stone Point. 3) Less than three hours. 4) Three persons were seriously injured.


GMDSS英语阅读练习 一、缩略语 1、EPIRB A: Urgency Position Indicating Radio Beacon 紧急无线电示位标 B:Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon 紧急无线电示位标 C:Emergency Positive Indicating Radio Beacon 紧急无线电示位标 D:Emergency Position Identification Radio Beacon 紧急无线电示位标 2、LES A: Lord Earth Station 陆地地球站 B:Land Earth Station 陆地地球站 C:Land Earth State 陆地地球站 D:Land Earth Station 移动地球站 3、MSI A: Maritime Safety Information 海上安全信息 B:Maritine Safety Information 海上安全信息 C:Maritime Safe Information 海上安全信息 D:Maritime Safety Identification 海上安全识别 4、ETA A: Estimate Time of Arrival 预计抵达时间 B:Estimated Time of Arrival 预计离港时间 C:Estimated Time of Arrival 预计抵达时间 D:Estimated Timing of Arrival 预计抵达时间 5、IMO A: International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织 B:Internation Maritime Organization 国际海事组织 C:International Mobile Organization 国移动组织 D:International Maritime Organize 国际海事组织 二、单选题 1、Which definition’s meaning is the “Telephone using phase modulation”:


GMDSS通信英语模拟卷 1. ______ will form the basis for distress alerting and safety calling. A. GMDSS B. EGC C. MSI D. DSC 2. In Area A1, the DSC frequency for distress alerting is ______. A. 156.8MHz B.156.3MHz C. 156.65MHz D. 156.525MHz 3. Ship-to-ship distress alerting should be conducted by _______ A. Inmarsat SES B. VHF/DSC or MF/DSC C. SART and VHF/DSC D. satellite EPIRB and VHF/DSC 4. Maritime safety Information _______ international Safetynet service and NA VTEX service. A. consists of B. can be received C. is transmitted by D. will be made on 5. As each MSI message will have a unique identity, the printing of messages already received correctly is ____. A. automatically suppressed B. finished by the operator C. manually suppressed D. done again 6. If a ship is not fitted with and automatic position-fixing aid, such as GPS, its position should _____ in EGC receiver at regular interval. A. not key B. be keyed C. not be keyed D. key 7. Navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety related messages to shipping, including electronic chart correction data is _______. A. Safety service B. Urgent service C. distress alerting D. MSI 8. There are _____ for ships to receive Safetynet messages. A. some charge B. a few charges C. more expensive D. free charge 9. The COSPAS-SARSAT 406KHz system was adopted as an element of the GMDSS by IMO in _____. A. 1980 B. 1982 C. 1984 D. 1988 10. Which of the following statements is not a basic flaw of the terrestrial techniques. A. the need for specialization B. height of antenna C. congestion of communication D. reception difficulties 11. Traditional and terrestrial techniques ______. A. can overcome the basic flaws of the radio system B. are useless today C. now are out of date D. are impossible to overcome the flaws in the existing radio system 12. Which Inmarsat system applies S&F messaging? A. Inmarsat-A B. Inmarsat-B C. Inmarsat-C D. Inmarsat-F 13. The Inmarsat system is open for use by ______ countries on a non-discriminatory basis. A. some B. lots of C. many D. all 14. Sea Area A2 is an area within the coverage of at least one ______. A. VHF coast station B. MF coast station C. satellite D. RCC 15. The GMDSS must combine all various subsystems. Because _______. A. they all have different limitations with respect to coverage B. they all have different limitations in the technology they use C. different systems apply to different ships D. all of above 16. when receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will _______ in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum delay. A. assist B. send a rescue vessel C. search the distress area D. reach the distress position at once 17. Ships equipped with Inmarsat SES send distress alerts both ______ and ______.


GMDSS通信英语单词 IMO=International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织Introduction 引入,引进 Mark 标志 Maritime 海上的;海事的 Invention 发明 Amendment 修改改正 Convention 公约 SOLAS= Safety of life at sea 海上人命安全公约 Adopt 正式通过,采用 Replace 取代,代替 Phase in 强调 Entry into force 生效,实施 Stage 阶段 SAR= Search and Rescue 搜索和救助 Coordinate 协调 Authority 主管机关 Ashore 岸上 Vicinity 附近 Alert 报警 Emergency 紧急 Coordinate 协调 On-scene 现场 Locate 定位 Distress 遇险 Bridge 驾驶台 Community 实体,社会,(动植物群落) land community(陆生生物群落) Beneficial 有益的;受益的 INMARSAT 国际海事卫星 Put into orbit 送入轨道 Announcement 宣布;通告 Establish 建立 Shipyard 船坞;船厂 As a general rule 通常 Shipment 装船,装运的货物 Provide by 提供;供给 Terrestrial 地面的 Travel =sail 航行 High sea 公海

Carry 携带;配备 Facility 设备;设施 In addition to 除。。。。以外 Dissemination 播发;传播 Meteorological 气象的 Warning 警告 Comprehensive 全面的 Available 可利用的;有用的 Enhanced 增强的 Combination 组成;组合 Take out 退出;去掉 Contributing 贡献;起作用 V oyage 航次;航海;航行 Install 安装 Pacific 太平洋 Atlantic 大西洋 GT =gross tonnage 总吨位 Navigate 航行 Abbreviation 缩写 Component 部分 SART=Search and Rescue Radar Transponders 搜救雷达应答器Interrogate 触发;询问 Airborne 飞机载 Lay down 制定;规定 Irrespective 不论;不考虑 Primarily 主要地 Imminent 急迫的;危急的 Relate to 涉及;与。。。有关 Take part in 参加;参与 RCC=Rescue Coordination Center 搜救协调中心Commander 指挥员 Associate with 与。。。有联系 NBDP=窄带直接印字电报 Designate 指定;确定 Simplex 单工 FEC=Forward Error Correction 前向纠错 Title 标题 Locate 定位 Function 功能 Aim to 目的在于;旨在 Owner 船东

GMDSS 通信英语词汇

IMO=International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织 introduction 引入,引进mark 标志 maritime 海上的;海事的invention 发明 amendment 修改改正convention 公约 SOLAS= Safety of life at sea 海上人命安全公约 adopt 正式通过,采用replace 取代,代替 phase in 强调entry into force 生效,实施 stage 阶段SAR= Search and Rescue 搜索和救助coordinate 协调authority 主管机关 ashore 岸上vicinity 附近 alert 报警emergency 紧急 coordinate 协调on-scene 现场 locate 定位distress 遇险 bridge 驾驶台community 实体,社会 Beneficial 有益的;受益的INMARSA T 国际海事卫星 put into orbit 送入轨道announcement 宣布;通告 establish 建立shipyard 船坞;船厂 as a general rule 通常shipment 装船,装运的货物 provide by 提供;供给terrestrial 地面的 travel =sail 航行high sea 公海 carry 携带;配备facility 设备;设施 in addition to 除。。。。以外dissemination 播发;传播meteorological 气象的warning 警告 comprehensive 全面的available 可利用的;有用的enhanced 增强的combination 组成;组合 take out 退出;去掉contributing 贡献;起作用 voyage 航次;航海;航行install 安装 Pacific 太平洋Atlantic 大西洋 GT =gross tonnage 总吨位Navigate 航行 Abbreviation 缩写component 部分 SART=Search and Rescue Radar Transponders 搜救雷达应答器 interrogate 触发;询问airborne 飞机载 lay down 制定;规定irrespective 不论;不考虑 primarily 主要地imminent 急迫的;危急的 relate to 涉及;与。。。有关take part in 参加;参与 RCC=Rescue Coordination Center 搜救协调中心 commander 指挥员associate with 与。。。有联系 NBDP=窄带直接印字电报designate 指定;确定 Simplex 单工FEC=Forward Error Correction 前向纠错title 标题locate 定位 function 功能aim to 目的在于;旨在


GMDSS听力考试题型 一.码语听写(20分,错6组以上0分) [ ] [ ]……… [ ] 二.单句及会话选择题 (一)单句(10小题) 1.It takes 10 from hard port to hard starboard.. a. seeds b, kinds c. seconds d. second 2. Vessel Utopia is spilling oil. a. speed b. spiling c. spinning d. spilling 3. Maintain search speed 3 knots. a. nots b, knots c, normal d, lord 4. The anchors are away. a. way b. away c. award d. weigh 5. Air draft 31 meters. a. meters b. miller c. miles d. mad 6. M/V seven star is aground. a. kaund b. aground c. ground d. grounding 7. Aircraft ETA at…. a. air b. craft d. aircraft 8. The anchors are foul. a. found b. foul c. find d. five 9. Place in convoy is . A, convoy b. command c. count d. coward 10. I an drifting from north to southeast. a. south b. southwest c. southeast (二)会话题(10小题) 1. New harbour pilot this is Utopia, change to channel 6, over.


GMDSS英语阅读练习1 一、缩略语 1、GMDSS A:Global Maritime Distress and Safety System 全球海上遇险与安全系统 B:Global Maritime Distress and SafeSystem 全球海上遇险与安全系统 C:Global Maritine Distress and Safety System 全球海上遇险与安全系统 D:Global Maritime Distress and Safety System 全球海上遇险系统 2、INMARSA T A:International Mobile Satellite Organization 国际海事卫星组织 B:International Maritime Satellite Organization 国际移动卫星组织 C:International Maritime Satellite Organization 国家海事卫星组织 D:International Maritime Satellite Organization 国际海事卫星组织 3、POR A:Pacific Ocean Region 大西洋区 B:Pacific Ocean Region 太平洋区 C:Pacific Ocean Region 印度洋区 D:Pacific Ocean Region 北冰洋区 4、DSC A:Digital Select Call 数字选择性呼叫 B:Digital Search Call 数字选择性呼叫 C:Digital Selective Call 数字选择性呼叫 D:Digital Searching Call 数字选择性呼叫 5、MSI A:Maritime Safety Information 海上安全信息 B:Mobile Safety Information 海上安全信息 C:Maritime Safe Information 海上安全信息 D:Maritime Signe Information 海上安全信息 二、单选题 1、Which of the following equipments on board is for the COSPAS-SARSA T system? A:DSC B:NA VTEX C:VHF D:EPIRB 2、Please choose the INMARSA T-C NCS ID of the W-AOR: A:044 B:001 C:211 D:144 3、Which service does not the EGC system have? A:Safety NET B:Fleet NET C:SART D:Sending MSI 4、The VHF CH70 could be used to send ______: A:FAX B:DSC C:NBDP D:SSB 5、In each NA VTEX message there is a technical code (B1B2B3B4):which character is the station identification ? A:B1 B:B2 C:B3 D:B3B4


《GMDSS通信设备》教学大纲 一、课程的性质、任务和基本要求 《GMDSS通信设备》课程是海洋船舶驾驶/商贸英语专业的一门专业课程。 本课程的任务是:学生通过本课程的学习,掌握GMDSS各系统通信设备的基本工作原理、设备性能和设备使用方法,为GMDSS系统设备的操作训练打下较好的理论基础,并为GMDSS通信业务的学习提供保障。 本课程教学应达到的基本要求是: 1、熟悉GMDSS的基本概念,了解有关无线电波传播、船用天线、无线电信号、发射种类等基本知识; 2、熟悉GMDSS卫星通信系统的基本知识,掌握INMARAT-A船站、C船站的组成、基本工作原理和设备的使用方法,了解INMARSAT-B/M船站的工作过程; 3、熟悉GMDSS地面通信系统的基本知识,掌握MF/HF/VHF无线电通信设备的组成、基本工作原理,掌握DSC、NDBP终端设备的工作过程; 4、熟悉并掌握NAVTEX、EPIRB、SART设备的工作原理和使用方法。

二、课时分配和学分 本课程教学总时数为42学时,学分2.0分。具体课时分配见课时分配表。 课时分配表 三、课程内容 课题一:GMDSS系统概论 1、GMDSS产生背景、基本概念和功能、航区的划分;

2、GMDSS各分系统的作用和所使用的设备; 3、各航区船舶设备配备要求,各航区船舶遇险时使用的报警设备; 4、GMDSS无线电人员证书等级及相应的知识要求。 重点:GMDSS的基本组成、功能和航区的概念;各航区船载设备的基本要求及遇险时使用的报警设备 课题二:无线电通信基础 1、无线电波的基本概念、频率、波段的划分,频率与波长的关系; 2、无线电波的传播特性及传播途径,电离层及其作用,最佳通信频率、通信频率的选择; 3、船用天线的基本种类与日常维护; 4、信号及其频谱、信号带宽、系统带宽、噪声的概念; 5、信号的调制和解调概念,常用发射标志及其用途。 重点:无线电波的传播特性及传播途径;通信频率的选择;船用天线的结构与维护注意事项;信号与带宽之间的关系;噪声温度、噪声系数、信噪比概念;海上通信发射种类及表示。 课题三:MF/HF单边带通信设备 1、地面通信系统的基本组成和工作频率; 2、MF/HF发射机功能和性能要求,整机组成方框图及其各部分作用; 3、MF/HF发射机主要技术指标;

GMDSS通信英语500题带翻译 权威性很高

英语阅读500题 (单项选择题) 1.IMO has decided决定that all ships over 300TGt must be fitted with a NAVTEX receiver ______ .IMO 在什么时候决定300总吨以上必须配备NAVTEX接收机。 A. by 01 Feb 1992 B. by 01 Aug 1993 C. between 01 Feb 1992 and 01 Feb 1999 D. before 01 Feb 1992 2.GMDSS is to provide ______ with reliable可靠的communication . GMDSS提供给--所有客船和300总吨及以上货船在海上航行--的可靠通信。 A. all large passenger vessels B. freighters of more than 300gt in coastal waters C. all passenger ships and cargo ships engaged in international-voyages D. all passenger ships and cargo ships of 300gt upwards in open sea 3.The complying遵从vessels can transmit ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least ______ . 这个遵守船舶(公约船)能发送船到岸遇险报警至少通过--两套分开和独立设备方法,使用不同的无线电通信业务。 A. One means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniques B. Two means,途径whether无论satellite or terrestrial techniques C. Two separate and independent独立的means, each using different radio communication services D. Two means, such as MF DSC and HF DSC 4.The quality of the message can be affected 受到影响by ___ .信息的质量会受--气候--影响。 A. climate气候 B. sunshine阳光 C. human being人类生存 D. both a and b 5.Within the polar areas it is ______ to see a satellite in geo-stationary orbit . 在两极地区内是--不可能--看到地球静止轨道卫星的轨道。 A. impossible B. possible可能 C. easy 容易 D. difficult困难 6.The Inmarsat system is open for use by ______ countries on a non-discriminatory无差别对待 basis . 国际海事卫星系统对--所有--国家在一个无差别待遇的基础上开放使用。 A. some B. lots of C. many D. all 7.With the help of GMDSS ______ can be alerted to a distress incident as soon as possible . 在GMDSS的帮助下--岸上和海上搜救当局--能尽快发出遇险报警。 A. all ships in a large sea area B. only the sea authorities ashore C. the SAR units ashore and at sea D. the port radios and the coast stations 8.In areas covered by Inmarsat HF can be used as an ______ to satellite communications. 在Inmarsat覆盖地区内高频可以作为一种--替代--卫星通信设施。 A. alternation交替 B. alternate代替 C. alter更改 D. alternative可供选择的事物 9.When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will ______ in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum delay . 当收到遇险警报时, 岸上SAR当局和遇险船附近的船只将以最小的延误--帮助--协调搜救工作。 A. assist帮助 B. send a rescue vessel 派一艘救助船 C. search the distress area搜索遇险区域 D. reach the distress position at once立即到达遇险位置 10.In which year was the COSPAS-SARSAT system established ? 哪一年建立低极轨道搜索和营救卫星系统? A. 1980 B. 1981 C. 1979 D. 1982


无线电遇险通讯 数字选择性呼叫无线电话无线电传 VHF MF HF4 HF6 HF8 HF12 HF16 70 频道 2187.5kHz 4207.5kHz 6312kHz 8414.5kHz 12577kHz 16804.5kHz 16 频道 2182kHz 4125kHz 6215kHz 8291kHz 12290kHz 16420Khz 2174.5kHz 4177.5kHz 6268kHz 8376.5kHz 12520kHz 16695kHz 浮起时自动启动; 2、若有必要,船舶应该使用任何适宜的方法向其它船舶报警; 3、上述事项并不排除船舶可以使用任何可行办法来发送遇险报警信号。

GMDSS 设备误报警处理步骤

船东、船长和船员避免误报警的指南/注意事项: 1. 确保具备GMDSS 资格的人员熟悉船舶通信设备的操作,并只能由之负责发送报警信号。 2. 确保负责通信的人员在遇险情况下能够指导船舶任何人操作GMDSS 设备并发送遇险报警信号。 3. 确保作为救生演习的内容之一,指明在何种紧急状况下,应该使用设备的GMDSS 遇险按钮。 4. 确保在遇险事故中,只能由控制遇险通信的人员测试GMDSS 设备。 5. 确保在GMDSS 设备的测试以及训练中,不允许发送任何遇险报警。 6. 确保卫星示位标的编码已被正确地登记在全天候的数据库中,或能自动提供给予搜救单位。(即是:船长必须确认卫星 示位标已经登记在全天候的数据库中,以便搜救单位能够在遇险事故中迅速地识别和获得遇险船舶的信息,并做出正 确的反应。) 7. 确保在有关船舶信息更改(如船东、船名、船籍港等资料的变动)时,及时更新卫星示位标、卫星船站、DSC 终端等 所有 GMDSS 设备的资料以及程序。 8. 确保在新建造船舶中,在设计和建造的初期已经考虑到卫星示位标的合理安装位置。 9. 确保严格按照制造厂家的指示固定和安装卫星示位标,并只能由有资格人员操作。 10. 确保在迅速得到救援时,无需启动卫星示位标发射报警信号。 11. 确保在遇险报警信号已被意外发射时,船舶必须使用所有可能的通信手段与搜救中心联系通信,并取消该误报警信号。 12. 确保卫星示位标在紧急状态下发射报警信号之后,能够恢复到日常的正常状态。 13. 确保在拆船、或其他原因不再使用卫星示位标、或卫星示位标已损坏、或需要丢弃卫星示位标时,必须首先拆除电池 使设备不再能够工作,或将设备送回制造厂家。
