


常用物理常数表 光速 101099792458.2?=c cm sec -1 万有引力常数 81067259.6-?=G dyn cm -2 g -2 普朗克常数 27106260.6-?=h erg sec 271005457266.12/-?==πh η erg sec 玻尔兹曼常数 1610380662.1-?=k erg deg –1 里德堡常量 312.109737/2342==∞ch e m R e π cm -1 斯特藩—玻尔兹曼常数 51066956.5-?=σ erg cm -2 deg -4 sec -1 电子电量 101080325.4-?=e esu 1910602192.1-?= coulomb 电子质量 281010956.9-?=e m g 原子质量单位 2410660531.1-?=amu g 精细结构常数 0360.1372//12==e hc πα 第一玻尔轨道半径 82220105291775.04/-?==e m h a e π cm 经典电子半径 1322108179380.2/-?==c m e r e e cm 质子质量 2410672661.1-?=p m g 007276470.1= amu 中子质量 241067492.1-?=n m g 00866.1= amu 电子静止能量 5110034.02=c m e meV 常用天文常数表 地球质量 2710976.5?=⊕M g 地球赤道半径 164.6378=⊕R km 地球表面重力 665.980=⊕g cm sec -2 天文单位 810495979.1?=AU km 1光年 ly = 9.460×1012 km 1秒差距 pc= 3.084×1013 km=3.262ly 千秒差距 kpc=1000pc 地月距离 3.8×105 km 太阳到冥王星的平均距离 5.91×109km 最近的恒星(除太阳)的距离 4×1013km =1.31pc= 4.3ly


初中物理公式 物理量计算公式备注 速度v= s / t 1m / s = 3.6 Km / h 声速v= 340m / 光速C = 3×10^8 m /s 密度ρ= m / V 1 g / cm^3 = 103 Kg / m 合力 F = F1 - F2 (F1、F2在同一直线线上且方向相反) F = F1 + F2 (F1、F2在同一直线线上且方向相同 ) 压强 p = F / S 适用于固、液、气 p =ρg h 适用于竖直固体柱和液体 浮力①F浮= G – F ②漂浮、悬浮:F浮= G ③F浮= G排=ρ液g V排 物体浮沉条件 ①F浮>G(ρ液>ρ物)上浮至漂 浮 ②F浮=G(ρ液=ρ物)悬浮 ③F浮<G(ρ液<ρ物)下沉杠杆平衡条件F1 *L1 = F2 *L 2 杠杆平衡条件也叫杠杆原理 滑轮组 F = G / n ( 理想滑轮组) F =(G动+ G物)/ n (忽略轮轴间的摩擦) η=G/ nF(实际情况n:作用在动滑轮上绳子股数) 功W = F S = P t 1J = 1N?m = 1W?s 功率P = W / t = Fv 1KW = 10^3 W,1MW = 10^3KW 有用功W有用= G h(竖直提升)= F S(水平移动)= W总– W额=ηW总额外功W额= W总– W有= G动h(忽略轮轴间摩擦)= f L(斜面) 总功W总= W有用+ W额= F S = W有用/ η 机械效率η= W有用/ W总 热量Q=cm(t-t°) 电流I=U/R 电功W=UIt =Pt 电功率P=W/t=UI =I2R=U2/R 串联电路I=I1=I2 电流处处相等 U = U 1+ U 2 干路电压等于各支路电压之和 R=R1+R2 总电阻等于的电阻之和


数学常数表 符号值名称 π ≈ 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 圆周率 e ≈ 2.71828 18284 59045 23536 02874 71352 66249 自然对数的底 \sqrt{2} ≈ 1.41421 35623 73095 04880 16887 24209 69807 毕达哥拉斯常数、二的平方根γ ≈ 0.57721 56649 01532 86060 65120 90082 40243 欧拉-洛伦常数 φ ≈ 0.61803 39887 49894 84820 45868 34365 63811 黄金比 β* ≈ 0.70258 Embree-Trefethen 常数 δ ≈ 4.66920 16091 02990 67185 32038 20466 20161 费根堡常数 α ≈ 2.50290 78750 95892 82228 39028 73218 21578 费根堡常数 C2 ≈ 0.66016 18158 46869 57392 78121 10014 55577 孪生质数常数 M1 ≈ 0.26149 72128 47642 78375 54268 38608 69585 Meissel-Mertens常数B2 ≈ 1.90216 05823 孪生质数之 Brun 常数 B4 ≈ 0.87058 83800 四胞胎质数(Prime Quadruplet)之 Brun 常数 Λ > – 2.7 · 10-9 德布鲁因·纽曼常数 K ≈ 0.91596 55941 77219 01505 46035 14932 38411 卡塔兰常数 K ≈ 0.76422 36535 89220 66 Landau·罗曼奴赞常数 K ≈ 1.13198 824 Viswanath 常数 B′L ≈ 1.08366 勒让德常数 μ ≈ 1.45136 92348 83381 05028 39684 85892 027 罗曼奴赞·Soldner常数、Soldner 常数 EB ≈ 1.60669 51524 15291 763 艾狄胥·波温常数(Erd?s-Borwein constant) 物理常数表 物理量物理量中文符号数值单位 speed of light in vacuum 真空光速 c 2.99 792 458× 10^8 m/s permittivity of free space 真空电容率ε0 =1∕μ0c2 8.854 187 817… × 10^-12 m^-1 permeability of free space 真空磁导率μ0 =4π×10-7 12.566 370 614 …×10^-7 ^-2 gravitational constant 重力常数 GN 6.673 (10)×10^-11 m^3kg^-1s^-2 Planck constant 普朗克常数h 6.626 068 76 (52)×10^-34 J s ?=h∕2π 1.054 571 596(82)×10^-34 J s elementary charge 基本电荷 e 1.602 176 462 (63)×10^-19 C


Fundamental Physical Constants—Complete Listing Relative std. Quantity Symbol Value Unit uncert.u r UNIVERSAL speed of light in vacuum c,c029*******m s?1(exact) magnetic constantμ04π×10?7N A?2 =12.566370614...×10?7N A?2(exact) electric constant1/μ0c2ε08.854187817...×10?12F m?1(exact) characteristic impedance of vacuum μ0/ 0=μ0c Z0376.730313461...?(exact) Newtonian constant of gravitation G6.673(10)×10?11m3kg?1s?21.5×10?3 G/ˉh c6.707(10)×10?39(GeV/c2)?21.5×10?3 Planck constant h6.62606876(52)×10?34J s7.8×10?8 in eV s4.13566727(16)×10?15eV s3.9×10?8 h/2πˉh1.054571596(82)×10?34J s7.8×10?8 in eV s6.58211889(26)×10?16eV s3.9×10?8 Planck mass(ˉh c/G)1/2m P2.1767(16)×10?8kg7.5×10?4 Planck lengthˉh/m P c=(ˉh G/c3)1/2l P1.6160(12)×10?35m7.5×10?4 Planck time l P/c=(ˉh G/c5)1/2t P5.3906(40)×10?44s7.5×10?4 ELECTROMAGNETIC elementary charge e1.602176462(63)×10?19C3.9×10?8 e/h2.417989491(95)×1014A J?13.9×10?8 magnetic?ux quantum h/2eΦ02.067833636(81)×10?15Wb3.9×10?8 conductance quantum2e2/h G07.748091696(28)×10?5S3.7×10?9 inverse of conductance quantum G?1012906.403786(47)?3.7×10?9 Josephson constant a2e/h K J483597.898(19)×109Hz V?13.9×10?8 von Klitzing constant b h/e2=μ0c/2αR K25812.807572(95)?3.7×10?9 Bohr magneton eˉh/2m eμB927.400899(37)×10?26J T?14.0×10?8 in eV T?15.788381749(43)×10?5eV T?17.3×10?9 μB/h13.99624624(56)×109Hz T?14.0×10?8 μB/hc46.6864521(19)m?1T?14.0×10?8 μB/k0.6717131(12)K T?11.7×10?6 nuclear magneton eˉh/2m pμN5.05078317(20)×10?27J T?14.0×10?8 in eV T?13.152451238(24)×10?8eV T?17.6×10?9 μN/h7.62259396(31)MHz T?14.0×10?8 μN/hc2.54262366(10)×10?2m?1T?14.0×10?8 μN/k3.6582638(64)×10?4K T?11.7×10?6 ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR General ?ne-structure constant e2/4π 0ˉh cα7.297352533(27)×10?33.7×10?9 inverse?ne-structure constantα?1137.03599976(50)3.7×10?9


常用有机溶剂的物理常数 溶剂mp bp D420n D20εR D μAcetic acid 乙酸 17 118 1.0491.3716 6.15 12.9 1.68 Acetone 丙酮 -95560.7881.358720.7 16.2 2.85 Acetonitrile 乙腈 -44820.7821.344137.5 11.1 3.45 Anisole 苯甲醚 -3 1540.9941.5170 4.33 33 1.38 Benzene 苯 5 800.8791.5011 2.27 26.2 0.00 Bromobenzene 溴苯 -31156 1.4951.5580 5.17 33.7 1.55 Carbon disulfide 二硫化碳 -11246 1.2741.6295 2.6 21.3 0.00 Carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳 -2377 1.5941.4601 2.24 25.8 0.00 Chlorobenzene 氯苯 -46132 1.1061.5248 5.62 31.2 1.54 Chloroform 氯仿 -6461 1.4891.4458 4.81 21 1.15 Cyclohexane 环己烷 6 810.7781.4262 2.02 27.7 0.00 Dibutyl ether 丁醚 -981420.7691.3992 3.1 40.8 1.18 o –Dichlorobenzene 邻二氯苯 -17181 1.3061.55149.93 35.9 2.27 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-二氯乙烷-3684 1.2531.444810.36 21 1.86 Dichloromethane 二氯乙烷 -9540 1.3261.42418.93 16 1.55 Diethylamine 二乙胺 -50560.7071.3864 3.6 24.3 0.92 Diethyl ether 乙醚 -117350.7131.3524 4.33 22.1 1.30 1,2-Dimethoxyethane 1,2-二甲氧基 -68850.8631.37967.2 24.1 1.71 乙烷 N,N –Dimethylacetamide N,N-二甲 -201660.9371.438437.8 24.2 3.72 基乙酰胺 N,N –Dimethylformamide -601520.9451.430536.7 19.9 3.86 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺 Dimethyl sulfoxide二甲基亚砜 19 189 1.0961.478346.7 20.1 3.90 1,4-Dioxane 1,4-二氧六环 12 101 1.0341.4224 2.25 21.6 0.45 Ethanol 乙醇 -114780.7891.361424.5 12.8 1.69 Ethyl acetate 乙酸乙酯 -84770.9011.3724 6.02 22.3 1.88 Ethyl benzoate 苯甲酸乙酯 -35213 1.0501.5052 6.02 42.5 2.00 Formamide 甲酰胺 3 211 1.1331.4475111.0 10.6 3.37 Hexamethylphosphoramide 7 235 1.0271.458830.0 47.7 5.54 Isopropyl alcohol 异丙醇 -90820.7861.377217.9 17.5 1.66 isopropyl ether 异丙醚 -6068 1.36


物理学常量表 真空中的光速 181099792458.2-??=s m c 电子由荷 C e 19106021892.1-?= 普朗克常数 s J h ??=-3410)40(6260755.6 s J h ??==-3410)63(05457266.12/π 玻耳兹曼常数 12310)12(380658.1--??=K J k 斯忒藩-玻耳兹曼常数 4128234210)19(67051.560----????==K s m J c k πσ 阿伏伽德罗常数 ()123010)36(0221367.6-?=mol N 标准条件下的摩尔体积 ()130224136.0-?=mol m V m ol 真空介电常数 1120108542.8--??=m F ε 真空磁导率 2727010566370614.12104----??=??=A N A N πμ 电子静质量 231)15(51099906.010)54(1093897.9--?=?=c MeV kg m e 质子静质量 227)28(27231.93810)10(6726231.1--?=?=c MeV kg m p 中子静质量 22755.9391067482.1--?=?=c MeV kg m n 原子质量单位 22748.931106605655.1--?=?=c MeV kg u 玻尔半径 m e m h a e 102010)24(529177249.04-?==πε 里德伯常数 1701009737312.1-?=m R 171009677576.1-?=m R H 精细结构常数 036.1371402==c e a πε 电子的康普顿波长 m c m h e c 12 104263.2-?==λ


常用物理常数表 光速 101099792458.2×=c cm sec -1 万有引力常数 81067259.6?×=G dyn cm -2 g -2 普朗克常数 27106260.6?×=h erg sec 271005457266.12/?×==πh erg sec 玻尔兹曼常数 1610380662.1?×=k erg deg –1 里德堡常量 312.109737/2342==∞ch e m R e π cm -1 斯特藩—玻尔兹曼常数 51066956.5?×=σ erg cm -2 deg -4 sec -1 电子电量 101080325.4?×=e esu 1910602192.1?×= coulomb 电子质量 281010956.9?×=e m g 原子质量单位 2410660531.1?×=amu g 精细结构常数 0360.1372//12==e hc πα 第一玻尔轨道半径 82220105291775.04/?×==e m h a e π cm 经典电子半径 1322108179380.2/?×==c m e r e e cm 质子质量 2410672661.1?×=p m g 007276470.1= amu 中子质量 24 1067492.1?×=n m g 00866.1= amu 电子静止能量 5110034.02=c m e meV 常用天文常数表 地球质量 27 10976.5×=⊕M g 地球赤道半径 164.6378=⊕R km 地球表面重力 665.980=⊕g cm sec -2 天文单位 810495979.1×=AU km 1光年 ly = 9.460×1012 km 1秒差距 pc= 3.084×1013 km=3.262ly 千秒差距 kpc=1000pc 地月距离 3.8×105 km 太阳到冥王星的平均距离 5.91×109km 最近的恒星(除太阳)的距离 4×1013km =1.31pc= 4.3ly 太阳到银心的距离 2.4×1017km=8kpc 太阳质量 M ⊙ 3310989.1×= g 太阳半径 R ⊙10109599.6×=cm 太阳光度 L ⊙33 10826.3×= erg sec -1


常用物理基本常数表 物理常数符号最佳实验值供计算用值真空中光速 c 299792458±1.2m·s-1 3.00×108m·s-1 引力常数G0(6.6720±0.0041)×10-11m3·s-2 6.67×10-11m3·s-2阿伏加德罗(Avogadro)常 数 N0(6.022045±0.000031) ×1023mol-1 6.02×1023mol-1 普适气体常数R (8.31441±0.00026)J·mol-1·K-18.31 J·mol-1·K-1 玻尔兹曼(Boltzmann)常 数 k (1.380662±0.000041) ×10-23J·K-1 1.38×10-23J·K-1理想气体摩尔体积V m(22.41383±0.00070) ×10-322.4×10-3m3·mol-1基本电荷(元电荷) e (1.6021892±0.0000046) ×10-19 C 1.602×10-19 C 原子质量单位u (1.6605655±0.0000086)×10-27kg 1.66×10-27kg 电子静止质量m e(9.109534±0.000047)×10-31kg 9.11×10-31kg 电子荷质比e/m e (1.7588047±0.0000049)×10-11C· kg -2 1.76×10-11C· kg-2 质子静止质量m p(1.6726485±0.0000086)×10-27kg 1.673×10-27kg 中子静止质量m n(1.6749543±0.0000086)×10-27kg 1.675×10-27kg 法拉第常数 F (9.648456±0.000027 )C·mol-196500 C·mol-1 真空电容率ε0(8.854187818±0.000000071)×10-12 F·m-2 8.85×10-12F·m-2 真空磁导率μ012.5663706144±10-7H·m-14πH·m-1 电子磁矩μe(9.284832±0.000036)×10-24J·T-1 9.28×10-24J·T-1 质子磁矩μp (1.4106171±0.0000055)×10-23J·T- 1 1.41×10-23J·T-1 玻尔(Bohr)半径α0(5.2917706±0.0000044)×10-11m 5.29×10-11m 玻尔(Bohr)磁子μB(9.274078±0.000036)×10-24J·T-1 9.27×10-24J·T-1核磁子μN(5.059824±0.000020)×10-27J·T-1 5.05×10-27J·T-1普朗克( Planck)常数h (6.626176±0.000036)×10-34J·s 6.63×10-34J·s精细结构常数 a 7.2973506(60)×10-3 里德伯(Rydberg)常数R 1.097373177(83)×107m-1 电子康普顿(Compton)波长 2.4263089(40)×10-12m 质子康普顿(Compton)波长 1.3214099(22)×10-15m 质子电子质量比m p/m e1836.1515



常用有机溶剂的物理常数 溶剂熔点沸点密度折射率介电常 数 摩尔折射 率 偶极矩 Acetic acid 乙酸17 118 1.049 1.3716 6.15 12.9 1.68 Acetone 丙酮-95 56 0.788 1.3587 20.7 16.2 2.85 Acetonitrile 乙腈-44 82 0.782 1.3441 37.5 11.1 3.45 Anisole 苯甲醚-3 154 0.994 1.5170 4.33 33 1.38 Benzene 苯 5 80 0.879 1.5011 2.27 26.2 0.00 Bromobenzene 溴苯-31 156 1.495 1.5580 5.17 33.7 1.55 Carbon disulfide 二硫化碳-112 46 1.274 1.6295 2.6 21.3 0.00 Carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳-23 77 1.594 1.4601 2.24 25.8 0.00 Chlorobenzene 氯苯-46 132 1.106 1.5248 5.62 31.2 1.54 Chloroform 氯仿-64 61 1.489 1.4458 4.81 21 1.15 Cyclohexane 环己烷 6 81 0.778 1.4262 2.02 27.7 0.00 Dibutyl ether 丁醚-98 142 0.769 1.3992 3.1 40.8 1.18 o –Dichlorobenzene 邻二氯苯-17 181 1.306 1.5514 9.93 35.9 2.27 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-二氯乙 烷 -36 84 1.253 1.4448 10.36 21 1.86 chloromethane 二氯甲烷-95 40 1.326 1.4241 8.93 16 1.55 Diethylamine 二乙胺-50 56 0.707 1.3864 3.6 24.3 0.92 Diethyl ether 乙醚-117 35 0.713 1.3524 4.33 22.1 1.30 1,2-Dimethoxyethane 1,2-二甲 氧基乙烷 -68 85 0.863 1.3796 7.2 24.1 1.71 N,N –Dimethylacetamide N,N- 二甲基乙酰胺 -20 166 0.937 1.4384 37.8 24.2 3.72 N,N –Dimethylformamide N,N-二甲基甲酰胺 -60 152 0.945 1.4305 36.7 19.9 3.86 Dimethyl sulfoxide二甲基亚砜19 189 1.096 1.4783 46.7 20.1 3.90 1,4-Dioxane 1,4-二氧六环12 101 1.034 1.4224 2.25 21.6 0.45 Ethanol 乙醇-114 78 0.789 1.3614 24.5 12.8 1.69 Ethyl acetate 乙酸乙酯-84 77 0.901 1.3724 6.02 22.3 1.88 Ethyl benzoate 苯甲酸乙酯-35 213 1.050 1.5052 6.02 42.5 2.00 Formamide 甲酰胺 3 211 1.133 1.4475 111.0 10.6 3.37 Hexamethylphosphoramide 7 235 1.027 1.4588 30.0 47.7 5.54 Isopropyl alcohol 异丙醇-90 82 0.786 1.3772 17.9 17.5 1.66


有机物重要的物理性质 1.有机物的密度 (1)小于水的密度,且与水(溶液)分层的有:各类烃、一氯代烃、酯(包括油脂) (2)大于水的密度,且与水(溶液)分层的有:多氯代烃、溴代烃(溴苯等)、碘代烃、硝基苯 2.有机物的状态[常温常压(1个大气压、20℃左右)] (1)气态: ①烃类:一般N(C)≤4的各类烃注意:新戊烷[C(CH3)4]亦为气态 ②衍生物类: 一氯甲烷(CH3Cl,沸点为-24.2℃)氟里昂(CCl2F2,沸点为-29.8℃) 氯乙烯(CH2==CHCl,沸点为-13.9℃)甲醛(HCHO,沸点为-21℃) 氯乙烷(CH3CH2Cl,沸点为12.3℃)一溴甲烷(CH3Br,沸点为3.6℃) 四氟乙烯(CF2==CF2,沸点为-76.3℃)甲醚(CH3OCH3,沸点为-23℃) 甲乙醚(CH3OC2H5,沸点为10.8℃)环氧乙烷(,沸点为13.5℃) (2)液态:一般N(C)在5~16的烃及绝大多数低级衍生物。如, 己烷CH3(CH2)4CH3环己烷 甲醇CH3OH甲酸HCOOH 溴乙烷C2H5Br乙醛CH3CHO 溴苯C6H5Br硝基苯C6H5NO2 ★特殊: 不饱和程度高的高级脂肪酸甘油酯,如植物油脂等在常温下也为液态

(3)固态:一般N(C)在17或17以上的链烃及高级衍生物。如, 石蜡C12以上的烃 饱和程度高的高级脂肪酸甘油酯,如动物油脂在常温下为固态 ★特殊:苯酚(C6H5OH)、苯甲酸(C6H5COOH)、氨基酸等在常温下亦为固态 3.有机物的颜色 ☆绝大多数有机物为无色气体或无色液体或无色晶体,少数有特殊颜色,常见的如下所示: ☆三硝基甲苯(俗称梯恩梯TNT)为淡黄色晶体; ☆部分被空气中氧气所氧化变质的苯酚为粉红色; ☆2,4,6-三溴苯酚为白色、难溶于水的固体(但易溶于苯等有机溶剂); ☆苯酚溶液与Fe3+(aq)作用形成紫色[H3Fe(OC6H5)6]溶液; ☆多羟基有机物如甘油、葡萄糖等能使新制的氢氧化铜悬浊液溶解生成绛蓝色溶液; ☆淀粉溶液(胶)遇碘(I2)变蓝色溶液; ☆含有苯环的蛋白质溶胶遇浓硝酸会有白色沉淀产生,加热或较长时间后,沉淀变黄色。 有机物重要的物理性质 有机物的溶解性 (1)难溶于水的有:各类烃、卤代烃、硝基化合物、酯、绝大多数高聚物、高级的(指分子中碳原子数目较多的,下同)醇、醛、羧酸等。 (2)易溶于水的有:低级的[一般指N(C)≤4]醇、(醚)、醛、(酮)、羧酸及盐、氨基酸及盐、单糖、二糖。(它们都能与水形成氢键)。 (3)具有特殊溶解性的:


20楼 物理常数符号最佳实验值供计算用值 真空中光速 c 299792458±1.2m·s-1 3.00×108m·s-1 万有引力常数 G0 (6.6720±0.0041)×10-11m3·s-2 6.67×10-11 m3·s-2 阿伏加德罗(Avogadro)常数 N0 (6.022045±0.000031)×1023mol-1 6.02×1023 mol-1 普适气体常数 R (8.31441±0.00026)J·mol-1·K-1 8.31 J·mol-1·K-1 玻尔兹曼(Boltzmann)常数 k (1.380662±0.000041)×10-23J·K-1 1.38×10-23 J·K-1 理想气体摩尔体积 Vm (22.41383±0.00070)×10-3 22.4×10-3 m3·mol-1 基本电荷(元电荷) e (1.6021892±0.0000046)×10-19 C 1.602×10-19 C 原子质量单位 u (1.6605655±0.0000086)×10-27 kg 1.66×10-27 kg 电子静止质量 me (9.109534±0.000047)×10-31kg 9.11×10-31kg 电子荷质比 e/me (1.7588047±0.0000049)×10-11 C· kg-2 1.76×10-11 C· kg-2 质子静止质量 mp (1.6726485±0.0000086)×10-27 kg 1.673×10-27 kg 中子静止质量 mn (1.6749543±0.0000086)×10-27 kg 1.675×10-27 kg 法拉第常数 F (9.648456±0.000027)C·m ol-1 96500 C·mol-1 真空电容率ε0 (8.854187818±0.000000071)×10-12F·m-2 8.85×10-12F·m-2 真空磁导率μ0 12.5663706144±10-7H·m-1 4πH·m-1 电子磁矩μe (9.284832±0.000036)×10-24 J·T-1 9.28×10-24 J·T-1 质子磁矩μp (1.4106171±0.0000055)×10-23 J·T-1 1.41×10-23 J·T-1 玻尔(Bohr)半径α0 (5.2917706±0.0000044)×10-11 m 5.29×10-11 m 玻尔(Bohr)磁子μB (9.274078±0.000036)×10-24 J·T-1 9.27×10-24 J·T-1 核磁子μN (5.059824±0.000020)×10-27 J·T-1 5.05×10-27 J·T-1 普朗克( Planck)常数 h (6.626176±0.000036)×10-34 J·s 6.63×10-34 J·s 精细结构常数 a 7.2973506(60)×10-3 里德伯(Rydberg)常数 R 1.097373177(83)×107m-1 电子康普顿(Compton)波长 2.4263089(40)×10-12m 质子康普顿(Compton)波长 1.3214099(22)×10-15m 质子电子质量比 mp/me 1836.1515


以下是所有物理常数的列表: 量符号数值不确定度(10-6) 真空中光速 c 2.99792458×108m/s 准确(定义) 万有引力常数 G 6.67259×10-11m3/(kg·s2) 128 电子电荷,基本电荷 e,e0 1.60217733×10-19C 0.30 普朗克常数 h 6.6260755×10-34J·s 0.60 约化普朗克常数?=h/2π 1.05457266×10-34 J·s 0.60 阿伏伽德罗常数 NA 6.0221367×1023 mol-1 0.59 法拉第常数 F =NAe0 9.6485309×104C/mol 0.30 电子质量 me 9.1093897×10-31 kg 0.59 0.51099906 MeV 0.30 里德伯常量 R∞=mecα2/2h 1.0973731534×107m-1 0.0012 精细结构常数α=e02/4πε0hc 7.29735308×10-3 0.045 α-1 137.0359895 0.045 电子半径 re=hα/mec 2.81794092×10-15 m 0.13 康普顿波长λC=h/mec 2.42631058×10-12 m 0.089 玻尔半径 a0=reα-2 5.29177249×10-11 m 0.045 原子质量单位 u=um(12C) 1.6605402×10-27kg 0.59 质子质量 mp 1.6726231×10-27kg 0.59 938.27231 MeV 0.30 中子质量 mn 1.6749286×10-27kg 0.59 939.56563 MeV 0.30 磁通量子Φ0=h/2e0 2.06783461×10-15 Wb 0.30 电子荷质比 -e0/me -1.75881962×1011 C/kg 0.30 玻尔磁子μB=e0?/2me 9.2740154×10-24 J/T 0.34 电子磁矩μe 9.2847701×10-24 J/T 0.34 核磁子μN=e0?/2mp 5.0507866×10-27 J/T 0.34 质子磁矩μP 1.41060761×10-26 J/T 0.34 旋磁比γP 2.67522128×108 rad/sT 0.30 量子霍尔阻抗 RH 25812.8056 Ω 0.045 气体常数 R 8.314510 J/(mol·K) 8.4 玻尔兹曼常数 k,kB=R/NA 1.380658×10-23J/K 8.5 斯特藩-玻尔兹曼常量σ=π2kB4/60?3c2 5.67051×10-8W/m2K4 34 维恩常量 b=λmaxT 2.897756×10-3 m·K 8.4 真空磁导率μ0 4π×10-7N/A2 准确(定义) 真空电容率ε0=(μ0c2) -1 8.85418781762…×10-12 F/m 准确(定义)


Physical constants of inorganic comPounds The compounds in this table were selected on the basis of their laboratory and industrial importance, as well as their value in illus-trating trends in the variation of physical properties with position in the periodic table. An effort has been made to include the most frequently encountered inorganic substances; a limited number of organometallics are also covered. Many, if not most, of the com-pounds that are solids at ambient temperature can exist in more than one crystalline modification. In the absence of other infor-mation, the data given here can be assumed to apply to the most stable or common crystalline form. In many cases however, two or more forms are of practical importance, and separate entries will be found in the table. Compounds are arranged primarily in alphabetical order by the most commonly used name. However, adjustments are made in many instances so as to bring closely related compounds togeth-er. For example, hydrides of elements such as boron, silicon, and germanium are grouped together immediately following the entry for the parent element, since they would otherwise be scattered throughout the table. Likewise, the oxoacids of an element are giv-en in one group whenever a strict alphabetical order would sepa-rate them (e.g., sulfuric acid and fluorosulfuric acid). The Formula Index following the table provides another means of locating a compound. There is also an index to CAS Registry Numbers.The following data fields appear in the table:? Name : Systematic name for the substance. The valence state of a metallic element is indicated by a Roman numer-al, e.g., copper in the +1 state is written as copper(I) rather than cuprous, iron in the +3 state is iron(III) rather than ferric. ? Formula : The simplest descriptive formula is given, but this does not necessarily specify the actual structure of the compound. For example, aluminum chloride is designated as AlCl 3, even though a more accurate representation of the structure in the solid phase (and, under some con-ditions, in the gas phase) is Al 2Cl 6 A few exceptions are made, such as the use of Hg 2+2 for the mercury(I) ion. ? CAS Registry Number : Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number. An asterisk* following the CAS RN for a hydrate indicates that the number refers to the anhydrous compound. In most cases the generic CAS RN for the compound is given rather than the number for a specific crystalline form or mineral. ? Mol. Weight : Molecular weight (relative molar mass) as calculated with the 2005 IUPAC Recommended Atomic Weights. The number of decimal places corresponds to the number of places in the atomic weight of the least accu-rately known element (e.g., one place for lead compounds, two places for compounds of selenium, germanium, etc.); a maximum of three places is given. For compounds of radioactive elements for which IUPAC makes no recom-mendation, the mass number of the isotope with longest half-life is used. ? Physical Form : The crystal system is given, when available, for compounds that are solid at room temperature, togeth-er with color and other descriptive features. Abbreviations are listed below. ? mp : Normal melting point in °C. The notation tp indicates the temperature where solid, liquid, and gas are in equilib-rium at a pressure greater than one atmosphere (i.e., the normal melting point does not exist). When available, the triple point pressure is listed. ? bp : Normal boiling point in °C (referred to 101.325 kPa or 760 mmHg pressure). The notation sp following the number indicates the temperature where the pressure of the vapor in equilibrium with the solid reaches 101.325 kPa. See Reference 8, p. 23, for further discussion of sub-limation points and triple points. A notation “sublimes” without a temperature being given indicates that there is a perceptible sublimation pressure above the solid at ambi-ent temperatures. ? Density : Density values for solids and liquids are always in units of grams per cubic centimeter and can be assumed to refer to temperatures near room temperature unless oth-erwise stated. Values for gases are the calculated ideal gas densities in grams per liter at 25°C and 101.325 kPa; the unit is always specified for a gas value. ? Aqueous Solubility: Solubility is expressed as the number of grams of the compound (excluding any water of hydra-tion) that will dissolve in 100 grams of water. The tempera-ture in °C is given as a superscript. Solubility at other tem-peratures can be found for many compounds in the table “Aqueous Solubility of Inorganic Compounds at Various Temperatures” in Section 8. ? Qualitative Solubility : Qualitative information on the solubility in other solvents (and in water, if quantitative data are unavailable) is given here. The abbreviations are: i insoluble sl slightly soluble s soluble vs very soluble reac reacts with the solvent Data were taken from a wide variety of reliable sources, includ-ing monographs, treatises, review articles, evaluated compilations and databases, and in many cases the primary literature. Some of the most useful references for the properties covered here are listed below. List of Abbreviations Ac - acetyl ace - acetone acid - acid solutions alk - alkaline solutions amorp - amorphous anh - anhydrous blk - black brn - brown bz - benzene chl - chloroform col - colorless conc - concentrated cub - cubic cyhex - cyclohexane dec - decomposes dil - dilute diox - dioxane eth - ethyl ether exp - explodes, explosive extrap - extrapolated flam - flammable gl - glass, glassy grn - green hc - hydrocarbon solvents
