





The user experience of online marketing research


With the development of science and technology, the network shopping has gradually become one of the main way of People's Daily shopping, occupy the important position in people's life, online shopping's share also gradually increase, online shopping become a mainstream trend of the future, therefore, the enterprise must grasp the critical way, the network shopping in Internet marketing. In network marketing, as user demand has increased, more attention to the experience of feelings, as a result, the user experience of online marketing for the success of the enterprise network marketing plays an important role. In this article, through analyzing the importance of user experience in network marketing, as well as the problems existing in the enterprise network marketing at present, put forward the method to improve the user experience, and analyze the successful cases, in order to provide useful experience for users in the network marketing experience.

The full text is divided into four most. The first part of the user experience in network marketing background and the significance of research are summarized. The second part of the network marketing and user experience has carried on the literature review. The third part analyzes the user experience of online marketing and improving the user experience. Finally, the fourth part to the success of the user experience of online network marketing practice was analyzed, and the user experience success in network marketing has a certain reference.

KEY WORDS:The network marketing, user experience, A company,



毕业论文声明................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。摘要............................................................................................................................................ I ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................................... I I 1.绪论.. (1)

1.1 研究背景及意义 (1)

1.2 研究内容 (1)

2. 文献综述 (3)

2.1 网络营销概述 (3)

2.2 用户体验概述 (3)

3. 网络营销之用户体验研究 (5)

3.1 企业开展网络营销的方法 (5)

3.2 网络营销中的用户体验 (6)

3.3 如何增加企业网站的用户体验 (6)

4.案例分析 (8)

4.1 良好的客户服务 (8)

4.2 人性化的会员制体系 (8)

4.3 通过网络社交营销与消费者交流 (8)

4.4 灵活运用植入传播与联合传播 (9)

5.全文结论 (10)

参考文献 (11)
