丹顶鹤(鹤属鸟类的一种)[dān dǐng hè]

丹顶鹤(学名:Grus japonensis)是鹤类中的一种,大型涉禽,体长120~160厘米。颈、脚较长,通体大多白色,头顶鲜红色,喉和颈黑色,耳至头枕白色,脚黑色,站立时颈、尾部飞羽和脚黑色,头顶红色,其余全为白色;飞翔时仅次级和三级飞羽以及颈、脚黑色,其余全白色,特征极明显,极易识别。幼鸟头、颈棕褐色,体羽白色而缀栗色。常成对或成家族群和小群活动。迁徙季节和冬季,常由数个或数十个家族群结成较大的群体。有时集群多达40~50只,甚至100多只。但活动时仍在一定区域内分散成小群或家族群活动。夜间多栖息于四周环水的浅滩上或苇塘边,主要以鱼、虾、水生昆虫、软体动物、蝌蚪、沙蚕、蛤蜊、钉螺以及水生植物的茎、叶、块根、球茎和果实为食。分布于中国东北,蒙古东部,俄罗斯乌苏里江东岸,朝鲜,韩国和日本北海道。

Red-crowned cranes (scientific name: Grus japonensis) is one of the crane, large waders, 120 ~ 160 centimeters long. Neck, feet long, with perfect mostly white, bright red, overhead throat and neck black, to head the white and black feet, neck, black tail flight feathers and feet while standing, head red, all the rest is white; Fly only secondary and tertiary flight feathers, and neck, feet are black, the rest all white, characteristic extremely obvious, easy to identify. Young head, neck, tan body feathers white and compose chestnut. Often in pairs or a family group and small group activities. Migration and winter season, often by several or dozens of family groups form a larger group. Cluster as many as 40 ~ 50, sometimes even more than 100. But when activity is still in a certain area scattered into small group or family group activities. Ring around at night more than live in shallow water or on one side, mainly for fish, shrimp, aquatic insects, mollusks, tadpole, nereid, clams, snails and aquatic plants of stem, leaf, tuberous roots, corms and fruit for food. Jiang Dongan of distribution in northeast China, eastern Mongolia, Russia wusuli river, north Korea, South Korea and Japan Hokkaido.


Chinese name Red-crowned cranes

拉丁学名Grus japonensis

Latin names


Nickname (s) Cranes, red crown crane


World of the animal kingdom


The door Chordate door


Class aves


Orders, Crane orders,


Crane sections


Belongs to the crane


Kind of Red-crowned cranes

命名者及年代Müller, 1776

Naming and s

英文名称Red-crowned Crane

English name

英文名称Japanese Crane

The English name

英文名称Manchurian Crane

English name


1 appearance characteristics


Red-crowned crane body length of about 160 cm, 160 cm wingspan, about 10 kg. The whole body a few pure white, bare without feathers on their heads, and in scarlet, the forehead and eyes, first with black feather, eye behind the ear feather pillow to white, buccal, throat and neck black; Secondary flight feathers and level 3 flight feathers, black three long flight feathers and bend, arcuate, cover on the tail, therefore, standing on the tail black, actual it is level 3 flight feathers, and tail, primary flight feather and the whole individual feathers all is white, very obvious when flying. Mouth is longer, the weak gray, neck, legs are very long, long, curved among two wing flight feather is black, and cover the whole flight feathers when standing on the tail, often make people think it has a black tail feathers. Male and female alike.

虹膜褐色,嘴灰绿色,尖端黄色。胫裸露部分和跗蹠及趾灰黑色,爪灰色。Yellow brown iris, mouth celadon, tip. The tibia exposed part and hocks, study and toe - colored, claw gray.


Chicks are tan plumule, the color of the back light, dark belly, the shoulder for ivory, mouth and legs are red meat, 3 ~ 4 months body feathers gradually became the color of white, on the exposed part of red until 10 months later.


Red-crowned cranes outside bone nut inside the empty, intensity is 7 times the amount of human bones, and it at the time of migration, often arranged in clever wedge, makes the individual can, in turn, use the front behind the airflow produced during the individual fan wings, fly to fast, energy saving, durable, speeds of up to 40 km, flying height can be more than 5400 meters, but also the wing.


Size measure: weight came 7000 ~ 9000 g, 9000 ~ 10500 g ♀; Length 1200 ~ 1520 mm; Mouth peak came from 151 to 167 mm, ♀135 ~ 167 mm; Wing came from 560 ~ 670 mm, ♀557 ~ 635 mm; 300 mm; Fu, study came from 267 ~ 301 mm, ♀255 ~ 297 mm. [1]


(note: came male; ♀females)


2 habitats


Perched on the open plains, swamps, lakes, grassland, seaside beaches, reed marshes, swamps, and Banks of the river, sometimes appearing in farmland and arable land, especially the migration and winter seasons.


3 life habits




Often in pairs or a family group and small group activities. Migration and winter season, often by several or dozens of family groups form a larger group. Cluster as many as 40 ~ 50, sometimes even more than 100. But when activity is still in a certain area scattered into small group or family group activities. Ring around at night more than live in shallow water or on one side, each other is still in family groups scattered habitat, day very closely, especially cold. Feeding grounds and night habitat in general is relatively fixed, usually bright days, each ethnic group has fly to forage feed and still maintain a certain distance to each other. Noon on TanBian rest more, and constantly. Habitat has to fly back to night night or stay in feeding grounds for the night. After rest often on one leg, head to plug in the back feathers. Foraging or rest, often have 1 into a bird special vigilance, looked up and looking about him constantly, found dangerous emit 'ko - lo - lo - sound, singing in head and neck straight up, lifted up into the sky. When the danger, the fly fly. Two wings flying head before and after the foot when unbend, stir up slowly, in 'a' or 'V' character. Red-crowned cranes into birds moult twice a year, spring for the first summer, autumn to winter, belong to moult, completely will temporarily lose the ability to fly.




Leave the wintering in early spring at the end of February 3 moved to breeding grounds, beidaihe after China time in the middle of march to the end of march. Time of arrival in the northeast breeding sites in early April to mid-april,

autumn in late September early October start migrating south from breeding grounds, moved by the time of beidaihe in the middle of the middle of October and November, in early November. Lead time of arrival in jiangsu yancheng wintering in October 28 to October 29, arrived in late November. Often a small group of migration, the biggest groups to 40 ~ 50. Journey into a "V", glyph.




Hear someting red-crowned cranes, songs, and its special pronunciation organs. Its long neck, long syrinx also, up to about 1 meter above, five or six times the length of the human trachea, the end of the roll rings, front between the sternum, just like the western music of the brass, can cause intense sympathetic chord, pronounce with voice can spread to 3 ~ 5 kilometers away.

丹顶鹤鸣声的音调和频率因性别、年龄、行为、环境条件的不同而有很大差异。一般鸣声成串或单一,不仅在起飞时和在空中飞翔的时候鸣叫,而且在地面上取食和栖宿时也在鸣叫。一年四季,几乎每天每时都能听到它的鸣声,但以黎明前后最为频繁。每天在破晓之前,只要有一只率先启鸣,便会有第二只立即应声作答,而后群体中就一连串地彼此呼应,欢闹不止,直至日出。叫声不仅是配偶间和群体成员之间的传情和联络,而且也常用来表示骚动和对危险的警戒,但更重要的则是作为婚偶舞蹈的伴奏曲。Red-crowned cranes singing tone and frequency because of gender, age, behavior, there were significant differences in different environmental conditions. Generally chirp string or a single, not only on takeoff and flying in the air, and on the ground when feeding and roost in singing. Throughout the year, and almost every time can hear it whine, but with the most frequent before and after the dawn. Before dawn every day, as long as there is a first qi song, will have the second answer answer immediately, and then groups have a series of echo each other, hilarity, until sunrise. Sound is not only between spouses and SMS and contact between group members, but also commonly used to represent the commotion and alert to danger, but more important is as a marriage I dance music.


Breeding males to sing with the female, the head, wings frequently vibration and high in a tempo gave a long tone, the female's head also up to the sky, but weak wings, in a beat two or three short tapering polyphony. This "duet" is not only to the expression of love, is also to attempt the intruder's warning, but also can lead to male and female sex synchronization, assure the success of reproduction. Bird songs are mainly for food, keep in touch and may be hard for some physiological need three kinds of singing, etc. 1 year old of age of the young parents after you leave, have to defend territories and without a purpose. After the age of 2 are everywhere, singing in front of the mating. In addition to calling to take off and alarm when singing, nesting in singing, and so on.




Food is very miscellaneous, basically have fish, shrimp, aquatic insects, mollusks, tadpole, nereid, clams, snails and aquatic plants of stem, leaf, tuberous roots, corms and fruit, and so on.


Crane dance


End of march every year in early April, when the red-crowned cranes to reach breeding grounds, shortly after the start matching and occupation nest domain, male and female each other by singing in the nest in the domain to declare possession of field. Mating is also accompanied by singing, and often males recommand up, raised his head and neck, and lifted up to the sky, wings, sung, send out "ha, ha, ha" loud voice. The female should loudly, and then to sing, jump and dance with each other. Dance is also very beautiful, or stretch Yang head, neck or knee bend, or flat, or jumping air, sometimes with a small stones or small branches into the air.


Red-crowned cranes dance are mostly by the dozens, hundreds of continuous change of operation and dance the main action of stretching up, bent down to kick, jump, jump, walking wings, stoop and bow, bit, etc., but the posture, amplitude, speed is different. And these action and follow-up action, is organically unifies in together, such as bending, stretching up -- head bobbing up and down sharply; Wings, stretching up -- bent; Stretching up - bending - foot down; Spread your wings and bend over, bow walk - neck and body assumes the "eight" glyph wings bit objects - walking wings; Bit objects - jumping parabolic - a body of rotation, on legs or wings do jumping, bent down to action, etc. Most of these actions have relatively clear purpose, such as bow generally friendly and love; Body tight bow salute, said his own existence, to show off, threatening the meaning of; Bend over and spread your wings and said pick, leisure sport; Bright wings sometimes said the cheerful mood, etc.


4 breeding way



Breeding season from April to June. Monogamous system. End of march in early April, when the red-crowned cranes to reach breeding grounds, shortly after the start matching and occupation nest domain, male and female birds each other by singing in the nest in the domain to declare possession of field. Mating is also accompanied by singing, and often is male and female bird to sing, jump and dance with each other. Sing when the head, neck, recommand straight toward the sky, level 3 flight feathers loose, and with the jitter. Sound is ringing loud, like 'ko ko - ko.


Nesting on the open vast reed marsh or aquatic plants on the ground, nest in a certain depth of reeds or high kelp. Nest is humble, floating nest, is mainly composed of reeds, wula sedge, triangular, grass and reed catkins, nest the pale disc. Size of outer diameter of 104 ~ 170 cm, diameter 40 ~ 76 centimeters, 4 ~ 5 cm deep, 5 ~ 25 cm, nest week depth on the surface part nest 11 ~ 20 cm tall, nest spacing recently for 300 meters. Spawn 2 pieces per litter, the occasional one, eggs for elliptic, colorless or gray, blunt tip is rust or violet and grey brown spot, to sophisticated spot more thin and pale, the size of the egg is 104 ~ 115 mm x 660 ~ 720 mm, 222 ~ 282 g. Eggs together started after brooding, bred by the male and female parent birds take turns sitting nest, incubation period 30 ~ 33 days. Chicks early initiative, namely tottering after hatching, 4 ~ 5 days later can along with the parent birds leave the nest to swim in the shallow water. 2 age of sexual maturity, life can be up to 50 ~ 60 years.


5 subspecies differentiation


A single species, subspecies.


6 range


The world distribution


Red-crowned crane map


Distribution in China, Japan, South Korea, north Korea, Mongolia, the Russian federation. Summer: Taiwan province of China. Red-crowned cranes reproduce in Russia's far east, China's heilongjiang province, ussuri river basin and the Japanese island of Hokkaido, wintering in Japan, north Korea.


China's distribution


Inner Mongolia dalai lama Noel, lid, khorchin ulla, called Aaron, lake, river, DuLu river downstream, winter jasmine, small xingkai lake, xingkai lake, jilin, momo to the sea, liaoning liaohe delta, beidaihe, hebei henan Yellow River communist-held, shandong long mountain island, shouguang, nearbu, weifang, Qingdao, pingyi, brunei, fei county, yancheng city, jiangsu province, the hongze lake and gaoyou lake, Shao Bohu, jiang, some, Shanghai, pang village, henan, shandong rizhao, zhaotong of yunnan, zhongdian. In China in the northeast of heilongjiang, jilin, liaoning and Inner Mongolia DaLiNuoEr lake, etc. Wintering in jiangsu, Shanghai, shandong and other places of coastal tidal flats, as well as in the Yangtze river, downstream areas, occasionally seen in poyang lake in jiangxi province and Taiwan. When migration through the northeast, north China and other places in the south.


7 species status quo


Red-crowned crane need clean and open wetland environment as habitat, is the most sensitive indicators of change in the wetland environment. Due to the increasing of population, the habitat of the red-crowned crane is into farmland and cities, such as the moon in the west of jilin province bubble was a breeding ground of the red-crowned crane, because people to carry out banking, make DiNa water level rise, a water plant with basic disappear, dike outside HuMan beach dries up, Ken for farmland, red-crowned cranes since then vanished; And as in the north of jiangsu between Shao Bohu and gaoyou lake marshes, was once a red-crowned cranes wintering grounds, as each year to the fishing and hunting to the rising number of people, increased the human disturbance, pick eggs, poaching, etc., and reduce the number of red-crowned cranes sharply.

全世界的丹顶鹤总数至2010年估计仅有1500只左右,其中在中国境内越冬的有1000只左右,保护好丹顶鹤以及它们的生存环境为越来越多的人们所关注。中国已经建立的以保护丹顶鹤为主的自然保护区已经超过18个,其中的吉林向海、湖南东洞庭湖、青海鸟岛和江西鄱阳湖等还被列入国际上的拉拇萨尔条约保护湿地目录之中,使保护工作取得了很大的进展。Red-crowned cranes all over the world to 2010 estimated total only 1500 or so, wintering in the territory of China has about 1000 only, protect red-crowned cranes and their living environment is more and more attention by people. China has been established in order to protect the red-crowned cranes nature reserve has more than 18, jilin, to the sea of east dongting lake in hunan, and jiangxi poyang lake bird island in qinghai has been listed in the international mummy sal treaty to protect the wetland directory, make the protection work

has made great progress.


8 protection level

列入《世界自然保护联盟》(IUCN)2012年濒危物种红色名录ver 3.1——濒危(EN)。

On the world conservation union (IUCN) red list of endangered species in 2012 ver 3.1 - endangered (EN).


Included in the Washington convention CITES Ⅰlevel to protect animals.


9 species named

学名Grus japonensis(中文意译“日本鹤”),是德国动物学家斯塔提乌斯·穆勒(Philipp Ludwig Statius Müller)于1776年命名的。穆勒曾在埃尔兰根(Erlangen)教授自然科学。1773年至1776年,他翻译出版了林奈的名著《自然系统》,并公布了一些新命名的物种。这次被命名的生物就包括丹顶鹤。穆勒命名丹顶鹤的1776年,在美国为建国元年。这一年在中国则为清高宗乾隆四十一年,在日本则为后桃园天皇安永五年,都值闭关之时。当日,西方人只能从广州认识中国,从长崎认识日本。丹顶鹤自中国东北地区向南迁徙不经过华南地区,却以日本的九州、本州作为过冬之地。因此,西方人只能以日本为窗口,见识到这种动物。将其命名为“日本鹤”。Scientific name Grus japonensis (Chinese free translation "Japanese cranes"), is a German zoologist stark mention uz Muller (Philipp Ludwig Statius Muller) was named in 1776. Professor muller in Erlangen (Erlangen) natural science. From 1773 to 1776, he published the linnaean translation of classics "natural systems, and published some new naming species. The named creatures including red-crowned cranes. Muller red-crowned cranes in 1776, named for the first year of the founding of the people in the United States. This year in China, as the qing dynasty the emperor qianlong forty-one years, in Japan for taoyuan emperor ernst & young, after five years, is worth to retreat. The westerners can only know from guangzhou China, from Nagasaki, Japan. Red-crowned cranes from northeast China southward migration without in south China, kyushu in Japan, the state as a land of winter. Therefore, westerners only in Japan, for the window, saw the animals. Named it "the Japanese crane".

19世纪末期至20世纪初,日本本州岛的丹顶鹤灭绝了。有些动物学家认为,这个品种在日本就此灭绝,因此将它的英文俗名由Japanese Crane,改为Manchurian Crane(满洲鹤),只是这种用法并未被广泛接受。Japanese Crane和Manchurian Crane两个名字一直共同存在,造成了一些混乱,因此,前国际鹤类基金会主席乔治·阿奇博(Archbold)提出建议,将丹顶鹤的英文俗名改作Red-crowned Crane(丹顶鹤)。尽管如此,英文世界“日本鹤”的提法依然是主流。

The end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, Japan's honshu island red-crowned cranes. Some zoologists think that this species disappear in Japan, so its English name by the Japanese Crane, to the Manchurian Crane (Manchurian Crane), but this usage has not been widely accepted. Japanese Crane, and Manchurian Crane, two names have been common existence, caused some confusion, therefore, before the international Crane foundation President George archie bo (Archbold) Suggestions, put the English common name of red-crowned cranes as Red - crowned Crane (red-crowned Crane). In spite of this, the English world "Japanese cranes" idea is still the mainstream.



In Google's search engine, and the other two call search results only one over ten for it. (note: supplement Zheng Zuoxin professor at the 1980 international symposium on cranes, in the presence of red-crowned cranes name call not unified, put forward rectification opinions for red-crowned crane, and passed at the meeting. Since then the international academic conferences and will continue to use this name in works of literature.)


A scientific name synonymous

Ardea japonensis P.L.S. Müller, 1776

Grus japponensis Gmelin, 1778

Antigone montignesia Bonaparte, 1854

Megalornis japonensis Wilder&Hubbard, 1938


10 the meaning of culture


Auspicious symbol


In Chinese history, is recognized as the first birds. The Ming and the qing dynasty to the red-crowned crane gives loyalty and uprightness, cultural connotation of high character. Civilian's complement, a civilian embroidery red-crowned cranes, as it is second only to the royal dedicated longfeng important identity, so people also called the crane "a bird". People also put the crane as a symbol of high-ranking officials. A stand out in the forefront of propitious grain figure on the rocks, take "the tide" and "the" homophonic, symbol as prime minister as "a regnant"; Grain figure, symbol of cranes flying in the cloud "promotion"; Sunrise cranes fly lines figure, symbol "up high".


In fact, the legendary crane, is red-crowned cranes, it is a kind of life in the swamp or shallow water area large waders, are often people with the spirit of "wetland" laudatory name. It grows in high mountains and hills in the pine trees have no fate. But because of red-crowned cranes life 50 ~ 60 years, people often think of it and painted pine tree together, as a symbol of longevity.


Residents of east Asia, with red-crowned cranes symbolize happiness and good fortune, longevity and fidelity. In other countries has appeared repeatedly in literature and art, shells the burials of The Times, there is the image of the crane in the sculpture. The spring and autumn period and the warring states period of ancient bronze bell, the crane body modelling of ritual vessels have been.



Huang Lao Taoism prevail in the eastern han dynasty. By Taoism developed into Taoism, establish a cult organization and was founded 1900 years ago that (34-156 AD). He said so on jun (Lao tzu), granted him "tianshi" title, founded the bureau said. He study place is mount heming, there remains to be crane crane porch, listen to the pavilion and other buildings. Taoist works in cloud shu qi sign said that can ride a crane. Buddhism is an afterlife, and Taoism is repairing this life. Taoism believes the human life, through the science of uniting the, soul and body can be up to heaven, immortal, so as to achieve the state of the fairy, "Hugh with heaven and earth, with the sun".


In 2003, the state forestry administration and the China wildlife conservation association launched the national bird contest, and established the expert panel and determine the selection criteria. In May 2004 to June, the China wildlife conservation association, the China news service, sina united the country more than 20 held elected national bird activities online news site. In the candidate of 10 species of birds, red-crowned crane won 64.92% of the vote in 5 million Internet users, well ahead of other competitors. China's state forestry administration is the national bird of the red-crowned crane as the only candidate bird submitted to the state council.


Literature to describe


As early as 2100 years ago, the city in hebei province unearthed lacquerware, writing is clearly with the patterns of the red-crowned cranes. Order (156 ~ 143 BC) the road when Joe as "crane", beginning point out that red-crowned crane for "white bird Zhu Guan". In The Three Kingdoms wu lu ji in animals and birds fish insect traps "MAO poetry vegetation has made a detailed description of:" as big as a goose, feet long, green wings, more than three feet, red hat, red eyes, beak, more than four inches long, pure white ". Tang dynasty poet

describes the sentence especially of red-crowned crane is various, such as Xue Neng wrote in "a jia made to send the crane" : "red feather's appearance to stumble, known as the fairy control the green destiny". Bai juyi in the ChiHe said: "bow at first feared cinnabar, sun wing often suspected snow away". Zhang Ben has: "w vivid character training, MAO Sally leisure heavy difficult group." In the sentence. Visible the ancients thought, the beauty of red-crowned cranes, lies in its harmony of the whole body, the place of mystery and beauty, no doubt because it on the jade feather cream hair also has a w (z), cinnabar, appear elegant and romantic and unforgettable. Ming dynasty Wang Xiangjin "qunfang spectrum" in evaluation of red-crowned crane: "ShangJie body, so the color white; their days, so the first red." And, "Denton red eye, red cheeks green feet." In the red-crowned cranes and other most of the crane, have bright red skin exposed above the neck, the color is actually a skin color and color blending.
