


Under the leadership of the brave captain John Smith, a group of English settlers sail to The New World to plunder its riches for England, which threatens Pocahontas-the daughter of Chief Powhatan of the Powhatan tribe, and her people. However, Pocahontas and John fall in love at the first sight. When John is held captive by Powhatan, Pocahontas is in dilemma. With the help of Grandmother Willow, she learns to listen to her inner voice and follow the color of wind to pursue the true meaning of life. She saves John, and they work together to prevent the war between English settlers and her people. Finally, instead of leaving with John, Pocahontas chooses to stay with her people.


Pocahontas is a nice movie with good animation and beautiful songs. Pocahontas falls in love with the brave captain John Smith. However, with the conflict between the settlers and her tribe intensified, Smith and Pocahontas have a difficult time preventing all-out war, and saving their love for each other. Finally, the wounded Smith goes back to his country with the settlers, while Pocahontas chooses to stay with her people. Though it’s not a happy ending, I still appreciate it, because it shows a more mature and realistic love. Love is precious, but there are still many other important things such as lives, peace, family and so on. When Pocahontas has problems, she often turns to Grandmother Willow from whom she learns to listen to her inner voice and follow the color of wind to pursue the true meaning of life. And after the settlers leave, the beautiful scenery of the land is saved. These give us a lesson that people should live in harmony with nature and that different races should show respect to each other. In addition, the music in the movie is beautiful like colors of the wind, which make the movie more intriguing. All in all, I like the wonderful movie.


自动化专业英文自我介绍 General Introduction* I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. Education background In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies. At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis. Research experience and academic activity


应县木塔之名的历史演变 蔡升元 应县佛宫寺释迦塔(简称应县木塔)是当今世界上第一奇塔。而这座奇塔之名的历史演变更让我们对木塔十分敬重,对它的历史文化也有了深刻的意识。 (一) 应县木塔北魏时称“应州崇虚寺木塔”。 北魏太平真君三年(442)至太和十五年(491),这不到五十年的时间里,平城(今山西大同)人口急剧上升,居舍建到了静轮宫的四周,人神混杂,无法清净神道,于是孝文帝就于太和十五年(491)将静轮宫移到了“桑干之阴”的应州,改名“崇虚寺”。《魏书》有证:“八月戊戌,移道坛于桑干之阴,改曰崇虚寺。”(《魏书·高祖纪》168页)《资治通鉴二》第137卷767页也有同样的记载。 (二) 应县木塔唐代称“应州宝宫寺木塔”。 唐玄宗天宝元年(742)十分崇道,为了提高其地位,便把皇家敕建的道观升格为“宫”。这样一来,“崇虚寺”这个北魏孝文帝敕建的道观就更名为“宝宫寺”了。也有人讲,因崇虚寺内藏珍宝而改名。《山西通志》记载:“兴光元年秋,敕有司马为太祖以下五帝铸释迦像,各长一丈六尺,用赤金二万五千斤。”(《山西通志》第57卷4129页) 宋雍熙三年(986),著名画师冯清云游应州,写下了《登应州宝

宫寺木塔》之诗篇,这就告诉我们“崇虚寺”已改成了“宝宫寺”。 (三) 应县木塔五代时称“应州兴王寺木塔”。 明《应州志》载:“天王词,在古旧城帅府东北隅。唐魏公李靖创建。相传晋王李克用母,尝祷于祠,见壁裂,金甲神人跃出。后生克用。”(《应州志·营建志》第2卷49页)《大明一统志》云:“天王祠,在应州城内,旧为天王村,晋王李克用母祷此祠,有金甲神人跃出,果生克用。”天王祠即李靖的家庙,也有人叫“天王寺”,为纪念李克用出世,后改名为“兴王寺”。 “考异《地理志》云,兴王寺有白衣观音像,军还,入幽州,幸大悲阁,指此像曰‘我梦神人令送石郎为中国帝,即此。’因移木叶山,建庙告赛,尊为家神。纪未载。”(《辽史纪事本末》第10卷249页)据《辽史》记载:太宗天显十一年(936)冬十月甲子,封敬瑭为晋王,幸其府。十一月丁酉,册敬瑭为大晋皇帝。十二月庚寅,发太原。戊戌,次雁门,以沙太保所部兵分隶诸将。庚戌,幸应州。由上可见,大悲阁隶属兴王寺。而历史上人们曾把“应州”讹称“幽州”,宋辽大战中的幽州,也是根据民间传说演变而来的。实际上辽太宗“军还”时所幸的正是应州,并非“幽州”。 “《元一统志》云,大悲阁在旧城之中,建自有唐,自辽开泰中重修,圣宗遇雨,飞驾来临,改寺圣恩,而阁隶也,金皇统九年重葺,元至元壬午春复修,中奉大夫领道教事安藏撰记,二十四年四月立


中国比较文学 2002年第2期 (总第47期) 种族、发声与文化挪用: 从“后殖民”看电影《风中奇缘》 对Pocahontas的想象 毛思慧 杨 思 (广东外语外贸大学 英文学院,广东 广州 510421) 摘要:欧美民族中心主义与近几百年来的种族主义、历史偏见、性别歧视、殖民现实和文化霸权密切相关,要对它进行反思并进而思考我们新的文化价值取向,我们必须在展示欧美主流“知识形态”的内在矛盾之同时,在文化批评工作者中培植发展作为文化抵抗的阅读策略。本文将批判地运用部分“后殖民”和“女性主义”理论,分析美国影片《风中奇缘》对Pocahontas这一“历史人物”的重新想象,论述种族、发声与文化挪用等问题。 关键词:后殖民;种族;发声;文化挪用 Abstract:The r eading of“foreign”texts is but a cr oss-cultur al event.This paper,while critically e mploying some contemporar y post-colonial fe minist theories fro m critics such as Edward Said and bell hooks,analyzes the Euro-centr ic and hegemonic re-imagination of Pocahontas in popular Disney film Pocahontaswith a focus on ethnic ity,articulation and cultural appr opriation.It calls for a mor e balanc ed albeit critical(re-)reading of Western cultural pr od-ucts in the post-colonial cultural context. Key words:post-colonial;ethnicity;ar tic ulation;appropriation 不管我们是否意识到,对“外国文本”真正意义上的阅读不仅仅是在两种语言文字所构建的空间里获得美感与快乐,而且也是一项复杂的跨文化的活动:是两个灵魂、两类意识、两种文


路飞(Monkey.D.Ruffy) political:communist Birthdate:1987-5-5 Address:Roomxxx,No.xx building,west block,Guangdong University of Technology, Higher Education Mega Center,Guangzhou Postalcode:510006 Mobile:xxxxxxxxxx E-mail:xxxxxx1@https://www.360docs.net/doc/d912199364.html, Objective Education 2006.9-2010.7 Guangdong University of Technology Major: Automation Engineering Degree: Bachelor Specialized courses:Automatic Control Theory;Theory of Circuitry;Signal& Linear System; Principle of Microcomputer; C Language; Analogical Electronics; Digital Electronics; Pro- cedure Control and Auro-Measurement Technique ; Principle of Single-Chip Computer; Power Electronics Technology; Computer Control Technology; Electric Drive Control System; Electrical and Programmable Logic Controller Applied Technology(PLC);Motor Theory and Drive;Power Supply and Distribution Technology;Datebase(SQL) and so on. Personal expertise ?Master automatic control,computer control and process control,power technology; ?Skilled in the use of PLC ,SCM,C,assembler,matlab; ?Good use of Protel ,CAD,Photoshop,Word ,powerpoint and Excel; ?Master motor control,power electronics technology;good understanding of mechanical design principles,and mechanical analysis; ?Good rational thinking ability,Optimistic attitude towards life,adaptable;with good team spirit;responsible and honest;have a harmonious interpersonal relations with others. ?Language ability:Passed CET-4 446;Master automation professional English. Project Experience And Activities ?Two week of 2009/ 5 Temperature Control System Design Project Description: Design circuits, write procedures and control the temperature of Furnace at the required temperature which allow 1 to 2 C o error with SCM;This system must has the ability of refecting disturbance. ?2008/4 Attending Physics experiment Skills Competition of GDUT Project Description:I participate in the oscilloscope Group in this competition; The main requirement of the competition is to master the operation of oscilloscope and abilities to cope with some unexpected problems 2008.6-2009.6 Guangzhou ZhouHong Educational and Cultural Development Co., Ltd. Responsibilities: Part-time;The main task is making the courseware with PPT. Hobbies Reading,singing,outdoor activities,football,basketball,watching football games fishing and so on.


应县木塔之结构定性分析 结22班江中华 2002010385 一、 背景知识 山西应县木塔建于公元 1056 年、现高为 65.86 米、塔底直径以木柱外接圆计算为33.15 米,平面呈八角形,有明层五层及明层间设平座层(暗层)四层,实际上是九层高耸木结构建筑。塔身全部用木材建造,各层均设内外两槽。在各层内外槽均有 8 个弦面,以柱、柱间叠枋和斗拱形成弦向平面构架,在角柱处交汇。在内外槽的径向,以内柱、外柱和梁栿及斗拱组成空间构架,内槽内供奉佛像,外檐柱内为游人空间。它是我国保存完好的年代最早的木塔,也是世界上现存的唯一木结构楼阁式宝塔。1961 年国务院将其公布为全国重点文物保护单位。 右图就是应县木塔的实体照片,可以看出 有以下建筑特点: 二层以上各层均以斗拱挑出平座并设置栏 杆供人登临凭栏远眺,塔身逐层向内递收,上 部高达十余米的相轮铁刹耸立,造型优美,轮 廓线变化富于韵律感,塔身雄壮巍峨,挺拔向 上,稳如泰山,正如古人赋诗赞曰: 远观擎天柱,近似百尺莲。 二、塔的结构定性分析 中国的塔不在少数,但是能够流传上千年 而依旧巍然挺立的并不多,而像应县木塔这样 有特色的更是寥寥无几,真可谓前无古人后无 来者了。要想知道为什么唯独此塔能够经历住 千百年的风雨侵蚀、地震、雷电、兵事而不倒,这里面的确有不少偶然的因素在里面,但更多的是反映了事物必然性的原理,因此不可不从其内部结构去进行探究。 塔属于高耸建筑物,对于高耸建筑物常常需要以下问题得到解决方能流芳百世: z沉降; z结构抗震; z抗水平荷载的能力。 下面分别对塔的这些问题一一进行探究。 1.沉降 对于高耸建筑物,沉降是个比较敏感的话题,因为它上部荷载大,截面小,对地基的承载力要求就高,为了防止出现沉降差,对地基土的均匀性要求也高。著名的比萨斜塔之所以会在尚未建完时就明显的有大倾斜,就是地基土承载力不够,最关键的是承载力不均匀。 现代也有不少大型或高层建筑发生整体变形或大规模损坏,大多由于地基选择、处理不当或基础达不到设计施工需求,导致地基或基础失效,从而发生不均匀沉陷、变形而造成,应该让我们引以为戒。 要控制建筑物的沉降,要么提高地基土的承载力,要么减轻结构本身的自重。对于应县木塔而言,前辈建筑师们既对地基做了适当的处理,如用灰土夯实作为垫层,同时在减轻结


《风之彩》 .《Colors of the wind》音乐赏析 《Colors of the wind》是动画片《风中奇缘》的主题曲,是斯尼公司请得艾伦.曼肯 (Alan Menken)出马,这次为《风中奇缘》(Pocahontas)配乐,丝毫不减大师功力;填词由两获格林美的奖斯蒂芬.舒瓦兹(Stephen Schwartz)操刀;主唱则请来范妮莎.威廉姆斯(Vanessa Williams),使片中那种深沉的感伤、却又自由新生的浪漫气氛展露无遗。风之彩(Colors Of The Wind)也因此获得了第六十八届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲。 中文《风之彩》是由辛晓琪演唱,也是为动画片《风中奇缘》的主题曲,歌词的中文翻译加上颇具中国声音色彩的演唱,给人带来别具一格的感受,听风的歌,赖如明珠的文字,讲述的是一段历史。似曾相识,那段闭上双眼,听着风声的时光,吮吸着万物之息,伸出双手,我想那一刻,声音的魅力就充分的展现出来,我们的心神,会随音符的跳动,早已飞向未知的远方。 一般来说,乐器或人声的频谱结构很大程度上决定了其歌曲的音质,除此之外声音的密度与重量感,层次感,透明感,乐器与人声的质感、空气感等也决定着歌曲的音质。 歌曲《Colors of the wind》之所以被周多人喜爱,其主要方面它的音乐的空灵,飘逸。这与歌曲本身主题是相应的。印第安人的传统乐器是笛、奥卡里(埙)等管乐器,或者是鼓、摇响器等打击乐器。管乐器中,最流行的是竖笛,用竹、芦或粘土焙制,还有排箫、鼻笛

等。其歌曲中就使用了印第安人的传统乐器,传统与现代的结合让我们更加容易接受这样的歌曲。从歌曲的音质上来说,歌曲《Color o f the wind》层次感特别强,乐器配乐层次分明,有一种清澈见底的感觉。音乐的清晰度比较好,配合着歌手的细腻歌声形成了一种天然浑成的感觉。声音松弛有力,不发紧,高音细腻不刺耳,听感悦耳,舒服。 歌曲《风之彩》的感觉又是另番景象,辛晓琪的演唱与演唱的风格和技巧完全不同,但都唱出不同的味道。歌曲的的各声部比例协调,平衡,立体声左右声道的一致性比较好,其次,歌曲的中低音充分,高音适度,响度适合,有一种温暖和舒适感,声音有弹性。另外这种颇具中国风的演唱,声音逼真,整个音响交融在一起,和谐而又层次,整体感强。最后。声音空间感很强,听到此歌以后,给人一种飞的感觉,不仅是身体更是心灵的游荡。 音乐的真谛在哪里?在我们欢乐的笑声中,更在我们失意的叹息里。而后者更让人扼腕叹息,感同身受。风中奇缘的动人之处不在于真的音色多么优美,旋律多么动人,而在于音乐和故事有了完美的结合,让你在听音乐的时候不由得在脑海中呈现出印第安公主宝嘉康蒂和探险家 John Smith交往的一幕幕,有甜蜜有苦涩,更多的是离别惆怅。其实人是很奇怪的动物,欢快的东西总容易忘记,而记住的多半是悲伤的那些情节。哀而不伤的曲风让人记住了这部电影和那些过往的故事。


课程编号:070305 Code: 070305 课程名称:单片机及应用 Name: Principle and Application of Single Chip Microcomputer (SCM) 学时:44讲授学时,12实验学时 Hours : hrs lecture, hrs lab 学分:3 Credit: ` 课程简介:本课程介绍MCS-51单片机的功能结构、工作原理、指令系统、编程技术、接口技术和实际应用。通过该课程的学习,使学生初步具备简单的单片机应用系统的设计开发能力。 Brief introduction: This course shows the introductions to functional structure, principle, instructions, assemble language programming, interface and application of MCS-51single chip microcomputer. By the study of this course, the students can get the design and development ability of simple SCM application system. 课程编号:070306 Code : 070306 课程名称:计算机原理 Name: Principle of Microcomputer 学时:72讲授学时,16实验学时 , Hours : hrs lecture, hrs lab 学分:4 Credit: 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学技术专业的一门专业基础课;该课程介绍主流微机的结构、指令及汇编语言程序设计和常用的接口电路。 Brief introduction: Principle of Microcomputer is a basic course of Computer Science and Technology; The course introduces the structure of


风中奇缘经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白 《风中奇缘》剧情介绍: 瑾瑜原为被狼群抚养的女孩儿,在大漠中流浪的她被汉人阿爹所救,后随之学习汉族的诗书谋略,与部族的王子们一起长大。瑾瑜梦想着有朝一日能和阿爹回到南朝,可惜边关一场风暴般的政变,阿爹郁郁而终,瑾瑜再度流浪于大漠。 之后,瑾瑜遇见了从建安来的莫循和卫无忌。在两人的影响下,瑾瑜改名为莘月,踏上了建安的土地。莫循温文尔雅、月朗风清,莘月对他情根深种,甚至不惜为此跳入了南朝诡谲难测的政治漩涡之中,无奈莫循因为身有腿疾,不想拖累莘月,只有狠心拒绝;另一方面,英姿勃发的将军卫无忌对莘月一片痴情,一直在莘月身边守护着她。 莫循的多次拒绝让莘月心灰意冷。放弃建安的一切,伤心的莘月回到大漠。恰逢卫无忌在边关保家卫国,多番奔波终将莘月寻回,两人在战场几番出生入死,感情逐渐加深,莘月答应嫁给卫无忌。回到建安,莘月面对两个痴心付出的男人心中煎熬,奈何已经认定,愿得一心人,白头不相离。 最后在一场战事中,卫无忌受伤中毒。为了成全莘月与卫无忌,莫循不惜以双腿残废的代价以身试毒,最终孤单归隐而去。 《风中奇缘》经典台词 卫无忌:既然我在,长安城没有人能伤害你! 卫无忌:匈奴未灭,何以家为? 卫无忌:即便是行军打仗,也有错失的时候,但只要及时纠正,快马加鞭日夜兼程,往正确的方向去,什么都可以追回来。 卫无忌:一回长安立即成婚,否则迟早忍出病来。 卫无忌:你绝望放弃时选择离开,我心死时也许也会选择放手,可也许是绝不放手。 卫无忌:危难识人心,一辈子能交几个托付生死的朋友,痛快淋漓地活一场,什么都值得。卫无忌:这世上只有你,我从没有打算提防过,甚至一开始就盼着你能走进我心中。说来也奇怪,从小出入宫廷,我其实是一个戒心很重的人,可却就是知道你值得我用心去换,


提供专业的word版文档,优质的服务,希望对您有帮助/双击去除 自动化岗位面试求职英文自我介绍范文generalIntroduction* IamathirdyearmastermajorinautomationatshanghaiJiaoT onguniversity,p.r.china. educationbackground In1995,IenteredtheNanjinguniversityofscience&Techno logy(NusT)--widelyconsideredoneofthechina’sbestengineeringschools.Duringthefollowingundergrad uatestudy,myacademicrecordskeptdistinguishedamongth ewholedepartment.IwasgrantedFirstclassprizeeverysem ester,andmyoverallgpA(89.5/100)rankedNo.1among113st udents.In1999,Igottheprivilegetoenterthegraduatepro

gramwaivedoftheadmissiontest.IselectedtheshanghaiJi aoTonguniversitytocontinuemystudyforitsbestreputati ononcombinatorialoptimizationandNetworkschedulingwh eremyresearchinterestlies. Attheperiodofmygraduatestudy,myoverallgpA(3.77/4.0) rankedtop5%inthedepartment.Inthesecondsemester,Ibec ameteacherassistantthatisgiventotalentedandmatureds tudentsonly.Thisyear,IwontheAcerscholarshipastheone andonlycandidateinmydepartment,whichistheultimateac coladefordistinguishedstudentsendowedbymyuniversity .presently,Iampreparingmygraduationthesisandtryingf orthehonorofexcellentgraduationThesis. researchexperienceandacademicactivity whenasophomore,IjoinedtheAssociationofAIenthusiasta ndbegantonarrowdownmyinterestformyfutureresearch.In 1997,Iparticipatedinsimulationtooldevelopmentforthe schedulingsysteminprof.wang’


冰雪奇缘剧情 故事发生在北欧阿伦黛尔王国,一晚,公主艾莎和安娜姐妹俩在宫殿内堆雪人,堆雪人的过程中艾莎不小心用魔法误伤了妹妹安娜,安娜随即昏了过去,国王和王后连夜快马加鞭向地精长老求助。地精长老用魔法治好了安娜并抹去了安娜对艾莎魔法的记忆。并告诫:如果艾莎不能控制自己的魔力,很可能会危害王国。自此,艾莎的宫殿紧锁,减少她与外界的接触。但是,随着艾莎的成长,她的魔力越来越强,越来越无法控制。国王和王后为艾莎寻求解决办法出航,不幸遇上海啸,船只被淹没。 时间来到艾莎成年加冕仪式,在这一天,紧闭已久的宫殿大门打开,安娜激动出街,遇上了让她一见钟情的汉斯王子。两人越聊越投机,并且私定终生。安娜立刻把这件事告诉艾莎,希望得到女王的赐婚。艾莎表示:我的傻妹妹,你不能和你刚认识一天的男人订婚,坚决不同意。安娜气愤的抓下了艾莎压制魔力的手套,并说了一些难听的话激怒了艾莎,艾莎魔力一下失控,在场的人们都被吓傻了,认为女王是妖怪,艾莎眼看魔力暴露,怕伤及无辜,于是出逃阿伦黛尔。这时,阿伦黛尔王国被冰封,安娜担心艾莎便追了过去,并把王国交给了汉斯管理。

艾莎逃到了一座雪山上,随着let it go的歌声,一座气势恢宏的冰宫拔地而起。另一边,安娜走进了一家野外的小商店购买防寒装备,克里斯托夫也走进了这家商店,想要购买装备和胡萝卜。因为没有足够的钱,他被店主客气的扔了出来,安娜从克里斯托夫口中得知风雪来自北山,心想艾莎肯定在那,于是安娜帮克里斯托夫付了钱并请求克里斯托夫带她去北山找到艾莎结束这冬天。 正当两人赶去北山的路上遇上了狼群,为了脱险失去了雪橇。安娜表示会赔偿,不强求克里斯托夫陪同继续走下去,克里斯托夫担心安娜一个人会有危险便跟了上去。北山脚下,两人遇到了一个名为雪宝的雪人,原来,雪宝就是姐妹两儿时经常堆的那个雪人,在艾莎魔力爆发的时候获得了生命。安娜请求雪宝带他们去见艾莎,雪宝爽快的答应了。另一边,汉斯王子和猥琐屯商人打算带兵上北山解救安娜公主。 雪宝带安娜找到了艾莎,安娜请求艾莎回归阿伦黛尔王国,艾莎担心自己会伤害到妹妹,表示不会回去,并用魔法制作了一个巨大的雪怪将她强行赶出了冰雪宫殿。在使用魔法的时候不小心误伤了安娜,冰冻了她的心。安娜和克里斯托夫一行人在被赶出来后发现安娜头发变白,于是克里斯托夫带安娜去找地精们帮忙,不明所以的地精们以为克里斯托夫带回了一


1. Let your heart guide you. It whisperss, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time 跟随你心的指引吧。它总是低诉着前进的方向,所以请仔细聆听。《大脚板走天涯》 2. "HAKUNA MATATA"...it means no worries - The Lion King “哈库那马塔塔”……就是没有烦恼的意思。《狮子王》 3. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King 陈年往事固然伤人,但你可以选择从中吸取教训,或者远远地逃离。《狮子王》4. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh 如果你要活到一百岁,那么我只要活到一百岁差一天,这样我就不用度过没有你陪伴的分分秒秒。《小熊维尼》 5. Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio 记住:要凭着你的良心做事。《木偶奇遇记》 6. You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew. - Pocahontas 你自以为只有你那样的才算是人类,必须长得像你同你一样思维。但倘若你愿跟随用陌生人的脚步,你就会学到你从不明白的事情。《风中奇缘》 7. Nothing's impossible. - Alice In Wonderland 没有什么是不可能的。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 8. Hmm! Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch and they swim all over you! - Little Mermaid 哼嗯!小屁孩。总是自以为是。得寸进尺,赶明儿就游你头上去了。《小美人鱼》9. I'm not worthless -- and I don't have fleas. - Aladdin 我可不是一无是处——我身上也不带跳蚤。《阿拉丁》


The electrical engineering fastens of automation profession introduction Automating the professional development can be engaged in electrical engineering and it automates related realm to work of, special feature fresh clear compound type deluxe engineering technique talented person, particularly for pay attention to a student to obtain to know the development of ability and overall character of knowing. The professional graduate student adapts to ability strong, employment noodles breadth, employment rate Gao, the three years employment rate attains 100%.Graduate student mainly in the electric power system Research, design, production, experiment, construction, management, education etc. unit employment, be engaged in establishing of electric power system, power plant and related industrial realm electrical engineering to account, circulate, install , Adjust to try, research teaching, technique development, technocracy etc. unit employment. The electrical engineering and its automation profession introduces The antenna of electrical engineering and its automation stretches toward every trade, small greatly arrive the research of astronautics airplane to the design of a switch, all have its figure. The professional student can Be engaged in electrical engineering- related system to circulate, the automatic control, electric power electronics technique, information handle, experiment technique, develop development, economy management and electronics and calculator technique Apply the work of waiting the realm, is the breadth caliber"compound type" deluxe engineering technique talented person.The need of realm to level talented person of Gao is very big.According to the estimate, get into along with the foreign big business enterprise , Will appear very big indentation in this professional realm, may appear the phenomenon of talented person's supply falls short of demand very much at that time.A, profession synthesize to introduce electrical engineering and it automation the profession is electricity letter A newly arisen academics of interest realm, but because of with people's daily life with and industry produce closely related, develop very quickly, also opposite more mature now.Have already become Gao Xin The importance of the technique industry constitutes part, extensively is applied to realms, such as industry, agriculture and national defense...etc., develop a more and more important function in the national economy. Control a theory and electric power net reason The theory is an electrical engineering and automates professional foundation, the electric power electronics technique, calculator technique is also then its main technique means, included system analysis, system design and system at the same time Development and system management and decision etc. grind to investigate realm. The


释迦塔 释迦塔全称佛宫寺释迦塔位于山西省朔州市应县城西北佛宫寺内,俗称应县木塔。建于辽清宁二年(宋至和三年公元1056年),金明昌六年(南宋庆元一年公元1195年)增修完毕,是中国现存最高最古的一座木构塔式建筑,全国重点文物保护单位,国家AAAA级景区。与意大利比萨斜塔、巴黎埃菲尔铁塔并称“世界三大奇塔”。 建筑布局 释迦塔位于寺南北中轴线上的山门与大殿之间,属于“前塔后殿”的布局。塔建造在四米高的台基上,塔高67.31米,底层直径30.27米,呈平面八角形。 第一层立面重檐,以上各层均为单檐,共五层六檐,各层间夹设有暗层,实为九层。因底层为重檐并有回廊,故塔的外观为六层屋檐。各层均用内、外两圈木柱支撑,每层外有24根柱子,内有八根,木柱之间使用了许多斜撑、梁、枋和短柱,组成不同方向的复梁式木架。整个木塔共用红松木料3000立方,约2600多吨重。 该塔身底层南北各开一门,二层以上周设平座栏杆,每层装有木质楼梯,游人逐级攀登,可达顶端。二至五层每层有四门,均设木隔扇。塔内各层均塑佛像。一层为释迦牟尼,高11米。内槽墙壁上画有六幅如来佛像,门洞两侧壁上也绘有金刚、天王、弟子等。二层坛座方形,上塑一佛二菩萨和二胁侍。 塔顶作八角攒尖式,上立铁刹。塔每层檐下装有风铃。 释迦塔的设计,大胆继承了汉、唐以来富有民族特点的重楼形式,充分利用传统建筑技巧,广泛采用斗拱结构,全塔共用斗拱54种,每个斗拱都有一定的组合形式,有的将梁、坊、柱结成一个整体,每层都形成了一个八边形中空结构层。 塔内文物佛牙舍利 塔内供奉着两颗佛牙舍利,盛装在两座七宝供奉的银廓里,经考证确认为是释迦牟尼灵牙遗骨。佛灭度后,共留下七颗佛牙舍利。应县佛宫寺释迦塔发现的两颗佛牙舍利,是南本《大般涅槃经》中记载的捷疾罗刹所隐身盗取的一双佛牙。 莲花台下八力士 木塔底层大门对面有一尊高大的如来像,坐在一个巨大的莲花台上。这个莲花台被八个力士扛着,个个力举千钧,形象生动逼真。这八个力士本是驻守八个方向的护法天神,乘如来古佛外出讲经说法之机,汇聚一处,私下凡尘。他们八个下了凡间,排山倒海。本来天下三山五岳、五湖四海排列得整整齐齐,像棋子一样,所以有“星罗棋布”一说。 历史发展 释迦塔于辽清宁二年(1056年)建成,由辽兴宗的萧皇后倡建,田和尚奉敕募建,至金明昌四年,增修益完。以作家庙,彰显家威,并有礼佛观光和登高料敌之用。


《风中奇缘观后感》 风中奇缘观后感(一): 迪士尼第33部经典动画《风中奇缘》不出自任何知名童话,它来源于美国历史上的一位传奇人物,是迪士尼第一部根据历史题材改编的动画片(虽然是由真实历史改编,但是在人物和情节上还是做了不少调整和植入不少虚构)。获第68届奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲、最佳音乐/喜剧类原创配乐2项提名,并拿到这两个奖项。 《风中奇缘》的女主角是一位印第安美女,与迪士尼以往塑造的诸多经典美女形象有很大的不同,它的画风尤其是体此刻线条上有明显的特点,不是原先的流畅圆滑,而是故意的停顿转折,表现出一种棱角分明、刚毅坚韧之美。背景画面也不是那种明亮轻盈的色调,而是偏阴郁密集,很像版画的感觉。虽然动画比现实美化之后的宝嘉康蒂与庄迈斯的感情很浪漫唯美,但还是有着史实的惨淡,种族、侵略、战争、甚至牺牲(高刚的确死得好无辜),宝嘉康蒂选取了和她的族人在一齐,庄迈斯以前说我们不要说再见,他们最终却在无奈中说再见。以前以为所有的童话都会有一个HE的结局(连小美人鱼都与王子在一齐过着幸福的生活),这部只是动画,到底不是童话。 《风中奇缘》中有两首歌曲超喜欢,一首就是主题曲ColorsOfTheWind(一度是本人的电话铃声),另一首则是IfINeverKnewYou,百听不厌。开始还以为总督的小犬与《睡美人》中的黑猫一样冥顽不灵,没想到它倒是很懂得择善而从,对得起它那个小萌模样。 风中奇缘观后感(二): 《风中奇缘》观后感 刚刚看完了电视剧风中奇缘,这不是一部正在热播的电视剧,是很久以前就播过得了,我不怎样喜欢热播的电视剧,我是个怀旧的人,总喜欢回忆一些较老的东西,所有人都向前看了,而我却还抓着回忆。 看完整部剧,也仿佛成了女主,体验了一番生死离别,爱恨情仇。剧中莘月本是一个大大咧咧,莽莽撞撞的姑娘,却在之后为了卫无忌而变得端庄大方,谨慎留意。是啊,每个人一生中都会遇到一个人然后对他死心塌地,为他改变所有。 要说他们怎样在一齐的,那可能是日久生情或是看清真心吧。起初莘月在大漠遇见了卫无忌和九爷,当莘月落难建安的时候是九爷救了她,或许只是存有感激,对九爷不是爱吧。


自动化专业的英文简历模板 personal information: name: date of birth:july 12, 19xx birth place:beijing sex: male marital status:unmarried telephone:(8610) 6200-1234 e-mail: address:no.29, beisanhuan road, xicheng district, beijing 100029, china work experience: nov. 1998- present ccide inc -as a director of software development and web publishing . organized and attended trade shows (dex 99) . summer of 1997 bit pany -as a technican , designed various web sites . designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by frontpage, photoshop and java as well.

education: aug. 1991-sept. 1996 of automation, hainan university, b.e. achievements &; activities: president and founder of the costumer mittee established the organization as a member of bit president of munications for the marketing association representative in the student association puter abilities: skilled in use of ms frontpage, win 95/nt, sun, javabeans, , cgi, javascript, perl, visual interdev, distributed objects, corba, c, c++, project 98, office 97, rational requisitepro, process, pascal, pl/i and sql software english skills : have a good mand of both spoken and written english .past cet-6, toefl:623;gre: 2213 others : aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . have coordination skills, teamwork
