


数学小测试(一) Section A(20×2 mark) 1、Find the sum between the values represented by the digit ’5’ in 5432 and 4135. (1) 9567 (2) 10 (3) 5005 (4) 4995 ( ) 2、442 tens less than ( ) tens is 40 ones. (1) 446 (2) 402 (3) 482 (4) 40 ( ) 3、There are ( )odd numbers between 14 hundreds and 141 ones. (1) 4 (2) 14 (3) 40 (4) 44 ( ) 4、Which is the largest even number that can be formed from the digit ‘9’, ‘8’, ‘4’, ‘1’ ? (1) 9841 (2) 9814 (3) 9184 (4) 9148 ( ) 5、250 less than 6200 is ? (1) 6450 (2) 6000 (3) 5950 (4) 6500 ( ) 6、8843 – 72 ( ) 5 =1558 What is the missing number in the bracket ? (1)6 (2)7 (3)8 (4)9 ( ) 7、What is the sum of all the odd numbers between 20 and 31 ? (1)11 (2)51 (3)125 (4)130 ( ) 8、The difference between 361 and 134 is ? (1)227 (2)277 (3)494


新加坡是一个通用英语的国家,这个国家的公共场所的各种标语大多是用英语书写。但其中的一些涉及文明礼貌的标语,如“不准随地吐痰”、“禁止吸烟”、“不准进入草坪”等却用中文书写。为什么呢?人家回答:因为有这些不文明行为的大数是中国大陆的游客。为此,到新加坡考察的一位中学校长语重心长地说:不文明行为也是国耻。 据中央电视台报道,国庆节后的天安门广场,随处可见的口香糖残迹,显得格外刺眼,40万平方米的天安门广场上竟有60万块口香糖残渣,有的地方不到一平方米的地面上竟有9块口香糖污渍,密密麻麻的斑痕与天安门广场的神圣和庄严形成了强烈的反差。 在大学里,不断提升思想道德境界和科学文化素质,当代大学生们才能以崭新的形象和过硬的水平,找准有价值和有意义的人生坐标,也才能在改革和发展各项事业中更加自如地挥洒壮丽青春。如果我们对这些不健康思想、不文明言行听之任之,姑息迁就,就是对学生、对家长、对社会、对党和人民的教育事业不负责任,就会走向良好愿望的反面。大学校园是走向社会前的最后一站,如果大学生以不文明的方式告别校园,这意味他们不可能将文明的意识带到工作中,带到社会上。 人们常说大学校园是“象牙塔”,“净土”,大学生是“社会骄子”,“时代精英”,而一些大学生却因多元文化的“污浊之气”的窒息而感到迷茫和消沉,把一些不文明的行为带进了大学校园。近日就有报道称,石河子大学举办了一场“污损图书展”活动,共展出了200多册具有代表性的图书,如油浸、水浸、乱涂乱画、撕页、“开窗”等。据介绍,污损图书现象在各大学很普遍。根本原因是缺乏公共意识。面对着眼前一本本破烂不堪的图书,任何人都会问,这种毁书的不文明行为为什么会发生在大学校园中?反省与审视一下自身,应当肯定,我院的绝大多数同学是积极进取、要求上进的,表现出当代大学生应有的可贵品质。但也不可否认,部分学生在思想、品德、言行等方面还存在较为不足,有一些不文明的陋习甚至恶习还存在,与当代大学生应有的素质和修养还有一定的差距。在我们的校园里也确实存在一些不文明行为。 由于教室或自习室内人往往很多,所以如果你是其中的一个,相信这样的经


Unit 1 Welcome back to school Part A 一、Amy:Hi, I'm Amy. I'm from the UK. Zhang Peng:Hi, I'm Zhang Peng. I'm from China. Mike:Hi, I'm Mike. I'm from Canada. 二、1连UK 2连China 3连Canada 4连USA 三、hand bag cat 四、读音规律:所有单词中的a都发【?】(大口“哀”) 五、任画一面或几面国旗,并写上国家名 Part B 一、China连Zhang Peng Canada连Mike USA连Miss White Australia连Sarah 二、哈利波特:UK 海绵宝宝: USA 神笔马良:China 邮递员特派叔叔:UK 爱探险的朵拉:USA 飞哥与小佛:USA 小羊肖恩:UK 开心超人:China 小龟富兰克林:Canada 三、C B D A 四、1.上 2.上 3.上 Part C 一、China teacher boy Miss White Mr Jones Canada student girl 二、×√× 三、Hi, I'm Amy. I'm from the UK. Hi, I'm Mike. I'm from Canada. Hi, I'm Zhang Peng. I'm from China. 四、A A A A 五、可选句型:I'm+姓名. I'm a +身份/职业/性别. I'm+ 年龄. I'm from +国家. Unit 2 My family Part A 一、上:B 下:A 二、A B A 三、Who's that man? He's my father/ teacher. Who's that woman? She's my mother/ teacher. 四、钢笔pen 红色red 十ten 腿leg 五、规律:所有e都发【е】(哀) Part B 一、上:A 中:C 下:B 二、Hi! This is my family. This is my grandpa/ grandma/ father/ mother/ sister/ brother. 三. 1连右5 2连右6 3连右3 4连右4 5连右 2 6连右 1 四、anut mum dad grandma brother sister grandpa


Lim Chu Kang 林厝港Sembawabg 森(三)巴旺(机场)Woodlands 兀兰 Simpang新邦 Sungei Kadut双溪卡独 Mandai 万礼 Yishun 义顺 Seletar 实里达(机场) Punggol 榜鹅 Choa chu kang 蔡厝港 Tengah 登加(机场) Bukit panjang武吉班(坂)让 Bukit batok武吉巴督(都) Ang mo kio 宏茂桥 Bishan 碧山 Sengkang 盛港 Serangoon实笼岗 Hougang 后港 Toa payoh 大巴窑 Paya lebar巴耶利峇(巴耶利嗒) Tampines 淡宾尼 Pasir ris 巴西立

Jurong point 裕廊坊 Jurong west 裕廊西 Jurong east 裕廊东 Clementi 金文泰 Bukit timah 武吉知马 Tanglin 东陵(中国助新加坡大使馆地址:150 Tanglin Road,Singapore 247969)Novena 诺维纳 Kallang 加冷 Geylang 芽笼 Bedok 勿洛 Changi 樟宜(机场) Boon lay 文礼 Queenstown 女皇镇 Bukit merah 武吉美拉 westem water catchment 西水流域 central water catchment 中央水流域 滨海湾Marina Bay 红山Red Hill 莱佛士Raffles 湖畔Lakeside 杜弗Dover 波那维斯塔Buona Vista

欧南园Outram Park 牛车水Chinatown 市政厅City Hall 乌节路Orchard小印度Little India 四美Simei 丹那美拉Tanah Merah 景万岸Kembangan 友诺士Eunos 劳明达Lavender 武吉士Bugis 政府大厦City Hall 丹戎巴葛Tanjong Pagar 中嗒鲁Tiong Bahru 联邦Commonwealth 博览中心Expo 裕华园Chinese Garden 武吉甘柏Bukit Gombak 油池Yew Tee 克兰芝kranji 马西岭Marsiling 海军部Admiralty 布莱徳Braddell 纽顿Newton 索美塞Somerset 多美歌Dhoby Ghaut 港湾Harbour Front 克拉码头Clarke Quay 花拉公园Farrer Park 文庆Boon Keng 波东巴西Potong Pasir


新加坡小学数学教材 新加坡小学教材简介 新加坡是世界上双语教学比较成功的国家之一。 新加坡的小学教育也是六年制也是分为上下两学期,主要学科有数学,英文和科学三门课程! 同时新加坡的书也是分为一学年两册,1A即是1年级的上册,1B即一年级的 下册。 新加坡的小学教材难易程度适中,很适合中国的小学生学习! 新加坡小学数学My Pals are Here Maths 2nd Edition这套教材特点: 全英文教材,使孩子在能 够不止在英文课本中来学习英语,而是在数学中来了解英文和掌握英文,使您的孩子能够在多方面的练习英文,从而达到听,说,读,写等多方面的练习达到英语的熟练成度。如果你的孩子要留学到新加坡或其它的英语国家,应尽早的让孩子还学习新加坡的英语教材,可以节省很多的时间来适应今后的学习。来源网址: My Pals are Here Maths 2nd Edition数学第二版基于新课程的最新要求编写,是新加坡最成功,使用率最高的小学数学教材。以广泛的调研和教师、学生的反馈为草图,第二版,进一步加强数学概念的发展,推出了一些新的功能,以满足教育工作者,学生和家长的需要。“让我们学习,”部分介绍了引人入胜,易于理解的数学形式,并附有相关问题,这样可以对学生进行实时的评估。 产品的优点 具体到抽象的方法 这些数学课本和练习册的工作是高度以活动为基础的。这些数学课本和练习册中的每一章包含了许多个人和群体活动,来让您的孩子参与学习数学。

研究表明,这些以活动为基础的学习提高了数学概念,技能和解决问题的战略的学习。 乐趣 这些数学课本通过使用生动而精美的图片及有趣的活动在数学学习过程中植入了很多乐趣和活力。 练习问题 这些数学课本和练习册围绕每一个主题都有大量的数学问题,这些问题可以加强数学概念,技能和解题过程的讲解。 中等水平孩子的理想教材 这是因为在这些数学课本和练习册中的数学问题大多是基础性质的。教材构成 Textbook,教材,, Workbook,练习册,, Teacher’s Guide,教师指南,, Enrichment,强化练习,,Tests,测试手册,, Homework,家庭作业,


My Pals Are Here! English (International Edtion 国际版) 教材构成: Textbook(课本), Workbook(练习册), Teacher’s Guide(教师指南), Audio CD(CD光盘), Grammar Practice(语法练习), English Tests(测试手册), Homework(家庭作业), 教材开发的范围和结果符合大多小学英语大纲的要求,教材的设计目的是 依据小学1-6年级学生的身心发展及认知能力所编辑,与国际英语课程纲要相呼应。 内容编排融合听、说、读、写、自然发音,任务式导向学习法(Task-Based Learning)的 设计理念,让学生更能运用所学融会贯通。课程衔接完善,满足教与学全方位需求,多 元化的主题和具挑战性的教学活动,有助学生创造力与自我发展。 让准备参加国际学习或者考试的学生在英语方面取得好成绩。 Key Stage 1 (lower primary): LEARNING TO READ 关键阶段1 (小学低年级):学习中阅读 Learning to Communicate in English 学会用英语沟通 Entry level competency: assumes zero English literacy.入门级的能力:零起点。 Primary Outcome: Pupils will use English to communicate in social and school settings.主要成果:小学生将学会在社会和学校环境中使用英语进行交流。 Key Stage 2 (upper primary): READING TO LEARN 关键阶段2 (小学高年级):阅读中学习 Learning to Learn in English 学会用英语学习 Primary Outcome: Pupils will use English to achieve academically in contents areas.主要成果:小学生将学会使用英语学习学科知识。 Pupils will use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways.小学生将学会在社会上和文化上使用英语的正确表达方式。 Achievement upon exit: well prepared to excel in secondary/high school!学习成果和出口:在中学/高中的学习中取得优异成绩! 为不同的教学需求提供了一个无缝集成的学习和教学的解决方案 利用模式和帧来搭建脚手架和加强课文,语法和语言技能的学习 基于交际教学法,使用真实的任务中常见的人际关系,社会和文化情景/际遇 基于多元化的来自不同学科的主题和词汇,包括科学和数学(跨课程学习)


Singapore 1)Location: Singapore is located in Southeast Asia, South to Indonesia and north to Malaysia, has a land area of about 710 square kilometres, making her one of the smallest countries in the world .It’s even smaller than HongKong. Although small in size, Singapore commands an enormous presence in the world today with its free trade economy and highly efficient workforce. Also, her strategic location in the region has enabled her to become a central sea port along major shipping routes. 2)Basic information: As we all know,Singapore called lion city.Because in the ancient a prince came to the island, see an animal look like a lion, so they called it the lion city. Singapore is the world's most affluent countries in the world, and it's famous for stabilized political situation, clean-fingered and efficient government.It’s also the important financial,service and shipping centers. Singapore is one of those Southeast Asian countries who have made great economic developments in past years. It is emerging as a new great economic power of Asia. The GDP rate of Singapore helps it secure the 3rd position on the list of top 10 richest countries of the world. 3)Culture:Singapore is a nation of immigrants with diverse cultural backgrounds .Therefore,the Singapore festival is colorful because of the different nations , religions, and customs. People: The ethnic Chinese form 73% of the Singaporean population, with the country’s original inhabitants, the Malays, comprising 13%. The Indians make up 9%, and Eurasians and Asians of different origins making up a combined 3%. Singapore is also home to many expatriates coming from countries as diverse as North America, Australia, Europe, China, Japan and India. 4)Language: The four official languages in Singapore's constitution are English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil(淡米尔语). Although Malay is the national language, English is the common language used for business, government and medium of instruction in schools. The presence of other languages, especially the varieties of Malay and the Chinese dialects, has obviously had an influence on the type of English that is used in Singapore. The influence is especially apparent in informal English, an English-based creole that is commonly known as Singlish. 5)Famous person: singer:林俊杰、孙燕姿、By2、阿杜、蔡健雅、陈洁仪、黄义达movie star:立威廉、范文芳、李南星、郑秀珍。In recent years a lot of famous person joined Singapore nationality .Like 李连杰、巩俐。 If there is one word that can best capture Singapore, it is “unique”. A dynamic city rich in contrast and colour, you'll find a harmonious blend of culture, cuisine, arts and architecture here.


新加坡三四年级数学竞赛与高才班选拔模拟练习题 (英文版) 刘然冰编写 新加坡三四年级奥数与天才班选拔模拟练习题(中英双语版) Olympic Math Competition and GEP practice paper for Primary3or4in Singapore(Bilingual version) 刘然冰编写 源头上了解新加坡数学的模 式和深度

写在前面 从西方学术和科研机构的反馈看,华人的数学水平一直比较高。在计算机算法、大数据、工程计算、数字模拟、地球物理等领域涌现的杰出华人科学家比比皆是,甚至一些偏重数学的国际会议直接可以用中文举办了。取得这样成绩,要得益于我们中华民族的智慧基因,更得益于学校和家庭对数学教育的投入,当然也离不开孩子们的天分和勤奋努力。 然而,我们还不能满足于现状,尽管我国的教育体制一直在与时俱进,随着科学与工具的进步,不断调整教材和教学模式,但是,与国际上顶尖的教育理念和模式还是有一定的差距,基础理论和创新能力还是有待于提高。 正如Jerome Bruner所说,学习数学,不是找到一两个窍门,走几个捷径,找到一个规律,记住一堆公式就算学好了。数学思维的建立需要重要的三个步骤,即,认识和理解实物物体,建立图形模型和形成抽象的符号。在数学解题过程中,老师基本会要求有四个基本解题步骤。步骤是:理解问题、制定计划、执行计划,然后回顾。一般的解题策略是画出考题的图形,找到一个模式,变成解决一个更简单的问题,向后推理或向前推测将问题表现出来。学生的思维不应该局限于一个既定的策略或一些预先制定的固定套路,而应该让他(她)们在尝试挑战性问题时自然地使用各种解决问题的策略。 1


Singapore is a thriving independent city-state located just off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. Since gaining independence from Malaysia in 1965, it has risen to become the business and financial center of Southeast Asia. Singapore's recent history is marked by rapid economic development, the likes of which have not been seen or experienced by any other city-state in the world. In addition to international banking, its major industries include shipping and shipbuilding, electronics, petroleum and oil refining. It has also become a major tourist destination for people throughout the region and beyond. The current population of Singapore is approximately 3.5 million people, 76% of whom are ethnically Chinese, 15% Malay and 6% Indian. Reflecting the cultural diversity is a similar diversity of religious belief and practice including Buddhists, Muslims, Christians and Hindus among others. Singapore occupies approximately 620 square kilometers of land, most of which is made up of one island which bears the same name. Two causeways in the north and west link the island with peninsular Malaysia across the Johor Straits. The major languages spoken in Singapore include English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil, however various dialects of Chinese can be heard everywhere as can "Singlish," Singaporeans' own unique version of English which has been described by some as a dialect in and of itself and which combines shortened or cropped forms of English words and expressions with Malay words and Chinese endings. Just type Singlish to any search engine for examples. Singaporeans also tend to take the use of the acronym to entirely new levels, seemingly able to break down the names of almost all places, institutions, positions, departments and concepts into two- or three-letter form. For example, Singapore's highways are all identified by TLAs (three letter acronyms): PIA (Pan-Island Expressway), BKE (Bukit Timah Expressway), KJE (Kranji Expressway), AYE (Ayer Rajah Expressway), ECP (East Coast Parkway), TPE (Tampines Expressway) and CTE (Central Expressway). However, communication should pose no serious problems for anyone who can speak English as it is widely spoken, albeit in varying degrees, and is the language of instruction in most educational institutions and the official language of government and business. The weather never changes. This may not be entirely true as many locals will assure you, and the temperature does tend to drop slightly during the rainy season which falls between November and January. However, with daytime highs ranging only between about 30 and 33°C throughout the year and with high humidity levels, it remains sufficiently hot and muggy for most people's taste year-round. Add to this the fact that the necessity of air-conditioning makes indoor temperatures feel frigid by comparison and the unavoidable


2006年中学数学教学大纲 网上公布的2006年中学数学教学大纲包含两个部分。第一部分描述中学数 学课程的基本理念、数学教育的基本目标和数学课程框架;第二部分介绍四种源 流课程的数学教学内容。与1990和2000年大纲只包含中学低年级(中一和中二)不同,2006年大纲还包括了中学高年级(中三和中四)的数学教学,更补充了 新加坡-剑桥普通教育证书普通水准和初级水准补充数学(Additional Mathematics)的教学大纲。下面将从基本理念、基本目标、课程框架和不同源流 课程数学教学内容的比较这四方面介绍2006年中学数学教学大纲。 1.基本理念 大纲从两个方面对数学进行了刻画。一方面,数学被看成是发展和提高学生 逻辑推理、空间想象、严密分析和抽象思维能力的极好工具,而且学生只有在学 习和应用数学的过程中才能发展计算能力、推理能力、思考技能和问题解决能力。大纲进一步说明重视数学教育是培养能应对21世纪挑战的竞争人才的重要保证。另一方面,数学被看成是一门充满趣味的学科,让学生有机会进行创造性的活动,带给学生启迪和愉悦。可见,大纲从适应社会需要、发展自身竞争能力和获得精 神满足这两方面对数学进行了诠释,充分体现了“育人为本”的理念。这与我国 现阶段数学课程改革的出发点不谋而合。 2.基本目标 新加坡中小学数学教育的基本目标是使学生能够: ①获得日常生活需要的和进一步学习数学和其他相关学科所必需的数学概 念和技能; ②发展能获取和运用数学概念和技能所需的过程性技能; ③发展数学思维和问题解决能力,并能将这些能力运用于形成和解决问题; ④认识和利用不同数学思想之间、数学和其他学科之间的联系; ⑤发展对数学的积极态度; ⑥在学习和应用数学的过程中有效使用各种数学工具(包括信息技术工具); ⑦制作出源于数学思想的富有想象力和创造力的成果; ⑧发展逻辑推理能力、数学表达能力以及合作学习和独立学习能力。 其中,第④第⑥和第⑦条基本目标以及第⑧条提及的发展合作学习和独立学 习能力是首次写进数学教学大纲。这些目标所蕴含的思想与基本理念中有关数学的两方面刻画是相辅相成的。


科研课题《中国、新加坡小学数学教材中 “数与代数”领域 苏州市教育学会“十三·五”科研课题《中国、新加坡小学数学教材中“数与代数”领域内容设置的比较研究》结题文章课题编号 :Sjh 【271】中新小学数学教材中“数与代数”领域内容呈现方式的比较研究江苏省苏州工业园区翰林小学胡娴【摘要】本文分析了中国、新加坡两国教材的总体编写体例和具体的章节编写体例,从版面呈现方式、语言呈现方式、问题的引入方式、知识点呈现方式、例题的呈现方式、习题的呈现方式六个方面比较了中新小学数学教材中“数与代数”领域内容的呈现方式,以期对我国的小学数学教科书的编写提供借鉴,取长补短,纳百川之流,融中新教育之精华,更好地培养学生的创新能力。 【关键词】中新小学数学教材数与代数内容呈现方式比较新加坡教材《My pals are here》和中国苏教版教材一样,分为 6 个年级,每个年级有上下两册。以下通过图表将两种教材的编写体例做个对比。 表中新两种教材编写体例比较教材总体编写体例章节编写体例新加坡教材《My pals are here》封面--作者--前言--目录--具体章节内容-致谢-出版情况介绍章标题-章主题图-节标题-学习-动手操作-合作分享-探索实践-练习-复习-头脑风暴中国《苏教版》教材封面--作者--目录--具体章节内容-总复习-附页-

后记-出版情况介绍章标题-例题-试一试-想想做做-练习-思考题-整理与练习从两国教材的总体编写体例看差异不大,新加坡教材在每册课本开始处设有一个前言,指出此版本教材设计理念并对老师教学、父母辅导及学生学习提供一些帮助之处。新加坡教材没有安排期末整理复习内容,中国教材在每册书最后会有一个整理复习单元,在每册课本的最后还有一个附页,是提供的一些辅助教学材料。 在具体的章节编写体例上,中、新两国的教材有着各自的特点:(1)新加坡教材整体编排是以问题的解决为线路来组织的,例题和习题都是通过对具体问题的解决来认识知识点和运用知识点。在每章的开始会安排一幅章主题图,通过问题的形式激发学生对生活中的这一现象关注并思考,进而激发起学生学习的动机,通过“Contents”、“Big idea”指出本章节的主要学习内容。每节内容从“Learn”板块开始,指向一个要解决的实际问题。在“Hands-on Activity”板块,学生需要动手操作用一些模型或实物来进一步深化对知识的理解,升华知识的掌握水平。在“Game”板块学生通过游戏进一步巩固知识,在“Maths Sharing”板块需要学生交流讨论出某个有一定难度问题的答案,在“Let’s Explore”板块设置了微项目供学生去研究。每个章节结束会安排“Exercise”供学生巩固知识所用,并会设置“Review”环节,以问题的形式出示本章节最重要的知识点。章节末尾,会安排“Put on Your Thinking Cap”环节,需要学生激荡思维,综合运用本章知识来解决一个难度大的问题。 (2)中国教材具体章节编写体例是采用情境引入—发现问题—解决问题—巩固知识的方式进行编排,这种编排方式注重知识的掌握

新加坡 英文介绍 Singapore introduction

Geography: The Strait of Johor separates Singapore from Malaysia.Because of the small land, there is no long big river in Singapore. Climate: Singapore has a tropical rainforest climate (K?ppen: Af?) with no distinctive seasons, uniform temperature and pressure, high humidity, and abundant rainfall. Temperatures usually range from 22 to 35 °C Malaysia Economy: economy depends heavily on exports and refining imported goods, especially in manufacturing. Languages Singapore is a very diverse and young country. It has many languages, religions, and cultures for a country its country, there is no single set of culturally acceptable behaviors.

English, Malay, Tamil, and Chinese are the official languages English is the common language of the nation and is the language of business, government, and the medium of instruction in schools.


新加坡介绍英文版Singapore 新加坡英文介绍 Singapore (Singapore) According to Malay legend(马来传说), a Sumatran (苏门答腊人)prince encountered a lion - considered a good omen - on Temasek, prompting him to found Singapura, or Lion City. It mattered little that lions had never inhabited Singapore (more likely the prince had seen a tiger); what did matter was the establishment of the region as a minor trading post for the powerful Sumatran Srivijaya empire and as a subsequent vassal state (封建时代的诸侯国)of the Javanese(爪哇人的)Majapahit empire in the mid-13th century. Singapore might have remained a quiet backwater(荒僻处)if not for Sir Stamford

Raffles' intervention in 1819. The British had first established a presence in the Straits of Malacca (now called Melaka)(马六甲海峡)in the 18th century when the East India Company set out to secure and protect its line of trade from China to the colonies in India. Fearing another resurgence(卷土重来)of expansionism(扩张主义)in the Dutch - which had been the dominant European trading power in the region for nearly 200 years - Raffles(废弃的物品)argued for an increased British presence, which he was promptly given. Under his tutelage(指导,托管), Singapore's forlorn(荒凉的)reputation as a fetid(有恶臭的), disease-ridden (疾病盛行)colony was soon forgotten. Migrants attracted by a tariff-free port poured in by the thousands, and a flourishing colony with a military and naval base was established.


新加坡地名中英文对照完全版裕廊坊 Jurong Point 滨海湾 Marina Bay 兀兰 Woodlands 金文泰 Clementi 红山 Red Hill 壁山 Bishan 莱佛士 Raffles 樟宜Changi 湖畔 Lakeside 裕廊东 Jurong east 蔡厝港 Chua Chu Kang 文礼 Boon Lay 杜弗 Dover 波那维斯塔 Buona Vista 女皇镇 Queenstown 欧南园 Outram Park 牛车水 Chinatown 市政厅 City Hall 乌节路 Orchard 三巴旺 Sembawang 小印度Little India 巴西立 Paris Ris 淡滨尼 Tampines 四美 Simei 丹那美拉 Tanah Merah 勿洛 Betok

景万岸 Kembangan 友诺士 Eunos 巴耶利嗒 Paya Lebar 阿裕尼 Aljunied 加冷 Kallang 劳明达 Lavender 武吉士 Bugis 政府大厦 City Hall 丹戎巴葛 Tanjong Pagar 中嗒鲁 Tiong Bahru 联邦 Commonwealth 博览中心 Expo 裕华园Chinese Garden 武吉巴督 Bukit Batok 武吉甘柏 Bukit Gombak 油池 Yew Tee 克兰芝 kranji 马西岭 Marsiling 海军部 Admiralty 义顺 Yishun 卡迪 Khatib 杨厝港 Yio Chu Kang 宏茂桥 Ang Mo Kio 布莱徳 Braddell 大巴窑 Toa Payoh 诺维娜Novena 纽顿 Newton


报考新加坡政府中小学常用数学词汇 A dd/ subtra ct/multip le/ divide pro duct number/number line rral number imaginary number 加触揀傑积(结果)亠|-7 亠_1 实数 虐数 positive integer non-inleger whole number natural number/p ositive integer 正数(不包括0的正数) 整数(包括负数) 菲整数 整数(包括0的整数.不包括负数)自然数(正整数) odd numb er/even number/prime number rational number/irrational number perfect square/perfect cube fraction/decimal simplify 奇数丿偶数糜数 有理数J无理数完全平方数侥全方方数分数卜卜数 化简 decimal place standard firm round off estimate directed numb ers 引澈点位萱 (数字)标准型四舎五入怙计带符号的数 significant figure sign value digit calculate 有效数字符号值数宇计算 profit and loss percentage profit/loss (刹息)计算获益備失获益熾失的百分比 It 7- AA丄丹

profit and loss percentage profit/loss cost pace discount simple interest compound interest principal ratio approximately direct proporticn/inverse proportion scale speed 或velocity/average speed distance shaded/unshaded percentage halfway express/expression lowest term/simplest form evaduate/fin.d the value henceyso that/we can conclude that… solution answer square square rootycut e root factor/common factor largest fector/highest common factor (HCF) least cotntnon multiple (LCM) iigiire/picture geometrically (利息)计算获益稠失 获益撮失的百分比 成本价洛 折扣 俩单)利息 复合利息 (利息问题)本金 比率 近似 IF相关喷相关 (地图)的比例规模,比例尺 遞/平均遠度 距离 阴影部分/3E阴影部分 百分比 一半(用于求平均值) 表达,表达式 最简式 求值 因此(给出最后朗结论或考中间结论)解题方法(在每个题的开头) 回答,答案 平方 平方根/立方根 因子/公因子 最大公因子 最小公借数 图 几何的
