女人应该在外工作还是在家 英语作文

女人应该在外工作还是在家 英语作文
女人应该在外工作还是在家 英语作文

Should women stay at home or go out to work? Give examples to illustrate it.

It is a controversial topic in our country that women should stay at home or go out to work. Different people hold quite different points of view. In my opinion,career and family are not in opposition to each other. Rather, they can enhance each other so that the life can become better and better. It’s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical.

Take Wang Fang for example,she is a famous designer in the field of interior designing. And she has her own business. She owns many branch companies and works as the manager,enjoying a high reputation. At the same time,she has a happy family.She takes good care of her children and in her spare time and they grew up healthily. And usually she together with her whole family are going out on vacation,during which they will share more mutual memories.She is no doubt a successful woman in terms of family and career.

Times have changed and women play an important part in modern society. Now many women are going into professions, such as medicine, law and engineering. They comprise a large part of the workers in businesses and factories. In addition, they are working up to important positions which used to be held mainly by men. There are even some businesses which are run completely be the female. Clearly, women are making outstanding contributions to the progress of modern society.

From what we can see above,women are encouraged to go out to work. Since both men and women are equally important in human activities, they should be on an equal footing. And at the same time,they can also have a happy family.They can spend their free time accompanying their family,which will create more entertainment.

初中英语作文-我未来的打算(My future plan)

初中英语作文 我未来的打算(My future plan) 提纲: 1、以MY Future plan为题目,100字左右 2、我决定大学毕业后当一名中学教师,这是我孩提时代的梦想 3、我很喜欢教师在个职业,与中学生在一起可以使自己永保青春 4、我国师资力量缺乏,主要原因是教师工作辛苦,收入低。想当老师的人很少,所以需要大批有志青年献身教育事业 [范文] I decided to be a middle teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to this decision. Firstly, when I was a little/boy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true. And, I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and I am sure their passion would pass to me. I will retain

all the zest of adolescence. https://www.360docs.net/doc/d814256818.html, The most important reason is that our country needs plenty of teachers. So far, teaching is considered a tough and low-income job in China. However, if we have not enough teachers, our future will lack of excellent scientist, managers, businessmen, soldiers and even goood workers and farmers. How can our country to be strong and wealthy? I wish my country to be a better one. I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career提


大学英语作文之我理想的工作m y i d e a l j o b 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

M y I d e a l J o b As college students, we will step into the society, and now we need to prepare for our future and arrange for our future career life, we need to take into consideration what to do in the future. my ideal job is to be a teacher.This three reasons support my idea. First, I think to be a teacher is very interesting for me. I like to play with children and stay with them because of their innocence and purity, what's more, children's enthusiasm affect me and make me happy. Since I was young, I always played as a teacher,and taught my little sister their lessons. If I can be a teacher, I can stay with them all days and realize my dream. Therefore, to be a teacher is my personal favourite job. Second, I admire this job. To be a teacher is a holy job. Teachers spend their whole life on spreading their knowledge and morality to students. Teachers waste their youth to make contribution to our nation. Teachers cultivate some great person who make beneficial to the society. For example, Confucius was a great teacher in our


关于如何选择工作的英语作文如何选择工作的英语作文篇1 Nowadays,with the rapid development of our society,almost all the graduates have to face a choice:to get a job first or to find the job you like first?As far as I am concerned,the graduates should get a job first and then choose the job they like.The reasons can be listed as follows: First of all,for many students,even they themselves don t know what kind of job they want to choose.For these students,to get a job first can help them find out their favorite job through trying different work.What s more,the graduates are all under great employment pressure.There are thousands of graduates need to find their jobs every year.So if the graduates don t get their jobs as soon as they leave the school,they will miss the best chance to get a https://www.360docs.net/doc/d814256818.html,st but not least,one can accumulate experience and broaden horizons in his or her first job.It s certain that these experiences will contribute to future job.As the famous saying goes One should apply theory to practice. ,students should apply what they have learned in class to their jobs,thus enhancing their working skills. Above all,nowadays under the greater employment pressure,the graduates should get a job first and then to choose the job they like.Since students can have a better understanding of what they like and gain experience in the first job. 如何选择工作的英语作文篇2 How to choose a right career Choosing the right career can be difficult, but having a defined career direction will help people with getting a suitable job. With hard work and correct methods, you can also accomplish that goal. Now I will explain these correct methods. Before you start considering you job choice, you should test your skills first. If you are not sure what career you want, you might not be taking into account skills that you already have. Everybody is

毕业后的打算 英语作文

毕业后的打算毕业的日子即将到来,每个人都在憧憬自己的梦想。也许你毕业后想成为一名科学家,一位商人,甚至一名军人,但是对于我来说我只想成为一名教师。 首先,我从小就梦想成为一名教师,那是我一生的追求,其次,我喜欢和学生在一起的感觉,和他们在一起能够感受到青春的激情。最重要的是,教育是国家的根本,教育对于国家就如同食物对于身体。而且,我想为国家的教育事业尽自己的一份力。 众所周知教师的工作很辛苦,但我会为自己成为一名合格的教师而努力,为实现自己的梦想而努力。 Graduation day is coming,everyone is looking forward to his dream。After graduation ,maybe you want to be an excellent scientist ,businessman and even a soldier,but for me I just want to be a teacher。 Firstly,young as I was ,I have been dreaming to be a teacher which is the pursuit of my life。Secondly,I like the feeling with students who can let me feel the youthful passion。What is the most important is that education is the fundamental of one county ,education is to one county what food is to the body。What’s more,I want to do my bit for our country’s education。

毕业后的打算 英语作文

毕业后的打算英语作文 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

毕业后的打算毕业的日子即将到来,每个人都在憧憬自己的梦想。也许你毕业后想成为一名科学家,一位商人,甚至一名军人,但是对于我来说我只想成为一名教师。 首先,我从小就梦想成为一名教师,那是我一生的追求,其次,我喜欢和学生在一起的感觉,和他们在一起能够感受到青春的激情。最重要的是,教育是国家的根本,教育对于国家就如同食物对于身体。而且,我想为国家的教育事业尽自己的一份力。 众所周知教师的工作很辛苦,但我会为自己成为一名合格的教师而努力,为实现自己的梦想而努力。 Graduation day is coming,everyone is looking forward to his dream。After graduation ,maybe you want to be an excellent scientist ,businessman and even a soldier,but for me I just want to be a teacher。 Firstly,young as I was ,I have been dreaming to be a teacher which is the pursuit of my life。Secondly,I like the feeling with students who can let me feel the youthful passion。What is the most important is that education is the fundamental of one county ,education is to one county what food is to the body。What’s more,I want to do my bit for our country’s education。


英语作文:读研还是找工作 Attend Graduate School or Find a JobIt has always been a hot topic whether collegians should go on study at a graduate school or just find a job when they graduate. Some people think that students should broaden their knowledge circle and attend graduate school. Some hold that students should find a job to make a living. In my point of view, I’m for the former for I think student should keep on study to get more knowledge.毕业以后是选择读研还是找工作一直都被人们热议。一些人认为学生应该继 续读研来扩大他们的知识面。一些人认为学生应该找工作 谋生。就我看来,我支持第一种观点,我认为学生应该继 续学习来获取更多的知识。To begin with, most students in college just have a comprehensive knowledge which is not professional, so they should keep on studying to become an expert in certain field. If they go to find a job after graduate, they may do a bad performance in the job because of the pertinency of the job. Therefore, students should attend graduate school after they graduate.首先,学生在大学期间得到的知识是很笼统的,专业性并不强, 所以他们应该继续学习来增强他们在某一领域的专业度。

我的理想工作英语作文-My dream job

我的理想工作英语作文-My dream job 今天,我在想:“我以后的职业是什么?要当工人还是老板?” 我满脑子都想着理想的职业,我最想从事的职业应该是是洗车工。 为什么呢?我很喜欢汽车,所以就想当洗车工,天天接触汽车。 这个职业很令我感兴趣,而且要有洗车经验才能做好这份工作。 不管早班、夜班、加班都无所谓,我还是照样打工。不管有多辛苦、劳累和危险,我也要去做一个称职的洗车工。 一辆辆汽车开来了,我汗流浃背地工作,先检查汽车的心脏和动脉——发动机和引擎,再把脚——轮胎换下来,之后再上漆,等漆干 了之后,再擦车窗,把机油换掉,再给汽车喝饮料——汽油,最后冲 洗一下,十全十美,还给车主,然后再等着下一位顾客了。 再过几个月,钱攒足了,就能够自己买车了。到那时,我就自己 照顾自己的车。慢慢地,老板退休了,我就能够接替他的岗位(如果 我运气好的话),出,把洗车店买下来。我要让我的洗车店成为最红 火的店,再招聘一些人马,开工! 洗车工这个职业好有趣呀,我好想快点长大,好做一名快乐的洗 车工哦! Today, I was thinking: "what is my future career? To be a worker or a boss?" I am full of the ideal career, I want to be engaged in the jo b should be a car wash. Why? I like the car, so we want to contact every day when the car wash workers, car. This job is very interesting to me, and I want to have a car wash experience to do the job. However, the early night, overtime does not matter, I still work. No matter how hard, tired and dangerous, I'm going to do a good job in the car wash.


Why It Is Difficult ron College Students to Find Jo bs? I don’t think I can find a good job after gra duation. More and more college students, in recent year s, are finding it difficult to find jobs. This may sound strange since college students used to be the "most favored" people in society. T hey have received a higher education, hence th ey are more intelligent, knowledgeable than th eir counterparts who failed to attend college. But chances are that some of them can hardly find jobs after graduating from colleges. There are two reasons that account for this strange phenomenon. One is that some coll ege students cannot come to terms with themsel ves and with the world around them. They pursu e too high goals and are too particular about such factors as working conditions, salary, an d so on. Therefore, they are reluctant to acce pt the job when they are offered to them. Anot her reason is that the majors some students pu rsue do not match with the demands of the job market. As a result, they can only sit and mis s opportunities. To solve this problem, I think college students should know their own strengths and w

My dream job 我理想的工作-英语作文

My dream job 我理想的工作-英语作文 Our classmates Wu Yiwen want to be an art teacher, Zhang Ting want to be a soldier, Zhang Yuxin want to be a director of marketing director of the cube...... And I want to be a good math teacher. This is why? Because the teacher can teach students a lot of knowledge, teach students to learn the contents of the textbook. I know when the teacher is very tired, but I still want to be a teacher, and I do not know why, I think it is intuitive. When I was a math teacher, I would make the students happy to learn math, math, mathematics, enjoyable. I won't leave a lot of homework for the students to do, except in special circumstances. When I grow up, I must be a good math teacher. 我们班同学武亦文想当美术老师,张婷想当军人,张雨馨想当智立方品牌营销总监…… 而我却想当一名优秀的数学老师。 这是为什么呢?因为老师能够传授给学生们很多知识,教会学生课本里学的内容。我知道当老师很累,但我还是想当老师,我也不知道为什么,我认为是直觉。 我当了数学老师我会让学生快乐的学数学,自愿的学数学,愉快的学数学。我不会留很多作业让学生们做,除特殊情况外。 长大后,我一定要当一名优秀的数学老师。


有关高中毕业计划的英语作文不同的人有着不相同的人生计划,对于你来说,你毕业后的计划是什么?下面,是橙子为你整理的有关高中毕业计划的英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 有关高中毕业计划的英语作文篇1 We will have two choices. Academic work or Commercial work. Well, I want to do an academic work. For example, a university teacher. First of all, the academic work means freedom and independence. I’m free to use my own idea and make my own decisions. I’ll have plenty time to do my own research or write my books. Furthermore, A university education is one of the basic factors that decide whether you could compete in the job market. I think I am suitable for academic, because I learned a lot of knowledge in the period of my undergraduate and graduate student. Above all, doing an academic work allows me to enjoy watching the latest development of science and technology. But if I work in a Commercial company, I will be kept under close watch of many supervis ors. I don’t like such a life. What’s worse, many business activities full of deceit and competition. For many people the commercial work is easy 1 / 3

【英语作文】我的兼职工作My Part-time Job

我的兼职工作My Part-time Job Since the summer holiday comes,I have a lot of free time,as I stay at home all the time,my mother suggests me to take a part-time job,I am so willing to accept her idea,because I want to earn money by myself.I find a job as waiter,I have to work early in the morning,people need to have their breakfast,I serve them.On the job,I earn little money,but I have worked so hard,I get to know it is not easy to earn money,so I start to feel grateful for my parents.Now I won’t waste money,before I pay for the bill,I need to measure them. 自从暑假到来以后,我有很多空余的时间,由于我整天呆 在家里,妈妈建议我找一份兼职,我很乐意接受她的主意,因 为我想要自己挣钱。我找了一份服务生的工作,我不得不一大 早起来工作,人们需要喝早茶,我为他们服务。在这份工作上,我只挣了一点钱,但是我是那么辛苦地工作,我知道挣钱很不 容易,所以我开始感激父母。如今我不会浪费钱,在我付款之前,我会衡量下我买的东西是否需要。


百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我 1 When I choose a job, what are most important to me are talent training pattern that the company provide and the room for career development. In my opinion, a good job is not just a kind of way to make a living, but also a way to realize our value. If a company can’t provide a great talent training pattern, no matter how long we worked, we will make no progress, and we just do the same job over and over again. Time flies, our talents and vigor gradually fade away, it’s really very important for us to grasp every second to become better and better, to realize our life value. So when I choose a job, a great talent training is what I lay stress on. In addition, the room for career development is also very important to me when I choose a job. Everyone needs a platform to display their talent, no matter how much knowledge we know, it’s vain if there is no opportunity to use. A good job must provide a room for the employee to show their talent. So the room for career development is also what I care much about.


毕业后的选择英语作文 毕业后的你会怎样选择?接下来的路程你有考虑过么?以下是小编整理的毕业后的选择英语作文,欢迎阅读! 毕业后的选择英语作文1 In current society,thanks to the deepening reform and opening-up,there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is very an effort to land a decent job ,a host of school-leavers choose to attend the graduate school‘s want to learn more knowledge before acquiring a fine also can be confident in taking ,attending the graduate school‘s test is pevalent increasingly in late several years. Among other folks intend to secure a job after the competition for jobs is very fierce,it is also very difficult to find out a fine job for colleage a couple of years,the number of the graduate students is sharply is same to face job problems for graduate a job after graduating can accumulate experience in order to get on well in the future. In my eyes,the Middle kingdom enjoys a booming economy, a rising number of companys from overseas come


我的职业生涯规划步骤 一、自身分析 优点:我有强烈的责任感,为人磊落,待人坦诚,有自信。 缺点:做事不仅马虎而且也不稳重。 二、职业目标 成为在金融领域中有杰出贡献的引导者和管理者 我离这个目标的差距: 1、就专业知识而言,没有掌握足够深的基础知识理论;没有形成有体系的信息素养; 2、做事不够稳重; 3、相关要求技能尚未达到标准,比如点钞,传票。 三、发展阶段与目标 (一)短期:职业高中最后12个月的目标 1. 能考取会计证 2. 期末考试能进前三 3. 能获得电子商务的相关证书 (二)长期:5年内目标 1. 利用暑期时间到超市进行收银员实习 2. 对会计进行进一步的学习 3. 到银行进行学习与实习 五、解决实施方案 1、加强专业技能练习; 2、加强专业知识学习,提高信息素养; 3、拓宽知识面,为今后工作打下良好基础。 我清楚地知道如果想获得成功,想要丰富的人生,那么我就要养成创业的习性:多才多艺、灵活自如、善于推销自己、精于个人理财、排定事情的优先顺序。特别是我们电子商务金融方向的学生获取信息两大,更新速度快,虽然我们现在还有很多不足,但我们既然选择了它就要按照既定的目标去努力,去拼搏!我们坚信我们最终将会达到自己所要求的和最向往的那个目的地! I have a career planning steps, the analysis of its own merits : I have a strong sense of responsibility, thus open, upright, it's frank, confident. Disadvantages : not only sloppy work but not prudent. Second, the career goal of becoming an outstanding contribution to the field of financial and managers who guide me away from the target gap : 1. professional knowledge, does not have sufficient depth of knowledge on the basis of theory; No formation of a system of information literacy; 2. work not stable. 3, the relevant skills were not up to standard requirements, such as point of note-issuing summons. Third, the development stage with the goal of (a) Short-term : vocational high schools in the last 12 months of one goal. 2 permits can be obtained accounting. 3 end of the first three examinations can be hired. access to e-commerce The certificate (2) Long-term : Goal 1 five years. Supermarket cashiers internship for the summer vacation time to two. Accounting for further study of three. to silver Five firms learning and training, implementation-1, strengthen professional skills training; 2, to enhance professional knowledge. enhance information quality; 3, broaden their knowledge, thus laying a sound foundation for future work. I understand if we want to succeed, want abundant life, then I will start to develop the habits : versatility. flexible, good at selling their own experts in personal financial management, scheduling matter of priorities. Financial direction of e-commerce, especially our two students access to information, update speed, Although we still have many deficiencies, but we chose it in accordance with the established

英语作文:找工作的难与易[有提纲] Job-seeking[With Outline]

Composition Job-seeking Outline: 1) Introduction: For some of the graduates it’s easy to job-seek, while for some groups of students it seems like a very tough task that they can’t handle. (Effect) 2) Why can some graduates get jobs seeming so easily? (Cause) 1. Most companies have a valid request for English. 2. Those who have certificates to prove their comprehensive capacity gain more advantages. 3. If armed with solid foundation of professional knowledge and skills, the application is well welcomed. 3) How about the difficulties in seeking for employment? (Cause) 1. More and more students graduate from universities every year. 2. Lots of graduates get to the coastal cities. 3. Plenty of companies request internship. 4) Conclusion: Students should make the most of their college times to gain more knowledge and competencies. Job-seeking Yearly, tens of thousands of graduates get out of their colleges pour into the job-hunting market. Some of them obtain jobs they satisfy, there are also many graduates, however, who cannot get a Job Offer after trying their best to send resumes to lots of company. Obviously, for some of them it’s easy to job-seek, while for some groups of students it seems like a very tough task that they can’t handle. So, what are the easy points and difficulties of job-seeking? Why can some graduates get jobs seeming so easily? First of all, most companies have a valid request for English, especially the foreign-funded enterprises such as Maersk, Microsoft, and IBM. The students who possess an excellent ability of spoken English have greater possibility to succeed.


As a college student,I can be responsible to say that all my classmates dream about getting a satisfying job,and devote themselves to this career in an perfect environment.Certainly I am not an exception too,though n o w a d a y s t h e r e i s a g r o w i n g e m p l o y m e n t p r e s s u r e. For many students, a satisfying work environment may be the aim of four-year college life,I also hope I can work in a colorful and competitive climate in the future .At first,I can get a handsome salary so that I live a comfortable life .Although salary is not the main factor , most of people they cannot neglect salary,because job with low salary cannot hold water for the young men . What's more, I can learn more working experience and get a wide view to increase my knowledge,because I think there is no limit to knowledge and if one person wants to take a great progress in his career learning is the only way .In finally ,I hope I can meet a competitive opponent.There was a saying by Charles darwin:” It is not the strongest of the species that survive,but the one most responsive to change”.So I think competition is conducive to progress. There is no doubt that everybody want to get a perfect job,but employment pressure has been a problem that we cannot overlook.So we have to spare no effects to improve ourselves ,I believe that we can get a satisfying job as long as we constantly strive to study.
