engage - Bonner Center for Civic Engagement - University

President Edward L. Ayers stated in his inaugural address that the University

be a University for

One of the most exciting ventures in the five-year history of the Bonner Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) is our collaboration with the Law School to open the University of Richmond Downtown. From this satellite location opening later this fall at the corner of Seventh and East Broad streets, we will offer an array of programs that both provide educa-tional opportunities for our students and serve the local community.

ner Scholar have deepened and enriched her classroom learning in ways not even she could have imagined. As a first-year Bonner Scholar, Behrend fulfilled her service requirement by working for the Virginia Conference for Community and Justice (now the Virginia

Cassie Price of the CCE (center) and Thomas Cossé of the Robins School (right) accept the Partner Award on behalf of UR from Habitat International CEO Jonathan Reckford (left).

C o n n e c t . L i s t e n . A c t .

L e a r n .

h t t p ://e n g a g e .r i c h m o n d .e d u

B o n n e r

C e n t e r f o r C i v i c E n g a g e m e n t

T y l e r H a y n e s C o m m o n s , 201

28 W e s t h a m p t o n W a y

U n i v e r s i t y o f R i c h m o n d , V A 23173
