
孔子与亚里士多德德性向度及对其整合的当代意义[摘要] 中西方在古代就开始对德性进行探讨,孔子和亚里士多德都是最早对



[Abstract] The morality had been explored in the ancient times of west and china. Confucius and Aristotle were ethics of ancient ages of the first systematic exploration of the virtue. Confuciu s put forward the “ benevolent “ as the core of dimension of morality while Aristotle’s “good”. They are different in the ideological background, the value of subject and the desired objectives and the emphasis. The” benevolent “ stresses emotional, indivi dual, and pursues the goal of the gentleman personality; and the “good” stresses rational, city-states, citizens, and pursues the goal of the happiness. Even though they have different aspects, in the aspect of discussion of the virtue, they have the consensus and interlinked aspects: they advocated the Medium (Mean), emphasized the virtues of the study and practice and perseverance, had the highest ideal of Moral value target. So it is extraordinarily contemporary significant that Integration of these two moral dimensions to China’s moral construction .

[Keywords]Moral ConstructionVirtue DimensionBenevolentGood



