



V. 选择填空

17.—Is _________ red bag under the table yours, Ann?

—No. I only have _________ yellow bag. Maybe it?s Julia?s.

A. a, the

B. the, a

C. the ,the

18.—Excuse me, where did you get the book?

—I borrowed it from the _________.

A. station

B. hotel

C. library

19.—Sam. Let?s go and play volleyball.

—Not now. I ________ my mom do the cooking.

A. am helping

B. helped

C. help

20.It?s a bad habit to _________ what you can do today till tomorrow.

A. Put off

B. Turn off

C. Take off

21.—How …s Jerry now?

—I heard that the company _________ him a very good job, but he refused.

A. served

B. offered

C. ordered

22.—Is that Kate?s car?

—It _________ be hers. She has just gone to the airport.

A. can?t

B. mustn?t

C. couldn?t

23.—Shall we go for a picnic in the forest park tomorrow?

—Yes, __________ it rains heavily.

A. until

B. unless

C. because

24.The robot can help me sweep the floor. __________ smart invention it is!

A. How

B. What an

C. What a

25.—Tell me one thing you?re proud of in your junior high school, Nick.

—I __________ as captain of the school football team.

A. chose

B. am chosen

C. was chosen

26.—Have you ever seen the documentary named A Bite of China?

—Yeah! It?s the most educational one _________ I have ever seen.

A. who

B. that

C. What

27.—Could you please tell me _________?

—Bus No. 22 will take you there.

A. when will I leave for the movie theater.

B. where I will go to the movies

C. how I will get to Town Cinema

28.—There was a basketball match between our class and Class 3 yesterday afternoon.

—__________. I missed it.

A. Of course

B. Don?t worry

C. What a pity!

VI. 完型填空

Archie had a lot of dreams. All his dreams were full of fun. They kept him __29___ until he woke up in the morning. He was so excited that he often built things which appeared in his dreams.

One day, Archie dreamed of ___30___ the best and biggest amusement park. But when he told his friends about it, they said, "Get a normal job. That?s what is best for you."So Archie found a job as a policeman. It was a good job, ___31___ Archie didn?t like it. Archie then got a new job and became a fireman. But he didn?t like it, either. It wasn?t what he wanted. Archie thought about his dream ___32___, he decided to have a try. He believed that no matter how difficult his dream was, he should stick to it. It took him a lot of time. When all the work was ____33__, people came from everywhere. They loved all the fun things in the park. Archie was happy to succeed. He learned that things could be much __34___than they sometimes seemed.

A dream is worth believing when you really like it. Even when ___35___ else believes it, you can try your best to make it come true. You?re always closest to your dreams as long as you have ___36___ in yourself. In a word, trust yourself and you can make it.

29. A. bored B. happy C. worried

30. A. visiting B. building C. looking

31. A. so B. or C. but

32. A. again B. often C. together

33. A. canceled B. finished C. begun

34. A. harder B. stronger C. better

35. A. nobody B. somebody C. every body

36. A. important B. confidence C. Difference


Ⅶ. 阅读下面五篇短文, 根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答第37-61小题。


The other day a man William King went to a police station. He wanted to get a license to drive a car. Behind the desk in the police station sat a police man.

"I'd like to get a license to drive a car. " said Mr. Smith in a low voice.

"You have to fill out this card first, " said the police captain. He threw a small white card in Mr.Smith's direction. "Put your name at the top. "

" In ink?" asked Mr. Smith very politely.

"Of come. In ink. " said the police captain.

"Put your last name first and your first name last. "

"How's that?" said King. He did not understand the police captain.

"Write your name backwards. Your last name first and your first name last. BACKWARDS!

“Backwards? "

“That's right. That's just what I said. "

Slowly, carefully, Mr. King began to write. It seemed a little strange to him. But the police captain must know what was correct. Mr. King began to write his name : GNIK MAILLIW.

37.William King went to the police station to _________.

A. get a license

B. drive a car

C. ask a question

38. From the passage, the police captain was ________.

A. serious


C. rude

39.The police captain asked William King to _________.

A. go to the police station

B. write his name on the card

C. drive the car by himself

40. When Mr. King heard “BACK WARDS” by the police captain, he felt_________.

A. pleased

B. Angry

C. happy

41. William King should write his name _________ according to the police captain..





With the development of society, people really do well in creating something new to make our lives colorful and convenient. Let?s have a look.

The character—“duang”If you want to express something that you don?t

believe, you have a new word to add to your

vocabulary. It?s “Duang”. It was created by Hong

Kong actor Jackie Chan. You could use it to give

special effects to the word that follows it. A cat might

be “duang cute”, for example.

The function—“Wechat red envelope”“Wechat red envelope”, an interesting and helpful

function, spread quickly in the Internet. Just more your

fingers, you could communicate with your friends or

relatives while sending some money. It is good that

this old tradition has been modernized, but people

should value the good wishes instead of the amount of


The watch—“Apple Watch” A big draw is its suite(套件) for health. The built-in

activity app shows you how many calories you?ve

burned in a day, and how much exercise you?ve gotten.

You can check the weather, calendar and heart rate

with it as well. The product will be available to own on

April 24.

42. “Duang” can be used to describe something __________.

A. uncomfortable

B. unpleasant

C. unbelievable

43.The writer wants to tell us that “Wechat RED Envelope” __________.

A. keeps the tradition the same

B. is widely used among people

C. helps relatives become rich

44.The most important function of “Apple Watch” is about __________.

A. weather

B. calories

C. health

45.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. Hong Kong actors always create new words

B. “Wechat Red Envelope” brings

us happiness

C. we can buy the “Apple Watch” on April 10

46.The best title of this passage may be “___________”.

A. New Fashions

B. Useful Words

C. Important Suites


Few people aren’t familiar with the Brothers Grimm?s Cinderella, a fairy tale about a

kind-hearted country girl .

Cinderella was made to work day and night at the house doing all chores by her stepmother

and stepsisters for years. She wasn?t even allowed to attend the Prince?s ball, but just to stay at home. Cinderella cried in sadness. Luckily, her Fairy Godmother magically appeared and helped change her to the young lady with a beautiful dress and shining crystal glass slippers...

Cinderella never loses hope or becomes jaded by her terrible living conditions, and finally she wins the heart of a handsome prince.

Now this classic story has returned to the big screen.

Although the movie stays true to its source material, there is one difference. This time, they develop their relationship after meeting by change in a forest rather than at the ball.

In the film?s simple world, it?s appearance, goodness and honesty that count most. In fact, no matter what situation we?re in, it?s never wrong to follow this sentence from Cinderella: “Have courage and be kind.”

If you want to know more, please go to the cinema and enjoy it!

47.Cinderella is loved by people for he _________.

A. sadness

B. kindness

C. Pretty

48.In this movie, Cinderella met the Prince __________.

A. at the ball

B. at her house

C. in the forest

49.In paragraph 3 the underlined word “jaded” means _________.

A. interested

B. disappointed

C. satisfied

50.The writer suggests that we should __________ in face of difficulties.

A. Lose hope and give up trying

B. Have courage and be kind

C. Ask the Godmother for help

51.The passage may be a(an) ___________.

A. movie review

B. science fiction

C. survey report


The bells bring the Year of the Sheep, the eighth of the 12-year animal cycle of the traditional Chinese lunar calendar on Feb 19. In China, those who were born in the Year of the Sheep are said to be gentle, friendly, creative and brave.

People have kept sheep for centuries. They are not only animals, but also part of different cultures.

The expression “a wolf in sheep?s clothing”refers to the person who appears good but actually is vicious and cruel. “Black sheep” describes a person not so respectable or successful as the test of his family or group.

Sheep plays an important role in Christianity(基督教) in western countries. Christianity regards sheep as humanity, which gets lost easily and should depend on the strength of faith in Christianity to return to the right way, so Jesus names himself as “sheepherder”. According to Matthew in New Testament, “All the nations will be gathered before Him and He will separate them one form another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goat.” from this, “sheep” is used for “good person”and “goat”for “bad person”, so the fourth expression is “to separate/tell the sheep from the goat”, which means distinguish(区别) good from bad.

There is one more expression for SHEEP—sheeple. It is a word created by ”sheep”and “people”. It refers to people who believe whatever they are told and want to follow the others.

52.We can use “________” to describe people who seem to be nice but really bad.

A. a wolf in sheep?s clothing

B. tell the sheep from the goat

C. black sheep

53.There are ________ expressions mentioned about SHEEP in the passage.

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

54.The “sheepherder” underlined in paragraph 4 means the person who ________ the sheep.

A. eats

B. raises

C. guides

55. The person who says “__________” can be one of SHEEPLE.

A. No zuo no die

B. You jump I jump

C. So far so good

56.We can learn from the passage that sheep __________.

A. Are always independent and never get lost

B. Is the seventh of Chinese lunar calendar

C. Have special meanings in different cultures


The marshmallow, a white, cottony, sweet dessert, was used for an experiment to understand the nature of self-control years ago.

The scientist Walter Mischel gave 5-year-old children a simple choice: they could eat one marshmallow now. Or if they wait, receive tow marshmallows later. The result shows that those children who were able to wait for the prize of two marshmallows grew into adults who were more successful in school, work and relationships. They were also thinner, calmer, better at managing their money.

So , is it real that people are born with the ability of self-control?

Mischel tells us the answer in his new-published book—The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self-Control. “Self-control can be taught, learned.”“Adults also can learn how to control themselves.”“Grown-ups can use these methods to give up smoking, or stick to a diet, or save money.”

In the book, Mishcel shows that the fight between instant gratification(即时满足) (one marshmallow now) and long-term gratification(two marshmallows later) is really a fight between two different systems in the brain. “There?s the more simple brain, allow us to do things like control our attention, and think about the future, and put off gratification, which is called …cool?thinking.”

Different experiments have also shown that when we face the sight, smell, or taste of delicious food, “hot” thinking that makes us most likely to eat a lot starts working.

The marshmallow Test will change the way you think about who we are and what we can be.

57. The experiment about marshmallow is about _________ of self-control.

A. nature

B. result

C. problem

58.In paragraph 3 the phrase “these methods” underlined may refer to the ways to __________.

A. improve relationship

B. use money better

C. control themselves

59.Paragraph 4 tells us the relationship between two parts of brain is like the picture _________.

60.The __________ words when we sit in front of the computer and want to play computer games.

A. self-control

B. “hot” thinking

C. “cool” thinking

61. From the passage, we can know that ___________.

A. can use the simple brain to control our attention

B. we can improve ourselves by mastering self-control

C. the experiments before and now have the same results



Ⅷ. 根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词,(每空一词,每词1分,共5分 )

Michael: Hi, Dennis. Let?s play soccer, shall we?

Dennis: Soccer? Oh, sorry. I can?t play it at all and I am not 66.___________ in it.

Michael: But you have to learn to play.

Dennis: I have to? What do you mean?

Michael: Do you know the government has made the 67.___________ that students must learn to play soccer at

school? Each student is 68.____________ to master(掌握) it by the government. Dennis: Really? I don?t know that.

Michael: Yeah,. Soccer will become important and popular. 69.___________ China is weak in soccer now, I

believe it will make great progress in the future.

Dennis: But playing soccer sounds 70.___________. I don?t think I can learn to make it. Michael: Don?t be nervous. Just take it easy. I can help you out.

Dennis: That?s very kind of you. Thanks very much.

Ⅸ. 根据情景提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空。(每空2分,共10分)

* 你想邀请Kate 来参加你的生日聚会,你可以这样问她:


____________________________________________________________________________, Kate?

* 走进面馆,你想要牛肉面,可以这样对服务员说:



* 你想知道厦门最好的电影院是哪一家,可以这么问:

73. ________________________________________________________________________ in Xiamen?

* 你想知道Tina你去过博物馆,可以这样说:


_____________________________________________________________________________, Tina.

* 你想告诉比尔你过去常怕黑,可以这样说:




X. 段落编写(本题10分)


提示词:upset, solve, opinion, allow, if

要求: 1. 使用全部提示词,并在语段中用下划波浪线“”标出提示词;

2. 语段具有一个相对合理的主题意义;

3. 词数为50词左右,最多不超过80词。

Ⅺ. 短文写作(本题15分)


Love Always

The time has come:I'm graduating,and I thank you both for all your help.

I’m so glad that you light my life when I get lost in the dark.

I’m so glad that you support me when I decide to do anything.

I’m so glad that you encourage me when I have something confused.

When I would cry, you would always be there by my side.

When I would lose my mind, you would always make me calm.

Thank you for everything.

Love always,

I hope that never changes.
