

Gogo Loves English Level 3 Name: Score: Listening comprehension(20)

1.Part A

1.Are you hungry? A. B.

2.Do you have a stapler? A. B.

3.What day is it today? A. B.

4.Can I borrow your ruler? A. B.

5.What subject do you like? A. B,

6.What do you want? A. B.

7.Where are my glasses? A. B.

8.What’s she doing? A, B.

9.Whose ruler is this? A. B.

10.Close you mouth! A. B,


1.I like pop __________.

2.Can I have a __________?

3.He _______basketball very well.

4.We are _____on the _____!

5.There are seven days in a _____.

6.Tony has a ____and a _____!

7.The cow is _______! 8.I am a happy _______.

Writing comprehension(80)

1.Part A.

2.Part B 看图片写出至少10个单词。(例如:头,脸等等)——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

3.Part C

1.Whose is she? A.She is my grandfather. B.She is my mother

2.May I have a _________? A. red balloon B.red balloons

3.What do you do on Tuesday?

A.I plays baseball on Tuesday

B. I play badminton on Tuesday

4. Do you like science?________,I like art. A.Yes,I do B.No, I don’t

5.What do you want? I want _________.

A. a computer game

B. an computer game

6.Where are my white socks? A. It’s under the bed B .They’re on the sofa.

7.What’s Gogo doing? A. He is eat B .He is eating.

8.Are these blue socks yours? A. Yes, it is B, No, they are not

9.He usually _______storybooks on Sunday. A, reads B, read

10.Do you like fruit? A, Yes, I like B, Yes, I do

4.Part D 圈出隐藏在字母串中的单词并连成句子,写在横线上。

1,k h f W h a t d a y i s i t l n j k k s g t o d a y m n b v ?


2. x v g h e I t ’ s a b i r d , v v v b t i t ’ s a b i g b i r d . j i y t e


3. m l m h b g f W h a t ’ s s h e d o i n g ? S h e ’ s c c c c e f d a n c i n g.


4. C l o s e u i n v y o u r m o u t h p l e a s e ! J n m h g r d f h


5.Part E

Mike is a good student. He gets up at six thirty every day. He likes to wear his blue sweater. He goes to school at seven fifteen. He has English class at eight o’clock. He likes English very much. He has lunch at home. In the afternoon,he usually plays football on the playground. He does homework after dinner. He goes to bed at nine o’clock.

( )1. Mike gets up at _________every day.



C.6:13 ( )2. He goes to school at _________.



C.7:50 ( )3. He has lunch at ___________.

A. school

B. home

C. canteen ( )4. He usually ________on the playground in the afternoon.

A. plays basketball

B. plays computer games

C. plays football ( )5. He likes ____________ very much.

A. English

B. maths

C. Chines

6.Part F 翻译下列句子

1.Can I have an ice-cream cone, please?

_____________________________________________________________ 2. I like history and science.

____________________________________________________________ 3.Does she want a doll?

____________________________________________________________ 4.They are in front of the bookcase.

____________________________________________________________ 5.These are his legs.

