青海民族大学 2012级函授英语本科考试题答案

青海民族大学 2012级函授英语本科考试题答案
青海民族大学 2012级函授英语本科考试题答案


一.1)k 2)e 3)a 4)I 5)c 6)b 7)f 8) d 9) g 10) j

二.1.put together 2. once in a while 3. Vested interest 4. take for granted

5. At the expense of

6. have access to

7. In the light of

8. Arise from

9. exempt from

10. have a crush on

三.阅读理解。1-5 CDBAD 6-10 DCABD 11-15 CDDAD



妻子享有管理丈夫私人财产的权利,但是反之则不然。如果丈夫要越权侵犯她们的利益,女性们会时刻准备着捍卫自己的利益,有时她们还会表现出一种坚强的斗争精神。Maria Vivas就是一个典型的例子。为了家庭的需要,她同意其丈夫Miro出售一块属于她的土地,但是她坚持要求获得补偿。但是丈夫没有给她提供补偿,于是她把丈夫拖到一个文书处,起草了一份合同,成功地把他丈夫的一块私人土地划归自己。正如合同所写的,“为了和平”,这个不幸的丈夫不得不同意。要么借助嫁妆,要么通过发脾气,妻子知道如何在家庭中为自己赢得强大的经济地位。

1. 【解析】[C]推断题。本文介绍了欧洲南部10和11世纪嫁妆对女性在婚姻中地位的重要性。虽然嫁妆最初的目的是防止女性被抛弃,但实际上它的作用远远不止于此。它使妻子在婚姻中的地位与丈夫平等,并保障了妻子的经济利益。女性在维护自己的利益上,是很坚定果敢的,Maria Vivas就是一个例子。见第一段第三句,“Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion...”,虽然在实际生活中嫁妆有更重要的作用,但最初它的作用只是为了防范女性被丈夫抛弃,所以C为正确答案。

2.【解析】[D]细节题。根据本文,妻子在婚姻中的法律地位和丈夫是平等的。见第一段最后一句,“In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife”文件中并没有表明丈夫和妻子在法律地位上有任何的差别,也就是说他们的地位是平等的,所以D为正确答案。

3.【解析】[B]推断题。作者举Maria Vivas的事例,是为了说明妻子是能够捍卫自己的利益的。见第二段第二句,“Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance...they showed a fine fighting spirit.”如果丈夫要侵占自己的利益,女性们就时刻准备着捍卫自己的利益,有时她们还表现出很强的斗争精神。接下来作者就举了Maria Vivas的例子,说明女性是有能力捍卫自己的利益的。所以B为正确答案。

4.【解析】[A]细节题。Maria Vivas得到的一份作为补偿的土地,本来是属于Miro的个人财产。见第二段第五句,“None being offered, she succeeded in... assigning her a piece of land from Miro s personal inheritance”由此知A为正确答案。

5.【解析】[D]推断题。作者对Maria Vivas所持的态度是客观的。作者客观地介绍了Maria Vivas 的事例,并没有表示出同情、不满或者是漠不关心,所以A、B、C都是错误答案。Passage Two 【全文翻译】







6.【解析】[D]主旨题。本篇主要讨论不同的领导者(如instrumental leaders以及expressive leaders)在不同的社会群体中所充当的角色和发挥的功能。所以D为正确答案。A、B、C选项都不能正确概括本文主旨。

7.【解析】[C]细节题。A选项的招募(recruitment)和B选项选举程序(election process)都在第一段中作为大群体的领导者产生的方式被明确提到。D选项也在第一段中作为家庭领导者的产生的方式被明确提到。只有C选项没有作为产生领导者的一种方式在本文中被提及。

8.【解析】[A]推断题。A选项意思是:某一特定群体的有效领导者,不一定就可以成为另一群体的有效领导者。这正好与第二段的意思相吻合,即领导者没有一个固定的特点,只是符合了一个特定群体需要的人就有可能成为该群体的领导者(It seems...virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group)。B选项和C选项的意思与本文无关。D选项意为:许多人想成为领导者,但却很少能拿出证据来证明他们具有这样的资格。显然是对文章意思的曲解。

9.【解析】[B]细节题。第二段中“...decades of research have failed to produce consi stent evidence that there is any category of …natural leaders?”意思是说数十年来的研究并不能找出可靠证据来证明哪些人可以成为“天生领导者”,与B项意思一致。

10.【解析】[D]细节题。第三、四段主要讲了两种类型的领导者的区别。其中instrumental leader 侧重于群体目标的实现,而expressive leader相对于前者并不侧重于群体目标的实现,而是注重为群体成员提供情感支持,并尽力减少内部纷争。(Expressive leaders are less concerned with the overall goals of the group than with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension and conflict among them.)

Passage C

11. What can we learn from some recent studies?

答案:D. Interracial lodging may have diverse outcomes.

关键词:recent studies, but also

定位:题干中some recent studies提示答案定位在第一段第一句话。

解析:问题提问从最近的研究中我们可以了解到什么?第一段第一句中Several recent studies found that…与题干对应,由此可知that后的就是recent studies的内容,即being randomly assigned to a roommate of

another race can lead to increased tolerance but also to a greater likelihood of conflict。其中“being randomly assigned to a roommate of another race”对应了选项D中的“interracial lodging”,“can… but also…”说明了interracial lodging是有利有弊的。因此D选项符合文意。而C选项“弊大于利”不符合文意, A“不同种族学生之间的争执是不可避免的”选项与B“不同种族的学生相互存在偏见”原文中没有明确提及

12. What does Sam Boakye's remark mean?

答案:D. Being surrounded by white peers motivates a black student to work harder to succeed.

关键词:surrounded, something to prove

定位:题干中出现的人名Sam Boakye提示答案定位在第四段第一句话。

解析:问题提问Sam Boakye的话是什么意思?通过定位可以找到Sam Boakye的那段话,即if you're surrounded by whites, you have something to prove. 这句话前面的插入语-the only black student on his freshman year floor- 介绍了Sam Boakye作为黑人学生的背景,帮助我们理解之前那句话:如果你的周围都是白人,那么一定会去证明些什么,言下之意就是选项D“白人同伴的存在会激励黑人学生更加努力地去取得成功”。而选项A, B, C在文中没有明确提及。本题选项C有个干扰信息“the freshman year”,在原文中出现。某些考生看到这个词,不假思索就选择了这个选项,但没有搞懂原文的意思,导致错误选择。请考生留意。

13. What does the Indian University study show?

答案:A. Interracial roommates are more likely to fall out.

关键词:Indian University, more likely,

定位:题干中出现的机构名称Indian University提示答案定位在第七段第一句话。

解析:问题提问Indian University的研究显示了什么?通过定位可以发现研究结果显示Interracial roommate were three times as likely as two white roommates to no longer live together,与选项A中的more likely to fall out 对应,因此选择D。此处,fall out 应该理解为“散伙,分开”有些考生可能因为不理解意思而产生歧义,请考生留意。

14. What does Alec Webley consider to be the “definition of integration”?

答案:D. The school randomly assigns roommates without regard to race.

关键词:Alec Webley, definition of integration

定位:题干出现的人名Alec Webley提示答案定位在第十段第一句。

解析:通过定位找到人名,人名后出现“This is the definition of integration”,由“this”可知人名前就是我们要找的答案,即the process throws you together randomly,“throw you together randomly”与“randomly assign”对应。意思与选项D符合。因此,此处选择D。

15. What does Grace Kao say about interracial lodging?

答案:A. It is unscientific to make generalizations about it without further study.

关键词:Grace Kao, generalizations

定位:题干中出现的人名Grace Kao以及generalizations提示答案定位在文章最后一段。根据最后一段意思:要得出Interracial lodging的一般规律,需要对学生的背景特征有更多的研究,与选项D的意思相同。而选项ABC在文中没有明确提及。


1. to

2. specific

3. key

4. different

5. prevent

6. in

7. focus

8. over

9. rather10. consumed 11. vital 12. amazed

13. contain14. interact 15. on 16. up 17. fill 18. avoid 19. doubt 20. impact




67. 第二段首句有个定语从句:科学饮食远不止分析每一口放到嘴里的饭。这里要选择一个介词,lift 的原意是高举,在这里的意思就是“放到嘴边”,to 表示方向。between 表示在某某之间,不合题意。inside 表示静态,与lift这个动作相矛盾。同理,B选项through,表示穿过,lift这个动作,到嘴边就结束了,并没有穿过嘴巴。

68. 按照原文的逻辑,接下来的一句话,表达过去人们如何如何,是为了给出“靶子”加以批评,所以,我们需要继续往后读,读到作者提倡的做法,然后反向理解一下,便可选出答案。

69. 根据语法搭配,只有key才可以和后面的to相搭配,所以选择A选项。

70. 句首的but,是题眼,表达对比之意,所以,下文开始讲述“另一种”“不同的”饮食习惯。因此,选择B选项,different。

71. 这里是个不定式短语,需要一个动词,由宾语heart disease可知,“prevent”(预防)是最佳搭配。

72. 考察和general搭配的介词,只有in 符合语法。

73. 需要一个动词和on搭配,语法上四个选项都可以搭配,只能从词义上判断,turn on 表示打开,focus on 表示注重,put on 表示穿衣,carry on 表示执行。根据宾语,“更广的层面”,可知应该选择focus on。

74. 需要一个和“时间段”搭配的介词,over a period of time 表示一段时间以来,符合题意。

75. 这里表示“是什么而不是什么”,应该用rather than 才能准确达意。

76. 这是个分词短语作后置定语修饰前面的“this or that”,这里的this or that代指食物。convey是表达,不搭配。enter 可以表示“输入,记下”,也不和食物搭配。和食物搭配的只有B和D,consume表示,消费或消耗。exhaust 表示耗尽。很明显,这里的食物并不会耗尽,所以只能选B选项。

这里我们可以回过头来,看一下第68题,文章的主旨是,“Scientist now focus on the broader picture of the balance of food eaten over several days or a week”即“科学家现在注重最近几天内的均衡饮食”,与此能够形成对比的,“单个营养元素的定量摄入”,这里能表达特定量的词只有“certain”或者“specific”,这里用certain 更自然,但是没有提供选项,因此就只能选择specific,表示“特定的”。

77. 需要个形容词,做后置定语,和for good health 搭配,这里只有vital 能和for搭配,表示“对…重要”。

78. 这里是一个The more…the more 的固定表达,表示“越……越……”,这里用amazed表达科研人员,对新发现所产生的“惊奇之感”。

79. 这里的they表示食物,结合后面的动词,构成定语从句,修饰“必备营养元素”,这里的用contain 才能准确达意,“食物包含必备营养元素”

80. 需要一个动词和with搭配,只能选择A和B,但从语义上判断,必备营养元素之间会相互反应,肯定不会相互干扰。因此只能选择interact。

81. 这里需要一个介词和track搭配,只有on the right track才符合语法

82. 这里根据题意,“蔬菜、水果和谷物构成了饭菜的四分之三”,这里make up表达“构成”之意。

83. 这里需要一个动词,宾语是“剩余的四分之一”,从语义上理解,我们需要选择“填充”,因此,fill in 是符合语法的。

84. 这里需要一个动词,结合题意,这个空应该表达“不吃”,才能和前面的eat形成对比,这里的avoid,表达避免的意思,比delete(删除)更切题。

85. 文章在最后一句,要下一个结论,这里用without a doubt 表达“毫无疑问”,符合题目要求。

86. 这里需要一个名词,和on搭配,只有impact符合题意。






Doing Shopping Online

With the development of the Internet, shopping is no longer a tiring thing. Just click your mouse to choose the articles you like, and the purchase is done. You don't even have to step out of the room. It seems all easy and quick.

However, people's opinions vary on this trend. Some believe that on line shopping is time and money saving. With plentiful selection options, they can buy whatever they like at any time convenient. Still others insist that mis-purchasing alone is annoying enough, not to mention the credibility of the sellers and the safety of their accounts.

In my opinion, the convenience and excitement of on line shopping is beyond all doubts. In the meantime, we must always bear in mind that certain traps do exist, so we'd better make sure the sellers are trustworthy before buying. In addition, we should also guard ourselves from the potential hackers who might steal our account information.




1. 文章结构上,能看得出该同学试图采用议论文的“三段式”(提出问题、分析问题、解决问题)。但是,以“With the development of the Internet”为开首语,有些落入俗套,有硬套模板的嫌疑。稍加注意,应该能写出更好的句子。

2. 微观语言点方面,有些语句稍显啰嗦,比如With plentiful selection options… 简化成With plentiful selections… 更好,意思没有丝毫减损,表达力反而增强许多。


在职成人提升学历有函授、远程、自考、电大四种形式,其中函授和自考是平时听到最多、最熟悉的两种形式。在选择形式时,由于对学习形式、考试等不太了解,会很纠结不知道怎么选择,为了帮助同学,下面姚老师为大家讲解下函授本科和自考本科的区别。 一、函授本科和自考本科的区别 1、入学考试不同: 自考没有入学考试,函授本科需要参加成人高考(入学考试)。 2、毕业证不同: 自考毕业证上面加盖省自考委印章和主考院校印章(双章),函授本科毕业证书上面只加盖毕业学校的章(单章)。 3、学制不同: 自考没有学制限制,比较灵活,什么时候通过课程考试,什么时候就可以申请毕业,而函授本科学制一般是4~5年。 4、毕业难度不同: 自考虽然相对灵活,但是考试难度相比其他所有成人考试都要高,仅次于全日制高考。想要通过所有考试需考考生有一定学习基础和学历能力,更关键的是要有足够的学习时间。而函授本科的考试难度更小,更适合学习基础差、学习时间少的在职人士。 二、毕业证样本 函授本科毕业证样本:

自考本科毕业证样本: 三、函授本科和自考本科怎么选择

提升学历的在职成人一般都比较忙,很少有时间学习,报名自考本科需要同学们花费大量的时间去复习,所以不建议大家报名自考本科。 如果你自学能力比较强且时间充足,可以选择这种方式,但大部分同学参加自考都不能考过,甚至考8-9年还没毕业的大有人在,这时候找一家专业的教育机构是必须必然的,一来过关率有保证,二来毕业时间短,三来省时省事省力。 国家提供各种不同学历提升途径,本身目的就是要方便不同的人群。不管自考也好,函授本科也好,每个人应该根据自己的实际情况来选择其中一种,而不必要过于纠结哪种更好的问题,适合自己的一定是最好的。


2015江苏高考英语试卷 二、单选 21. The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in the past one year. A. it B. which C. that D. as 22. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to _____ to their greatest potential. A. accelerate B. improve C. perform D. develop 23. –Jim, can you work…..? --_____? I’ve been working two weeks on end. A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what 24. Much time______ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally trapped by health problems. A. being spent B. having spent C. spent D. to spend 25. _____ Li Hua, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but…. A. That B. Why C. Where D. How 26. It is so cold that you can’t go outside______ fully covered in thick clothes. A. if B. unless C. once D. when 27. The university started some new language programmes to _______ the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt. A. apply to B. cater for C. appeal to D. … 28. It might have saved me much trouble______ the schedule. A. did I know B. have I known C. do I know D. had I known 29. The whole team ______ Donald, and he seldom let them down. A. wait on B. focus on C. count on D. call on


计算机科学与技术《计算机组成原理》期末考试试卷 A 4.下列字符码中有奇偶校验位,无数据错误,采用偶校校验的字符是(D ) A.11001011 B. 11010110 C. 11000001 D. 11001001 5.下面浮点运算器的描述中正确的句子是: ( A ) A. 浮点运算器可用阶码部件和尾数部件实现 B. 阶码部件可实现加、减、乘、除四种运算 C. 阶码部件只进行阶码相加、相减和比较操作 D. 尾数部件只进行乘法和减法运算 6.一个指令周期通常由( A )组成。 A.若干个机器周期 B. 若干个时钟周期 C.若干个工作脉冲 D. 若干个节拍 7.在定点二进制运算中,减法运算一般通过( D )来实现。 A.原码运算的二进制减法器 B.补码运算的二进制减法器 C.补码运算的十进制加法器 D.补码运算的二进制加法器 8. 微程序控制器中,机器指令与微指令的关系是( C ) A.每一条机器指令由一条微指令来执行 B.每一条机器指令由一段微指令编写的微程序来解释执行 C.每一条机器指令组成的程序可由一条微指令来执行 D.一条微指令由若干条机器指令组成 9. 存储系统采用Cache-主存-辅存的三级层次结构,其目的主要是( D ) A.提高存储器的访问速度 B.扩大存储器的容量 C.便于存储器管理 D.解决存储器容量、速度、价格之间的矛盾 10. 计算机的外围设备是指( D ) A. 输入/输出设备 B. 外存储器 C. 远程通信设备 D. 除了CPU 和内存以外的其它设备 装 订 线 外 不 要 答 题 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 装 订 线 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 试卷说明:本试卷为闭卷,笔试。 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1. 完整的计算机系统应包括( D ) A.运算器、存储器、控制器 B.外设和主机 C.主机和实用程序 D.配套的硬件设备和软件系统 2. 六七十年代,在美国的______州,出现了一个地名叫硅谷。该地主要工业是 ______它也是______的发源地。( D ) A. 马萨诸塞,硅矿产地,通用计算机 B. 加利福尼亚,微电子工业,通用计算机 C. 加利福尼亚,硅生产基地,小型计算机和微处理机 D. 加利福尼亚,微电子工业,微处理机 3.某机字长32位,其中1位符号位,31位表示尾数。若用定点小数表示,则 最大正小数为( B ) A. (1 –错误!未找到引用源。) B. (1 –错误!未找到引用源。) C. 错误!未找到引用源。 D. 错误!未找到引用源。


大学英语(二)(第二版) 2014年7月考试考前练习题 一完型填空 Passage 1 For many people today,reading is no longer relaxation.To keep up their work they must read letters,reports,trade publications,interoffice communications,not to mention newspapers and magazines:a never-ending flood of words.In 1 a job or advancing in one,the ability to read and comprehend 2 can mean the difference between success and failure.Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are 3 readers.Most of us develop poor reading 4 at an early age,and never get over them.The main deficiency 5 in the actual stuff of language itself—words.Taken individually,words have 6 meaning until they are strung together into phrases,sentences and paragraphs.7 ,however,the untrained reader does not read groups of words.He laboriously reads one word at a time,often regressing to 8 words or passages.Regression,the tendency to look back over 9 you have just read,is a common bad habit in reading.Another habit which 10 down the speed of reading is vocalization—sounding each word either orally or mentally as 11 reads. To overcome these bad habits,some reading clinics use a device called an 12 ,which moves a bar(or curtain)down the page at a predetermined speed.The bar is set at a slightly faster rate 13 the reader finds comfortable,in order to “stretch” him.The accelerator forces the reader to read fast,14 word-by-word reading,regression and subvocalization,practically impossible.At


函授是成人高考才有的学习形式,因些函授本科是成人高考本科的一种别称。 自考本科是自学考试中的一种层次,因此自考本科是自学考试本科文凭。 从上面来说,函授本科和自考本科的区别其实就是成人高考跟自考的区别。 一、报名条件成人高考报名需要居住证或者社保卡,而自考则没有报名条件限制。但是本科层次报名条件有所不同,成人高考本科需要考生有专科毕业文凭在手,自考本科也需要有专科毕业证书但是专科在读学籍也是可以的 二、入学考试及学制成人高考需要参加全国高等教育入学考试才能录取入学,固定学制,而自学考试本科考生按照课程计划参加考试,通过就可以申请毕业,没有学制,但自考本科毕业时间一般在2年左右。 三、招生院校不同成人高考招生的院校可以是省内外高校,只要在深圳市招生院校考生就可以报名,而自学考试则是以省为单位的,只能是省内高校,如深圳大学、暨南大学、华南师范大学等主考院校。 四、招生专业成人高考招生专业会自考广,成人高考涉及到各个方面,而自考主要是以热门专业为主,如建筑类动漫类专业,成人高考有,自考专业比较少,书籍也难买到 五、费用自考每次考生可报几门交几门费用,自考有多种学习形式,考生可以自由选择,成人高考录取后才会涉及到学费,学费根据学校跟专业各有不同。但除自考的完全自学费用低于成人高考外,其它自考学习形式都高于成人高考。

六、含金量含金量一般都是跟难度有关系的,自考难度会高于成人高考,所以在认可度上也会高于成人高考,但成人高考随着改革政策,报名人数越来越多,其含金理和认可度也在不断地上升。 中华考试网,是专业的职业考试辅导网站,专注于考试资讯与辅导、视频课程、考试系统研发、考试题库软件等多个方面。主要面向社会广大考证人群,提供消防工程师,一级建造师,二级建造师,造价工程师,初级会计师,中级会计师,经济师,注册会计师,教师资格证,执业药师,健康管理师,人力资源管理师,出版资格考试,成人高考,银行从业资格考试,证券从业资格考试、育婴师、翻译资格考试、公路检测工程师等400多种考试的资讯与辅导。


2018年江苏高考英语试题答案解析 21.By boat is the only way to get here,which is_______we arrived. A.where B.when C.why D.how 【答案】D 【解析】考查名词性从句。句意:乘船是到达这里唯一的途径,这就是我们如何到达的。分析which引导的非限定性定语从句可知,后面为表语从句。分析句意可知,这里用连接副词how引导表语从句,充当方式状语,表示“如何”。故选D。 拓展:本题考查表语。首先需要弄清句意及分析句子结构,然后根据前句By boat is the only way to get here提示可知作方式状语,就不难选出正确答案。 22.Kids shouldn’t have access to violent films because they might_______the things they see. A.indicate B.investigate C.imitate D.innovate 【答案】C 【解析】考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。句意:孩子不应该接触暴力电影,因为他们也许会模仿他们所见的事情。A.indicate指示;B.investigate调查;C.imitate模仿;D.innovate改革。故选C。 拓展:本题考查动词辨析。动词和动词短语的考查是高考重点考查的知识点,解题时要区分清选择项的含义与区别,再联系句意进行判断,从而选出正确答案。考生在平时学习过程中要注重动词和动词短语的识记与掌握。 23.Self-driving is an area_______China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line. A.that B.where C.which D.when 【答案】B 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:自动驾驶是一个中国和世界其它国家都在同一起跑线的领域。句中先行词为area,在从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where,相当于in which。故选B。拓展:本题考查定语从句。定语从句是高考重点考查知识之一,分析定语从句需抓住两点:1.找准先行词。2.看先行词在从句中所作的成分。抓住这两点,再根据句意,从而能够判断出正确的关系词。


版权声明 本书根据历年考研大纲要求并结合历年考研真题按照考研题型进行了整理编写,涵盖了这一考研科目重点试题及高频试题并给出了详细参考答案,针对性强,有的放矢,提高复习效率,是考研复习首选资料。 青岛掌心博阅电子书依法对本书享有专有著作权,同时我们尊重知识产权,对本电子书部分内容参考和引用的市面上已出版或发行图书及来自互联网等资料的文字、图片、表格数据等资料,均要求注明作者和来源。但由于各种原因,如资料引用时未能联系上作者或者无法确认内容来源等,因而有部分未注明作者或来源,在此对原作者或权利人表示感谢。若使用过程中对本书有任何异议请直接联系我们,我们会在第一时间与您沟通处理。 因编撰此电子书属于首次,加之作者水平和时间所限,书中错漏之处在所难免,恳切希望广大考生读者批评指正。

特别说明 本书由本机构编写组多位高分在读研究生按照考试大纲、真题、指定参考书等公开信息潜心整理编写,仅供考研复习参考,与目标学校及研究生院官方无关,如有侵权请联系我们立即处理。 一、单项选择题 1.已知一个栈的进栈序列是ABC,出栈序列为CBA,经过的栈操作是__________。 A. B. C. D. 【答案】B 2.采用邻梓表存储的图的广度优先遍历算法类似于树的__________。 A.中根遍历 B.先根遍历 C.后根遍历 D.层次遍历 【答案】D 【解析】用邻接表存储的图的广度优先遍历和树的按层次遍历的效果是一样的。 3.如下列选项图中所示的4棵二叉排序树中,满足平衡二叉树定义的是__________。 A. B. C. D. 图

【答案】B 【解析】求出各节点的平衡因子,当平衡因子的绝对值大于1时就不是平衡二叉树。 4.一个递归算法必须包括__________。 A.递归部分 B.终止条件和递归部分 C.迭代部分 D.终止条件和迭代部分 【答案】B 5.对于一个链串s,查找第i个元素的算法的时间复杂度为__________。 A. B. C. D.以上都不对 【答案】B 6.下列关于无向连通图特征的叙述中,正确的是__________。 I.所有顶点的度之和为偶数 II.边数大于顶点个数减1 III.至少有一个顶点的度为1 A.只有I B.只有II C.I和II D.I和III 【答案】A 【解析】在无向图中,一条边在度之和中计为2,所以度之和为边数的2倍,I正确。无向连通图边数最少时为树图的情况,此时边数为顶点个数减1,II错误。一个顶点数为3,边数为3的无向连通图中所有顶点度为2,III错误。 7.以下___________是"abcd321ABCD"串的子串。 A.abed B.321AB C.“abcABC” D.“21AB” 【答案】D 【解析】子串是由主串中若干个连续的字符组成的。


填词 、 1. Bees communicate by dancing: for example, they do a kind of dance to tell other bees about the location of flowers. 2. It was said that Nancy was going to marry a rich Englishman, But she denied it. 3. We need a huge amount of money to build a new high School for the children in this area. 4. Since you broke the window, you should pay for the damage 5. People who fish and sail sometimes claim to have seen strange animals in the sea. 6. He looks young, but actually he is much the elder of the two. 7. The guard walked through the train inspecting everyone?s ticket. 8. The New smart structures could be very expensive to build. However, they would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes. 1. I?m going to sell the house, together with the 2. You had a traffic accident, so you?ll have to 3. There is an advertisement advertisement 4. I desire furniture . appear in court. for our new product in the local newspaper 5. It is foolish to spend money on something you don?t use. 6. We should try hard to develop tourism (旅游业). Tourism creates jobs for local people. 7. The development of the world?s economy will bring about many new problems. 8. Mother will need additional help to do the work since she is not in good health. 三、 1. We just serve fast food. If you want something special, please go to another restaurant. 2. Life is an endless journey (旅程) toward personal achievements 3. If you want him to lend you the money, you have to prove that you will be able to give it back. 4. How the situation will eventually work out, only time can tell. 5. It cost me one pound, plus 10 pence to have the letter posted. 6. His annual income (收入) is $36,000; that is, he earns $3,000 a month. 7. You can?t expect your parents to support you forever 8. He found he had not brought money with him when he was about to pay the bill 四、 1. It is not what you say but what you do that impresses ___ people most. 2. Did you keep a(n) __dairy___ while you were traveling in Europe? 3. Their project to build a big factory near the village failed because the local people were strongly against it. 4. His boss warned him that if he was late again, he would lose his job. 5. He has no language talent at all, so learning English is a(n)_cruel_ thing to him. 6. As we are developing our economy, we should not _neglect__ protecting the environment 7. He?ll never make a good teacher, as he doesn?t know how to _handle_ children. 8. His old dog is very ___faithful__ to him because it always follows him wherever he goes. 五、 1. The speaker ___for a moment, and then began to answer the question. A. shook B. paused C. pressed D. tripped 2. She is so strange. She always tries to ___talking to me. A. prefer B. protect C. avoid D. assure 3. Does ___want to buy thi s book? It?s only $3.50, but it tells an interesting story. A. anyone B. anything C. someone D. something nothing other than to be left in peace. So just go away.


本科函授班 《英语》试卷 制卷时间:2013年1月试卷满分:100分答题时间:120分钟 第Ⅰ卷(共55分) 一、词汇语法(20*1=20分) 1.Some of the experiments in the book are easy to perform. A.to be described B.described C.to describe D. describing 2. All parties are present. A. concerned B. concerning C.being concerned D. being concerning 3. the Chinese ping-pong team will win the prize. A. It seems certain that B. This seems certain that C. It is seem certain D. It seems that certain 4.It doesn’t seem likely she will be here. A.if B.how C.when D. that 5.Here the documents you asked for. A.is B.has C.are D.have 6.Gold, as well as silver, recently risen in price. A.have B.has C.was D.were https://www.360docs.net/doc/d317624410.html,puters, have many advantages, cannot replace man. A.that B.what C.which D.who 8.I grew up in Lian Yungang, the climate is very pleasant. A.which B.that C.what D.where 9.He has been here for three weeks. A.living B.lived C.live D.to live 10. have you been learning English? A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How many 11.I the article when they . A.wrote, came B.had written, had come C.had written, came D.wrote, had come 12.I wish I to the movies last night. A.have been B.have gone C.had gone D.had been 13.She never laughed, lose her temper. A.or she ever did B.nor did he ever C.or did she ever D.nor she did ever 14. do we go for picnics. A.Certainly B.Sometimes C.Seldom D. Once 15.She stood at the door as if for someone. A.waited B.waiting C.she waited D.shi is waiting 16. by the noise, the speaker interrupted his lecture. A.Drowned B.Being drowned C.His voice drowned D.As his voice drowned 17.If I her address, I would have written to her. A.know B.didn’t know C.have known D.knew 18.If he the money, he would have bought the painting. A.had had B.had C.have D.have had 19.On Sunday afternoon, Mrs Green went to the market, ____some bananas and visited her cousin. A.bought B.buying C.to buy D.brought 20.The reason he was late was the bridge was broken. A.for;that B.why;because C.how;because D.why;that 二、完形填空(10*1.5=15分) For women, life can be a balance between being a good mother, a good wife and a good lover, as well as considering the needs of 1 parents later in life. Combine these demands 2 wanting to develop a 3 and what time do they have left for themselves? Men are concerned with earning enough to satisfy family 4 -which often include exceptional costs 5 children’s college or universit y. They are worried 6 developing their own career 7 attempting to take in the requirements of their partner. Again, what time do they have for themselves? Activities and demands 8 be balanced. Eliminate some of the non-essentials. When 9 demands are placed on you, say no. If you 10 succeed in finding some time for yourself, make sure you enjoy it. All the benefits of the time you have carved out for yourself will be negated if you feel guilty about sitting in the sun and taking in the peace and quiet. 21. A.old B.older C.elder D.elderly 22.A.into B.to C.with D.together with 23.A.career B.job C.future D.work 24.A.request B.reqirements C.supply D.acquirement 25.A.to B.in C.for D.with 26.A.that B.with C.about D.of 27.A.while B.which C.who D.in 28.A.should B.would C.ought to D.need to 29.A.enough B.partner’s C.excessive D.some


高等教育自学考试是个人自学和国家考试相结合的高等教育形式,是我国社会主义高等教育体系的重要组成部分。 自考是函授吗 自学考试不是函授,自学考试是全国统一的考试,自考需要考完专业的所有科目,并且全部及格才可以申请毕业证,是有一定难度的,所以含金量比较高,是所有成人学历里边最高的。 自考本科虽然没有前置学历要求,但是申请本科毕业证,必须要有学信网可查的专科毕业证。 自考和函授的区别 考试方式不同 在入学时,自考本科没有入学考试,报名自考本科的考生可以在每年的4月、10月参加单科考试,等到所有科目考试成绩都合格后,可申请自考本科毕业,颁发学历证书。 函授本科其实就是成人教育本科。成人教育学习形式分三个类别:脱产,业余,函授。现在一般所说的函授本科指的是成教本科。

成教本科严进宽出,学生只有通过国家统一的成人高考考试,才能入学就读。 学制方面不同 自考本科没有学制方面的限制,只要考完报考专业的所有科目都合格通过即可申请毕业,即一年考完一年毕业,五年考完五年毕业,只要8年内考完就行,相关时间政策根据当年政策情况。 报考函授本科的考生在10月考完后,第二年3月左右注册学籍,两年半毕业,在这两年半期间会有周末或假期集中授课,属于函授。入学后,每学期参加期末考试,学制为2.5年。 毕业难度 函授本科一般来说只要考过了入学考试,那拿毕业证的难度就很低了;自考本科的话,所有的课程考试全部通过后才可以申请毕业,难度相对较高。 张老师提醒大家:成人高考一年仅有一次报名机会,远程教育和自考一年有2次招生,春、秋两季均可报考!

我中心提供全程服务,可以协助考生办理各种手续,省去很多不必要的麻烦,让你轻松拿学历! 在我中心报名可享受: 1.免费赠送考前辅导资料 2.免费为学员报名、查询成绩、录取结果,并实时通知考生。 3.成绩过线优先被院校录取。 4.免费通知考生学习、考试等新动态,并跟踪回访学习进度。 5.全程服务,直至顺利毕业!


江苏高考英语试卷 二、单选 21. The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in the past one year. A. it B. which C. that D. as 22. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to _____ to their greatest potential. A. accelerate B. improve C. perform D. develop 23. –Jim, can you work…..? --_____? I’ve been working two weeks on end. A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what 24. Much time______ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally trapped by health problems. A. being spent B. having spent C. spent D. to spend 25. _____ Li Hua, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but…. A. That B. Why C. Where D. How 26. It is so cold that you can’t go outside______ fully covered in thick clothes. A. if B. unless C. once D. when 27. The university started some new language programmes to _______ the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt. A. apply to B. cater for C. appeal to D. … 28. It might have saved me much trouble______ the schedule. A. did I know B. have I known C. do I know D. had I known 29. The whole team ______ Donald, and he seldom let them down. A. wait on B. focus on C. count on D. call on 30. The reason why prices ______ and still are too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactory can explain this problem. A. were B. will be C. have been D. had been 31. The police officers decided to conduct a thorough, and ______ review of the case. A. comprehensive B. complicated C. suspicious D. … 32. Some schools will have to make _______ in agreement with the national social reform. A. judgments B. adjustments C. comments D. achievements 33. –Why didn’t you invite John to your birthday party? -- Well, you know he’s______. A.an early bird B. a wet blanket C. a lucky dog D. a tough nut 34. Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around_______ Thomas Edison. A. thanks to B. regardless of C. aside from D. but for 35. –Go and say sorry to your mom, Dave? -- I’d like to, but I’m afraid Mom would not accept my______. A. requests B. excuses C. apologies D. regrets


计算机科学与技术《计算机原理》期末考试试卷 B 4.已知X 为整数,且[X]补 = 10011011,则X 的十进制数值是 ( ) A. +155 B. –101 C. –155 D. +101 5.下面浮点运算器的描述中正确的句子是: ( ) A. 浮点运算器可用阶码部件和尾数部件实现 B. 阶码部件可实现加、减、乘、除四种运算 C. 阶码部件只进行阶码相加、相减和比较操作 D. 尾数部件只进行乘法和减法运算 6.一个指令周期通常由( )组成。 A .若干个机器周期 B. 若干个时钟周期 C .若干个工作脉冲 D. 若干个节拍 7. CPU 主要包括 ( ) A.控制器 B.控制器、运算器 C.运算器和主存 D.控制器、ALU 和主存 8. 采用虚拟存贮器的主要目的是 ( ) A .提高主存贮器的存取速度 B .扩大主存贮器的存贮空间,并能进行自动管理和调度 C .提高外存贮器的存取速度 D .扩大外存贮器的存贮空间 9. 存储系统采用Cache-主存-辅存的三级层次结构,其目的主要是 ( ) A .提高存储器的访问速度 B .扩大存储器的容量 C .便于存储器管理 D .解决存储器容量、速度、价格之间的矛盾 10.EPROM 是指 ( ) A.读写存储器 B.只读存储器 C.闪速存储器 D.光擦除可编程只读存储器 装订 线外不 要答题 ………………………………………………… 装订线 …… ……… ……… …………………………… 试卷说明:本试卷为闭卷,笔试。 一、选择题 (每小题2分,共20分) 1. 至今为止,计算机中的所有信息仍以二进制方式表示的理由是 ( ) A .节约元件 B. 运算速度快 C. 物理器件的性能决定 D. 信息处理方便 2. 下面哪一种不是冯?诺依曼体系结构的基本特点: ( ) A .采用二进制表示数据 B .采用存储程序的方式 C .硬件系统由五大部件组成 D .机器以存储器为中心交换数据 3. 定点字长的字,采用2的补码表示时,一个字所能表示的整数范围是( ) A .–128 ~ +127 B. –127 ~ +127 C. –129 ~ +128 D. -128 ~ +128


学号:姓名: ---------------------装------------------------订---------------线 ____级专业(专科/本科)函授(大学英语)试卷A 分数: 注意:1、所有答案必须写在答题纸上,否则无效;2、答题必须标清题号,试卷必须交回 3、专科做前五道题,本科全做。 一、拼写单词和词组 1、持久的 2、分配 3、采取 4、税 5、对---有影响 6、作用于 7、对---着迷 8、与---不同 9、首先 10、依靠 11、把---同--- 区分开 12、一般地 13、品种 14、工资 15、挣得 16、出售 17、变化 18、词汇 19、打断 20、快速的 21、想要 22、前缀 23、后缀 24、提高25、舒适,容易 二、将括号内词的正确形式添入空白处 1. English _______(speak) in Britain, the and many other countries. 2. Information in short ---term memory _________ (can, not, keep) very long. 3. After that , one of the lights ______ (turn off) and the rat had to wait for a short time. 4. Just a few years ago, tomatoes _____ (believe) to have magical powers, making people who eat them fall in love. 5. According to a wrong idea, proteins and carbohydrates ______(should, not, eat) at the same meal. 6. More and more young people are learning _____ (drive) cars. 7. He do not like _____ (praise). 8. The weather is too cold for them _____ (go) out. 9. She asked ______ (send) ____ (work) on a farm after she finished her study at the college. 10. She seemed _____ (hear) about it already. 三、单项填空 1. Your picture is good ____ some of the colors. [A]except [B] besides [C]except for [D] in addition 2.Did you speak _____ what had happened? [A]out [B] of [C]about [D] on 3.You must not think ____ me as being unhappy. [A]on [B]over [C]of [D] upon 4.__________, I was the one who broke the window yesterday. [A]As a matter in fact [B]As a fact [C]As a point of fact [D] As a matter of fact 5.She is eager ____ a singer. [A]to become [B]become [C] becoming [D] about becoming 6.This has something _____ what you said. [A]do with [B] to do with [C] doing with [D] to doing with 7.____ you leave the house at the same time as your brother does? [A] Are [B] Do [C]Have [D] Had 8.By the time we got there, the play _____.
