最新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 2 单元教案

最新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 2 单元教案
最新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 2 单元教案

Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.

The first period:New words and phrases

Teaching and Learning Goals:


1. 能争取使用下列词汇(Curriculum words)

volunteer, sign, notice, lonely, several, strong, feeling, satisfaction, joy, owner, journey, raise, alone, repair, broken, wheel, letter, disabled, blind, deaf, imagine, difficulty, open, door, carry, train, excited, training, kindness, lever, understand, change, interest, sir, madam

2. 能争取使用下列常用短语(Useful expressions)

clean up , cheer up, give out, come up with, put off, hand out, call up, used to, care for, try out, fix up, give away, take after, set up, make a difference,




Teaching and learning steps

Step 1:Learn to read the words

1. Ask the students to read the words by themselves using the phonetics and underline the difficult words, such as volunteer, satisfaction, journey, imagine...

2. Encourage the students to read the difficult words with their partners.

3. Get two or three students to read all of the words. Ask some other students to correct the pronunciation as possible as they can. If necessary, the teacher corrects them.

4. Read the words after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.

5. The students read the words aloud themselves while the teacher walks around the class to see if the students have any questions.

[操作说明] 首先由学生自己根据音标识读单词,并标划出识读时有困难的单词。鼓励学生以两人一组为单位解决有困难的单词。接着找两三个同学读单词,如果有发音错误,请其他学生先纠正,必要时,教师再更正。然后让学生跟录音读,模仿发音,最后学生再自由,教师解决学生可能遇到的问题。


Step 2 : Remember the words

A.Remember some of the words by looking at the pictures and the sentences .


1. She is a volunteer (n.). She volunteers(v.) to help others.


2. Look at the sign. It says: No smoking!


3. I notice (v.) a new notice(n.) on the wall .


4. They are having a long journey.


5. A bike has two wheels.


6. This is a thank-you letter.

blind deaf

Helen Keller is a blind and deaf woman . But she is very great.

open door

7. She is opening the door.

[操作说明] 运用课件、图画和动作等创设语境,让学生直观地理解单词的意思。


B. Remember some of the words by conversion (转换), derivative(派生)and similar meaning.


①I want to be a volunteer. (名词) I volunteer to help the old. (动词)

②I notice (动词) a new notice(名词.) on the wall

③Great changes(名词)have taken place in Zaozhuang.Thanks for changing(动词)my life.

④The beautiful pictures interest(动词)me. My brother has many interests(名词)and


2. 派生

①feeling感觉,感触:feel( 感觉)+ing

②satisfaction 满足,满意:satisfy(使高兴)去y +action


④disabled 残疾的:dis+ able(有能力的) +d

⑤difficulty困难:difficult(困难的) +y

⑥excited 激动的:excite(使激动) +d

⑦kindness 仁慈,善良:kind(和蔼的) +ness


①several: a few, some

②joy: happiness

③lonely: alone

④repair: fix up

⑤take after: look like

⑥clever: smart

⑦care for: look after; take care of

⑧call up: telephone

⑨give out: hand out


C. Remember the phase by matching Column A with Column B.


1. clean up振奋起来

2. cheer up建立

3. set up打扫干净

4. give away赠送

5. put off 参加…选拔

6.try out 推迟

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d418662571.html,e up with 曾经

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d418662571.html,ed to 影响

9.make a difference想出,提出


Step 3: Consolidate the words and phrases

1. Ask the students to read the words and phrases and their Chinese of Unit 1 on Page 116 and Page117. Cover the English words and phrases , look at the Chinese and say the English for them. W rite down the words they haven’t grasped.

2. Ask the students to read the words and phrases and try to remember them. Then have a

[操作说明] 先让学生速记5分钟,然后将学生分成男女组采用英汉互译的方法进行PK。【设计意图】为巩固单词,让学生读记本单元单词。然后将学生分成男女组采用英汉互译的方法进行PK。激发学生兴趣,让学生动起来。

Step 4 :Read and translate

1. Ask the students to read the passage and translate it into Chinese.

Jim is a clever boy with kindness. He takes after his

father. He likes volunteering and caring for others.

He used to help to clean up the city parks and raise

money for the children who were sick or poor. When he saw

those children get better or the look of joy on their faces, he

had a strong feeling of satisfaction.

Now he comes up with a new idea. He gives out

some notices and calls up friends to collect old or broken

bikes for him

He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and gives away to

children who don’t have bikes.


Step 5: Mind map(思维导图)

1.Get the students to remember the words.

2. Get the students to retell the passage according to the mind map.

[操作说明] 通过思维导图,使学生从逻辑范畴上理解单词的意思,让学生归类记忆词汇。【设计意图】把学生活动和思维导图结合起来,让学生加深对本单元词汇和短语的理解,。进一步把词汇和具体语境的连接起来,巩固对词汇的记忆。

Step 6: Class test (当堂检测)


1. Tom is a v_____________ in an old people’s home.

2. Yesterday I went to a bookstore and bought s_________ interesting books.

3. Who is the o_______ of that dog? It’s running everywhere.

4. We had a great j__________ last summer.

5. We need to make some n__________ for the Clean-Up Day.

6. Lots of old people are l_______ .We should care for them.


1. The boy could _________ _____(分发) food at the food bank.

2. You could help to _______ ________(打扫) the city parks.

3. She is very upset. Let’s do something to _____ _______ ______(让她振奋起来)。

4. Look at the signs. Who _______ ________ ________(张贴的它们)?

5. My grandpa often tells me stories about the past and how things ______ _______


6. I want to ______ ________ (推迟) my plan to travel until next summer because I’m too busy.

7. Can you ________ _______(修理)broken bicycle parts, like wheels?

8.Linda ___________(与。。。像)her father very much.

9.My father__________(捐赠)many books to a children’s home yesterday. 10.I tried to _____________(想出)a good way to help him.








2. several






1. hand out/give out

2. clean up

3. cheer her up

4. put them up

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d418662571.html,ed to be

6. put off

7. fix up 8. takes after 9.gave away 10. come up with

Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.

Period 2 Section A (1a-2d )

Teaching Goals:

1.Review the main target languages of Unit7.

2.Enable the Ss to express offering help with such patterns as “I’ll…/I’d like to…/You

could…”They should master how to use some phrasal verb like “give out, hand out, set up, clean up, cheer up, call up, put off, come up with and think up”after finishing the listening and speaking tasks. Enable the students to form a positive attitude to help others. Like an old saying: “The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.”


1.Revise what they learnt last class. Fill in the blanks according the picture.

1)The woman _______ (志愿) to take care of the homeless children.

2)Look at the ______ (布告), we’ll have a meeting.

3) A lot of young people go to _______ (城市) to find a good job.

4)Your idea ______ (听起来) pretty good.

5)The old man lives in the mountain himself, but he never feels _____ (寂寞).


I. Do you know something about International Volunteer Day, International Year of

Volunteers and Chinese Volunteer Day? If not, please look at the following passages. 国际志愿人员日

1985年12月17日,第四十届联合国大会通过决议,从1986年起,每年的12月5日为“国际促进经济和社会发展志愿人员日”(International Volunteer Day for Social and Economic Development 简称:国际志愿者日(IVD)/(国际志愿人员日)),中国的港、台和东南亚等地称做“国际义工日”。其目的是敦促各国政府通过庆祝活动唤起更多的人以志愿者的身份从事社会发展和经济建设事业。



为向世界人民展示志愿者作出的卓越成就,并在全球范围内倡导志愿精神和推进志愿服务事业,1997年11月20日,第52届联大通过了包括中国在内的123个国家提交的52/17号提案,决定把2001年确定为国际志愿者年(International Year of Volunteers)。这一年发起了帮助实现国际志愿者年的四大目标:充分认识志愿贡献、积极支持志愿活动、建立志愿网络体系和倡导弘扬志愿精神。2001国际志愿者年的揭幕仪式于2000年11月在联合国总部纽约举行。









II. Ask the students to translate the following Chinese into English. First ask the

students to put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.(1)清扫____________________(2)分发,发放_______________





III. Ask the students to translate the following sentences.


(2) 你可以去食物救济处分发食物。_______________________________________________

(3) 我们不能再推迟这个计划了。_______________________________________________

(4)我会记下我们所有的有的主意。____________________________________________ (设计意图:通过预习,学生课前对文本中的重点短语和句型有所了解,培养学生自主学习能力。与此同时,还能够帮助学生课上有针对性的听讲,更好的理解文本。


Warming up and lead-in.

T: There is so much money, if you had lots of money, what would you do?

(Ask individual students to show their ideas.)

T: If I had lots of money, I would…

help poor kids

T: International Volunteer Day is coming, what are you going to do on that day?

(Ask individual students to show their ideas.)

S1: I would like to help people stop smoking.

S2: I volunteer to visit the old people in the old people’s house.

T: They came up with so many ways of helping other people, can you think of other ways?

Ss: Yes.

T: Please write down your opinions with the structures: I’d like to… /I hope to…/ I could…/ I volunteer to…

【设计意图】: 通过谈论自己帮助别人的方式,巩固目标语言I’d like to…/I hope to…/I could…/I volunteer to…进一步引导学生关心他人,奉



Listening Practice I(1b)

T: Boys and girls, please look at the picture, do you want to know what the two kids are talking about?

Ss: Yes.

T:OK, please listen to the recording and find out the main idea.

1.Listen for the general idea听取大意

Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.

The main idea of the conversation is to talk about.

A.how to clean up the city parks

B. giving out food at the food bank

C. what the people want to do as volunteers




2.Listen for the specific ideas听取细节

T: From the listening material we know some boys and girls are describing what they want to do as volunteers. Now please listen again and match the activities

with the actions.

(1)Listen and match.

【设计意图】: 1b听力读的比较快,如果直接让学生完成课本1b内容,有些费劲,所以在此之前,先让学生把志愿者所想要做的事情,以及如何去做,进行


(2)Listen and fill in the blanks.

Listen and complete the sentences. Pay attention to the phrasal verbs.

1. A: I’d like to _______ outside.

B: Y ou could help clean _____ the city parks.

2. A: I’d like to ________ homeless people.

B: Y ou could give _____ food at the food bank.

3. A: I’d like to cheer _____ sick kids.

B: Y ou could _____ them in the hospital.

4. A: I’d like to help kids _____ their schoolwork.

B: Y ou could _____________ in an after-school study program.

(3)Check the students’ answers and ask the students to answer with the complete

sentences like:

A: I’d like to work outside.

B: You could help clean up the city parks.



3. Listen and repeat.


Listening Practice 2(2a-2b)

T:Boys and girls, the city parks are so dirty, can you come up with some ways of cleaning it up?

Ss:Yes.(Ask individual students to show their ways with the structures: I’d like to… /I hope to…/ I could…/ I volunteer to…)

(【设计意图】: 通过谈论如何清扫城市公园,让学生想出解决问题的办法,为学生做2a听力做好铺垫,通过这种方式,可以降低听力难度,帮


1.Listen for the general idea听取大意

T: Boys and girls, please look at these pictures, what are they doing? Please listen to the recording and choose the main idea of the conversation.

Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.

The main idea of the conversation is to talk about.

A.the ways to tell people about A City Park’s Clean-Up Day

B. handing out advertisements

C. how to put up signs

2.Listen for the specific ideas听取细节

(1)Listen and check (√) the things the students are going to do.(2a)

T: We know some students are talking about the ways to tell people about A City

Park’s Clean-Up Day. What are they going to do? Next, please listen to the

recording and check(√) the things they are going to do.

(2) Listen and match.

T: Please listen to the recording again, and match the phrasal verb with the object.






(3)Listen and fill in the blanks.

Boy 1: OK. Now we need to a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up.

Girl 1: Yeah, but I’m , Bob. Let’s have first.

Girl 2: No, we can’t a plan. Day is only two weeks from now.

Boy 2: You’re right. Sally, while we talk, I’ll all our ideas. Then we can which ideas are best.

Girl 1: Um…Well …we could signs.

Boy 2: That’s a good idea!

Girl 2: I’11 advertisements after school.

Boy 1: OK. Great! And we could each ten people and them to come.

Boy 2: Hey, we’re a lot of good ideas, we?

(4)Check the students’ answers.

(【设计意图】: 听并填出空缺的单词,注重对听力细节的处理,并加深学生对城市清洁日的一些活动的记忆,为下一步四人一小组做对话做好


Step3. Post-listening activities.

Task1. Groupwork.

T: In the listening, we have learned about some ways to tell people about the Clean-Up Day. Work in groups of four to try to make your own conversations using the keys words and information in the listening.

Four students in a group, role play the conversation in 2b.

Boy1: …come up with ….to tell…

Girl1: …hungry…have lunch…

Girl2: …put off… two weeks from now…

Boy2: …right…While…,…write down…


Girl1: …put up…

Boy2: …good idea…

Girl2: …hand out …

Boy1: …call up … ask…to…

Boy2: …come up with …aren’t we






Task2. Role-play the conversation.

1.Go over the conversation in 2d, and deal with the difficulties in groups.

Go over the conversation in 2d quickly, if you have any trouble, discuss them

in your group. The teacher goes through the classroom and offer help if


2. Read aloud the conversations in groups, then in class.

3. Make up their own conversations.

4. Act out their conversations in groups, then in class.

Imagine you are a reporter from Zaozhuang TV , interview some students

about ways they could do to tell others about helping our hometown

Zaozhuang be a cleaner and healthier place to live in and how to help.

Report what you have interviewed to the class.

XXX would like to… He/she could…








Step4. Inquiry into knowledge by translation.

T: This class we've learned how to offer help and we've also learned some phrasal verbs. Do you know what a phrase verb is and how to use them? Please discuss in groups of four and find out the answers.

动词短语Phrasal Verb




1. The boy is only six years old. Can you look after him?

2. We need to come up with some ideas.

3. Please take off your coat. = Please take your coat off.

4. He looks sad. Let’s cheer him up.


A.短语动词的构成主要有三种形式:1) 动词+介词,如。2) 动词+副词,如。

3) 动词+_____+介词,如come up with。










Smoking is bad for your health. You’d better_____.(2011广东)

A. set it up

B. give it up

C. pick it up

D. look it up

解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。set up 建立;give up放弃;pick up捡起;look up (在字典等中)查找。由前一句句意“吸烟对你的健康有害。”可知后一句要表达


1.-Mom, can I have my homework for tomorrow?(2011 河南)

- I’m afraid not. Don’t ___ what you can do today till tomorrow.

A. put on

B. put down

C. put up

D. put off

2. –What are you doing, Uncle Wang?(2011 湖北黄冈)

- I am sorting out old books and I’ll _____ to kids in West China.

A. give them up

B. give them away

C. give them off

D. give them in

3.Many volunteers ___ food and water to the local people in Japan after the

tsunami.(2011 江苏盐城)

A. gave out

B. cut out

C. put out

D. found out




Step6.The end-of- class test
