答案错题测试 (1)

答案错题测试 (1)
答案错题测试 (1)

1.S____________ like you are having a good time. sounds

2.They are doing some ___________________(clean). cleaning

3.In winter, the weather is very cold and people are _____________ ________________.(穿着

毛衣)wearing sweaters

4.___________ you __________ a good time in the zoo?(正在动物园玩得开心吗?)Are having

5.天气如何?___________ is the weather?= ___________ is the weather ___________?How,

what like

6.There is much rain this year.= It _______ very ________ this year. Is, rainy

7.Tom is ____________(study) math now. studying

8.Lucy ______(study) Chinese every day. studies

9.It is very cold outside because it is ___________(下雪) now. snowing

10.How is it going with you?--- Not __________(好的). good

11.Mom often tells me ____________(eat) healthy food. To eat

12.我们自己做晚饭怎么样?___________ ____________ _____________ dinner by ourselves.

How about cooking

13.How is the weather in Hangzhou?--- _____________ _____________(正下雨) now. It’s


14.I always ________(wash) my clothes in the evening, and now I ___________(wash) a T-shirt.

Wash, am washing

15.Do you like ___________(snow) weather? ---Yes, I like it very much. I like ___________(snow).

Snowy, snow

16.Could you tell my father ________________(call) me when he comes back? To call

17.Some people are relaxing under the sunshine. And they _____________(talk) and laughing.

Are talking

18.It will be _____________(sun) in Paris tomorrow. sunny

19.I’m busy today. Can I go to see you t____________? tomorrow

20.The books are all boring. I don’t like a_______ of them. any

21.Who is your favorite m______________ star?---Zhou Xun. movie

22.My grandfather _____________ ______________ _____________(看报纸) every morning.

reads a newspaper

23.Mary likes beautiful clothes like _____________ ____________(其他任何一个) girl. Any


24.Mary isn’t ____________(in on at away).She is swimming in the lake with her friends. in

25.They don’t like hot weather ________they can do something to keep it away. (and because

but so) but

26.I have two brothers. One is a teacher, and _____________ is a doctor. The other

27.Who is cooking?---- Linda __________. is

28.All the students are working. Some are cleaning the chair, and __________are cleaning the

desks. The others

29.___________ are you walking with? who

30.Xiao Ming, you are wanted ___________ the phone. on

31.Miss Li wants __________(eat) some rice and two eggs. To eat

32.I __________ ___________( 希望)visit Paris one day. Wish to

33.I’m _______(只是) playing with my little dog. just

34.Mom, I want ot eat ________(外面) with my friends on Sunday evening, OK? out

35.Jack _______ his homework every day. ---(否定) Jack _______ ______ his homework every

day. Does, doesn’t do

36.It is 8:00 now. The students _________ _________ _________ ___________

__________( 正在上英语课) are having an English class

37.They must find __________ ___________ water and food(有水和食物的地方). Places with

38.Where _____lions ________?= Where _________ lions __________ ___________? Are from,

do come from

39.What _______ (其他的)animals do you like? other

40.Mr. Li is kind ________ us. But sometimes he is kind ____________ serious(严肃). To, of

41.__________ he is very lazy, __________he sleeps in the day. (填上合适的关联词)./,


42.Please remember __________(关) the lights when you leave the classroom. To close

43.One of my _______________(同学) comes from Africa. classmates

44.Let him ____________(go) to the park with me. go

45.They _________ ________(砍掉)the forest to make room for the new road. Cut down

46.Pandas are usually very heavy, but they can climb trees like __________(其他) animals. other

47.Let’s see tigers first.( 同义句) ________ ________ seeing tigers first? How about

48.Her favorite _____________(动物) are monkeys(猴子). animals

49.Is Mike often late for class? ( 同义句) ---_______ Mike often ___________ late for class?

Does, arrive

50.You can borrow books from the library, but you can’t lend them to ______________(其他人).


51.If the library books are ________(丢了), you have to pay for them. lost

52.We can’t __________(听) music in the classroom. Listen to

53.Please keep the door_____________(开着)/ ___________(关着) open, closed

54.________I take e some photos in the hall?---No, you __________. Can/May, can’t

55.Our teacher is strict _________ us __________everything. With, in

56.She is not eating _________(桔子). She is drinking _________(橙汁). An orange, orange

57.It’s a fine day. There are many boys _________(游泳) in the river. Swimming

58.She is in Canada ______ vacation now. on

59._______ fine weather! Let’s go out for a walk.What

60.There are many people in the park. Some are walking along the lake. ________ are sitting on

the grass. Others

61.In Harbin, there ________(有很多) snow every year. is much

62.It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to ______(持续) long. Stay/last

63.In fact, there ______(可以有) as much sunshine in spring as in summer. Can be

64.Autumn is a beautiful season with trees in the woods and parks ______( change) colors.


65.The difference in temperature _____ winter and summer is not so great in Britain. Between

66.It often _________(下雪) in this city in winter. snows

67.He is now studying in the US, so he ________(想念) his family very much. misses

68.One of my favorite c________ is France. countries

69.Li Lei gets an E-mail f_________ Jack Wilson. from

70.On s_______ days, I like to go out to relax ________( me ). Sunny, myself

71.My parents are from France. They speak ________.There are many Chinese people in Toronto.

I want to learn Chinese, but I don’t have _____ Chinese textbooks. Could you help me?

Best__________(祝愿)! French, any, wishes

72.现在是周六上午10点。____________________. It is 10 o’ clock on Saturday morning.

73.I know the rain can _______(使得) fruit and vegetables grow. Make

74.It’s _______________(rain) now. raining

75.In England, cars all run on the left side. They are different from that _____ China. in

76.It is very impolite to ask ______much money someone gets from work and how old she is.


77.___________ ______________ ________________! 天气真好!

78.There ___________ _________ snow in Moscow every year. is much

79.There are many people here. Some are taking photos, and ____________ are talking happily.


80.Some people are sitting on the beach. One girl is drawing a picture. ________(另一个) girl is

taking photos. Another

81.I have a good time ______________(talk) with some old friend. talking

82.The weather gets ____________(warm) day by day. warmer

83.We _________ _________ __________ playing soccer on the playground. 我们在操场上正

开心的踢球。Are having fun

84.Can you take me to Tahiti __________ ___________ ___________(度假)on a vacation

85.The weather today __________ ___________ ___________(正适合) walking. Is right for

86.并非所有学生都努力学习。Not all the students ___________ _________. = _______ the

students _________ __________ __________. Work hard, All, don’t work hard

87.Italy is a __________ ___________ ___________. (欧洲的国家) country in Europe

88.We can use email to send ______________(信息). message

89.We want two _______________(music) for our rock band. Musicians

90.Can I ___________(be) in your soccer team? Be

91.Two _______________(钢琴) are in the classroom. pianos

92.Please show ____________(我) your new bike. me

93.Mary needs __________(get) 他哦schoolbefore7:30 from Monday to Friday. To get

94.Our school wants two good teachers __________ the School Art Festival. For

95.Many people _____________(说) we look the same. Say

96.We always wear the same clothes. His are blue and ___________ are pink. Mine

97.I am ___________ _____________ all my subjects. Good at

98.I often help him ____________ his study. With

99.We can’t _____________(说话) in class. talk

100.Our store is in the ____________(中心) of the city. center

101.Robert says his father ______________(swim) very well. swims

102.You _______ _________ _______(可以参加)our school trip. Can be in

103.I often do homework a________ seven thirty. At

104.The little girl can get _________________(dress) by herself. dressed

105.My parents are a_________ busy. They have no time to take me to the park. always

106.People can’t find good ___________(job) in the town. jobs

107.D on’t eat ________________(太多) in the evening. It’s unhealthy. Too much

108.I always do my homework _____________(one) first. first

109.Many people lost their _______________(life) in the earthquake(地震). lives

110.Thanks for ______________ (help) me. helping

111.He _________ _________( 回家) at 6:00 in the afternoon. goes home

112.He ___________ __________( 不做) his homework on Sundays.Doesn’t do

113.Mike often exercises __________ half an hour in the morning. for

114.Now she is _______ in the classroom ________in the library. (要么…要么…) either, or 115.Does May _________ __________ _________ (搭乘地铁)to go home? Take the subway 116.I’m __________here. I don’t know the way to a bank. new

117.He ___________(骑)his bike to school. rides

118.My home is five kilometers __________ _________(远离)the park. Away from

119.He usually goes to school __________his father’s car. in

120.Our teacher is l______________ a mother to us. like

121._________ do you ________ ________ the trip in your city? (你怎么认为) What, think of 122.How do you_______________ ______________?(到那里) get there

123.Buses are a popular________________ of transportation(运输方式). means

124.It takes us half an hour _____________(walk) there. To walk

125.He ________________(到达) at the airport late. arrives

126.It’s my___________(one) day at school. Van you tell me the school rules? first

127.Students should have lunch in the dining hall. (划线提问)___________________________ 128.It is i_________________ for us to follow the school rules. Important

129.You should brush your teeth ____________ ____________ to bed.(睡觉之前) before going 130.If you want to speak English well, please ___________ ____________(练习说) it often.

Practice speaking

131.Don’t be______________(noise). The baby is sleeping. noisy

132.You are a boy student. You can’t k_________________ your hair long. keep

133.He has a lot of things _____ _______(要去做)every day. He _______ ________ __________(从未有乐趣). To do, never has fun



以My School Life 为题,根据以下信息及你的实际情况写一篇短文介绍你的学校生活。

1. 每天上七节课


3. 上学的交通工具

4. 最喜欢的科目及原因

5. 放学后的活动



My School Life

My school life is very interesting. I like it very much. I have seven classes on school days. Every morning, I go to school at 7:00 o’clock by bike. My favorite subject is English because it’s very interesting. I usually play soccer with my classmates after class. There are many rules in my class. For example, we can’t eat in class. I think we have to follow all the rules. I love my school. 2011学年






My name is Wang Lin. I’m 12 years old. I like playing basketball and running. I can speak Chinese and English. My father is a doctor. He likes reading newspapers and magazines. My mother is a te acher. She likes watching TV. It’s raining now. I am doing homework. My father is cooking and my mother is listening to music.



Name: Mary

Appearance(外貌): 个头中等, 长发

Favorite subject: 数学

Personality(性格): 友好

Hobbies(爱好): 唱歌和阅读

Favorite animals: 熊猫

Dream job(理想的工作): 成为一名记者

Reason(理由): 可以跟不同的人交谈

We have a new classmate. Her name is Mary. She is of medium height and she has long hair. She is very beautiful and she is very friendly to us. Her favorite subject is math. And she likes pandas best. She likes singing and reading very much. She wants to be a reporter because she likes to talk to different people. We are good friends.




2.春天(spring)来了,天气晴朗。很多人在这里度假,有的在拍照,有的在唱歌和跳舞,还有的在放风筝(fly kites)。他们看上去很酷。看,我正躺在海滩上(lie on the beach)!3.这是一个非常有趣的地方,人们都很惬意(relaxed)。

My name is Jane, and I live in Paris. It’s a beautiful city. Spring is coming, and it’s sunny here, so there are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos, some are singing and dancing and others are flying kites. They look cool!Look! I am lying on the beach. This is a very interesting place. The people are very relaxed. (64个字)








Her name is Jane. She is eighteen years old. She’s an eighteen-year-old girl. She is good at playing the violin. She likes singing very much. Her favorite animals are pandas.

She lives in Xiamen. It is in the south of China and it’s a warm city. It’s sunny in spring, but sometimes it rains.

It is 10 o’clock in the morning now. There are many people on vacation at the seaside every day. Some are taking photos, and others are flying kites. They look cool! Look! Her brother is playing volleyball with his classmates on the beach. He likes (doing) sports very much/a lot. And he wishes/wants to be a P.E. teacher. Her mother is shopping in the supermarket now. Their home is not far away from the supermarket. Her father is busy every day. He is doing the dishes now. Her sister is living in America, and she misses her family a lot.

She is having an English class at school now. It is 8 kilometers from her home to school. She takes the subway to school every day. Classes start at 7:20 am. They can’t arrive late for school. They can’t listen to music or eat in class, either. After class, they can’t run in the hallways.

Xiamen is an interesting city. People are very happy and relaxed.
