

A serial out shift register 串行输出移位寄存器

a serial-in shift register 串行输入移位寄存器


Analog to digital converter数模转换器

application specific integrated circuit(ASIC)专业集点电路automatic Frequency control(AFC)自动频率控制器

bipolar-junction transistor(BJT)双极性晶体管



Clock pulse 时钟脉冲

Closed-loop gain 闭环增益

DC transducer amplifier 直流传感放大器





error rate误码率



field-effect transistor(FET)场效应晶体管

Field-programmable gate arrays(FPGA)现场可编写门阵列


Gate-level netlist门极网表



hardware description language(HDL)计算机硬件描述语言Hybrid TDMA混合时分复用




ISI(Inter-symbol interference)码间干扰

JK flip-flops JK触发器



lossless data compression无损数据压缩

lossy data compression有损数据压缩


mental-oxide semiconductor(MOS)金属氧化物半导体


noisy-channel coding theorem噪信道编码理论





Operational amplifiers 运算放大器


pass-band 通带

PDM 脉冲宽度调制

Per bit/sec每秒比特数

Phase lock loop(PLL)锁相环

rate-distortion theory率失真理论

RF communication射频通信

ripple counters 波纹计数器

RS 触发器

RTL(register transfer level)寄存转换极



sign-to-noise ratio 信噪比

source-channel separation theorems信源分离理论


T flip-flops T触发器

throughput 吞吐量

time-division multiplexing时分多路



Uncommitted logic array(ULA)同化逻辑阵列


voltage-controlled oscillator(VCO)压控振荡器


A wire carrying a current looks exactly the same and weighs exactly the same as it does when it is not carrying a current. 一根带电的导线其外表与重量都与不带电导线完全一样。

A fiber may either be single-mode or multimode, dictated by the specific design and the wavelength of the light propagating in the fiber.


An interleaver in essence scrambles the time order of the bits according to an algorithm known by the receiver.交织器实质上根据接收端已知的某种算法打乱比特位的时间顺序。

A channel is a division in a transmission medium so that it can be used to send multiple streams of information.信道在传输媒介中分隔区域,以用于使传输媒介传送多个信息流。

As wavelengths decrease to approach the size of circuit components, circuit elements are no longer lumped, and leads can act as reflective components and/or antennas and lumped elements as electromagnetic resonators.


A filter may also be described as a difference equation, a collection of zeroes and poles or, if it is an FIR filter, an impulse response or step response.7


Communication is the transmission of information from one point to another. This transmission requires the ability to vary signals with time in a manner which is unpredictable to the receiver. 通信就是信息从一点传送到另一点。这种传送要求信号随时间发生的变化不能在接收端预测

The reverse link is not orthogonal, resulting in significant inter-user interference. For this reason the reverse channel sets the capacity of the system.反向连接是非正交的,导致用户间的严重干扰。由于这一原因,反向信道限制了系统的容量。

The output of one flip-flop is the input to the next; the state changes consequently “ripple through”the flip-flops, requiring a time proportional to the length of the counter.一个触发器输出是下一个的输入,因而状态变化以波动形式通过各触发器,所需时间与计数器长度成正比。

The task of a phaselock receiver is to reproduce the original signal while removing as much of the noise as possible锁相接收机的作用是重建原信号而尽可能地去除噪声。

The input data to be transmitted is buffered over the previous frame and burst transmitted at a higher rate during the time slot for the channel.待发送的输入数据在前一帧期间被缓存,在分配给该信道的时隙中以较高速率爆发式发送出去

The main function of the receiver is to extract the input message signal from the degraded version of the transmitted signal coming from the channel.接收器的主要功能是从由信道传输来的退化了的信号中提取出输入消息

Since the very beginning,communications systems have consisted of three major parts, namely, the equipment, the medium, and the protocol. It is still the case today. However, the close link of telecommunications with the computer technology has brought about tremendous changes in communications, from the concepts, to thecontents and the methods. 从一开始通信系统就由设备、媒介和协议三个要素组成。至今依然如此。然而电信与计算机技术的紧密联系使得通信从概念到内容和手段都发生了重大的变化

The process gain of a system indicates the gain or signal to noise improvement exhibited by a spread spectrum system by the nature of the spreading and despreading process.系统处理增益是指扩频系统通过扩频和反扩频的性质所表现出来的增益或信噪比的提高

The idea is that, if the center cell uses a frequency f1 for communication, the six neighboring cells cannot utilize this frequency but the cells beyond the immediate neighbors may.频率重用概念是:如果位于中央的蜂窝


The concept of availability means that the information, the computing systems used to process the information, and the security controls used to protect the information are all available and functioning correctly when the information is needed.


The swithing of the MCU is commonly achieved by voice activation so that the site where the audio is active is transmitting to all receiving sites.

MCU 的切换通常是用语音驱动,这样有语音出现的的节点就向所有接收点发送信息。

e. The objective is to be able to design a circuit from the basis of the published data, and know that it will function as predicted when the prototype is constructed.能按公布的数据设计电路,并确认构建的样机具有预计的功能

When the loop is locked, the control voltage is such that the frequency of the VCO is exactly equal to the average frequency of the input signal 当锁相环处于锁定状态时,控制电压使压控振荡器的频率正好等于输入信号频率的平均值。

Roughly speaking, the transistor can be likened to an electronically controlled valve whereby energy applied to one connection of the valve enables energy to flow between two other connections.粗略地说,晶体管好似一种电子控制阀,由此加在阀一端的能量可以使能量在另外两个连接端之间流动

Gate array design is a manufacturing method in which the diffused layers, i.e. transistors and other active devices, are predefined and wafers containing such devices are held in stock prior to metallization, in other words, unconnected. 门阵列设计是一种制造方法,事先定义好扩散层(晶体管和其它有源器件),包含这些器件的晶片在金属化之前被库存,就是说先不进行联接。

Synchronous transmission uses no start and stop bits but instead synchronizes transmission speeds at both the receiving and sending end of the transmission using clock signals built into each component.同步传输不使用起始和结束位,而是用插入各数据单元中的时钟信号使接收端和发送端传输速度同步。

If one were to transmit such information without impressing it on an optical carrier but instead on a radio frequency (RF) carrier a bit higher than the maximum rate, the transmission wavelength of the RF carrier would be centimeters or larger.



Linear filters satisfy the superposition condition, i.e., if an input is a weighted linear combination of different signals, the output is an equally weighted linear

combination of the corresponding output signals.


While the subject of coding often carries with it an air of secrecy, a more important motive in many coding systems is the improved efficiency in conveying information. 如果说编码这一主题常带有一种秘密的色彩,那么许多编码系统的一个更重要的目的则是为了提高信息传递的效率。

To keep your computer in the best of health it only makes sense to have anti-virus sofeware running and to keep it UPDATED!


In recent years,there has been a tremendous increase in the use of digital computers and special-purpose digital circuitry for performing varied signal processing functions that were originally achieved with analog equipment. 近年来为实现各种信号处理功能,数字计算机和专用数字电路的使用有了巨大的增长,这些处理功能原先都是用模拟设备实现的。

It is all too easy with linear circuits, which appear relatively simple when compared with today’s complex logic arrangements, to ignore detailed performance parameters which can drastically reduce the expected performance.(D)

A.which has bad influence upon the system performance

B.B. which is important to ensure circuit linearity

C.which is possible to enhance the system performance

D. which is crucial for maintaining the desired performance

Therefore there will be a slight time delay, due to the propagation delay of the flip-flops between the time one flip-flop changes state and the time the next one changes state, i.e., the change of state ripples through the counter, and these counters are therefore called ripple counters.(A)

A.the state change is propagated through the counter like ripples

B.the state changes cause ripples in the counter

C.passing through the counter, the state ripple changes

D.the state of the counter changes due to ripples

Instead of triggering on each pulse, a phase lock technique examines the relative phase between each oscillator and many of its sync pulses and adjusts oscillator frequency so that the average phase discrepancy is small. (B)

A.checks each oscillator for many sync pulses

B.checks the phase relationship between individual oscillators and a

collection of sync pulses

C.looks at the relations between the phase and the sync pulses

D.examines whether the phase is relative to the oscillator

A second major step would be to develop design specifications that consider the functionality of the human with the same degree of care that has been given to the rest of the system.(D)

A.develop design procedures to account for the human behavior and


B.promote design arrangements and take the human factors into


C.make used of design steps that respect the human functionality

D.draft and effect design requirements that take into

Click mouse on the waveform and drag it to change the pulse repetition rate or directly enter a new value of the period in the provided dialogue box, keeping the pulse width unchanged.(A)

A.simply type a new period value in the given dialogue box

B.direct an entry for the new period value to the dialogue box

C.point a straightforward new period value to the dialogue box provided

D.enter a direction of a new period value to provide a dialogue box For a decade there has been a search for a programmable

processor which, given the cost and volume constraints, is general enough to be programmed with different algorithms. (D)

A.with controlled measures of price and magnitude

B. given the condition of risk and number

C. given the constants of charge and weight

D. given the limits of price and size

Synchronous transmission uses no start and stop bits but instead synchronizes transmission speeds at both the receiving and sending end of the transmission using clock signals built into each component(B).

https://www.360docs.net/doc/e01190629.html,ing synchronization signals to build each component

https://www.360docs.net/doc/e01190629.html,ing timing pulses that are incorporated in each component

https://www.360docs.net/doc/e01190629.html,ing timing signals in order to build each component

https://www.360docs.net/doc/e01190629.html,ing clocks that can build signal components

Information theory, however,does not involve message importance or meaning, as these are matters of the quality of data rather than the quantity of data, the latter of which is determined solely by probabilities.(D)

A.which is the later one of the determined probabilities

B.the later one being probably deterministic

C.in which the later one is deterministic rather than probabilistic

D.the data quantity being determined by probabilities only Consequently, electronic equipment is constantly subjected to unwanted sources of energy and is constantly producing energy that adjacent equipment is not designed to accept.(A)

A.continually making unaccepted interference to adjacent equipment

B.continuously causing neighboring equipment not to accept expected


C.constantly producing energy that is acceptable only to neighboring


D.ceaselessly generating energy that is considered acceptable in the

design of adjacent equipment

The process gain of a system indicates the gain or signal to noise improvement exhibited by a spread spectrum system by the nature of the spreading and despreading process. (C)

A.by virtue of the spreading/dispreading process

B.by processing the spreading/despreading naturally

C. according to the spreading/despreading characteristics

https://www.360docs.net/doc/e01190629.html,ing the natural spreading/dispreading process

For example, when a part of the channel bandwidth is faded, frequency interleaving ensures that the bit errors that would result from those subcarriers in the faded part of the bandwidth are spread out in the bit-stream rather than being concentrated.(A)

A.that would be produced in those subcarriers suffering from frequency

selective fading

B.that would cause some subcarriers being faded in some part of the


C.that would came from the fading subcarriers falling in part of the


D.that would result in those faded subcarrier of the part of the


Early we introduced the concept that the identity of an amplitude modulated message signal may under certain circumstances be communicated by transmitting regular samples of the message, rather than the continuous signal.(A)

A.values of the message signal taken at regular intervals

B.formally obtained message samples

C.samples of the message produced in a specific manner

D.samples of the regularly obtained message

Wireless servic es have been growing at a rate greater than 50% per year, with the current second-generation European digital systems (GSM) being expected to be filled to capacity by the early 2000s.(A)

A.going to become saturated by the early 2000s

B.going to fill the gap by the early 2000s

C.presumably being expanded to the capacity by the early 2000s

D.expectedly being exceeding the filled capacity by the early 2000s We shall use this parameter as a measure of degradationduring the evaluation of different quantization systems later in this chapter.

A.an action of processing

B.a degree of enhancement

C.an amount of impairment

D.an effect of interference

The development of optical fiber over the last twenty years has resulted in the production of optical fiber cables that exhibit very low attenuation and transmission loss in comparison with the best copper conductors. (A)

A cause very small reduction in the power of signals traveling over them B. make very severe enhancement resulting in loss of transmission

C. show very weak coupling and infrequent transmission failure

D. attract very little attention so as to cause transmission degradation

Both intermodal and intramodel dispersions arise as a result of (a) waveguide effects and (b) material effects; the latter due to the finite bandwidth of the source and the fact that at different wavelengths the refractive indices are different.

A.the later is caused by the fine bandwidth of the source

B. the latter effects being confined to the finite bandwidth

of the source

C. the material effects being a result of the restricted source bandwidth

D. both effects being the cause of the limited source bandwidth

Linear filters satisfy the superposition condition, i.e., if an input is a weighted linear combination of different signals, the output is an equally weighted linear combination of the corresponding output signals. (A)

A. an input is the sum of different signals, each being multiplied by a different weight

B. an input is weighted and linearly combined with different signals

C. an input is linearly weighted by combining different signals

D. an input is linear with a weight to combine different signals

It also means that data stored in one part of a database system is in agreement with other related data stored inanother part of the database system (or another system).


A.equal to other data that is related to the database system

B. similar to other data in relation to another section of the database system

C. consistent with related data stored in a different part of the database

D. identical to other related data else where in the database system

5. Are they better able to do logical reasoning than people, but less intuitive to do the everyday task? (A)

A. inference

B. reason finding

C. proving

D. recognizing logically

In addition, businesses are relying on increasingly powerful servers to handle transaction and database processing and to support massive client/server networks that have replaced the huge mainframe computer centersof yesteryear. (A)

A. to deal with business operations and database processing

B. to treat and process database transmission

C. to manipulate interaction of database operations

D. to carry out interchange of data in the database

Support of premises-wide data communications requires a networking service that is capable of spanning the distances involved and that interconnects equipment in a single (perhaps large) building or a cluster of buildings. (D)

A.that can cross long distances of involvement

B. that involves distance capable of covering the service cost

C. that is able to support the distant involvement

D. that can cover the necessary distances for the service

Multimedia has been around for years, of course, through movies and television, but the word multimedia refers almost exclusively to computer technology. (D)

A.the word multimedia can only be used together with computer technology

B. the term multimedia indicates that it is almost used by computers

C. multimedia is a word of reference in the computer world that is almost exclusive

D. the word multimedia is meant to be related to computer technology with few exceptions

Most people would agree that the advent of multimedia on the Internet is a change for the better, although longtime users may contend that the Internet’s newfound ease of use(B)

is making cyberspace a wee bit crowded for their tastes.

A.the better use of the Internet changes everything

B. the introduction of the Internet is a good development

C. the invention of the Internet makes live better

D. the development of the Internet is changing rapidly

As DoD urgently wanted military command and control networks that could survive a nuclear war, ARPA wascharged with inventing a technology that could get data to its destination reliably even if arbitrary parts of the network disappeared without warning as a result of a nuclear attack. (B)

A.obtain data for its design

B. deliver data to the intended location

C. get data to fulfill its task

D. produce data to meet the demand
