



2. A

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. D




④低碳, 让生活更美好;享受低碳生活,不再被OUT;低碳生活,从我做起;清爽地球靠大家, 低碳走进你我他;温室效应我不要, 低碳生活我拥抱;节省水电讲环保低碳生活我来造;少坐汽车多行走, 低碳健康我拥有;低碳走进千万家,节能环保我参加;低碳让地球解脱苦难。



















1-5 CABCA 6-10 CBAAC 11-15 BABCB 16.written 17.grew 18.happiness 19.film 20.2005

单项选择21-25 DCBBC 26-30 DBABA 31-35 DCBAC

完形填空36-45 ABABBBDACB

阅读理解46-50 DABCD 51-55 CBBCC 56 -60 DBDBA

词汇应用61.western 62.magicion 63.the deepest 64.hasn’t read 65.older https://www.360docs.net/doc/e51269418.html,ughing 67.beauty 68.written 69.importance 70.excitement

句型转换higer than any other mountain has n’t finished , yet

Went , in Succeeded in studying As soon as

情景对话76-80 ADBEC 书目表达(略)


一、选择题1—6 CDBABC 7—12 ABBCDD


13、③⑤14、物体排开液体的体积 1.2N 2.5×10315、3×10316、66.7﹪ 17、10




22、物体排开液体的体积④⑤ 2.4N 竖直向上



24、(1)F=2.4×105 N P=0.6×105 Pa

(2) 2.4×105 N 24m3

25、(1)600N (2)1.4×105 Pa (3)1.2×104J 50﹪


一、选择题1—10 C C A D B A D A B D

二、填空题11. 2015 12. 20°13. 4cm 14. 515.



16. 6


17. 2

218. 证△AEB?△CFD 得EB=FD,又BC=DA,BC=BF DA=DE 有DE=BF即四边形BEDF是平行四边形19. (1)Y=18x+2 图象略(2)3620cm220. (1)略(2)5 21. (1)2.5 (2)52a(3)图略5mn

22. (1) 2 3(2) 23(3)x=2 23. (1)Y= 22




-+(2)400≤x≤800 24.(1)y=x (2)PM=PN PM⊥PN (3)成立



1. In the afternoon we went home happily at five though we were very tired.

2.We see a woman with some beautiful flowers in the forest by herself?

3. Every evening he does his homework and goes to bed very late.

4.The teacher asked the girl not to be late next week.

5.The girl bought some flowers to give Miss Wang for Teaches’ Day.


6.Oh,sorry .I’ve broken the coffee cup you put here.

7.It’s very cold in this meeting room , tom.

8.My brother and I are going to Canada next week for a holiday.

9.You’ve helped me a lot,David.Thank you very much.

10.May I have a look at your new sports shoes?



M:Hello .I need a tourist guidebook. How much are they?

W:It’s free. There’s a map inside.

M: Oh.Thank you . I will stay here for three days. What are the best places to go? W:There are a lot of places you can go. You can visit the aquarium. There are dolphin and sea lion show there.They are wonderful.

M:An aquarium ? My wife and son will love it. Where else can I do? W:The Great Wall. The guidebook tells you more.

M:Ok. By the way ,do you know a nice hotel around here?

W:Yes.Go straight down this road and turn right.

M:Go straight ,and turn right . Is it far?

W:No,it’s about a three-minute walk.

M:Thanks a lot.

W:You’re welcome.


Oliver Twist is written by British writer Dickens,It was published in 1838.It is a great novel.

It takes the fog of London as the background. It tells the life experience of a boy named Oliver. Oliver grew up in an orphanage(孤儿院). Life was hard for him and he met many difficulties. But finally ,with the help of good people ,he got his happiness .The book has been adapted for film,television and theater. The famous director Roman Polanski adapted the book for a movie in 2005.


听力训练题(三)录音稿 Ⅰ.情景反应根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答语。每小题读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. Nice to meet you, boys and girls. 2. How about going out for dinner this evening? 3. Let me help you take the bags. 4. I’m going to Hong Kong this summer holiday. 5. Thank you for showing me your family photos. Ⅱ.对话理解根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。每小题读两遍。(共10分,每小题1分) 6. W: Good morning. M: Good morning. W: I've come over to say "hello". My family has just moved into the house next door. M: Great! Nice to meet you, Miss... W: Call me Helen. Qusetion:Why does Helen come to the man's house? 7.M: Well, that was a wonderful meal! W: Lovely, I enjoy eating out. Waiter, come here please. Question:Where are they talking? 8.W: What are you doing, Daniel? M: I'm reading this novel. It's really exciting. I can hardly put it down! W: Shame on you, it's written for children. M: But adults like me enjoy it too. Question:Which is true about Daniel? 9.W: Oh, Peter, what a surprise! You use chopsticks so well! M: People here in China always ask me if I can use chopsticks. It's not hard. In fact I could use them before I came to China. We have a few Chinese restaurants in the UK, you know. They are really very popular. Question:When did Peter learn to use chopsticks(筷子)? 10.W: Tom, you look funny today! Ah, your shirt. Where did you get this ugly shirt? M: Well, it was a present from my grandma. She said it was the most beautiful shirt in the world. What could I say? W: Why didn't you wear your own T-shirt? M: That's the thing. I don't want to hurt her feelings so I just said I loved it. And she insisted on making me wear it the whole day! Question:What is Tom like?


襄城区2020年中考适应性考试 英语试题 (附:听测试录音稿) 一、听力部分 第一节 下面你将听到5段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只播一遍。 1.W: It’s cloudy today, isn’t it? M: Yes. I don’t like the weather. I hope it will be fine. W: The radio says it will be sunny tomorrow. M: That’s great. Question: What’s the weather like tomorrow? 2.M: You look healthy. Do you often exercise? W: Yes, I swim in the river every morning. M: You do a good example for me. W: Thank you. You can join us if you like swimming. Question: What does the woman do every morning? 3.M: It's a fine day, isn't it? W: Yes, a nice day to go in the open air. M: How about going boating in the park, Mary? W: Sounds good. Boating is my favourite. Question: 4.What will they probably do in the park? W: Tom, why do you like talent shows and talk shows so much? M: Because they are really exciting. W: What about your brother? M: Well, he likes sports shows very much. Question: What kind of program does Tom’s brother like? 5.M: It's very cold in winter, isn't it? W: Yes. I don't like this season. What’s your favourite? M: Spring. What about you? W: Summer. Because I can swim in this season. Question: What season does the girl like? 第二节 下面你将听到6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听每段对话或独白前,你有10秒钟的时间阅读相关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。对话或独白播两遍。


人教版八年级(下册)英语学科试题及答案 英语试卷 本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分。卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题。本试卷总分120分,考试时间120分钟。 卷I(选择题,共80分) 听力部分(第一节) I.听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。 (共4分,每小题1分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4.

A. B. C. II.根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听两遍。(共6分,每小题1分) 5. A. Boring. B. Fantastic. C. Tiring. 6. A. About 10 meters. B. About 20 kilometers. C. About 10 kilometers. 7. A. At home. B. In the supermarket. C. In the library. 8. A. Because he did too much homework. B. Because he watched a soccer game until late. C. Because he caught a bad cold. 9. A. Mr. Green’s daughter . B. Mrs. Green. C. Mr. Green’s father. 10. A. Sunday. B. Wednesday. C. Monday III.听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共6分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第11至第12小题。 11. What does Joe want to be? A. An astronaut B. An engineer. C. A scientist. 12. Where will he live? A. On the moon. B. On a planet. C. On a space station. 听第二段材料,回答第13和14小题。 13. What is Henry’s father? A. A zookeeper. B. An animal doctor. C. A cleaner in the zoo. 14. How many foxes does Henry’s father look after? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 听第三段材料,回答第15和16小题。 15. What happened to the man last Sunday? A. He hurt his head in an accident. B. He was caught in the rain. C. He walked into the tree and was hurt badly. 16. What should the man do? A. Go to work as usual. B. Have a rest and drink more water. C. Take some hot food. IV.根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。听两遍。 17. Sun Xi is a ____________ boy. A. lazy B. helpful C. shy 18. Sun Xi always thinks about how to ___________ in his free time. A. help his parents B. improve his Chinese C. make money 19. It took the boy ____________ to find a plan that worked. A. five years B. five weeks C. five months 20. From the passage, we know Sun Xi ___________________. A. won’t help the poor children any more B. will go on helping the poor children C. will ask more people to help those poor children 笔试部分


襄城区2018年中考适应性考试 英语试题 (附:听测试录音稿) 一、听力部分 第一节 下面你将听到5段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只播一遍。 1.W: It’s cloudy today, isn’t it? M: Yes. I don’t like the weather. I hope it will be fine. W: The radio says it will be sunny tomorrow. M: That’s great. Question: What’s the weather like tomorrow? 2.M: You look healthy. Do you often exercise? W: Yes, I swim in the river every morning. M: You do a good example for me. W: Thank you. You can join us if you like swimming. Question: What does the woman do every morning? 3.M: It's a fine day, isn't it? W: Yes, a nice day to go in the open air. M: How about going boating in the park, Mary? W: Sounds good. Boating is my favourite. Question: 4.What will they probably do in the park? W: Tom, why do you like talent shows and talk shows so much? M: Because they are really exciting. W: What about your brother? M: Well, he likes sports shows very much. Question: What kind of program does Tom’s brother like? 5.M: It's very cold in winter, isn't it? W: Yes. I don't like this season. What’s your favourite? M: Spring. What about you? W: Summer. Because I can swim in this season. Question: What season does the girl like? 第二节 下面你将听到6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听每段对话或独白前,你有10秒钟的时间阅读相关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。对话或独白播两遍。


三年级英语听力录音稿 2013.6 A) 听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题读两遍) 1. a boy 2. a bird 3. six 4. four oranges 5. eight o’clock 6. my uncle 7. The T-shirt is under the chair. 8. Don’t sleep in class. 9. They’re dogs. 10. I have breakfast at seven. B)听录音,根据所听内容顺序,给下列图片标序号。(每小题读两遍) 1. M: Happy birthday! How old are you? W: Look at the cake. I’m eight. 2. W: This toy car is for you. M: Thank you. 3. W: Liu Tao, dinner is ready. M: Oh, how nice! Thank you, mum. 4. W: Wake up, Mike. M: OK, mum. 5. W: It’s four o’clock. Time for home. M: OK. Goodbye, Miss Li. 6. M: Look, this is my farm. Welcome. 7. M: It’s nine o’clock in the evening. Time for bed. 8. M: What are those on the tree? W: They’re pears. 9. M: Welcome to my classroom. Come in, please. 10. M: Are you twins? W: Yes, we are. C) 听录音,找出所听句子的正确中文意思。(每小题读两遍) 1. What a lovely bird! 2. I want a beautiful skirt. 3. Mary, you’re out. 4. Don’t be late again. 5. It’s time for the birthday cake. 6. We’re twin sisters. D) 听录音,判断录音内容是否与图意相符,相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”。(每小题读两遍) 1. W: How old are you? M: I’m eleven. 2. M1: Make a wish, Tim. M2: OK. I want a ball.


初二期末考试英语听力原文 Ⅰ听力技能(三部分,共20题,计20分) 第一节根据所听到的内容,选择相应的图画。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后你将有5秒钟的作答时间。(共5小题,计5分) 1..Last Sunday we went to the zoo and watched a dolphin show 2. I’m flying to Beijing next month. 3. She often helps his mother clean the room. 4. I need some bananas to make juice. 5. I took a class last weekend. I was tired. 听一段对话,完成第6小题。 6.W:What do you usually have for dinner? M:We usually have rice and vegetables.Sometimes we have some beef.But I don’t like it.I like fish best. 听一段对话,完成第7小题。 7.W:What a beautiful card!Is it for your classmate? M:No,it’s for my mother.Tomorrow is Mother’s Day! 听一段对话,完成第8小题。 8.W:Let’s go swimming,shall we? M:Why not go for a picnic?It's more interesting. W:Good idea. 听一段对话,完成第9小题。 9.W:Hurry up,Jack.The football match is going to begin soon. M:Take your time.It’s half past one.We have got another fifteen minutes. 听一段对话,完成第10小题。 10W: Excuse me. How much is the dress? M: It’s 35 dollars. W: OK. I’ll take two. 听一段对话,完成第11至第12小题。 W: Did you go to the zoo? M: No, I went to the aquarium. W: Were there any sharks? M: No, there weren’t any sharks. But there were some really clever seals. I hung out with my friends in it. We were relaxed. 听一段对话,完成第13至第15小题。 M: Hello? W: Hi, Robert. It’s Susan. I’ve got your message. M: Thanks for calling me back. W: So, what’s up? M: Well, would you like to go to the EastPark tomorrow morning? W: Tomorrow morning? I’m afraid I can’t. I’ll have to stay at home and study. M: Oh, It’s a pity. How about Sunday morning? W: Sure. I’d love to. How shall we get there, by bike or by bus? M: What about taking a bus. W: That’s Ok. 第三节笔录要点。根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。(共5小题,计 5分)


英语试卷答案及评分参考 英语试卷参考答案 听力理解 一、听对话选图。 1. A 2. B 3.C 4. B 二、听对话或独白选择答案。 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C 11. B 12.A 13. B 14. A 15. A 16.C 三、听对话记录关键信息。 17. May 18. Friday 19. 60/sixty 20. John Smith 21. Park Street 知识运用 四、单项填空 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. A 28.C 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. C 五、完形填空 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. B 41. D 42. A 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. D 阅读理解 六、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。 47.C 48. C 49. D 50. B 51. D 52. C 53. B 54. A 55. B 56. A 57. D 58. A 59. B 七、阅读短文,还原句子。 60. B 61. E 62. D 63. A 八、阅读短文,回答问题。 64、Yes, it is. 65、A small group of computers put together. 66、A big electronic book with millions of pages. 67、Because it’s much quicker and cheaper. 68、What the Internet is and what we can do on the Internet. 书面表达 九、完成句子 69. Why not 70. It’s time to 71. was late for 72. You’d better be strict with yourself 73. so heavily/hard that the plane didn’t take off until it cleared up/became clear/sunny. 十、文段表达 One possible version:


2006年高考试题——英语听力(湖北卷)录音稿 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标志在试卷的相庆位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15 B. £9.15 C. £9.18 答案是B。 What kind of person is the much? A.He is friendly. B.He is honest. C.He is funny. What was about the womans sister? A.She didn’t go to school. B.She had an accident. C.She was badly butl. What is the man doing at the airport? A.Answering a passengers question. B.Leaving for New York City. C.Waiting for his sister. What did the woman ask to man? A.whether he could let her use his office. B.Whether he had to work on the weekend. C.Whether he could help her wih her projed. Whar does the man mean? A.His brother is coming to celebrate his birrhday.


2019年高考广东听说考试真题A录音稿及答案 Part B Tapescript: W: Hi, Tom! Where have you been during the holiday? M: Oh, I spent fifteen days with my family back in my hometown. W: That must be very relaxing. You were in your comfort zone again. M: You are right. Staying with family and relatives is always quite comfortable, especially when you have a big family. W: Oh… So you’ve grown up in a big family? How many brothers and sisters do you have? M: I have three brothers and four sisters. 三问部分: Question 1: What was it like growing up in a big family?/ How did you like growing up in a big family?/ What was growing up in a big family like? Answer 1: I love having such a big family. There were many sweet memories about those years growing up with my brothers and sisters. We played games together and went to school together and it was our family tradition to give everybody a surprise on his or her birthday. But at times, it could be a little crowded as we all live together in a small house when we were young. Question 2: What was the most difficult part?/ What was the hardest part?/ What was the toughest part?/ What was the most difficult thing?/ What was the hardest thing?/ What was the toughest thing? Answer 2: I think it was that we didn’t have enough money to make sure that everybody ate well and dressed well. My elder brothers and sisters had a little tougher life than we did, because they had to work a lot to help with the family income. Question 3: Are younger children luckier than the elder children?/ Are younger children more fortunate than the elder children? Answer 3: Yes. I think for the most part, the younger ones are luckier, because they have more people to look up to and tell them right from wrong, which is a great help. As for the elder children, they have to help support the family and look after the younger ones. So usually, they have more responsibilities. 五答部分: Question 1: Where did Tom spend his holiday? Answer 1: In his hometown./ He spent his holiday in his hometown. Question 2: How many sisters does Tom have? Answer 2: Four./ Four sisters./ He has four sisters. Question 3:What was Tom’s family tradition? Answer 3: To give everybody a surprise on his or her birthday. Question 4:Why did Tom’s elder brothers and sisters have a tougher life? Answer 4: Because they had to work a lot to help with the family income. Question 5: What is the great help for younger children in a big family? Answer 5: They have more people to look up to and tell them right from wrong. Part C Tapescript: The Goose Thief Tom went to primary school in the countryside. Near his classroom, there was a small pond where two geese were raised. Students were all fond of them.


人教版八年级下册英语期末试卷及答案含听力卷I 听力部分(第一节) I:情景反应.(只听一遍,每小题1分,共5分) ( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A. B. C. II:对话理解.(共5个小题, 每小题1分,共5分) ( )6. What test will the boy have? A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese. ( )7.What team is Alice on? A. Basketball. B. Volleyball. C. Football. ( )8. What will the girl do on Sunday? A. She will have a violin lesson. B. She will visit her grandparents. C. She will have a piano lesson. ( )9. Did the girl watch TV last night? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don't know. ( )10. What does the girl do on Sunday afternoon? A. She practices speaking English.

C. She reads books. III:听下面一段长对话,完成11-15小题,念两遍.(共5个小题, 共10分) ( )11. What does the boy want to do? A. Have a party at his house. B. Have a party at school. C. Have an exhibition at school. ( )12. What does the boy have to do? A. Do his homework. B. Do the shopping. C. Do some chores. ( )13. Which room does the boy need to clean? A. The bedroom. B. The living room. C. The bathroom. ( )14. What is the boy's father doing? A. He is writing a report. B. He is writing a letter. C. He is writing a book. ( )15. What will the boy's mother buy for the party? A. Fruit and drinks. B. Drinks and vegetables. C. Drinks and snacks. VI. 选择填空 (20分) ( ) 16. — What’s matter? — I have stomachache. A. the; a B. /; a C. the; an D. a; the ( ) 17. The boy the hat is my best friend Bob. A. to B. at C. in D. from ( )18. We have no coffee. Would you like tea ? A. alone B. anyway C. neither D. instead ( )19.Sorry, I______my homework at home. A.forgot B.left C.missed D.lost ( )20.— Did you go swimming with your brother last Sunday? — Yes. We enjoyed . A. myself B. ourselves C. themselves D. himself ( ) 21. I am a new student here. All my classmates are friendly to me, so I don’t feel . A. deaf B. wrong C. lonely D. strong ( ) 22. I don’t think that you should with your parents. They love you. A. rest B. work C. argue D. agree ( ) 23. Jim didn’t allow me in the room. A. smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. to smoke ( ) 24.I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV. Would you please A. turn it up B. turn it down C. turn it on D. turn it off ( )25. Bob’s dream is to be a professional basketball player, and he never it . A. looks; up B. gives; up C. wakes; up D. cleans; up ( )26.Mary used to_____interested in music, but now she’s used to ____tennis.


北京市西城区高三英语试卷听力部分录音稿与标准答案 听力部分录音稿 第一节 (Text 1) M: Sorry. I have forgotten John's address. W: You forgot again! It's 1343 King Street. (Text 2) M: I need some stamps and some envelopes as well. W; Will you step right over to the second window, please? (Text 3) M: Your skirt is quite beautiful in colour, isn't it? W: Yes. I bought it at a sale for half price. It cost me $ 12. (Text 4) M: I hope I can see you at my birthday party. W: Oh, dear, I've almost forgotten. When is it? M: Well, the day after April Fools' Day. Easy to remember, isn't it? W: Yes, of course. (Text5) M: I hear you are going to drive to New York this weekend. W: Oh, I've changed my mind. M: What? W: I think flying will be more comfortable. 第二节 (Text 6) M: Excuse me, madam. I'm wondering if you could tell me the place where I can repair my shoes. W: There's one on the Fifth Street. M: Thank you, but how far is it to that store? W: Not very far and not difficult to find. Just keep walking and after two blocks you will see a supermarket on your left. The store is next to the supermarket. M: Oh, thank you very much. W: You're welcome. You won' t miss it, young man. (Text 7) M: What's the matter, Alice? W: Sorry, Mr Harrison. I missed my train. M: Why did you miss the train? W: Because I left home a little late. M: Did you get up late or something? W: No. My aunt called me at the last minute. M: Tell her not to call you in the morning. W: I will, Mr Harrison. I'm really sorry for being late. M: If you are late again, I can't let you pass for this class.


南京市2015届高三第三次模拟考试 英语听力部分 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。 第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 现在,你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容。 Text 1 W: Hey, if you can’t enjoy the music at a sensible volume, why not use earphones? I’m preparing for the speech contest. M: Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize I’ve been bothering you all this time. Text 2 M: I’m thinking about where to go for a bite tonight. Any suggestions, Barbara? W: Well, how about the French restaurant near the KFC? Frankly, I’ve had enough of our canteen food. Text 3 M: Finally, I’ve got the chance to put on my new suit tonight. I hope to make a good impression on your family. W: Come on! It’s only a family reunion. So jeans and T-shirts are just fine. Text 4 M: It’s freezing out there! W: Well, you’ve come to the right place. What can I get you today? M: Please give me the hottest drink you serve. W: Ok. One hot chocolate, coming right up. Text 5 M: Miss, can I interest you in a seafood special tonight? And it won’t start until nine. It’s only $25, half the usual price. W: Oh really? There is only fifteen minutes to go. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6 段材料,回答第6、7题。 W: Tim, did you get a look at the paper yet? M: Yeah, but I still can’t decide which movie to see. W: What? I thought you wanted to see that horror double feature at the Bayside? M: I did. But I called the theater and there aren’t any tickets left. How about seeing Quarantine! at the Golden? W: Not another summer blockbuster?! There’s got to be something else on. Let’s see The Devil’s Playground. I think it’s still on at the Capitol.
