Error Specification, Monitoring and Recovery in Computer Integrated Manufacturing An Analyt

Error Specification, Monitoring and Recovery in Computer Integrated Manufacturing An Analyt
Error Specification, Monitoring and Recovery in Computer Integrated Manufacturing An Analyt

Error Speci?cation,Monitoring and Recovery in Computer Integrated

Manufacturing:An Analytic Approach

A.I.Kokkinaki K.P.Valavanis

Communications Networks Research Group,Robotics and Automation Laboratory, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,The Center for Advanced Computer Studies, Science and Engineering Research Centre,A-CIM Center,

De Montfort University,University of Southwestern Louisiana,

Leicester,LE19BH Lafayette,LA70504


aik@, kimon@,


State transitions in Computer Integrated Manufac-turing Systems result either from the execution of the planned actions or from the occurrence of unpredictable events.One key requirement for task planning designed for CIM systems,is the ability to monitor events and respond to them appropriately.Related issues include the speci?ca-tion and classi?cation of possible system faults,errors and failures.This paper proposes an error speci?cation lan-guage,an error monitoring mechanism(EMM)and an er-ror recovery mechanism(ERM).Founded on a mathemati-cal framework,the error recovery mechanism uses the con-cept of severity to alter system characteristics.The paper concludes with a presentation of some examples from an in-tegrated multi-robot system.


The increasing cost and complexity of Computer In-tegrated Manufacturing(CIM)mandates the need for so-phisticated control,monitoring and recovery systems.The research presented in this paper has been motivated by the challenge to derive error speci?cation,monitoring and re-covery methods for CIM systems from the task planning point of view.Task planning methods often assume pre-dictable effects of the executed actions,unlimited resources and perfect information about the domain.These assump-tions,although valid for static environments,do not capture certain characteristics[26]of CIM systems.

In[23]a dynamic task planning method was pre-sented which made the assumption that state transitions in CIM systems may result either from the execution of the planned actions,or from the occurrence of unplanned events.However,as noted in[24],this planning method requires the system to monitor events in its environment and respond appropriately when these events interfere with current plan execution.Monitoring events in a system has also been referred as event tracking[39]or event manage-ment[20].Furthermore,error recovery has been the topic of several studies and various error recovery approaches have been proposed.These may be classi?ed as i)sensor-based reactive mechanisms[1,2,12,21],ii)graph-based methods[4,19,41]and iii)knowledge-based approaches [6,14,17,34,35].Sensor-based mechanisms are tightly

coupled with existing system sensors and actuators.Graph-based methods,apart from being dependent on the exist-ing system model,also result into complicated topologies. Knowledge-based methods do not always meet real time requirements[23].The problem of error recovery in CIM systems becomes increasingly complicated if we also con-sider that CIM systems are typical examples of hybrid sys-tems in which digital components monitor and control con-tinuous physical processes in the analog devices.Although extensive research in computer science and control theory has established well known methods and models for rea-soning about the behaviour of digital and analog systems in isolation,the development of appropriate models for hybrid systems is an active research area[28,32,33].In sum,there is a need to study and develop error recovery approaches that are ef?cient,effective and comply with hybrid systems characteristics.

In this paper concepts and fundamentals related to errors speci?cation,monitoring and recovery have been studied extensively and an analytic approach has been de-rived.First,an error speci?cation language is presented that demonstrates its expressional power through deriva-tion of various classes of system errors.An error monitor-ing mechanism is presented and its output is used as input to the proposed error recovery mechanism.Our approach deviates from conventional error recovery methods by not being dependent on existing system models or components and by adopting continuous mapping of the speci?ed er-rors’severity onto the system parameters.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows:sec-tion2presents an overview of related work in various re-search areas and an informal description of some essential concepts and fundamentals.Section3presents a formal de-scription of the framework.Section4describes an error de-scription language.The error monitoring mechanism and its formal model are presented in section5.The error re-covery mechanism is described in section6.Section7in-cludes some working examples while section8concludes this paper.

2Related Work

Conceptually,an event in CIM systems is similar to a process in qualitative process theory[13].An event,like a process,acts over time to change some parameters of the system.In CIM systems there is also the implicit re-quirement that an event does not belong to the prede?ned set of system actions,which,upon their successful execu-tion,transfer the system from one stage to another.Often, elimination,or prevention of events in CIM systems may not be critical or feasible depending on the required safety features.As noted in[39],events may be instigated by other agents in the system or just occur( bolt). The Manufacturing Message Speci?cation(MMS)proto-col[20]includes services dedicated to Event Management that support de?nition and management of events or alarms through the use of objects for event condition,event en-rollment and event action.Moreover,the concept of primi-tive and composite events has been examined in Active and Temporal Databases[15,36].

From a task planning point of view,some events may not affect the overall plan execution,whereas some oth-ers may instigate faults,errors,and failures in the system; namely,some events may alter actions’effects and modify the system’s stage.Thus,the overall behaviour of the sys-

tem alternate between plan accomplishment and plan inter-ruption(possibly due to the occurrence of events).Faults in CIM systems may be due to events’occurrence,system deterioration or built-in imperfections[24].A fault can be caused by physical defect,environmental stress or opera-tor’s mistake.Although system sensors may provide some data related to a fault,in general,there is no deterministic speci?cation on the type of the next fault,the component in which it will appear,or the time this will happen.It is assumed,however,that certain characteristics of possible faults are known to the system designers.These include the probability that a speci?c fault will occur and param-eterized information about fault’s effects.Faults may be classi?ed as:i)Permanent faults,which remain in existence until speci?c recovery action is taken,ii)Transient faults, which appear and disappear,usually without causing irre-versible system damage,and iii)Intermittent faults which appear and disappear repeatedly.Finally,it is assumed that the necessary structure to detect and identify faults exists. Thus,fault detection and identi?cation are not issues within the scope of this paper.

An error is the manifestation of a fault,that is,a detected discrepancy between the actual and the expected state of the system.The time between the occurrence of a fault and the resulting error is called error latency.Error latency may be estimated based on the detection capabil-ities of the system.Every identi?ed error has some charac-teristics which may be parameterized.For instance,error parameters include i)the probability of an error happening within a certain period,or dually the mean time before an error is identi?ed ii)the timestamp indicating when the er-ror was identi?ed,iii)the agent(s)affected by the identi-?ed error,iv)the action(or actions,if any)which was af-fected by the error and v)the time required for the error to be handled.The latter parameter is statistically quanti?ed as Mean Time To Repair(MTTR).We assume that error probability is memoryless.In other words,the continuous random variable quantifying the time from some reference start(at which no error has been detected and the system is working according to the speci?cations)until an error is identi?ed is assumed to follow an exponential distribution.

The concepts of extent and span have been derived [24]to quantify the effects of an error in a system.The span of an error refers to the actions which have been af-fected by that speci?c error.Depending on the span of the error,errors may be distinguished into:i)Null point error (no action affected),ii)Single point errors(only one action affected),and iii)Multiple point errors(more than one ac-tions affected).

The extent of an error refers to the agents in the sys-tem that have been affected by that error.Depending on the extent of the error,errors may be classi?ed as:i)Isolated errors(only one agent affected),and ii)Segregated errors (more than one agents affected).It is interesting to note that an isolated error may not be a single point error.To eluci-date this,consider the following case.Assume that an agent has been affected by an error while it was executing an ac-tion and that the affected action has synergetic dependen-cies on some other action(s)being executed in parallel by some other agent(s).In such a case,although only a single agent has been affected by the error,multiple actions have been affected by the error’s occurrence.Similarly,a seg-regated error might be a null point error.For example,an error which affects a number of agents,all of which were

idle at that particular time instant.

An error may be proclaimed to be a failure depending on its severity.That is,a failure is de?ned to be an error with span that contains one or more actions in the current plan.If there are system agents capable of completing the execution of the current plan,then the failure is viewed as a recoverable failure and the system eventually accomplishes the plan.Similarly,if the failure does not permit the sys-tem to complete the current plan,then it is considered an irrecoverable failure and the system is forced to interrupt the current plan and possibly attempt to generate an alter-native plan in order to accomplish the current goal[37].In case of a catastrophic or fatal failure which has affected all system agents,the system will halt.

From the above discussion,it follows that three time intervals pertinent to fault occurrence and error identi?ca-tion can be distinguished.These are shown in Figure1.In each interval there is a class of methods supporting plan achievement.An extended taxonomy of validation and correction methods presented in[27]distinguishes among Fault Avoidance(or Fault Prevention),Fault Tolerance and Error/Failure Recovery.

From the task planning point of view,Fault Avoid-ance,Fault Tolerance and Error Handling are mechanisms to support plan accomplishment.Figure2shows how these mechanisms may be integrated to absorb the effects of faults,errors,and failures in the system.A recovery proce-dure for a failure,or an error may result into continuation of execution of the current plan or in plan interruption.Figure 2was designed with the underlying assumption that only permanent errors require a recovery procedure.Recovery from transient errors is unnecessary and intermittent errors may not be recoverable.

3De?nitions and Formal Framework In this section,we present the formal de?nitions of faults,errors,and failures in a CIM system;an extended analysis of this issue may be found in[25].

D EFINITION3.1The set denotes the set of agents in the system.Every agent is capable of performing(sequentially)a speci?c set of actions over a pe-riod of time.

It is assumed that there is complete knowledge about the agents capabilities and their individual sets of actions. It is also assumed that the agents start their operation at time instant and conclude at time.Also,we use the notation to denote a subset of.

D EFINITION3.2The set denotes the set of actions performed by the system agents.

We use the notation to denote the set of actions that can be performed by the set of agents.

D EFINITION3.3The set denotes the set of the modeled faults in the system.A fault is an unplanned/unanticipated change in the system.Every fault occurrence is associated with the time instant at which the fault came into existence.

D EFINITION3.4The set e/e:system error denotes the set of all possible errors in the system.An error is a dis-crepancy between the actual and the expected state of the system.

Every error is associated with certain characteristics which may be parameterized.An analysis of these param-eterized characteristics follows.

D EFINITION3.5The extent,,of an error,in the system is de?ned in terms of the set of agents which are affected by the occurrence of the error.

affected by

R EMARK3.5.1An error is called isolated,iff .

R EMARK3.5.2An error is called segregated,iff .

D EFINITION3.6The span,,of an error,in the system,is de?ned in terms of the set of actions which are affected by the occurrence of the error.

affected by

R EMARK3.6.1An error is called a null point error,iff.

R EMARK3.6.2An error is called a single point error,iff.

R EMARK3.6.3An error is called a multiple point error,iff.

D EFINITION3.7The severity of an error with respect to an agent is denoted as and is de-?ned as the fraction of the number of the agent’s actions that are included in the error span over the total number of the agent’s actions.

actions while

then,is a recoverable failure.

D EFINITION3.12An irrecoverable failure,is a failure which has affected all system agents capable of exe-cuting the current plan.That is,if the current plan includes actions while

then,is an irrecoverable failure.

D EFINITION3.13A catastrophic,or fatal failure

,is a failure which has affected all system agents.That is,if

then,is a fatal failure.

R EMARK3.13.1For any fatal failure e,


D EFINITION3.14Error latency is the amount of time elapsed from the time the fault occurred until the time the error(or failure)was detected.

Based on the presented formal framework and de?ni-tions,an error speci?cation language is derived as follows. 4Error Speci?cation

It is assumed that at initiation time no errors have been identi?ed in the system and at any other particular time instant,some errors(possibly more than one)may have been identi?ed.Furthermore,it is assumed that re-covery of active errors is not instantaneous.Therefore,it is possible that during the recovery procedure of an error another error(s)has been identi?ed which in turn would require the initiation of a recovery procedure-possibly different-than the one to be followed if errors occurred in isolation.

Based on these assumptions,it is possible that at dif-ferent time instances the same fault may result into an error occurring in isolation(primitive error)or be combined with other existing primitive errors and form a composite error in the system.To formalise all possible outcomes,an error speci?cation language is derived.This language must be expressive enough to capture both primitive and composite errors.

4.1Error Speci?cation Language:Constructors

and their Semantics

The error speci?cation language described in this section includes constructors that may be used to specify composite errors.Similar concepts have also been applied in Active Database systems to support event detection[15, 16].An earlier study on this issue was also presented in [24].

D EFINITION4.1The composite error,is called in-clusive disjunction of errors and,where

and,are independent.Inclusive disjunction of errors and occurs when error,or error(or both)occur.

if only has occurred,

if only has occurred,

if both and have occurred.


if only has occurred,

if only has occurred,

if both and have occurred.


if only has occurred,

if only has occurred,

if both and have occurred.



The probability of disjunction of more than two er-rors can be easily computed by following the generalized principle of inclusion and exclusion.

D EFINITION4.2The composite error,is called conjunction of errors and,where.Con-junction of errors and occurs when both errors and have occurred,regardless of order.





D EFINITION4.3The composite error,is called se-quence of errors and,where.Sequence of errors and occurs when?rst error and afterwards error have occurred.





The following three constructors are also referred as ?lters of the errors.These?lters are set depending on how many times a speci?ed error pattern has been identi?ed dur-ing a speci?ed time interval.The default time in-terval for the?lters is from the time the system starts un-til the time the system accomplishes its goals,that is,the interval.However,it is advisable to use the default time interval only when it is absolutely necessary,because the detection of the following?lters is computationally ex-pensive.

D EFINITION4.4The closure?lter of an error denoted by the constructor,that is,IN,is set

at most once,after the?rst detection of even if multiple detections of have occurred during the speci?ed time in-terval.



IN(15) where is the timestamp of the?rst detection of the error .


D EFINITION4.5The times?lter of an error de-noted by the constructor,that is,IN,is set when the error has been detected times during the spec-i?ed time interval.In the degenerate case,this?lter is set every time()the error is detected(alarm sit-uation).



IN(19) where is the timestamp of the detection of the error in the speci?ed time interval.

IN(20)D EFINITION4.6The negation?lter of an error denoted by the constructor,that is,IN,is set when the error has not been detected in the speci?ed time interval.





D EFINITION4.7The null error is set when no errors have been detected during the active ses-sion of the system,that is within the time interval.




(28) It is assumed that.

D EFINITION4.8When the following sequence of errors

IN is identi?ed,where:,IN

,and,then this sequence of errors is called a transient error.

D EFINITION4.9When the following disjunction of errors

IN IN IN IN is identi?ed,where:,IN,



,and then,this disjunction of errors is called

an intermittent error.

D EFINITION4.10An error is called a permanent error,iff it is neither a transient nor an intermittent error.

4.2Error Language Speci?cation:Syntax

In view of the previous discussion,an error speci?ca-

tion language describes how errors,constructors and?lters

of errors may be combined to describe complex erroneous situations.

Grammar de?nes a language for the description of primitive and composite errors.However,is an ambigu-

ous grammar.For example,grammar can have more than one parse trees generating the string.The described error may be the result of i)the conjunction er-

ror followed by,or ii)the sequence con-jugated with the identi?cation of the error.Therefore,it

is imperative to de?ne precedence relations among the er-

ror constructors and?lters.In accordance with the Boolean Algebra,the constructors are evaluated left to right.In the following precedence hierarchy,constructors are presented

in order of decreasing precedence;constructors at the same precedence level are shown at the same line.

With the enforcement of these precedences,the grammar is transformed into grammar.However, grammar contains left recursions;that is the leftmost symbol on the right hand side of the production is the same as the symbol in the left hand side of the production and this may lead the language parser into in?nite looping.The elimination of left recursions from results into the?nal grammar.


error error C error(error)?lter fault


?lter T error IN[time,time]

T number

number number digit digit

time number:number:number




error error temp1temp1



temp3(error)?lter fault

?lter T error IN[time,time]

T number

number number digit digit

time number:number:number




error temp1error

error temp1





temp3(error)?lter fault

?lter T error IN[time,time]

T number

number number digit digit

time number:number:number



After having de?ned an error speci?cation language, a mechanism to monitor the identi?ed errors is introduced. As before,we assume that in general,an occurrence of a fault may introduce one or more errors in the system,while the execution of an error recovery procedure will alleviate or neutralize the effects of recovered error(s).An in-depth analysis of the relative issues and the description of an error mechanism are included in the next section.

5Error Monitoring in CIM systems

To model an error monitoring mechanism for CIM systems,Hybrid Input/Output Automata[29,30]are used.Hybrid I/O Automata are designed as a formal tool to rea-son about hybrid systems.They may be viewed as an ex-tension of Timed Input/Output Automata[28]incorporat-ing increased?exibility on the modeled types of analog be-havior.

The main characteristic of Hybrid I/O automata is that they receive input and react to their environment con-tinuously.Moreover Hybrid I/O automata may compose other Hybrid I/O automata,which can be a very useful fea-ture in modeling complicated asynchronous discrete event systems.A study on the speci?cations and the veri?cation of deceleration manoeuvre in an automated transportation system was presented in[31].

In this section,?rst we include a brief introduction to Hybrid I/O automata theory based on[28],as well as their formal de?nition.Following that,we examine how I/O au-tomata can be used to model an error monitoring mecha-nism.

5.1Model De?nition

D EFINITION5.1In[31],a Hybrid Input/Output Automa-ton,denoted as H,is de?ned as the quintuple:


states(H)is the set of states of the automaton,

start(H)is the nonempty set of start states.It holds that start(H)states(H).

dacts(H)is the set of discrete actions,partitioned into ex-ternal and internal actions.The external actions are further partitioned into input and output actions.

dsteps(H)is a transition relation,dsteps(H)states(H)


trajs(H)is the set of trajectories,where each trajectory is a mapping and I is a left-closed interval

of with left endpoint equal to0.The trajectories spec-

ify how states may be associated with times in an interval

of real time.

If,then w is called an I-trajectory of automaton H.If it consists of a single point it is

a trivial trajectory.If w is an I-trajectory then w.ltime is the “last time”of w and it is the supremum of I.Also w.fstate

=w(0)is the?rst state in the trajectory and if I is right-closed then w.lstate is also de?ned to be the last state,that is w.lstate=w(w.ltime).In case I is a closed interval,w.fstate

=s and w.lstate=,then I-trajectory is said to span from state s to state.

If w is an I-trajectory,where I is right closed,is

an-trajectory and w.lstate=.fstate then the concatena-tion,denoted as can be de?ned as the least function such that and

.The concatenation operator can also be ex-tended to a countable sequence of trajectories.

A Hybrid I/O automaton must also specify the fol-lowing two axioms:

A XIOM1(C LOSURE UNDER COUNTABLE CONCATENATION) If is an trajectory,,where all are right-closed,and for all i,then

is in trajs(H).


If is an I-trajectory,and J is a left-closed subinterval of I then the function given by

is in trajs(H).5.2An Error Monitoring Mechanism

D EFINITION5.2An Error Monitoring Mechanism,de-noted as EMM,is de?ned as a Hybrid Input/Output Au-tomaton:




dacts(EMM)are described in terms of input,internal and output actions.




Variables:fault-detected,initially set to0and initially set to.


dsteps(EMM)are de?ned as follows:





















Precondition:.OR..OR. Effect:IN

In this section,an error monitoring mechanism, EMM,was proposed based on the model of Hybrid I/O au-tomata theory.It is assumed that there is an underling struc-ture with fault detection capabilities that provides inputs to the error monitoring system.Identi?ed errors can be either primitive or composite in accordance with the error spec-i?cation language presented in section4.Although it was not explicitly presented in this section,error monitoring can also update errors’characteristics like the extent and span.6Error Recovery in CIM Systems

To model the error recovery mechanism in CIM sys-tems we also use Hybrid I/O Automata.The proposed re-covery procedure is fairly straightforward.For every iden-ti?ed error,a recovery procedure is followed for all agents belonging in the error’s extent.The recovery procedure may vary depending on the system.

An Error Recovery Mechanism,(ERM),is de?ned as a Hybrid Input/Output Automaton.The inputs to the error recovery mechanism are the output from error monitoring, namely the identi?ed system errors.The output is the re-covery procedures applied to the agents that are included in the extent of the identi?ed error.The variables used are described in the sequel and there is no internal actions in the model.The formal de?nitions follow.

D EFINITION6.1An Error Recovery Mechanism,denoted as ERM,is de?ned as a Hybrid Input/Output Automaton:




dacts are described in terms of input,internal and output actions.





dsteps are described in the sequence for every identi?ed

error e.




In this section a model of recovery system is pre-sented.It is assumed that the error recovery mechanism af-fects instantaneously the system agents and there exist no feedback between the recovery mechanism and the recov-ered agent.The upgrade of error recovery with delays and feedback is straightforward but extensive;in[31]there is a detailed analysis on the control with feedback and delays. Also,it is assumed that errors are recovered obeying a FIFO policy;however,we are also investigating policies that re-cover errors based on priorities.

7A Case Study

Examples in this section are based on the con?gu-ration of the Robotics and Automation Laboratory(RAL) within USL.RAL is an Integrated Multi-robot System (IMRS)with three robots having attached vision systems and two conveyor belts arranged as shown in Figure3.The Adept1robot is dedicated to conveyor one and the PUMA robot is dedicated to conveyor two.The Adept3robot can serve either conveyor one or two and it is the only robot ca-pable of picking up heavy items.

Similarly,the global vision system one is dedi-cated to conveyor belt one and the global vision system two is dedicated to conveyor belt two.The local vision systems on Adept1and PUMA can identify objects on conveyor belts one and two respectively,while the local vision system in Adept3can serve both conveyor belts (but only one at a time).Figure4shows all the agents in the system and Figure5demonstrates the system actions.In RAL system:and

It is assumed that in this system faults may occur in a non-deterministic way.However,some faults can be mod-eled in the system.A non exhaustive but representative list of possible faults in the system follows.


Conveyor belt one is out of order.

Conveyor belt two is out of order.

Adept1is out of order.

Adept3is out of order.

PUMA is out of order.

The global vision camera on conveyor belt

one failed to identify an incoming object.

The global vision camera on conveyor belt

two failed to identify an incoming object.

The local vision camera on Adept1failed to

identify missing parts of an incoming ob-


The local vision camera on Adept3failed to

identify missing parts of an incoming ob-


The local vision camera on PUMA failed to

identify missing parts of an incoming ob-


Therefore,the set of faults in the system is

.When fault has been detected,then we say that error has been identi?ed,or alternatively error has,ing the error speci?cation language we can de?ne the set of errors that are of interest in the system. First,we assume that we are only interested in primitive er-rors.In other words,and the set of identi?ed errors is denoted as.The severity values of the errors with respect to the system agents is presented in Figure7.

The Error Monitoring Mechanism for RAL con?gu-ration,denoted as EMM-RAL,is de?ned as:





dacts(EMM-RAL)are described in terms of input, internal and output actions.




Variables:fault-detected,initially set to0and initially set to.


dsteps(EMM-RAL)are de?ned as follows:








With respect to error recovery in RAL we have decided that whenever an error occurs we want to alter the velocity of the involved system agents.The deceleration depends on the severity of the error.More speci?cally, the new velocity of the agent is a function of the current velocity and the severity of the error.Finally,the velocity of those agents that are not affected by the error remains unchanged.Following the error recovery mechanism proposed in section6,the errors recovery mechanism for RAL(ERM-RAL)is de?ned as follows.





dacts are described in terms of input,internal and output actions.





dsteps are described in the sequence for every identi?ed error e.




This recovery procedure grades gracefully for differ-ent classes of errors.Also,this approach fundamentally differs from the classical Expert Systems paradigm,be-cause there is a continuous mapping of the severity of the error on the behavior of the agents.Following this recovery approach,the recovery procedure for each of the primitive errors is described below.


Adept1’s velocity is set to zero.

Adept3’s velocity is reduced by half.

Conveyor belt1is off.

Adept3’s velocity is reduced by half,

PUMA’s velocity is set to zero.

Conveyor belt2is off.

Adept1’s velocity is set to zero.

The speed of Conveyor belt1is reduced by


The local vision system on Adept1is off.

Adept3’s velocity is set to zero.

The speed of both Conveyor belts is set to


The local vision system on Adept3is off.

PUMA’s velocity is set to zero.

The speed of Conveyor belt2is reduced by


The local vision system on PUMA is off.

Global vision system1is off.

Global vision system2is off.

Adept1’s velocity is reduced by a fourth.

The local vision system on Adept1is off.

Adept3’s velocity is reduced by a fourth.

The local vision system on Adept3is off.

PUMA’s velocity is reduced by a fourth.

The local vision system on PUMA is off.

The recovery system as described above is coherent and stable and also is able to handle composite errors.To demonstrate this point we examine the response of the pro-posed recovery method to a a situation assessment and reac-tive recovery mechanism.Assume that the sequence

has occurred.That is,a fatal error on conveyor belt one has been followed by a fatal error on,ing a situ-ation assessment and reactive recovery method when is identi?ed Adept1is set to stop working and Adept3is set to work at a minimum speed.Similarly,when is identi?ed, Adept3is set to work at a maximum speed.Both these reac-tive recovery procedures are valid if the errors occur in iso-lation.However,if has been identi?ed the aforemen-tioned procedure is not necessary,because Adept3needs to

handle objects in just one conveyor belt,namely conveyor belt two.In the proposed approach,the recovery proce-dure will consist of setting the speed of both Adept1and PUMA to zero,while conveyor belt1and Adept3are op-erating sub-optimally,but the whole scheme is a valid one.

In addition to the recovery procedures that are auto-matically generated by the recovery mechanism,it is also interesting to note that it is still possible to specify certain composite errors of interest and override the usual recovery procedure by a speci?cally tailored recovery approach.

In this section we have demonstrated some working examples of the error recovery mechanism as described in section6and we have demonstrated the coherence and ef-?ciency of the proposed approach both for primitive and composite errors.

8Conclusions and Future Work

In Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,pre-vention or elimination of errors and failures may not be fea-sible.One key requirement for task planning systems de-signed for CIM systems is the ability to respond to errors and failures in the system.Conventional error recovery ap-proaches do not constitute a widely acceptable solution in CIM systems because it is dif?cult for them to capture all possible states of a dynamic system and their performance may not meet certain requirements.

In this paper,the problem of error/failure handling in CIM systems was studied at large.A formal language for error speci?cation was derived and a classi?cation of errors was presented.Based on the language speci?cations,an er-ror monitoring mechanism(EMM)and an error recovery mechanism(ERM)have been proposed.The error recov-ery mechanism deviates from the conventional approach of rule-based systems by incorporating a continuous mapping of the error’s severity values onto the functionality of the acting agents.

However,there is a number of issues which are still under investigation.In the future we would like to extend the time speci?cation part of the proposed language,elabo-rate the error recovery mechanism to handle errors with pri-orities,extend it to incorporate other system characteristics and investigate whether the proposed approach can be used in other applications.


Figure 1:Classi?cation of fault and error recovery approaches

Figure 2:System faults,errors and failures Figure 3:RAL Con?guration Figure 4:Agents in RAL system Figure 5:Actions in RAL system

Figure 6:Set of actions performed by each agent in RAL system

Figure 7:Severity values of the system errors with respect to system agents




FAULT error latency




Figure 1:Classi?cation of fault and error recovery ap-proaches






error/failure recoverable System Imperfections System Deterioration External Events

irrecoverable error/failure



Plan Accomplishment Plan Interruption

Figure 2:System faults,errors and failures










Local Vision on Adept1

Local Vision on Adept3

Local Vision on PUMA

Global Vision 1


V i d e o C a b l e

Global Vision 2

E t h e r n e t t o R o b o t s C o n t r o l I n t e r f a c e


Figure 3:RAL Con?guration












Identify-object-on-Figure5:Actions in RAL system

.51110 0111.5

0.5010 00.501

00001 00000 00000 .250000 .250000 0.25000


移动宽带网络连接常用错误代码 ①、错误678 宽带adsl 拨号上网用户常常遇到的故障提示。宽带adsl 拨号上网使用pppoe 协议连接,通 过电话线传输数据,使用adsl 专用modem 实现数据的调制解调,错误提示678 的含义是:远程计算机无响应,意思是从计算机发出指令到网卡向外发送数据,包括电话线的传输,局端(电信局机房端)端子板的端口处理到返回数据到计算机的过程中数据传输出问题都会提示。实质就是网络不通。 常用解决方法: 1、首先确认adsl modem 拨号正常,因为网卡自动获取的IP 没有清除,所以再次拨号的时候网卡无法获取新的IP地址会提示678,操作方法是:关闭adsl modem,进入控制面板的网络连接右击本地连接选择禁用, 5 秒钟后右击本地连接选择启用,然后打开adsl modem 拨号即可; 2、如果第一步无效,则在关闭adsl modem 的情况下,仍然禁用本地连接(网卡),重启计算机,然后启用本地连接(网卡),再打开adsl modem即可解决; 3、如果上述步骤都无法解决,查看网卡灯是否亮,如果网卡灯不亮,参看派单知识库:“网卡灯不亮或经常不亮”的解决方案,有可能是远程机箱停电所致。 4、如果网卡灯正常1,2 步无法解决则带领用户卸载网卡驱动,重装网卡驱动,如果用户 xp 系统按照:知识编号:9973,如何在WINXP 下设置ADSL 拨号连接方法带领用户创建 拨号连接,如果98系统建议用户安装Raspppoe软件或者EHERNET300软件连接即可。 5、如果上述操作无效联系中国移动宽带是否开通数字端口。 6. adsl modem 故障是主要原因。 7. 如果多台电脑使用路由器上网,可尝试将路由器拆除后连接Internt 。若能顺利上网,则说 明路由器故障,应排除路由器故障或更换新的路由器。 8. 如果是ADSL 包年用户,在使用过程中如果出现这种情况,有可能是电话欠费,请咨询客户服务中心。有部分地区中国电信或中国联通用户,在电话欠费的情况下,电话可以打通,但是却无法上网,这时也有可能是电话欠费,因为现在部分地区的电信部门在用户电话欠费情况下,不是停止电话的使用,而是停止网络的使用。 9. 部分品牌Modem 供电不足也容易造成错误678。 ②、错误691 691 拒绝访问,因为用户名或密码在域中无效。宽带adsl 拨号上网用户常常遇到的故障提示。宽带adsl 拨号上网使用pppoe 协议连接,通过电话线传输数据,使用adsl 专用modem 实现数据的调制解调,提示错误691 真正意义上来讲:1:域上名出现错误,(用户名或密码输入错误)。2:电话或宽带到期欠费造成。3:服务器无反映,(机房用户端口错误,或帐号 未被激活)。4:硬件故障。 常用解决方法: 1、用户数据绑定错误:为了更好的服务于用户,,保障用户帐号的安全,电信将宽带帐号和用户的物理端口做了绑定,数量上也做了一对一的邦定,这样,该帐号只能在一个物理端口上使用(即限制了ADSL 帐号的漫游),而且一个端口只限一台电脑上网,如果用户的数据绑定错误,拨号时也会出现错误691 的提示。 2、帐号被他人盗用:在宽带帐号没有绑定之前,ADSL 用户的帐号经常会被他人盗用。 旦ADSL 宽带帐号被他人使用,再次拨号时,系统也会出现错误691 的提示。


1以下叙述中错误的是()。 //C语言中的每条可执行语句和非执行语句最终都将被转换成二进制的机器指令// C程序经过编译、连接步骤之后才能形成一个真正可执行的二进制机器指令文件// 用C语言编写的程序称为源程序,它以ASCII代码形式存放在一个文本文件中// C语言源程序经编译后生成后缀为.obj 的目标程序//////A// 2以下选项中,合法的一组C语言数值常量是()。 // 12.0Xa23 4.5e0 // 028.5e-3-0xf// .1774e1.50abc// 0x8A10,000 3.e5 //////A// 3以下选项中不合法的标识符是()。 // &a//FOR //print //00 //////A// 4若有代数式(其中e仅代表自然对数的底数,不是变量),则以下能够正确表示该代数式的C语言表达式是()。 //sqrt(fabs(pow(n,x)+exp(x)))// sqrt(fabs(pow(n,x)+pow(x,e)))// sqrt(abs(n^x+e^x))// sqrt(fabs(pow(x,n)+exp(x)))//////A// 5若有定义:double a=22;int i=0,k=18;,则不符合C语言规定的赋值语句是() //i=(a+k)<=(i+k);// i=a%11; //a=a++,i++//i=!a;//////B// 6有以下程序: #include main() {int s,t,A=10;double B=6; s=sizeof(A);t=sizeof(B); printf("%d,%d\n",s,t); } 在VC6.0平台上编译运行,程序运行后的输出结果是()。 //10,6 //4,4 //2,4 // 4,8 //// //D// 7有以下程序: #include main() {char a,b,c,d; scanf("%c%c",&a,&b); c=getchar();d=getchar(); printf("%c%c%c%c\n",a,b,c,d); } 当执行程序时,按下列方式输入数据(从第1列开始,代表回车,注意:回车也是一个字符) 12


KEIL51调试时一些的错误总结 (1)提示无M51文件 编译时候提示: F:\...\XX.M51 File has been changed outside the editor, reload ? ------ 解决方法: 重新生成项目,产生STARTUP.A51即可。 (2)L15重复调用 ***WARNING L15: MULTIPLE CALL TO SEGMENT SEGMENT: ?PR?SPI_RECEIVE_WORD?D_SPI CALLER1: ?PR?VSYNC_INTERRUPT?MAIN CALLER2: ?C_C51STARTUP 该警告表示连接器发现有一个函数可能会被主函数和一个中断服务程序(或者调用中断服务程序的函数)同时调用,或者同时被多个中断服务程序调用。 出现这种问题的原因之一是这个函数是不可重入性函数,当该函数运行时它可能会被一个中断打断,从而使得结果发生变化并可能会引起一些变量形式的冲突(即引起函数内一些数据的丢失,可重入性函数在任何时候都可以被ISR 打断,一段时间后又可以 运行,但是相应数据不会丢失)。 原因之二是用于局部变量和变量(暂且这样翻译,arguments,[自变量,变元一数值,用于确定程序或子程序的值])的内存区被其他函数的内存区所覆盖,如果该函数被中断,则它的内存区就会被使用,这将导致其他函数的内存冲突。 例如,第一个警告中函数WRITE_GMVLX1_REG 在D_GMVLX1.C 或者 D_GMVLX1.A51被定义,它被一个中断服务程序或者一个调用了中断服务程序的 函数调用了,调用它的函数是VSYNC_INTERRUPT,在MAIN.C中。 解决方法: 如果你确定两个函数决不会在同一时间执行(该函数被主程序调用并且中断被禁止),并且该函数不占用内存(假设只使用寄存器),则你可以完全忽略这种警告。 如果该函数占用了内存,则应该使用连接器(linker)OVERLAY指令将函数从覆盖分析(overlay analysis)中除去,例如: OVERLAY (?PR?_WRITE_GMVLX1_REG?D_GMVLX1 ! *) 上面的指令防止了该函数使用的内存区被其他函数覆盖。如果该函数中调用了其他函数,而这些被调用在程序中其他地方也被调用,你可能会需要也将这些函数排除在覆盖分析(overlay analysis)之外。这种OVERLAY指令能使编译器除去上述警告信息。 如果函数可以在其执行时被调用,则情况会变得更复杂一些。这时可以采用以下几种方法:


PPP/PPTP/PPPOE/宽带拨号/VPN 常见错误代码解释和解决办法 通用/常见/拨号错误代码详解 600某一操作当前处于挂起状态。(例如拨号时突然点了取消,帐号卡住)解决办法:等待或者打电话给ISP 601端口句柄无效。 602端口已打开。 603呼叫方缓冲区太小。 604指定了错误的信息。 605无法设置端口信息。 606无法连接端口。一般是防火墙问题或者是网关管理员限制 608设备不存在。硬件驱动丢失或硬件损坏 610缓冲区无效。 611路由不可用。 612没有分配路由。 613指定了无效的压缩。 614缓冲区溢出。 615找不到端口。 616某异步请求处于挂起状态。 617端口或设备已断开连接。 618端口尚未打开。(解决办法:请打开在相应防火墙软件里,打开1701和1723端口,这是VPN拨号需要的端口) 619端口已断开连接。(解决办法:请注意1701和1723这2个端口是否给其它软件占用, 以上2个问题中,如果你在局域网,请确认主机是否有限制(大部分网吧,公司内网的主机都有限制) 620没有终结点。 621无法打开电话簿文件。 622无法加载电话簿文件。 623找不到电话簿条目。 624无法写入电话簿文件。 625在电话簿中发现无效信息。 626无法加载字符串。 627找不到密钥。 628端口已断开连接。 629端口已由远程机器断开连接。一般是用户名格式不正确,或者远程机器故障 630端口由于硬件故障已断开连接。 631端口已由用户断开连接。 632结构大小不正确。 633端口已被使用或不是为远程访问拨出配置的。 634无法在远程网络上注册您的计算机。 635未知错误。 636端口连接了错误的设备。

Keil C 编译器常见警告与错误信息,/support/man/docs/c51/c51_c277.htm错误信息查询 Keil C 编译器常见警告与错误信息 error C132 :“****”not in formal parameter list 花了偶将近半个小时来查找错误,最终发现原来是在头文件里的一个函数声明时露了一个分号造成紧挨着在它下面声明的参数not in formal parameter list。 记在在这里,免得以后忘记了,同时也供大家分享。 下面是另外一些常见的错误提示: 1.第一种错误信息 ***WARNING L15: MULTIPLE CALL TO SEGMENT SEGMENT: ?PR?_WRITE_GMVLX1_REG?D_GMVLX1 CALLER1: ?PR?VSYNC_INTERRUPT?MAIN CALLER2: ?C_C51STARTUP ***WARNING L15: MULTIPLE CALL TO SEGMENT SEGMENT: ?PR?_SPI_SEND_WORD?D_SPI CALLER1: ?PR?VSYNC_INTERRUPT?MAIN CALLER2: ?C_C51STARTUP ***WARNING L15: MULTIPLE CALL TO SEGMENT SEGMENT: ?PR?SPI_RECEIVE_WORD?D_SPI CALLER1: ?PR?VSYNC_INTERRUPT?MAIN CALLER2: ?C_C51STARTUP - 该警告表示连接器发现有一个函数可能会被主函数和一个中断服务程序(或者调用中断服务程序的函数)同时调用,


提示错误代码691 出现错误代码691的原因:帐号或者密码错误、绑定错误、限制用户数错(帐号在线)、客户端错误(用户使用宽带连接拨号)、帐号欠费、帐号改变(绑定手机),老账号已过期请使用新账号(告知用户新账号即可)。 1、首先询问用户宽带用户名和密码是否输入正确; 2、核实用户宽带账户是 否欠费;如以上都正确,可核实用户机主姓名、身份证号码告知用户5分钟后试着上一下,然后呼叫宽带为用户解绑或者修改密码就可以正常。提示错误代码832(WIN XP)、813(WIN 7) 出现错误代码832、813提示的原因:存在其它拨号连接,解决方法:重启电脑比较方便,如果不行,把宽带连接断开,用客户端就可以正常登陆。(网上邻居-右键-属性-宽带连接断开) 提示错误代码769 出现错误代码769提示的可能原因:网卡被禁用或者网卡驱动丢失。解决方法:网上邻居-右键-属性-本地连接禁用、启用,如若没有本地连接,说明网卡驱动丢失需要重新安装,建议客户安装网卡驱动或者重装电脑系统。 提示错误代码678(xp系统)815(vistar系统)651(win7系统)出现此类错误代码先确定用户使用性质是ADSL(有MODEM)还是LAN(没MODEM),ADSL下先询问MODEM灯是否正常,如若正常,重启MODEM等5分钟以后重新尝试,如若不行,受理故障;LAN的让用户重启电脑,如若不行,受理故障(备注:如果用户使用的有路由器,在使用宽带我世界登陆必定提示此类错误代码) 备注:根据MODEM灯的显示来作出判断。具体判断如下:ADSL MODEM设备通常会有LINK或者ADSL、DSL,LINE等字样,这些字样通常代表着线路的状态即信号灯(最简单判断:正对用户左边数第二个灯),当信号灯正常的情况下,ADSL 或者LINK或者LINE灯的状态是常亮,在非正常状态下,ADSL或者LINK、LINE 会呈现闪亮或者不亮状态,这时候用户可根据MODEM的状态判断线路的好坏,受理用户故障,要求外线人员解决线路故障; 提示错误代码810、820、833、710、720、 出现此类错误代码一般为电脑系统故障,重启电脑之后错误代码一直这样提示就需要重装电脑系统。 提示错误代码721 出现此类错误代码多数出现在笔记本电脑上,属于网卡选择错误,在宽带我世界上点设置-账户管理-修改-选择网卡(WAN微型端口PPPOE),确定之后重新登陆就可正常登陆。 提示错误代码633 出现错误代码633提示的原因:电脑上存在多余的拨号连接跟宽带我世界冲突,解决方法:网上邻居-右键-属性,除本地连接之外其他的连接全部删除,重启电脑尝试重新登陆。 提示错误代码676 出现错误代码676提示的原因:多数为MODEM出现故障,指导用户把MODEM 恢复出厂设置,等MODEM灯稳定尝试重新登陆。如果不行,提示678或者676可受理故障。 如用户反映宽带上网网速慢,如何解决? 1、可告知用户上网实际达到的应用速率与电脑配置、网卡和网线质量、服务器


IPTV常见错误代码 1302 错误提示:连接服务器失败,请稍后再试一次。 故障原因:1、EPG主页地址没有通过有效性检测;2、针对EPG主页地址的域名解析失败;3、多次重试连接EPG主页地址失败,无法与其建立连接 处理方法:1.新开户的机顶盒请检查机顶盒的主认证服务器地址是否配置正确2.配置的地址为域名方式,可以通过Monitor工具连5030端口查看日志,确认是否域名解释失败3.检查机顶盒实际连接边缘EPG的MTU值的设置是否正确 1305 错误提示:非常抱歉,网络接入失败!请稍后再试一次,如果仍然失败,请拨打客户服务热线进行咨询故障原因: 故障原因:1、DHCP服务没有能够获得有效的IP地址;2、DHCP/DHCP+协议交互收到服务器返回的错误码 处理方法:检查机顶盒的DHCP相关配置参数是否正确,如鉴权、接入用户名和密码 1306 错误提示:设备异常,无法提供服务!请拨打客户服务热线进行咨询 故障原因:1、机顶盒没有进行初始化配置,没有任何配置信息;2、机顶盒的关键配置信息(比如MAC地址、EPG主页地址等)无效处理方法:出现该故障,该机顶盒必须返修,需要通过串口或PC配置工具检测配置信息 1401 错误提示:非常抱歉,网络接入失败!请稍后再试一次,如果仍然失败,请拨打客户服务热线进行咨询 故障原因:ADSL拨号收到DSLAM/BAS的拒绝响应。 处理方法:机顶盒打开双栈时ADSL帐号或密码配置错误会提示1401,可进入系统设置界面修改,用户开通时,这些信息应该是已经配置正确的,如果使用过程中出现这个错误,应该只能向运营商咨询 1402 错误提示:非常抱歉,网络接入失败!请稍后再试一次,如果仍然失败,请拨打客户服务热线进行咨询 故障原因:ADSL拨号成功,但没有收到BAS服务器的响应 处理方法:网络原因与上层BAS链路异常,或者BAS服务异常 1403 错误提示:非常抱歉,宽带接入帐号或密码错误,网络接入失败!请稍后再试一次,如果仍然失败,请拨打客户服务热线进行咨询 故障原因:ADSL帐号或密码配置有误 处理方法:可进入系统设置界面修改,用户开通时,这些信息应该是已经配置正确的,如果使用过程中出现这个错误,应该只能向运营商咨询 1404 错误提示:非常抱歉,网络接入失败!请稍后再试一次,如果仍然失败,请拨打客户服务热线进行咨询 故障原因:ADSL拨号超时没有响应 处理方法:多次重试请检查上联的modem是否状态正常 1901 错误提示:非常抱歉,线路连接异常!请检查网线是否脱落或网络接入设备是否加电。检查后再试一次,如果仍然失败,请拨打客户服务热线进行咨询 故障原因:网线未插上 处理方法:确认网线是否接口松动 1902 错误提示:非常抱歉,无线网卡加载失败!请检查无线网卡是否连接正常,稍后再试一次,如果仍然失败,请拨打客户服务热线进行咨询故障原因:用户选择无线接入模式,但没有检测到无线网卡 处理方法:确认无线网卡是否已经正常接入 1903 错误提示:非常抱歉,无线网络连接失败!请检查网络接入设备是否加电,检查后再试一次,如果仍然失败,请拨打客户服务热线进行咨询 故障原因:没有成功接入AP 处理方法:检查机顶盒的无线接入配置是否与AP一致 以下为业务帐号故障提示代码 0209 错误提示:系统错误:错误码0209 故障原因:不免费 处理方法:鉴权不免费,需要用户通过模板订购(如果模板支持)或者到营业厅订购 0210 错误提示:系统错误:错误码0210 故障原因:用户不存在或状态不正确 处理方法:鉴权用户状态不正常,建议用户重新登陆,管理员检查是否有非法用户接入 0211


KEIL常见编译错误大全 【致命错误】 立即终止编译这些错误通常是命令行指定的无效选项的结果当编译器不 能访问一个特定的源包含文件时也产生致命错误 致命错误信息采用下面的格式 C51FATAL-ERROR– ACTION: LINE: ERROR: C51TERMIANTED. C51FATAL-ERROR– ACTION: FILE: ERROR: C51TERMIANTED. 下面说明Action和Error中可能的内容 Actions ALLOCATING MEMORY 编译器不能分配足够的存储区来编译指定的源文件. CREATING LIST-FILE/OBJECT-FILE/WORKFILE 编译器不能建立列表文件,OBJ文件,或工作文件这个错误的出现可能是磁盘满或写保护,或文件已存在和只读. GENERATING INTERMEDIATE CODE 源文件包含的一个函数太大,不能被编译器编译成虚拟代码.尝试把函数分小或重新编译. OPENING INPUT-FILE 编译器不能发现或打开所选的源或包含文件. PARSING INVOKE-/#PRAGMA-LINE 当在命令行检测到参数计算,或在一个#pragma中检测到参数计算,就产生这样的错误. PARSING SOURCE-FILE/ANALYZING DECLARATIONS 源文件包含太多的外部参考.减少源文件访问的外部变量和函数的数目. WRITING TO FILE


HTTP网页错误代码大全带解释 HTTP 400 - 请求无效HTTP 401.1 - 未授权:登录失败HTTP 401.2 - 未授权:服务器配置问题导致登录失败HTTP 401.3 - ACL 禁止访问资源HTTP 401.4 - 未授权:授权被筛选器拒绝HTTP 401.5 - 未授权:ISAPI 或 CGI 授权失败 HTTP 403 - 禁止访问HTTP 403 - 对 Internet 服务管理器的访问仅限于LocalhostHTTP 403.1 禁止访问:禁止可执行访问HTTP 403.2 - 禁止访问:禁止读访问HTTP 403.3 - 禁止访问:禁止写访问HTTP 403.4 - 禁止访问:要求SSLHTTP 403.5 - 禁止访问:要求 SSL 128HTTP 403.6 - 禁止访问:IP 地址被拒绝HTTP 403.7 - 禁止访问:要求客户证书HTTP 403.8 - 禁止访问:禁止站点访问HTTP 403.9 - 禁止访问:连接的用户过多HTTP 403.10 - 禁止访问:配置无效HTTP 403.11 - 禁止访问:密码更改HTTP 403.12 - 禁止访问:映射器拒绝访问HTTP 403.13 - 禁止访问:客户证书已被吊销HTTP 403.15 - 禁止访问:客户访问许可过多HTTP 403.16 - 禁止访问:客户证书不可信或者无效HTTP 403.17 - 禁止访问:客户证书已经到期或者尚未生效 HTTP 404.1 - 无法找到 Web 站点HTTP 404- 无法找到文件HTTP 405 - 资源被禁止HTTP 406 - 无法接受HTTP 407 - 要求代理身份验证HTTP 410 - 永远不可用HTTP 412 - 先决条件失败HTTP 414 - 请求 - URI 太长HTTP 500 - 内部服务器错误HTTP 500.100 - 内部服务器错误 - ASP 错误HTTP 500-11 服务器关闭HTTP 500-12 应用程序重新启动HTTP 500-13 - 服务器太忙HTTP 500-14 - 应用程序无效HTTP 500-15 - 不允许请求 global.asaError 501 - 未实现HTTP 502 - 网关错误 用户试图通过 HTTP 或文件传输协议 (FTP) 访问一台正在运行 Internet 信息服务 (IIS) 的服务器上的内容时,IIS 返回一个表示该请求的状态的数字代码。该状态代码记录在 IIS 日志中,同时也可能在 Web 浏览器或 FTP 客户端显示。状态代码可以指明具体请求是否已成功,还可以揭示请求失败的确切原因。日志文件的位置在默认状态下,IIS 把它的日志文件放在 %WINDIRSystem32Logfiles 文件夹中。每个万维网 (WWW) 站点和 FTP 站点在该目录下都有一个单独的目录。在默认状态下,每天都会在这些目录下创建日志文件,并用日期给日志文件命名(例如,exYYMMDD.log)。 HTTP1xx - 信息提示 这些状态代码表示临时的响应。客户端在收到常规响应之前,应准备接收一个或多个 1xx 响应。? 100 - 继续。? 101 - 切换协议。2xx - 成功 这类状态代码表明服务器成功地接受了客户端请求。? 200 - 确定。客户端请求已成功。? 201 - 已创建。? 202 - 已接受。? 203 - 非权威性信息。? 204 - 无内容。? 205 - 重置内容。? 206 - 部分内容。3xx - 重定向 客户端浏览器必须采取更多操作来实现请求。例如,浏览器可能不得不请求服务器上的不同的页面,或通过代理服务器重复该请求。? 302 - 对象已移动。? 304 - 未修改。? 307 - 临时重定向。4xx - 客户端错误


Error: L6200E Error: L6200E: Symbol temp multiply defined (by and .在编译的时候出现了这个问题,但是检查不出来,希望各位大侠帮帮忙 什么变量你给付了两次值 你看看是不是那个外部变量你又给赋值了 申明,其他.c文件对应的.h文件中用extern引用 error: #20 error: #20: identifier "TIM2_IRQChannel" is undefined 谁能说说,哪里错了 你的固件库里的库文件没有添加进工程里面,所以出现未定义的情况。 TIM2_IRQChannel指定时器2的中断通道没有定义,其实在固件库对这些参数都有定义,宏定义代替了一串寄存器地址数据。需要将.C文件添加到工程文件中 warning: #1-D (7): warning: #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline 当使用keil编译时,弹出这样的警告信息:(7): warning: #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline 这个是由于在main函数的“}”后,没有加回车。 只要在main函数的“}”后加回车键,此警告信息即可消除。 error:#65 ...(27):error:#65:expected a ";"

分数送你了,问题在你回答之前已经解决了,头文件里的结构体定义里的最后一行没有加";" 如NB menu{..}; error:#1113: 折腾了大半天,才搞明白一个空操作的指令 先在网上查有的说是__asm{NOP;},从里调用,可犄角旮旯全找了,也没看到什么的文件。如果直接用,就出现error:#1113:InlineassemblernotpermittedwhengeneratingThumbcode 最后搜索这条错误,知道是因为__asm("指令");这种语法是内联汇编(inlineassembly)的语法。而RMDK下,内联汇编仅支持ARM汇编语言,不支持Thumb或者Thumb-2汇编语言;但内嵌汇编器支持Thumb和Thumb-2。 __asm放到一个单独的子函数再被调用就没问题了 如下: __asmvoidnop(void) { NOP } 然后在之后的C代码中调用该函数: voidmain() { ... nop(); ...? }


301错误_302错误_404错误_500错误等 举例说明:当访问者在网站中访问一个不存在的页面时,就会提示404错误,但若没有设置404页面进行引导,必然会让访问者误以为该网站存在诸多问题,并导致网站流量的流失。确切的说,当用户试图通过HTTP或文件传输协议(FTP)访问一台正在运行Internet信息服务(IIS)的服务器上的内容时,IIS返回一个表示该请求的状态的数字代码。该状态代码记录在IIS 日志中,同时也可能在Web浏览器或FTP客户端显示。状态代码可以指明具体请求是否已成功,还可以揭示请求失败的确切原因。更多信息日志文件的位置在默认状态下,IIS把它的日志文件放在%WINDIR\System32 \Logfiles文件夹中。每个万维网(WWW)站点和FTP站点在该目录下都有一个单独的目录。在默认状态下,每天都会在这些目录下创建日志文件,并用日期给日志文件命名(例如,exYYMMDD.log)。 HTTP 1xx-信息提示这些状态代码表示临时的响应。客户端在收到常规响应之前,应准备接收一个或多个1xx响应。 100-继续。 101-切换协议。 2xx-成功这类状态代码表明服务器成功地接受了客户端请求。 200-确定。客户端请求已成功。 201-已创建。 202-已接受。 203-非权威性信息。 204-无内容。 205-重置内容。 206-部分内容。 3xx-重定向客户端浏览器必须采取更多操作来实现请求。例如,浏览器可能不得不请求服务器上的不同的页面,或通过代理服务器重复该请求。 301-对象已永久移走,即永久重定向。 302-对象已临时移动。 304-未修改。 307-临时重定向。 4xx-客户端错误发生错误,客户端似乎有问题。例如,客户端请求不存在的页面,客户端未提供有效的身份验证信息。 400-错误的请求。 401-访问被拒绝。IIS定义了许多不同的401错误,它们指明更为具体的错误原因。这些具体的错误代码在浏览器中显示,但不在IIS日志中显示: 401.1-登录失败。 401.2-服务器配置导致登录失败。 401.3-由于ACL对资源的限制而未获得授权。 401.4-筛选器授权失败。 401.5-ISAPI/CGI应用程序授权失败。 401.7–访问被Web服务器上的URL授权策略拒绝。这个错误代码为IIS6.0所专用。 403-禁止访问:IIS定义了许多不同的403错误,它们指明更为具体的错误原因:


uint i, j; uchar a = 0xfe; EA = 1; EX0 = 1;不能这样 EA = 1; EX0 = 1; uint i, j; uchar a = 0xfe; 否则出现外部中断.C(18): error C141: syntax error near 'unsigned' 外部中断.C(18): error C202: 'i': undefined identifier 外部中断.C(19): error C141: syntax error near 'unsigned' 外部中断.C(19): error C202: 'a': undefined identifier 外部中断.C(23): error C202: 'i': undefined identifier 外部中断.C(27): error C202: 'a': undefined identifier 外部中断.C(29): error C202: 'a': undefined identifier 外部中断.C(31): error C202: 'i': undefined identifier 外部中断.c - 8 Error(s), 0 Warning(s). 原因:顺序问题,keil中的顺序 外部中断和内部中断的区别是什么; 外部中断是在单片机的外面给单片机一个信号单片机收到这个信号开始中断这是外部中断 内部中断是通过软件把中断打开执行中断

error c236:‘——display’:different length of parameter lists参数列表的长度不同。 检查开始的函数声明和这定义的参数是否一致。 还有参数没说明类型 有很大的区别, 错误3 unreferenced local variable 是未使用定义的变量,就是你定义了但是没有使用。 错误4 syntax error语法错误。 电平触发方式是按照电平的高或者低来触发,所以用的时候,必须在发生触发事件后立即将电平拉到非触发电平上,如果不这样做的话,会导致程序一直在触发事件程序入口处,而不会执行其他地方的程序。所以一般比较少用。 边沿触发方式是按照(上或下)边沿触发事件,由于触发的条件是边沿(上或下),所以即使在触发事件后,保存原来的电平都没有关系,不会一直在触发的,一般都用这种方式。 错误5 #define uchar unsigned char 不能写成 #define unsigned char uchar 否则出现会出现很多错误 错误6 不能这样定义字符数组 int a = “wwwsad”只能用char 错误7 error C244: 'table':can't initialize, bad type or class 。意思是错误的或者坏的类


宽带连接错误的处理办法——常见错误代码:691、623、678、645、720、721、 宽带连接错误691(由于域上的用户名或密码无效而拒绝访问)/错误635(未知错误)的处理流程如下: (1)用户名密码填写错误 (2)如果用户帐号密码填写无误,则进入下一步继续处理;建议重建拨号软件(如果不懂装拨号软件,可参考户重新): 如果重装拨号软件后正常,原因为“拨号软件丢失”; 如果重装拨号软件后故障依旧,请拨打客服电话10000电信(10060网通/10050铁通)进行障碍申告。 宽带连接错误691 错误691真正意义上来讲:1:域上名出现错误,(用户名或密码输入错误)。2:服务器无反映,(机房用户端口错误,或帐号未被激活)。3:电话或宽带到期欠费造成。 出现错误691的原因 1.电信限制了你帐户使用数目,比如你这个帐户可以4个人用,现在4个人在用,你拨号就是错误691 2.你在用完后没断开,至少服务器那边还是没断开,以为你还在用,和上面情况类似,所以错误691 建议:每次关机的时候在宽带连接上右键,点断开 出现错误691后不要一直死缠烂打拨号,等待个几分钟再试试,如果一直出现这种情况,拨打客服电话10000电信(10060网通/10050铁通),告诉工作人员你的电脑错误691上不了,然后她问“请问你的宽带编号多少”,告诉她你帐户,然后她有时问你开户的是谁,回答开户的是谁,然后过个几分钟她就会找人帮你搞定 宽带连接错误691的解决办法之一 解决ADSL莫名其妙的错误691问题 工厂的办公室里有无线路由器,而家里新装了宽带,还没有买路由器,所以只跟哥共用一个ADSL帐号上网,一根网线在两台手提之间插来拔去的。但是让人郁闷的是,插在哥的手提上,都能连接上网络,可是插到我这台手提上总是提示错误691:用户名/密码错误。但是可以确定的是,我绝对没有把用户名或者密码输错,让我在拔号器与机子设置了好久也不行!!!郁闷...... 打10000询问,电信小姐坚持是我输错了,不是他们的问题。后来上网搜了一些相关的文章终于把问题解决了——原来电信把我的ADSL帐号和哥哥的提提网卡绑定了。解决方法如下(部分参考《Win2000/XP下轻松修改网卡MAC 地址》一文,作者小超):


windows常见出错代码 ☆──────────────────────────────────☆ 1.停止错误编号:0x0000000A 说明文字:IRQL-NOT-LESS-OR-EQUAL 通常的原因:驱动程序使用了不正确的内存地址. 解决方法:如果无法登陆,则重新启动计算机.当出现可用的作系统列表时,按F8键.在Windows高级 选项菜单屏幕上,选择"最后一次正确的配置",然后按回车键. 检查是否正确安装了所有的 新硬件或 软件.如果这是一次全新安装,请与硬件或软件的制造商联系, 获得可能需要的任何Windows更新或 驱动程序. 运行由计算机制造商提供的所有的系统诊断软件,尤其是内存检查. 禁用或卸掉新近安装的硬件(RAM,适配器,硬盘,调制解调器等等),驱动程序或软件. 确保 硬件设备 驱动程序和系统BIOS都是最新的版本. 确保制造商可帮助你是否具有最新版本,也可帮助你获得这些硬件. 禁用BIOS内存选项,例如cache或shadow. ☆──────────────────────────────────☆ 2.停止错误编号:0x0000001E 说明文字:KMODE-EXPTION-NOT-HANDLED 通常的原因:内核模式进程试图执行一个非法或未知的处理器指令. 解决方法:确保有足够的空间,尤其是在执行一次新安装的时候. 如果停止错误消息指出了某个特定的驱动程序,那么禁用他.如果无法启动计算机.应试着 用安全 模 式启动,以便删除或禁用该驱动程序. 如果有非Microsoft支持的视频驱动程序,尽量切换到标准的VGA驱动程序或Windows提供的适当 驱 动程序. 禁用所有新近安装的驱动程序. 确保有最新版本的系统BIOS.硬件制造商可帮助确定你是否具有最新版本,也可以帮助你获得他. BIOS内存选项,例如cache,shadow. ☆──────────────────────────────────☆ 3.停止错误编号:0x00000023或0x00000024 说明文字:FAT-FILE-SYSTEM或MTFS-FILE-SYSTEM 通常原因:问题出现在Ntfs.sys(允许系统读写NTFS驱动器的驱动程序文件)内. 解决方法:运行由计算机制造商提供的系统诊断软件,尤其是硬件诊断软件.. 禁用或卸载所有的反病毒软件,磁盘碎片整理程序或备份程序. 通过在命令提示符下运行Chkdsk /f命令检查硬盘驱动器是否损坏,然后重新启动计算机 ☆──────────────────────────────────☆ 4.停止编号:0x0000002E

keil c语言编程常见错误分析要点

1. Warning 280:’i’:unreferenced local variable 说明局部变量i 在函数中未作任何的存取操作解决方法消除函数中i 变量的宣告及即定义的参数在程序中并未调用 2 Warning 206:’Music3’:missing function-prototype 说明Music3( )函数未作宣告或未作外部宣告所以无法给其他函数调用 解决方法将叙述void Music3(void)写在程序的最前端作宣告如果是其他文件的函数则要写成extern void Music3(void),即作外部宣告 3Error:318:can’t open file ‘beep.h’ 说明在编译C:\8051\MANN.C 程序过程中由于main.c 用了指令#i nclude “beep.h”,但却找不到所致解决方法编写一个beep.h 的包含档并存入到c:\8051 的工作目录中 4 Error 237:’LedOn’:function already has a body 说明LedOn( )函数名称重复定义即有两个以上一样的函数名称 解决方法修正其中的一个函数名称使得函数名称都是独立的 5 ***WARNING 16:UNCALLED SEGMENT,IGNORED FOR OVERLAY PROCESS SEGMENT: ?PR?_DELAYX1MS?DELAY 说明DelayX1ms( )函数未被其它函数调用也会占用程序记忆体空间

解决方法去掉DelayX1ms( )函数或利用条件编译#if …..#endif,可保留该函数并不编译 6 ***WARNING 6 :XDATA SPACE MEMORY OVERLAP FROM : 0025H TO: 0025H 说明外部资料ROM 的0025H 重复定义地址 解决方法外部资料ROM 的定义如下Pdata unsigned char XFR_ADC _at_0x25 其中XFR_ADC 变量的名称为0x25,请检查是否有其它的变量名称也是定义在0x25 处并修正它 7 WARNING 206:’DelayX1ms’: missing function-prototype C:\8051\INPUT.C Error 267 :’DelayX1ms ‘:requires ANSI-style prototype C:\8051\INPUT.C 说明程序中有调用DelayX1ms 函数但该函数没定义即未编写程序内容或函数已定义但未作宣告 解决方法编写DelayX1ms 的内容编写完后也要作宣告或作外部宣告可在delay.h 的包含档宣告成外部以便其它函数调用 8 ***WARNING 1:UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL SYMBOL SYMBOL:MUSIC3


常见错误代码及解决办法 错误 691,客户名密码错,错误提示如图所示: 1)输入的上网帐号(上网客户名)或密码填写错误导致,首先请找出客户的客户名和密码,核对一下,重新再输入一次。依然不行,在电脑右下角找到本地连接的图标-右击,在最下面一排会出现打开网络连接等类似字样(VISTA WIN7也一样,可能文字描述会有一点点不同而 已),打开后的界面里同样会有一个移动宽带连接的图标,双击打开如下图: 按照上图设置完成后,检查帐号是否正确,然后重新输入密码连接。 如果仍然连接不上,且错误代码仍为691,可能是用户宽带欠费(江大移动网基本都是手机帐号,如果手机欠费,宽带也等同于欠费),请续费后再试。也可能是用户密码的确是错误了,这时候 用户可拨打10086进行重置密码,具体操作如下:拨打10086,根据语音提示拨通人工服务,接 通后跟客服人员说“我要重置(即初始化宽带密码)个人有线宽带的密码,帮我转接到宽带专 席(即宽带专家坐席)好么”,转接到宽带专席之后,跟宽带专席的客服人员说“我要重置个 人有线宽带的密码”……重置完了之后,跟客服人员说“再帮我把宽带帐号的端口刷新一下”, 说完就可以跟客服说声谢谢然后再见了。然后重新输入重置之后的密码(一般为123456,偶尔 会有123123),再进行连接。 错误800

1.关掉防火墙,杀毒软件等程序,再进行连接(可以关一个就连接一次,这样可以找出是哪个防火墙的问题) 2.检查本地连接以及IP和DNS设置:在电脑右下角找到本地连接的图标(找不到图标的话,XP系统:开始-控制面板(切换到经典模式)-网络连接;VISTA系统:开始-控制面板-网 络和INTERNET(没有这个选项的跳过这个直接往下看)-网络和共享中心-管理网络连接(在 界面的左侧);WIN7系统:开始-控制面板-网络和INTERNET(没有这个选项的跳过这个直 接往下看)-网络和共享中心-更改适配器设置(在界面的左侧))-右击,在最下面一排会 出现打开网络连接等类似字样(VISTA WIN7也一样,可能文字描述会有一点点不同而已), 在打开的界面里会有本地连接的图标,看本地连接的图标是否正常(正常的显示是:XP系 统会显示已连接上,VISTA和WIN7会显示网络或网络2、网络3……)。 a.正常的话右击本地连接,点击属性,在中间的位置会有一个小窗口,有很多列表,XP 系统找到“Internet选项TCP/IP协议”并双击打开,VISTA和WIN7找到一个含有“Ipv4” 的选项并双击打开,将其中IP和DNS都设置为自动获取。然后点击确定,然后点击此 界面里的移动宽带连接,按照“错误691”的解决方案设置好,然后重新输入密码并 连接。 b.本地连接不正常的话,查看本地连接上的文字提示。 1)本地连接上提示本地连接被停用的话,右击本地连接-启用,即可 2)本地连接上有个红色的叉叉,提示网络电缆被拔出。这说明你的网络线路有问题, 简单点说就是你的网线压根没插好,也有可能是接口坏掉了,可以把网线插拔试试, 红色叉叉消失了,就说明网线插好了。实在不行换跟网线或换个接口。 3)本地连接上有叹号,提示网络连接受限制或无连接。 ①XP系统:右击-修复 ②VISTA和WIN7系统:右击-诊断等待获取完网络地址。 没有叹号了的话,尝试进行连接 叹号仍然存在的话:右击本地连接-停用(禁用),然后再右击本地连接-启用, 等待获取完网络地址。没有叹号了的话,尝试进行连接 叹号仍然存在的话:右击本地连接-属性,中间有个小窗口有很多选项,取消所有 选项的前面的勾,点击确定。然后,右击本地连接-属性,中间有个小窗口有很多 选项,勾选所有选项的前面的勾,点击确定。等待获取完网络地址。 没有叹号了的话,尝试进行连接 叹号仍然存在的话,重复以上步骤,如果一直都有叹号,并且无法连接上移动宽 带,说明计算机本身驱动有存在问题,或网卡问题(此处驱动原因的可能性远远 大于网卡原因的可能性) 3.卸载已经安装的宽带连接软件,并重新安装,安装完成后要重新启动(必须),然后进行网络连接。 错误868(和错误800有些类似) 找到本地连接,点击开始,打开控制面板,XP系统:开始-控制面板(切换到经典模式)-网络连接;VISTA 系统:开始-控制面板-网络和INTERNET(没有这个选项的跳过这个直接往下看)-网络和共享中心-管理网络连接(在界面的左侧);WIN7系统:开始-控制面板-网络和INTERNET(没有这个选项的跳过这个直接往下看)-网络和共享中心-更改适配器设置(在界面的左侧)。
