


学术会议常用表达 1. 有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academic conference international conference symposium annual meeting/symposium/conference forum, international forum workshop (2)日期 dates/important dates/key dates (3)地点 location/venue conference location/venue (4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference conference themes/topics topic of interests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 call for abstract/proposal/paper paper deadline deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline deadline extended date for mortification of acceptance Paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by… deadline for authors notification camera ready version deadline 3. 会议注册 deadline/closing date for registration registration form registration information registration fees and items official invitation letter payment telegraphic transfer only bank transfer bank draft/check 4. 会议进程及容 conference schedule/program preliminary conference program final conference program opening ceremony/session keynote session/parallel session/tutorial session keynote speech oral presentation poster presentation tea/coffee


学术会议常用表达 1.有关会议的一般信息 ( 1)名称 conference academic conference international conference symposium annual meeting/symposium/conference forum, international forum workshop ( 2)日期 dates/important dates/key dates ( 3)地点 location/venue conference location/venue ( 4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference conference themes/topics topic of interests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 call for abstract/proposal/paper paper deadline

deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline date for mortification of acceptance deadline extended Paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by? deadline for authors notification camera ready version deadline 3.会注册 deadline/closing date for registration registration information registration form registration fees and items payment official invitation letter telegraphic transfer only bank transfer bank draft/check 4.会程及内容 conference schedule/program preliminary conference program final conference program opening ceremony/session keynote session/parallel session/tutorial session keynote


精心整理 学术会议常用表达 1.有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academicconference internationalconference symposium annualmeeting/symposium/conference forum,internationalforum workshop (2)日期 dates/importantdates/keydates (3)地点 location/venueconferencelocation/venue (4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scopeofconference conferencethemes/topics topicofinterests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 callforabstract/proposal/paper paperdeadline deadlineforabstract/fullpaper/proposalsubmission submissiondeadline deadlineextended dateformortificationofacceptance Paperacceptance/rejectionwillbeinformedby…deadlineforauthorsnotification camerareadyversiondeadline 3.会议注册 deadline/closingdateforregistration registrationform registrationinformation registrationfeesanditems officialinvitationletter payment telegraphictransferonly banktransfer bankdraft/check 4.会议进程及内容 conferenceschedule/program preliminaryconferenceprogram finalconferenceprogram openingceremony/session keynotesession/parallelsession/tutorialsession keynotespeech oralpresentation posterpresentation tea/coffeebreak (buffet)lunch/(buffet)supper (welcome)banquet 5.会议具体细节 opening introductiontospeaker theme/paperpresentation questionandanswer commentonspeaker closing 6.学术会议的问答讨论环节口语 学术报告之后的问答讨论环节(QuestionandAnswerSession)是同行之间交流的良好机会,双方可以针对报告中的具体问题进行探讨 精心整理


学术会议的交流主要有两种形式:oral 和poster,就是所谓的口头和张贴两种。 poster,可以译为“海报”或“展板”,扼要展示自己或团队的工作,以供学术交流。 -------------------------------------------------------分割线------------------------------------------------------------------- 假装前言 话说我有这么门儿课,“学术写作”。留了个作业,找篇文献,做一个poster。2-3人小组作业,这个周日deadline。话说一开始我没有组,正打算单干呢,昨天课前正好撞见我的俄罗斯同学,她说我也没组呀,咱俩吧;她前一天刚报告了一篇文献,说咱就这个吧,我心想也不错,反正自己也没开始。 昨天晚上大概不到10点的时候,这位俄罗斯妹子发来了她的初稿(见图一),邮件里还说“我在这上面花了1个小时40分钟,公平起见吧,你是不是也得差不多花一样的时间捏?”我暗自思忖,行啊,无所谓。打开初稿一看,出了一身汗,全TM的工作量啊……不过心想她文章看了至少2遍吧,得嘞,开干吧。 图一. poster 初稿

从10点大约折腾到凌晨1点找素材,确定模板,然后睡觉去了。今天早晨8:30起的,起来就断断续续干这件事儿,但累计也得五六个小时了吧。我在晚上7点时候基本完成了这个poster,妹子给我挑了一些毛病,然后后面说“忽略那些小问题,我非常喜欢这个post er哈!”(你丫敢不喜欢……)8点半左右基本定型了,明天早起再最后看一眼。 闲言少叙,正题吧。 -------------------------------------------------------分割线------------------------------------------------------------------- 正文部分 先是一些关于poster的基本要点和原则: ?制作软件-PPT!poster的制作软件是PPT,以前一直以为是什么高级软件,但现在发现PPT这货还真是挺强大的。好在我PPT基本功还不赖,呵呵。 ?确定尺寸。这是制作poster第一步,也是很重要的一步是。比如A0,比如36x48 cm等等。这一方面取决于会议给出的标准规格,一方面取决于你要展示内容的多少。 如果会议给出标准那自然好,如果没有的话最好问清楚展板的大小。大老远飞过去,如果发现自己带的poster太大了,那就只能一直在旁边举着了。(个人观点是,横版的poster能容纳更多的内容,竖版的少一些。) ?模板来源:http://www.posterpresentations.com/html/free_poster_templates.ht ml#42x90 真是世界之大,什么都有,这是当时打算自己单干的时候找到的一个网站。里面给 出了各种尺寸的poster(见图二),大家按需下载。网站还给出了一个不错的视频教程(它的视频配乐很亮),初次接触的话可以简单学习一下。


演讲的组成部分: 1)开场白——打招呼,自我介绍,客套;2)引言——缘起,思路,方法; 3)论述——理论或实验过程描述; 4)分析——陈述、剖析结果; 5)结论——总结性叙述; 6)示谢——感谢听众。

1)开场白 招呼用语: Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen Prof. A, Ladies and Gentlemen Good morning, everyone Good afternoon, everyone

1)开场白 感谢主席或自我介绍: Thank you very much, Professor A, for your kind introduction. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious introduction. My name is B, from C. The title of my presentation is D. I am B from C. The topic of my paper is (about) D.

1)开场白 社交辞令: I am delighted[honored, privileged, proud, happy, …] to be here (with you this morning). I am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. It’s a great pleasure for me to be here. I appreciate the opportunity to be here to attend this mini-symposium[session].


模拟国际会议主持词 一、开题语 Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to Chicago, a beautiful city of America. I’m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, from*********** University of a very very great pleasure to participate in the 110TH Association of American Geographers Conference as the chairman,its my first time to do I really enjoy being stay here with you this morning. The International Geography Conference has been held 110th times by the Association of American Geographers (AAG) institute since 1904. The purpose of the conferences have contributed to share our experiences and knowledge of the advancement of geography, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems. A lot of current issues have been discussed, and some of them have been effectively soluted. Welcome to the Association of American Geographers' Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California! You will be joined by fellow geographers, GIS specialists, environmental scientists, and other leaders for the latest in research and applications in geography, sustainability, and GIS science. The meeting will be held from December14 to December18, 2014, and will feature over 6,000 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, experts, and researchers. Today, as the first time of the conference debut in this city, we’ll have a unique session. The topic of prepared presentations is the application of quantitative methods in Geography , Today’s speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different issues and give a reasonable answer. Then, we’ll have a Question and Answer session, which allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. I am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative. 二、介绍第一个演讲者 Now, Let me introduce the first speaker, who is very very rich, not in dollars, but in knowledge and experiences, She got her in the natural geography ***********University, followed by a series of teaching and research positions at Sun Yat-sen University. Please don’t hesitate to join me in welcoming our first speaker, Prof.********, whose topic is***************. Welcome. 三、对第一个演讲者做总结 an innovative the impact of climate change and human activities on runoff changes is a problem that has puzzled researchers for a long time. This study has developed a framework to separate the impacts of climate change and human activities to surface runoff. The information from this study will assist with better use and management of water resources for residents and economic development in southern China. Thank you for the excellent presentations and ideas. 四、介绍第二个演讲者 Now, I’ll be very pleased and excited to introduce the next speaker, Prof.************, who is the Prof. of^^^^^^^^^^ University.


International Conference on Space Technol ogy Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends: At this special time of wonderful September, in this grand hall of the beautiful city, our respectable guests are here getting together. Jointly sponsored by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL), undertaken by China National Convention Center at Beijing, the sixty-fourth session of the International Astronautical Congress will be open. Now, first of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you, for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. For this conference, we are following the agenda here. The meeting is supposed to last for five days,it is the first congress which covers the true sense of space science and exploration, space applications and operations, space infrastructure, space and society multidimensional fields.And it to be separated into two parts, to begin with, we’ll invite some representatives from our guests to give lectures about their latest researches and reports on the issue, and then we will have some symposiums. And finally I wish you an unforgettable and prefect experience here. Thank you!


国际学术会议英文主持词 篇一:英文学术会议主持人发言稿 模拟国际会议主持词 一、开题语 Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to Chicago, a beautiful city of America. I’m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, from*********** University of a very very great pleasure to participate in the 110TH Association of American Geographers Conference as the chairman,its my first time to do I really enjoy being stay here with you this morning. The International Geography Conference has been held 110th times by the Association of American Geographers (AAG) institute since 1904. The purpose of the conferences have contributed to share our experiences and knowledge of the advancement of geography, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems. A lot of current issues have been discussed, and some of them have been effectively soluted. Welcome to the Association of American


学术会议海报模板 软件工具: PowerPoint 海报的尺寸要求: 不同的会议,海报的大小要求可能略有不同。

AAMAS2019规定:The posters should need to measure maximum 1,18 m or 3.8 ft (height), and maximum 83 cm or 2.7 ft (length). 可以在PPT“页面设置”中设置大小。 背景:整张海报背景颜色不宜太花哨,也不宜太深,背景及其颜色要简单明快整洁。 分栏:栏与栏之间间隔3cm,纵向版面建议分2栏,横向版面建议分3栏。留白: 列与列、大段文字之间、图表之间都要注意留白。 在海报四周边缘留出最少4cm的空白。 字体: 可以用Helvetica, Times New Roman, Trebuchet, CenturyGothic。 据说无衬线字体(e.g. Helvetica) 通常要比衬线字体(e.g. Cambria) 好! 标题、标题栏、作者及其单位、海报主体、图注以及参考文献等,都可以设置成不同的字体,但同一类别的字体要相同。 字体大小:主标题字号> 小标题字号> 正文字号,主标题字号90-150,内容文字字号30-32。 图表: 使用图、表、照片提高直观效果,推荐使用量≥40%,用彩色图:.jpg或者.emf ,图片的质量:200-300dpi,避免拉扯失真。 在图表上放置小标题,图表的编号和命名和文字内容对应。 个人信息:可以放学校的Logo,可以在最下部留下联系信息。 最后:

制作好poster 后,先将其放大为100%。 这时如有问题,及时调整(如图片不清晰,及时更换图片格式)。然后存为PDF 版,保证打印出的纸版poster 无差异。


学术会议英文发言稿 【篇一:国际会议作报告英语发言稿】 thank you, prof. …. my name is ….. i’m from ….. i am very pleased to be here to join this forum. the topic of my presentation is properties of rapid construction materials for soil pavement of field airfield. as is shown in the picture, the main parts of my research are about soil pavement. my presentation will include these four parts: first, some background information about this research; second, the main work we have done; third, some conclusions we have got and the last: innovation and presentation of our published papers. why i choose this item i think it can be illustrated from the following four parts. first, the existing quantity of airfields is still not sufficient and the airfields have many shortcomings especially in war time. second, the complementary facilities, such as highway runways are far less than airfields, however, have more weakness. third, a certain amount of field airfield is quite necessary considering some emergencies such as rescue and disaster relief. forth, the field airfield can fill the void of airfield and they can be combined to be airfield network. the meaning and aim of this research contains three parts. fast, convenient and validity, fast means the field airfield must be constructed


学术会 JUNE 2021议海报 模板 整理人尼克 知识改变命运

学术海报 数学学院系列学术讲座之十一题目:Gromv-Witten不变理论简介 报告人:丁浩博士 主持人:范小明教授 时间:2009年12月11日15:00—16:00 地点:数学学院会议室(电气馆3215)欢迎大家参加

附件1:会议论文模板 文章标题 第一作者1,第二作者1,2,通讯作者*,1,2 (1. 第一作者单位,所在城市邮政编码) (2. 第一作者单位,所在城市邮政编码) 摘要:内容摘要应具有独立性,采用第三人称表述,内容应包括研究目的、方法和具体的研究结果、结论以及重要的数据,字数不应少于200字。 关键词:关键词1;关键词2;关键词3;关键词4(3~8个) 论文应使用Word 2000以上版本编排。单栏排,每篇文章不要超过4个版面。文章正文部分应用单倍行距、宋体(英文用Times New Roman)、字号五号编辑。正文各部分都应简洁明了。层次标题一律用阿拉伯数字连续编号;不同层次的数字之间用小圆点相隔,末位数字不加标点符号。如“1”,“1.1” ,“1.1.1”等) 1 一级标题 1.1 二级标题 1.1.1 三级标题 表格使用三线表,标题和表中文字一律使用小五号字。 表1表题采用宋体、小五号字 Catalyst Bulk composition (atomic ratio) S BET/(m2?g-1) Co-B Co65.6B34.4 28 1%-Co-Zn-B Co66.7Zn0.7B32.636 2%-Co-Zn-B Co67.0Zn1.2B31.857 5%-Co-Zn-B Co65.4Zn2.8B31.870 10%-Co-Zn-B Co65.8Zn4.8B29.479


3S集成与气象应用魏军20111209273 International Conference on Remote Sensing Technology Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends: At this special time of wonderful March, in this grand hall of the beautiful campus, Our respectable guests are here getting together . Jointly sponsored by China Remote Sensing Association, undertaken by Remote Sensing Institution of NUIST at Nanjing, the first International Conference on Remote Sensing technology , will be open. Now, First of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you , for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. It is a great honor for us to have all you here to attend this conference, of which the theme is the academic exchange about the advanced technologies on RS. Here I’d be delighted to introduce our conventioneers in brief. Apart from our faculty and students, Most of the delegates and guests are prestigious experts and scientists, who are related in these fields from all over the world. With many significant achievements, they are the most dynamic leaders in the movements of the science and technology. As the host, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a general introduction about our school. Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST), founded in 1960 and renamed from Nanjing Institute of Meteorology in 2004, was designated in 1978 as one of the key institutions of higher learning in China. The university consists of 24 departments or colleges, 12 scientific research institutions and one international training center. The university, covering an area of 140 hectares with a floor space of 420000 square meters, boasts 42 basic and special laboratories such as Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disasters and Sino-American Remote Sensing Laboratory. With a total collection of over 1,170,000 books, the library was listed as one of the most completed literature libraries in China in terms of atmospheric sciences. For this conference, we are following the agenda here. The meeting is supposed to last for three days,and to be separated into two parts. To begin with , we’ll invite some representatives from our guests to give lectures about their latest researches and reports on the issue, and then we will have some symposiums. During the conference we are pleased to be your guide to this city. If anything needed, don’t hesitate to contact us. We believe by our collaboration we are sure to make this gathering a consummation. And finally I wish you an unforgettable and prefect experience here. Thanks!



学术会议常用表达 1. 有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academic conference international conference symposium annual meeting/symposium/conference forum, international forum workshop (2)日期 dates/important dates/key dates (3)地点 location/venue conference location/venue (4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference conference themes/topics topic of interests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 call for abstract/proposal/paper paper deadline deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline deadline extended

5. 会议具体细节 opening introduction to speaker theme/paper presentation question and answer comment on speaker closing 6.学术会议的问答讨论环节口语 学术报告之后的问答讨论环节(Question and Answer Session)是同行之间交流的良好机会,双方可以针对报告中的具体问题进行探讨(1)答问的方式与技巧 回答讨论环节可以让报告人通过互动及时地获得信息反馈并可以把在讨论中或得的建设性建议用于下一步的工作,因此对科研工作有很大的促进作用。对于如此重要的环节,报告人在报告之前应进行必要的准备,尽可能地保证这一环节完整、流畅地进行,一般应注意以下几点。 ①准备工作 学术报告中的提问者往往是相关领域中的专家,对报告的内容非常熟悉,因此所提出的问题可能会有相当的深度、广度以及不可预见性,有时甚至直接指出研究工作中的不完善之处或漏洞所在。由于时间关系,回答者在现场一般没


Figure 5: Reflection patterns using various connectors (reduced Fresnel magnitudes inside yellow box ) Introduction Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR ) is a common technique for detecting damage in fiber optic cables. The process involves transmitting a pulse of light down the optical fiber, analyzing the amount of light reflected back to the source, and displaying the reflection patterns on the OTDR screen. Connector Type The index of refraction of the patch vs. the test fiber was allowed differ by up to 10%, which created a mismatch at the junction of the two fibers. Four types of connectors were simulated to determine which produced the lowest reflection magnitude. Plotting the reflection response patterns from all four connection types shows that the Angled Physical Contact connector produced the lowest reflection (see Figure 6). Though much less expensive, Index Matching Fluid only has a lifetime of 2 years. Most optical fiber applications require 10 years life or more [3]. References [1] Sadiku , N .O . Matthew . Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics [2]Newton , Steven A . Novel Approaches to Optical Reflectometry [3]Knapp , John . Characterization of Fiber -Optic Cables Using an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR ) Fiber optic characterization using a simulated Optical Time -Domain Reflectometer (OTDR ) Robb P . Merrill Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Utah During characterization of short fiber optic cables of approximately 1 meter, Fresnel reflections pose a serious challenge to accurate damage detection. The Fresnel tail obliterates any small reflections that are produced by damaged sections of cable, and the damage is overlooked. Simulation Method The Finite Difference Time Domain method [1] was implemented in MATLAB to simulate a pulse of light traveling through the patch and test fibers. The following parameters used in the simulation were obtained from an actual OTDR system: Index of refraction (n) of test fiber = 1.4525, Wavelength (λ) of light pulse = 850 nanometers [3] . Pulse Duration 1 Abnormalities in the fiber, such as bends, cracks, connectors, and other abrupt changes in the refractive index create reflection spikes called Fresnel (“Fre'-nel”) reflections [2]. After a spike is detected, a significant delay occurs when the reflectometer ‘settles down’ from its saturated state. This delay is called a Fresnel tail (Figure 1). Figure 3: Simulated Fresnel Tail skews , then obliterates , the damage reflection at larger durations Figure 4: Common types of fiber optic connectors with relative reflection magnitudes shown 1 1.5 2 2.53 3.5 4 4.5 5 00.005 0.010.015 0.020.025 0.030.035 Travel Distance from Source (m) E l e c t r i c F i e l d (V /m ) 1 μ second 2 μ seconds 3 μ seconds 2 2.5 3 3.5 x 10 Figure 1: OTDR screenshot showing reflection spike from cable connector , and resulting Fresnel tail (area marked by bracket ) Figure 2: Simulated ideal response showing fiber damage (small reflection bumps ).Damage is visible because no Fres -nel tail is present . To determine the effect of the light pulse duration on the saturation level of the OTDR unit, one period of a raised cosine pulse was transmitted through the fiber at various frequencies. A pulse duration of 1 microsecond proved to be the most favorably responsive for the parameters of the simulation (see Figure 3). In real-world application, however, the duration must actually be smaller due to the relatively slow simulation speed vs. the physical speed of light. Summary Short fiber optic cables present many challenges that must be overcome in order to accurately detect fiber damage using OTDR . Pulse durations shorter than 1 microsecond, and Angled Physical Contact (APC ) fiber connectors are recommended to provide the greatest reduction in Fresnel reflection. By performing OTDR simulations, an optical systems engineer could understand the behavior of a fiber network and detect potential problems before actual production.
