







1. 分析选项,找出核心词

2. 逐一浏览相应段落,查找核心信息,概括段落主旨


3. 匹配段落中心语义和标题



(2) What does a child do when he s sad? He cries. When he s angry? He  shouts. Scared? Probably a bit of both. As we grow up, we learn to control our emotions so they are manageable and don t dictate our behaviours, which is in many ways a good thing. But too often we take this process too far and end up suppressing emotions, especially negative ones. That s about as effective as brushing dirt under a carpet and can even make us ill. What we need to do is find a way to acknowledge and express what we feel appropriately, and then-again, like children-move on.

答案:[D] Express your emotions.


1. 分析选项,找出核心词为express, emotions

2. 逐一浏览相应段落,查找核心信息,概括段落主旨

emotions一词在本段中原词复现了两次,而且第二次出现该词的句子句首是转折词but,在找段落中心时,转折后是必读部分。最后一句提到了出现了关键词express,提到对待情绪的方式是acknowledge and express what we feel appropriately,为段落中心句。

3. 匹配段落中心语义和标题

D选项中的express在原文中原词复现,emotions 即what we feel的同义替换,选项D与原文完全对应,因此选D。




考研英语阅读理解试题解题方法及步骤 考研可以说是人生的一个转折驿站,一次改变命运的艰辛历练。作为考研路上的重要科目--英语,也成为不少考生脚下的牵绊石,而占分数比重的阅读理解,自然也是考试中的重头戏,能否巧妙的用对技巧,灵活应答,成为考生研路中的棘手问题,下面我们就层层推进,分析一下阅读的方法技巧和步骤攻略,揭开这层久未露面的神秘面纱。 一、阅读方法 阅读文章基本方法有3种,一是略读,二是精读,三是寻读。略读是一种快速阅读方法,在非常短的时间内浏览全文获得文章的中心思想和主要事实。精读则是仔细阅读每句话,理解分析其含义,弄清句与句之间的逻辑关系,进而理解整个段落的意思。而寻读则是通过目光扫视,迅速确定你所期望得到的信息的位置。考试中3种基本方法可以用在不同的情况。通过略读,我们可以了解材料的结构安排和主要信息,利用精读我们可以针对考题中的某些信息或难点做具体细致的解析,而寻读则在解题过程中起着一个定位的作用。 二、阅读步骤 第一步:略读短文把握方向 用尽量短的时间扫视短文,特别留意每段的第一句和末段的最后一句。因为各段的主题句往往在句首,而文章的最后一句很可能是概括总结。略读的目的是掌握短文的主旨大意,做到对全文的内容心中大致有数,有一个思考的方向。 第二步:浏览问题有的放矢 浏览5个问题,揣测出题者出此题的目的并侧重阅读短文相关部分。由于对所问问题及文章主旨都已了解,在阅读时自然会知道哪些地方得细读哪些地方可一带而过甚至跳过不读。所有问题都是根据文章内容提出的,基本反映并覆盖了文章的主要内容。先阅读问题再阅读全文,这种方法的优点是:可在较短的时间内有针对性地阅读相关内容,便于给相关问题定位,有的放矢,事半功倍。 第三步:分析判断确定答案 在完成上面两步的基础上,对5个问题逐一解答。需要注意的是:要是文章内容涉及自己熟悉的题材和知识范畴,在选项时绝对不能单凭自己的主观判断解决问题。因为文章考的是你对该篇的阅读理解能力,而不是你的某种知识,因此选项不能脱离文章的题意。 对于英语水平相对较低,阅读速度较慢的考生来说,我们建议不妨直接从第二步开始:先浏览所有5道题的题目,对文章所涉及的内容有个粗略的估计或了解,然后逐一解答。先寻读文章的相关部分,然后选择正确答案。如遇到有关文章主旨大意或需要推理的题,可先放一放,等做完其他题再做这类题。先难后易,各个击破。 另外,在阅读过程中,不妨在自己认为比较重要的某些句子或词语(主题句,关键词)下面划线,标上符号,这样有助于突出重点,活跃思维,同时也便于阅读,节省时间,使阅


2015年考研英语二真题答案(完整版) 2015考研英语二答案 完型填空题 1 .C signal 2 .D much 3. C plugged 4. A message 5. C behind 6. A misinterpreted 7. B judged 8. D unfamiliar 9. B anxious 10. D turn 11.A dangerous 12. A hurt 13.B conversation 14. D passengers 15.C predict 16. D ride 17.A went through 18.C in fact 19.B since 20 B simple 阅读题答案 Text 1 答案 21. D offered greater relaxation than the workplace 22. B childless husbands 23. A they are both bread winners and housewives 24. C earnings 25. B division of labor at home is seldom clear-cut Text2 答案 26. C miss its original purpose 27. A the problem is solvable 28. C are in need offinancial support 29. D are inexperienced in handling issues at college

30. D colleges are partly responsible for the problem in question Text3 答案 31. A more emotional 32. C sports culture 33.D strengthen employee loyalty 34.A voices for working women 35. C companies find it to be fundamental Text4 36. B the increase of voluntary part-time jobs 37. C cannot get their hands on full-time jobs 38. B shows a general tendency of decline 39. B empolyment is no longer a precondition to get insureance 40.A 阅读新题型 41 .D Most of your fearsare unreal 42. E Think about the [resent moment 43.G There are many things to be grateful for 44.A You are not alone 45. C Pave your own unique path 翻译题 回想一下这样的经历:开车行驶在一条非常熟悉的道路上。这可能是你每天上下班的必经之路,可能是进城的旅行,亦或是回家的道路。不管是哪一种,你都了解每一个屈折拐弯之处,就像熟悉自己手背上的纹路一样。在这些所有类型的旅途中,很容易失去驾车的注意力,并且几乎不注意沿途的风景。结果,比起这段路途实际需要的时间,你的感觉是花费的时间更少。 这就是经常旅行线路效应:人们往往低估了花费在一条熟悉的路线上的时间。 这种效应是由于我们分配注意力的方式引起的。当我们旅行一条非常著名的路线时,因为我们不是非得注意太多,时间似乎流逝得更快。然后,当我们回忆起这段旅程时,因为我们没有花费太多的注意力,因此我们对之记忆地不太清楚,所以我们认为这段旅行更为短途作文 PART A 【参考范文1】 Notice In order to enrich high school students’ life in summer holiday and expand the reputation of our university, the Students Union are going to host a summer camp in our school campus and volunteers are needed. The details about this summer camp and volunteer recruitment are listed as follows. Firstly, the summer camp will begin on September 1st and it will last for ten days. Secondly, the main theme of this summer camp is “Better English, Better life” and there are various activities in this summer camp, including English-speaking contest, drama contest, sports meeting and


2018年可锐考研英语阅读真题范文(七) Don’t shoot the messenger They poison the mind and corrupt the morals of the young, who waste their time sitting on sofas immersed in dangerous fantasy worlds. That, at least, was the charge levelled against novels during the 18th century by critics worried about the impact of a new medium on young people. Today the idea that novels can harm people sounds daft. And that is surely how history will judge modern criticism of video games, which are accused of turning young people into violent criminals. This week European justice ministers met to discuss how best to restrict the sale of violent games to children. Some countries, such as Germany, believe the answer is to ban some games altogether. That is going too far. Criticism of games is merely the latest example of a tendency to demonise new and unfamiliar forms of entertainment. In 1816 waltzing was condemned as a fatal contagion that encouraged promiscuity; in 1910 films were denounced as an evil pure and simple, destructive of social interchange in the 1950s rock ’n’roll music was said to turn young people into devil worshippers and comic books were accused of turning children into drug addicts and criminals. In each case the pattern is the same: young people adopt a new form of entertainment, older people are spooked by its unfamiliarity and condemn it, but eventually the young grow up and the new medium becomes accepted-at which point another example appears and the cycle begins again. The opposition to video games is founded on the mistaken belief that most gamers are children. In fact, twothirds of gamers are over 18 and the average gamer is around 30. But the assumption that gamers are mostly children leads to a double standard. Violent films are permitted and the notion that some films are unsuitable for children is generally understood. Yet different rules are applied to games. Aren’t games different because they are interactive? It is true that video games can make people feel excited or aggressive, but so do many sports. There is no evidence that videogaming causes longterm aggression. Games ought to be agerated, just as films are, and retailers should not sell adultrated games to children any more than they should sell them adultrated films. Ratings schemes are already in place, and in some countries restrictions on the sale of adultrated games to minors have the force of law. Oddly enough, Hillary Clinton, one of the politicians who has led the criticism of the gaming industry in America, has recently come round to this view. Last month she emphasised the need for parents to pay more attention to game ratings and called on the industry, retailers and parents to work together. But this week some European politicians seemed to be moving in the other direction: the Netherlands may follow Germany, for example, in banning some games outright. Not all adults wish to play violent games, just as not all of them enjoy violent movies. But they should be free to do so if they wish. 二. Doughnut adjust your set HAVE you ever seen anything on television that made you shout or shake your fist in anger at the screen? Televisions are, of course, unable to respond to such reactions. But that could be


2017考研英语:57个阅读题答题技巧 距离2017年考研初试已经只剩一个多月的时间,各位考生在这段时间需要做得很重要的一件事就是练习真题,研究答题技巧。下面小编为大家整理了2017考研英语阅读题答题技巧,以供大家参考。 在考研英语中,阅读是一个拉分大项,也是难度较大的题目,因此同学们在复习的过程中应将答题技巧融合在复习过程中,下面是英语阅读的57个答题技巧。 1、原句重复出现,200%错。正确的都是有改动的,即同意替换。 2、文章是按顺序出题的。你要觉得不是,就是你做错了。 3、选项中意思完全相反的2个选项,其中之一是对的。(要有这个意识)。 4、就一般而言,some people,表作者不认同的观点。few people,表作者的观点。 5、用文章里举例的句子来作为选项,直接排除。200%错。(要有能辨别这个选项是不是文章中例子的能力)。 6、某某人说的话,或者是带引号的,一定要高度重视。尤其是在段落的后半部分。很有可能就是某个问题的同意替换。即题眼。 7、有的时候,一句话可以设2个问题。不过这种情况很少出现了,非常少。 8、文章基本以5段为主(也有6段、7段的),要把握每段之间的关系。一般来说,一段一个题,只是一般来说喔。 9、一篇文章总会有5、6+个长难句,且总会在这里设问题。所以,长难句必须要拿下! 10、每段的第一句很重要。尤其总分结构的段。有的时候第一句话就是题眼。考研英语,总分结构或者总分总的段落很多。

11、若文章首段以why为开头的,这里若设题的话,选项里有because的,往往就是正确选项。不过这种类型的题,很少见了。 12、有时候每段的第一句话,仅仅是一个表述。而在第2或3句以后,会出现对比或者转折。一般来说,转折后面的是作者的态度。你要注意的是,作者对什么进行了转折。那个关键词你要找出来。 13、在应该出现答案的地方,没有答案。接着往下读。答案可能会在下一段的开头部分。因为文章都是接着说的。要有连贯性。这和7选5的技巧有些相似。不过这种情况并不多见。 14、一个长句看不懂,接着往下看,下一句可能是这个长句的解释说明。是的话,这的地方可能会出题。出的话,答案就在这附近。而实际情况是,文章在谈论某个问题或提出某个观点时,有时会再做进一步的解释说明。这种情况下,这里往往会设问题。不过,这种情况很少见了。 15、有些句子仅仅是解释补充,或者是起过渡作用的。这样句子的特点是,句子比较短。注意,答案一般不会在这儿出现。选项中出现,肯定是干扰项。你要知道的是,同意替换的句子,大都是长难句。一些作为过渡的句子,不可能是答案。在你读不懂的情况下,要有这个判断力。 16、正确选项都是原文中的个别几个词的同义替换。阅读理解历年的所有真题,都是同意替换!就看你能不能找得到。考研英语,考的就是这个!那个关键词,就看你找没找得到,不管是什么类型的题。 17、每一个问题,在原文中,都要有一个定位。然后精读,找出那个中心句或者关键词。要抓文章的中心主旨和各段落的大意,阅读理解考的就是这个中心句。 18、选项中的几个单词,是该段中不同句子里的单词拼凑的,有时看上去很舒服,注意,干扰项。还有从不同的段落里的词拼凑到一起的,直接排除。总之,选项的单词是拼凑的,肯定错。 19、一定要注意文章中句子的宾语部分,尤其是长难句中主干的宾语。上面说了,考研英语大都是长难句里设题。你要知道的是,长难句里,最可能是出题的就是句子的主干部分!主干的主语、宾语是什么,一定要知道。正确选项的题眼往往就在这儿。当然,还有一些起修饰、限定作用的词,一定要看仔细。小心陷阱。


2017年考研英语一真题-高清版含答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away?The answer may be a resounding “yes!”1helping you feel close and2to people you care about,it turns out that hugs can bring a3of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not,a warm embrace might even help you4getting sick this winter. In a recent study5over400healthy adults,researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs6the participants’susceptibility to developing the common cold after being7to the virus.People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come8with a cold,and the researchers9that the stress-reducing effects of hugging10about 32percent of that beneficial effect.11among those who got a cold,the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe 12. “Hugging protects people who are under stress from the13risk for colds that’s usually14with stress,”notes Sheldon Cohen,a professor of psychology at Carnegie.Hugging“is a marker of intimacy and helps15the feeling that others are there to help16difficulty.” Some experts17the stress-reducing,health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin,often called“the bonding hormone”18it promotes attachment in relationships,including that between mothers and their newborn babies.Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is released into the bloodstream.But some of it19in the brain,where it20mood,behavior and physiology.


2015年考研英语二阅读Text1真题详解 整篇文章的主题是与我们生活息息相关的内容,文章的难度不大,相比2014年英语二的阅读来说,难度稳定,这是在我们预料之中的。 第21题According to Paragraph 1,most previous surveys found that home___(根据第一段可知,之前的调查中认为家是一个____地方)。[A] offered greater relaxation than the workplace [B] was an ideal place for stress measurement [C] generated more stress than the workplace [D] was an unrealistic place for relaxation题目中明确给出范围,所以我们只要在第一段中找答案,且要注意题目中的关键词是previous。回归第一段,不难发现文章的首句便是答案出处:A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys, people are actually more stressed at home than at work.(新的研究显示不同于以往的绝大多数调查,人们在家比工作时的压力更大)。这句话中new、contrary to most surveys是提示词,与题目中的previous study相对应的,不难做出正确答案是[A] 第22题According to Damaske, who are likely to be the happiest at home?(Damaske 认为,谁可能是最家里最快乐的?)读完题目,回到文章第二段找Damaske的观点:It is men, not women, who report being happier at home than at work.在家男性比女性更快乐,Another surprise is that findings hold true for both those with children and without, but more so for nonparents.这句话的关键词是more,它与题目中的happiest最高级是相对应的,所以解这道题的关键便是nonparents.但是对于很多同学来说,nonparents是个生词,不认识。其实大家只要上过中公考研的英语词汇课,学习过词根词缀法,这个单词就变的很简单。nonparents是由否定前缀non-+parents构成的,non-这个否定前缀表示“不无非”,所以整个单词可以译为不是父母。四个选项[A] Childless wives [B] Working mothers [C] Childless husbands [D] Working fathers,我们可以轻易选出答案C,没有孩子且是丈夫。 第23题,The blurring of working women's roles refers to the fact that__。回归第三段中,找到With the blurring of roles,发现前面的句子正是对这种现象的解释:for women who work outside the home, they often are playing catch-up-with-household tasks.以及后面的the home front lags well behind the workplace a making adjustments for working women,指的便是女性不仅得工作赚钱,而且还得在家得忙家务,所以她们的身份是双重的。所以选[D] they are both bread winners and housewives. 第24题,The word“ moola”(Line4,Para4)most probably means__这是一道词义推测题,它与前文中的marking money是近义词,答案选[C] earnings收入。 第25题The home front differs from the workplace in that__。文章第5段there are inadequate rewards for most of them. Your home colleagues-your family-have no clear rewards for their labor;家务劳动不会像工作一样得到足够的奖励,而且分工也是不明确的。答案对应选项[A] division of labor at home is seldom clear-cut. 虽然有突破口、也有规律可循,但这并不意味着我们可以一劳永逸、高枕无忧,要知道,


2018考研英语阅读理解模拟试题及参考答案 Text 1 Against a backdrop of drastic changes in economy and population structure, younger Americans are drawing a new 21st-century road map to success, a latest poll has found. Across generational lines, Americans continue to prize many of the same traditional milestones of a successful life, including getting married, having children, owning a home, and retiring in their sixties. But while young and old mostly agree on what constitutes the finish line of a fulfilling life, they offer strikingly different paths for reaching it. Young people who are still getting started in life were more likely than older adults to prioritize personal fulfillment in their work, to believe they will advance their careers most by regularly changing jobs, to favor communities with more public services and a faster pace of life, to agree that couples should be financially secure before getting married or having children, and to maintain that children are best served by two parents working outside the home, the survey found. From career to community and family, these contrasts suggest that in the aftermath of the searing Great Recession, those just starting out in life are defining priorities and expectations that will increasingly spread through virtually all aspects of American life, from consumer preferences to housing patterns to politics. Young and old converge on one key point: Overwhelming majorities of both groups said they believe it is harder for young people today to get started in life than it was for earlier generations. While younger people are somewhat more optimistic than their elders about the prospects for those starting out today, big majorities in both groups believe those “just getting started in life” face a tougher a good-paying job, starting a family, managing debt, and finding affordable housing. Pete Schneider considers the climb tougher today. Schneider, a 27-yaear-old auto technician from the Chicago suburbs says he struggled to find a job after graduating from college. Even now that he is working steadily, he said.” I can’t afford to pay ma monthly mortgage payments on my own, so I have to rent rooms out to people to mark that happen.” Looking back, he is str uck that his parents could provide a comfortable life for their?children even though neither had completed college when he was young. “I still grew up in an upper middle-class home with parents who didn’t have college degrees,” Schneider said. “I don’t think people are capable of that anymore.” 1. One cross-generation mark of a successful life is_____.? [A] trying out different lifestyles [B] having a family with children [C] working beyond retirement age [D] setting up a profitable business 答案:C 2. It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that young people tend to?____.




考研英语阅读各题型解题技巧分析 态度题是考研英语阅读理解中的必考题型,在20道选择题中大约要占到10%-15%的比重,也是同学们得分率较低的一个题型,在做题时往往抓不住文中的关键信息来判断作者或是其他相关人士的态度。本文就来谈谈如何应对考研英语阅读理解中的态度题目。 首先,我们来看一下态度题目题干中的标志性词。当我们在题干中看到attitude,believe, agree等词时就可以判定其为态度题了,选项中表示态度的单词常见的有:表示积极的态度:supportive、optimistic、consent、approval 表示消极的态度:indifferent、indignant、contempt、bias、pessimistic、skeptical、resent、suspicion、opposition 表示客观中立的态度:detached、reserved、objective、concerned、imparti al 此外,根据题干中态度主体的不同,分为作者态度题和他人态度题。在阅读题干和返回原文时,我们要注意态度的主体、态度的对象和态度的表达方式。即这道题是说谁的态度,关于哪一个话题、在文章中是怎样表现的。那么针对此类题,我们该如何解答呢?1.确定题干中态度的主体和对象;2、返回原文寻找包含主体和对象的句子;3.将原文中的态度词与选项进行比较,意思接近的为正确答案。 下面我们通过2000年考研阅读真题的第一篇文章来讲解一下这类题型的解题技巧。这篇文章主要讲了美国经济在不同时期的状况以及人们对经济发展不同的态度。以54题为例进行讲解。 54.The author seems tobelieve the revival ofthe U.S. eco nomy in the 1990s can be attributed to the ________. [A] turning of the businesscycle [B] restructuring of industry [C] improved business management [D] success in education 从题干的believe一词我们可以判定这是一道态度题,另外,题干中提到具体定位信息,the revivalof the U.S.economyin the 1990s,所以需要我们根据选项中的内容返回原文进行查找。来源为第四自然段第二句话。Few Americansattribute this solely to such obvious causesas a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle. Few表示否定的概念,表示几乎没有人把美国经济的稳定增长单纯归因于美元贬值或是商业周期循环这些显而易见的原因,而这恰恰是美国经济复苏的原因所在。后面作者又提到自我怀疑被盲目自大所替代。下面几个人的说法(Richard, Stephen)正是盲目自大的具体表现。可见作者是不支持这种blindpride的说法。B是Richard的观点,C是Stephen和William的观点。D没有提到。正确选项为A。 通过以上题目的讲解,相信大家对考研英语阅读理解中态度题的做题方法有了更深的认识和把握。在今后阅读中遇到态度的问题时,一定要看清问的是谁的关于什么问题的态度,


2017年考研英语(二)真题与解析 作者:凯程陆老师,有问题找我 SectionI Use of English Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again1that technology be replacing human workers.Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by2.A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland. A different and not mutually exclusive3holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort, one4by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives5,people will simply become lazy and depressed.6,today’s unemployed don’t seem to be havinga great time.One Gallup poll found that20percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for7Americans.Also,some research suggests that the8for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs.Perhaps this is why many10the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t11follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease.Such visions are based on the12of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment.In the13of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could14strikingly different circumstanced for the future of labor and leisure.Today,the15of work may be a bit overblown.“Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,”says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively16for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional17of their jobs.“When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel18,”Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work, I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself19a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for20matters. 1.[A]boasting[B]denying[C]warning[D]ensuring 【答案】[C]warning 2.[A]inequality[B]instability[C]unreliability[D]uncertainty
