

1. project- unique process, consisting of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objective conforming to specific requirement including constraints of time, cost and resources.

2. Project stages: understand the project environment; project objectives/ strategies set(changes); plan the project(corrective measures); technical execution; control.

3. Milestones are activities that must take place by a certain date. Milestones are set so you can measure your performance against your objectives. Milestones are not activities. They represent important events and are given zero duration.

4. Milestones provide: progress measurement; progressing information; different stages manageable achievement details; staff motivation, targets and recognize achievement of project objectives; progress measurement for senior management communications.

5. Task B cannot start until A has been finished, therefore task B is dependent upon A and task A is the predecessor of task B.

6. Make estimates: 1. they are made based on activity using normal working methods and the resources needed based on standard working rates, it also comes from one’s experiences. 2. resources could be used many times but not at the same time. Infinite capacity is assumed during the initial stage with constraints being considered later on. 3. Actual data of duration, resources, cost and notes of change must be recorded to compare with the planning.
