teaching plan unit 1

teaching plan unit 1
teaching plan unit 1

Teaching Plan 林琳Teaching Material: College – A New Experience

Teaching Method: Elicitation Method (of teaching) Teaching Aims:

In this lesson students are required to:

1) listen to the tape and answer some questions to practise their listening ability.

2) do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work, etc. to practise their spoken English and communicative skills;

3) read the in-class reading passage in a limited time and grasp some new words, expressions and grammatical points to enrich their vocabulary and improve their reading skill;

4) get to know some useful information concerning the topic of this text and to know more about English culture.

Teaching Procedures:

Pre-reading Task: Discussion in pairs (5 minutes)

Is your college life the same as you expected? Why or Why not?

Suggested answer: No. Not exactly the same as I expected because college life is a new and different experience for me.

Conclusion: Ok. There are different answers between us. Although college life may seem different from what it has been expected,college is still a place many young people are longing for. In this new text, the author gives us her reasons why she likes college.

Listening-centered activities. (8 minutes)

Play the tape and make the students listen to the whole text once and do the TRUE OR FALSE STATEMENTS. Then, check the answers. Call individuals to explain their answers. Emphasize question 4 and question 7.

1.The author likes college just because she loves being on her own. (F)

--Being on her own, talking with friendly people, and having Fridays off are some things she likes about college.

2.Before the author entered college, her parents always seemed to be around her,

telling her what to do. (T)

3.The author likes to get up early. (F)

--She loves to sleep in.

4.The author likes college so much that she almost forgets her family in New York.


--She can still get homesick.

In-class reading 12-15 minutes.

Now please look at the text. Ask the class to read through the whole text.

Language points. 18 minutes

1.I’m away from home, so I have many things to adjust to.

--S ince I’ve left home, there are many things for me to get used to.

adjust(…) to: to get used to by changing one’s behavior or ideas

e.g. The body adjusts itself to changes in temperature.

~ to doing sth.

e.g. Nowadays, many westerners have adjusted to using chopsticks for dinner.

2.(be) on one’s own: (to be) alone, (be) independent

e.g. Small children can’t be left playing on their own.

College students are expected to solve problems on their own.

There was nobody else on the island. I had to be survived on my own.

3.have (some time) off: to have a rest for a period of time, be away from work or


e.g. Most Americans have a month off for Christmas.

You look exhausted. You’d better have a few days off.

4. a sense of responsibility/ safety/ danger/ crisis/ humor , etc.

5.handling my own life: controlling my own life

handle: to control, deal with

e.g. She’s very good at handling difficult customers.

He couldn’t handle th e pressures of his new job.

The secretary is supposed to handle all the details.

6. account:

a)an arrangement with a bank, shop or other organizations by which they take care

of your money or allow you to buy things and pay for them later

e.g. Have you got a bank account?

Open a checking account 开一个支票存款帐户

savings account 储蓄存款帐户

current deposit account 活期存款帐户

b) a written or spoken report or story. 报道,叙述

e.g. She gave a vivid account of her recent visit to Taiwan at the meeting yesterday.

He kept a deta iled account of the suspect’s movements.

7.… or where they were located:.. or the place where they were situated

be located in/by/near…, etc.: to be in a particular position

e.g. The business is located in the center of the town.

8.now (that): as a consequence of the fact(that), as a result of the fact

e.g. Now that you have mentioned it, I do remember.

Now that you have grown up, you must stop this childish behavior.

9.I was a bit confused about where I was going.

--I didn’t know for sure where I was going.

I was wondering where I was going.

Be confused: not be clear, don’t know exactly what to do

e.g. Many people are confused about the new ways of measuring temperature.

A bit: to some degree, rather, a little

10.be supposed to:

a)should, must, be expected to

e.g. Every student is supposed to know the rules.

You are supposed to report the matter to the police as soon as possible.

I’m not supposed to talk to you about this. It’s confidential.

b)assume, believe, think, accept as a true that..

e.g. This ship was supposed to have been crashed three years before, but some visitors claimed that they saw it sailing along the coast recently.

11.add to: to put (one thing together with another).

e.g. The Gulf Bridge has added greatly to the beauty of Shantou.

Adjectives add to the meaning of nouns.

12.cope with: to deal with successfully; endure.

(handle: to deal with—more general)

e.g. John and Sally coped with all their problems cheerfully.

Poor families have to cope with a lot of strain.

13. in a row: continuously without interruption.

e.g. After we finished this campaign, you can enjoy a three-year-off in a row.

He was elected president three times in a row.

13.sleep in: to sleep late in the morning.

e.g. we usually sleep in for a bit on Sundays.

I slept in by mistake and was very late for work.


How many paragraphs do we have? (Five)

Ok, Let’s have a reading competition. Each group is required to read their paragraph and discuss Exercise 2 in 2 minutes. The whole class will finish para 5 together.

The author regards college life as a new and different experience and gives three reasons to explain this. First, she thinks college life makes her feel responsible for herself and independent because she has to make decisions on everything she does. Then she writes about the friendly people she can get help from and talk with. Lastly, she mentions the possibility of having Fridays off. In short, she enjoys this new life in spite of the fact that she is far from her hometown.

Sum-up of the lesson

Well, time is up. Let’s go over what we’ve learnt today.

1.What’s the main idea of our text today?

Teacher: repeat the summary of the text.

2.V ocabulary: adjust to, be on one’s own, having … off, a sense of responsibility,

account, locate

Teacher: make it sure the students master the exact meaning and usage of the new expressions.


Review the text and finish the reading exercise.

(The End)


Part 1. True/False Questions.

1)The author likes college just because she loves being on her own. ( )

2)Before the author entered college, her parents always seemed to be around her,

saying what she should do and what she shouldn’t. ( )

3)The author feels comfortable in the dorm because there are friendly people

around to talk with. ( )

4)The author likes to get up early. ( )

5)When the author was at high school she couldn’t sleep late in the morning.

( )

6)The author likes college so much that she almost forgets her family in New

York. ( )

Part 2. Outline of the article.

Necessary Information.

1.Credit Card:

Credit card is a card that identifies its owner as one who is entitled to credit when purchasing goods or services from certain establishments. Credit cards originated in the United States in the 1930s; their use was wide-spreaded by the 1950s. They are issued by many businesses serving the consumers, such as oil companies, retail stores and chain stores, restaurants, hotels, airlines, car rental agencies and banks. Some credit cards are honored in a single store, but others are general-purpose cards, for use in a wide variety of establishments. Bank credit cards are examples of the general purpose card. Establishments dispensing almost every form of product or service are honoring such cards, and it is predicted that credit cards might some day eliminate the need for carrying cash.

When a credit card is used, the retailer records the name and account number of the purchaser and the amount of the sale, and forwards this record to the credit card billing office. At intervals, usually monthly, the billing office sends a statement to the card holder listing all the charged purchases and requesting payment immediately or in installments. The billing office reimburses the retailer directly.

2. Colleges and Universities:

Universities and colleges are institutions that offer education beyond the secondary (preparatory or high school) level. This broad category of institutions may include colleges offering only undergraduate preparation; universities offering undergraduate and graduate education; free-standing professional colleges offering degrees in law, medicine, engineering and the like; and two-year community and junior colleges offering technical, vocational and liberal arts programs.

Terminology for institutions as well as types of programs vary greatly within a single country. In general, a college offers degree programs for undergraduate students, but it may have master’s degree programs also. The universities are usually dedicated to three comprehensive activities: instruction for undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees; research geared to expanding the frontiers of knowledge; and outreach or dissemination of learning beyond the boundaries of the institution through the printed word, scholarly associations, formal and non-formal instruction, and worldwide telecommunications and computer linkages.

National systems of higher education in general are geared to serving youth between the ages of 17 and 25. The enrollment as a percentage of the country’s total population has been growing appreciably in many countries. Where once higher education was reserved for a small elite, today university education in many countries is a massive social enterprise.

Despite the ravages of two world wars and the damage and disruption of uncounted local military contests, many nations of the world have received increasing demands for higher education from their people and have responded by building more universities and other types of higher education institutions, the Third-World nations in Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America have built new universities. Some universities have reached enormous size, such as the National Autonomous University of Mexico, which has over 300,000 students.


浅谈情境教学法在思想政治课中的运用 思想政治课的理论知识多,而且较抽象,学生理解起来有一定难度。因此思想政治课一直以来被学生认为是最枯燥、难学的一门学科。怎样才能激发学生的学习兴趣?如何使学生愿学、爱学、乐学、会学?如何优化思想政治课的教学方法,提高教学效率?这是每个政治教师都应积极思考的问题。 新课程改革要求教师转变教育、教学理念,倡导学生主动参与,乐于探索,充分发挥学生在课堂上的主体地位,注重培养学生的实践能力、自主、合作精神和适应社会生活的能力。为达到这样的教学目标,教师必须运用恰当的科学的教学方法。 情境教学法就是要在教学中引起学生积极的、健康的情绪体验,直接提高学生对学习的积极性,使学习活动成为学生主动进行的、快乐的事情。它是指在教学过程中,教师运用多种形式和手段,有目的地引入或创设具有一定情感色彩的、形象生动的具体场景,以引起学生一定的情感体验,从而有效地帮助学生理解教材,并学会运用教材知识解决实际问题,使学生的思想、智力、心理得到发展的教学方法。近几年,我在教学实践中尝试进行情境教学法,下面结合自己的教学实践就情境教学法的实施及效果谈几点看法。 1 创设情境的几种形式 1.1用语言描述情境。学生天生爱听故事,根据这一心理特点,在课堂上巧妙运用历史、地理、人物等故事来创设故事情境,既可以活跃课堂气氛,又可以激发学生的学习兴趣,开拓学生思维。如在进行.《意识能够正确反映客观事物》的教学时,我给学生讲了一个趣味故事—《关于一只鸡死亡的问题》。 故事是这样的,在一个阳光明媚的早上,农场的一只鸡不幸被一辆卡车轧死,由此引来了以下的对话。“ 农夫:哪个家伙把我家的鸡轧死了! 农妇:自认倒霉吧,今晚就把这只鸡煮了吃。 动物保护人员:我们一定会为它举行一个隆重的葬礼。 兽医:这我也无能为力。 这件事传到了校园里,闹得沸沸扬扬。 语文老师:同学们,一只可爱的公鸡告别了这个美丽的世界,请同学们为这件事写一篇文章,歌颂这只鸡的事迹,指责肇事者的无耻,字数不少于800字。 数学老师:其实这件事本是可以避免的,请同学们用概率统计的方法,计算出这只鸡有百分之几的概率可存活?分几种情况讨论。 英语老师:Oh!My god!I am sorry to hear that!请同学们用被动语态叙述一下这件事,记住,要用过去时.。 学生一听议论纷纷,于是我趁机给学生介绍影响人们能否正确反映客观事物的因素。从而使学生自己归纳出“意识能够正确反映客观事物,不等于说人们对同一事物的反映所产生的意识都是一样的。同样是正确的意识,也会由于人们的立场、知识构成、思维方法不同而有所不同,正所谓仁者见仁,智者见智。”这一哲理,让学生在听故事中理解了知识,真正做了愉快教学。 1.2用音乐演染情境。在教学中适时引入歌曲,把教材内容与歌曲融合起来,可引起学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的情感体验,从而增强思想政治教育的时代感和吸引力、感染力,提高教育的针对性、主动性和实效性。如在进行《我国是统一的多民族国家》的教学时,我将歌曲《爱我中华》欢快的歌声引入课堂,让学生欣赏歌曲,并对歌曲品位、解读,提出问题,探究思考,从中提取基本观点。让学生在愉悦的气氛中,认识到我国有56个兄


Unit 1 Art Teaching plan I. 单元教学目标: 1. Talk about art and galleries 2. Talk about likes and preferences 3. Learn words in families 4. Use the subjunctive mood 5.Write a short passage about art II. 目标语言 1.功能句式Talk about likes and preference: I’d prefer…/ I’d rather…/ I’d like…/ which would you prefer…./ I really prefer…/ would you rather…/ would you like…or… 2. 词汇abstract, sculpture, gallery, consequently, belief, consequent, convince, shadow, ridiculous, controversial, nowadays, attempt, predict, aggressive , scholar… 3. 语法: the subjunctive mood If I were you…./ I wish I could… 4. 重点句子1.)There are so many different styles of western art it would be impossible to describe all of them in a short text. 2.)People became focused more on human and less on religion. 3.)If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures. 4.)At the time they were created, the impressionists’painting were controversial but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we now call “modern art”. 5.)It is amazing that so many great works of art from late-19th century to 21st century could be contained in the same museum. III. 教材分析本单元以ART 为主题,主要介绍了西方绘画历史,描写了曼哈顿最好的艺术长廊。帮助学生了解更多的有关美术的背景知识,分析中西艺术史上各大流派的特点,指出其代表性的画家和作品,并对中西方的绘画艺术进行比较。 1.Warming up 部分要求学生运用相关目标语言对自己喜欢的艺术形式和流派展开讨论,并说明喜欢的原因。 2.Pre-reading 让学生有关画展或书中的艺术作品以及西方不同时期的著名画家。3.Reading 介绍了西方绘画历史,不同的艺术流派,艺术特点及其代表性画家和作品。4.Using language 是由reading, listening, discussing and writing 四部分组成,要求学生在了解艺术长廊相关知识的基础上,为当地举办的一场画展提出合理化的建议。 IV.课型设计与课时安排 1st period learn the new words and expressions 2nd period reading 3rd period language points 4th period using language 5th period listening and talking 6th period grammar 7th period speaking and writing 8th period revision and consolidation 分课时教案


国家科技成果登记系统用户操作说明 第一章系统概述 科技成果登记是成果转化、推广、统计、奖励等科技成果管理的基础。本系统对于各级成果管理机构和成果完成单位而言,是一个完全独立的科技成果管理工作系统,全国科技成果完成单位和各级科技成果管理机构使用本系统以定期或不定期的方式生成上报数据文件,再通过文件的传输,实现科技成果数据的层层上报,最后通过数据导入,形成各级成果管理部门的成果数据库。 各级成果管理机构在进行成果登记时一定要保证数据的完整性准确性和及时性。 第二章系统运行环境 2.1 硬件环境 IBM PC或兼容机,至少256MB内存,1024*768分辩率的监视器,至少剩余200M的硬盘空间。 2.2 软件环境 Windows 操作系统(如windows 98, windowsXP ,windows2000, windows2003,windows2008等),32位、64位均可。 第三章系统的安装与运行 3.1 系统软件的获得途径 3.1.1 免费向各级科技成果管理部门或科技部"NAST"项目组索要光盘; 3.1.2 从网站https://www.360docs.net/doc/e14817117.html,或https://www.360docs.net/doc/e14817117.html,下载应用软件。 3.2 国家科技成果登记系统软件的安装 运行系统的安装程序"国家科技成果登记系统[v9.0].exe",系统即自动安装,缺省安装目录为C:\kjcg9.0,用户可自行选择安装路径。 注意:如果操作系统是windows7、windws2008或更高版本 ①系统安装时,一定要以管理员身份运行安装文件; ②自行选择安装路径时,不要选择c:\program files下。 系统安装后自动在系统"程序"菜单下形成"国家科技成果登记系统[V9.0]"子菜单。 3.3 系统运行 点击“开始”菜单,在"程序"菜单下点击"国家科技成果登记系统V9.0"即进入本系统,屏幕上出现“国家科技成果登记系统V9.0”主窗口。 注意:登记系统7.0版及7.0以上版本将不再分管理版和简易版,过去简易版的用户在主界面选择成果完成单位,过去管理版的用户则要选择成果管理机构。 3.4 系统功能 1)用户注册:根据具体的使用对象,对成果管理机构和下属机构、成果完成单位进行注册,确定用户相应的管理功能; 2)数据处理:对本软件使用单位管理的成果进行日常的录入、修改、删除、打印等操作; 3)数据导出:将本单位管理的成果数据和单位信息,生成上报文件,并将上报文件通过传输上报给上级管理机构;


浅谈情境教学法在小学英语课堂中的运用 ★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/e14817117.html,/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 浅谈情境教学法在小学英语课堂中的运用 随着英语在小学阶段的开展,随着教学改革的推进,很多活而又新教学方法展现在课堂教学中。经过几年的教学实践,我认为情境教学法在教学中占有一席之地,下面我想谈谈我在教学中的一点粗浅感受. 一情境教学在小学英语课堂中的运用的必要性 所谓情境教学就是教师运用一定的手段,创设所需要的教学情境,使学生根据这种特定的情境理解和运用知识。它可以从多方面激发学生的感知,调动学生的积极性和参与意识。运用情境教学到课堂教学中,很大程度提高了课堂教学效果。 1.情景教学有助于培养和提高学生学习英语的兴趣 小学英语是儿童学习英语的启蒙阶段,在这个关键时期,兴趣尤其重要。我国的小学生在学习英语时缺少像学习母语时的真实语言环境,兴趣也难以得到提高。利用情景教学为学生创设听说英语的语言氛围,刺激学生感官,对培养和提高学生学习英语的兴趣很有帮助。 2.情景教学有助培养学生运用英语的实际能力

我们学习知识的目的是为了更好地运用知识,这一点在语言教学中尤为突出。英语教材中教学内容均放在一定的语言环境中。我们根据教材的具体内容,经过自己的加工,给学生设置一个切实可行、恰如其分的语境,学生也就自然而然地随着我们引导进入角色。如在教学pep 教材四年级下册购物单元时,教师可以根据本课的词汇和对话将课堂设计成一个商店的场景。在情景中学习,然后在情境中运用,这样可以使学生更清晰地理解对话的含义,更能使他们身临其境,从而激发他们兴趣,积极专注地进行新知识的学习。 3.情境教学有助于学生掌握知识,突破难点 英语教材中的有些难点重点直接表达出来非常枯燥、乏味,学生听起来不一定能理解,但是放在一定的语言环境中去引导学生学习就轻松多了。如在教学pep五年级第一单元A 部分的对话Who s your math teacher? Mr. Zhao. What’s he like? He’s thin and short .he’s very kind.学生直接这样学很枯燥并且很难掌握,我就利用多媒体,将自己学科老师在教室上课的情景照片放在大屏幕上,让学生一看就知道自己的老师并描述老师的特征,学生很感兴趣,都想描述他们,这样他们不自觉的学会了教难的句子,并能灵活的运用.因为不同老师的特征是不同的,实际上要求学生对前面词汇也要很好的掌握,学生为了想说,想办法去记这些单词。 4.情境教学符合小学生的生理和心理特点

公开课教案 Teaching Plan

Teaching Plan Teacher: Feng Ruicun Time: April 15,2014 Class: Class 2, Senior 2 Teaching contents: Unit3A new dimension of life 1. Knowledge aims: 1) To learn some useful words and expressions in the passage. 2) To learn some creatures under the sea. 3) To get the students to grasp the main idea of the passage and help them understand the passage better. 2. Ability Aims: 1) To develop the students’reading ab ility as well as writing skills by using language. 2) To enable the students to talk about the fantastic creatures under the sea, and learn to express their feeling. 3. Emotional aims: 1) To let students learn about a variety of sea creatures, stimulate their love and awareness of protecting our nature and our planet, because they are so beautiful. 2) To develop the students’ sense of cooperative learning. Teaching Important Points: 1.Get the students to learn something about the creatures under the sea. 2.Get the students to learn writing skills as well as different reading skills Teaching Difficult Points: 1. Develop the students’ reading ability and writing ability. 2. Enable the students to learn how to describe what they have seen and what they have thought about. Teaching Methods: 1. Task-based teaching approach 2. Cooperative learning 3. Practising Teaching Aids: Multimedia Teaching procedures: Step I Revision Task 1: Talk about Old Tom, a killer whale Ask students to look back to Old Tom , a killer whale that we have learned in the last passage. Killers help and protect us human beings, so we can be friends and live together in harmony. Task 2: Lead---in


谈英语情景教学中“六法”的应用 情境教学法的理论与实践的突破口是“情境”的创设,而情境教学法中创设的“情境”,我以为实质上理应是优化了的环境,是促使学生能动地活动于其中的环境。情境教学不是为创设情境而创设情境,而是力图将人的主动参与、主动发展置于核心地位,通过创设符合学生多方面发展需要的、充满美感和智慧的环境、氛围,促使学生在现实环境和主体活动的交互作用中,使学生的情感、心理发生共鸣,从而,获得生动活泼、主动、和谐的发展。从而,获得生动活泼、主动、和谐的发展。因为情境的创设立足于学生的活动需要,具有主体明确、情感伴随、自主等鲜明特点,因而它极易使学生全身心地沉浸其中。通过自身的感悟、操作、体验、探究、发现,得到充分的主动的发展。 下面我就自己在教学研究过程中的摸索和尝试谈谈如何创设情境。 1、音乐欣赏、渲染情境 美妙的音乐常令人心旷神怡,其旋律、音韵、节奏常把人带进特有的意境中。如课前集体哼唱英语歌,像字母歌、元音字母歌、数字歌与英语歌曲,还有后期教学中要学习的家中作客、过生日、游戏活动、起睡等功能项目相关的歌曲。由此可调整学生积极学习的心态,为其上课作好准备。同时,我还依据学生熟悉的调子编歌填词,费时较少,收效甚多。比如:初一教be动词的用法时,我这样编,我(I)是am,你(you)是are,is跟着他(he)她(she)它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。复疑问往前提,句末问号莫忘掉。变否更容易,后加not就能够。疑问句、否定句,句首大写莫迟疑。在学习动物名称时,能够先将小动物的声音录制下来,让学生模仿动物的声音和样子来学。例如,cat,cat,喵喵喵;dog,dog,汪汪汪,……这样,学生就会很有兴致,有的装成猴子、有的扮成小狗……。再难的词在学生口中变得流利起来,枯燥的单词很快被学生记住。也可采用听音辨动物的方法,如在教学tiger.elephant.pig......等动物名称,先让学生分别听动物的叫声,猜是哪一种动物,大家纷纷举手,猜对后再引出一个个新单词,学生们对此感到特别兴奋,学生的兴趣达到了高潮,几乎全班都举起了手,争先恐后地回答。整堂课气氛活跃,学生在轻松的语境中掌握了知识,活用了英语句子。这种聆听声音,创造情境的方法也能够用在学习交通工具上,如car,bus,train等,把它们的声音录制下来,听了以后猜是哪种交通工具,,引出要教的内容,这样能极大地调动学生上课的学习积极性。 这既增强了学生对知识的巩固和理解,触动学生的参与意识,又增强了学生学习英语的信心,避免了枯燥乏味的教学。当前,课外欣赏外文歌曲已成热潮。 2、语言描述、贴近情境 教师课内应恰当并广泛地使用课堂用语(少用母语),带动学生学会用英语思索答疑。教学中使用语言手段创设情境的方式较多,使用相当广泛。 设置问题情境,拓展学生思维。创设问题情境就是向学生提出具体目标,激发思维的火花,使学生处于积极活跃的思维状态,从而变知识接受为知识吸取,优化教学过程,增强教学效果。所以,教师应设计具有启发性、迁移性和求异性的问题,鼓励学生全方位、多角度地思考,培养其发散思维水平。


A TEACHING PLAN teaching contents a process of a solid foundation about the key vocabulary and grammar knowledge in unit 1 and unit 2 of book 5. learning goals to review the key words and expressions and put them in practice to strengthen the grammar knowledge to improve the ability to express themselves and skills of solve problems teaching strategies and design independent task before class – strengthen in class – consolidated by work papers after class the important and difficulty attend absorb blame expose contribute attract put praises past and present participle aid and method Multiply facility and work papers teaching steps Step 1: English and Chinese Consist of refer to leave out take the place of make sense / make no sense /make sense of / common sense Draw a conclusion apart form face a challenge be strict with sb 护理/处理/出席吸收/使专心谴责/过失处理/把手暴露/使曝光 贡献/有助于vt / n 方便/便利adj / n(你方便的时候) 吸引vt 筹备/安排vt / n 高兴vt / n / adj (让某人高兴的是;让某人非常高兴的是;为某事而高兴) Step 2 the usages of the key words 1 attend 出席会议、婚礼上学、听演讲 护理/照顾某人(同义短语)处理某事(同义词和短语) That holiday morning 我不必去上学。(高考完型)


浅谈情境教学法在地理教学中的运用 随着新课程改革的不断深入,为了适应新的教学需求,情境教学法被广泛地运用到地理课堂教学之中。那么,什么是情境教学法呢?所谓情境教学法就是教师充分利用身边 的事例,以及现有的教学资源,结合具体的教学内容,用地理图像、生活场景等直观手段或实验、调查、表演等方式来创设情境,让学生置身其中,从而激发学生学习的欲望与激情,是学生在轻松愉悦的情境中获取知识的一种教学活动。究竟怎样在地理课堂中运用情境教学法呢?我认为关键是 合理创设情境。 下面,结合自己教学地理的心得,对情境教学法在地理课堂中的运用谈几点浅显的认识。 一、巧设课堂导入情境,增强学生学习兴趣 好的情境是打开学生心门的钥匙。上课伊始,教师通过创设新颖别致的课堂导入情境,激发学生的学习热情和动力,从而能尽快将学生引入到教学之中。当然导入方式很多,可视教材内容和学生认知水平进行综合选择。如学习人教版八年级地理《多民族的大家庭》一节时,首先播放学生熟知的歌曲宋祖英的《爱我中华》营造气氛,然后引导学生思考:歌中唱到56朵花是什么含义呢?通过喜闻乐见的歌曲创设

情境,迅速吸引了学生的注意力,激发了学生的学习热情。 二、巧提问题创设情境,调动学生的积极性 课堂上教师根据教学内容,提一些问题来创设情境,引导学生展开讨论、辩解,以辩促思,以辩明理,调动学生的主动参与意识,活跃课堂气氛,增强学习兴趣。如学习人教版八年级地理《自然资源与我们》一节时,我设计了这样几个问题:什么是自然资源?自然资源的类别有哪些?人与自然资源有怎样的关系?怎样合理利用和保护自然资源?关 于这些问题,与我们生活息息相关,问题一出,学生的积极性就起来了,他们很想弄清楚这些问题。有的知道一些,就说起来了,由于不够全面、准确,有的同学就持不同意见,大家相互辩解、讨论、补充。对于持不同意见的学生,教师及时给予表扬肯定,让他们参与到学习中,获取成功的快乐,这种有效的争论辩解,激发了学生学习的热情,让他们成了真正意义上的学习主人。真正实现了“提出问题――解决问题”的认知过程,提高了课堂教学效果。 三、巧用多媒体手段,让真实情境再现 在地理教学中充分挖掘教材中的景观图、彩图、漫画、示意图、新闻报道、数据图表等教学资源,通过多媒体手段创设教学情境,将教学中的重点知识、难点问题通过画面呈现出来,可以增加课堂的信息容量,缩短教学时间,提高教学效率;同时可以激发学习兴趣,渲染教学氛围,培养学生


不动产登记信息管理基础平台接入技术规范 (讨论稿)

1.概述 (1) 2.规范性引用文件 (1) 3.术语及定义 (2) 4.数据接入形式 (4) 4.1.XML文件接入 (4) 4.2.web服务接入 (5) 5.报文格式 (5) 5.1.业务报文格式 (5) 5.2.响应报文格式 (8) 6.业务数据内容 (9) 6.1.土地所有权常规登记 (10) 6.2.建设用地、宅基地使用权常规登记 (19) 6.3.农用地使用权(非林地)常规登记 (28) 6.4.海域(含无居民海岛)使用权常规登记 (38) 6.5.林权常规登记 (48) 6.6.构(建)筑物所有权常规登记 (57) 6.7.房屋所有权常规登记 (66) 6.8.点状定着物常规登记 (80) 6.9.线状定着物常规登记 (83) 6.10.面状定着物常规登记 (85) 6.11.抵押权登记 (86) 6.12.地役权登记 (95) 6.13.其他相关权利常规登记 (104) 6.14.注销登记 (112) 6.15.异议登记 (118) 6.16.预告登记 (122) 6.17.查封登记 (128) 7.数据校验 (134) 7.1.文件格式校验 (134) 7.2.规范编码检查 (134) 7.3.数据类型及格式检查 (134) 附录A:要素代码表 (134) 附录B:属性值字典表 (136) 附录C:使用密钥访问sftp的示例 (156) 附录D:数据接入web服务调用示例 (159)

1.概述 本规范规定了不动产登记数据的数据接入形式、格式、内容和校验。 本规范适用于省、市、区县各级不动产登记机构信息化系统,以数据接入方式接入国家不动产登记信息管理基础平台。 2.规范性引用文件 本标准内容参考一下文件或其中条款: ●《不动产登记数据库标准》 ●《不动产登记暂行条例》 ●《不动产登记暂行条例实施细则》 ●《不动产单元设定与代码编制规则(试行)》 本标准的引用以下文件条款,其最新版本适用于本标准: ●GB/T 2260 中华人民共和国行政区划代码 ●GB/T 13923 基础地理信息要素分类与代码 ●GB/T 21010 土地利用现状分类 ●GB/T 26424 森林资源规划设计调查技术规程 ●TD/T 1001 地籍调查规程 ●TD/T 1015 城镇地籍数据库标准 ●CJJ/T 115 房地产市场信息系统技术规范 ●JGJ/T 246 房屋代码编码标准 ●JGJ/T 252 房地产市场基础信息数据标准 ●HY/T 123 海域使用分类体系 ●HY/T 124 海籍调查规范 ●无居民海岛使用测量规范 ●NY/T 2539 农村土地承包经营权确权登记数据库规范


谈初中政治教学中情境教学法的应用 情境教学法是指在教学过程中,教师有目的地引入或创设具有一定情绪色彩的、以形象为主体的生动具体的场景,以引起学生一定的情感体验,从而帮助学生更好地理解教材,使学生的心理机能得到发展的一种教学方法,其核心在于激发学生的兴趣和情感。在整个教学过程中,创造出教与学和师生互动的社会交往的仿真情境,把教与学的过程视为一种社会的交往情境,从而产生一种行为理论的假设,创造有助于师生互动,学生主动参加学习的情境。在这种情境中,通过反复练习,进而会预期形成自然的、符合现实经济活动要求的行为方式、社会能力和个性方发展。 关键词:情境教学法、初中政治教学 政治教学要面向现实,要求我们在教学中要联系学生的生活实际和已有的知识来设计富有情趣和意义的教学活动,使学生切实体验到身边有思想政治,用思想政治的有关内容来解决生活中的实际问题,从而对思想政治产生亲切感,增强学生对思想政治知识的应用意识。 一、初中政治教学中应用情境教学法的关键 (一)情境话题应和学生特点相结合。情境话题的选择,要注意学生的实际状况和年龄特征。现在的初中生绝大部分是独生子女,条件比较优越,他们接触面广,知识面宽,在选择材料时要根据学生的生理、心理发展的实际状况,选取的材料既要有吸引力和新鲜感,又要有思想性和教育性,又必须注意教学对象的认知水平,以及他们刚从小学升入初中在心理和接受能力上的适应性。 (二)情境创设应和尊重个性相结合。当代学生思想活跃,求知欲强,勇于发表自己的见解,这就要求教师在情境创设中要充分尊重学生个性,建立起一种平等、信任、理解和互相尊重的师生关系,创造民主和谐的课堂教学环境。在这样的环境中,学生消除了胆怯和依赖心理,就能无拘无束地表现自己,表达自己的思想、认识和情感,提出不同见解,充分展示自己的个性特征,勇敢地进行思考、追求,最大限度地发挥创新能力。

《Teaching plan》教学设计-优质教案

7A Unit4 Integrated Skills Xue Xueqing from Yicheng Middle School 1.Teaching aims and learning objectives: By the end of this class, students should be able to 1.To listen for specific information about a volleyball match 2.To learn to talk about what you like to do at weekends 3.To learn the new words and expressions 4.stimulate students’ interest in learning English. Teaching procedures: Step I Presentation 1. Talk about some photos of sports activities in our school. 2. Ask: Why do you like it? You practice it every day. I wish you the best. Present wish. Step II Listening 1. Tell the Ss that Millie is talking with Simon about a volleyball match. 2. Check the answers. Step III Practice 1. Finish Part A3. 2. Ask some Ss to read the notice. Step ⅣPresentation 1. Talk about the volleyball match with the Ss. 2. Go on talking with the Ss. What do you like to do at weekends? Have a match, see a film or visit a museum? How often do you do that? Present museum, once, twice. Step ⅤListening 1. Tell the Ss that Millie is chatting online with Tommy about their weekend. 2. Check the answer. Step Ⅵ Practice 1. Read after the tape. Step ⅦHomework


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浅析“情境教学法”在思想政治课堂教学中的运用 杨鑫 (哈尔滨师范大学,哈尔滨150625) 摘要:在通过浅析“情境教学法.的内涵及运用,明确运用中要注意的问超以使“情景教学法”在教学实践中得到更好的应用, 关健词:思想政治课教学情境教学法 中图分类号:G424.71 文献标志码:A文章编号:1002-2589 (2010) 27-0303-02 人们常把思想政治课一与枯操的说教、晦涩的原理、空洞的高调、机械的识记联系在一起。正确运用“情境教学法”是解决思想政治课教学尴尬境地的一个有效的途径。 一、“情境教学法”概说 情垅教学法是指在教学过程中,教师根据学生已有的知识、生活经验,有目的地引入或创设具有一定情绪色彩的、以形象为主体的生动具体的场景,以引起学生一定的态度体验.,从而帮助学生理解目标知识,并使学生的知识水平及认知能力得到发展的教节方法。‘情境教学法’作为一种教学方法,是“教”与“学,的互动,是“教”与“学’共同体.既是一种教法也是一种学法。美网实用主义教育学家杜威的观点为“情境教学法”一奠定了理论基础,杜威认为:“教学法的要素和思维的要素是相同的。这些要素是:第一学生要有一个真实的经验的情境一一要有一个对活动本身感兴趣的连续的活动;第二.这个问题情境内部产生一个真实的问题并作为思维的刺激物;第三,他要占有知识资料,从事必要的现察对付这个问题。” 二.;“情境教学法”.的基本类型及在思想政治教学中的运用 1.自我再现情境 自我再现情境是指根据学生自己在现实生活中所承担的所有角色所经历过的或有可能经历过的情形、事件为场景,以引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解知识、建构知识。比如在学习《政治生活》“民主选举”一节时,可以进行摸拟学生干部的民主选举。这样的情境是学生熟悉的,已有的经验和理论知识相联系.和学习内容相贯通.必然激发学生的兴趣。通过教师设计的不同的竞选规则,既可以让学生体验到民主权利负责任的的行使的重要性,又可以让学生在体验中比较并掌握不同的选举方式及其优点与不足。 2.角色扮演情境 角色扮演情境顾名思义,即通过将学生假设为与学习内容相关的特定身份的角色来创设情境,利用学生对这些角色扮演的渴望.提升体验的乐趣,使学生认真参与情境,从而达到学生在体验中获取知识的效果。在进行新教材《经济生活》第六课“投资的选择”教学时,可以让学生首先学习储蓄存款和商业银行.再学习股票便券和保险,然后把两个内容联系起来.创设情境:“假如你是一位拥有100万的投资者,你打算怎样去投资?“学生可以根据所学知识.大胆设想,发挥自己的创造力,对投资做出安排。这样的角色情境既能让学生比较全面地掌N课本知识.又可以培养学生思维的发散性与创造性。 3.时代背景悄境 时代背景情景是指将课堂教学情境设置在一定的历史背景下.还原历史环境、条件的情境类型,这样的悄境类型适合帮助学生掌握课程标准中规定的事物的形成与发展类型的知识。学生在参与的过程中既可以体会到事物形成与发展中遇到的矛质.又可以很好的激发学生解决矛盾的积极性,较为深刻的掌握知识。在《经济生活》教材“揭开货币的神秘面纱”一节中.有一个物物交换的学生活动.这是一个可以直接利用的时代背景情境。通过学生的亲

新职业英语《综合英语2》教案Unit 1 Teaching Plan

English for Careers 2 Unit 1 Workplace

Unit Focus fit in with reputation pros and cons outfit compliment for instance casual setting productive incorporate Teaching procedures This unit is arranged for a time span of 8 hours, during which a time limit is suggested for each step. Though it’s always important to keep a time limit in mind for each activity, a teacher should never stick to a rigid time plan in teaching, but rather follow a more flexible time table when dealing with unexpected in-class occurrences and make necessary adjustments accordingly. Note that not every step suggested here is a must in teaching. A teacher can make whatever changes he thinks necessary. Hour 1: Course introduction 45 minutes Warming-up Task 1 10 minutes Objective: Ss can identify different rooms in an office. Steps: ? Ss read Warming-up Task 1. ? Get Ss to look at the layout of the office. ? Ask Ss to identify different rooms. ? Give the suggested answers. Suggested answers:

Sample Lesson Plan 教学课程设计

教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期] 任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________ xx市实验学校

Sample Lesson Plan: Teaching Writing SEFC Book1B Unit16 Nature Endangered animals Learning Objectives ?Knowledge ?Skills ?Learning strategies ?Affect ?Cultural awareness Teaching methods and Teaching aids: Task-based language Teaching; Process approach to writing Multimedia devices video tapes CAI courseware Teaching procedure Step 1:Pre-writing Activity 1: Lead-in activity Free talk Questions: Do you like animals? What animal do you like best? What do you think of…? Why? Do you worry about some animals? Which kind of animals do you worry most? Why are you worried about them? Activity 2: speaking Task 1: List endangered animals. (G1) G1 give a presentation on several species of endangered animals and their characters and living habits using PPT (Giant Pandas, North China Tiger, African Elephant, Dolphin and Gorillas). ?self introduction ?Dialogue ?role play ?The students in other groups will add some other endangered animals. The teacher will give the summary and assessment. Teacher’s summary It’s true that many kinds of animals are in danger. But why are these animals in danger? Now let’s welcome group two to tell us the reasons for their distinction. Task 2: Tell why some animals are endangered? (G2) ?G2 give the presentation on the reasons why some animals are in danger. ?Speech
