
Killing Game of Three Kingdoms

ID Card

Lord(主公):With the help of Minister, to eliminate all the Usurpers and Outlaws.

Minister(忠臣):Help and protect the Lord, and share his(her) same goal.

Outlaw(反贼):Eliminate the Lord

Usurper(内奸):Want to be a new lord, eliminate all the other players at his(her) will, but must save the Lord for final PK and win out.

Character Card:

General: Health Point is 4.

Civil Official: Health Point is 3.

And in every round, your Health Point(HP ) is equal or higher than the number of cards that you can keep in hands (equipment cards don’t count in here).

Game Card:

Basic Card:

(1)Slash(杀):Attack any other players and if the target didn’t dodge it, his(her) HP lost 1 point.

You can use it only once in single round. (unless your character is 张飞, or you have ZhuGe repeating crossbow, or Green Dragon Crescent Blade). It can also be used to counteract Strategy Card “South Invasion”.

(2)Dodge(闪):It is a counter measure against “Slash”. Also, against the Strategy Card: “Arrow


(3)Peach(桃):When your turn come, if your HP is below the max point, you may use it to

recover 1 point HP. And, wh en some other player’s HP is zero(dying), you may use it to add 1 point HP for him(her) to save the player. If your character has full HP, you can’t use it to yourself in your turn.

Strategy Card:锦囊

Delayed Strategy Card:延迟性锦囊

Indulging in Pleasure (乐不思蜀):

Target: Other player but yourself

Effect: When the target’s turn has come, there will be a judgment to determine whether he(she) can play in this round. If the judgment is “heart”, he(she) will overcome this strategy. If not, he(she) can’t do anythi ng in this round.

Lightning Card(闪电)

Target: Every player

Effect: When your play it, it will be judged in the next round, start from yourself. If the judgment is from Spade 2—9, one lost 3 HP point, if not, it passes on to the next player.

Other Strategy Card:

(1)Cancel All(无懈可击):

Target: Everyone

Effect: To cancel any Strategy Card’s effect, including “Cancel All”.

Especially, it can cancel the effect of “lightning” and “Indulging in Pleasure”.


Target: Other players whose distance is reachable for you.

Effect: You may acquire one card or equipment or weapon or ride from him(her).


Target: Anybody but yourself.

Effect: Get rid of the target’s one card or equipment, weapon, ride, even “Lightning” and “Indulging in Pleasure.”

(4)Borrow your weapon to attack somebody else(借刀杀人):

Target: Any player(A) who has the weapon in equipment zone and be able to attack your named the other target(B).

Effect: Target A will choose—he(she) can play a “slash” to target B, or you get target A’s weapon.


Target: Anyone but you.

Effect: Start with the target, play “Slash” card repeatedly, until who doesn’t and he(she) will lost 1 HP point.

PS: if you don’t have enough “Slash”, you may hurt yourself.

(6)Arrow Rain(万箭齐发):

Target: Every other player but you.

Effect: The others have to play the card “Dodge”, or lost 1 HP point.

(7)South Invasion(南蛮入侵):

Target: Every other player but you.

Effect: The others have to play the card “Slash”, or lost 1 HP point.

(8)Oath in Peach Garden(桃园结义):

Target: All players.

Effect: Everyone recovers 1 HP point. (If your HP is full, it won’t effect you).

(9)Golden Harvest(五谷丰登):

Target: All players.

Effect: You reveal a certain number of cards from the deck, the number equals to the remaining players, then follow the game’s order, every player choose one card of them.

(10)V alue-added(无中生有):

Target: Yourself.

Effect: Dispose of it and draw 2 cards from the deck.

Equipment Card:

Armor: Eight-Diagrams Position(八卦阵):

Function: Whenever you need to play a “dodge” card, you can call up a judgment, if the judgment shows Diamond or Heart, you don’t have to play “dodge”, otherwise, you still need to play “dodge”. (Equipped with this, you have better chance to protect yourself).

King Kindness Shield(仁王盾):

\Function: Spade or Club “Slash” is useless to this armor.


(1)Offense Advantage Ride (-1 马)

When you calculate the distance from you to other players, it -1.

(2)Defense Advantage Ride (+1 马)

When you calculate the distance from others to you, it +1


(1)ZhuGe Repeating Crossbow(诸葛连弩)

Range: 1 (Means you can only attack the player beside you)

When you use it in your equipment zone, you can pl ay any number of “Slash” if you have.

(2)Sharp Sword(青釭剑)

Range: 2

When you arm it, you can ignore the target’s armor.

(3)Ice Sword

Range: 2

When you attac k the target with it, and he(she) couldn’t dodge it, you can choose:

1.his(her) Hp drops 1 point.

2.you can make him(her) to discard 2 cards or equipments.

(4)Couple Sword(Pair Sword)(雌雄双股剑)


When you attack the target (has to be the opposite sex), he(she) will choose

1.discard one of his(her) cards

2.you can draw a card from the deck.

(5)Green Dragon Crescent Blade(青龙偃月刀)


When the “Slash” card you used is counteracted by the target’s “Dodge”, you can keep playing “Slash”, until you don’t have it or the target hurt by your “Slash”.

(6)Serpent-headed Spear(丈八蛇矛)


You can use any 2 cards as a “Slash” card.

(7)Sharp Axe(贯石斧)


When the “Slash” card you used is counteracted by the target’s “Dodge”, you can discard any 2 cards or equipments to make him(her) lost 1 HP.

(8)Triple Halberd(方天画戟)

Range: 4

If the “Slash” card you played is the last card, you may choose your targets from 1—3, and attack them by game order.

(9)Kylin Bow(麒麟弓)


When you hurt your target with “Slash”, besides 1 HP lost, you may choose to discard +1 Horse or -1 Horse in his(her) equipment zone. (If he(she) has that ride).
