新版七下Unit 11 How was your school trip单元教案

新版七下Unit 11 How was your school trip单元教案
新版七下Unit 11 How was your school trip单元教案

新版七下Unit 11 How was your school trip单元教案



新目标新版七下Unit 11的单元标题是How was your school trip(一般过去时态首次出现),但是与其同名的单元,老教材中出现在八上Unit 8(老教材这单元以访问海族馆为主线),对比新旧老两单元,教材内容词汇完全变化,仅个别图片有所保留)。而老版七下有两个单元是涉及一般过去时态(Unit 9 How was your weekend?与Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?), 新目标新版七下Unit 11出现的时态及语法功能与旧版Unit 9相类似,不过两个单元具体教学内容完全变化了,词汇表也基本找不到共同点,简单地说,这个新单元完全是新面孔。本单元的语言训练重点是互相询问刚刚过去的学校旅行(扩展到过去的周末等),对学校旅行及过程进行评论,运用一般过去时态谈论过去的活动。Section A 以访问农场的学校旅行为主线,教授一般过去时态的听读说和基础语言运用,为目标句型提供分步示例和指导性练习,并在其中扩展归纳动词的规则与不规则过去式;Section B知识扩展教授与课外活动相关的更多动词短语;结合新旧知识的运用;在提供一定的模板下进行循序渐进的阅读与写作练习;Self Checks要求学生根据动词的分类(规则与不规则过去式)写出其对应过去式。


1. 【认知目标】:




2. 【技能目标】




3. 【情感目标】












·明确“熟能生巧”的原理,积极参与课堂活动。在学习活动中讨论past events或参加课堂上的才艺表演(Talent show),创设语境,猜测课外/周末活动,乐于探究,勤于动脑动口。




(1)词汇milk, cow, horse, feed, farmer, quite, anything, grow, farm, pick, excellent, countryside, yesterday, flower, worry, luckily, sun, museum, fire, painting, exciting, lovely, expensive, cheap, slow, fast, robot, guide, gift, everything, interested, dark, hear

(2)短语milk a cow, ride a horse, feed chickens, quite a lot, in the countryside, fire station, all in all, be interested in, learn … about …, go fishing, how to make a …, not at all, gift shop


a. How was your school trip? It was great/ fun /relaxing/ interesting/….

b. Did you see any cows? Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.

c. Did you ride a horse? No, I didn’t. But I milked a cow.

d. Were the strawberries good? Yes, they wer

e. /No, they weren’t.

e. I didn’t like the trip at all.

f. Lucky you.

(4)语法: 规则与不规则动词的过去式

规则动词过去式(详见书本P114)①一般情况在动词原形后加-ed,如looked played

②以字母e 结尾的动词,只加-d,如lived hoped

③以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加-ed,如stopped planned

④以“ 辅音字母+y ”结尾的动词,把y 改为i,再加-ed,如studied worried

不规则动词过去式(见书本P142表格)需要识记,如get-got,eat-ate, have-had

●?教学设计Period 1(Section A 1a-1c)方学庆


↘1. 热身(Warm-up)

?Video and song. Get the students to enjoy a short movie about taking a trip. This movie helps to warm up the students.

? Chant. Get the students to do a chant with the rhythm Two tigers. What do you do? What do you do?

Go for a walk. Go for a walk.

Milk a cow.

Ride a horse. Ride a horse.

What do you do? What do you do?

Feed some chickens. Feed some chickens.

Talk with a farmer.

Take some photos. Take some photos.

This chants helps to prepare the verb (base form) phrases in this unit.

↘2. 呈现(Presentation)

? Presentation

1.Show on the screen a picture of a school trip. Tech the phrase

“school trip”. Present the unit title “How was your school trip? ”

Help the students to answer “It was great/ boring/ fun / relaxing/ interesting/ ….. ”

2.Present a picture of a boy climbing a mountain. T: What did he

do? Help the students to answer with the phrase: went to the mountains (climb a mountain).

3.Explain the time phrase “last weekend”is a past time period.

Show on the screen more pictures and ask and answer in pairs “What did he/ she/ they do last weekend?”Present more verb phrases(or verb only) “watched TV, played tennis, cleaned the room, visited grandparents, studied English, played soccer, went to the zoo, took some photos, danced, practiced English, had a big dinner, had a party, went to the beach, ate an apple, played computer games, did homework, went for a walk”. Teach the sound of “-ed” in each word. Think more verb phrases begins with “went”.

?Farm activities

Show on the screen a picture of a farm. Teach the word “farm”. Present the picture of Carol. Get the students to guess “What did she do on the farm?”Present the verb phrases “milked a cow, rode a horse, fed chicken, talked with a farmer” by showing more pictures. These are all farm activities. Get the students to think more possible farm activities.




丰富图片展示,新旧动词短语结合,从展示中积累共性,强调ed 在词尾的正确读音



↘3. !a活动(Activity 1a)

?Get the students to read through the pictures in Activity 1a.

Match the phrases with the pictures. Check the answers with the class.

?Write down the verb base form for the verbs in these phrases. Check the verbs. Then try to read the recite the verbs and their respondent past form.

(go-went, milk-milked, ride-rode, feed-fed, talk, talked, take-took)

↘4. 结对活动(Pairwork)

Show on the screen 12 different activity pictures. Get the students to have a pairwork like this.

A:What did he/she/they … do last weekend?

B: He /She/They …(过去式)last weekend.

↘5. 猜谜(Guessing game)

?Present the sentence “I had a good time last weekend. ” on the screen. Note that last weekend is a past time period. Change the sentence into the General Interrogative Question “Did you have a good time last weekend?” Help the students to answer “Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.”

?Have guessing game. Get the students to guess “What did Mr Fang do last weekend?”by asking “Did you …(加词组原形) last weekend? ”(went to a park) Guess in the same way what Mr Fang saw in the park.

↘6. 听力训练(Activity 1b)

Get the students to have a listening practice. Get the students to listen to Listening Cassette Activity 1b. Listen and circle the three things Carol did on her school trip in 1a. Check the answers with the class.

↘7. 1c活动(Activity 1c)

Get the students to read through the dialogue in Activity 1c. Try to read and recite the dialogue. Then work in pairs and make up similar dialogue talking about farm activities after the model.

↘8. 语法总结(Grammar Summary)

Present some verbs and their past forms(some unlearned). Get the








students to summarize the rules for the regular past forms. Present

some verbs and correspondent regular past form. Work in groups and

finish the exercise on the screen.

↘9. 作业(Homework)

1.Copy the new words on Page 51 four times.

2.Recite and copy the verbs and their past forms.

3.Make up a new dialogue talking about past events after the

model dialogue in 1a. Try to make the dialogue a little longer.

●?教学设计Period 2(Section A 2a-3b)方学庆


↘1. 复习(Revision)

?Revise the verb phrases in Activity 1a. Get the students to read the recite the verbs and their respondent past form.

?Get the students to recite the dialogue in Activity 1c. Work in pairs and make up similar dialogue talking about farm activities after the model.

↘2. 结对活动(Pairwork)

Show on the screen a model dialogue. Get the students to have a pairwork like this.

A: Hello, xx. Long time no see.

B: Hello, xx.

A: How was your school trip?

B: It was fun(评价词替换) .

A: What did you do?

B: I went to the zoo and saw some pandas(用过去式替换).

A: Did you take any photos?

B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. But I _____(其它活动).

A: That sounds good. Goodbye.

B: Bye.

↘3. 猜谜(Guessing game)

?Have a guessing game. Show on the screen some activity pictures of past events. Get the students to guess “What did he/ she/ they do …?”. This step also helps to revise the past forms.

?Guess “What did Carol do yesterday?”. With the help of more pictures, present the phrases in the listening material of 2a/ 2b




“showed Carol around the farm, grow apples, grow strawberries, pick strawberries”.

↘4. 听力训练(Activity 2a/2b)

?Get the students to read through the questions in Activity 2a. Listen and check(√) the questions you hear. Check the answers with

the class.

?Read through the sentences in Activity 2b. Circle T for true and F for false. Check the answers with the class. Underline the phrase ”learn a lot about farming, grow strawberries, pick strawberries”.

↘5. 2c活动(Activity 2c)

?Get the students to read through the dialogue in Activity 2c. Work in pairs and make up dialogue talking about Carol’s past events on the farm.

?Suppose you went to the farm last weekend. Work in pairs and make up a new dialogue taking about the trip. Perform it before the class.

↘6. 角色扮演(Activity 2d)

?Present the photo of a boy Eric and the picture of the farm.. Get the students to guess “What did Eric do there?”. Teach the phrases “went fishing, watch the stars”.

?Get the students and listen to the dialogue in Activity 2d. Underline the key phrases “in the countryside, went fishing, so much fun”. Underline the sentence “Lucky you”. Explain it in English.

③Role-play the conversation in pairs, in groups.

④Read the conversation again. Show on the screen four questions.

Ask and answer in pairs.

↘7. 语法聚焦(Grammar focus)

Get the students to read through the sentences in this grammar focus. Read and recite the past forms in the table. Then write out the past forms of the verbs shown on the screen.

↘7. 3a活动(Activity 3a)

Get the students to read through the two letters in Activity 3a. Complete Jim’s letter on the left and Bill’s reply on the right. Check the answers with the class.






↘8. 语法解释(Grammar Explanation)

Show on the screen some grammar explanation for the Simple Past Tense. Read and recite the rules for this tense.

↘9. 作业(Homework)



教学设计Period 3(Section B 1a-2c)章菊萍


Step 1:1 Greeting

What did you do yesterday ?

How were you yesterday ?

2 Review: Games

Use your imagination and make up a story. Each student

adds a sentence. If he or she can’t add a sentence, he or

she must sing an English song.

Step 2 :Preparation 1a

1 Match the activities with the pictures.

2 Check the answers

Step 3 :Listening 1b 1c

1 Listen and answer the questions.

(1)How wa s Jane’s trip ?

(2)How was Tony’s trip ?

2 Check the answers.

(1)It was terrible.

(2)It was great.

3 Listen again. What did Jane and Tony do on their last

school trip ? Check (√) Tony or Jane.

Step4:Speaking 1d

1 What was your last school trip like ? Discuss it with your 这是一个热身活动,活跃英语课堂气氛,拉近师生的距离,创造出一种和谐,融洽的氛围,为学生的积极参与做准备。



partner with the following words.

2 Teach Ss to read the following words :

interesting difficult lovely slow exciting boring

cool hot lucky large expensive terrible delicious

great cheap fast

3 Discuss like following conversation.

A: I went to a farm on my last school trip. There are many animals on the farm. They are very lovely.

B: That sounds great.

A: How was your school trip ?

B: It was __________

A: How was the food there ?

B: It was _____________

A: How was the weather ?

B: It was ___________

Step 5: Presentation

2a Do the following words describe good things or bad things ? Put a √ for good and an × for bad . Leave a

blank if they can mean both.

Step 6 : Reading 2b

1 Read Helen’s and Jim’s diary entries and answer the questions

in 2b

(1) Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip?

(2) How do they feel about the trip?

2 Check the answers .Ask Ss to pay attention to the past tense



(1) Yes, they did. They went on the same trip.

(2) Helen thought the trip was really interesting. But Jim

thought the trip was terrible.

3 Explain the language points

4 Read the passages aloud

Step 7 : Complete the chart in 2c 过程中,很自然地呈现出表达感受的一些形容词,然后运用学过的句型进行操练,使学生轻松地掌握这些形容词



Read the diaries again and complete the chart in 2c

How do Helen and Jim describe these things ?

Helen Jim the trip interesting terrible

the train so fast so hot

the museum useful big and boring

the gift shop and gifts The gifts



The things in the

gift shop were so


Step 8: Language points and exercises.

Work in groups and finish the exercise.

Step 9:Homework

4.Copy the new words on Page 64 and Page 65 four times.

5.Make up a new dialogue about description after the

model dialogue in1d.

6.Recite 2b and copy the verbs.

Step 10: Blackboard design

Unit 11 How was your school trip ?

Section B (1a-2c)

A: How was your school trip ?

B: It was __________

A: How was Jane’s /Helen’s trip ?

B: It was ___________

A: How was Tony’s /Jim’s trip ? ?

B: It was ___________

教学设计Period 4 Section B (3a-Self check ) 章菊萍


Step 1:1 Greeting

How are you feeling today?

What did you do last night?

How was your homework yesterday?

How was your school trip ?

2 Review : Games

Use your imagination and make up a story. Each

student adds a sentence.

Step 2 : Preparation 3a

1. Look at the pic tures of Bob’s school trip. Complete

his diary entry.

2.Then check the answers.

June 23rd

Yesterday my school visited the zoo. It was really

interesting. We went there by bus. At the zoo, I saw a

lot of animals and I took some photos. My classmates

and I also went to the gift shop and bought some

gifts. It was a great day.

Step 3 : 3b

1.Linda is Bob’s classmate. Complete her diary

entry in 3b .

2.Then check the answers.

June 23rd

My school went to the zoo yesterday. The trip was

terrible. At the zoo, I saw some animals.but I didn’t

like them. I also went to the gift shop with my

classmates, but I didn’t buy anyth ing because they

are expensive. It was a boring day.

Step 4 : Writing

1.3c Now write a diary entry for your own school

trip. Explain if you liked it or didn’t like it and why.

2.Ask students to write a diary entry for some

minutes, then give a model composition. 温故而知新是学习中不可缺少的一个环节。把上节课学过的内容进行复习,也为本节课的学习做准备



Step 5: Self-check

1 Write more verbs and their past forms in each group.

2 Complete the conversations with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

3 Check the answers

4 Grammar: The Simple Past Tense

Step 6:Homework

1.Write a diary entry in 3c.

2.Finish self check 1and 2.

Blackboard design

Unit 11 How was your school trip ?

Section B (3a-Self check )

climb-climbed arrive-arrived

study-studied stop-stopped

get-got 练习的积累可以让学生找到自己的学习方法,掌握自己的学习规律。对动词过去式进行归类

●?教学设计Period 5 舒宝琴


1. 热身(Warm-up)

? Video and song. Get the students to enjoy a short movie about taking a trip. This movie helps to warm up the students.

? Chant. Get the students to do a chant with the rhythm Two tigers.

What do you do? What do you do?

Go for a walk. Go for a walk.

Milk a cow.

Ride a horse. Ride a horse.

What do you do? What do you do?

Feed some chickens. Feed some chickens.

Talk with a farmer.

Take some photos. Take some photos.

This chants helps to prepare the verb (base form) phrases in this unit.




2 呈现(Presentation)

?Show on the screen some pictures of this unit.. The teacher asks “What did he/she/they do?”Ss answer“He/She/They... ”. Help Ss use the past tense fluently.

?Show on the screen a picture of a farm. Let Ss memory what Carol did last week in this unit. Revise the verb phrases “milked a cow, rode a horse, fed chicken, talked with a farmer”. These are all farm activities. Get the students to think more possible farm activities.

3. 练习(Practice)

1.Pairwork. Show on the screen some different activity pictures. Ss ask and answer in pairs with the past tense like this.

A:What did he/she/they … do last weekend?

B: He /She/They …(过去式)last weekend.

2.Extension of the practice Ss ask and answer in pairs with their real information. A: Hello, xx. Long time no see.

B: Hello, xx.

A: How was your school trip?

B: It was fun(评价词替换) .

A: What did you do?

B: I went to the zoo and saw some pandas(用过去式替换).

A: Did you take any photos?

B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. But I _____(其它活动).

A: That sounds good. Goodbye.

B: Bye.

4. 听力训练(Activity 1b)

Get the students to have a listening practice. Get the students to listen to Listening article “My Happiest Day”. Listen and fill in the blanks. Check the answers with the class.

5. 改错(Correction)

?Give the class an article “Grace’s funny Sunday”. There are some mistakes in it. Let the Ss read it carefully, and try to find out each mistake.

?Check the answers with the class.

6. 语法总结(Grammar Summary)

Present three boxes, every box has a question about the past tense. Get the students to summarize the rules for the regular past forms and their pronunciations and so on. 通过合作的方式来复习一般过去时的句型。






如:Lily was 16 years old last year.


如:Tom got up at 6:00 last week.


2.以字母e 结尾的动词,只加-d


4.以“ 辅音字母+y ”结尾的动词,把y 改为i,再加-ed

1、清念/t/ ,即ed 在清辅音后面念/t/ ,

例:finished helped

2、元浊/d/ ,即ed 在元音,浊辅音后面念/d/ ,

例:played enjoyed

3、/t/ /d/ 之后念/id/ , 即ed 在/t/ /d/音后面念/id/

例:wanted shouted

7. 配套练习(Exercises)

Show some exercises on the screen, get the students to do it, then check the answers with the class.

8. 作业(Homework)

1. Write a composition, the topic is “My Favorite Holiday”

2.Recite and copy the verbs and their past forms.

3.Make up a new dialogue talking about past events after the

model dialogue in 1a. Try to make the dialogue a little longer.

Blackboard design:






last night/week/...

in 1990

two days ago


-教育精选- 七年级下册重点短语及句型 Unit 1 重点短语: 1、想加入一个英语俱乐部 want to join an English club 5、讲故事俱乐部the story telling club 7、弹吉它play the guitar 8、敲鼓play the drums 9、给……说/与……交谈talk to/with… 10、喜欢做某事like to do / doing sth 11、和…一块玩游戏play games with… 12、帮助(某人)做某事 help (sb) with sth / help (sb) (to) do sth 13、说英语的学生English-speaking students 14、打电话找某人call sb at + 电话号码 15、有空be free 16、善于与某人相处be good with sb 17、擅长做某事be good at doing sth 对……有益/好处be good for… 18、与某人交朋友make friends with sb 19、在周末on /at the weekend = on / at weekends 20. 讲故事tell stories 重点句子: 1.你会弹吉它吗?Can you play the guitar?

-教育精选- 2.你会唱歌或跳舞吗?Can you sing or dance? 3.你非常擅长讲故事。 You are very good at telling stories. 4.学校文艺表演招募学生 students wanted for school show 5.来加入我们吧!Come and join us! 6.我喜欢和人们一块谈话和玩游戏。 I like to talk and play games with people. 7.放学后你忙吗?Are you busy after school? 8.请拨293-7742找布朗先生。 Please call Mr Brown at 293-7742. 9.周末你有时间吗?(同义句)Are you free on the weekend? / Do you have time …? 10.你善于与老人相处吗? Are you good with old people? Unit 2 重点短语: 1、去/到达学校go/get to school 2、回/到家go/get home 4、刷牙brush teeth 5、吃早餐eat/have breakfast 6、从晚上12点到早上六点from twelve o’clock


七年级上学期英语导学案 Unit 10 Can you play the guitar? 出品人:审核人:时间: Section A 1a-3a 学习目标: 1、词汇: dance swim sing paint speak join guitar piano violin trumpet drum chess 2、词组: speak English play chess play the guitar Join the swimming club 3、语法结构:情态动词can的用法。 4、句型:What club do you want to join? I want to join the basketball club. What can you do? I can play the guitar. 学习过程: 一预习导学: A.英汉互译: 1. swim ______ 2.dance _______ 3.sing ______ 4.paint______ 5.参加 _______ 6.说,说话______ 7.国际象棋________ 8.吉他________ B.将下列词组译成英语或汉语。 1.讲英语___________ 2. speak Chinese ___________ 3.弹吉他___________ 4.弹钢琴___________ 5.play the violin ___________ 6.play the trumpet __________ 7.play the drums __________ 8.下棋 _______________ 9.play sports ____________ 10. play computer games ______________ C. 词语点击: 1.speak 译为 ___________, 后面直接加________. 例:我们讲英语。______________ 2.play +the + ________ / play + ______或________ D.观察:I can swim. / I can’t swim. Can you swim? Yes, I can . /No, I can’t. He can play chess. / He can’t play chess. Can he play chess? Yes, he can. /No, he can’t. 【结论】通过观察上面的两组例子我们发现:情态动词can 意为:“会,能”,表


Unit11复习学案 一、单词 1.挤奶_______ 2.奶牛_______ 3.马_______ 4.喂养_______ (过去式) _______ 5.农民_______ (农场) _______ 6. 相当_______7.任何东西_______8.种植_______ (过去式) _______9.采摘_______10.优秀的_______11.乡村_______12.昨天_______13.花_______14.担心_______ (形容词) _______15.幸运地_______ (形容词) _______ (名词) _______16.太阳_______ (形容词) _______17.博物馆_______18.火灾_______19.油画_______ (动词) _______20.使人兴奋的_______ (动词) _______ (感到兴奋的) _______21.可爱的_______ (动词) _______22.昂贵的_______ (同义词) _______ (反义词) _______23.缓慢的_______ (副词) _______ (反义词) _______24.快的_______25.机器人_______26.导游_______27.礼物_______28.所有事情_______29.感兴趣的_______ (名词) _______ (有趣的) _______30.黑暗的_______31.听见_______ (过去式) _______ 二、重点短语 1.挤牛奶___________ 2.喂鸡___________ 3.骑马___________ 4.与某人交谈___________ 5.带某人参观 ___________6.学到很多…___________7.摘苹果___________8.许多___________9.去钓鱼___________10.在乡村___________11.消防站___________12.一路上看到…___________13.总的说来___________14.对…感兴趣___________15.一点也不___________ 三、重点句子 1.-你的学校郊游怎么样?-它好极了. 2.-你去动物园了吗?-不,我没去.我去了农场. 3.-你看见一些奶牛?-是的,我看见了.我看见了许多. 4.-Carol骑马了吗?-不,她没有.但是她挤牛奶了. 5.-草莓好吗?-是的,它们是好的.不,它们不好. 6.我和我的爷爷一起喂鸡了. 7.那里的天气怎么样? 8.你真幸运. 9.导游教我们如何做机器人模型. 10.我为我父母买了一些可爱的礼物. 11.我对那不感兴趣. 12.我一点儿也不喜欢这次旅行. 四、语法 (一)一般过去时的基本用法 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last week, last night, in 2003, two days ago等。 【举例】I got up at 6:30 yesterday. 我昨天6:30起床。 My father was very busy last week. 我父亲上周很忙。 (二)动词过去式构成 1.规则变化:(1) 一般在动词后加-ed。如:play—played, look—looked (2) 在以字母e结尾的动词后,只加-d。如:like—liked, ,hate — hated (3) 在以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词后,则改y为i,再加—ed。如:study— studied. (4) 在以单短元音的重读闭音节结尾且,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词后,双写最后一个辅 音字母,再加-ed。如:plan—planned, stop—stopped 2.不规则变化(课本P142)


七年级下册重点短语及句型 Unit 1 重点短语: 1、想加入一个英语俱乐部 want to join an English club 5、讲故事俱乐部the story telling club 7、弹吉它play the guitar 8、敲鼓play the drums 9、给……说/与……交谈talk to/with… 10、喜欢做某事like to do / doing sth 、 11、和…一块玩游戏play games with… 12、帮助(某人)做某事 help (sb) with sth / help (sb) (to) do sth 13、说英语的学生English-speaking students 14、打电话找某人call sb at + 电话号码 15、有空be free 16、善于与某人相处be good with sb 17、擅长做某事be good at doing sth 对……有益/好处be good for… 18、与某人交朋友make friends with sb 19、在周末on /at the weekend = on / at weekends 》 20. 讲故事tell stories 重点句子:

1.你会弹吉它吗Can you play the guitar 2.你会唱歌或跳舞吗Can you sing or dance 3.你非常擅长讲故事。 You are very good at telling stories. 4.学校文艺表演招募学生 students wanted for school show 5.来加入我们吧!Come and join us! 6.我喜欢和人们一块谈话和玩游戏。 I like to talk and play games with people. 7.放学后你忙吗Are you busy after school 8.请拨293-7742找布朗先生。 - Please call Mr Brown at 293-7742. 9.周末你有时间吗(同义句)Are you free on the weekend / Do you have time … 10.你善于与老人相处吗 Are you good with old people Unit 2 重点短语: 1、去/到达学校go/get to school 2、回/到家go/get home 4、刷牙brush teeth ! 5、吃早餐eat/have breakfast


【课题】Unit 4 Don’t eat in class 【学习目标】: 1.学习识记本单元中的重点词组及单词。 2.初步理解本单元中重点单词及词组的用法。 【要点和难点】 理解掌握重点单词及词组的用法。 【导学指导】 (一)自主学习 写出并读出下列单词和短语: 校规迟到听音乐重要的 in the hallway Don’t fight. listen to music arrive late for class 外出______________ 清洗餐具____________ 铺床_______________ (对某人)要求严格___________________ 遵守规则_____________________ 到达_________ 准时____________ 餐厅_________________ (二). 合作探究 1. arrive v. 到达。是不及物动词,常用的短语为“arrive at +小地点”和“arrive in +点”;arrive 后如果加副词,at/ in 省略。 get to +地点指到达某地,to 后如果接副词,则to 省略。 reach 意为“到达”可直接跟宾语。 例1)I am always the first to ________ _________ the school. 2) They usually ________the school at five o’clock. 2. listen v. 听,倾听,指听的动作,为不及物动词,可以单独使用,但其后如接宾语则加介词to hear 表示听到,是指听得结果 例2. __________! Can you ________ anything? 听!你能听到什么? 3. fight v. n. 打架;战斗。 相关短语:fight about fight with fight against fight about 意为“为…..而战”“就….争吵”该短语后接名词代词或宾语从句,表示吵架的原因。 fight with 意为“与…..作战;与….打架”, with 后接表示人的名词或代词做宾语。 fight against 意为“抵抗…..;对抗……” 例3. We often _________ __________ who plays with the doll first. 我们常为谁先玩玩具娃娃而争吵。 Don’t ________ ________ your classmates. 不要和你的同学吵架。 _________ __________ poverty 与贫困作斗争。 4. put on; wear; in; dress put on 指穿上,戴上,强调穿衣的动作,其反义词组是take off, 后接代词it/ them 时,代词需放在词组中间。 wear 指穿着,戴着。强调穿衣的状态。 in 指穿着,戴着,后接表示颜色衣服的词,相当于wearing. dress 指穿衣服,表示动作,dress sb 给某人穿衣服,dress 做不及物动词时,表示


2019-2020学年人教版英语九年级 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section A (1a-2d) 【学习目标】 重点词 1. Drive 2. lately adv. 3. friendship n; 重点词组 1. make me sleepy 2. drive sb crazy 3. the more…, the more 4. yes and no 5. be friends with sb 6. feel left out 句子:1. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry. 2. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him want to leave quickly. 【自主预习】 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.They have been spending more time together (late). 2.The bette r you understand, the(much) you get. 3.Why don’t you(buy) a birthday card for your friend? 4.Waiting for her (drive) me mad yesterday. 5.The quiet music makes me (sleep). 二、根据汉语提示完成句子 1.I (忽略) two words in the sentence. 2.Lily and Lucy (是我的朋友). We often play together. 3.Many people are (等待) the train at the railway station. 4.The movie was (如此悲伤以至于) it made me cry. 5.I realized that we (我们有很多共同点). 【课文重难点详解】 【1】’d rather 是would rather 的缩写形式,“宁愿;宁可;更喜欢”,后跟 常用来表示选择的意愿。没有人称和数的变化,其中would 常缩写成’d 形式 肯定句:would rather do sth. =prefer to do sth. 【否定句:would rather not do sth 宁愿不做某事 【拓展】would rather do sth than do sth (than 所连接的词语必须与前面的词语在词性和结构上保持一致) 【2】make 构成的短语 make friend … 与……交朋友 make a living make up 组成,编造be made up of 由……组成 make one’s mind 下定决心 【拓展2】make 构成的词组 (1) be made of +材料(看得出原材料) “被用……制成” , The table is made of wood. Be made +材料(看不出原材料) ( ) In the old days, Dai people usually lived in the traditional buildings. This kind of buildings were______bamboo and wood. A. made in B .made of C. made out D. made from The bread is made wheat(小麦). (3) be made +产地“在某地制造……” This watch is made China 【拓展3】make 构成的句型 (1) make sb/sth + 形容词“让某人或某物…” (2) make sb./sth do sth “使某人/物做某事” make me laugh. (3)be made to do sth “被让去做某事” 【3】.Waiting for Amy drove Tina mad. 等待艾美令缇娜有点抓狂。( 2b ) 【解析1】动名词做主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数 wait for 等待 ______ (say) is easy, ______(do) is difficult. 说起来容易,做起来难 (1)drive sb. crazy/mad =make sb. crazy使某人发疯/发狂 (2)drive sb. to do sth 驱使某人做某事 ( ) Hunger drove him ______. A.steal B.stealing C.to steal D.steals 【4】so… that … /so that (1)so+形容词或副词+that ...引导的肯定的结果状语从句“如此……以至于……”(2)so that“以便……;为了……”,引导目的状语从句。 从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词; I study so hard that I have little sleep everyday. . I study hard so that I can have a good future. . 【5】be sure to do sth 一定要做某事 be sure not to do sth 千万不要做某事 be sure +that 从句相信;对......有把握 be sure about /of+n/pron 确信......., 对.......有把握 【6】(1) happen v “发生” 不及物动词,没有被动语态,主语是物,强调某事发生的偶然性 (1) “sth.+happen+地点/时间”,“某地/某时发生了某事” (2) sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 A car accident happened to him yesterday. 昨天他发生了交通事故。 (3) sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事 She happened ________(be) out when we called. 【拓展】take place 发生,指事情有计划有安排地发生 【7】have …in common “有共同点;相似” 【8】Why don’t +sb.+do sth.? =Why not + do sth.? 为何不……? 用来提出建议或劝告。 【9】each time 名词词组, 充当连词引导时间状语从句, 意为“每一次……”, 类似的词组还有every time, next time, last time, the first time等。 【10】leave out 不包括;不提及;忽略 to be /feel left out (感觉)被遗忘;(感觉)被忽略 Section A (3a-4b) 【教学要求】 1.掌握本节课的重点单词和词组。 【学习目标】 1单词: fame n. ; pale adj. ; examine v. wealth n. 2.重点词组:睡眠很差不想吃东西毫无理由 .既不…也不…应召进宫有很大的权力 替代我的职位 3. .重点句式 1.) He found nothing wrong with his body. 。 2.) It’s all in his mind, neither medicine nor rest can help him. 3.) Although I have a lot of power, it doesn’t make me happy. 4. )I have a lot of wealth, but I’m always worried about losing my money. 【自主预习】 根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. Both the tiger and the lion want to be the (国王)of this forest. 2. My brother dreams of being a (银行家)when he grows up. 3. The singer got great (名誉) after singing at the concert. 4. There is a saying that knowledge is (力量). 5. The queen wanted to ask the soldier to build a great (宫殿) for herself. 【课文重难点详解】 1.A long time ago, in a rich and peaceful country,there lived an unhappy king 很久很久以前,在一个的国家,一个不快乐的国王。 【解析】there lived 曾经住着 2.feel like / would like Ⅰ.feel like 与would like 意思很相近,但feel like 后面常跟名词;动名词。构成:feel like (doing) sth.


外研版英语七年级下册短语及重点句型汇总 2016-05-24 14:24阅读:2,580 Module 1 Lost and found 【短语归纳】 1. lost and found box 失物招领箱 2. be careful with… 小心… 3. from now on 从现在开始 4. (be) in a hurry 匆忙 5. hundreds of 成百上千 6. look for 寻找(过程) 7. first of all 首先 8. find 找到(结果) 9. try to do sth 努力做某事(会成功) 10. choose from 从…中挑选 11. try doing sth 试图做某事(成功与否未知) 12. at the moment 此时此刻 13. such as 例如(用于列举) 14. for example 例如 【重点句型结构】 1. Whose + 名词+is this ? 这是谁的…? 2. help sb do sth. 帮助某人做某事 3. Please be careful with… 请小心保管… 4. Welcome to + 地点欢迎来到… 5. call sb at + 电话号码拨…给某人打电话 【语法专项】 物主代词:表示所属关系的代词(…属于谁的) 人称单数复数形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词形容性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称my mine our ours 第二人称your yours your yours 第三人称his his their Theirs her hers its its 形容词性物主代词:必须和名词在一起,例如my father, yourteacher... 名词性物主代词:相当于与之相对应的形容词性物主代词+名词,例如This shirt is mine. =This i s my shirt. Module 2 What can you do? 【短语归纳】 1. get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽 2. play the piano 弹钢琴 3. play table tennis 打乒乓球 4. what about…?=how about…? ...怎么样? 5. worry about… 担心… 6. be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事


第1页 Where there is a will, there is a way. 课题 Unit 11 Friendship 学习目标: (一)知识目标:To train and improve the reading ability of the students. (二)能力目标:Have the students master some reading skills. (三)情感目标:Make the students know more about friendship and how to make friends. Step1: 导入(2 minutes ) Revision about the words of this unit. Step2: 自学(15 minutes ) ①Get the Ss to read the passage by themselves and decide T or F. ( ) 1.We may get on well with many people, but we make friends with only a few of them. ( ) 2.People have different kinds of friends. ( ) 3.Close friends are those who can share joys and sorrows with you. ( ) 4.A good friend is someone who will do anything for you. ( ) 5. A good friend is someone you can rely on when you are in need . ( ) 6.A chess partner is not a friend. ② Discuss the following questions in groups. 1. What should we do when our friends are in sorrow. 2. We may get on well with many people. But why do we usually make friends with only a few of them? 3. What kind of person do you think you can rely on? Step3:讨论 (10 minutes ) Discuss the answers in groups with your teammates. Step4:展示(8 minutes ) Please show your answers to the whole class. Step5:点评 Step6:检测(3 minutes ) Read the whole passage. Step7:反思 Write down what you have learned today on your notebooks (整理笔记) Step8:应用 Fill in the blanks. (7 minutes ) We may ______ ______ _______ ______ a number of people, and we usually make friends______ them. You may have many good friends but only _____ _____ ______ them are your “ close friends ”. A close friend is someone who is able to _______ joys and sorrows _______ you. This is a person you can ______ ______ when you need help, and this is a person to whom you ______ ________ ______ lend a helping hand. Friendship play ______ _______ _______ in our lives. And it is one of life ’s greatest __________. Yet it would be ________ ________ to expect a friend to do everything for you. So we must learn to make friends and cherish(钟爱;珍视) friendship.


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 一、词汇拓展 1. sing(现在分词)_________ 2. dance(现在分词)_________ 3. swim(现在分词)_________ 4.draw(同义词)_________ 5. story(复数)_________ 6.write(同音词)_________ 7. drum(复数)_________ 8. piano(复数)_________ 9. also(同义词)_________ 10.make(单三)_________ (现在分词)_________ 11. center(形容词)_________ 11.teach(单三)_________ (名词)_________ 13. musician(形容词_________ 二、重点短语与句型 1.下国际象棋___________________ 说英语___________________ 弹吉它___________________ 想做……___________________ 2. 擅长于_______________ 什么俱乐部/运动 ___________________ 艺术/音乐/游泳/运动俱乐部___________________ ___________________ 擅长做某事___________________= ___________________ like to do …喜欢做…What about…?…怎么样? be good at doing…擅长做…tell stories 讲故事 the story telling club 讲故事俱乐部G7BU1p2 3. talk to 跟…..说write stories 写小说 want …for the school show为学校表演招聘……after school 放学后 do kung fu 打中国功夫come and show us 来给我们表演G7BU1p3 4. play the drum 敲鼓play the piano弹钢琴 play the violin 拉小提琴G7BU1p4 5. be good with 善于应付(处理)…的;和某人相处很好 make friends 结交朋友help sb. with sth=help sb.(to) do sth.在某方面帮助某人 on the weekend 在周末=on weekends help with...帮助做…… be free /busy 有空/很忙call sb. at…拨打某人的……号码 need sb./sth. to do…需要某人/某物做…… English-speaking students说英语的学生G7BU1p5 join……the club加入…俱乐部,be in=join in …成为…中的一员G7BU1p6 三、关键句型 1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club. 3. You can join the English club. Sounds good. 4. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 5. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. Unit 2 What time do you usually go to school? 一、词汇拓展 1. up(反义词)down 2. brush(单三)brushes 3. tooth(复数)teeth 4. always (反义词)never 5.early(反义词)late 6. work(同义词)job 7. night(反义词)day 8. half(复数)halves 9. run(现在分词)running 10. clean(现在分词)cleaning 11. either…or…(反义词)neither …nor… 12. life(复数)lives 13. taste(单三)tastes 二、重点短语与句型 1.get up 起床,站起get dressed穿上衣服have/take a shower 洗淋浴 brush teeth涮牙eat breakfast 吃早餐What time 几点,何时 go to school 去学校do homework 做家庭作业G7BU2p7 2. at night 在晚上from…to…从……到……G7BU2p8 in the morning 在上午go to work 去上班


人教版七年级英语下册第三单元学案 Unit 3 Why do you like koalas ? Section A Happiness is found along the way—not at the end of the road.---Sol Gordon 幸福将在路途中被发现,而不是在路的终点。 知识目标:koakas tiger elephant dolphin panda lion penguin giraffe zoo cute map smart animal box kind of south Africa 能力目标:Describe animals;Express preferences 情感目标:通过对本节知识的学习,培养学生要热爱动物,保护自然 Importance: Master the new words and phrases Difficulty: Express preferences (一)预习导学(Warming Up) 1.Read new words by themselves,then check some students’ pronunciations 2. Learn the new words by finishing the exercises.(英汉互译) 只可爱的大象_____________________ 有几分_______ 一只有趣的海豚________________ 几只可怕的狮子 _________________

come from___________ welcome to the zoo____________ a smart koala__________ want to see the pandas_________ (二)预习自测 根据首字母和汉语提示写单词 1.--Why do like tigers? --Because they are very c________ 2.________(让我们) play with the cats. 3.Look at the ___________(长颈鹿).They are eating leaves. 4.Penguins live in south A__________ 5.There are many kinds of a__________in the zoo. (三)情景导入 First play a vedio about many kinds of animals ,then make a dialogue by asking them questions: Do you like animals? What animals have you seen in the zoo? And what’s your favorite animal? Why? (四)自主探究 1.译成汉语,注意划线部分 Let’s see the lions first. 2.让他做这件事吧。 Let___________it. (五)合作交流 Make the conversations following the example A: Let’s see the lions . B: Why do you like them ? A: Because they are cute. B: Where are lions from? A: They are from South Africa. (六)拓展创新 找出与划线部分意思相同的选项 The panda is kind of interesting. A little B a kind of C kinds of D a little


Period Six Grammar 单元语法(一)——被动语态 [语法图解] [语法感悟] 单句语法填空 1.The Group of Eight, or G8, was_formed (form) by eight of the world's wealthiest nations in 1998. 2.The G8 is_made (make) up of political leaders from France, the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada and Russia. 3.It is going to be remembered as a historical meeting this year, as the topic of Africa will_be_discussed (discuss) in detail. 4.Reforms have_been_demanded (demand) by people all over the world. 5.We can't use the bridge now, because it is_being_repaired (repair).

一、动词语态的基本概念 语态是动词的一种形式,用来表明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语动词有两种语态,主动语态(Active V oice)和被动语态(Passive V oice)。 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。同一件事往往既可以用主动句又可以用被动句来表达,但侧重点有所不同。一般来说,主动语态侧重于行为者即动作的发出者,而被动语态侧重于动作的对象即动作的承受者。 They have caught a snake. 他们抓住了一条蛇。 All the old houses along the street have been pulled down. 沿街所有的旧房子都已经被拆掉了。 二、被动语态的构成 被动语态的基本形式是由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。 时态被动语态的构成 一般现在时is/am/are+动词的过去分词 一般过去时was/were+动词的过去分词 一般将来时will+be+动词的过去分词; is/am/are+going to be+动词的过去分词 过去将来时would be+过去分词 现在进行时is/am/are+being+动词的过去分词过去进行时was/were+being+动词的过去分词现在完成时have/has+been+动词的过去分词过去完成时had+been+动词的过去分词 含情态动词情态动词+be+动词的过去分词我们的教室每天都被打扫。


Unit10 I’d like some noodles . 单元教学设计 汪成涛 一、教学内容分析及整合思路 本单元是七年级英语Go for it ( 下) Unit10。主要围绕“Order food and write food ad”这一主题展开各种教学活动.学生必须学会订餐并提供个人信息。本单元首先介绍一些食物的名词,例如:面条、牛肉、鸡肉、羊肉、洋白菜、洋葱、土豆和西红柿。与此同时教学本单元的重点what引导的特殊疑问句和情态动词would的用法。Section A部分首先让学生学习一些食物类名词的表达方法,明确这些名词哪些是可数的,那些是不可数的,进而延伸并使学生掌握对面条种类的表达;与此同时借助于情景的创设,使学生学会what size...?的运用和对此句的回答。在以上学习的基础上,学生进行简单的供餐与订餐的对话,也能听懂简单的听力材料。Section B部分要求学生能够做调查并汇报,还能写简单的广告。基于以上对教材的分析,本单元所学习的内容与学生的日常生活密切相关。语言材料的可操练性比较强,如学生在谈论自己所喜爱的食物时能够畅所欲言。教材内容将语言知识和交际训练有效地融为一体,通过从新词教学到语句教学再到片段的教学,循序渐进逐步展开,使学生学会在情景中灵活运用所学语言准确表达个人的信息,从而提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。体现语言的交际性和工具性;在学习过程中,渗透健康饮食的重要性,同时引导学生养成平衡膳食正确消费的习惯。体现英语教学的社会性。 本单元反复操练的句型是what would you like ? what kind of 、、、would you like ? what size 、、、would you like ?让学生在学习的过程中,熟练掌握本单元的主要内容。 二、学习者特征分析 1、学生现有的能力与已掌握的知识:学生在经过了一学期的学习后已经具备了一定的听说读写基础,如在七年级上册已经学习了部分水果类名词和食物类名词,还学习了what 引导的特殊问句,为谈论本单元话题垫定了一定的基础,但学生在谈论事物的种类时,容易把起限定作用的名词误用成复数。 2、本单元主要是谈论饮食的话题,和学生的日常生活密切相关容易引起学生的兴趣,学生参与起来也比较积极。加上声行并茂的听觉和视觉刺激,特别是扮演服务员和顾客,然后进行对话学生更加投入,这为本单元的学习打下了良好的基础。 三、单元整体目标分析 1、知识与能力: (1)熟练掌握本单元的重点短语:size, Bowl, kind of, cabbage, tomato, green tea, potato, beef, mutton等。
