



Not all entrepreneurs(企业家)need co-founders, but many successful companies -- including Apple, eBay, and Twitter -- were built by multiple leaders with productive relationships.

There is a common trend: the most well-rounded pairs recognized their individual limitations and respected what the other could bring to a partnership. Many of these duos(二重奏)have gone on to run some of the most successful businesses of our time.


Ralph Emerson and Henry Thoreau

艾默生通过与梭伦的合作,才把美国的浪漫主义推到巅峰(Emerson pushed the peakedness of Romanticism by cooperating with Thoreau) ,Ralph Emerson 在理论上提出了超验主义Transcendentalism 那就是亲近自然(Ralph Emerson put the theory:Transcendentalism which means close to nature),在自然中与自然交流从而达到与自然交流的目的(to achieve the aim that communicating with nature in the natural environment)。他的好友梭伦接受的艾默生的超验主义观,在瓦尔登湖畔建立一个小木屋。在美国独立日那天搬进小木屋,住了2年2个月,生活在自然之中,生活在瓦尔登湖这片自然风景之中,用自己的脚步去丈量这每一寸土地,写出杰作瓦尔登湖。(his best friend Thoreau took action to experience Transcendentalism。He built a small

wooden house near Walden Lake. Thoreau moved into it on the Independence Day and lived there for nearly two years. Use his footsteps to measure every inch of the land here.Therefore, he wrote Walden Lake) 就是因为艾默生理论上提出,而梭伦去践行超验主义,就是因为他们的共同努力,才有了美国浪漫主义的巅峰——超验主义的存在。(With the cooperation of Emerson and Thoreau, Transcendentalism climbed the peak of America Romanticism


It is not hard to find that the peakedness (巅峰)of Romanticism is the result of cooperation by Emerson and Thoreau. Ralph Emerson put forward the theory about Transcendentalism which means people should be close to nature. Human beings should attain the purpose by communicating with everything in nature. His friend Henry Thoreau accepted the viewpoint of Emerson. He built a small wooden house near Walden Lake and lived there. During the time in Walden Lake, he used his footsteps to measure every inch of the land and wrote the famous work Walden. Before 1960s, American literature still relied on the literature from Europe. For making breakthroughs in it, Emerson made cooperations with Thoreau and pushed the peakedness of Transcendentalism.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

They set the Apple Company in 1976.

The two Steves became friends at a summer job in 1970. Woz was busy building a computer, and Steve Jobs saw the potential to sell it.

In a 2006 interview with the Seattle Times西雅图时报, Woz explained, "I was just doing something I was very good at, and the thing that I was good at turned out to be the thing that was going to change the world...Steve [Jobs] was much more further-thinking. When I designed good things, sometimes he'd say, "We can sell this."(不用全部背诵,将大体的意思写下来即可)And we did. He was thinking about how you build a company, maybe even then he was thinking, "How do you change the world?"

A master of analytics(分析学), Woz admits that he never once thought to sell his original computer model. That was all Jobs. Woz's technical skills paired with Jobs' business foresight makes the two an ultimate business match. And it is a relationship that has withstood(经得起)decades, fame(名声)and fortune. According to Woz, the two are still friends. They "talk every once in a while, and they have never had a real argument."


Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne 19century

Works: The Scarlet Letter

Heroine: Hester Prynne

In this novel, Hester Prynne fornicate with the young vicar Arthur Dimmesdale. They had a daughter whose name is Pearl during the time that the husband of Hester Prynne disappeared. Time flies, Pearl became to realize that she was different from other common kids because she did

not have a father. Then, Pearl came back to ask her mother the reason. Hester Prynne decided to tell a white lie. She told her daughter," You are the gift which The God give me." Not only protected the pride of Pearl, but also kept secret that the fornicator is Author Dimmesdale. From this short story, we found that not all lies are evil. The white lies sometimes not hurt the surroundings or the people we cherish.


Author: Nahthaniel Hawthorne

父亲是位有名的船长,在航海中死亡(his father is a famous captain but died during the voyage)

他的祖先参与对政敌的迫害,因此他宣扬道德(his ancestors took part in Works: The Scarlet Letter Hester Prynne Arthur Dimmesdale Roger Chillingworth Pearl

(在胸上佩戴A字Adult able angle

ArthurDimmesdale 内心备受煎熬,身体慢慢的胯下,最后承认了自己的错误,人最后进入了天堂

Roger Chillingworth 人只要诚实,哪怕到生命的最后一刻也会得到原谅。如果不诚实,即便诚实也会死去。)

Author: Mark Twain

Works: The Adventures of Huckle Berry Finn

两人在密西西比河The Mississippi River上乘着小木筏在河上漂流,到了夜晚的时候他们就把木筏在岸边一栓,到岸上来寻找东西吃,休息。有一次发现了一个小木屋,走进了小木屋,发现了一具尸体。尸体被蒙着,这时候Blackman 揭开死尸,发现是Huckle 的父亲,但是黑人告诉huckle是一个不相关的人,又随手蒙住了死尸。尽管黑人知道Huckle 的父亲对Huckle 并不好,但是黑人为了避免让Huckle 伤心,还是说了谎,因此人是需要说谎的,为了保护自己的朋友不受伤害。

一架运输机(transport plane)在沙漠里遇到沙尘暴而迫降,但飞机已经严重损毁,无法恢复起飞,通讯设备也损坏,与外界通讯联络中断。9名乘客和1名驾驶员陷于绝望之中。求生的本能使他们为争夺有限的干粮和水而动起干戈。紧急关头,一个临时搭乘飞机的乘客站了出来说:“大家不要惊慌,我是飞机设计师,只要大家齐心协力听我指挥,就可以修好飞机。”这好比一针强心剂,稳




Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Works: Rapaccini's Daughter

Facebook(Mark Elliot Zuckerberg)

在facebook之前美国大量的人使用My space. 扎克伯格提出了新的主义。这个新的主义就是我要改变My space 泄露顾客私人信息的这个缺陷。在这个新的想法的指导之下。改变了facebook的方式。因此,新的想法很重要。

Newton 客观

牛顿在青年时期存在客观的观点。晚年的时候相信神学。他认为所有的东西都与神有关,所以他提出了the first course 神的第一推动里。牛顿就是因为他能



美国19世纪最著名的诗人,自由诗之父(the father of free verse),在创作的过程中(during the process of creating poets),也受到过大众观点的误导(he was misleaded by contemporary trend)。1855,当他写出第一版的草叶集(in 1855, he published the first edition of Leaves of Grass)。他寄给当时在文坛中的权威们(he sent his works to those authorities in literary area)。John Whittier 把他的诗歌扔在fireplace(John Whittier threw his poets into stove fire)。即便是Thoreau 就是那些权威人物的大众观点。(even thought 歌要模仿欧洲文学的风格。例如传统的诗歌内容。幸好有Whitman 的坚持,从而使得草叶集有了第九版。从而带领美国文学的独立。



Caddy, the heroine of The Sound and The Fury is a brave young girl. When

her grandfather, she dared to climb the tree to see the condition. She also dared to request the same right to go to school. However, she had a child when her felt in love with her boyfriend. Her parents who were the representatives of the southern slavery asked Caddy to married a man who she did not like Caddy married a man. Caddy divorced immediately and was forced not to go back home. Then she had to be military brothel(军妓). Finally, the standard set by the public led the tragedy of the outcome.(命运的悲剧)

William Faulkner

他的悲剧命运就是当时美国南方奴隶制的代表而导致的。Caddy是个非常勇敢的小女孩。在他奶奶去世的时候,他敢于追求和男子一同上学的权利。然而,在谈恋爱的过程中不幸怀孕。他的父母作为当时美国南方的代表逼迫CADDY嫁给她不喜欢的男子。在父母的逼迫之下,他结婚了。结婚之后很快离婚了。他的父母拒绝自己的女儿回家因为他们觉得结婚是件非常丢人的事情。Caddy 从小出身


Does progress depend on people with new ideas rather than on people whose ideas are based on the current way of doing things?

Walt Whitman 在他们没有提出新的思想之前,美国的诗坛在诗歌的形式上,因循守旧(follow as the old ways),用的英国诗歌的押韵格式.追求一定的韵律和音部。不敢丝毫涉及sex的内容,然而Whitman 在诗歌的形式上进行了创新。Leaves of Grass 不再有传统的韵律。开创了美国诗歌创作的新时代。并且对后期其他的作家产生了深刻的影响。


不仅在文学领域需要有新思想的人,同样在我们科技的领域也需要有新思想的人。只有他们才能推动整个科技的进步。As it is in the case of Jobs, the founder of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc.在乔布斯出现之前,电脑是非常巨大和笨拙的


Isaac Newton

人类历史上出现过的最伟大、最有影响的科学家,同时也是物理学家、数学家和哲学家,晚年醉心于炼金术和神学。他在1687年7月5日发表的不朽著作《自然哲学的数学原理》里用数学方法阐明了宇宙中最基本的法则——万有引力定律(Law of universal gravitation)和三大运动定律(Newton's laws of motion)。牛顿为人类建立起“理性主义”(Rationalism)的旗帜,开启工业革命的大门。


John Milton 受父亲的影响立志做一名诗人,从小时候就挑灯夜战苦读。青年时期(Youth period)去意大利追寻自己当诗人的梦想。1652,克伦威尔(Cromwell)领导的资产阶级(the Capitalist Class) 反对封建专制的(The feudal autocratic monarchy),做他的秘书。放弃梦想。因为他认为英国需要资产阶级来领导,这样才符合时代的潮流。John Milton 为了国家利益放弃个人理想是一种崇高的境界。

英国前首相Winston Churchill 出生在贵族noble家庭,从小上军校,中尉。一直梦想成为一名记者。英国在世界大战期间,英国需要他担任首相,带领英国参加二战。在Winston Churchill 的带领下,英国终于摆脱了德国的侵略。

袁隆平,经过数十年的研究终于发现了三系杂交水稻(he invented three-line hybrid rice according to 10 years' research)如果申请专利,价值5600多亿





Jobs 经历的研发Lisa 电脑失败了解到自己要创造出(create)适应世界潮流(world trends)的产品。

乔布斯在经历了研发Lisa 电脑产品的失败之后从而懂得产品要适应美国市场。1976年在成立苹果公司。Apple the first Apple the second,再开发Lisa系列的产品。因为价格太高,民众难以承受高价格。导致Lisa系列的产品失败。董事会逼乔布斯交出经营权,乔布斯被赶出自己创立的公司。Next 工作室。适应消费者的需求。

Jobs set up Apple Company in 1976. He created Apple the First and Apple the Second. Then, he devoted most of the company's fund to develop Lisa. However, Americans can not afford the high price so that the product Lisa is a huge failure. From this event, Board of directors forced Jobs to leave the Apple Company. Finally, Jobs realized that his product should be suitable for world trends. We will find only people experience some failures, they will know what they did it wrong.



Whitman is among the most influential poets in the American canon(标准), often called the father of free verse. He wrote in highly original and innovative free verse. 通过追逐个人梦想。在那时,当时的诗人主要模仿英国的诗歌。传统形式和内容。惠特曼用了自己独特的方式来领导美国文化的独立。

别人不支持他。他的坚持使美国的诗歌脱离别的国家的影响。Leaves of Grass 是一部史诗。

John Greenleaf Whittier threw his copy of the book into the fireplace. 其他著名的作家也不赞成他。由此,他反思自己从第一版改写到第九版。从12首达到372首。当到达第九版后成就了美国文学史上第一部史诗——草叶集。更成功。


Ralph Emerson 给他写信赞美他写的很好,并把这封信打印在第二版的草叶集之上。使Whitman 在当时严重的打压下,生存下来。因此我们要赞美别人。


William Faulkner

年轻时,追逐编剧editor这个职业。梦想去做士兵。但是由于身高外貌的原因,美国拒绝了。然后以英国士兵的身份去接受训练。在训练的过程中,世界大战结束没法实现自己的理想。于是,当了作家。写的作品融合了三种写作手法.作品名字:The Sound of The Fury.

1: stream of consciousness 2: psychological analysis 3: multiple view.(多角度视角)老人与海强调动作。

家族人物:Mr Compson ( drunkard) Mrs Compson

Quentin Compson 跳河自杀Benjy 傻子Jason 唯利是图Dilsey 女仆多角度视角


Willliam Faulkner

美国20世纪著名的南方作家。诺贝尔文学奖的得主。他的日常行为就是由他的职业——作家所决定的。在他的一生中,他把意识流,多角度视角和心理分析融合在一起,创作出了多部文学作品。比如说The Sound and The Fury, As I lay

dying, Go Down, Moses! 他的这么多的作品决定了他生命中的大部分时间都得




Jobs and Woz 在Woz家的车库里注册了苹果公司,资金有限。在这种限制之下,他们没有办法在资金上取得优势,因此他们只能追求技术上的进步。因此,他们刻苦地对电脑进行改进,使笔记本变得更加小巧,灵敏。因此推出了Apple I,Apple II,使得苹果公司gain fame. 就是因为当初资金的限制,才使他们在电脑改造和研发的技术得以提升。

John Milton

John Milton the greatest epic poet of 17th century. 就是因为在现实中不能反对封建主义失败,受到这一限制,从而激发了他创作的灵感。约翰米尔顿参加了1652年克伦威尔lead the revolution of the bourgeoisie .做了克伦威尔拉丁文的秘书,写了很多政论文(political articles) to fight against the feudalism. Unfortunately, the revolution failed. They cannot challenge the feudalism any more. Under this limitation, 在作品中因此把他们塑造……


Walt Whitman Mark Zuckerberg


Jobs LISA系列的失败,别无选择只能离开苹果

35:Longping Yuan/ Walt Whitman

36:The Scarlet Letter A字由通奸变成能干变成Angel

美国历史上真正的史诗草叶集(Leaves of Grass)

37 现在科技进步,每个人都能用到这样先进的科技产品。尤其对于我们的小学


是这些电子设备吸引了他们的注意力,使他们的好奇心偏向电子产品。And they will pay more attention to those electric products.从而导致在学校不能掌握良好的基础知识,影响将来的发展。


From the point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates. Since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability. Being crazy in getting certifications blindly is nothing but wasting time. To

conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.

From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that...

We may have a long way to go before we reach the final goal, but once we are on the road, the chance to win is greater.
