


. 保持,维持干净的,整洁的

. 使……变得 . 空气

. 肮脏的 . 烟雾

. 垃圾 . 肮脏的,乱七八糟的

. 死的 . 垃圾桶

. 种植,栽种 . 更多的

. 博物馆 . 扔

果皮 . 地面,地上

. 滑倒 . 摔倒

. ……从……搬走. …捡起,拾起

. 工厂. ! 干得好,做得好。


. 让我们的城市保持整洁

. 我们城市的图片


. 使得我们的城市变脏

. 从汽车里冒出的烟

. 来自工厂的黑烟

. 又脏又乱. 死亡

. 在水里

. …乘坐公交地铁

. 交通工具乘……去上学

. 步行去学校

. … 从……搬走

. 将垃圾放进垃圾桶

. 种植更多的树

. . 帮着做某事

. 你的主意

. 干得好,做得好

. 扫地

. 擦桌椅

. 将垃圾扔在地上

. 步行回家

. 放学后

. 住在城市里

. 许多博物馆

. 又干净又漂亮

. 一块香蕉皮

. 在地上

. … 捡起,拾起. 那样做. 太晚了. …滑倒在……上. 去医院看病. ’ 我很抱歉


. 复合宾语(名词或代词形容词)表示“使……变得……”。

如:? 什么使得空气变脏?

. 垃圾使得街道又脏又乱。

. 水果能使我们身体变得健康而强壮。

. 这部电影让我看了很伤心。

. 这猴子把狮子给惹怒了。

. 复合宾语(宾语宾语补足语)表示“保持某人或某物的某种状态”。

如: . 请把你的衣服保持干净。

. . 戴上手套。这样让你的双手保持温暖。

. 我们在图书馆应该保持安静。

. ’ . 我累得眼睛都睁不开了.

. 不定式短语“…”作状语,用以说明追求。例如:

? 为了保持我们的城市干净,我们能做些什么?

. 我们可以扫地来使得我们的教室保持干净。

. 我们可以把工厂搬出城市来使得空气保持干净。







() ?你能帮忙打开窗户吗?

() .让我来帮忙打扫吧。

. . 我喜欢住在城市里。



. .把它捡起来。


把香蕉皮捡起来。 .

把外衣穿上。 . .


. 把它捡起来。 . 把他们捡起来。

. .比利去医院看病。



(英国英语) . 你应该去医院看病。

. 她得去看病。

. 她住院两个星期。

(美国英语) . 你应该去医院看病。

. 她得去看病。

. 她住院两个星期。

. . 我们可以乘坐公交和地铁上学。

. 我们也可以走着去上学。




再如: . .

. .

. .

. 和放学后正走回家。


英语中,像, , , (到达)等词是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,如果要说“去什么地方”,那么后面要加“() 地点”。例如:, 。当后面跟副词时,不能跟或。如:, , , (到家)。而除了副词词性外,还有名词词性。当作副词时,意为“到家,回家”。作名词时,意为“家,家乡”等意思。如:, 此时前有形容词性物主代词修饰,是名词,所以前面要加上。

. ? 城市干净吗?

. 我们可以把课桌椅擦干净。


. . 这条河很干净,孩子们可以在里面游泳。

? 你打扫房间了吗?

. 本单元新增了一些动词,它们的过去式有必要记一记:

– , – , – , – , – , – , – , – , – , –…





` ↗?

` ↗?

` ↗?.


`’ ` ` ↘.↗,↗,↗,↗,↘. `,

↘ .

’ ` ` ↗, ` ` ` ↗,↗ `


` ` ↗,↗↘.

` ↗, ` ↗, ` ↗, ` ↗, ` ↗, ` ` ` ↘.

` ` ` ↗, ` ` ↗ ` ` ↘.


` ↗↘?

` ↗ ` ↘?

` ` ↗ ` ↘?


` , ↗’ ?

, ’ . ` , ↗’ ?

` ` ↘,↗’ ?


` ↘ ` ` ↘.

` ` ↗, ` ` ↘.


英语教学法考试重点精 选文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-

判断主张并简要说明理由: Structural view:The structure language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems:phonology,morphology and syntax.To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language. Functional view: The functional view is not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things,such as offering suggesting,etc.Leaners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions. International view:The international view considers language to be a communicative tool,whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.Leaners not only need to know the grammar and vocabulary but also need to know the rules for using them in a communicative contexts. What makes a good language teacher? These elements can be categorized into three groups:ethic devotion,professional qualities and personal styles. 教师的专业能力是如何发展起来的(How can be a good teacher/The development of professional competence) 答:The development of professional competence including three parts: Stage1,Stage2 and Goal. I. The first stage is language development.All English teacher are supposed to have a sound command of English,and language is always changing,language development can never come to an end. II. The second stage is the most important stage and it is more complicated because it involves three sub-stages:learning,practice,and reflection.(1)The learning stage is the purposeful preparation before a teacher starts the practice of teaching.It includes three parts:learning from other's experience,learning the received knowledge and learning from one's experiences.Both experience knowledge and received knowledge are useful when a teacher goes ton practice.(2)The term 'practice' can be used in two senses. One sense is also called pseudo practice.The other sense is the real classroom teaching.(3)Teacher benefit from practice if they keep on reflecting on what they've done,Not only after they finish their practice,but also while they are doing the practice, III. After some period of practice and reflection,a teacher should be able to reach his or her professional competence.As an final it shouldn't an end,one must be keep learning,practicing and reflecting. 真实应用语言&课堂语言的不同(The differences between language used in real life and language taught in the classroom.) Language used in real life differs from language learned under the traditional language teaching pedagpgy in the following aspects:


1、选择题(2 ×15=30) 2、填空题(2×5=10 ) 3、搭配题(1×10=10) 4、名词解释题(4×5=20) 5、问题回答(5×3=15) 6、论述题(第39题7分,第40题8分) 选择题: 1. Which of the following is an initialism ? D. UN 2. The following are all nominal suffixes EXCEPT A. –ful . 3.Both English and B. Danish belong to the Germantic branch of the Indo-European language family. 4.Affixes added to the end of words to indicate grammatik relationships are known as C. inflectional morphemes. 5.Motiation accounts for the connection between word-form and C.its meaning. 6.Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and C.homonymy. 7.Affixes attached to other morphemes to create new words are known as B .derivational affixes. 8.The semantic unity of idioms is reflected in the A.illogical relationship between the literal meaning of each word and the meaning of the idiom as in rain cats and dogs. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e210986047.html,ually a small number of languages have been designated official languages for an organization’s activities ,for example, the UN was established with five official languages English, French, A.Spanish Russian, and Chinese.中英俄法西


【恒心】大学英语四级作文备考预测【001】 (大学英语六级也适用) 编辑:李炳璋校对:李东原(中山大学)、李炳璋 【李炳璋前言】是否还为自己平时做英语四六级模拟/真题只有370左右分而苦恼?是否现在还苦苦挣扎、不知所措的在想如何能突破425分?是否在还剩最后仅仅7天是否放弃而矛盾迷茫着?大学英语四六级考试是唯一一个付出与收获不成比例的考试,其实只有你再努力一点,多学一些答题技巧,在最后七天再拼搏一下,就有很大的提升空间,突破425分的机会...... 预测作文(一) The Popularity of Micro-blogging 1.近年来“微博”越来越流行,许多人利用“微博”来表达心声、交流想法, 2.微博流行的原因, 3.微博可能引起的弊端。 【范文】 Micro-blogging is no longer a strange word. More precisely, it has become part of our life.As for me, many factors contribute to the widespread of Micro-blogging. First, it is very convenient for people to express their instant feelings at any time. Second, it provides a chance for people to release their inner stress. By revealing their heartfelt emotions on Micro-blogging, their friends may also know about their conditions and can offer in-time comfort. However, Micro-blogging can also be potentially dangerous as it may give away people’s privacy and other significant information. All in all, Micro-blogging provides us comfort and also inevitably some concerns. We should be careful while using it.


一、选择题 1.—Dad, are you ________this afternoon? —Yes, I have no time to play with you, Mary. A.late B.free C.busy D.happy 2.We’d better finish our work ________ one go. Don’t put it off till next time. A.in B.to C.on D.for 3.—Jerry looks so tired. He works too hard. —He has to ________ a family of four on his own. A.offer B.support C.provide D.remain 4.I don’t want to go. __________, I am too tired. A.However B.And C.Besides D.But 5.When I as well as my cousins __________ as a volunteer in Beijing, I saw the Water Cube twice. A.were treated B.treated C.was served D.served 6.He can’t wait to get a ticket to the movie, so he________ for it yesterday. A.spent B.paid C.took D.cost 7.You should be careful to pay over the Internet, ________it’s not always safe. A.so B.because C.after D.as soon as 8.—Look! It’s raining________ outside. —Yes, it is. It has been dry for many days, and the rain is good for crops. A.heavily B.hardly C.quietly D.badly 9.—Can you ________ some of the famous tourist attractions in Paris? —Sure. There is Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, etc. A.call B.tell C.name D.talk 10.The next Olympic Games will be held in Japan________ 27th July 2020. A.on B.in C.at D.of 11.We 'll have a trip to America ______ February. A.of B.at C.on D.in 12.Remember to return the book to the school library in time, ________ you will be fined(罚款). A.or B.and C.but D.so 13.Your advice is very________to me. I’m sure our activity will be more meaningful. A.terrible B.comfortable C.impossible D.valuable 14.—Bill, do you like________? —Yes. They’re healthy. A.ice-cream B.carrots C.salad 15.—Which kind of food smells or tastes ? —Sorry, I don't know.



最新2014年6月英语四级作文预 先附: 2014年6月英语四级考试流程 为了帮助大家在最后阶段做好复习冲刺工作,特搜集整理相关作文预测,希望大家能通过这些预测作文,了解一些写作技巧和亮点表达。Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled More

People Choosing Overseas Destinations for Their Holidays based on the statistics provided in the chart below. Please give a brief description of the chart first and then make comments on it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. More People Choosing Overseas Destinations for Their Holidays From the chart given above, we can observe that the number of people traveling abroad experienced some changes during the past several years. From 1993 to 2003, the number of Chinese people choosing overseas destinations for their holidays increased rapidly from less than 5 million to 20 million, and then to 70 million in 2011. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon? Reasons can be listed as follows: for one thing, the authorities have issued some preferential policies to promote the development of the overseas tourism industry, which encourages a


新标准小学英语一年级下册知识点 大家一定要认真掌握,为大家整理了一年级英语下册知识点,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧! ?Module 1 ?Job学会介绍家人及职业并掌握He, She的用法。doctor医生nurse护士driver司机 ?policeman警察pupil学生he他she她This is my father / mother. That is my grandpa / ?grandma. He is a … . She is a … .Chant: P6 The doctor on the bus ?Module 2 ?Location学会询问物品的位置并回答相应的问题in 在……里on 在……上under 在…..下hat帽子bed 床bear 熊Where’s ?the cat? It’s on / in /under the … . Chant: P12 The hat ?Module 3 ?Numbers学会询问物品的位置与数量,并回答相应的问题eleven11 twelve12 fish鱼tree树Where’s the cat? It’s ?on / in /under the … . Is it under the bed? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. How many green birds? Three green birds.Song:P18 Ten little fingers Module 4 ?Body学会描述自己与让他人的身体部位,并学会my, your 的用法。head 头face脸nose鼻子mouth嘴巴ear耳朵eye眼睛leg腿 ?hand手feet脚baby 婴儿This is my head. These are your legs. What’s this? This is …



自考英语教学法知识点总结: 中学英语教学指导思想:是对中学英语教学的总体科学认识,包括对教学目的,教学路子的认识以及科学观,学习观,教学观等。 智力因素主要包括:思维力,记忆力,想象力,观察力,注意力等。非智力因素包括:动机,兴趣,情感,意志,性格等。 语言是指语言系统,也就是语音,词汇,语法系统。 言语是指人们使用语言所进行的表示和理解的话语活动,也就是说听,说,读,写活动。 教学路子指的是达到教学目的基本途径或总路线,包括成体系的教学法。 语感是指学习者对语言信息的敏锐感知和理解,是自动化的意识活动。教学基本原则是教学指导思想的组成部分,是指导思想的具体化,条理化,在中学英语教学法科学体系中占有重要的地位。 语法是对语言的一般描述,主要是对其组织原则的理论描述, ______学,句法学,词汇学,语义学。 “双规”化简就是运用语音规则,把大量的表面看起来相当复杂的词的读音和拼写化繁为简,化难为易。 句型也叫句式,是从口语和书面语的无数实际句子中概括出来的句子模型或模式,句型是有代表性的,常见性的。 分析性听:是指在听的活动中有明显的语言分析,另外是指把听的材料分析为各个语言层次,让学生分步听,进行听的基本功训练。 综合性听:是指在听的活动中无明显的语言分析而直接达到对内容的理解,也指在听力基本功训练基础上所进行的整篇成文的听的练习。 话语结构就是说话的套路,说的各句子之间的联系规律。

泛读就是广泛地阅读,大量地阅读,快速地阅读。 默读泛指一切不出声地读,默读既包括不出声地“声读”,也包括直接理解文字地“视读”。 实行纵式阅读:真正的默读一般都是快速阅读,在阅读过程中,人的目光主要表现为上下移动,因而阅读有慢速的横向或横式转变为纵向或纵式。 写的含义:在教学中写有两个方面的含义,一是书写或书法,包括字母,单词,句子,标点符号,国际音标的正确写法;二是写作,即笔头表示,如作文,写信,写日记等。 心理控制法:即惊异,悬念,满足。 密度:指单位时间所授教学内容。 广度:这包括两个方面,一是学生的活动面要广,二是教学内容所涉及的面要广。 深度:就是课堂教学内容要有一定的难度。 灵活度:指在练习中学生所表现的理解的多层次程度和表示的多样化程度。 独立度:指教师指导的程度和学生独立的程度。 测试:主要是用来了解,检查和鉴定学习者掌握英语的实际水平的一种手段。 资质倾向测试:是指对学习者的天赋的测定,目的在于了解被测者今后学习外语时是否具有些较强的潜在的学习能力。 诊断测试:目的在于了解被测者在外语学习上的困难或缺陷或发现讲授上的薄弱环节,以便采取相应的补救措施。 综合性测试:目的在于测定被测者的语言知识和言语技能综合运用的能


一、选择题 1.Maria ________ speaks Chinese because she doesn’t know much Chinese. A.seldom B.always C.often D.usually 2.We’d better finish our work ________ one go. Don’t put it off till next time. A.in B.to C.on D.for 3.In modern life, shopping online is________ used by many people, especially for teenagers. A.exactly B.badly C.heavily D.widely 4.I once worked for a travel magazine for one year and the ________ helped me get a job as a reporter. A.experiment B.information C.experience D.instruction 5.Pay no attention to those who laugh at you. What __________ most is how you see yourself. A.matters B.minds C.cares D.counts 6.You should be careful to pay over the Internet, ________it’s not always safe. A.so B.because C.after D.as soon as 7.The song Where Is Time Gone sung by Diamond(张碧晨)________the yearly general champion of China’s Voice. A.lost B.won C.beat D.got 8.World Book Day takes place ________ April 23rd every year. A.at B.in C.on 9.I didn't know which dictionary was better, so I took ________. A.none B.neither C.each 10.We loved the food so much, ________the fish dishes. A.special B.especial C.specially D.especially 11.He wrote his phone number ________ a piece paper. A.on B.for C.in D.from 12.Remember to return the book to the school library in time, ________ you will be fined(罚款). A.or B.and C.but D.so 13.I’d like to________the mall because it’s crowded and noisy. A.visit B.hang out C.walk D.go off 14.—Bill, do you like________? —Yes. They’re healthy. A.ice-cream B.carrots C.salad 15.Jane always gets on well with other classmates. We make ________our monitor. A.she B.her C.him D.herself 16.The movie Amazing China is on show at the theater. Would you like to see it ________me. A.to B.for C.with D.about 17.Amy makes fewer mistakes than Frank. She does her homework .


小学英语教学法期末复习题库 一、填空 1、小学生具有无意注意占主导,有意注意有一定发展、注意不够稳定,常常带有情结色彩、注意的品质较差等特点和优越条件。 2、小学英语课堂教学的特点是重视培养和激发学生学习英语的深厚兴趣,在教学活动中要有和谐的语言教学氛围,要重视学生基本技能和学习习惯的培养。 3、基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 4、《英语新课程标准》提出学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。 5、语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证。情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素,学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。 6、教学是教师的教和学生的学的统一活动。就英语教学而言,教学的实质就是一种特殊的认识过程。英语教学过程就是生生之间和师生之间的共同参与、合作、交流的活动过程。 7、学生认识的客体是英语,教师认识的客体是教学规律。教学双方都为对方提供信息,英语就是为了促进交流。 8、教学的最终任务是培养学习者的交际能力。 9、交际性原则提出的主要依据有三点:第一,语言是表达意义的体系;第二,语言的主要功能是交际功能;第三,语言的主要单位不仅是语法、结构特征,还包括功能范畴。 10、情景教学的原则提出的主要依据有三点:第一小学生的心理和年龄特点;第二,语言的习得规律;第三,小学生的学习规律。 11、语言教学的内容包括语言知识和语言技能两个方面 12、体态语是指说话时的表情、手势、动作等。 13、在教学中写有两方面的含义:一是书写,二是写作。 14、良好的课堂气氛是搞好课堂教学,保证教学质量的关键。 15、备课的主要任务是熟悉教材、写出具体教案、确定课时教学目标、教学方法、板书计划、课内练习题等。 16、教学效果不取决于教师,也不取决于学生,而是双方共同活动的结果. 17、小学英语教学的原则包括:交际性原则、听说领先的原则、情境教学原则和趣味性原则。 18、英语课堂教学的实质是交际。 19、遵循视听说与读写结合的原则,教学要采用听说领先、读写跟上的方法。 20. 小学阶段的英语小学目标(教学目标)是:通过听、说、玩、看等教学活动,激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,使其养成良好的学习习惯;通过学习使学生获取对英语的一些感性认识,掌握一定的语言基本技能,培养初步运用英语进行听、说的交际能力;开发智力,发展包括观察、记忆、思维和想象等内容的思维能力,培养学生建立科学的世界观、人生观、价值观、对通过英语传递的思想、文化、情感等有初步的跨文化认知的意识;培养学生的爱国主义精神以及世界公民的意识。 21、小学英语教学法是研究小学英语教学的理论和实践,是研究小学英语教学的全部过程及其规律的一个科学体系。 22、教师在教学活动之前主要应编写好三种计划:学期教学进度计划,单元教学计划,课时计划。 23、备好课,必须做好如下三方面的工作:了解学生,钻研教材,制定教学计划。 24、新课程设置是按九年一贯制设置义务教育阶段课程的方式,小学阶段以综合课程为主,


【篇一】2020年9月英语四级话题作文预测 题目是:Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the same. Do you agree or disagree? Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the same. Do you agree or disagree? 广告阻止我们成为不同的个体,使我们成为他们想要我们成为的样子,看起来都一样。你同意或不同意吗? 思路解析: 1. 广告让人们变得个性化。举例,大量的广告标语,如“的”,“特别的”,“的”,“不一样的”,都是在暗示人们去购买那些不那么大众化的产品来突出自我。 2. 但是,广告的基本功能却是帮助大公司垄断市场。举例,投入巨资打造的闪亮广告能不断巩固那些大品牌在大众中的形象,这吸引了越来越多的人来购买同样的产品。相反,那些小公司却因为缺乏资金做广告而陷入破产边缘。最终,整个市场会被单一品牌垄断。 3. 广告的另外一个作用是制造流行趋势,这刺激了人们对同一个时尚进行盲目的购买。举例,在大厂商的广告诱惑之下,很多的人们总是购买同一个品牌的衣服,鞋子,包包,这让她们的外表缺乏区别。 参考范文: Nowadays, the overwhelming influence of advertisements on media has made too many controversial social issues. Some people argue that advertisements make the audience have the similar look by driving them to buy products of the same brand. Personally, I fundamentally agree with this assertion, and my reasons will be explored as below. Admittedly, the literal intention of advertisements is to sharpen the concept of individualism. For the purpose of distinguishing brand names, slogans and testimonials in advertisement are always full of very personalized words, including "new", "innovation", "uniqueness", "revolution", "the best", "the only", "the first". It is clear that core values of these words bring people a motivation to change, and a desire to try something distinctive. Consequently, the gap between people can be broadened, because any individual is stimulated by advertisements to


新标准一年级英语下册课文知识点 【导语】英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,所以掌握英语对以后的人生来说是必备的一项技能,不仅仅是应付眼前的考试,更是为了将来的人生多了一份选择,可以过自己想要的生活。以下是WTT整理的相关资料,希望对您有用。 doctor医生nurse护士 driver司机policeman警察pupil学生he他she她This is my father / mother. That is my grandpa / grandma. He is a … . She is a … .Chant: P6 The doctor on the bus Module 2 Location学会询问物品的位置并回答相应的问题 in 在……里on 在……上 under 在…..下 hat帽子bed 床 bear 熊Where’s the cat? It’s on / in /under the … . Chant: P12 The hat Module 3 Numbers学会询问物品的位置与数量,并回答相应的问题 eleven11 twelve12 fish鱼tree树Where’s the cat? It’s on / in /under the … . Is it under the bed? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. How many green birds?

Three green birds.Song:P18 Ten little fingers Module 4 Body学会描述自己与让他人的身体部位,并学会my, your 的用法。head头face脸 nose鼻子mouth嘴巴ear耳朵eye眼睛 leg腿hand手 feet脚baby 婴儿This is my head. These are your legs. What’s this? This is … . What are these? These are … .Song: P24 Head, Shoulders Module 5 Farm学会识别与描述身边小动物,学会they’re(复数)的用法。 cow奶牛farm农场 pig猪chicken鸡 duck鸭子egg鸡蛋thin瘦的fat 胖的 little小的big大的What are they? They’re cows. It’s fat. Song: P30 Old Macdonald Module 6 Zoo学会识别与描述不同特征的动物。进行单复数的区分。 snake蛇horse马 long长的zoo动物园short短的/矮的tall高的cute可爱的strong强壮的giraffe长颈鹿tiger 老虎 elephant大象small小的They’re tall.


Unit 1 Language and Learning 1.1 How do we learn language? We learn language at different ages People have different experiences People learn languages for different reasons People learn languages in different ways People have different capabilities in language learning Learning can be affected by the way how language is taught Learning is affected by the degree of success one is expect to achieve. Thus the challenge confronting language teaching is how teaching methodology can ensure successful learning by all the learners who have more differences than the commonality. 1. 2 What are the major views of language? 1) Structural view: Language is a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: phonology, morphology, lexicology and syntacx. To learn a language is to learn its vocabulary and structural rules. 2) Functional view: Language is a linguistic system as well as a means for doing things. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it (use it). To perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions. 3) Interactional view:

《英语词汇学 》复习资料

《英语词汇学》复习资料1 Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks. Directions: Complete the following statements with proper words. 1.The 1 is the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words. 2. 2 are words borrowed early in the past and now are well assimilated into the English language. 3.The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: 3 approach and synchronic approach. 4.“Mal-”in “maltreat”is a 4 prefix, while “inter-”in “interstate”is a 5 prefix. 5.Old English is described as a language of full endings, Middle English language of 6 endings, and a language of 7 endings. 6.In modern English, one may find some 8 words whose sounds suggest their meaning, for these words were created by imitating the natural sounds or noises. 7.The word meaning is made up of 9 meaning and 10 meaning, and the later has two components: conceptual meaning and 11 meaning. 8.Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories: appreciative or 12 . 9.13 is thought to be the opposite process of suffixation. 10.14 is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. 11.15 refers to the jargon of criminals. Its use is confined to the sub-cultural groups, and outsiders can hardly understand it. 12.“Pretty”and “handsome”share the same 16 meaning,but differ in 17 meaning. 13.___18___analysis is a process of breaking down the sense of a word into its minimal components which are also known as semantic features.. 14.Radiation and 19 are the two coinages which the development of word meaning follows from monosemy to polysemy. 15.20 deals with the relationship of inclusion, i.e. the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word. Ⅱ. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for “true”and F for “false”. 1.Homonyms are descendants of different sources whereas a polysemant is a word
