


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question:

Which of the following is NOT an external barrier to communication?

Motivation or interests.

Environmental factors such as lighting and heat.

A closed or authoritarian climate.

An open climate in which communication flows easily.

What is NOT included in the purpose of communication?

To establish goodwill.

To build self-esteem.

To obtain information.

To practice using language accurately.

If verbal and non-verbal symbols in the sender’s message conflict, receivers generally ________. believe the non-verbal symbols over the verbal symbols

believe the verbal symbols over the non-verbal symbols

don’t know which to believe

believe both the verbal and non-verbal symbols

To communicate effectively, the sender must________.

use audience analysis, examin e the message’s environment, encourage and interpret feedback use audience analysis, read and listen effectively

use audience analysis and overcome external and internal barriers to communicate

speak and write clearly, and use proper equipment

When communicating with other people, remember that everyone wants to feel ________. admired and cared for

understood and important

important, competent, and admired

valued, respected, and understood

Which of the following statements about body language is true?

People from different cultures interpret body language in different ways.

Basic body language is universal; it means the same to all people.

Facial expressions are universal, but gestures are less so.

Friendly body language is all the same; unfriendly or threatening gestures vary.

Which of the following is a receiver-oriented statement?

I grant your request for vacation from the week of August 14th.

Our company works hard to meet the needs of our customers.

As our guest, you will receive the attention that you deserve.

We make every effort to serve our clients efficiently and at their convenience.

What is NOT included in the stage of planning a message?

To identify the objective.

To determine the main idea.

To choose supporting information.

To evaluate the message.

Which of the following is NOT included in the common abuses of memos?

Written too frequently.

Written to gain attention.

Written to express one main idea.

Written by a committee.

According to the course book, which of the following statements is NOT true in letters that contain neutral or positive messages?

The ending should be friendly, courteous and personable.

The main idea can be presented at the end.

Supporting information should be presented as much as possible.

More information should be presented later.

II. TRUE / FALSE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.

T / F

______ 11. The primary participants in the communication process are senders and receivers.

______ 12. All business messages should promote goodwill.

______ 13. Once you run your word processor’s spell checker, your writing will be free of spelling errors.

______ 14. A letter contains both verbal and nonverbal symbols.

______ 15. When conversing with a coworker, the distance between the two of you sends a nonverbal message.

______ 16. The words police officer, technician and server are all neutral, or


______ 17. Audience analysis should be a major tool for the effective senders of messages.

______ 18. If a work team is going to be effective, it is usually effective from the very first meeting.

______ 19. To overcome diversity in the workplace, the best plan is to overlook difference.

______ 20. Proofreading the hardcopy, even after proofing on screen, ensures the accuracy of a document.


Read the following two passages and answer the questions.

Passage One:

Complete messages contain a variety of sentence types. You will hold your readers’attention if you vary the length and structure of your sentences as well as the structure of your paragraphs.

It is best to keep sentences at 20 words or less. At the same time, it adds interest to have some noticeably short sentences—perhaps 10 words or even fewer. Using sentences of different lengths keeps your writing from feeling choppy or monotonous. As you vary sentence length, your sentence structure naturally varies as well. Alternate simple sentences with compound and complex sentences.

Varying paragraph length also keeps your writing from being choppy. We’ve already said that the opening and closing paragraphs of a message should be relatively short. When writing your middle paragraphs plan them so that they average about six or eight lines long. Mix in a short, two- or three- line paragraph sometimes to add interest. A short paragraph also is a way to emphasize an important point.

21.It is advisable to keep the average length of a sentence at ______.

more than 20 words.

not more than 20 words.

10 words or fewer.

22.The word choppy in the passage means ______.

short irregular waves

cut into pieces

short, broken and slightly rough.

23.According to the last paragraph, ______.

the length of all paragraphs should be the same

the middle paragraphs should be shorter than the beginning and ending ones

the middle paragraphs should be longer than the beginning and ending ones

24.When you write sentences of different lengths, ______.

the structure of the sentences will also be different

they will have the same structure

your variation will have no effect on the sentence structure

25.In the following statements, which is true about a short paragraph?

It is less important than a long paragraph.

It can be used to express emphasis.

You have to put a short paragraph after several short paragraphs.

Passage Two:

Although language is an important part of communication, communication is not simply a matter of understanding and speaking a language. It involves transmitting an idea and understanding someone else’s idea. People from different cultures think differently about various issues than do North Americans. The ability of a North American to speak in three different languages still may not enable him or her to understand the issues from the viewpoint of those from another culture.

Cross-cultural communication differs from the more familiar within-culture communication situations in that there are systemic differences in the assumptions made by people of different cultures. Being aware of and understanding these different assumptions can help improve communication and relationships.

The major problems of intercultural communication occur in perception and in attribution of meaning. Communication is defined as a “dynamic process whereby human behavior, both verbal and nonverbal, is perceived and responded to.”People respond according to their perceptions, not necessarily according to what the transmitter believes he or she is communicating. This is an interactive process.

26. People from different cultures think differently about various issues than do North Americans. This sentence means ______.

Other people have deeper understanding than the North Americans.

Other people understand more issues than the North Americans.

Other people may understand things in a way different from that of the North Americans.

27. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

By speaking three languages, people do not naturally share the viewpoint of other people.

By speaking three languages, people naturally share the viewpoint of other people.

All Americans speak three different languages.

28. Which of the following statement is true?

Cross-cultural communication only occurs when you work in another country.

Within-culture communication never occurs when you travel to another country.

Cross-cultural communication is more complex than within-culture communication.

29. In communication, people respond according to ______.

the intention of the message sender

their own understanding of the message

the literal meaning of the message

30.According to the last paragraph, ______.

perception and response are equally important

perception is more important than response

perception is less important than response

IV. TRANSLATION(4段短文,每段5分,共20分)

Translate the following passages into Chinese:


A report is a document that provides the facts about a specific situation or problem for consideration by a specific group of people. Reports are business tools that enable managers to make decisions or solve problems. Reports can be classified according to their style, purpose, and format.


A letter containing a negative message conveys news that will disappoint the receiver. Letters that deny requests, decline to supply information, refuse credit, or reject a proposal are examples of this type of letter. Careful planning and organizing are required to convey the disappointing news and yet maintain goodwill.


Meetings are an important method of exchanging information in any business setting. There are board meetings, conferences, training sessions, and staff meetings. A meeting may consist of

a supervisor and one employee, a group of colleagues, or employees and their vendors or clients.


Most business reports are informal reports and have one of two purposes. They present information that has been requested, or they analyze a problem and report the findings. The organization and the format of these reports vary depending on the nature of the message and the people who will receive them.

V. WRITING (40分)

35. According to the given facts, format a business envelope: (5分)

The sender:


Rm 806, AngMoKioIndustrial Park 2, Singapore 668987

Tel: (65)245 9876

Fax: (65)245 8907

The receiver:

Mr. David Law, D2 #05-06 KentmorePark, 89 Pasir Panjang Hill Road, Singapore 0511

36. Write a memo for all company employees, by using the traditional memo format. You are the administration officer. This memo is to inform the overtime policy. The overtime policy can not assure of the overtime pay. However, the company will not fire any one and the present situation will be changing in the near future.(10分)

37. Write a letter to decline to supply the information requested:(25分)

Situation: Trey Alfred, a graduate student at a local university, is conducting research on stockholder reactions to corporate annual reports. He has written to your supervisor, the vice President of Communication for your corporation, and asked for names and addresses of 100 of your stockholders. Because of privacy laws and the lawsuits that followed, your corporation does not give out names and addresses of 100 of your stockholders. Write to Trey and deny his request. Try to help Trey in some way. His address is 435 North Essence Avenue, Prairie Village, KS GG 66208-1935.

Write a memo according to the situation below:

Next week you will attend a sales conference in Seattle. You want to get together with three other salespeople, all of whom went through company training with you two years ago. Compose an e-mail message to these three colleagues in which you propose a meeting in the lobby of your hotel at a certain time. Make up details as necessary. Be sure to include the five Ws in your message.


一. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Choose the letter of the best word or words to complete each sentence:


2. d

3. a

4. c

5. d

6. a

7. c

8. d

9. c10. b

二、TRUE / FALSE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false.

11. T12. T13. F14. T15. T

16. T17. T18. F19. F20. T

三、READING COMPREHENSION (10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

Read the following two passages and answer the questions.

Passage One: 21b, 22c, 23c, 24a, 25b

Passage Two: 26c, 27a, 28c, 29b, 30a


Translate the following passages into Chinese:


A report is a document that provides the facts about a specific situation or problem for consideration by a specific group of people. Reports are business tools that enable managers to make decisions or solve problems. Reports can be classified according to their style, purpose, and format.



A letter containing a negative message conveys news that will disappoint the receiver. Letters that deny requests, decline to supply information, refuse credit, or reject a proposal are examples of this type of letter. Careful planning and organizing are required to convey the disappointing news and yet maintain goodwill.



Meetings are an important method of exchanging information in any business setting. There are board meetings, conferences, training sessions, and staff meetings. A meeting may consist of a supervisor and one employee, a group of colleagues, or employees and their vendors or clients.



Most business reports are informal reports and have one of two purposes. They present information that has been requested, or they analyze a problem and report the findings. The organization and the format of these reports vary depending on the nature of the message and the people who will receive them.


五、WRITING (40分)

35. According to the given facts, format a business envelope:(5分)


Rm 806, AngMoKioIndustrial Park 2, Singapore 668987


Rm 806

AngMoKioIndustrial Park 2

Singapore 668987

Mr. David Law

D2 #05-06 KentmorePark

89 Pasir Panjang Hill Road

Singapore 0511




36. Write a memo for all company employees, by using the traditional memo format. You are the administration officer. This memo is to inform the overtime policy. The overtime policy can not assure of the overtime pay. However, the company will not fire any one and the present

situation will be changing in the near future.(10分)


TO: all company employees

FROM: the administration officer

DATE: 15th January, 2003

SUBJECT: to inform the overtime policy

After examining the company’s present policy on overtime work, the board has just come to the decision that the overtime policy will remain as it used to be and cannot assure of the overtime pay, because the company is now in a difficult time. However, the board promises that the company will not fire anyone until the present situation changes for the better in the future.





37. Write a letter to decline to supply the information requested.(25分)

Situation: Trey Alfred, a graduate student at a local university, is conducting research on stockholder reactions to corporate annual reports. He has written to your supervisor, the vice President of Communication for your corporation, and asked for names and addresses of 100 of your stockholders. Because of privacy laws and the lawsuits that followed, your corporation does not give out names and addresses of 100 of your stockholders. Write to Trey and deny his request. Try to help Trey in some way. His address is 435 North Essence Avenue, Prairie Village, KS GG66208-1935.



Mr. Trey Alfred

435 North Essence Avenue

Prairie Village, KS GG66208-1935

Dear Mr. Trey Alfred

Your research on stockholder reactions to corporate annual reports sounds interesting.

Stockholder reactions to annual reports are important. We continually try to monitor stockholders’reactions to our reports through surveys and studies such as yours. However, current privacy laws and the possibility of lawsuits make it impossible for us to provide researchers with names and addresses of stockholders. Trey, if we could legally provide the names and addresses, we would. Unfortunately, the private laws have severely restricted even our research.

Although we cannot provide names and addresses, we can help with your research. If you send the cover letters and questionnaires to us, we will randomly select 100 stockholders and send the letters and questionnaires to them for you.


Jose Torres

Vice President of Communication



信件内容切题完整, 语句连贯, 条理清楚, 语法基本正确, 语言通顺恰当, 信件格式正







《社会保障学》模拟试题1及参考答案 一、不定项选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1、工伤保险待遇主要包括。 A.医疗给付B.工伤津贴 C.残疾年金或补助金D.遗属津贴 2、率先建立现代失业保险制度的国家是,该国于1905年颁布了失业保险法。 A.日本B.法国 C.德国D.英国 3、下列关于医疗保险的表述中,正确的是。 A.医疗保险属于短期的、经常性保险 B.医疗保险是通过医疗服务和费用实偿来实现的 C.医疗保险是自愿执行的社会保障制度 D.医疗保险由政府、单位、个人三方面合理分担费用 4、社会保障基金可以由基金管理机构通过等方式运营。 A.购买股票B.开办企业 C.兴建公共设施D.融资借贷 5、社会救助的特点主要表现为。 A.最低保障性B.按需分配 C.权利义务单向性D.救助对象全民性 6、下列各项中,有“福利国家橱窗”之称的是。 A.英国B.瑞典 C.芬兰D.丹麦 7、下列各项中,有关美国“多元化医疗保险模式”描述正确的是。 A.医疗照顾制度的对象主要是65岁以上的老人 B.社会医疗保险计划在美国的医疗保险体系中占主要地位 C.HMO开办合同医院并直接为参保人员提供医疗服务 D.蓝十字和蓝盾是美国最大的两家营利性民间医疗保险公司 8、下列有关各国养老保险金覆盖范围的表述中,正确的是。 A.德国的养老保险制度覆盖范围是本国所有居民。 B.英国的养老保险制度覆盖范围是薪金劳动者和独立劳动者。 C.美国的老年、残疾、遗属保险的覆盖范围是从事有收益工作的人,包括独立劳动者。 D.我国省、自治区、直辖市地方政府可根据实际情况将城镇个体工商户纳入覆盖范围。 9、依据救助种类,社会救助包括。


《大学英语1》模拟考试试卷 1.He realized that his( attitude ) on these matters was wrong. 2.You should take ( advantage ) of this chance and try to make a good impression on them. 3.It seems that they had little in (common) even though they are twin brother. spend know how to (improve) your to without having grades you 4.Do want to more time studying? 5.I don't want to take these shoes mainly because they are too(fancy) for me. achievement high help get (score)on regularly 6.Going over your notes can tests. asleep. fell (comfortable)armchair,my 7.While sitting in the grandfather 8.Words can't (describe) the beauty of the scene. may 9.Nowadays many children pleasant (surroundings) ,which live in the cause some problems. 10.He left school for (economic) reasons. 分,共(每小题择法二、语选题210分)There are five questions and four choices marked A,B,C and D for each question,choose the best answer. 1.There are more __D__ in Bristol than in any other city I know. A. football team B. footballs team 5 / 1 C. footballs teams D. football teams 2.This is the ___B____ leaning tower in Pisa. A. 180-feet-high B. 180-foot-high C. 180-foot high D. 180 foot high


一、单选题 1、 Which of the following is NOT an external barrier to communication? A、Motivation or interests. B、Environmental factors such as lighting and heat. C、 A closed or authoritarian climate. D、An open climate in which communication flows easily. 答案:A 2、Instead of making judgments based on stereotypes, you should A、develop your own groups into which to categorize people B、learn to understand people as individuals C、judge people according to their appearance D、assume similarities and differences based on a persons cultural background 答案:B 3、The sender signs his or her initials or name to a memo to indicate that he or she A、is in a high-level position B、wants and immediate reply to the memo C、has read the memo D、wants the memo filed 答案:C


慈溪市2018年初中毕业生学业水平模拟考试 科学试题 考生须知: 1.全卷分试题卷I、试题卷II和答题卷。试题卷共10页,有4个大题,33个小题。满分为180分,考试时间为120分钟。 2.请将学校、、班级、座位号、号分别填写在试题卷和答题卷的规定位置上。 3.答题时,把试题卷I的答案在答题卷上用2B铅笔涂黑、涂满。将试题卷II的答案用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔书写,答案必须按照题号顺序在答题卷各题规定区域作答,做在试题卷上或超出答题区域书写的答案无效。 4.本卷可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Na-23 S-32 Cl-35.5 Ca-40 Ba-137 5.本试卷g取10N/kg。 试题卷Ⅰ 一、选择题(本题共15小题,第1~10小题,每小题4分,第11~15小题,每小题3分, 共55分。请选出每小题中一个符合题意的选项,不选、错选均不给分) 1.下图是《小蝌蚪找妈妈》水墨画邮票。下列关于图中生物的说法中正确的是 A.邮票中动物均用鳃呼吸 B.邮票中动物均属于恒温动物 C.邮票中虾、蟹属于软体动物 D.邮票中的鱼、乌龟、青蛙属于脊椎动物 2.下列各图所表达的相关科学容正确的是 A.过滤 B.称取氯化钠 C.光的折射 D.杠杆的力臂

3.某太空站的能量转化示意图如下图,下列有关说法错误的是 A.光电转换器中光能转化为电能 B.水电解系统中化学能转化为电能 C.在能量转化中水可以被循环利用 D.燃料电池系统可将化学能转化为电能 4.加热试管中的物质时,与防止试管炸裂无关的是 A.保持试管外壁干燥 B.试管夹夹在试管中部 C.先预热再对药品集中加热 D.加热固体时试管口略向下倾斜 5.下图是氢核聚变简图,请据图判断下列说法中正确的是 A.图中b核和c核的质子数不同 B.氢核聚变过程中元素种类不会改变 C.图中a和b分别代表不同种元素的原子核 D.原子弹主要是利用了核聚变释放出来的能量 6.下列有关生产实践的说法,错误的是 A.带土移植---减少根部损伤提高成活率 B.合理密植---充分利用太 C.移栽剪枝---降低蒸腾作用减少水分散失 D.树怕扒皮---导管受损减弱无机盐的运输 7.小科对新型LED灯带很好奇,取一段剖开后发现,灯带中的LED灯是串联后通过电源适配器接入照明电路(交流电)。取其中一只LED灯接在电池两端,灯不亮,对调电池正负极后灯亮了,用手试摸,点亮的灯几乎不发热。以下推断符合上述实验事实的是 A.LED灯主要是将电能转化为能 B.单只LED灯工作电压是220V C.灯带中一只LED灯断路后其他灯还能亮D.电源适配器将交流电转变为直流电8.从下列图片中不能获取的信息是 A.硅原子是由原子核和电子构成的 B.分子之间有间隔 C.水分子受热运动速率加快 D.构成物质的粒子有分子、原子和离子


《教育原理》模拟试题(一) 一、填空题(本大题共10个小题,共20分) 1.各国的学校教育系统基本形成于:_________ 。 2.现在世界上大多数国家的义务教育年限在:_________ 。 3.“教育是与种族需要、种族生活相应的、天性的,而不是获得的表现形式;教育既无须周密的考虑使它产生,也无需科学予以指导,它是扎根于本能的不可避免的行为。”这句话反映的教育起源观点是_________。 4.1965年,联合国教科文组织正式采纳了由法国人保罗·郎格朗提出的“_________”思想。随着《学会生存》的流行,这一思想成为许多国家教育改革的一种指导理论。 5. 经济发展水平制约着教育的发展_________、_________、水平。 6.教育制度可以还原成目标系统、_______、_______、工具系统四大系统要素。 7.国家实行_______、初等教育、______、高等教育的学校教育制度。 8.教师是_________的继承者和传播者,在社会的延续和发展中起着不可缺少的桥梁和纽带作用。 9.是构成教育活动的基本要素,是教育活动的最基本的对象。 10. 教育实践是教师在_________和文化制约下的能动活动。 二、名词解释(每小题4分,共20分) 1.教育事实与教育规律 2.终身教育 3.教育功能 4.人的发展 5.教育改革目标 三、简答题(每小题5分,共25分) 1.教育理论界一般认为教育的两条基本规律是什么? 2.教育的经济功能有哪些表现? 3.教学目标与教育目的、培养目标之间的关系如何? 4. 教师职业的专业性应当体现在哪些方面? 5.教育实践的性质。 四、论述题(本题共1小题,共15分) 关于教育学研究对象的提法不统一、不明确。你认为出现这种现象的原因是什么?并结合本章的学习谈谈你对教育学研究对象的认识。 五、材料分析(本题共1小题,共20分) 深圳特区投资于人力资本 【案例】 特区创业之初,深圳主要得益于优惠政策的扶持。随着特区经济的纵深发展,各类人才和技术的稀缺现象日益凸显。特区的决策者们很快意识到,要使深圳保持可持续发展,在建立完善社会主义市场经济体系框架的基础上,必须加快人才培养,大力推进科技创新。 1997年,深圳市委二届八次全会提出了加快实施“科教兴市”战略。特区选择不断加大教育投入的方式推进“科教兴市”战略。自1979年至2001年,深圳特区累计教育投入283.31亿元,其中财政性教育投入239.23亿元,年均递增40﹪。1997年至2001年,深圳累计教育投入197.51亿元,其中财政性教育投入142.68亿元,是特区建立以来前17年财政性教育投入70.30亿元的两倍。 深圳特区在教育上的高投入孕育了教育和科技的快步发展。截止2002年,深圳已有各级各类学校1117所,是特区建立之初的4倍多;学生64万人,比1980年增加近40万人。

北语 大学英语(二)模拟试卷和答案

《大学英语(二)》模拟试卷一注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 I.Multiple Choice. (2 points for each, altogether 40 points) Directions:There are 20 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 1. Studies have shown _______ teenagers often suffer from depression. [A] that[B] which[C] in which[D] in that 2. The party has failed to _______ the majority of voters that it is capable of governing the country. [A] trust[B] credit[C] convince[D] believe 3. Many of us visited the industrial exhibition, __________, to our disappointment, we saw very few high-tech products. [A] where[B] which[C] as[D] that 4. The kids are _______ be hungry when they get home. [A] obliged to[B] bound to[C] desired to[D] motivated to 5. All the characteristics that distinguish birds _______ other animals can be traced to prehistoric times. [A] to[B] between[C] for[D] from 6. Management often works hard to set up a situation work is done in series. [A] that[B] where[C] which[D] what 7. If we _______ everything ready by now, we should be having a terrible time tomorrow.


《C语言程序设计》模拟试卷一 一、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分) 1、下列有关C语言的叙述中错误的是()。 A) C语句必须以分号结束 B) 任何一个C程序中有且只有一个主函数 C) 复合语句在语法上可被看作一条语句 D) C程序中对数据的任何操作都可由运算符实现 2、以下不能定义为用户标识符的是()。 A) MAIN B) _HJ C) 2ong D) LINE1 3、下列符号中用来表示C语言中的回车换行的是()。 A) \r B) \n C) \b D) \t 4、如有如下定义:int a=1,则语句printf(“%d,%d”, a, ++a);的运行结果为()。 A) 1, 1 B) 1, 2 C) 2, 2 D) 2, 1 5、已知ch为字符型变量,下面表达式中正确的是()。 A) ch=’\xff ’B) ch=’\ff ’C) ch=’ ff ’D) ch=” ff ” 6、以下能正确定义一维数组的是()。 A) int a[5]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; B) int a[5]=”012345”; C) char a[ ]=”012345”;D) char a[5]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; 7、以下语句中能正确定义变量并赋初值的是()。 A) char c=65; B) float f=f+1.1; C) double x=12.3e3.6; D) int m=n=2.0; 8、在执行下列程序时输入:1357924,则程序的运行结果为()。 main( ) { int x, y; scanf(“%2d%2d”,&x,&y); printf(“%2d”,x*y); } A) 13 B) 1357 C) 74 D) 741 9、执行下列程序段后输出的结果是()。


计算机导论模拟试题 一、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分) 1.采用晶体管作为电子元器件的计算机属于()。 A. 第一代计算机 B. 第二代计算机 C. 第三代计算机 D. 第四代计算机 2.冯诺伊曼的主要贡献是( )。 A. 发明了微型计算机 B. 提出了存储程序概念 C. 设计了第一台计算机 D. 设计了高级程序设计语言 3.计算机中,运算器的主要功能是进行()。 A.逻辑运算 B.算术运算 C.算术运算和逻辑运算 D.复杂方程的求解 4.计算机病毒是一种()。 A.特殊的计算机部件 B.特殊的生物病毒 C.游戏软件 D.人为编制的特殊的计算机程序 5.随机存储器简称为( )。 A.CMOS B. RAM C. XMS D. ROM 6.计算机一旦断电后( )中的信息会丢失。 A. 硬盘 B. 软盘 C. RAM D. ROM 7.CPU指的是计算机的( )部分。 A. 运算器 B. 控制器 C. 运算器和控制器 D. 运算器、控制器和内存 8.系统软件中最重要的是( )。 A. 操作系统 B. 语言处理程序 C. 工具软件 D. 数据库管理系统 9.编译程序和解释程序都是( )。 A. 目标程序 B. 语言编辑程序 C. 语言连接程序 D. 语言处理程序 精品文档,欢迎下载

10.硬盘存储器的特点是()。 A.由于全封闭,耐震性好,不易损坏 B.耐震性差,搬运时注意保护 C.没有易碎件,在搬运时不像显示器那样要注意保护 D.不用时应套入纸套,防止灰尘进入 11.下列描述中正确的是()。 A.激光打印机是击打式打印机 B.击打式打印机价格最低 C.喷墨打印机不可以打印彩色效果 D.计算机的运算速度可用每秒执行指令的条数来表示 12.Windows2000是一个()操作系统。 A.单用户单任务 B.单用户多任务 C.多用户多任务 D.多用户单任务 13.WINDOWS 2000的“回收站”是( ) A.内存中的一块区域 B.硬盘上的一块区域 C.软盘上的一块区域 D.高速缓存上的一块区域 14.计算机网络的特点是( )。 A.运算速度快 B.精度高 C.资源共享 D.内存容量大 15.下列选项中( )是调制解调器的作用 A.将计算机信号转变为音频信号 B.将音频信号转变为计算机信号 C.预防病毒进入系统 D.计算机信号与音频信号相互转换 二、简答题(每小题5分,共15分) 1.从计算机的发展过程来看,大致可分为那几个阶段,各阶段的主要特征是什么? 2. 显示器的分辨率与视频卡的关系是什么? 3.简述OSI模型中网络层、数据链路层、物理层各起什么作用。 精品文档,欢迎下载


大学英语模拟题 1、One of my teeth is so ______ that it is going to be missing soon(2)() A.lose B.loose C.loss D.lost 标准答案:B 2、—How about taking a walk? —Oh, I think it’s ______ cold for a walk (2)() A.very much B.too much C.much too D.so much 标准答案:C 3、You are supposed to write your composition every ______ line.(2)() A.one B.a

C.other D.another 标准答案:C 4、After living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle ______ in a town.(2)() A.for B.at C.up D.down 标准答案:D 5、The reason for my absence was ______ I had fallen ill.(2)() A.why B.because C.for D.that 标准答案:D 6、This is the university ______.(2)() A.at which do we study B.we are studying

C.we are studying at D.where we study at 标准答案:A 7、It was in this house ______ the important meeting in history was held.(2)() A.where B.that C.which D.in which 标准答案:B 8、She looked so honest that we all regarded her story ______.(2)() A.like true B.as true C.like real D.as real 标准答案:B 9、Mrs. Brown as well as her children ______ to go Paris on holiday next


标题:有用的商务交际英语句子吐血推荐 关键词:商务交际英语 导读:在商务交际活动中,在正式场合注意自己的言行是非常有必要的。这也是为什么我们要学习商务交际英语的原因,大家都不希望自己因为无意的语言上的过失,就大大降低在客户心中的形象吧! 说到不少历史上的文学家,好像有不少人都无法适应上流社会的生活。这些人,有很多都晚景凄凉。这也不是说大家都必须要去迎合社会潮流。不过我们想要再社会上获得更好的地位以及在工作上有突破,掌握适当商务交际英语是必须的! 下面就为大家介绍一点我苦心收集的商务交际英语句子吧! 1、在谈那个问题之前我想对您刚才讲的话谈点看法。 Before we turn to that issue, I wish to make a few comments/remarks on your presentation. 2、您对此事怎么看呢? I wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ What is your view on this matter?/ How do you see this matter? 3、我想接着刚才的问题讲下去。 I will pick up where we left off just now. 4、我方对这个问题有异议。 We take exception to this question. 5、这个日期贵方觉得合适吗? I wonder if this date would be suitable for you? 6、不知你们上午谈的怎样? I wonder how the meeting went this morning? 7、我一定向他转达您的问候和邀请。 I’ll surely remember you and your invitation to him. 上面就是我精心为大家准备的商务交际英语句子,与我们学习日常口语是有很大的不一样的。在正式场合不仅仅只是穿一套西装就能够应付一切的,更重要


全真模拟习题(1) 选择题 1.在寿险契约保全中,保险人对客户交费方式、交费期间、领取方式等项目的变更以及变更投保人(受益人)、增减保额、增加或取消保险责任条款,对合同内容做补充告知等提供服务,这些服务所涉及的寿险契约保全属于() A.保险关系转移 B.合同内容转移 C.合同权益行使 D.保险金和退保金的给付 2.在我国,保险代理机构的种类包括() A.专业保险代理机构和保险兼业代理机构 B.专业保险代理机构和个人保险代理机构 C.综合保险代理机构和保险兼业代理机构 D.综合保险代理机构和个人保险代理机构 3.各种不同类型的保险合同中,单一风险合同是指() A.被保险人只能为一人的保险合同 B.只能有单个保险人承保的保险合同 C.只承保一种风险责任的保险合同 D.只承保特殊风险的保险合同 4.根据中国保监会发布的《保险代理从业人员职业道德指引》,在我国保险代理从业人员职业道德道德主体部分7个道德原则中包括()等 A.独立执业原则 B.专业胜任原则 C.友好合作原则 D.客观公正原则 5.根据反不正当竞争法的规定,当事人对监督检查部门作出的出发决定不服可以向上一级主管机关申请复议。申请复议的期间应为() A.自收到出发决定之日起15日内 B.自收到处罚决定之日起30日内 C.自收到处罚决定之日期60日内 D.自收到处罚决定之日起90日内 6.投保人因贪污行为所取得的利益不能作为保险利益投保,这一情况说明投保人所具有的保险利益应该是() A.经济上有价的利益 B.确定的利益 C.具有利害关系的利益 D.合法的利益 7.根据《民法通则》规定,对于“依照法律规定或者按照双方当事人约定,应当由本人实施的民事法律行为”的代理选择的规定是() A.可以选择委托代理 B.可以选择法定代理 C.不得选择代理 D.可以选择指定代理 8.我国特有的一种货物运输保险的原始形式是() A.洋行 B.镖局 C.票号 D.当铺 9.《保险营销员管理规定》的施行日期是() A.2006年7月1日 B.2006年8月1日 C.2006年10月1日 D.2006年9月1日 10.在我国意外伤害保险经营实务中,保险人对于及短期意外伤害保险的被保险人进行风险程度评价的主要依据是() A.被保险人所从事活动的远近 B.被保险人所从事活动的性质 C.被保险人所从事活动的规模 D.被保险人所从事活动的设想 11.意外伤害保险的含义之一是必须有客观的意外事故发生,且事故原因必须是() A.意外的、偶然的和不可预见的 B.意外的、客观的和不可预见的 C.意外的、必然的和可预见的 D.意外的、客观的和可预见的 12.我国机动车辆保险条款规定,被保险人必须对保险车辆妥善保管,使用,保养,使之处于正常状态。从保证形式看,该保证属于() A.默示保证 B.明示保证 C.事实保证 D.确认保证 13.制定团体保险费率时考虑的主要因素是() A.该团体的理赔记录 B.该团体的工作性质 C.该团体的职业特点 D.该团体的死亡率 14.最普遍、最基本的保险合同终止原因是() A.因死亡而终止 B.因标的灭失而终止 C.因期限届满而终止 D.因履行而终止


《商务交际英语(1)》期末复习 一纸开卷 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)主要测试学生对基本概念的理解和应用,参考练习册每章的第一部分练习。 如: 1.Which of the following describes a memo written to a president from a department supervisor? A A.Upward, formal, internal 2.Which sentence contains five W's? B B. New employees should report at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, October for an orientation session. 3. Which of the following main ideas should be communicated in a business message in indirect order? D D. Your library books are overdue and a fine has been assessed. 4. Which of the following describes a cross-cultural communication situation? C C. A receptionist speaks slowly to a client who speaks with a heavy accent. 5. Instead of making judgements based on sterotypes, you should B B. learn to understand people as individuals 6. A key to receiving honest feedback is C C. the sender's attitude 7.An agenda is B B. the order of business to be discussed during a meeting 8. Which of the following should be used for a message that is to provide information for a group of people (some are inside the company and some are outside)? C C. A report 9. Which of the following statements promotes goodwill by using courteous words? D


模拟试题一 一.单项选择题 1.指令指针寄存器是(C)。 ABPBSP CIPDPSW 2.DA1DB67H NUM EQU80H 则执行AND DA1,NUM语句后DA1中的内容是(D); AE7HB80H C67HD0 3.与指令MOVAX,NOT0F0H等效的汇编语言指令是(B )。 A MOV AX,0FH B MOV AX,0FF0FH C MOV AX,000FH D MOV AX,0F0H 4.一个有16个字的数据区,它的起始地址是70A0H:DDF6,则这个数据区最末一个字单元的物理地址是(C )。 A 7E806H B 7E814H C 7E815H D 7E80BH 5.可用作基址变址寻址或寄存器间接寻址的寄存器是(D)。 A AX,BX,CX,DX B DS,ES,CS,SS C SP,BP,IP,BX D SI,DI,BP,BX 6.在串操作指令中,下列描述中不正确的是(C )。 A REP MOVS B B REP STOSB C REPE CMPSB D REP LODSB 7.ORG 0030H DA1 DB 0,‘0’,30H 偏移地址为0030H字存储单元的内容是(A )。 A 3000H B 00H C 0030H D 3030H 8.编写分支程序,在进行条件判断前,可用指令构成条件,其中不能形成条件的指令是(D )。 A CMP B SUB C AN D D MOV 9.将高级语言的程序翻译成机器码程序的实现程序是(A)。 A 编译程序 B 汇编程序 C 解释程序 D 目标程序 10.设DS=1E4AH,偏移地址为0056H,该字节的物理地址为(D )。 A 1E4A6H B 1E456H C 1E556H D 1E4F6H 11.假设下列指令中所用的标识符类型均为字类型属性的变量,下述指令中正确的指令是(B )。 A MOV WORD-DA1,WORD-DA2 B MOV WORD-DA[BX+4*4][DI],SP C MOV AX,WORD-DA[DX] D MOV [BX][SI],3


《市场营销》模拟试题1参考答案 班级:姓名:学号: 一、案例分析题 一、美国钟表公司通过市场营销研究发现,可把市场上的购买者分为三类: 第一类消费者希望能以尽量低的价格购买能计时的手表,他们追求的是低价位的实用品,这类消费者占23%。第二类消费者希望能以较高的价格购买计时准确、更耐用或式样好的手表,他们既重实用,又重美观,这类消费者占46%。第三类消费者想买名贵的手表,主要是把它作为礼物,他们占整个市场的31%。 于是,根据第一、二类消费者的需要,避开日本精工和西铁城名表,制造了一种叫做“天美时”的物美价廉的手表,一年内保修,而且利用新的销售渠道,广泛通过商店、超级市场、廉价商店、药房等各种类型的商店大力推销,结果很快提高了市场占有率,成为世界上最大的钟表公司之一。 单项选择:(每小题2分,共6分) 1.天美时公司采用什么样的市场细分标准将市场分为三种类型?(C ) A.地理环境细分B.心理细分C.购买行为细分D.人口因素细分2.天美时公司选择了哪种目标市场策略?(B) A.差异性营销策略B.集中性营销策略C.无差异营销策略 3.天美时公司采用的是哪一种市场定位策略?( A ) A.避强定位B.迎头定位C.重新定位 (8分) 比了下去?试用市场营销环境理论分析之。 答:(1)20世纪初期,汽车供不应求,竞争对手很少,福特公司凭借创建汽车生产流水线,以高效率、低成本赢得市场。20世纪20年代,汽车市场发生变化,竞争对手增多,汽车供应量增加,人们变得挑剔起来,不再是“企业生产什么,我就买什么了”。 (2)任何企业的活动都离不开营销环境。福特公司后来比通用公司比了下去的根本原因是忽视市场营销环境的变化,尤其是忽视顾客需求的变化,一意孤行地认为“不管顾客需要什么,我的车就是黑色的”。还有就是忽视对竞争对手的分析。而通用公司则针对福特公司的营销策略及“挑剔的顾客”推出“汽车形式多样化”,最大限度地满足顾客的需求,从而在市场上远远超过了福特公司。 三、有四家公司,其经营决策是:(8分) A公司生产手表,认为只要生产走时精确、造型优美、价格适中的名牌产品,即能获得 经营成功。


大学英语网考试题及答案 大学英语B统考模拟试卷及参考答案一 第一部分交际英语 1.— Would you mind helping me to get it upstairs? — _____ A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. Sure. D. No, of course not. 正确答案:D 题目解析:译文:你能帮我把它拿到楼上去吗?解析:A是的,它是。B不,它不是。C当然。D不,当然不介意。所以根据题意正确答案为D 2.— Is this beautiful? — _____ A. Yes, rarely have I seen this before. B. Yes, I need a rest. C. No, tomorrow will be fine. D. No, the work should be done by him. 正确答案:A 题目解析:译文:这个好看吗?解析:A是的,我之前很少看到过这么好看的。 B是的,我需要休息。C不,明天就可以。D不,这项工作需要由他来完成。根据题意正确答案为A。 3.― _____ ― An accident has happened. A. Where was the accident? B. What happened? C. When was the accident? D. Why did it happen? 正确答案:B 题目解析:译文:一场事故发生了。解析:答案A这场事故在哪儿?答案B发生什么事情了啊?答案C这个事故什么时候发生的啊。答案D为什么会发生啊?根据回答表示问的是发生什么了,正确答案选B。 4.― Excuse me, how soon does this train leave? ― _____ A. It leaves every half an hour. B. It leaves in ten minutes. C. The next trains leaves at ten. D. There is one at four. 正确答案:B


商务交际英语口语锦集 久仰! I ve heard so much about you. 好久不见了! Long time no see. 辛苦了! You ve had a long day.Youve had a long flight. 尊敬的朋友们! Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends 阁下(多用于称呼大使) Your Excellency 我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京。 On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing. 对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。 On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. 在北京过得怎么样? How are you making out in Beijing? 我一定向他转达您的问候和邀请。

Ill surely remember you and your invitation to him. 欢迎美商来北京投资。 American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing. 欢迎多提宝贵意见。 Your valuable advice is most welcome. 不虚此行! Its a rewarding trip! 您的日程很紧,我们的会见是否就到此为止。 As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time. 请代我问候王先生。 Please remember me to Mr.Wang. 感谢光临! Thank you so much for coming. 欢迎再来! Hope you’ll come again. 欢迎以后多来北京! Hope youll visit Beijing more often. 请留步,不用送了! I will see myself out, please. 多保重!


模拟试题 一、选择 1、结冰、积水、积雪的道路,无人看守道口,恶劣天气能见度在30米以内时,每小时不得超过(A)千米 A、10 B、20 C、30 D、5 2、根据现行国家标准将厂内机动车辆分为(C)类。 A、11 B、12 C、13 D、14 3、厂内运输的作业方式有(B)种, A、3 B、4 C、5 D、6 4、机动车不得在平行铁路装卸线钢轨外侧(A)米以内行使。 A、2 B、3 C、4 D、5 5、驾驶员不从事驾驶工作时间为(C)者,再从事驾驶工作时应经厂交通安全管理部门重新复试。 A、1~3 个月 B、3~6个月 C、6~12个月 D、1年以上 6、厂内车辆侧向最小安全间隙应为(C)米。A、0.4 B、0.5 C、0.6 二、填空 1、机动车辆的制动性包括(制动效能)、(制动方向稳定性)。 2、制动效能受(道路)、(气候条件)、(车型)等影响。 3、一般把操纵性和稳定性称为(车辆的操纵稳定性),常用(汽车的稳定转向特性)进行评价。 4、稳定转向特性分为(不足转向)、(过度转向)、(中性转向)。 5、厂内叉车具有(转弯半径小)、(轮距窄)、(载货后重心偏高)等特点。 6、车辆的技术特性有(空车质量)、(载质量)、(总质量)、(车辆外形尺寸)、(最小离地间隙)、(轴距)、(轮距)、(接近角)、(离去角)、(最小转弯半径)、(最大爬坡度)、(最高车速)。

7、厂内运输的作业方式分为(有轨运输)、(无轨运输)、(连续机械运输)、(人力搬运)。 8、进出厂房、仓库大门、停车场、加油站、上下地中衡、危险地段、生产现场、倒车或拖带损坏车辆时不得超过(5)千米每小时。 9、车辆行使经过交叉路口须提前减速,加强了望,礼让“三先”(先慢)、(先让)、(先停)。车轮摩擦力不均是跑偏的主要原因。(√) 10、厂内车辆事故预防措施主要内容有(厂内运输安全生产的组织措施)、(工程技术措施)、(安全检查管理措施)、(安全教育措施)。 11、安全教育包括(安全知识教育)、(安全技术教育)、(安全思想教育)、(典型事故案例教育) 12、厂内车辆事故预防的基本原则有(事故可以预防的原则)、(防患于未然的原则)、(对事故的可能原因必须予以根除的原则)、(全面治理的原则) 13、厂内车辆事故可以预防是指(损失预防措施)和(事故预防措施)。 14、教育对策内容应包括(安全知识)、(安全技能)、(安全态度)等三个方面。 15、厂内车辆事故的特性包括(因果性)、(偶然性、必然性和规律性)、(潜在性、再现性和预测性)。 16、厂内车辆事故一般分为(自然事故)和(人为事故)两大类。 17、厂内车辆事故由(人)、(车)、(路)、(环境情况)构成。 18、环境可分为(社会环境)、(自然环境)、(生产环境)。 19、厂内车辆多发事故的原因有(厂内车辆违章驾驶)、(厂内车辆高速行驶)、(车辆技术状态不良)、(驾驶技术不熟练)、(厂内道路不好)。 20、叉车运行叉齿离地间隙要达(300~400)毫米。 21、安全色有(红)、(黄)、(蓝)、(绿)4种,对比色有(黑)、(白)2种。 22、厂内交通安全标志有(警告标志)、(禁令标志)、(指示标志)、(辅助标志)等 三、判断 1、辅助标志安在主标志的上面,紧靠主标志上缘。(×)


考试模拟题1及参考答案 考试模拟题1 一、单项选择题(共20题,每题1分,共20分。) 1. 以下叙述不正确的是()。 A. 一个C源程序可由一个或多个函数组成 B. 在C程序中注释说明只能位于一条语句的后面 C. C程序的基本组成单位是函数 D. 一个C源程序必须包含一个main函数 2. 若变量已正确定义并赋值,表达式()不符合C语言语法。 A. 3%2.0 B. a*b/c C. 2, b D. a/b/c 3. 六种基本数据类型的长度排列正确的是()。 A. bool=char

long=float7) if(b>8) if(c>9) x=2;else x=3;后x的值是()。 A. 2 B. 1 C. 0 D. 3 6. 对以下程序,当输入数据的形式为12a345b789↙,正确的输出结果为()。 int main() {char c1,c2;int a1,a2; c1=getchar(); scanf("%2d",&a1); c2=getchar(); scanf("%3d",&a2);
