高中英语必修1 第二课 教案


课题: Unit 2 The English around the world The Road TO Modern English

(Senior English for China Student’s Book 1)

设计教师: 乔玉燕

授课时间: 45分钟

联系电话: 158********(658048)

I. Teaching Contents 教学内容

Unit 2 English around the world (SEFC Book 1)

Reading: The Road to Modern English


II. Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标设计(三维目标)

1.Knowledge objectives 知识目标

Make the students master the following words, phrases and sentence pattern.(让学生掌握下列单词、短语和句型。)

(1)Important words(重点单词):

elevator, petrol, official, voyage, native, apartment, actually, base, latter, identity, fluent

(2) Important phrases(重点词组):

because of, come up, base A on B, at present, make use of, such as

(3)Important sentence pattern(重点句型)

More people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before.

Native English speakers can understand each other even if ……

2.Ability objective能力目标

Improve the students’reading ability through scanning and skimming. (通过略读和详读提高学生的阅读理解能力。)

3.Affective objectives 情感价值目标

(1)After finishing the text, the students will be interested in having a further study of the development of some languages, such as Chinese, English etc.


(2) Inspire the students to have more enthusiasm in learning English. III. Teaching Important Points (教学重点)

1. Learn the words, phrases and the use of some sentences listed above.

(学习上列单词, 短语以及一些句子的使用。)

2. Enable the students to improve their reading comprehension. (提高


IV. Teaching Difficult Points (教学难点)

1. How to correctly guide the students to make full use of the two reading skills---fast reading and detailed reading?


2. Help the students clearly understand the development of the language.


3. Help the students to properly use these new words to retell the text(帮助学生适当运动新单词还复述课文)

V. Teaching Methods (教学方法)

1. Task-based teaching method enables students to read and learn

more efficiently and with more curiosity.


2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the passage. (略读法)

3. Careful reading to get some detailed information. (细读法)

4. Discussion(讨论)

VI. Teaching Aids: (教学辅助手段)

1. A blackboard (黑板)

2. A projector and a computer for multimedia (投影仪、多媒体) VII. Teaching procedures (教学程序)

Step I Lead in (3 minutes)(引入,3分钟)


T: As we all know, we have learned English for many years, some of you began to touch it when you were still in the kindergarten. Do you know whether the English you have been learning is British English, American English or both two? So first let me tell you a joke about this.

Trousers / Pants:当刚从美国回来的英国小伙子赞美英国girl “Nice Pants”,这时,悲剧发生了。Girl还以为他长了透视眼呢……Trousers,Pants这两个单词的用法应特别留意。Pants在英国指内裤,但在美国却是长裤。在英国,长裤为 trousers。所以,当一位外国人说 Pants的时候,你要弄清楚他究竟是英国人还是美国人,不要把内裤变成了长裤哦。



Step II pre-reading (4minutes)(读前,5分钟)

Today we will learn some knowledge about the English. Just now, I have told you a short joke, now I will present you a dialogue to think about it. (今天我们将学习一些关于英语的知识,刚刚我讲了一个笑话给你们听,现在我将会给你看一段对话,看完后思考一下我的问题。) Nancy:Oh,there you are. Now then,did you have a good flight?

Joe:Sure,we flew all the way direct from Seattle to London.

Nancy:You must be very tired. Did you sleep at all on the plane?

Joe:No,not really. I’m very tired. Could I use your bathroom?

Nancy:Why,of course. You don’t need to ask,just make yourself at home. Let me give you a clean towel.

Joe:A towel?

Nancy:Yes. Here you are. The bathroom is upstairs. It’s the second door on the left.

(After a while)

Nancy:Have you found it?

Joe:Well,eh,yes,I mean no. I mean,I found the bathroom,but I didn’t find what I was looking for!

教师活动:老师问学生Read it and discuss with your partner:What is it that Joe can’t find in the bathroom?Why can’t he find it?


答案:(Perhaps when Joe says “bathroom”,he means a place,where there is a toilet. But in Nancy’s eyes,it is a place where people can only have a bath.)




Step III. While-reading(20minutes)(阅读,20分钟)

1. Fast reading(4minutes)(快速阅读,4分钟)

1)Read quickly to get the main idea of the text.

2)Let the students find out key sentence of each paragraph or ask

them to summarize the main point for each paragraph in their

own words.


Paragraph1 English was settled

Paragaph2 English is widely spoken in South Asia

Paragaph3 many people all over the world speak English Paragaphy4 the reason why English has changed over time Paragaphy5 native speakers can understand each other



2. Careful reading (16minutes)(细读,16分钟)



设计意图:训练学生快速查读细节、捕捉信息的能力。同时能够在训练的同时也能掌握新单词(Scanning for detailed

information and learning some new words)(2)教师活动:have a further reading, and do the exercises below(再次阅读课文,完成下面的判断题)

1. English had the most speakers in the 17th century. (F)now

2. English developed when new settlers and rulers came to Britain.


3. Languages frequently change.(F)gradually

4. English is one of the official languages used in India(T)

5. This reading describes the development of the English language.


设计意图:通过further reading, 训练学生寻找细节题答案的


Step IV Post-reading(6minutes)(读后,6分钟)

教师活动:完成表格之后,同学对发展史有了一定的了解,所以现在让学生来复述表格的内容,同时要适当运用新单词。According to the chart, retell the development of English. You may begin your presentation like this:

English has a long history. First, between AD 450 and 1150... Then between about AD 800 and 1150…






Step V Language study(7minutes)(语言学习,7分钟)

There are some useful words and expressions the students should learn to use in the passage:(本课中学生应学会使用的单词和习惯表达:)

Step VI Discussion and Homework(4 minutes)(讨论和作业布置,4分钟)

1、At the end of the text, the author said, “Will Chinese English

develop its own identity? Only time will tell.”So do you know Chinglish? Surf the internet, and have a discussion. (在课文的最后,作者说到,只有时间可以见证英语在中国的发展。你们知道中国式英语吗?自己去查阅,然后课下互相讨论。)

1)2、Just mentioned in the text, more and more people learn English

as their second language, so why do you think people all over the world want to learn English? (就像课文中提到的,越来越多的人


VIII、The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard(板书设计)
