

1. troduction of Context

1.1The Definition of In context

Context is defined as a unity of shared knowledge which affects a certain linguistic event in linguistic communication

Longman Dictionary in Linguistics defines it as message existing before and after the word, phrase, utterance, and text under discussion; it is helpful to the understanding of the specific meaning of the word, phrase, utterance, and text.

Contexts are alignments of reality along five different axes: linguistic, situational, interactional, cultural, and intertextual. Because language is at the intersection of the individual and the social, it both reflects and construes the social reality called…context?.

Context is the matrix created by language as discourse and as a form of social practice.

Context should be viewed not as a natural given, but as a social construct, the product of linguistic choices made by two or more individuals interacting through language. Broadly, the term “context” refers to all the different situations involved in language communication.

Context consists of any elements invoked by any participants, and consequently…participants? conceptions of each other?s mental contexts may be wrong or, more likely, only partially right … any physical set of circumstances could lend itself to an infinity of possible shared conceptions and relevance.

Context is not simply referred to the preceding linguistic text, or the environment in which the utterance takes place, but the set of assumptions brought to bear at the intended interpretation.

Context connects with one of the key problems in interpretation: recognizing the cultural relationships between what is referred to, as well as the linguistic relationships between elements in the linguistic system.

1.2History of studies on context

For the past thirty years at least, applied linguistic and teachers of English have talked about the importance of “understanding language in context”. It is often

unclear what is meant by …context?. In the 1960s, the fashion was to construct taxonomies of external features of context (such as speaker, hearer, place and time of utterance, genre, etc). More recently applied linguists have turned to the later theories which have attempted to show how features contribute to understanding language. As far as the importance of context in actual language use is concerned, London School initially made an exposition that language activities of human beings are composed of substance (i.e. sounds and written language signs), form (i.e. meaningful structure constituted of sounds and written language signs), and situation (i.e. various elements outside language activities), from which we get it clear that the meaning of language depends not only on lexicon and grammar but on certain language environment.

Firth, suggests that context contains not only linguistic co-text but also context of situation. He was the first to include in the context …not only spoken words, but facial expression, gestures, bodily activities, the whole group of people present during exchange of utterances and the part of the environment in which these people are engaged, and to call the totality of these factors …context of situation?. Generally, Firth defines context of situation as including the entire cultural setting of speech and the personal history of the participants rather than as simply the context of human activity going on at the moment. In detail, it first included the event, the participants as well as the interrelationship between them, but later he also added the factors in economics, religion, social structure, utterance type and function, etc. It could now include participants in speech events, the action taking place, other relevant features of the situation and the effects of the verbal action. These variables are amenable to linguistic analysis and are therefore useful in making statements about meaning. The situational approach requires that we analyze the typical speech situations as follows:

1. Interior relations of the text itself

(a) Syntagmatic relations between elements of structure considered at the various levels of analysis;

(b) Paradigmatic relations of terms or units that commute within systems to give values to the elements of structure.

2. Interior relations within the context of situation

(a) The text in relation to the nonverbal constitutes, with its total effective or creative result;

(b) Analytic relations between “bits” and “pieces” of the text (words, parts of words, phrases) and special constituents within the situation (items, objects, persons, personalities, events).

1.3 Function of Context

Japanese scholar XiZhenguangzheng points out in his article Context and Language Study that context has eight functions, i.e. Absolute function, restrictive function, interpretative function, design function, filtering and supplementary function, generative function, transformative function and acquisitive function. As a matter of fact, the basic functions of context are considered to be restrictive and interpretative functions from which the other functions are derived.

1.3.1 Restrictive Function

Restrictive function can be briefly defined as influence of context upon the linguistic application and study. It is this function that assists in selecting appropriate expressions according to specific context in communication. For example, all the following sentences be used to inquire the time.

a) Excuse me, could you tell me the right time, please?

b) What time is it, please?

c) What?s the time?

d) How much longer have we got?

However, they are employed in a variety of contexts. Sentence a) sounds rather formal. It can be used between strangers instead of intimate couple. Similarly, sentence d) can be used between people who live together, but it certainly turns out to be improper when used between the superior and the subordinate. Of course, the restrictive function of context is not absolute. Chances are that the contextual constraint in communication will be broken, which will give rise to license of context.

The specification of context (whether linguistic or non-linguistic) has the effect of narrowing down the communicative possibilities of the message. The restrictive function is shown in three aspects.

1. Eliminating Ambiguities

Context eliminates certain ambiguities or multiple meanings in the message. Ambiguities consist of lexical ambiguity and syntactic ambiguity. Lexical ambiguity is mainly caused by the phenomenon of polysemy in English. In order to determine their exclusive meanings, word collocations are often taken into account in comprehending the discourse and selecting the equivalents. That is to say, the meaning of the words is usually interpreted according to its habitual collocation with other words in various specific contexts. For example: In a three-word sentence “pass the port”, “port” is ambiguous. Without context, we are not sure whether it indicates “harbor” or “a strong sweet wine”. If this utterance is produced near seaside, most probably, “port” means “harbor”. And the utterance should be rendered as “过港吧”。But if this utterance takes place in a bar or at home, then “port” means “a strong sweet wine”, and therefore the utterance should be rendered as “把那瓶葡萄酒给我拿过来”。Form this example we sense that the place of utterance has an effect on the exact interpretation and rendering of words.

Context is also helpful in eliminating syntactic ambiguity, which refers to ambiguity of sentence pattern or sentence structure. Supplying a context beyond the meaning of the original can eliminate the ambiguity of this kind. For example: They are flying plates.

Without context, we are not sure whether they refer to the people or the object involved. If they refer to the people, this sentence means “People are entertaining themselves by throwing a kind of plates”, and flying here is the present continuous tense of verb “fly”. If they refer to objects, this sentence means “used by people for entertainment, these plates can fly away by throwing”, and flying here is the present participle of verb “fly”, modifying plates. Assume before the sentence, there is another sentence “where are Mary and Jones?” With the help of this co-text, we will eliminate this sentence ambiguity and translate it naturally into他们在玩飞盘。

2. Indicating Reference

Every language in the world has DEICTICS, which identify objects, persons and events in terms of their relations to the speaker in the space and time. Much of the

meaning of deictic terms depends on the specific context of situation in which they are used. For example: John hurriedly left her house. He hoped never to return to it. The door slamm ed behind him. In this example, “He” and “it” in the second sentence refer to “John” and “her house” respectively. Without context, it remains unclear what they refer to in a sentence.

3. Supplying Information Omitted

In daily language use, we usually omit some information instead of explicitly indicating everything. Still, we can pretty well understand each other and communicate well with each other, with the help of actual context. Here are some examples.

(1) Janet! Wine, please!

(2) A: One to London, please, second class.

B: Single or return?

A: Return, please.

B: Second return, London. One twenty, please.

All these examples are not complete sentences, but the specific occasions on which these utterances take place can help supply the information omitted. If the utterance in example (1) is produced during dinner time, then it means “Janet! Bring the wine here” or “pour me a glass of wine!”; if the dialogue in example (2) is carried out in a booking-office, then A must be buying train ticket. With the help of actual context, the following TL versions could be proposed:

(1) 珍妮特,把酒拿来!

(2) A:一张去伦敦的车票,二等车厢。




1.3.2 Interpretative Function

The explanatory function played by context on language form denotes that diverse environments attach language forms with different contextual meanings. For years, the study of the explanatory function by context has always been one of the

focuses of linguistics. It refers to the ability of context to explain and illustrate some linguistic phenomena in linguistic activities. A translator should be able to convey the implied meanings. Context helps to determine the implied meanings of the original.

2. Classification of Context and its influence on the meaning of words 2.1 Linguistic Context

Linguistic context comprises (1) command of the both source and target language and (2) co-text accompanying the linguistic sign in question. As far as the former one is concerned, we acknowledge that the languages in which various people think and express their thoughts have quite different characteristics and usages. As an illustration of this, we may make a comparison between the English and Chinese language. English has articles “a, an, the”, the Chinese does not have any such things. Take a simple one as an example:

(1) The horse is a useful animal.

Many beginners of English often, to our disappointment, translate the sentence like this:


At first sight, the translation seems to be very faithful. Every word is translated in Chinese, but in fact it fails to convey the intrinsic sense of the original. No Chinese would say so in general circumstances. It ought to be handled as 马是有用的动物. This shows that in accordance with the usage of Chinese both the definite and indefinite article had better be omitted in the translation. On the other hand, in very specific conditions, for example, if the speaker says “The horse is a useful animal ” while pointing at a real horse, the utterance may be translated as 这匹马是有用的. By the same token, if we translate the sentence马是有用的动物. Back into English, it will never do for us to render it word for word. But on the contrary, we are obliged to add the two articles required by the English usage. Of course the English translation may also go without articles on condition that we use the two nouns in the plural form as in “Horses are useful animals”. Another basic difference existing between the two languages lies in the fact that generally more verbs and fewer nouns and prepositions

are used in Chinese than in English while more nouns and prepositions and fewer verbs are used in English than in Chinese. This phenomenon appears to be just a difference in the use of different parts of speech. As in the case of English, words in noun or adjective forms are often used to express the idea of action, thus serving as verbs. Furthermore, collocations with such words, which bear the meaning and character of a verb, are to be found at every turn. Here an example runs as follows: (2)Gates Avenue families carried their pail to the hydrant at the curb.


In the English sentence, there is only one verb, but in the Chinese there appears as many as four or five. Out of this comparative study, we can find another important method of translation—conversion of parts of speech. Another example is given here.

(3)The use of bacteriological weapons is a clear violation of the international law.


The English nouns …use? and …violation? are converted into the Chinese verbs 使用and 违反,and as a result the English objective …clear? is converted into the Chinese adverb“显然”。Of course, the sentence is still intelligible if we render it word for word without conversion of parts of speech like this 细菌武器的使用是对国际法的明显违反。But anyhow it does not sound as natural as the previous translation. We often have to rearrange the word order in C-E and E-C translation because the two languages have each their own characteristics. For instance, attributive phrases and clauses usually follow the modified words in English whereas they usually precede the modified words in Chinese. Britons and Americans prefer to put the adverbial of time and of space at the end of a sentence while we Chinese often have them at the beginning. If these two kinds of adverbial coexist in a single sentence, the adverbial of time usually follow those of place in English, but they are exactly in the reverse order in Chinese. In English sentences, the possessive noun often goes before the noun it stands for and the personal pronoun appears in the subordinate clause previous to the main clause. However, nouns are always mentioned first in Chinese sentences.

Different ways of thinking between the English and the Chinese lead to different

sentence order and voice. English people are used to placing major points of the utterance at the beginning and then other subordinate information is attached; while Chinese people first put forward subordinate information, and lastly the focus of utterance. Because of this difference, we need to make some changes in sentence order during the process of translating. For example:

(4) I met with my middle school classmate at the entrance of the theatre at 7:30 yesterday evening, whom I haven?t seen for years.


Both the English and Chinese sentence s aim to introduce the information that “I met my former classmate”, but this topic is placed differently in the two sentences. The English prefer to put the new topic exactly at the beginning, while in translating into Chinese, an idiomatic way is to place it at the end, with all the subordinate information mentioned first. It is universally acknowledged that there are two kinds of voices: active and passive. The passive voice is much less used in Chinese than in English. Let?s make a comparison and analys is of following original text and its translation.

(5)It is reported that more than eight hundred thousand children are hired on plantations and farms. They are cruelly exploited by the monopoly capitalists.… in recent years monopoly capitalism has been hit harder and harder by economic crisis. ……


In the cited translation the translator overcomes the awkwardness if still using the passive voice“被…”,by means of (1) the idiomatic expression 据说(equivalent to “be”+said or reported)and (2) the alternative form of passive voice 受着or 遭到. The author is usually frustrated while coming across passive voice in language teaching and failing to translate it to the students as natural as possible. So the proper treatment of passive voice is helpful not only to translation but also to language teaching.

Apart from the mentioned differences above between English and Chinese

languages, many others, for example, different tenses, word usage, and repetition, remain to be discussed due to the shortage of space.

2.2Physical Context

Physical context means the actual or situational context in which an utterance happens. It includes the time, place, and topic of the utterance, personal information or background of the speaker/writer and the listener/reader (i.e. their profession, gender, age, social status, educational background, life experience, and state of mind, etc), and lastly writing style of the original. Different time, place, topic and personal information of the speaker/ writer and listener/reader contribute to the information of different style. It is known that Halliday also gives a description to the context of situation in terms of a framework of three headings: field, tenor, and mode. Field means what is happening or the nature of the social action that is taking place; tenor consists of who is taking part, the nature of the participants, and their status and roles ;mode refers to what symbolic or rhetorical devices are employed, and in what language form the utterance is conveyed —spoken or written, monologue or dialogue.

The place of utterance may affect translation. The same utterance meaning may be expressed differently on different occasions, thus different translation is resulted.

For example:

( 6 ) a. Run along now, children, I?m busy now.

b. The audience is requested to kindly leave the room for a few moments.

( 6 ) a.走开吧,孩子们,我正忙着呢。

b. 请观众朋友先回避一会儿。

Bearing the same utterance meaning 要人离开,the original (a) and (b) are rendered differently because they take place in different occasions. Utterance (a) is produced at home and between adult and children, so it is casually treated as 走开吧. While utterance (b) is produced in the public place, and the listener is “the audience”, so respectful expression 请and 回避are used here instead of somewhat impolite 走开.

To sum up, in order to achieve the aim of communication, we usually express the same sentence meaning in different language styles according to different contexts.

2.3Cultural Context

We are now in a position to see language and culture in a dialectical relationship. Language and culture are two symbolic system. Everything we say in language has some meanings. Every language form we use has meanings, carries meanings that are not in the same sense because it is associated with culture and culture is more extensive than language. A language is always a part of a culture and the meaning of any text refers directly or indirectly to the corresponding culture. Ultimately words only have meaning in terms of the corresponding culture. Without the knowledge of the belief and practices of other cultures, a translator?s perspective of the world is tragically restricted. And it is not surprising that the most serious mistakes in translation are made because of ignorance about the views and values of other cultures. Differences in culture almost automatically mean difference in language. Language represents the culture because the words refer to the culture, as the beliefs and practices of a society, but the representation is never complete or perfect. Changes in language inevitably tend to lay behind change in culture. The term “cultural context” was originally coined by Malinowski to describe the institutional and ideological background knowledge shared by participants in speech events.

In the following, I will illustrate how different cultural context affect C-E and E-C translation. It is evident that China and English-speaking countries are different ecologically and geographically, each having its own features, occasionally, the names of places may be used to convey meanings in one language that have no equivalent in the other. For example, in the well known English usage “to carry coals to Newcastle” (to perform a superfluous action), “Newcastle”, a city in En gland, near coalmines, is a unique entity and any connotation it may have one applied to English. In translation, we can not translate it literally as 把煤运到纽卡斯尔which can evoke no response on the Chinese reader, nor can we render it as 把槟榔运到广州which is , although familiar to the Chinese, a mere Chinese peculiarity to English speakers. Pragmatically, it should be rendered as something like to make an unnecessary move according to the actual context. Courtesy expressions immediately reflect the social-behaviorial patterns of a culture, the notion of courtesy seems to be something universal, but

people from different cultures might have different ideas as to what courtesy expressions are. For example, when meeting a friend who just arrived from a long journey, t he Chinese would conventionally say: “you must have had a tired journey.” The Westerner would ask instead: “did you have a nice trip?” or “did you enjoy you trip?” Different nation has its relatively fixed social rules and customs. If the translator is in complete ignorance of these rules and customs, a pragmatic translation will never be reached.

Accordingly, the subject in a Chinese sentence is usually omitted since it can be figured out with the help of context; but if it is rendered into English, the subject must be supplied because the English sentence with both subject and predicate can be assumed to be a complete one. The following example will illustrate this point.


(7) Pitch dark. I don?t know whether it is day or night.

Culture presuppositions may sometimes be traced to the linguistic, especially semantic structures of a language. The most typical case is one where in comparable words in different languages may carry strickingly different associations. In Chinese, for example,“vinegar”is often another name for jealousy, e.g.吃醋(to be jealous) . In English, however, the word is connotative of ill-tempered speech, character, etc.

3. Context and English Teaching

How to set the language context correctly and flexibly becomes a problem which teachers are concerned about.

3.1 The language context must be real

Situational teaching and meaning teaching both mean that the teaching materials should be those normal utterance made in real-life situations and be practiced in authentic everyday situations.

3.2 The language context must be relevant

Situations set for practice should be those which the students are likely to encounter in their present and future communication.It is a waste of time to ask them to discuss problems beyond their level of maturity and knowledge of the world.

3.3 The language context must be definite

When we set a language context,we should take all the factors of language context into account.For example,in a shop,we can start a conversation between shopkeepers and customers,and we can also start the conversation between the customers.Then what is the objective of the conversation?What kind of language form can be used in the language context?It requires that the teachers must give some clear or definite explanation to the students.Only when the students know what kind of roles they will play and what the objective of the talking is,they can avoid mechanical memorization and be able to start a free conversation in the language context.

3.4 The language context must be helpful in developing the students'creativity

In the process of English teaching,teachers should not remain satisfied with the memorization of the language,but should extend the development of language skills through language study and proceed from the manipulated practice to the communicative use of the language.After the students have learned some language points in a dialogue,they may be asked to create a new dialogue by giving them some new ideas and lines,which could,of course be in conformity with the original dialogue.


Context is not simply referred to the preceding linguistic text, or the environment in which the utterance takes place, but the set of assumptions brought to bear at the intended interpretation. Meaning is not seen as a stable property of texts, but as a shifting, variable phenomenon.

All the above can be achieved through context analysis, which exposes how context develops from its earliest day to the present, how linguists define and divide it from different perspectives, and how context functions in actual language use. In other words, contexts play an important role in the constructing of meaning and English teaching.


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年级 2 0 1 1 级


论文题目Analysis of Scarlett in

Gone With the Wind


2012年 12 月 27 日学年论文(设计)成绩评定表



毕业论文开题报告模板范文 [1]毕业论文开题报告 开题报告是指开题者对科研课题的一种文字说明材料。这是一种新的应用写作文体,这种文字体裁是随着现代科学研究活动计划性的增强和科研选题程序化管理的需要应运而生的。开题报告一般为表格式,它把要报告的每一项内容转换成相应的栏目,这样做,既便于开题报告按目填写,避免遗漏;又便于评审者一目了然,把握要点。 开题报告包括综述、关键技术、可行性分析和时间安排等四个方面。 开题报告作为毕业论文答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。 由于开题报告是用文字体现的论文总构想,因而篇幅不必过大,但要把计划研究的课题、如何研究、理论适用等主要问题。 开题报告的总述部分应首先提出选题,并简明扼要地说明该选题的目的、目前相关课题研究情况、理论适用、研究方法。 开题报告是由选题者把自己所选的课题的概况(即"开题报告内容"),向有关专家、学者、科技人员进行陈述。然后由他们对科研课题进行评议。亦可采用"德尔菲法"评分;再由科研管理部门综合评议的意见,确定是否批准这一选题。开题报告的内容大致如下:课题名称、承担单位、课题负责人、起止年限、报名提纲。报名提纲包括: (1)课题的目的、意义、国内外研究概况和有关文献资料的主要观点与结论; (2)研究对象、研究内容、各项有关指标、主要研究方法(包括是否已进行试验性研究); (3)大致的进度安排; (4)准备工作的情况和目前已具备的条件(包括人员、仪器、设备等); (5)尚需增添的主要设备和仪器(用途、名称、规格、型号、数量、价格等); (6)经费概算; (7)预期研究结果; (8)承担单位和主要协作单位、及人员分工等。 同行评议,着重是从选题的依据、意义和技术可行性上做出判断。即从科学技术本身为决策提供必要的依据。 [2]如何撰写毕业论文开题报告 开题报告的基本内容及其顺序:论文的目的与意义;国内外研究概况;论文拟研究解决的主要问题;论文拟撰写的主要内容(提纲);论文计划进度;其它。 其中的核心内容是“论文拟研究解决的主要问题”。在撰写时可以先写这一部分,以此为基础撰写其他部分。具体要求如下: 1.论文拟研究解决的问题 明确提出论文所要解决的具体学术问题,也就是论文拟定的创新点。 明确指出国内外文献就这一问题已经提出的观点、结论、解决方法、阶段性成果、……。 评述上述文献研究成果的不足。 提出你的论文准备论证的观点或解决方法,简述初步理由。 你的观点或方法正是需要通过论文研究撰写所要论证的核心内容,提出和论证它是论文的目的和任务,因而并不是定论,研究中可能推翻,也可能得不出结果。开题报告的目的就是要请专家帮助判断你所提出的问题是否值得研究,你准备论证的观点方法是否能够研究出来。 一般提出3或4个问题,可以是一个大问题下的几个子问题,也可以是几个并行的相关问题。


计划书封面素材范文 计划书封面素材 【内容】 编号:______________ 项目名称: 申请人: 联系地址: 联系电话: 电子邮件: 提交日期: 说明 本创业计划书样本供创业申请者参考。 创业项目的申请者请根据自身项目的实际情况尽可能详细地陈 述各方面的情况。 孵化项目的申请者根据本样本的几个方面简要叙述创业计划外,请侧重于陈述以下几个方面的内容: l项目研究的总目标和创新点,主要研究内容及所需要解决的 技术难点 l项目的完成形式和考核指标; l项目的年度计划及年度目标; l主要参与者简介;

l经费预算和科技成果权益分配申请孵化基金额度,各参与人 及基金在科技孵化成果中所占的权益比例; l用款计划。 摘要 请简要叙述以下内容: 1.项目基本情况(项目名称、启动时间、主要产品/服务、目前 进展。) 2.主要管理者(姓名、性别、学历、毕业院校、毕业时间,主要经历。) 3.研究与开发(已有的技术成果及技术水平,研发队伍技术水平、竞争力及对外合作情况,已经投入的经费及今后投入计划) 4.行业及市场(行业历史与前景,市场规模及发展趋势,行业竞争对手及本项目竞争优势。) 5.营销策略(在价格、促销、建立销售网络等各方面拟采取的措施。) 6.产品生产(生产方式,生产工艺,质量控制) 7.财务计划(资金需求量、使用计划,拟出让股份,未来三年的财务预测和投资者回报。) 项目概况 项目名称: 启动时间: 准备注册资本:

项目进展:(说明自项目启动以来至目前的进展情况) 主要股东:(列表说明目前股东的名称、出资额、出资形式、单位和联系电话。) 组织机构:(用图来表示) 主要业务:(准备经营的主要业务。) 盈利模式:(详细说明本项目的商业盈利模式。) 未来3年的发展战略和经营目标:(行业地位、销售收入、市场占有率、产品品牌等。) 二管理层 2.1成立公司的董事会:(董事成员,姓名,职务,工作单位和联系电话) 2.2高管层简介:董事长、总经理、主要技术负责人、主要营销负责人、主要财务负责人(姓名,性别,年龄,学历,专业,职称,毕业院校,联系电话,主要经历和业绩,主要说明在本行业内的管理经验和成功案例。) 2.3激励和约束机制:(公司对管理层及关键人员将采取怎样的激励机制和奖励措施。) 研究与开发 4.1项目的研发成果及客观评价:(产品是否经国际、国内各级行业权威部门和机构鉴定。) 4.2主要技术竞争对手:(国内外情况,项目在技术与产品开发方面的国内外竞争对手,项目为提高竞争力所采取的措施。)


毕业论文的范本 《毕业论文》是指毕业论文设计的正规格式和书写要求。范本主要包括论文封面,开题报告,论文任务书,论文正文。下面,我为大家分享毕业论文范本,希望对大家有所帮助! 目录 第一章前言 (3) 第二章单片机概述 (4) 2.1单片机的定义 (4) 2.2单片机的发展方向 (5) 2.3单片机的应用 (5) 2.4MCS-51简介 (6) 第三章单片机交通灯控制 (7) 3.1硬件电路 (7) 3.1.1芯片选用 (7)

3.1.2硬件电路图 (7) 3.1.3系统工作原理 (7) 3.2软件设计 (8) 3.2.1每秒钟的设定 (8) 3.2.2计数器初值计算 (8) 3.2.3综合计算 (8) 3.2.4设定一秒的方法 (8) 3.2.5程序设计 (8) 3.3软件延时 (9) 3.4时间及信号灯显示 (9) 3.5程序 (13) 第四章总结 (12) 参考文献 (13) 致谢 (14) 第一章前言 城市交通是保持城市活力最主要的基础设施,是城市生活的动脉,制约着城市经济的发展。展望21世纪的城市交通事业,给我们提出了更高要求。发展多层次、立体化、智能化的交通体系,将是城市建设发展中普遍追求的目标。而发

展大、中、低客运量相互匹配的多种形式相结合的客运交通工具,将是实现上述远景目标的一项重大技术决策措施。 自改革开放以来,我国的城市规模和经济建设都有了飞速的发展7城市化进程在逐步加快,城市人口在急剧增加,大量流动人口涌进城市,人员出行和物资交流频繁,使城市交通面临着严峻的局势。当前,全国大中城市普遍存在着道路拥挤、车辆堵塞、交通秩序混乱的现象。如何解决城市交通问题已成为全社会关注的焦点和大众的迫切呼声。 当今,红绿灯安装在各个交通要道上已经成为了缓解交通问题最常见、最根本、最有效的方法。交通灯的出现使交通得以有效管制,对于疏导交通流量、提高道路通行能力,减少交通事故有明显的效果。 单片机是一种集成的微型计算机,与微处理器相比,它可单独地完成现代工业控制所要求的智能化控制功能,它有唯一的、专门为嵌入式应用而设计的体系结构和指令系统。红绿灯的控制有PLC控制,单片机控制等方法,随着近年来单片机控制交通灯技术的成熟,单片机给交通带来了很大的便利。 第二章单片机概述 二十世纪七十年代,微电子技术正处于发展阶段,集成电路属于中规模发展时期,各种新材料新工艺尚未成熟,单片机仍处在初级的发展阶段。1974年,美国研制出了世界第一台单片微型计算机F8,深受家用电器和仪器仪表领域的欢迎和重视,从此拉开了研制单片机的序幕。 2.1单片机的定义 所谓单片机,即把组成微型计算机的各个功能部件,如中央处理器(CPU)、随机存储器(RAM)、只读存储器(ROM)、输入/输出接口电路(I/O口)、定时/计数


毕业论文摘要写作格式要求及范文 临近毕业了,大家的论文写好了吗,下文是论文格式范文及撰写要求,希望大家有所收获! 一、毕业论文撰写结构要求 1、题目:应简洁、明确、有概括性,字数不宜超过20个字。 2、摘要:要有高度的概括力,语言精练、明确,中文摘要约100—200字; 3、关键词:从论文标题或正文中挑选3~5个最能表达主要内容的词作为关键词。 4、目录:写出目录,标明页码。 5、正文: 专科毕业论文正文字数一般应在3000字以上。 毕业论文正文:包括前言、本论、结论三个部分。 前言(引言)是论文的开头部分,主要说明论文写作的目的、现实意义、对所研究问题的认识,并提出论文的中心论点等。前言要写得简明扼要,篇幅不要太长。 本论是毕业论文的主体,包括研究内容与方法、实验材料、实验结果与分析(讨论)等。在本部分要运用各方面的研究方法和实验结果,分析问题,论证观点,尽量反映出自己的科研能力和学术水平。 结论是毕业论文的收尾部分,是围绕本论所作的结束语。其基本的要点就是总结全文,加深题意。 6、谢辞:简述自己通过做毕业论文的体会,并应对指导教师和协助完成论文的有关人员表示谢意。 7、参考文献:在毕业论文末尾要列出在论文中参考过的专著、论文及其他资料,所列参考文献应按文中参考或引证的先后顺序排列。 8、注释:在论文写作过程中,有些问题需要在正文之外加以阐述和说明。

9、附录:对于一些不宜放在正文中,但有参考价值的内容,可编入附录中。 二、毕业论文撰写格式要求 1、毕业论文一律打印,采取A4纸张,页边距一律采取:上、下2.5cm,左3cm,右1.5cm,行间距取多倍行距(设置值为1.25);字符间距为默认值(缩放100%,间距:标准),封面采用教务处统一规定的封面。 2、字体要求 论文所用字体要求为宋体。 3、字号 第一层次题序和标题用小三号黑体字;第二层次题序和标题用四号黑体字;第三层次及以下题序和标题与第二层次同;正文用小四号宋体。 4、页眉及页码 毕业论文各页均加页眉,采用宋体五号宋体居中,打印“河北大学XXXX届本科生毕业论文(设计)”。页码从正文开始在页脚按阿拉伯数字(宋体小五号)连续编排,居中书写。 5、摘要及关键词 中文摘要及关键词:“摘要”二字采用三号字黑体、居中书写,“摘”与“要”之间空两格,内容采用小四号宋体。“关键词”三字采用小四号字黑体,顶格书写,一般为3—5个。 6、目录 “目录”二字采用三号字黑体、居中书写,“目”与“录”之间空两格,第一级层次采用小三号宋体字,其他级层次题目采用四号宋体字。 7、正文 正文的全部标题层次应整齐清晰,相同的层次应采用统一的字体表示。第一级为“一”、“二”、“三”、等,第二级为“1.1”、“1.2”、“1.3”等,第三级为“1.1.1”、“1.1.2”等,具体格式要求详见模板(模板从河北大学教务处主页下载专区下载)。


开题报告的封面范文 怎么制作开题报告的封面才更为规范,让考核的老师看着顺眼呢?让我们一起看一下范文吧! 长江大学 毕业设计开题报告 题目名称_______________________________ 院(系)_______________________________ 专业班级_______________________________ 学生姓名_______________________________ 指导教师_______________________________ 辅导教师_______________________________ 完成日期_______________________________ 毕业设计开题报告撰写内容及要求 一、题目来源 二、研究目的和意义 三、阅读的主要参考文献及资料名称 四、国内外现状和发展趋势与研究的主攻方向 五、主要研究内容、需重点研究的关键问题及解决思路 六、完成毕业设计所必须具备的工作条件(如工具书、计算机辅助设计、某类 市场调研、实验设备和实验环境条件等)及解决的办法 七、工作的主要阶段、进度与时间安排

八、指导教师审查意见 注1:格式要求: (1)题目名称:要求与毕业设计题目名称一致,小二号,黑体加粗,居中,段前后各空一行。 (2)学生、指导教师和教学单位署名:学生、指导教师及所在单位(院系或工作单位)在题目下隔一行,居中,格式:学生:×××,×××学院(系),另起一行居中,格式:指导教师:×××,工作单位,署名采用小四号仿宋体。 (3)开题报告正文,撰写格式按毕业论文(设计)的排版格式规范要求。 附:毕业论文(设计)的排版格式规范 1.原则上毕业论文(设计)均按以下要求排版、打印。 2.版面尺寸:A4(21.0×29.7厘米);版芯位置(正文位置):上边界 3.5厘米、下边界3.0厘米、左边界3.0厘米、右边界2.5厘米、装订线位置定义为0厘米。 3.页眉与页码:页眉从第1页开始设置,距边界2.8厘米,采用五号宋体居中,奇数页页眉为论文的一级标题文字,偶数页页眉为论文的题目;页码采用页脚方式设定,采用五号宋体、用“第×页(共×页)”的格式,处于页面下方、居中、距下边界2.2厘米的位置。 4.目录:“目录”用小二号黑体,居中;一级标题顶格,小四号黑体;二级标题缩进2个汉字符,小四号宋体;标题文字与页码之间用点线,页码居右对齐。在目录中先依次列出毕业论文(设计)任务书、


题目: 指导教师: 学生姓名: 专业: 班级: 学号: 时间:年月

摘 要 (空1行)(宋体小4号,1.5倍行距,以后空行都按此格式设置) 本文研究了基于超分子化学作用的多孔聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF )膜的表面亲水改性及其在处理低浓度含油废水中的应用。首先,提出了基于超分子化学作用的多孔PVDF 膜

(空1行) In this dissertation, a research has been made on the Array in the treatment of low concentration oily (空行1) (空行2) Key word: PVDF, membrane, ……

(空1行) 目 (空1行) 1 引言(或绪论) 1 2 光催化—膜分离反映装置工艺特性研究 2.1 试验装置的设计想 2.2 滤膜的选择 ……(略) 3 XXXXXXXXXXX 3.1 XXXXXXXX 3.2 XXXXXXXX ……(略) 结论 参考文献 致谢 附录1 XXXXX(必要时) 附录2 XXXXX(必要时) (注:目录中只需列出第一和第二级标题,一级标题、结论、致谢、参考文献、附录等用宋体4号加粗,其余为宋体小4号;标题数字和文字之间空一格,页码用宋体小4号阿拉伯数字表示)

1 半导体光催化氧化法处理废水是一种高效的新型水污染治理技术,它是利用紫外光照射半导体光催化剂,在水中产生氧化能力很强的轻基自由基氧化水中污染物,使其经 在近紫外光1.1 TiO21.2 1.2.1 在各工业领域和科学研究中得到广泛应用。 与普通分离法相比,膜分离技术具体有以下优点: (1)在膜分离过程中不发生相变化,对比之下,蒸发、蒸馏、萃取、吸收、吸附等分离过程,都伴随着从液相或吸附相至气相的变化,而相变化的潜热是很大的,因此膜分离过程能耗比较低; 2 实验装置由PVC 材料制成,总有效容积为SL 。待处理的废水进入反应器后,与悬浮于水中的二氧化钦微粒相混合,在高压汞灯的照射下,发生降解作用,通过抽吸泵的抽吸,使中空纤维膜内形成负压,在压差作用下,降解后的水进入中空纤维膜内,经两侧收集管汇集后经抽吸泵出水,而二氧化钛微料则被滤膜挡住,留在反应器中。 ……(以下略) 注: 1.正文中表格与插图内的字体一律用5号宋体单倍行距;表序和表题应写在表格上方并居中,表序后空一格书写标题。表格允许下页接写,表题可省略,表头应重复写,并在右上方写上“续表X-Y ”;图序和图题应放在图位下方居中处,图序后空一格书写图题。图序和表序都按此格式:X-Y ,其中X 表示该图(或表)位于文章第X 部分,Y


篇一:工作总结封面格式 个人工作技术总结 姓名: 身份证号: 准考证号: 申报职业级别:鉴定所名称: 篇二:工作总结封皮格式 2015—2016学年第一学期 工 作 总 结 部门:姓名: 任职: 时间: 工作总结要求 一、字体要求 标题:宋体小二加粗,居中(无缩进),1.5倍行距;一级标题:宋体小三号,缩进2个汉字符,单倍行距;二级标题:宋体四号,缩进2个汉字符,单倍行距;三级标题:楷体四号加粗,缩进2个汉字符,单倍行距;正文:仿宋体四号,两端对齐书写,段落首行空2个汉字符。固定行距26磅。 二、形式要求 1、工作总结要用a4纸打印; 2、工作总结要有统一要求的封面。 三、时间要求 工作总结完成后交给各部部长,由部长收齐以后于12月17日上午(周四)十二点前上交到办公室715。 篇三:实习总结封面及格式 广州铁路职业技术学院

毕业实习总结 院系:机械与电子学院 专业:应用电子技术 班级: 学号: 姓名: 实习单位: 实习总结撰写要求: 实习总结在实习的基础上完成,运用基础理论知识结合实习资料,进行比较深入的分析,实习总结内容要求实事求是,简明扼要,能反映出实习单位的情况及本人实习的情况、体会和感受。报告的资料必须真实可靠,有独立的见解,重点突出,条理清晰,字数4000字以上。 一、实习总结正文内容必须包含以下五个方面: 1.实习目的:要求言简意赅,点明主题. 2.实习单位及岗位介绍:要求详略得当,重点突出,着重介绍实习岗位的介绍. 3.实习内容及过程:要求内容详实,层次清楚;侧重实际动手能力和技能的培养,锻炼和提高,但切忌记帐式或日记式的简单罗列. 4.实习总结及体会:要求条理清楚,逻辑性强;着重写出对实习内容的总结,体会和感受,特别是自己所学的专业理论与实践的差距和今后应努力的方向. 5.整体实习报告的内容必须与所学专业内容相关. 二、实习报告文字打印格式和装订要求 1.实习报告一律要使用a4纸打印成文; 2.字间距设置为标准; 3.正文行距:(多倍行距)1.25倍 4.字号设置为宋体;正文中所有非汉字均为times new roman 体; 5.页边距:上2.54cm 下 2.54cm 左 3.00cm 右 2.00cm 页眉:1.50cm 页脚:1.75cm 页码置于右下角 6.实习报告最后统


经典的策划书封面要求范文 策划书是对某个未来的活动或者事件进行策划,并展现给读者的文本。策划书可以为整个活动提供有力的指导,并能找到活动的不足之处。下面,小编给大家介绍一下关于策划书封面要求范文5篇,欢迎大家阅读. 关于策划书封面要求范文1 封面最上面要有湖南理工学院的logo,标题为湖南理工学院某某某活动策划书,字体字号黑体二号/宋体二号,要求居中、加粗。页面正中要有水印,里面是“策划书”三个字,竖排居中,附于水印上。最下面写主办单位(为学生团体挂靠单位,或者团体本身)、承办单位(如果活动是学生团体自己所办就不用写)、活动时间、封面中不允许出现赞助商名称等商业信息。要求居中。 目录要求与具体内容的各项标题一致,没有文字错误。字体大小和字号可以根据实际调整,要求美观。 2. 标题:字体字号黑体二号/宋体二号,要求居中、加粗(标题与正文之间空一行); 3. 正文: 字体要求:字体字号为宋体四号 一级标题:例:一、二、三、

二级标题:例:(一) (二) (三) 三级标题:例:1、 2、 3、 四级标题:例:(1) (2)(3) 五级标题:例:a. b. c. 4.策划书内容 活动背景和目的:此工作/活动开展的必要性、可行性和意义。活动主题(宗旨):即活动口号。 活动对象:工作/活动所面向的目标对象,包括全院学生、全体新生、全体干部等。 主办单位:分为院团委和学生团体联合会等。 承办单位:承办方为举办该活动的学院或举办该活动的学生团体;与其他学生团体一起合作举办的活动可在协办方处写上合作团体的名称。 协办单位:作为活动提供协助的组织,如果有就写。 赞助单位:如果有赞助方的可以对其的来历、背景、当前发展状况等作简要说明。 活动时间:活动的具体时间,从开始到结束的时间段。 活动地点:活动场所。


毕业论文标准格式及范文 以下是为大家整理的毕业论文标准格式及范文的相关范文,本文关键词为毕业论文,标准,格式,范文,,您可以从右上方搜索框检索更多相关文章,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注我们并推荐给您的好友,您可以在论文资料中查看更多范文。 标准论文格式 一: 1、题目。应能概括整个论文最重要的内容,言简意赅,引人注目,一般不宜超过20个字。论文摘要和关键词。 2、论文摘要应阐述学位论文的主要观点。说明本论文的目的、研究方法、成果和结论。尽可能保留原论文的基本信息,突出论文的创造性成果和新见解。而不应是各章节标题的简单罗列。摘要以500字左右为宜。 关键词是能反映论文主旨最关键的词句,一般3-5个。 3、目录。既是论文的提纲,也是论文组成部分的小标题,应标注相应页码。 4、引言(或序言)。内容应包括本研究领域的国内外现状,本论

文所要解决的问题及这项研究工作在经济建设、科技进步和社会发展等方面的理论意义与实用价值。 5、正文。是毕业论文的主体。 6、结论。论文结论要求明确、精炼、完整,应阐明自己的创造性成果或新见解,以及在本领域的意义。 7、参考文献和注释。按论文中所引用文献或注释编号的顺序列在论文正文之后,参考文献之前。图表或数据必须注明来源和出处。(参考文献是期刊时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、文章题目、期刊名(外文可缩写)、年份、卷号、期数、页码。参考文献是图书时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、书名、出版单位、年份、版次、页码。) 8、附录。包括放在正文内过份冗长的公式推导,以备他人阅读方便所需的辅助性数学工具、重复性数据图表、论文使用的符号意义、单位缩写、程序全文及有关说明等。 word文档可自由复制编辑 二:本科毕业论文格式要求: 1、装订顺序:目录--内容提要--正文--参考文献--写作过程情况表--指导教师评议表参考文献应另起一页。 纸张型号:A4纸。A4210×297毫米论文份数:一式三份。 其他(调查报告、学习心得):一律要求打印。 2、论文的封面由学校统一提供。(或听老师的安排) 3、论文格式的字体:各类标题(包括“参考文献”标题)用粗宋


创业计划书的封面范本_创业计划书 1.计划摘要计划摘要列在创业计划书书的最前面,它是浓缩了的创业计划书的精华。计划摘要涵盖了计划的要点,以求一目了然,以便读者能在最短的时间内评审计划并做出判断。计划摘要一般要有包括以下内容:公司介绍;主要产品和业务范围;市场概貌;营销策略;销售计划;生产管理计划;管理者及其组织;财务计划;资金需求状况等。在介绍企业时,首先要说明创办新企业的思路,新思想的形成过程以及企业的目标和发展战略。其次,要交待企业现状、过去的背景和企业的经营范围。在这一部分中,要对企业以往的情况做客观的评述,不回避失误。中肯的分析往往更能赢得信任,从而使人容易认同企业的创业计划书。最后,还要介绍一下创业者自己的背景、经历、经验和特长等。企业家的素质对企业的成绩往往起关键性的作用。在这里,企业家应尽量突出自己的优点并表示自己强烈的进取精神,以给投资者留下一个好印象。在计划摘要中,企业还必须要回答下列问题: (1)企业所处的行业,企业经营的性质和范围; (2)企业主要产品的内容; (3)企业的市场在那里,谁是企业的顾客,他们有哪些需求; (4)企业的合伙人、投资人是谁; (5)企业的竞争对手是谁,竞争对手对企业的发展有何影响。摘要要尽量简明、生动。特别要详细说明自身企业的不同

之处以及企业获取成功的市场因素。如果企业家了解他所做的事情,摘要仅需2页纸就足够了。如果企业家不了解自己正在做什么,摘要就可能要写20页纸以上。因此,有些投资家就依照摘要的长短来“把麦粒从谷壳中挑出来” 2.产品(服务)介绍在进行投资项目评估时,投资人最关心的问题之一就是,风险企业的产品、技术或服务能否以及在多大程度上解决现实生活中的问题,或者,风险企业的产品(服务)能否帮助顾客节约开支,增加收入。因此,产品介绍是创业计划书中必不可少的一项内容。通常,产品介绍应包括以下内容:产品的概念、性能及特性;主要产品介绍;产品的市场竞争力;产品的研究和开发过程;发展新产品的计划和成本分析;产品的市场前景预测;产品的品牌和专利。在产品(服务)介绍部分,企业家要对产品(服务)作出详细的说明,说明要准确,也要通俗易懂,使不是专业人员的投资者也能明白。一般的,产品介绍都要附上产品原型、照片或其他介绍。一般地,产品介绍必须要回答以下问题: (1)顾客希望企业的产品能解决什么问题,顾客能从企业的产品中获得什么好处? (2)企业的产品与竞争对手的产品相比有哪些优缺点,顾客为什么会选择本企业的产品? (3)企业为自己的产品采取了何种保护措施,企业拥有哪些专利、许可证,或与已申请专利的厂家达成了哪些协议? (4)为什么企业的产品定价可以使企业产生足够的利润,为什么用户会大批量地购买企业的产品?(5)企业采用何种方式


表A02 施工组织设计(方案)报审表 编号:致黑龙江省轻工建设监理有限公司(监理单位): 我方已根据施工合同的有关规定完成了工程专项施工方案的编制,并经我单位上级技术负责人审查批准,请予以审查。 附: 承包单位(章): 项目经理: 日期: 专业监理工程师审查意见: 专业监理工程师: 日期: 总监理工程师审核意见: 项目监理机构(章): 总监理工程师: 日期:

翠江锦苑工程 塔吊施工安全措施 工程名称:吉林市翠江锦苑工程 施工单位(章): 技术负责人: 项目经理: 项目技术负责人: 编制人: 审核人: 编制时间:

表A17-2 会签单 会签部门意见负责人签字生产 技术 质量 安全 环境 设备物资 建设单位意见: 单位公章: 负责人签字: 日期:

哈医大二院干部病房楼工程施工组织设计 中国建筑第七工程局有限公司

第一章综合说明 1.1 编制说明 我局编制本施工组织设计的指导思想是:以安全及文明施工为突破口,以工程质量为核心,以工期管理为主线,以施工总承包管理为依托,以信息化施工为手段,以业务流程为标准,紧紧围绕本工程的“管理重点”和“施工重点”,抓住工程的要素,充分理解和掌握设计理念,精心组织,精心施工,确保向业主交付一个满意工程。 中国医科大学附属第一医院门诊内科病房楼工程是一座医疗功能齐全的现代化医疗建筑。对建筑企业来讲,承担该工程施工,既是严峻的挑战,更是崇高的荣誉。本施工组织设计所编制的范围为:中国医科大学附属第一医院门诊内科病房楼土建工程、装修工程、配套安装工程。 1.2 编制依据 1.2.1 主要规程、规范 表1-1 序号类别规范、规程名称编号 1 国家建筑设计防火规范GBJ16-87 2 国家高层民用建筑设计防火规范GB50045-95 3 国家人民防空地下室设计规范GB50038-2005 4 国家汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范GB50067-97 5 国家建筑结构可靠设计统一标准GB50068-2001 6 国家建筑结构荷载规范GB50009-2001 7 国家混凝土结构设计规范GB50010-2002 8 国家砌体结构设计规范GB50003-2001 9 国家建筑抗震设计规范GB50011-2001 10 国家建筑地基基础设计规范GB50007-2002 11 地方建筑地基基础技术规范(辽宁省标准)DB21/907-2005


这是国家行政机关的公文格式 国家行政机关公文格式国家行政机关公文格式 1 范围 本范围规定了国家行政机关公文通用的纸张要求、印制要求、公文中各要素排列和标识规则。 本标准适用于国家各级行政机关制发的公文。其他机关公文可参照执行。使用少数民族文字印制的公文,其格式可参照本标准按有关规定执行。 2 引用标准 下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。本标准出版时,所示版本均为有效。所有标准都会被修订,使用本标准的各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性。 GB/T 148-1997 印刷、书写和绘图纸幅面尺寸 3 定义 本标准采用下列定义。 3.1 字word 标识公文中横向距离的长度单位。一个字指一个汉字所占空间。 3.2 行line 标识公文中纵向距离的长度单位。本标准以3号字高度加3号字高度7/8倍的距离为一基准行;公文标准以2号字高度加2号字高度7/8倍的距离为一基准行。 4 公文用纸主要技术指标 公文用纸一般使用纸张定量为60g/m2-80g/m的胶纸印刷纸或复写纸。纸张白度为85%—90%,横向耐折度≥15次,不透明度≥85%,PH值为7.5—9.5。 5 公文用纸幅面及版面尺寸 5.1 公文用纸幅面尺寸 公文用纸张采用GB/T 148中规定的A4型纸,其成品幅面尺寸为:210mm×297mm,尺寸的允许偏差见GB/T 148。 5.2 公文页边与版心尺寸 公文用纸天头(上白边)为:37mm±1mm 公文用纸订口(左白边)为:28 mm±1mm 版心尺寸为:156 mm×225mm(不含页码) 6 公文中图文的颜色

未作特殊说明公文中图文的颜色均为黑色。 7 排版规格与印装要求 7.1 排版规格 正文用3号仿宋体字,文中如有小标题可用3号小标宋体字或黑体字,一般每面排22行,每行排28个字。 7.2 制版要求 版面干净无底灰,字迹清楚无断划,尺寸标准,版心不斜,误差不超过1mm。 7.3 印刷要求 双面印刷;页码套正,两面误差不得超过2mm。黑色油墨应达到色谱所标BL100%,红色油墨应达到色谱所标Y80%,M80%。印品着墨实、均匀;字面不花、不白、无断划。 7.4 装订要求 公文应左侧装订,不掉页。包本公文的封面与书芯不脱落,后背平整、不空。两页页码之间误差不超过4mm。骑马订或平订的订位为两钉钉锯外订眼距书芯上下各1/4处,允许误差±4mm。平订钉锯与书间的距离为3mm~5mm;无坏钉、漏钉、重钉,针脚平伏牢固;后脊不可散页明订。裁切成品尺寸误差±1mm,四角成90度,无毛茬或缺损。 8 公文中各要素标识规则 本标准将组成公文的各要素划分为眉首、主体、版记三部分。 置于公文首页红色反线(宽度同版心,即156mm)以上的各要素统称眉首;置于红色反线(不含)以下至主题词(不含)之间的各要素统称主体;置于主题词以下的各要素统称版记。 8.1 眉首 8.1.1 公文份数序号 公文份数序号号是将同一文稿印制若干份时每份公文的顺序 编号。如需标识公文份数序号,用阿拉伯数码顶格标识在版心左上角第1行。 8.1.2 秘密等级和保密期限 如需标识秘密等级,用3号黑体字,顶格标识在版心右上角 第1行,两字之间空1字;如需同时标识秘密等级和保密期限,用3号黑体字,顶格标识在版心右上角第1行,秘密等级和保密期限之间用”★”隔开。 8.1.3 紧急程度 如需标识紧急程度,用3号黑体字,顶格标识在版心右上角第1行,两字之间空1字;如需同时标识秘密等级和紧急程度,秘密等级顶格标识在版心右上角第1行如需标识秘密等级,用3号黑体字,顶格标识在版心右上角第1行,紧急程度顶格标识在版心右上角第2行。


投标书编制要求 一、投标书装在甲乙两个袋内,甲袋装施工组织设计3份(隐去名称的施工组织设计),必须承诺项目经理与被考察项目经理一致,并注明项目经理资质级别。施工组织设计统一采用word 系统的4号仿宋字体,全文不得用黑体,采用A4纸打印,图表一律采用A4加长纸打印。白纸封面、封底。在文件左侧装订两颗订书针,位置居中,不编页码。乙袋内装钓台中学教学楼建设工程投标标书(正、副本);施工图预算(正、副本);标明投标企业名称的施工组织设计正本、工程项目部批准成立文件原件、企业及项目部证件的复印件。 二、标书的密封 1、商务标要求用专用封袋和封条封口、封底,骑缝加盖法定代表人印鉴及法人公章。 2、技术标要求专用封袋和封条封口、封底,不盖章。 3、投标用的标袋、封条统一发放。 三、其它事项 1、参加开标会议的投标企业需携带法人委托书、身份证原件及企业营业执照、资质证书、项目经理证书等原件。 2、文件必须用钢笔工整填写或电脑打字,不得出现涂改、模糊等现象。 3、若投标书正、副本内容不一致时,以正本为准。 4、投标保证金收据投标时交工作人员查验。 四、投标须知中有关编制标书要求与此不符的,以本要求为准。

秦都区钓台中学 学生宿舍楼工程施工招标评标办法根据陕西省计委陕计项目(2003)298号关于转发国家七部委《工程建设项目施工招标投标办法》和陕计项目(2001)756号《评标委员会和评标方法暂行规定》的通知精神,秦都区钓台中学学生宿舍楼施工评标采用无标底评标法进行评审。 一、评标原则: 1、公开、公正、公平、诚实信用。 2、评标方法暂行规定。 3、保证工程质量,报价较低合理,工期符合要求,施工组织科学合理。 二、商务技术审查: 1、符合招标方案对投标企业的要求。 2、能够满足招标文件的实质性要求。 3、应当符合招标文件规定的技术要求和标准。 4、投标方应持法人证书或法人委托书及相应的身份证。 5、项目部构成应合理,并由具有相应资格的人员组成,有证明文件及证书。 6、是否存在以他人名义投标;串通投标、弄虚作假行为。 7、凡有以上六条之一审查不合格的作废标处理。 8、经审查有效投标企业在三家以下(不含三家)时,必须重新


北京邮电大学网络教育学院本科毕业论文(答辩)装订要求 一、毕业设计(论文)封面(网站下载) 二、毕业设计(论文)任务书(毕设系统下载打印) 三、中期检查报告(参加中期检查的函授学生需装订) 四、中文内容摘要和关键词(摘要字数200-400字,关键词在3-5个之间。) 五、目录(目录标题后要标明相对应的页码,包括一级标题、二级标题) 六、正文(正文字数要求不少于1万字) 七、参考文献目录 八、附录(实验数据表或计算机程序清单、图纸。为可选项) 九、胶装 毕业论文格式要求(结构格式标准) 一、纸型及页边距 型纸 规格 页边距 A4 297mm×210mm 上:30mm 下:23mm 左:35mm 右:28mm 二、论文格式 (一)毕业设计(论文)封面、毕业设计(论文)任务书、毕业设计(论文)中期报告、毕业设计(论文)指导教师评语按统一要求的格式打印。 (二)毕业设计(论文)前面的摘要页、目录等 “内容摘要”四个字为3号黑体,居中上下各空一行,内容为小4号宋体。 “关键词”三个字为4号黑体,内容为小4号黑体。 “目录”二个字为另起页3号黑体,内容(要标明页码)为小4号仿宋。 (三)毕业设计(论文)正文:文字另起页,论文标题为3号黑体,上下各空一行。 正文文中标题: 一级标题:标题序号用“一”…..,4号黑体,独占行,末尾不加标点符号。 二级标题:标题序号用“(一)”……,小4号黑体,独占一行,末尾不加标点符号。 三级标题:标题序号用“ 1 ”……,小4号宋体,与正文相同。 四级标题:标题序号为“(1)” ……,与正文字号、字体相同。 正文内容:用宋体小四号,每段空两格开头,行间距选择多倍行距中的倍行距。 图表标号: 图1(一级标题序号,用1、2、……表示)—1(图在本一级标题下排序,用1、2、……表示)如:图1—3(与图名称一起标注在图正下方) 表1(一级标题序号,用1、2、……表示)—1(表在本一级标题下排序,用1、2、……表示)如:表2—6(与表名称一起标注在表正上方) (四)“参考文献:”四个字为4号黑体,内容为5号宋体。 (五)参考文献列示格式(5号宋体) 书籍格式:〔编号〕作者,作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版时间 期刊格式:〔编号〕作者,作者.文章题目[J].期刊名,年份(期数):起页码~止页码 报纸格式:〔编号〕作者,作者.文章题目[N].报纸名,年月日,第几版 (六)注释(为可选项):在当前页采用脚注,序号用“①”“②”“③”等,内容5号宋体。 (七)附录(为可选项):4号黑体,内容5号宋体。


第一部分 资料封面式样目录格式及整理要求 一、目录分类 (一)依照路政治超工作实际,各路政支队、路政大(中)队、治超检测站按一级目录分类装盒,按二级目录归档建立资料卷。执法人员管理个人资料、一般程序的法律文书等虽不是二级目录,仍按个案立卷整理。 (二)一级目录是各单位资料总体分类,如:综合资料、执法宣传等为一级目录。二级目录是一级目录对应的下一级子目录,如:执法宣传对应的治超宣传、路政宣传等。若二级目录尚不能满足立卷需要,可按三级目录立卷,如在“综合资料”目录下的“收发文件”分为“上级来文、本级发文、下级来文”三个三级目录,分别单独立卷。 二、保管期限 各类资料的保管期限按实际工作需要确定,基本资料按国检周期保管5年(其他资料由各单位视情况延长保管期限),赔补偿案件处理、路政处罚法律文书保管期限均为5年。许可文书永久保存。 三、装订方式 (一)法律文书资料用不锈钢订书针装订,封面和目录纸粘贴覆盖订书针。 (二)其他资料打孔装订。 (三)当年内业资料统一按照季度进行整理装订(另有要求的除外),存放于资料盒内,资料一盒装不下的用(一)、(二)区别

(四)往年资料,原则上对照《档案法》基本要求,按年度分类装盒保管。 四、资料盒要求 资料盒按照一级目录归类(不包括上墙公示内容),规范化内业资料装订后统一存放于资料盒。资料盒为蓝色塑料盒,外形尺寸:长32CM×宽23.5CM×厚5.5CM,正面、侧面标签式样统一,分别标注为一级和二级目录名称和立卷单位名称。 资料盒效果图见附件1。 资料盒正面、侧面标签式样分见附件2、3。 五、封面标准要求 (一)内业资料封面字直接打印白色A4纸上,加装透明塑料保护膜,黑色竖夹收装。 资料封面的效果图见附件4。 封面式样见附件5,执法人员管理资料封面式样见附件6。 (二)资料封面上的“立卷人”、“日期”栏须手写。 六、文件排列 各类资料卷内的内装资料排列要求条理系统,能保持文件之间的联系,使卷内文件形成一个有机的整体。内装资料目录由序号、资料名称、页码、备注组成,一般按时间顺序排列,目录格式见附件7。 宣传资料目录单列,目录格式见附件8。 六、法律文书整理 (一)法律文书资料卷封面用纸统一为A4型(长297mmx宽210mm)。简易程序一卷一封面,一般程序一


合同封皮模板范文合同编号:ZLJS—鲁BX—001 浙江中磊建设有限公司建筑 工 程 承 包 合 同 、 浙江中磊建设晔基花园新城一期工程项目部 前言

合同编号: 工程名称_合同封皮模板。 施 工 合 同 工程名称: 工程地址: 发包方(甲方):承包方(乙方): xx年8月28日

卖方:辽宁乌钢金属销售有限公司买方:中铁物资集团东北有限公司 采购合同 合同编号:CCCG-xx-23 签订日期:xx年06月17日 卖方:沈阳百丰源物资经销有限公司买方:中铁物资集团东北有限公司 采购合同 合同编号:CCCG-xx-19 签订日期:xx年06月05日 销售合同 合同编号:CCXS-xx-02

甲方:中铁物资集团东北有限公司 乙方:中铁十四局集团有限公司沈阳地铁二号线一期土建工程第四合同段项目经理部 签订日期:xx年03月26日 销售合同 合同编号:CCXS-xx-13 甲方:中铁物资集团东北有限公司 乙方:锦州兴业房屋开发有限责任 公司 签订日期:xx年05月05日 销售合同 合同编号:CCXS-xx-15

甲方:中铁物资集团东北有限公司 乙方:辽阳凯利机电设备有限公司 签订日期:xx年5月17日 编号:__________ 劳动合同书 甲方:_________________________ 乙方:_________________________ 签订日期:__________ 年_____月_____日 X X 市劳动局制 甲方:乙方: 文化程度:

性别: 法定代表人出生日期_____年____月___日或委托代理人居民__号码 邮政编码 甲方地址家庭住址 所属街道办事处 根据《中华人民 __劳动法》,甲乙双方经平等协商同意,自愿签订本合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。 一、劳动合同期限 第一条本合同期限类型为___________________期限合同。本合同生效日期_______年_______月_______日,其中试用期 ______________个月。


[毕业论文格式]毕业论文范文格式 毕业论文范文格式,仅供大家参考。 毕业论文标准格式及范文 一: 1、题目。应能概括整个论文最重要的内容,言简意赅,引人注目,一般不宜超过20个字。论文摘要和关键词。 2、论文摘要应阐述学位论文的主要观点。说明本论文的目的、研究方法、成果和结论。尽可能保留原论文的基本信息,突出论文的创造性成果和新见解。而不应是各章节标题的简单罗列。摘要以500字左右为宜。 关键词是能反映论文主旨最关键的词句,一般3-5个。 3、目录。既是论文的提纲,也是论文组成部分的小标题,应标注相应页码。 4、引言(或序言)。内容应包括本研究领域的国内外现状,本论文所要解决的问题及这项研究工作在经济建设、科技进步和社会发展等方面的理论意义与实用价值。 5、正文。是毕业论文的主体。 6、结论。论文结论要求明确、精炼、完整,应阐明自己的创造性成果或新见解,以及在本领域的意义。 7、参考文献和注释。按论文中所引用文献或注释编号的顺序列在论文正文之后,参考文献之前。图表或数据必须注明来源和出处。

(参考文献是期刊时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、文章题目、期刊名(外文可缩写)、年份、卷号、期数、页码。 参考文献是图书时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、书名、出版单位、年份、版次、页码。) 8、附录。包括放在正文内过份冗长的公式推导,以备他人阅读方便所需的辅助性数学工具、重复性数据图表、论文使用的符号意义、单位缩写、程序全文及有关说明等。 二:本科毕业论文格式要求: 1、装订顺序:目录--内容提要--正文--参考文献--写作过程情况表--指导教师评议表 参考文献应另起一页。 纸张型号:a4纸。a4 210×297毫米 论文份数:一式三份。 其他(调查报告、学习心得):一律要求打印。 2、论文的封面由学校统一提供。(或听老师的安排) 3、论文格式的字体:各类标题(包括“参考文献”标题)用粗宋体;作者姓名、指导教师姓名、摘要、关键词、图表名、参考文献内容用楷体;正文、图表、页眉、页脚中的文字用宋体;英文用times new roman字体。 4、字体要求: (1)论文标题2号黑体加粗、居中。 (2)论文副标题小2号字,紧挨正标题下居中,文字前加破折号。


结婚请柬封面怎么写经典范文分享 中国是礼仪之邦,凡事都很讲究礼仪。而结婚请柬作为一种正式文书,中国新人更需在请柬书写中体现个人的文化修养。那结婚请柬封面怎么写才算是大方得体呢?下面就来看看文章为大家整理的内容吧。 一、结婚请柬封面怎么写 写结婚请帖的称谓,不同身份有不同用语。直系旁系血缘亲属间的称谓和同事、领导、朋友间的称呼。亲属间的称谓分为长辈、平辈和晚辈;领导用职位名称,同事和朋友都可以用先生或小姐。

(一)对方夫妻双方 1、结婚者不论有无小孩,都写姓名+全家福后面不用再加“收或啟”; 2、没小孩平辈也可以姓名+贤伉儷+“钧啟”或“台啟”。 (二)同事 1、女生:姓名+ 小姐芳啟; 2、男生:姓名+ 先生台啟或大啟。

(三) 长辈 1、适用已婚方式写 2、如果是姑姑或阿姨已婚记得信封上应以姑丈或姨丈的名字(只写姑姑名字很没礼貌); 3、姑伯叔姨等如果爸爸妈妈还在的话用姓名+“全家福”写之(因為他们算是父母的平辈算是父母邀请的); 4、如果父母不在时应以xx姑父大人、伯父大人、姨父大人、舅父大人+“钧啟”写之。

(四)领导 1、单身正确版:姓+ 称谓+ 名+先生或小姐+ “钧啟” 2、单身通用版:姓名+ 称谓+ “钧啟” 3、己婚:姓名+ 称谓+ "全家福" 或姓名+ “全家福” 4、称呼若不採用一般性的先生、女士、小姐,而改用受信人职位,其写法是「姓、职位、名、啟封词」,例如:「黄正德主任大啟」、「黄主任正德大啟」。请别人一家人,应该用“全家福”或“阖府统请”。 二、结婚请柬怎么写 请柬一般有标题、称呼、正文、结尾、落款五部分构成。
