组织行为学 练习12章

组织行为学 练习12章
组织行为学 练习12章

Chapter 12 Basic Approaches to Leadership


What Is Leadership?

1. John Kotter’s view argues that management focuses on coping with complexity, whereas

leadership focuses on coping with _____.

a. conflict

b. success

c. defeat

d. morale

e. change

(e; Moderate; Management and Leadership; p. 385)

2. Which of the following roles focuses on bringing about order and consistency by drawing up

formal plans?

a. leadership

b. management

c. task structure

d. initiating structure

e. none of the above

(b; Easy; Management; p. 385)

3. Leadership is best defined as _____.

a. the ability to influence a group in goal achievement

b. keeping order and consistency in the midst of change

c. implementing the vision and strategy provided by management

d. coordinating and staffing the organization and handling day-to-day problems

e. not a relevant variable in modern organizations

(a; Moderate; Leadership; p. 385)

4. Which of the following statements regarding leadership is true?

a. All leaders are managers.

b. Formal rights enable managers to lead effectively.

c. All managers are leaders.

d. All leaders are hierarchically superior to followers.

e. Nonsanctioned leadership is as important as or more important than formal influence.

(e; Challenging; Leadership; p. 386) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

Trait Theories

5. Which theory differentiates leaders from nonleaders by focusing on personal qualities and


a. Fiedler’s perspective

b. characteristic theory

c. LPC

d. contingency theory

e. trait theory

(e; Easy; Trait Theories; p. 386)


6. According to a comprehensive review of the leadership literature, what is the most important trait

of effective leaders?

a. conscientiousness

b. openness

c. extraversion

d. agreeableness

e. emotional stability

(c; Easy; Big Five and Trait Theories; p. 386)

7. Recent studies indicate that ________ may indicate effective leadership.

a. an endless supply of terrific ideas

b. a compelling vision

c. a highly analytical mind

d. outstanding training

e. emotional intelligence

(e; Easy; Emotional Intelligence and Trait Theories; p. 387)

8. Emotional intelligence is so critical to effective leadership because one of its core components is


a. conscientiousness

b. empathy

c. openness

d. extraversion

e. agreeableness

(b; Easy; Trait Theories; p. 387)

9. There is fairly strong evidence that traits can predict _____ more accurately than leadership


a. leadership emergence

b. extraversion in leaders

c. leadership awareness

d. leadership competence

e. the conscientiousness of leaders

(a; Moderate; Trait Theories; p. 388)

Behavioral Theories

10. Trait research suggests that we focus on _____, whereas behavioral studies imply that we can

effectively _____.

a. teaching people certain traits; teach people certain behaviors

b. selecting the right person for a job; train leaders

c. changing jobs to suit people; change people to suit jobs

d. training new employees; dispense with training

e. identifying certain traits in leaders; ignore leaders’ traits

(b; Moderate; Trait Theories versus Behavioral Theories; p. 389) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

11. If trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are _____.

a. trained

b. born

c. authoritarian

d. educated

e. grown

(b; Moderate; Trait Theories; p. 389)


12. If behavioral leadership theories are correct, then _____.

a. leadership behaviors are consistent

b. leaders are born with leadership behaviors

c. leaders’ behavior should be altered

d. leadership can be taught

e. women generally make better leaders than men

(d; Moderate; Behavioral Theories; p. 389)

13. Which of the following is not a behavioral theory of leadership?

a. Ohio State studies

b. Fiedler model

c. University of Michigan studies

d. managerial grid

e. All of the above are behavior theories of leadership.

(b; Moderate; Behavioral Theories; pp. 389-390) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

14. The two dimensions of leadership behavior explained in the Ohio State studies are _____.

a. coercion and motivation

b. concern for people and concern for production

c. employee-oriented and production-oriented

d. initiating structure and consideration

e. operant conditioning and classical conditioning

(d; Moderate; Ohio State Studies; p. 389) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

15. According to the Ohio State studies, the e xtent to which a leader’s behavior is directed toward

getting the job done is called _____.

a. consideration

b. maximization

c. relationship-oriented

d. path-goal

e. initiating structure

(e; Moderate; Initiating Structure; p. 389)

16. A leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following?

a. seek consensus

b. exhibit laissez-faire type of leadership

c. maximize leader-member relations

d. assign group members to particular tasks

e. empower employees to make their own decisions

(d; Moderate; Initiating Structure; p. 389) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

17. According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships

characterized by mutual trust and respect for his/her employees is _____.

a. consideration

b. matrix

c. consensus-building

d. LPC

e. maximization

(a; Moderate; Consideration; p. 389)


18. The two dimensions of leadership behavior identified in the University of Michigan studies are


a. coercion and motivation

b. emotional and rational

c. employee-oriented and production-oriented

d. initiating structure and consideration

e. initiation and completion

(c; Moderate; University of Michigan Studies; p. 390) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

19. The University of Michigan studies define a(n) _____ leader as one who takes personal interest in

the needs of his/her subordinates.

a. LMX

b. contextual

c. employee-oriented

d. consensus-building

e. consummate

(c; Moderate; Employee-Oriented Leaders; p. 390)

20. If a leader’s main concern is accomplishing his/her group’s tasks, the University of Michigan

studies label this leader _____.

a. consideration-oriented

b. managerial

c. ineffective

d. high achieving

e. production-oriented

(e; Moderate; Production-Oriented Leaders; p. 390)

21. According to University of Michigan researchers, which type of leaders is associated with higher

group productivity and higher job satisfaction?

a. situational

b. employee-oriented

c. production-oriented

d. initiating structure-oriented

e. heliocentric

(b; Moderate; Employee-Oriented Leaders; p. 390)

22. The graphic portrayal of a two-dimensional view of leadership style by Blake and Mouton is known

as the _____.

a. least preferred co-worker scale

b. leader-participation model

c. autocratic-democratic continuum

d. managerial grid

e. matrix of discretion

(d; Easy; Managerial Grid; p. 390)

23. According to the Managerial Grid, managers perform best using which of the following styles?

a. 9,9

b. consideration

c. contingency

d. development-oriented

e. rigid

(a; Moderate; Managerial Grid; p. 390)


24. According to Blake and Mouton, a leader with a 9,1 style can best be described as a(n) ____ type

of leader.

a. visionary

b. laissez-faire

c. authority

d. effusive

e. contrasting

(c; Moderate; Managerial Grid; p. 390)

Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory

25. All contingency theories are based on the idea that effective leadership performance depends on


a. the proper match between the le ader’s style and the control the situation gives the leader

b. selecting the right leadership style based on the level of the followers’ readiness

c. using a leadership style that is appropriate to the situational conditions

d. making use of the best path for the goal that is identified

e. none of the above

(c; Challenging; Contingency Models; p. 392) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

26. Who proposed a contingency theory?

a. Fiedler

b. Surber

c. Grey

d. Deickman

e. Swartz

(a; Easy; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 392)

27. The first comprehensive contingency model for leadership was developed by _____.

a. Hersey and Blanchard

b. Blake and Mouton

c. Fred Fiedler

d. John Kotter

e. Douglas Surber

(c; Moderate; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 392)

28. Which model represents the theory that effective group performance depends on the proper

match between a leader’s style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader?

a. Leader-Member Exchange Model

b. Fiedler’s Contingency Model

c. Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model

d. Vroom and Yetton’s Leader-Participation Model

e. none of the above

(b; Moderate; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 392)

29. Who developed the LPC (least preferred co-worker) questionnaire?

a. Wachner

b. Fiedler

c. House

d. Blake and Mouton

e. Surber

(b; Moderate; Least Preferred Coworker; p. 392)


30. In Fiedler’s model, if a respondent describes his or her least preferred co-worker in relatively

positive terms, then the respondent is considered to be _____.

a. relationship-oriented

b. people-oriented

c. consensus-building

d. consideration-focused

e. unrealistic

(a; Challenging; Least Preferred Coworker; p. 392) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

31. If a survey respondent sees his or her least preferred co-worker in unfavorable terms, Fiedler

would categorize the respondent as _____.

a. overly critical

b. task-oriented

c. emotionally deficient

d. insightful

e. laissez-faire

(b; Moderate; Least Preferred Coworker; p. 392) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

32. Fiedler’s contingency model assumes that an individual’s leadership style is _____.

a. changeable

b. contingent

c. situational

d. fixed

e. intangible

(d; Moderate; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 392)

33. Three situational criteria identified in the Fiedler model are _____.

a. job requirements, position power, and leadership ability

b. charisma, influence, and leader-member relations

c. leader-member relations, task structure, and position power

d. task structure, leadership ability, and group conflict

e. emotional intelligence, group orientation, and employee status

(c; Moderate; Fiedler’s Key Situational Factors; p. 393) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

34. Fiedler labels the degree of confidence, trust, and respect that subordinates have in their leader

as _____.

a. leader-member relations

b. relationship orientation

c. positional power

d. employee-orientation

e. none of the above

(a; Easy; Leader-Member Relations; p. 393)

35. The degree to which job assignments are procedurized is classified in the Fiedler model as _____.

a. leader-member relations

b. task orientation

c. task structure

d. initiating structure

e. productivity oriented

(c; Moderate; Task Structures; p. 393)


36. Fiedler’s theory predicts that an individual who is considered task oriented w ill be most effective

when the situation is _____.

a. moderately to highly favorable

b. moderately favorable

c. moderately to highly unfavorable

d. very favorable or very unfavorable

e. highly favorable

(d; Challenging; Matching Leaders and Situations; pp. 393-394) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

37. Based on the contingency theory, if the leadership style does not match the situation, you should


a. change the leader to fit the situation

b. change the situation to fit the leader

c. accept this circumstance as unchangeable

d. either a or b

e. retrain the leader in a more appropriate style

(d; Moderate; Matching Leaders and Situations; p. 394) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

38. The reconceptualization of the contingency model by Garcia and Fiedler is called _____ theory.

a. situational

b. cognitive resource

c. evaluative

d. leadership recognition

e. cognitive dissonance

(b; Moderate; Cognitive Resource Theory; p. 395)

39. Cognitive resource theory focuses on the role of ____ as a form of situational unfavorableness

and how a leader’s intelligence and experience influence his or her reaction.

a. stress

b. task structure

c. position power

d. conflict

e. resolution

(a; Moderate; Cognitive Resource Theory; p. 395)

40. All of the following are findings of the cognitive resource theory except _____.

a. low stress situations show a positive relationship between intellectual abilities and performance

b. low stress situations show a positive relationship between job experience and performance

c. high stress situations show a negative relationship between intellectual abilities and


d. high stress situations show a positive relationship between job experience and performance

e. None of the above are findings of the theory.

(b; Moderate; Cognitive Resource Theory; p. 395) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

41. Hersey and Blanchard developed which of the following?

a. situational leadership theory

b. cognitive resource theory

c. managerial grid model

d. path-goal theory

e. cognitive orientation model

(a; Moderate; Situational Leadership Theory; p. 395)


42. Hersey and Blanchard’s leadership theory differs from other leadership theories primarily because

it _____.

a. explores the role of the expectations of the leader for the follower

b. focuses on the followers

c. holds that leadership style should be dependent on the situation

d. is normative

e. deals strictly and exclusively with contingencies

(b; Challenging; Situational Leadership Theory; p. 395) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

43. According to Hersey and Blanchard, readiness encompasses the _____.

a. degree of confidence, trust, and respect members have in their leader

b. amount of influence a leader has over variables such as hiring, firing, and salaries

c. level of morale and satisfaction of the employees

d. ability and willingness of the followers to accomplish a task

e. all of the above

(d; Moderate; Readiness; p. 396) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

44. Hersey and Blanchard say that the laissez-faire leadership style should be used when employees

are ____ to accomplish a task.

a. unable and willing

b. able and unwilling

c. unable and unwilling

d. able and willing

e. none of the above

(d; Moderate; Situational Leadership Theory; p. 396) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

45. What theory was developed by Robert House?

a. cognitive resource model

b. decision theory

c. leader-member exchange theory

d. path-goal theory

e. situational leadership theory

(d; Moderate; Path-Goal Theory; p. 396)

46. The leadership model that integrates the expectancy theory of motivation with the Ohio State

leadership research is _____.

a. path-goal

b. contingency

c. leader-participation

d. leader-member exchange

e. cognitive arousal

(a; Challenging; Path-Goal Theory; p. 396)

47. What is the essence of the path-goal theory?

a. Successful leadership is achieved by selecting the right leadership style.

b. Stress is a form of situational unfavorableness and a leader’s reaction to it depends on his or

her intelligence and experience.

c. Effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader’s style and the

degree to which the situation gives control to the leader.

d. Leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their followers because of time


e. The leader is responsible for providing followers with the information, support, or other

resources necessary for them to do their jobs.

(e; Moderate; Path-Goal Theory; p. 397) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}


48. The leadership behaviors identified by the path-goal theory are _____.

a. supportive, employee-oriented, laissez-faire, and participative

b. achievement-oriented, supportive, humanistic, and directive

c. participative, achievement-oriented, directive, and supportive

d. directive, participative, supportive, and laissez-faire

e. affective, cognitive, and behavioral

(c; Challenging; Path-Goal Theory; p. 397) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

49. Which path-goal leadership style leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or


a. directive

b. supportive

c. participative

d. mixed

e. reactive

(a; Moderate; Path-Goal Theory; p. 397) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

50. According to House, what leader is friendly and shows concern for the needs of followers?

a. the achievement-oriented leader

b. the directive leader

c. the laissez-faire leader

d. the participative leader

e. the supportive leader

(e; Easy; Path-Goal Theory; p. 397)

51. Which of the following is not an example of a prediction based on path-goal theory?

a. Subordinates with an internal locus of control will be more satisfied with a directive style.

b. Directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful.

c. Supportive leadership results in high employee performance when performing structured tasks.

d. Directive leadership is likely to be perceived as redundant by employees with a lot of


e. All of the above are examples of predictions based on path-goal theory.

(a; Challenging; Path-Goal Theory Predictions; p. 398) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory

52. Which of the following theories argues that because of time pressures, leaders establish a special

relationship with a small group of their subordinates?

a. managerial grid

b. leader-member exchange

c. path-goal

d. expectancy

e. contingency

(b; Easy; Leader-Member Exchange Theory; p. 398)

53. According to LMX theory, which of the following is not true of those individuals who fall into the


a. They receive a disproportionate amount of the leader’s attention.

b. They have leader-follower relations based on formal authority interaction.

c. They are less truste


d. They receive fewer of the preferred rewards that the leader controls.

e. All of the above statements are true.

(a; Easy; Leader-Member Exchange Theory; p. 399) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}


54. According to LMX theory, a leader implicitly categorizes followers as “in” or “out” _____.

a. after careful analysis

b. on a temporary basis

c. early in the interaction

d. because of political pressure

e. based on job requirements

(c; Easy; Leader-Member Exchange Theory; p. 399)

Decision Theory; Vroom and Yetton’s Leader-Participation Model

55. The leader-participation model was developed by _____.

a. Hersey and Blanchard

b. Fred Fiedler

c. Blake and Mouton

d. Vroom and Yetton

e. Douglas and Surber

(d; Moderate; Leadership-Participation Model; p. 400)

56. Vroom and Yetton’s leadership theory c ould also be described as a _____ theory.

a. contingency

b. decision

c. behavioral

d. trait

e. cognitive dissonance

(b; Moderate; Leadership-Participation Model; p. 400)

57. Criticism of Vroom and Yetton’s leader-participation model focus on ________.

a. the model’s overall complexity

b. the lack of research testing of the model

c. the abstract nature of the model

d. the model’s emphasis on follower commitment

e. the model’s emphasis on time restrictions related to decision-making

(a; Challenging; Criticism of Leadership-Participation Model; p. 400)


What Is Leadership?

58. Leadership and management are two terms that are often confused.

(True; Easy; Management and Leadership; p. 385)

59. According to Kotter, management focuses on coping with change; leadership focuses on coping

with complexity.

(False; Moderate; Management and Leadership; p. 385)

60. Leadership can be defined as the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of


(False; Moderate; Leadership; p. 385)

61. Holding a management position is an important step towards becoming a leader in an


(False; Moderate; Management and Leadership; p. 385)

62. Strong leadership is the primary element needed for optimum organizational effectiveness.


(False; Moderate; Leadership; p. 385)


Trait Theories

63. By the 1990s, numerous studies indicated that leaders differed from nonleaders only in ambition

and self-confidence.

(False; Challenging; Leadership; p. 386)

64. Research efforts at isolating leadership traits achieved a breakthrough, of sorts, when researchers

began organizing traits around the Big Five personality framework.

(True; Moderate; Big Five and Trait Theories; p. 386)

65. The Big Five personality framework revealed that traits are most useful as predictors of leadership


(True; Moderate; Big Five and Trait Theories; p. 386)

Behavioral Theories

66. Trait research would provide a basis for selecting the “right” persons to assume formal positions

requiring leadership.

(True; Easy; Trait Theories; p. 389)

67. One assumption of the trait view of leadership is that leaders cannot be trained.

(True; Moderate; Trait Theories; p. 389)

68. If behavioral theories of leadership are valid, selection of leaders should focus on length of

experience an individual has obtained in the right situations.

(False; Easy; Behavioral Theories; p. 389)

69. If behavioral theories of leadership are valid, we could have an infinite supply of effective leaders. (True; Challenging; Behavioral Theories; p. 389)

70. The most comprehensive and replicated of the behavioral theories resulted from research begun

by Fred Fiedler.

(False; Moderate; Ohio State Studies; p. 389)

71. The Ohio State Studies involved research on only two dimensions –initiating structure and


(True; Moderate; Ohio State Studies; p. 389)

72. A leader designated as high on initiating structure would be likely to clearly define the roles of his

or her subordinates.

(True; Easy; Initiating Structure; p. 389)

73. According to the University of Michigan studies, production-oriented leadership is defined as the

extent to which a leader tends to emphasize the technical or task aspects of the job.

(False; Moderate; University of Michigan Studies; p. 390)

74. The University of Michigan studies found that production-oriented leaders were associated with

higher group productivity than employee-oriented leaders.

(False; Challenging; University of Michigan Studies; p. 390)

75. The managerial grid model of leadership uses a grid containing nine possible positions on each

axis, representing 81 different positions in which a leader’s style may fall.

(True; Moderate; Managerial Grid; p. 390)


76. The managerial grid model holds that managers tend to perform best under a 9,9 management


(True; Moderate; Managerial Grid; p. 390)

77. The managerial grid was developed by a team of researchers known as the Scandinavian Studies


(False; Easy; Managerial Grid; p. 390)

78. The managerial grid helped promote the progress of leadership research by identifying the

productivity results produced by each of 81 different leadership styles.

(False; Challenging; Managerial Grid; p. 390)

Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory

79. The Fiedler contingency model proposes that effective group performance depends upon the

proper match between a leader’s style and the degree to which a situation gives control to the leader.

(True; Moderate; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 392)

80. Fiedler’s contingency model is considered to be the f irst comprehensive contingency model for


(True; Moderate; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 392)

81. Contingency models of leadership suggest that there is no one best style of leadership.

(True; Easy; Contingency Models; p. 392)

82. Fiedler beli eves that a key factor in leadership success is the follower’s preferences for co-worker


(False; Easy; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 392)

83. Fiedler’s findings focused on results obtained from his pioneering use of the most preferred co-

worker (MPC) questionnaire.

(False; Easy; Least Preferred Coworker; p. 392)

84. In Fiedler’s approach, if a respondent uses unfavorable terms to describe the co-worker in

question, the respondent can be said to be primarily task-oriented.

(True; Moderate; Least Preferred Coworker; p. 392)

85. Fiedler’s theory is based on the assumption that leaders can’t change their styles to fit changing


(True; Moderate; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 392)

86. Fiedler’s theory suggests that training is an effective t ool to improve leader effectiveness. (False; Moderate; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 392)

87. Fiedler’s three situational factors include: leader-member relations, task structure, and stress. (False; Moderate; Fiedler’s Key Situational Factors; p. 393)

88. According to Fiedler, task structure is the degree to which the job assignments are procedurized. (True; Moderate; Task Structures; p. 393)

89. According to Fiedler, leader-member relations concern the degree to which a leader takes a

personal interest in the needs of his or her employees and accepts individual differences among them.


(False; Challenging; Position Power; p. 393)


90. According to Fiedler’s contingency model, task-oriented leaders are most effective in situations of

high or low control.

(True; Moderate; Matching Leaders and Situations; pp. 393-394)

91. Fiedler assumes that we should concentrate on changing situations to suit the leaders or

changing the leaders to fit the situation.

(True; Moderate; Matching Leaders and Situations; p. 394)

92. Taken as a whole, tests of the overall validity of the Fiedler model tend to support substantial

parts of the model.

(True; Moderate; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 394)

93. One criticism of the Fiedler model concerns the fact that the logic underl ying the model’s

questionnaire is not well understood.

(True; Moderate; Problems with Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 395)

94. Studies regarding the Fiedler model have shown that respondents’ questionnaire scores tend to

be relatively stable.

(False; Moderate; Problems with Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 395)

95. One advantage of the Fiedler model is that its contingency variables are simple and easy to


(False; Moderate; Problems with Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 395)

96. The essence of cognitive resource theory is that stress is the enemy of rationality.

(True; Moderate; Cognitive Resource Theory; p. 395)

97. Cognitive resource theory predicts that in low-stress situations, bright individuals perform better in

the leadership role than their less intelligent counterparts.

(True; Moderate; Cognitive Resource Theory; p. 395)

98. Cognitive resource theory predicts that in high-stress situations, more experienced individuals

perform better than do less experienced people.

(True; Moderate; Cognitive Resource Theory; p. 395)

99. Under the cognitive resource theory, experience is generally a strong predictor of leadership


(False; Easy; Cognitive Resource Theory; p. 395)

100. Hersey and Blanchard argue that the correct leadership style is contingent on the level of the follower’s readiness.

(True; Easy; Situational Leadership Theory; p. 395)

101. Situational leadership theory essentially views the leader-follower relationship as analogous to that between a parent and child.

(True; Easy; Situational Leadership Theory; p. 396)

102. Situational leadership theory has been well validated by research but not well received by practitioners because there are so many factors to examine.

(False; Moderate; Situational Leadership Theory; p. 396)

103. SLT is an example of a trait theory.

(False; Easy; Situational Leadership Theory; pp. 395-396)


104. The path-goal model of leadership integrates the expectancy model of motivation with key elements of the Ohio State Studies.

(True; Moderate; Path-Goal Theory; p. 396)

105. Path-goal theory assumes leaders are flexible and can display different leadership behavior depending on the situation.

(True; Moderate; Path-Goal Theory; p. 397)

106. A hypothesis that has evolved out of path-goal theory is that directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful.

(True; Moderate; Path-Goal Theory Predictions; p. 398)

Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory

107. In the leader-member exchange theory, leaders don’t treat all of their s ubordinates alike. (True; Moderate; Leader-Member Exchange Theory; p. 397)

108. According to LMX theory, out-group members get more of the leader’s time, but in a negative manner.

(False; Moderate; Leader-Member Exchange Theory; p. 397)

109. In the leader-member exchange theory, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of employees called the “supportive followers.”

(False; Moderate; Leader-Member Exchange Theory; p. 397)

110. Research testing of LMX theory has been generally supportive.

(True, Moderate, Evaluation of Leader-Member Exchange Theory; p. 398)

Decision Theory; Vroom and Yetton’s Leader-Participation Model

111. The leader-participation model provides a set of rules that leaders can use to determine the appropriate leadership behavior for a given task structure.

(True; Moderate; Leadership-Participation Model; p. 400)

112. The complexity of the leadership-participation model enables leaders to apply it realistically when they are assessing decision-making situations.

(False; Challenging; Criticism of Leadership-Participation Model; p. 400)



Application of Trait Theories

Your company’s HR director is a believer in trait theories of leadership.He believes that he can differentiate leaders from non-leaders by focusing on personal qualities and characteristics. The HR director plans to promote Lawrence, a highly extroverted manager with a great deal of ambition and energy. Furthermore, the president of the company is preparing to retire, and the HR director is searching for her replacement. He asks for your expertise in helping him to apply trait theory to leadership selection within your company.

113. You explain that research efforts at isolating leadership traits have ________.

a. identified six leadership traits that predict leadership

b. been supportive of the Big Five leadership traits predicting leadership

c. shown that conscientiousness does not help much in predicting leadership

d. identified emotional stability as the most strongly related trait to leader emergence

e. been more focused on developing contingency theories and replacing trait theories

(b; Easy; Big Five and Trait Theories; p. 386) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

114. When selecting individuals for leadership positions, trait theory suggests that which of the following is least helpful for identifying leaders?

a. extraversion

b. conscientiousness

c. openness to experience

d. agreeableness

e. ambition

(d; Moderate; Big Five and Trait Theories; p. 387) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

115. You advise the director to prioritize which of the following when looking for appropriate candidates for the president’s replacement?

a. goal-orientation

b. analytical capacity

c. emotional intelligence

d. emotional stability

e. training

(c; Moderate; Emotional Intelligence and Trait Theories; p. 387) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

116. The director believes that because of these innate characteristics, Lawrence will be highly effective at helping the company achieve its production goals. You advise the director against this decision because ________.

a. research has identified emotional stability as the strongest predictor of leadership


b. studies have found that the Big Five traits are difficult to identify in leaders

c. studies have shown that traits are poor predictors of leadership effectiveness

d. research has found that conscientiousness is a better predictor of effectiveness than


e. research has shown that effective managers are often unlikely to become effective leaders (c; Moderate; Trait Theories; p. 388) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}


Application of Trait and Behavioral Theories

You are the CEO of an engineering design firm that has several departments, each specializing in the design of different products. You have noticed a great deal of difference between the styles of the various department directors. You also see a big difference in the morale, employee satisfaction levels, and effectiveness (productivity) levels of the departments. One of your goals as CEO is to maximize productivity across all departments.

117. As you look at the difference between the department directors, you notice that some are more charismatic and enthusiastic than others. In identifying this difference, you are looking at the directors’ _____.

a. behaviors

b. traits

c. personalities

d. attitudes

e. all of the above

(b; Easy; Traits; p. 386) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

118. Some of the departmental directors spend more time training and helping their employees, while other spend more time on the technical issues that arise in the development process. According to the categories used in the University of Michigan studies, the directors can be described as ________.

a. oriented toward initiating structure vs. oriented toward consideration

b. employee-oriented vs. production-oriented

c. training-oriented vs. development-oriented

d. assistance-oriented vs. growth-oriented

e. authority-type leaders vs. laissez faire-type leaders

(b; Moderate; University of Michigan Studies; p. 390) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

119. Based on the results of the University of Michigan studies, which directors most likely have departments with higher productivity and job satisfaction?

a. the employee-oriented leaders

b. the production-oriented leaders

c. the consideration-oriented leaders

d. the development-oriented leaders

e. the task-oriented leaders

(a; Moderate; Employee-Oriented Leaders; p. 390) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

120. Of all the departments, Gerard’s department has the greatest production output. His employees seem most satisfied with his leadership as well. You categorize the behavioral styles of each department director using the managerial grid. According to the work of Blake and Mouton, who developed the grid, which of the following is most likely to reflect Gerard’s score on t he grid?

a. 8,8

b. 5,5

c. 1,7

d. 7,1

e. 1,1

(a; Moderate; Managerial Grid; p. 390) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}


121. It can be inferred that the poorest performing director is most likely to receive which of the following scores on the managerial grid?

a. 9,9

b. 1,9

c. 9,1

d. 5,5

e. 1,1

(e; Challenging; Managerial Grid; p. 390) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

Application of Fiedler’s Contingency Theory

You have decided to use Fiedler’s LPC questionnaire to help your employees learn more about their leadership styles. Each of your employees has filled out and scored the instrument. It is your job to try to explain to them how to use the survey information.

122. According to Fiedler’s approach, your employees should assume which of the following about the leadership styles determined through using the survey?

a. Each person’s style is essentially fixed.

b. Each person can use the information to change his/her style to a more productive style.

c. Task-oriented leaders will not perform as well as relationship-oriented leaders in situations that

are very unfavorable.

d. Task-oriented leaders will perform better than relationship-oriented leaders in moderately

favorable situations.

e. Each person’s style will change in accordance with the situation at h and.

(a; Moderate; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 392) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

123. Fran completes the LPC questionnaire and finds that she described her least preferred co-worker in relatively positive terms. She is surprised by this finding because she recalls being particularly annoyed by this difficult co-worker. Based on your understanding of Fiedler’s model, you explain to Fran that her LPC score makes sense within the model because ________.

a. Fran tends to become very dominating when given ambiguous tasks

b. Fran is usually much more focused on productivity than on developing relationships

c. Fran tends in general to focus on building good relationships with the other employees at your


d. Fran has a spotty work history and has tended to switch jobs every couple of years

e. Fran is usually chosen for positions of high responsibility within your organization

(c; Challenging; Least Preferred Coworker; p. 392) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

124. In utilizing Fiedler’s contingency model, which of the following contingency dimensions should your employees pay attention to?

a. leader-member relations

b. task structure

c. position power

d. All of the above are important dimensions in this model.

e. None of the above are important dimensions in this model.

(d; Moderate; Fiedler’s Key Situational Factors; p. 393) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

125. The Fiedler model proposes ________.

a. changing the leader

b. changing the situation

c. matching leaders and situations

d. changing the employees

e. training the leader to match each situation

(c; Easy; Matching Leaders and Situations; p. 394) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}


Application of Various Theories

Your boss has been reading several books on leadership. You notice that every few months he is spouting a different approach and philosophy. You have been trying to keep up with him and figure out which “leadership theory of the month” he is studying.

126. Suddenly your boss begins sending people to training to help them develop more effective leadership styles. It is clear that he is reading an author who supports _____.

a. trait theories

b. behavioral theories

c. Fiedler’s contingency model

d. the reflection effect

e. none of the above

(b; Easy; Behavioral Theories; p. 389) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

127. You have noticed that your boss is often asking you what types of peers you least like to work with.

You suspect that he is trying to covertly determine your leadership style according to _____.

a. Hersey and Blanchard

b. Vroom and Yetton

c. Fiedler

d. Sondak

e. none of the above

(c; Easy; Fiedler Contingency Model; p. 392) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

128. This month your boss seems less concerned about his leaders than he is about the people who work for them and whether these employees are willing and able to perform particular tasks. Your boss is most likely reading _____.

a. Hersey and Blanchard

b. Vroom and Yetton

c. Fiedler

d. Christos

e. Fiedler and Garcia

(a; Easy, Situational Leadership Theory; p. 395) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

129. Now your boss seems to be trying to analyze each leader according to which employees they interact with most and least, and which employees they rate highest and lowest. You suspect that he is reading about which of the following models?

a. SLT

b. LMX

c. LPC

d. PGT


(b; Moderate; Leader-Member Exchange Theory; p. 398) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}



组织行为学 第一章组织行为学概述 1、影响组织有效性的因素: ①环境因素(组织外部因素):可预测性、复杂性、敌对性; ②组织因素:结构、技术、规模、年限; ③管理政策和实践因素:战略、控制、领导、报酬、沟通、决策; ④员工因素:目标、技能、动机、态度、价值观。 2、20世纪60年代中叶之后,行为科学的又一个重要发展方向是对组织行为的研究,主要论述企业性组织中人和群体的行为。 3、1911年泰勒《科学管理原理》的面世标志着科学管理从此诞生。 4、霍桑实验:1924-1932年在美国西方电气公司所属霍桑工厂进行的一系列实验。 ①霍桑实验包括四个方面的内容:照明实验、福利实验、访谈实验、观察实验。 ②霍桑实验的一个重大贡献在于,它不同意泰勒把人只看成是“会说话的机器”或人的活动只是受金钱的驱使,认为人是“社会人”。 另一个重大的贡献是,它发现并证实了“非正式群体”的存在,这种“非正式群体”有其特殊的规范、感情和倾向,控制着每个成员的行为,甚至影响整个正式群体的活动。 ③经梅奥归纳、总结,整理成《工业文明中人的问题》一书,于1933年正式出版,由此形成了著名的人群关系学说。 5、组织行为学的学科基础:组织行为学是在心理学、生理学、生物学、人类学、社会学、伦理学和政治学等多种学科相交叉的边缘形成的新学科。 6、组织行为学的研究方法有:①自然实验法;②行为观察法;③心理测验法;

④现场调查法。 第二章个人行为基础 7、社会知觉的范围:①对他人的知觉;②人际知觉;③自我知觉。 8、自我概念:就是自己对自己的看法,莱米认为,自我概念是综合现在及过去对自己观察而获得的有关自己的知觉组织,是对自己的一种看法与想法。 9、归因:是人们对他人或自己的所作所为进行分析,指出其性质或推论其原因的过程。 10、归因理论:有凯利的归因理论,维纳的三维归因理论。 维纳的三维归因理论:人们对自己的成功和失败主要归因于四个因素:努力、能力、任务难度和机遇。 维纳的归因模式: 11、费斯廷格的认知失调理论: ①认知失调理论的假说:认知元素之间的矛盾或失调,使个体心理上的不快感和压迫感加剧,这时人们就设法减轻或消除不协调关系,从而促使个人的态度发生改变。 ②认知失调主要有两种来源:一是个人的决策行为,即需要在多个有同等价值的


三、名词解释 1.激励激励,就是激发鼓励的意思,就是利用某种外部诱因调动人的积极性和创造性,使人有一段内在的动力。朝向所期望的目标前进的心理过程。 2.自我实现这是马斯洛理论中最高层次的需要,指的是一种使人能最大限度地发挥自己的潜能并完成某项工作或某项事业的欲望。 3.保健因素保健因素是指和工作环境或条件相关的因素.这类因素处理不当或者说这类需要得不到满足人会导致职工的不满。甚至会严重挫伤职工的积极性;反之,这类因素处理得当,能防止工人产生不满情绪。但不能使职工有更高的积极性。由于这类因素带有预防性,只起保持人的积极性、维持上作现状的作用,为此这类因素称为"保健因素"。 4.激励因素激励因素是指和工作内容联系在一起的因素。这类因素的改善,或者使这类需要得到满足,往往能给职工以很大程度上的激励,产生工作的满意感,有利于充分、持久地调动职工的积极性;即使不具备这些因素和条件,也不会引起职工太大的不满意。由于这类因素能够激发人们做出最大的努力,所以称之谓激励因素。 5.期望值期望值是指采取某种行为可能导致的绩效和满足需要的概率。即采取某种行为对实现目标可能性的大小。 6.效价效价是指目标对于满足个人需要的价值,即一个人对某一结果偏爱的强度。 7.挫折挫折是指人们从事有目的的活动,在环境中遇到障碍和干扰,使其需要和动机不能获得满足时的情绪状态。 8.强化强化是指通过不断改变环境的刺激因素来达到增强、减弱或消失某种行为的过程。 四、简答题

1.简述激励的过程。 行为的基本心理过程就是一个激励过程,通过有意识地设置需要,使被激励的人产生动机,进而引起行为,满足需要,实现目标。 2.马斯洛需要层次论的主要内容是什么? 马斯洛把人的需要划分为七个层次:生理的需要、安全的需要、友爱和归属的需要、尊重的需要、求知的需要、求美的需要、自我实现的需要。 一般而言,生存和安全需要属于较低层次的物质方面的需要;社交、尊重和自我实现的需要,则属于较高恳次的、精神方面的需要。马斯洛认为,人的需要遵循递进规律,在较低层次的需要得到满足之前,较高层次的需要的强度不会很大,更不会成为主导的需要。当低层次的需要获得相对的满足后,下一个较高层次的需要就占据了主导地位,成了驱动行为的主要动力。 3.双因素理论的主要内容是什么? 赫兹伯格认为企业中影响人的积极性的因素可按其激励功能不同,分为激励因素和保健因素。保健因素不能直接起到激励人们的作用,但能防止人们产生不满的情绪。保健因素改善后,人们的不满情绪会消除,并不会导致积极后果。而激励因素才能产生使职工满意的积极效果。 4.管理上如何应用双因素理论? 赫兹伯格的双因素论,强调内在激励,在组织行为学中具有划时代意义,为管理者更好地激发职工工作的动机提供了新思路。 ①管理者在实施激励时,应注意区别保健因素和激励因素,前者的满足可以消除不满,后者的满足可以产生满意。


第五章 人格与价值观 读书笔记 姓名:行永乐 学号:0247 专业:管理科学与工程学院:商学院 任课老师:刘洪伟

一、脉络框架图 二、内容梗概 人格 人格的定义 人格:人格视为个体对他人的反应方式和交往方式的总和,它常常通过个体表现出来的可以测量的人格特质进行描述。 测量人格:自我报告—个人就一系列因素进行自我评估;观察者评定测量法—由以为同事或者另一名观察者进行评定。 人格的决定要素:人格是遗传和环境因素的产物;而研究已经倾向于支持遗传的重要性超过环境。 迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标(MBTI) 根据个体区分:外向的或内向的(E/I)、领悟的或直觉的(S或N)、思维的或情感的(T/F)、判断的或感知的(J/P)。 这一方法最大的优点就是能够提高人们的自我意识,并且能够提供职业指导。但是,MBTI的结果似乎与工作绩效无关,可能并不适合管理者把它作为员工选拔的工具。 大五模型 “大五”人格模型的五个基本维度是其他维度的基础,并且它们包含了人格特质中最重要的变量:外倾性、随和性、责任性、情绪稳定性、经验开放性。 责任心对于管理者来说与一线员工同等重要,在责任心上得分较高的个体,在工作相关知识方面水平也更高;在情绪稳定性上得分高的人比得分低的人幸福;在经验的开放性维度上得分高的个体在科学和艺术方面要比得分低的个体更有创造性。 其他人格特质对组织行为的影响 核心自我评价:拥有积极核心自我评价的人喜欢自己,认为自己是有效能和能力的,能够控制周围的环境。

马基雅维利主义:高马基雅维利主义的个体讲求实效,保持情感的距离,相信结果能替手段辩护。 自恋:指一个人具有极度自我重要的感觉,希望获得更多的称赞,有权利意识,并且自大。自恋的人会被评为更差的领导者,自恋的人会被老板评价为工作低效。 自我监控:指的是个体根据外部情境因素调整自己行为的能力。高自我监控者低自我监控者更密切关注别的行动,适应能力更强。他们的绩效评估得分更高,更容易成为领导者,得到更多的晋升机会。 冒险性:研究表明,与管理小型公司的成长导向型企业家相比,大型组织的管理人员更容易选择规避风险。但是最新研究发现,大型组织中的管理人员实际上更乐意采取冒险行为。根据工作具体要求考虑冒险倾向性更有意义。 A型人格:“总是不断地驱动自己要在最短的时间里干最多的事,并对阻碍自己工作的其他人或者事进行攻击”,重视数量而不是质量。 主动性人格:识别机会、具有主动性、采取行动并且会坚持不懈,一直到出现有意义的变化。 价值观 价值观:“从个人或者社会的角度来看,某种具体的行为模式或存在的最终状态比与之相反的行为模式或存在状态更取。” 价值观包括内容和强度两种属性。内容属性指的是某种行为模式或者存在状态是重要的;强度属性界定的是它有多重要。价值观是相对稳定和持久的。 价值观的重要性 价值观是了解员工态度和动机的基础,同时,它也影响到我们对人对事的知觉和判断。 终极价值观与工具价值观 罗克奇价值观调查:罗克奇编制了罗克奇价值观调查问卷,该问卷包括两种价值观类型—第一种类型称为终极价值观,指理想的终极存在状态;第二种类型称为工具价值观,指的是个体更偏好的行为模式或实现终极价值观的手段。 代际价值观 根据员工进入劳动力队伍的年代而分成几个群体,不同群体或不同时代的群体,拥有属于该时代的独特价值观。 人格、价值观与工作场所 人格-工作的匹配 人格—工作适应性理论:霍兰德提出六种人格类型(现实型、研究性、传统型、社会型、企业型、艺术型),员工对工作的满意度和流动意向,取决于个体的人格特点与职业环境的匹配度。 该理论指出,当人格类型与职业相匹配时,会产生最高的满意度和最低的流动率。该模型的关键在于:(1)不同个体在人格方面存在本质的差异(2)工作具有不同的类型(3)当工作环境与人格类型相互协调时,会产生更高的工作满意度和更低的离职意向。 个体-组织的匹配 组织面临着动态而变化的环境,它要求员工随时做好准备改变既定的工作任务、在不同的工作团队间轻松变动。 当个体的人格特点与组织不匹配时,他们会离开工作岗位;在招聘员工时遵循一定的原则,可以使遴选的新员工与组织文化更为匹配,反过来,又会带来更


《组织行为学》练习题 第一单元总论 1、定义组织行为学 答:组织行为学是一个研究领域,它探讨个体、群体、以及结构对组织内部行为的影响,以便应用这些知识来改善组织的有效性。当管理者通过他人完成他的工作时,组织行为学提供了指导他人的生产率,预测人在工作的行为的工具,并且提供了管理来自不同领域的个体所需要的洞察力。 2、组织行为学模型中3个分析水平是什么?它们之间有什么关系? 答:这三中分析水平是:个体水平,群体水平和组织系统水平。这三个基本的分析水平好像建筑砖块--每一个水平都建立在前一个水平之上。群体水平建立在个体水平之上,组织系统水平建立在群体水平之上。 3、组织行为学的权变观念意味着什么? 答:组织行为学的权变观念认为管理的对象和环境变化多端,必须按照对象和情景的具体情况,选择具体对策。 组织行为学告诉人怎样从错综复杂的情景中寻找关键性变量。然后找出变量与变量之间的因果关系,从而针对一定的情景,使用一定的对策。组织行为学的理论和方法,虽然倾向于人力资源学派,可是对其他学派也兼收并蓄,形成了一个综合性的知识体系。 埃德加·沙因(E·H·Schein)的人性假设 科学管理的人性观:理性——经济人"('rational-economicman) 人群关系学派的人性观:"社会人"

人力资源学派的人性观:"自我实现人"(self-actualizingman) 沙因的结论: 人的心理状态是复杂的,不仅人与人之间的差异,同一个人在不同环境、不同时期也会有差别。因此人不是单纯的"理性一经济人"、"社会人"或者"自我实现人",而是“复杂人”。管理者不能用一个固定的模式进行管理,而是要洞察他们的特点,对症下药。 4、描述克拉克洪-斯托特柏克文化分析方法 答:在分析文化差异方面被广泛参考的方法之一就是克拉克洪—斯托特柏克构架。它确定了6个基本的文化层面:天人观、时间观、人性观、作为观、责任观以及空间观。 天人观人们是屈服于自然环境,与自然和谐相处,还是征服自然?在许多中东国家,人们相信命中注定。他们认为一切事情的发生都是神的旨意。相反,美国人和加拿大相信人类能控制自然。他们愿意每年花费几十亿美元用于癌症研究,因为他们相信癌症病因是可以找到的,癌症是可以被治愈的,并且是会被根除的。 处于以上这两种极端观点之间有一种适度的观念、一种强调天人和谐关系的观点。在许多远东国家,人们应对环境的方法是改造它。 时间观一种文化是着眼于过去、现在还是将来?不同社会对时间的理解不同。例如,西方文化认为时间是一种稀有的资源。时间就是金钱,而且时间必须得到有效利用。美国人关注时间的现在和不远的将来。美国企业的绩效评估具有短期性就是一个证明。在典型的北美组织中,员工每6个月或1年接受1次评估。相反,日本人则具有长期的时间观,他们的绩效评估方法体现了这一点。日本工人通常可以用10年



第三章 一、单项选择题 (04)7、在执行任务时最有效的群体规模是( B )3 A、3—5人 B、5—7人 C、7-9人 D、9-10人 (04)8、规定了每个角色行为期待的是( B )3 A、角色同一性 B、心理契约 C、角色期待 D、角色知觉 (04)13、群体间互动行为的主要表现形式有两种,一是建设性的,二是( B )3 A、成功性的 B、失败性的 C、破坏性的 D、不确定性的 (04)18、决策活动的方式、方法,使决策活动沿着正确的方向进行的是( D )3 A、决策的基本规则 B、决策的有效性 C、决策的目的性 D、决策的选择性 ( 10)9、根据群体发展五阶段模型,群体内部成员之间开始形成亲密关系表现出一定的凝

聚力,是在( B )3 A、第二阶段 B、第三阶段 C、第四阶段 D、第五阶段 ( 10)10、群体规范界定了群体成员的行为范围,这是群体规范的( D )3 A、导向功能 B、动力功能 C、评价功能 D、标准功能 ( 10)11、有她人在场会使活动效率提高的现象是( A )3 A、群体促进效应 B、群体凝聚效应 C、群体协同效应 D、群体互动效应 ( 04)7、在满足成员的社会需要方面发挥着重要作用的群体是( B )3 A、正式群体 B、非正式群体 C、命令群体 D、任务群体 ( 04)9、最早对群体助长现象进行研究的是( C )3 A、舒兹 B、勒温 C、特里普利特 D、阿西 ( 10)5、在实际工作中,能够直接引导和限制

着个体的态度和行为,使群体成员明白该做什么、不该做什么的是( D )3 A、角色认同 B、角色期待 C、角色直觉 D、群体规范 ( 10)6、一个人在群体中工作不如单独一个人工作时努力,这称为( B )3 A、社会促进效应 B、社会惰化 C、协同效应 D、从众效应 (04)6、决定一个工作群体在组织权利结构中位置的是( B )3 A、人事结构 B、职权结构 C、群体结构 D、奖惩结构 (04)7、一个人在群体中工作不如单独一个人工作时努力,这称为( A )3 A、社会惰性 B、从众 C、社会促进效应 D、刻板印象 (04)8、最有效的群体规模是( B )3 A、3人或5人 B、5人或7人 C、7人或9人 D、9人或11人 (10)5、在员工—组织关系中,界定每个角色行为期待的是( C )3 A、经济合同 B、社会规范 C、


第五章激励理论及其应用 一、简答题 1.什么是双因素激励理论?如何将保健因素转化为激励因素? 答:双因素激励理论的基本观点: (1)传统理论认为,“满意”的对立面是“不满意”,但双因素理论认为“满意”的对立面是“没有满意”,“不满意”的对立面是“没有不满意”。 (2)那些使员工对工作感到不满意的因素主要是与工作环境相联系的保健因素。保健因素主要起预防作用。保健因素包括工作本身、认可、成就和责任、进步、晋升等。在工作激励中,保健因素的满足主要是避免员工的不满意。 (3)那些使员工感到满意的因素主要是与工作内容相联系的激励因素。激励因素包括公司政策和管理、监督、薪水、工作条件、安全以及人际关系等。只有对激励因素的满足才能真正达到激励员工的目的。 将保健因素转化为激励因素的措施有:(1)精神激励是最长久,通过有效的领导、积极向上的企业文化、个人参与、多元化价值观等事业留人、也可通过绩效管理、行业发展、职业的优越感、绩效激励等情感留人;(2)个人目标和公司目标结合;(3)帮助员工做好职业规划;(4)制定较为灵活的薪酬策略,与工作发展前途对应等 2.内容型激励理论主要包括马斯洛的需要层次理论、奥尔德弗的ERG理论、赫兹伯格的双因素理论和麦克利兰

的成就需要理论,试对它们进行比较。 答:ERG理论是在需要层次论基础上的发展主要表现在: (1)马斯洛的需要层次论是建立在满足——上升的基础上的。也就是说一旦较低层次需要已经得到满足,人们将进到更高一级的需要上去;而ERG 论不仅体现满足——上升的方面,而且也提出了遇挫折——倒退这一方面。挫折——倒退说明较高的需要未满足或受到挫折的情况下,更着重或把更强烈的欲望放在一个较低层次的需要上。 (2)需要层次论认为,每一个时期只有一种突出的需要;而ERG 论指出在任何一个时间内可以有一个或一个以上的需要发生作用。 (3)需要层次论认为,人的需要是严格地按由低到高逐级上升的, 不存在越级,也不存在由高到低的下降;而ERG论则指出,人的需要并不一定严格按由低到高发展的顺序,而是可以越级的。 (4)需要层次论认为,人类有五种需要,它们是生来就有的,是内在的;而ERG论则认为,只有三种需要,其中有生来就有的,也有经过后天学习得到的。 (5) ERG论在一定程度上修正了马斯洛的需要层次理论弥补了需要层次理论的不足,更符合现实社会中人们的行为特点。 成就激励论是在需要层次论基础上的升华主要表现在: (1)着重点不同。需要层次论研究从低到高顺序的五种需要;而成就激励论不研究人的基本生理需要,主要研究在人的生理需要基本得到满足的前提条件下,人还有哪些需要。 (2)认识度不同。需要层次论认为五种需要都是生来就有的,是内在的;


《组织行为学》练习题及参考答案 一、名词解释(答对给每小题4分,共16分) 1. 1. 激励 2. 2. 群体 3.组织文化 4.组织变革 二、单项选择题(每选对一小题给1分,共10分,不选、错选或多选均不得分)1.将人视为自私自利、好逸恶劳的是哪一种假设?() A. 经济人 B. 社会人 C. 自我实现人 D. 复杂人 2.弗洛依德认为个性中不受社会道德规范约束的部分是()。 A. 自我 B. 本我 C.超我 D. 忘我 3.通过社会知觉获得个体某一行为特征的突出印象,进而将此扩大为他的整体行为特征,这种知觉属于()。 A. 知觉防御 B. 晕轮效应 C. 首因效应 D. 定型效应 4.当一个人在爱情问题上受到挫折后并未消沉,而是更加努力学习和工作,使工作做出了显著的成绩。这种行为反应是()。 A. 坚持原有目标的行为反应 B. 升化的行为反应 C. 反向的行为反应 D. 放弃的行为反应 5.如果职工A认为和职工B相比,自己报酬偏低,但他并无怨言,根据公平理论,A为了增加报酬会采取以下哪种行为()。 A. 增加自己的投入 B. 减少自己的投入 C. 努力增加日的报酬 D. 使B减少投入 6.在紧急情况下或与公司利益关系重大的问题上,冲突的处理方式是()。 A. 强制 B. 开诚合作 C. 妥协 D. 回避 7.“乡村俱乐部式的管理”是哪种领导方式?() A. 1?1 B. 1?9 C. 5?5 D. 9?9 8. 大型组织拥有的成员一般在多少人左右?() A. 3-30人 B. 30-1000人 C. 1000-45000人 D. 45000人以上 9.下面哪一个不是组织的基本要素?() A. 人际关系 B. 协作愿望 C. 共同目标 D. 信息沟通 10.以任务和技术为中心的变革措施主要包括()。 A. 工作再设计 B. 目标管理 C. 建立社会技术系统


第五章 一、单项选择题 (201610)9、个体与个体,或个体与群体间相互依存、相互激励的社会心理现象是(C )5 A、情绪认同 B、心理相容 C、共生效应 D、文化维系(201610)10、团队成员之间相互交往的根基是( B )5 A、以关系为导向 B、以任务为导向 C、以利益为导向 D、以信仰为导向 (201610)11、每个团队都会'以不同的建立方法经历三个发展阶段,即组建期、激荡期和( A )5 A、规范期 B、成熟期 C、稳固期 D、衰退期 二、多项选择题 (201610)28、虚拟团队的特征有( ACD )5 A、团队成员有共同的目标 B、团队成员的地理位置具有集中性 C、团队釆用电子沟通方式 D、团队具有宽泛型的组织边界 E、团队成员心理相容 三、名词解释 (201704)33、共生效应5 答:共生效应是指个体与个体,或个体与群体间相互依存,相互激励的社会心理现象。 (201710)33、心理相容5 答:是指群体成员之间心理上的互相理解、容纳和协调,即群体成员间的心理流和心理面处于一个同频同振的心理场中,一个人或者若干人的行为会引起群体的肯定性反应。 四、简答题 (201704)39、简述虚拟团队的作用。5 答:(1)虚拟团队允许分散性组织最大限度地发挥其专长,而不需要实质性的个体物理流动。 (2)虚拟团队允许组织将不同文化、不同商务习惯的多种意见统一起来以避免发生逆生产效率的现象。它的有利之处包括成本的降低、周转时间的下降、远程成员间的整合等。 (3)虚拟团队为在复杂的经营环境中,通过跨组织的宽泛联合、协调完成复杂的商业任务提供了一个重要的机会。 (201710)39、简述团队的特征。5 答:(1)价值观共识化。


《组织行为学》第五章学习笔记 臧岩兵 〖知识点〗 ●知觉的定义: 指的是,个体为了对自己所在的环境赋予意义而组织和解释他们感觉印象的过程。 ●重要性 为什么知觉对于组织行为的研究十分重要呢?原因很简单,因为人们的行为是以他们对现实的认知,而不是以现实本身为基础。这个世界是人们知觉到的世界,这对行为来说十分重要。 〖主要学习心得〗 知觉概念的理解: 1、对自己所在的环境; 2、赋予意义; 3、组织和解释他们的感觉; 4、是一个过程。 因此:重点是对自己所在的环境的感觉印象。我本人所处淮安市楚州城区外部环境,本人的工作场所康乃馨公司内部环境的感觉印象。不同的人有受其认识的局限性,会对自己所在环境内的人或事印象感觉不一样。 〖实际应用〗 1、题西林壁【宋】苏轼横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。 《题西林壁》是游观庐山后的总结,它描写庐山变化多姿的面貌,并借景说理,指出观察问题应客观全面,如果主观片面,就得不出正确的结论。

开头两句“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”,实写游山所见。庐山是座丘壑纵横、峰峦起伏的大山,游人所处的位置不同,看到的景物也各不相同。这两句概括而形象地写出了移步换形、千姿万态的庐山风景。 后两句“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”,是即景说理,谈游山的体会(心中所想)。为什么不能辨认庐山的真实面目呢?因为身在庐山之中,视野为庐山的峰峦所局限,看到的只是庐山的一峰一岭一丘一壑,局部而已,这必然带有片面性。游山所见如此,观察世上事物也常如此。这两句诗有着丰富的内涵,它启迪人们认识为人处事的一个哲理——由于人们所处的地位不同,看问题的出发点不同,对客观事物的认识难免有一定的片面性;要认识事物的真相与全貌,必须超越狭小的范围,摆脱主观成见。 2、盲人摸象的故事,因为这些人受到视觉障碍,对大象地认识,也是一种知觉。 结论:我们在日常管理中,会受到自己教育程度、专业范围和专业深度、工作经历等局限性,对目前自己所处的环境感觉印象是片面的。会作出错误的认知,需要通过学习和实践及沟通交流中澄清,防止犯个人主观主义和个人经验错误。 ●影响知觉的因素 〖知识点〗


一、单项选择题 (201610)9、个体与个体,或个体与群体间相互依存、相互激励的社会心理现象是(C)5A、情绪认同B、心理相容C、共生效应D、文化维系(201610)10、团队成员之间相互交往的根基是(B)5 A、以关系为导向 B、以任务为导向 C、以利益为导向 D、以信仰为导向 (201610)11、每个团队都会'以不同的建立方法经历三个发展阶段,即组建期、激荡期和(A)5 A、规范期 B、成熟期 C、稳固期 D、衰退期 二、多项选择题 (201610)28、虚拟团队的特征有(ACD)5 A、团队成员有共同的目标 B、团队成员的地理位置具有集中性 C、团队釆用电子沟通方式 D、团队具有宽泛型的组织边界 E、团队成员心理相容 三、名词解释 (201704)33、共生效应5 答:共生效应是指个体与个体,或个体与群体间相互依存,相互激励的社会心理现象。 (201710)33、心理相容5

答:是指群体成员之间心理上的互相理解、容纳和协调,即群体成员间的心理流和心理面处于一个同频同振的心理场中,一个人或者若干人的行为会引起群体的肯定性反应。 四、简答题 (201704)39、简述虚拟团队的作用。5 答:(1)虚拟团队允许分散性组织最大限度地发挥其专长,而不需要实质性的个体物理流动。 (2)虚拟团队允许组织将不同文化、不同商务习惯的多种意见统一起来以避免发生逆生产效率的现象。它的有利之处包括成本的降低、周转时间的下降、远程成员间的整合等。 (3)虚拟团队为在复杂的经营环境中,通过跨组织的宽泛联合、协调完成复杂的商业任务提供了一个重要的机会。 (201710)39、简述团队的特征。5 答:(1)价值观共识化。 (2)团队工作的主旨是委托和授权。 (3)团队成员平等、信任、注重交流。 (4)xx的员工是团队的关键。


《组织行为学》练习测试题库 一、填空题 1.组织行为学常见的研究方法有:___。 2.能力差异表现为:___。 3.性格形成和发展的影响因素有:___。 4.动机的产生主要依赖两个条件:其一是___;其二是___。 5.需要层次理论认为人的需要有:___。 6.成就需要理论认为人的高层次需要由___构成。 7.“生存、关系、成长”理论认为人类有三种需要:___。 8.从公平理论来看,影响激励效果的不仅有___,还有___。 9.强化的类型有___。 10.综合激励理论主要包括___的综合激励理论和___的综合激励理论。 11.挫折发生的三个必备条件是___。 12.影响人际知觉偏见的心理因素有___。 13.归因的一般原则有___。 14.根据信息沟通时的反馈信息多少,在组织中可以把沟通分为两种:___。 15.从相互作用分析的角度出发,交往的形式主要有两种,即___。 16.高绩效团队的特点有:___。 17.领导行为的效果是由___交互作用所决定的。 18.20世纪70年代,领导问题的研究以考虑情境因素的应变理论为主导方向。但到20世纪80年代,一些研究者则从领导及下级的关系以及领导者是否具有远见卓识的角度研究领导行为,从而提出了各种不同的理论,主要包括___。 19.在组织设计决策中,最基本的影响因素是___。 20.按照组织文化的内在特征,将组织文化划分为四种类型:___。 二、名词解释 1.组织行为学 2.气质 3.激励

4.激励因素 5.公平理论 6.负强化 7.消退 8.挫折 9.态度形成及转变 10.工作满意度 11.人际沟通 12.交叉交往 13.高绩效团队 14.领导 15.影响力 16.组织结构 17.组织变革 18.参及认同法 19.强制推行法 20.力场分析法 三、简答题 1.简要解释变量、自变量、因变量、中介变量、主试、被试、假设、因果关系等概念。 2.气质的特点有哪些? 3.在管理中如何运用能力的差异? 4.性格在管理中有什么意义? 5.在管理中如何运用双因素理论? 6.期望理论对管理实践有何启示意义? 7.强化理论在管理实践中有哪些运用? 8.应对挫折有哪些方法? 9.转变态度的方法有哪些? 10.影响人际吸引的因素有哪些?

组织行为学纲要_第三章 组织行为的要素

本章主要介绍组织行为的构成要素,包括主体要素社会组织、客体要素组织环境、内容要素组织劳动、形式要素组织文化、动机要素组织目标等。 第一节组织行为的主体要素——社会组织 一、组织的涵义 社会组织是由一定数量的社会成员在一定的社会领域中,在利益相关的基础上,在社会法规道义等规范的制约下,围绕着共同的组织目标,按照一定的组织体制、组织结构、组织规范,通过组织的信息传播,与其他生产资源组合而成的协作化的社会劳动群体和具体化的社会运行实体。 1.组织的属性 1)一般属性——社会运行实体:人类是社会运行的主体,人类在社会运行中的存在和表现分为社会个体和社会群体两种相互联系的基本形式。社会群体按照形成方式和内在联系可以分为以下三种基本类型:一是以姻缘和血缘关系为基础的家庭群体,二是以地缘和趣缘为基础的人际群体,三是以业缘和利缘关系为基础的组织群体,也就是为了共同的劳动和相关的利益组合而成的社会组织。作为社会运行的实体,是组织群体、家庭群体、人际群体共同具有的一般属性。 2)本质属性——社会劳动群体:如上所说,社会组织是为了共同的劳动和相关的利益组合而成的社会劳动群体,这是社会组织区别于其他社会群体的本质属性。 2.组织的特征与社会中的个体以及其他类型的社会群体相比较,社会组织具有以下主要特征。 1)法定性——形成特征:社会组织是通过法定的程序,经过社会行政管理部门依法审批,取得法人资格和得到法规认定而正式形成的社会群体。 2)利益性——基础特征:社会组织是由一定数量的社会成员组合而成的,而利益相关则是不同的社会成员组合在一起,形成共同的社会劳动群体的客观基础,也是形成共同的组织目标的客观基础。 3)领域性——存在特征:社会组织都是在一定的社会领域中存在的,都要以一定的社会领域为组织的运动范围。这种历史形成的制约具体组织运动过程的领域范围,包括空间的,如各个社会区域;时间的,如各个历史时期;系统的,如各个社会行业;形态的,如物质和精神领域 4)公共性——关系特征:社会组织是在一定的社会领域中从事共同的社会生产和社会生活而形成的社会群体,社会组织在与社会、与组织成员、与组织的社会公众的相互联系、相互作用中形成的社会关系,必然是具有公共特征的社会公共关系。 5)职责性——角色特征:经过法定的形式形成的社会组织要按照法规的约定,以职业化的角色从事社会劳动,从而要对相关的社会公众负有职业性的社会责任。


《组织行为学》综合练习 第四单元 (第六章)(2) 一、单项选择题(在每道问题所提供的备选答案中,选择一个正确答案填在括弧里) 1.以组织结构为中心的变革措施主要包括:( )。 A调查反馈 B群体建议 C咨询活动 D完善信息沟通系统 2.组织变革大致涉及哪些方面() A. 组织的人员、组织的任务及技术、组织的结构 B. 组织的任务及技术、组织的结构、组织职能 C.组织的结构、组织的任务及技术、组织职能、组织环境 D.组织的环境、组织的任务及技术、组织的结构、组织的人员 3.下面组织变革主要内容的哪一种说法是正确的()(下面哪一个正确描述了组织变革的基本内容) A.组织的人员、组织的任务及技术、组织的结构 B.组织的任务及技术、组织的结构、组织职能 C.组织的结构、组织的任务及技术、组织职能、组织环境 D.组织的环境、组织的任务及技术,组织的结构、组织的人员4.以人为中心的变革措施主要包括哪些() A. 调查反馈、群体建议、咨询活动 B. 群体建议、激励、集体活动 C. 调查反馈、咨询活动、 D. 咨询活动、激励、群体决策 5.以人为中心的变革措施主要包括哪些() A. 调查反馈、群体建议、咨询活动 B. 群体决策、集体活动 C. 调查研究、集体活动

D. 集体活动、激励 6.学习型组织的支持者们认为传统组织的问题是由其固有的特性引起的,这些固有特性主要有()。 A. 分工、竞争和反应性 B.竞争 C.反应性 D.协作 二、多项选择题(可在备选答案中选择两个以上的正确答案) 1.以人为中心的变革措施主要包括:( )。 A调查反馈 B群体建议 C咨询活动 D完善信息沟通系统(激励) 2.学习型组织的支持者们认为传统组织的问题是由其固有的特性引起的,这些固有特性主要有( )。 A分工 B竞争 C反应性 D协作 3.组织变革大致涉及:( )。 A组织的人员 B组织的任务及技术 C组织的结构 D组织的环境 E 组织职能4.以人为中心的变革措施主要包括:( )。 A调查反馈 B群体建议 C咨询活动 D完善信息沟通系统 5.以任务和技术为中心的变革措施主要包括:( )。 A工作再设计 B目标管理 C建立社会技术系统 D建立规章制度 三、名词解释 1.组织结构合理化 2.组织变革 3.组织发展 4.工作生活质量 5.学习性组织 四、简答题


第一章 一、单项选择题 (201504)1、心理学科中最先被应用到组织行为学的是( B )1 A、教育心理学 B、人事心理学 C、医学心理学 D、社会心理学(201504)2、研究员在不能完全控制的情景下所进行的实验是( B )1 A、现场实验 B、准实验 C、等级排序实验 D、实验室实验(201504)3、X理论和Y理论的提出者是( B )1 A、海德 B、麦格雷戈 C、梅奥 D、大内(201504)4、在管理实践中倡导“参与式”管理或“民主式”管理的理论基础是( B )1 A、X理论 B、Y理论 C、超Y理论 D、Z理论(201504)12、影响个体对他人采取不同行为方式的决定性因素是( C )1 A、动机 B、价值观 C、个性特征 D、情感 (201504)20、动机的源泉是( D )1 A、价值观 B、行为 C、目标 D、需要 (201510)4、最早提出归因理论的是( D )1 A、安德鲁 B、凯立希 C、麦克里格 D、海德(201510)13、最先提出社会交换理论的是( A )1 A、霍曼斯 B、洛克 C、舒兹 D、塔吉乌里(201604)1、行为的理论模式用函数关系式表达是( D )1 A、 B=/ (S ? P) B、 B=/ (P ? M) C、 B=/ (S _ E) D、 B=/ (P ? E)(201604)2、组织行为学家西拉杰和华莱士,把研究组织行为学的研究方法的系统过程归纳为(C)1 A、四个步1 聚 B、五个步骤 C、六个步骤 D、七个步骤(201604)3、激发人的行为并给行为以方向性的心理因素是( B )1 A、需要 B、动机 C、态度 D、信念(201604)15、动机是一种主观状态,其表现出的方式是( A )1 A、行为 B、目标 C、需要 D、行为倾向性(201610)2、对员工要采取“胡萝卜加大棒”式的政策,其理论基础是( A )1 A、“经济人”假设 B、“社会人”假设 C、“复杂人”假设 D、“自我实现人”假设 (201610)24、梅奥发现了工作群体的重要性,提出了( A )1 A、人际关系学说 B、科学管理理论 C、社会系统理论 D、权变系统理论 (201704)1、“经济人”假设的基础( A )1 A、享乐主义 B、现实主义 C、社会主义 D、资本主义(201704)2、人的行为最为显着的特点是( B )1 A、整体性 B、选择性 C、稳定性 D、倾向性 (201710)1、“自我实现人”假设认为最根本且起长远作用的激励是( B )1 A、外在激励 B、内在激励 C、荣誉激励 D、目标激励(201710)2、在赫尔的内驱力理论中,情境是( B )1 A、原始性内驱力 B、继发性内驱力 C、社会性内驱力 D、群体性内驱力


《组织行为学》第02章在线测试剩余时间:59:17 答题须知:1、本卷满分20分。 2、答完题后,请一定要单击下面的“交卷”按钮交卷,否则无法记录本试卷的成绩。 3、在交卷之前,不要刷新本网页,否则你的答题结果将会被清空。 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、“新官上任三把火”,可以让员工较快进入角色。这是利用知觉偏差中的() A、第一印象 B、定型效应 C、对比效应 D、晕轮效应 2、“嘴上没毛,办事不牢”“头发长,见识短”这些说法,是犯了知觉偏差中的() A、首因效应 B、晕轮效应 C、近因效应 D、定型效应 3、归因理论是说明和分析人们行为活动因果关系的的理论。我们又称其为() A、精神分析 B、认知失调理论 C、认知理论 D、平衡理论 4、“入芝兰之室,久而不闻其香;入鲍鱼之肆,久而不闻其臭”,说明知觉具有() A、对比性 B、适应性 C、相互作用 D、相对性 5、直接影响活动效率,使活动顺利完成的个性心理特征叫() A、个性 B、气质 C、素质 D、能力 第二题、多项选择题(每题2分,5道题共10分) 1、社会知觉的分类为( ) A、对他人的知觉 B、人际知觉 C、自我知觉 D、行为知觉

E、角色知觉 2、个体在知觉过程中整合组织对象的原则包括() A、学习律 B、闭锁律 C、接近律 D、相似律 E、连续律 3、奥地利心理学家A . 阿德勒认为性格可以分为()。 A、外向型 B、内向型 C、独立型 D、理智型 E、顺从型 4、通常将能力分为() A、理性能力 B、感性能力 C、一般能力 D、特殊能力 E、综合能力 5、沙洛维和梅耶提出的情绪智力的内容结构主要包括()。 A、情绪知觉、评价和表达能力 B、思维过程中的情绪促进能力 C、理解与分析情绪可获得情绪知识的能力 D、对情绪进行有效调控的能力


大工17春《组织行为学》在线测试1及满分答案 一、单选题(共10 道试题,共30 分。) 1. 人与人之间的个性差异首先表现在()上。 A. 气质 B. 性格 C. 能力 D. 态度 满分:3 分(B) 2. ()为个人、群体及组织的某些活动提供一种解释根源。 A. 气质 B. 性格 C. 态度 D. 价值观 满分:3 分(D) 3. 从微观的角度来看,()是组织行为学最重要的基础。 A. 心理学 B. 社会学 C. 人类学 D. 政治学 满分:3 分(A) 4. 根据气质的分类,较适合做会计、统计工作的人员的气质类型是()。 A. 胆汁质 B. 多血质

D. 抑郁质 满分:3 分(D) 5. ()是指一个人为有效地完成某项活动,基本的内在能力。 A. 能力 B. 智力 C. 知觉 D. 潜能 满分:3 分(D) 6. ()的概念是由马斯洛提出来的。 A. “经济人”假设 B. “社会人”假设 C. “自我实现人”假设 D. “复杂人”假设 满分:3 分(C) 7. 真正促使行为科学产生的是()的创立。 A. 近代管理理论 B. 人群关系学说 C. 科学管理理论 D. 现代管理理论 满分:3 分(B) 8. ()指人们对态度对象的认识。

B. 意向成分 C. 认知成分 D. 感觉成分 满分:3 分(C) 9. 在组织的构成要素中,唯一具有主观能动性的是()。 A. 共同目标 B. 人 C. 结构 D. 管理 满分:3 分(B) 10. ()的发展为行为科学的萌芽奠定了基础。 A. 近代管理理论 B. 人群关系学说 C. 科学管理理论 D. 现代管理理论 满分:3 分(A) 二、多选题(共10 道试题,共40 分。) 1. 组织行为学的内容体系主要包括()。 A. 个体心理与行为 B. 群体心理与行为

组织行为学第12章 组织变革与发展

第12章组织变革与发展 第一部分本章概要 1.1 重点概念 1.组织变革(organazational change):组织主动地、自觉地因条件变化而做出的相对反应,是组织为了实现自身的目标,根据外部环境和内部因素的变化,对组织现状主动地进行修正、改变和创新的过程。 2.组织发展(Organizational Development):是一种基于行为科学研究和理论的、有计划的、系统的组织变革过程,它是进行有计划的组织变革的一种长期的、系统的、约定俗成的方法,是组织为了适应内外环境的变化,改进和更新组织,以求达到最佳化和高效化。 1.2 关键知识点 1.组织变革的动因 组织的变革受到多种因素的驱动,一般来说,可以分为两类:一类是组织外部环境的变化;组织外部环境包括:经济、政治、法律政策、社会、文化、人口、市场和竞争、技术、外部利益相关者、物质资源、自然环境等,其中任何一种因素都既可能成为推动组织变革的强大力量,也可能成为阻碍组织变革的强大阻力,对组织发展都有可能产生深远的影响。 另一类是组织内部因素的变化;从组织内部来看,促使组织变革的因素主要有如下几个方面:组织经营状况不佳、组织结构的缺陷、组织战略改变、组织规模扩大、人力资源变化。 2.组织变革阻力来源 组织变革的阻力的根源分为个体阻力源和组织阻力源两个方面,个体的阻力源来自于基本的人类特征,如知觉、个性和需要,主要包括:习惯、安全、经济因素、对未知的恐惧、选择性信息加工;抵制变革的组织阻力主要包括:结构惯性、有限的变革点、群体惯性、对专业知识的威胁、对已有的权力关系的威胁、对已有的资源分配的威胁,除此之外,组织文化、资源的有限性、固定投资以及组织间协议等组织因素也会对变革产生不同程度的抵制。 3.消除变革阻力的措施 克服组织变革阻力的策略有7种: 1)沟通,通过与员工进行沟通,使他们充分了解客观情况,认识到变革的必要性, 从而减少变革的阻力; 2)说服教育,通过交流和解释使员工正确理解变革的原因和变革策略的科学性, 转变认识,消除异议,克服变革阻力; 3)参与,让员工直接参与变革的决策过程,鼓励员工帮助设计和执行变革,能够 为变革创造归属感,并且改善变革决策的质量; 4)促进与支持,采取一系列帮助性、支持性的措施,从心理上和技能上帮助那些 受到变革影响的员工; 5)谈判,当阻力来源于某些具有强大影响力的个人和部门时,可以通过谈判,给

华师2018春 组织行为学 在线练习答案

组织行为学在线练习答案 1.第2题 以期望理论为基础的波特-劳勒模型表明:职务工作中的实际成绩() A.主要取决于所作的努力 B.主要取决于一个人做该项工作的能力(知识和技能) C.主要取决于一个人对所做工作的理解力(对目标、所要求的活动以及任务的其他要素的理解程度) D.在很大程度上受所作的努力的影响 答案:D 标准答案:D 2.第4题 通过社会知觉获得某一行为特征的突出印象,进而将其扩大为他的整体行为特征,这种知觉属于()。 A.知觉防御 B.晕轮效应 C.首因效应 D.定性效应 答案:B 标准答案:B 3.第6题 由组织正式文件明文规定的、群体成员有固定的编制,有规定的权力和义务,有明确的职责和分工的群体属于:( )。 A.非正式群体 B.正式群体 C.小群体 D.参照群体 答案:B 标准答案:B 4.第9题 学习型组织的支持者们认为传统组织的问题是由其固有的特性引起的,这些固有特性主要有( )。 A.分工、竞争和反应性 B.竞争 C.反应性 D.协作 答案:A 标准答案:A 5.第14题 把性格划分为外倾型与内倾型,是依据下列哪类划分标准(???? ) A.按何种心理机能占优势 B.按思想行为的独立性 C.按心理活动的某种倾向性 D.按人的行为模式 答案:C 标准答案:C

明确目的,自觉支配行为的性格属于()。 A.理智型 B.情绪型 C.意志型 D.中间型 答案:C 标准答案:C 7.第21题 工作比较单纯,不需要复杂的知识和技能,完成一项工作需要大家的配合,或从事连锁性的工作,( )可能达到最高的工作绩效。 A.同质群体 B.异质群体 C.混合群体 D.简单群体 答案:A 标准答案:A 8.第30题 当某种行为出现后,给予某种带有强制性、威胁性的不利后果,以减少这种行为出现的可能性或消除该行为,这种强化方式是()。 A.惩罚 B.正强化 C.自然消退 D.消极强化 答案:A 标准答案:A 9.第35题 在组织行为学中,把一个人对于自己在某种环境中应该有什么样的行为反应的认识称为(???? ) A.角色知觉 B.角色冲突 C.角色期待? D.角色定式 答案:A 标准答案:A 10.第36题 双因素理论的提出者是( ) A.马斯洛 B.赫兹伯格 C.麦克利兰 D.波特 答案:B 标准答案:B
