


? ???鸡? ???蛋? ????水牛? ?????钟

? ??蛇? ??? 盘子? ???小钹? ???? 象

? ???铁链? ???灌木? ????女人? ???尖顶冠

? ????刺棍? ???台、垫、坛? ????曼陀女? ??????老人? ???沙弥? ????小孩? ????乌龟? ???袋子

? ????军人? ??旗、旗帜? ???老鼠? ?????叶子

? ??? 鱼? ???? 蜜蜂???盖子? ???高脚盘

? ???牙齿? ? ????帆船? ???马? ?????巨人


茶学专业英语词汇 茶叶品种Tea varieties Tea 茶Green tea 绿茶 Black tea 红茶White tea 白茶 Scented tea花茶Pu\'er tea;Pu Erh tea;Puu Eel tea普洱茶Yellow tea 黄茶Dark tea黑茶 Sincha 新茶Yü-chien tea 雨前茶 Teabag 袋泡茶Mugi-cha 大麦茶 Herbal tea [??:rbl]花草茶Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶Chrysanthemum tea [kr??s?nθ?m?m, -?z?n-]菊花茶Block Puer tea 普洱(砖)Aged Pu\'er tea 陈年普洱Oolong tea;Oulung tea 乌龙茶Bohea tea [bo?'hi:] 武夷茶Hyson Tea 熙春茶 Kungfu Tea;Gongfu Tea 功夫茶Twankay Tea [?tw??kei]屯溪茶Keemun Tea; Qimen tea 祁门茶 Loungjing Tea;Longjing Tea;Lung Ching tea 龙井茶 Drogon Well 是对“龙井”这一名词的非正规翻译,不建议使用。Tieh-Kuan-Yin;TieGuanYin Tea 铁观音Cloud mist 云雾茶 Pekoe [?piko]白毫 注:该单词又指印度,斯里兰卡的高级红茶 Cowslip[?ka??sl?p]牛舌Gunpowder 高末儿Camellia Oleifera [k?'mil??]绿油茶 中国名茶Chinese famous tea White tipped oolong白毫乌龙Wuyi rock tea武夷岩茶 Green blade煎茶Yellow mountain fuzz tip黄山毛峰Green spiral[?spa?r?l]碧螺春Gunpowder 珠茶 Age cake puer青沱Pile cake puer青饼 Jun mountain silver needle君山银针White tip silver needle银针白毫White penoy[?pi?ni]白牡丹Long brow jade dew[du:]玉露Rode tea大红袍Cassia tea肉桂


泰语日常用语中文谐音 泰语日常用语中文谐音 篇一:泰国旅游必备常用泰语50句(附中文发音) 1. 你好~/Sa-wa-di-ka萨瓦迪卡/Hello~/Hi~ 2. 你好吗,/sa-bai-di-mai萨拜迪麦/How are you, 3. 我还好~/sa-bai-di萨拜迪/I am fine~ 4. 您叫什么名字,/kun-ci-a-lai坤赐阿莱/what is your name? 5. 你去哪里,/kun-bai-nai 坤拜奈/where are you going? 6. 再见~/la-gong 拉拱/ Good Bye~/Bye Bye 7. 祝好运~/cuo-di措迪/ Good Luck! 8. 谢谢你~/kuo-kun扩坤/Thank you~ 9. 对不起~/kuo-tuo扩拓 /sorry!/Excuse me! 10. 不要紧~/mai-bian-lai卖鞭莱/never mind! 11. 不明白~/mai-kao-zai 卖靠哉/ don't understand~ 12. 你能帮我一下吗,/kun-que-can-dai-mai坤鹊蚕代麦/ can you help me? 13. 我在找。/can-ha-you 蚕哈友/ I'm looking for. 14. 迷路了。/mai-lu-za-tan卖路杂摊/Lose way. 15. 我想去 ---。/can-ya-bai蚕亚掰---/ I want to go to ---. 16. 火车站/sha-tan-ni-luo-huai沙潭尼摞淮/ train station? 17. 公共汽车站/sha-tan-ni-luo-mie 沙潭尼摞咩/Bus stop 18. 飞机场/sha-nang-bing /沙囊冰/Air Station 19. 酒店/long-liang /隆凉/Hotel 20. 学校/long-lian/隆帘/school 21. 警察署/sha-tan-ni-dan-luo沙潭尼丹摞/ Police Station 22. 医院/long-pa-ya-ban隆帕雅般/Hospital 23. 洗手间/hong-nan哄南/Toilet/W.C 24. 不要/mai-ao卖凹/Don’t/No 25. 要/ao 凹/Need To 26. 不是/mai-cai卖菜/an’t/No 27. 是/cai菜/Is/Yes 28. 不要怕/mai–dong-gua卖冬瓜/Be fearless of 29. 别担心~/mai-dong-huan 卖冬缓/ Care Nothing For~ 30. 兄|姐(泰国礼貌称呼)/pi 屁/Elder brother|sister 31. 弟|妹(泰国礼貌称呼)/nong脓/Younger brothing|sister 32. 价格多少,/laka-tao-lai拉咖讨来/How much?


英式英语British English 美式英语American English 电梯: lift---elevator 行李: luggage --- baggage 邮寄:post---mail 邮递员:postman---mailman 邮件:parcel---package 汽油:petrol---gas/gasoline 监狱:gaol/prison---jail 发疯:mad---crazy 罐头食品:tinned food---canned food 电影:film---movie 数学:maths---math 货车:lorry---truck 裤子:trousers---pants 人行道:pavement---sidewalk 纸币:note---bill 秋天:autumn---fall 地铁:metro/underground tube--subway 公寓:flat---apartment 立交桥:overpass--flyover 时间表:timetable---schedule 短筒靴:boot---shoe 零:nought---zero 假期:holiday---vocation 病:ill---sick 商店:shop---store 铁路:railway---railroad 长途电话:trunk call---long-distance call 手电:torch---flashlight 甜食:sweet---dessert 糖果:sweets--candy 饼干:biscuit---cookie 玉米:maize---corn 无线电:wireless---radio 无论哪里:anywhere---anyplace 挂断(电话):ring off---hang up


出国-泰国旅游常用英语泰语 一.在机场AttheAirport 1.我什么时候能上飞机呢? Whencaniboardtheplane? 2.你好,我应该什么时候办理登机手续呢? Hi,whattimeamisupposedtocheckin? 3.给你登机牌。 Giveyouaboardingpass. 4.我觉得我在买票的时候已经付过了,这是收据。 Ithinkivealreadypaidthatwheniboughtmytick et,andhaveisthereceipt. 5.我不太清楚,我是第一次乘飞机。 Idontknowexactly,itsmyfirsttimetotakeafli ght. 6.你好,我要替我的女儿登记登机。 Hi,ineedtocheckinformydaughter. 7.旅旅途顺利。 Haveagreatflight! 二.在飞机上??ontheplane 1.请就坐,并系好安全带。 ??Pleasebeseatedandfastenyourseatbelts 2.对不起,我可以把我的包放在我旁边的这个空位上吗? Excuseme,mayIpatmybagonthisemptyseatbes ideme? ??empty英音:['empti] 4.都有什么呢???(指你上飞机用餐时问人家有什么好吃的菜) ??Whatdoyouhave? 5.请给我一杯可乐。 ??illhaveacoke,please. 6.请把随身行李放在上面的行李柜里。 Pleasestowyoucarry-onluggageintheoverhe adcompartment. ??compartment英音:[k?m'pɑ:tm?nt] 三.通过海关GoingThroughCustoms 1.你好,海关检查在哪里办呢? Hello,wheredoigothroughthecustomsinspec tion? ???? inspection英音:[in'spek??n] 2.我可能看你的机票护照和健康证明吗? Mayiseeyourticketpassportandhealthcertifi cate? ???? certificate英音:[s?'tifikit] 3.??你有东西要申报吗? Doyouhaveyourcustomsdeclaration? declaration英音:[,dekl?'rei??n] 4.??你有应缴税的东西吗? Haveyouanythingdutiable? dutiable英音:['dju:ti?bl] 5.??我已经填好申报表的所有栏目了。 Ivefilledinthoseitemslistedintheform 四.登记住宿??Registering 1.??我订了房间现在想办理住宿登记。????ImadeareservationandI'd??liketochec kin. reservation英音:[,rez?'vei??n] 2.??请填写这张登记卡好吗? ???Wouldyoufilloutthisregistrationcard? ??registration英音:[,red?i'strei??n] 3.你好,我可以把行李先寄存在酒店里吗?????Hello,Icanputinourluggagestorageatt hehotel?it? ????storage英音:['st?:rid?] 4.??请你填写一下登记表好吗? ????Wouldyoumindfillingintheregistratio nform? 5.??我在房间号下面该填写什么呢? ??WhatshouldIfillinunderRoomNumber 6.??这是520房间的钥匙和房卡,请保管好,服务生会带你到房的。 Here'sthekeytoRoom520andyourroomcard,pl ease,keepthem,Andthebellmanwillshowyouup. 7.??有什么要帮忙的? ????WhatcanIdoforyou? 8.顺便问一下,现在去看一下房间方便吗?????Bytheway,woulditbeconvenienttoseeth eroomnow?? 9.??我想确定一下,我预定的房间。 ??I'liketoconfirmmyreservation ?confirm英音:[k?n'f?:m]?? 1



英美式英语单词对照表 史上最全!英美式英语单词对照表:吐血整理! 很多英语学习者会分不清美式英语和英式英语之间的区别。 美式英语和英式英语最大的区别在于发音和词汇的选择。标准美式英语的发音比英音更平,并且不像英音那么悦耳。除此之外,英美式英语在语法和拼写上也有一些小区别。 不过今天,我们重点给大家分享一些英美式英语再用词上的区别。 【英式-美式英语单词对照表】 下面给大家分享一个超全的英美式单词对照表 (A-Z字母表顺序,吐血整理、史上最全哦!)含义英式英语美式英语 天线Aerial [?e?ri?l] Antenna [?n?t?n?] 生气的Angry [???gri] Mad [m?d] 任何地方Anywhere [?eniwer] Anyplace [??ni?ples] 秋天Autumn [??:t?m] Fall [f?l] 账单Bank note [b??k n?ut] Bill[b?l] 律师Barrister [?b?r?st?(r)] Attorney [??t?:rni] 饼干Biscuit [?b?sk?t] Cookie [?k?ki] 兜帽Bonnet [?b?n?t] Hood [h?d] 靴子Boot[bu:t] Trunk[tr??k]

吊带Braces [b're?s?z] Suspender s [s?'spend ?z] 看门人Caretaker [?ke?te?k? (r)] Janitor [?d??n?t?] 药店Chemist's [?kem?st’s] Drug store [dr?ɡ st?:] 薯片Chips [t??ps] French fries [fr?nt? fra?z] 电影院The cinema [e??s?n?m? ] The movies [e? mu:v?z ] 避孕套Condom [?k?nd?m] Rubber [?r?b?] 巡逻者Constable [?k?nst?bl] Patrolman [p??trolm?n] 炉子Cooker [?k?k?(r)] Stove [sto?v] 麦子Corn [k?:n] Wheat [wit] 小床Cot [k?t] Crib[kr?b] 棉线Cotton [?k?tn] Thread [θr?d] 失事crash[kr??] wreck [r?k] 十字路口crossroads [?kr?sr??dz] intersect ion [??nt?r?s ek?n] 窗帘curtains drapes


26个字母代表的单词 A is for apple. / ? / / ? / apple. A代表苹果。 B is for bag. / b / / b / bag. B代表包。 C is for cat. / k / / k / cat. C代表猫。 D is for dog. / d / / d / dog. D代表狗。 E is for elephant. / e / / e / elephant. E代表大象。 F is for fish. / f / / f / fish. F代表鱼。 G is for green. / g / / g / green. G代表绿色。 H is for hand. / h / / h / hand. H代表手。 I is for insect. / I / / I / insect. I代表昆虫。 ) J is for juice. /d?/ /d?/ juice. J代表果汁。 K is for kite. / k / / k / kite. K代表风筝。 L is for leg. / l / / l / leg. L代表腿。 M is for monkey. / m / / m / monkey. M代表猴子。 N is for nose. / n / / n / nose. N代表鼻子。O is for orange. / ?/ / ?/ orange. O代表橙子。P is for pig. / p / / p / pig. P代表猪。 Q is for quiet. / kw / / kw / quiet. Q代表安静。R is for rice. / r / / r / rice. R代表米饭。S is for sun. / s / / s / sun. S代表太阳。$ T is for tiger. / t / / t / tiger. T代表老虎。U is for umbrella. / ?/ / ?/ umbrella. U代表雨伞。V is for vegetable. / v / / v / vegetable. V代表蔬菜。W is for water. / w / / w / water. W代表水。 X is in the box. / ks / / ks / box. X在盒子里。 Y is for yellow. / j / / j / yellow. Y代表黄色。 Z is for zoo. / z / / z / zoo. Z代表动物园。


美式英语英式英语常用单词对照表 British English英式英语American English美式英语a bit (少量) a little about (到处) around abroad (在国外) overseas add sign (加号) addition sign aeroplane(飞机) airplane aim (目标;目的) goal all in one go (突然) all at once all-round (全面的;多方面的) all-around afterwards (后来;然后) afterward air hostess(空中小姐) airline hostess American Indian(美国印第安人) Native American amongst (在……中间) among angry(生气的) mad anticlockwise(逆时针的) counterclockwise any more (不再;再也不) anymore anywhere(无论何处) anyplace apart from (除……之外) besides apartment house(公寓大楼) apartment building at university (在大学学习) in college〔school〕autumn(秋天) fall axe(斧头) ax backwards (向后) backward backwards and forwards (来回地) back and forth bad-tempered (脾气暴躁的) grumpy bandage(绷带) gauze bank note(钞票) bill barber's shop(理发店) barbershop barman(酒吧招待) bartender beauty parlour(美容院) beauty shop〔beauty salon〕beckon (示意) signal be made up of (由……组成) be made of bank note (纸币) bill bill (账单) check billiard room(台球室) poolroom〔pool hall〕 billion(万亿) trillion bin (废纸篓) wastebasket biscuit(饼干) cookie〔cracker〕blackboard(黑板) chalkboard book(预订) reserve booking office(售票处) ticket office bookshop(书店) bookstore boots〔wellies〕(雨靴) galoshes

泰国旅游常用泰语短语100句 1

1、你好!/Sa-wa-di-ka萨瓦迪卡/Hello!/Hi! 2、你好吗?/sa-bai-di-mai萨拜迪麦/Howareyou? 3、我还好!/sa-bai-di萨拜迪/Iamfine! 4、您叫什么名字?/kun-ci-a-lai坤赐阿莱 5、你去哪里?/kun-bai-nai坤拜奈/whereareyougoing? 6、再见!/la-gong拉拱/GoodBye!/ByeBye 7、祝好运!/cuo-di措迪/GoodLuck! 8、谢谢你!/kuo-kun扩坤/Thankyou! 9、对不起!/kuo-tuo扩拓/sorry!/Excuseme! 10、不要紧!/mai-bian-lai卖鞭莱/nevermind! 11、不明白!/mai-kao-zai卖靠哉/don"tunderstand! 12、你能帮我一下吗?/kun-que-can-dai-mai坤鹊蚕代麦 13、我在找。/can-ha-you蚕哈友/I"mlookingfor. 14、迷路了。/mai-lu-za-tan卖路杂摊/Loseway. 15、我想去---。/can-ya-bai蚕亚掰---/Iwanttogoto---. 16、火车站/sha-tan-ni-luo-huai沙潭尼摞淮/trainstation? 17、公共汽车站/sha-tan-ni-luo-mie沙潭尼摞咩/Busstop 18、飞机场/sha-nang-bing/沙囊冰/AirStation 19、酒店/long-liang/隆凉/Hotel 20、学校/long-lian/隆帘/school 21、警察署/sha-tan-ni-dan-luo沙潭尼丹摞/PoliceStation 22、医院/long-pa-ya-ban隆帕雅般/Hospital 23、洗手间/hong-nan哄南/Toilet/W.C 24、不要/mai-ao卖凹/Don’t/No 25、要/ao凹/NeedTo 26、不是/mai-cai卖菜/an’t/No 27、是/cai菜/Is/Yes 28、不要怕/mai–dong-gua卖冬瓜/Befearlessof 29、别担心!/mai-dong-huan卖冬缓/CareNothingFor! 30、兄|姐(泰国礼貌称呼)/pi屁/Elderbrother|sister 31、弟|妹(泰国礼貌称呼)/nong脓 32、价格多少?/laka-tao-lai拉咖讨来/Howmuch? 33、便宜一点可以吗?/tu-(n-oi快连读)-dai-mai土(n-oi)代麦/cheapOK! 34、贵了!/pian-liao翩辽/Expensive! 35、兑换钱/lie-en列恩/ChangeMoney 36、去哪里?/bai-nai拜奈/Whereto? 37、去海滩/bai-ta-lie拜踏咧/GotoBeach 38、去、走/bai拜/Go/Walk 39、电话/tuo-le-sa托勒洒/telephone 40、你真漂亮!/kun-sui-jing-jing坤水晶晶/youbeautiful! 41、你真英俊!/kun-luo-jing-jing坤裸晶晶/youhandsome! 42、几点钟?/gei-meng给蒙/whattime? 43、三点了/san-meng-liao三蒙辽/threeclock 44、12345678910/能、宋、三、喜、哈、吼、捷、别、告、媳 45、好吃!/a-(l-oi快连读)啊(l-oi)/Good! 46、好玩!/sa-nu萨努/Interest! 47、好看!/na-du那杜/Begood! 48、不行!/mai-dai卖代/No! 49、喜欢!/chuo戳/like 50、不喜欢!/mai-chuo卖戳/Don’tlike 51、有/mi米/YesHave 52、没有/mai-mi卖米/NoWithout 53、市场/da-la搭腊/Market 54、小吃店/lan-a-han兰阿含/Snackbar 55、买东西/shi-kong匙孔/ShoPing 56、榴莲/tu-lian突帘/Duriovn 57、红毛丹/e-o快连读/Rambutan 58、山竹/man-ku蛮哭/MangoSteen 59、甜/wan玩/Sweet 60、酸/biao标/Acerbitg 61、太辣/pi-gen-bai坯跟掰/Hotpeppery 62、热/long隆/Hotheat 63、冷/nao挠/Cold 64、我/peng澎/I 65、你/kun/坤/you 66、他/kao考/he 67、我们/lao捞/ 68、他们/po-kao泼考/Them、They 69、买水果/shi-peng-le-mai匙蓬勒卖/BuyFruit 70、行李/ga-bao嘎包/bagbaggage 71、泰铢/ba把/Moneythai 72、远/gai该/Far 73、近/gai盖/Near 74、轻/bao包/light 75、重/na那/Again 76、舒服/sa-bai沙掰/Bewell 77、不舒服/mai-sa-bai卖沙掰/Feelbad 78、敢不敢/ga-mai-ga尬卖尬/bold 79、跟我走/dang-chan-bai当禅掰/FollowMe 80、多/ma-骂/MoreMch 81、少/(n-òi快连读)/Limlefew 82、做善事/摊(b-ūn快连读)/Waters 83、庙/wa哇/Tempiu 84、和尚/pa怕/Bonze 85、租/cao操/Rent 86、车/luo骆/Vehicle 87、房间/hong烘/room 88、大娘/ba坝/grandma 89、注意小心/la-wan拉完/BeCareful 90、够了/po-liao坡辽/Enoughquite 91、船/le乐/Boat 92、用/cai财/Use 93、没有礼貌/mai-mi-ma-la-ya卖米吗拉压/Disrespect 94、我爱你/can-la-te蚕拉特/ILoveYou 95、会讲泰语/pu-bian-pa-sha-tai铺鞭趴沙泰/Speakthai 96、不会讲中文/pu-mai-bian-pa-sha-jing铺卖鞭趴沙京 97、唱歌/long-pan隆翩/SingSong 98、跳舞/dian-lan电缆/Dance 99、微笑/ying蝇/Smile 100、哭/long-hai隆害/Cry



美式英语英式英语常用单词对照表 British English英式英语American English美式英语 a bit (少量) a little about (到处) around abroad (在国外) overseas add sign (加号) addition sign aeroplane(飞机) airplane aim (目标;目的) goal all in one go (突然) all at once all-round (全面的;多方面 的) all-around afterwards (后来;然后) afterward air hostess(空中小姐) airline hostess American Indian(美国印 第安人) Native American amongst (在……中间) among angry(生气的) mad anticlockwise(逆时针的) counterclockwise any more (不再;再也不) anymore anywhere(无论何处) anyplace apart from (除……之外) besides

billiard room(台球室) poolroom〔pool hall〕billion(万亿) trillion bin (废纸篓) wastebasket biscuit(饼干) cookie〔cracker〕blackboard(黑板) chalkboard book(预订) reserve

booking office(售票处) ticket office bookshop(书店) bookstore boots〔wellies〕(雨靴) galoshes bottom drawer (嫁妆) hope chest braces(吊带;背带) suspenders brackets (括号) parentheses break(课间休息;学校假 recess 期) bricks (积木) blocks bridesmaid(伴娘) maid of honor bum (屁股) fanny byway (小路) back road cab rank(出租车停车处) taxi stand calendar (一览表) catalogue call box(公用电话亭) phone booth call in to (顺便逛) go〔run〕by camp bed(行军床) cot camp fire (篝火;营火) campfire candy stick (甘蔗) candy cane carat(克拉,宝石的重量单 karat 位) caretaker〔porter〕(门janitor


英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [ I ]发音字母i y e ui u a sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious 3) [ ? ] 发音字母a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) [e] 字母组合ea e a head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better desk hotel yes many any 5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve work worm work world 6) [ε] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e u teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractor


1、你好!/Sa-wa-di-ka 萨瓦迪卡/Hello! /Hi! 2、你好吗?/sa-bai-di-mai 萨拜迪麦/Howareyou? 3、我还好!/sa-bai-di 萨拜迪/Iamfine! 4、您叫什么名字?/kun-ci-a-lai 坤赐阿莱/whatisyourname? 5、你去哪里?/kun-bai-nai 坤拜奈/whereareyougoing? 6、再见!/la-gong 拉拱/GoodBye!/Bye 7、祝好运!/cuo-di 措迪/GoodLuck! &谢谢你!/kuo-kun 扩坤/Thankyou! 9、对不起!/kuo-tuo 扩拓/sorry!/Excuseme! 10、不要紧!/mai-bian-lai 卖鞭莱/nevermind! 11、不明白!/mai-kao-zai 卖靠哉/don"tunderstand ! 12、你能帮我一下吗?/kun-que-can-dai-mai 坤鹊蚕代麦/canyouhelpme? 13、我在找。/can-ha-you 蚕哈友/I"mlookingfor. 14、迷路了。/mai-lu-za-tan 卖路杂摊/Loseway. 15、我想去---。/can-ya-bai 蚕亚掰---/Iwanttogoto---. 16、火车站/sha-tan-ni-luo-huai 沙潭尼摞淮/trainstation? 17、公共汽车站/sha-tan-ni-luo-mie 沙潭尼摞咩/Busstop 18、飞机场/sha-nang-bing/沙囊冰/AirStation 19、酒店/Ion g-lia ng/ 隆凉/Hotel 20、学校/Ion g-lia n/ 隆帘/school 21、警察署/sha-tan-ni-dan-luo 沙潭尼丹摞/PoliceStation 22、医院/long-


最全的英美词汇差异对比 美国英语单词大全与英式英语单词对比词汇大全,美国英语单词和英国英语单词在拼写和发音方面有许多区别,下面的词汇列表,列举出了英国英语和美国英语单词中的差别,具有差别的英语单词大全。 汉/英/美 飞机aeroplane/airplane 航空邮件air-post/air-mail 对……(人)生气angrywith/ angry at 垃圾箱ash-bin(dust-bin) /ashcan 秋autumn/fall 面包店bakery/bakehouse 纸币(bank-)note/ (bank-)bill 理发厅barber"s shop/ barber shop 浴盆bath/bathtub 浴室bathroom/bath 寝具bedclothes/covers 饼干biscuit/cracker 百叶窗blind/shade 公寓block offlats /apartment house 宿舍boardinghouse/ dormitory 预约booking/reservation

售票处booking-office/ ticket-office 长筒鞋boot/shoe 圆顶黑色高帽bowler/derby 裤子的吊带braces/suspenders 小憩时间break/recess 中途下车breakone"s journey /stop over 白洋布、印花布calico/ printed cloth 旅行队,篷车caravan/ trailer 客车carriage/coach 游览车charabanc/sightseeing bus 药局chemist"s shop /drugstore 支票cheque/check 衣柜chest-drawers/ bureau 教名Christianname/ first name 电影院cinema/picture house 寄物处,衣帽间cloakroom /checkroom 光头close crop/crew out 衣夹clothes-peg/ clothes-pin 公共汽车coach/bus 雄鸡cock/rooster


常用泰语大全 ?????(pát lom) 电扇;扇子???????(h?ng non) 卧室????? ?(h?ng náam) 洗手间;卫生间??????(ph?u-yǐng) 女孩?????(ph?u-chai) 男孩?????(phaeng pai) 太贵了!??? (phaeng) 昂贵的??? (thuuk) 便宜的??????? (t?ng kaan) 需要??????(yaa sǐi fan) 牙膏????????(praeng sǐi fan) 牙刷???????????????(paa a-n?a-mai bàep sòt) 止血棉球???(sà-buu) 香皂?????(chaem-phuu) 洗发水芳思·小语种 https://www.360docs.net/doc/eb14913743.html, ?? (yaa) 药 ???????? (aet-pai-rin) 阿司匹林????????(yaa gae pùat) 止痛药(阿司匹林或治疗关节炎的止痛退烧药)???????(yaa lod khai) 感冒药????????????(yaa gae pùat tóng) 治胃痛的药?????? (miit kon) 剃须刀 ??? (rom) 雨伞???????????(lochan kan dàet) 防晒霜??????????? (prai-s à-nii-ya-bàt) 明信片??????(sà-taem) 邮票????????? (tàan fai ch?ai) 电池?????????????????(krà-dàat kh?an jòt m?i) 便签纸?????(pàak-kaa) 钢笔???????(n?ng-sue) 书???????(nít-ta-yá-s?an) 杂志????????????(n? ng-sue phim) 报纸 常用泰语发言表 1、你好!/Sa-wa-di-ka萨瓦迪卡/Hello!/Hi! 2、你好吗?/sa-bai-di-mai萨拜迪麦/How are you? 3、我还好!/sa-bai-di萨拜迪/I am fine! 4、您叫什么名字?/kun-ci-a-lai坤赐阿莱/what is your name? 5、你去哪里?/kun-bai-nai 坤拜奈/where are you going? 6、再见!/la-gong 拉拱/ Good Bye!/Bye Bye 7、祝好运!/cuo-di措迪/ Good Luck! 8、谢谢你!/kuo-kun扩坤/Thank you! 9、对不起!/kuo-tuo扩拓 /sorry!/Excuse me! 10、不要紧!/mai-bian-lai卖鞭莱/never mind! 11、不明白!/mai-kao-zai 卖靠哉/ don't understand! 12、你能帮我一下吗?/kun-que-can-dai-mai坤鹊蚕代麦/ can you help me?


黑体字是更新,中文的音译我尽量会保持跟原发音类似 泰国给我的印象很美,很放松,东南亚浓郁的热带风情让人沉醉,碧海,蓝天,沙滩,高大的椰子树,棕榈树摇曳典型的度假胜地。虽然泰国很多方面比中国都要落后,但我还是不由地喜欢上这个国家,我想把自己所知道的有趣的跟大家分享,希望大家喜欢。 泰语是一种有趣可爱的语言,第一次认识它们你会笑得人仰马翻 SA-WA-DEE-KA 撒哇迪卡- 你好 (女) SA-WA-DEE-KRUP 撒哇迪克拉普- 你好(男) (注意泰国男女在见面打招呼说“你好” 的时候有所区别,区别就在于最后一个词的发音。说“你好”这句问候语时要双手合十,因为泰国是佛教国家,泰国人以双手合十的佛教礼仪作为日常见面打招呼的礼仪,同样SA-WA-DEE-KA/KRUP也可以用在打电话时的第一句话,不过泰国人在打电话时说的第一句话往往是说英语HELLO。SA-WA-DEE就是你好的意思,KA/KRUP 是助词,无意义,但是一定要注意打招呼时男的要说SA WA DEE 后面一定要发音KRUP,如果说成KA,就会被人误会是不男不女,变性人,人妖之类的) SUAI-JING-JING 水晶晶- 美女(一般泰国人称年轻女孩是“水晶晶”(音),中年女人是“水汪汪”(音),老妇人就叫“水干干”(音),你觉得是不是很形象呢?) SUAI- 斯威 -说人或物很漂亮,美丽的意思 JING-JING 晶晶- 真的,确实 LOR-MA-MA 老妈妈- 帅哥 SA MEE 傻咪-老公 PA LEH YA 怕了呀-老婆 PP 先生或小姐统称 P+姓对某人的尊称如P'王(屁王),P'顾(屁股) KHUN 音同“坤” KHUN+名字是对某人的尊称,先生,小姐,女士的意思,如KHUN NU 坤奴(你是我的眼睛对NU的称呼) KHUN YING 音同“坤影”女士,小姐,夫人都可称KHUN YING BA 音同“吧” 阿姨,婶婶的意思 PEE GU 屁股-辣椒 MAI-MEE 买米-没有 MEE MAI 咪买- 你有这个吗? CHAI 菜-是 MAI-CHAI 买菜-不是 KORB KHUN KA 哭扑坤卡-谢谢 LA KORN 拉工-再见 HONG NAM 哄男-厕所 HONG NAM YOU TEE NAI? 厕所在哪里?(音: 哄男有踢奶?) KA 卡- OK,好的意思 A RAI? 啊来- 什么?什么事? KOR-TOD 抠偷-对不起,抱歉 DAI 呆- 能 MAI -DAI 卖呆-不能


v1.0 可编辑可修改 美式英语英式英语常用单词对照表 British English英式英语American English美式英语 a bit (少量) a little about (到处)around abroad (在国外)overseas add sign (加号)addition sign aeroplane(飞机)airplane aim (目标;目的)goal all in one go (突然)all at once all-round (全面的;多方面的)all-around afterwards (后来;然后)afterward air hostess(空中小姐)airline hostess American Indian(美国印第安人)Native American amongst (在……中间)among angry(生气的)mad anticlockwise(逆时针的)counterclockwise any more (不再;再也不)anymore anywhere(无论何处)anyplace apart from (除……之外)besides apartment house(公寓大楼)apartment building at university (在大学学习)in college〔school〕 autumn(秋天)fall axe(斧头)ax backwards (向后)backward backwards and forwards (来回地)back and forth bad-tempered (脾气暴躁的)grumpy bandage(绷带)gauze bank note(钞票)bill barber's shop(理发店)barbershop barman(酒吧招待)bartender beauty parlour(美容院)beauty shop〔beauty salon〕 beckon (示意)signal be made up of (由……组成)be made of bank note (纸币)bill bill (账单)check


泰国旅行常用英语 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

泰国旅行常用英语 一.在机场At the Airport 1.我什么时候能上飞机呢 When can i board the plane 2.你好,我应该什么时候办理登机 手续呢 Hi,what time am i supposed to check in 3.给你登机牌。 Give you a boarding pass . 4.我觉得我在买票的时候已经付过 了,这是收据。 I think i ve already paid that when i bought my ticket,and have is the receipt. 5.我不太清楚,我是第一次乘飞机。 I dont know exactly ,its my first time to take a flight. 6.你好,我要替我的女儿登记登机。 Hi ,i need to check in for my daughter. 7.旅旅途顺利。 Have a great flight ! 二.在飞机上on the plane 1.请就坐,并系好安全带。 Please be seated and fasten your seat belts 2.对不起,我可以把我的包放在我 旁边的这个空位上吗 Excuse me,may I pat my bag on this empty seat beside me empty英音:['empti] 4.都有什么呢 (指你上飞机用餐时 问人家有什么好吃的菜) What do you have 5.请给我一杯可乐。 ill have a coke,please. 6.请把随身行李放在上面的行李柜里。 Please stow you carry-on luggage in the overhead compartment. compartment英音:[km'pɑ:tmnt] 三.通过海关Going Through Customs 1. 你好,海关检查在哪里办呢 Hello ,where do i go through the customs inspection inspection英音:[in'spekn] 2.我可能看你的机票护照和健康证 明吗 May i see your ticket passport and health certificate
