




Feeding and management of nursing piglets








绪论 (3)

1 哺乳仔猪的生理特点 (4)

1.1 生长发育规律 (4)

1.2 机体调节 (4)

1.3 消化机能 (4)

1.4 免疫力 (5)

2 初生期的饲养管理 (5)

2.1 接产 (5)

2.2 断脐 (5)

2.3 剪犬齿 (5)

2.4 断尾 (5)

2.5 打耳号 (5)

2.6 固定乳头、及早吃上并吃足初乳 (5)

2.6.1 固定乳头 (6)

2.6.2 及早吃上并吃足初乳 (6)

2.7 防寒保温 (6)

2.7.1 仔猪自身供热机能 (6)

2.7.2 哺乳仔在各阶段的适宜温度 (7)

2.7.3 措施 (7)

2.7.4 注意事项 (7)

2.8 选择性寄养 (7)

2.9 防止踩压 (7)

2.10 仔猪补铁 (8)

2.11 仔猪补硒 (8)

3 小公猪趋势 (8)

4 防疫灭病措施 (8)

5 仔猪最佳的断奶时期 (9)

6 结语 (9)




In modern large scale pig production in piglets is pig production base, suckling piglets feeding management is the key to production. Piglet feeding management success or failure is directly related to the level of the level of pig production, also plays a very important role to improve the economic efficiency of pig. Temperature rises in the summer is the best season for litter size in pigs, and survival rate of piglets in addition to the influence of the temperature, and many factors. Therefore, how to scientific feeding and management, to promote the fast growth of the piglets, shorten the period of feeding, reduce feed reward, obtained the highest weaning weight, has a very important role.





哺乳仔猪是指从出生到断奶阶段的仔猪。哺乳期在各个养猪场长短不同, 一般为21~35 天。哺乳仔猪是生长发育最快的时期, 也是抵抗力最弱的时期。


哺乳仔猪生长发育快,物质代谢旺盛。猪出生后,其生长强度高于其他家畜。猪的初生重轻,不足成年体重的 1%,但生后生长发育很快。在1月龄时.仔猪的体重可达到初生重的5 6倍,2月龄时仔猪的体重可达到初生体重的 10 13倍。猪的生长强度大,因而代谢很旺盛。











2.2 断脐




2.4 断尾


2.5 打耳号








2.7 防寒保温




不同日龄仔猪最适宜温度为:1~3日龄,30~32 ℃;4~7日龄,28~30℃;8~15日龄,25~27℃;16~27日龄,22~24℃;28~35日龄,20~22℃。相对湿度以70~80%为宜。保温的措施是单独为仔猪创造温暖的小气候环境。因为“小猪怕冷”而“大











2.10 仔猪补铁






仔猪生长迅速, 代谢旺盛, 需水量较多, 因此从3日龄开始, 必须供给清洁的饮水。应设置饮水槽, 也可在每1L水中加葡萄糖20g、碳酸氢钠2g、维生素C0.06g。同时, 由于母乳中含脂肪量高达7%~11% , 仔猪又活泼爱动, 常感口渴, 如不供给清洁的饮水, 则会喝脏水或尿液, 容易导致下痢。



4 防疫灭病措施



母猪产仔后, 子宫复旧的时间一般在24天左右, 完全恢复需要35 天。研究证明,仔猪生后3~5 周龄断奶较为有利, 过早断奶会造成母猪繁殖障碍。实践证明仔猪4~5 周龄断奶已被推广应用。

对早期断奶仔猪, 应供给相适应的全价日粮, 饲养于清洁、干燥、温暖的猪舍中, 以促进仔猪生长, 防止下痢, 减少弱猪比例, 提高成活率, 以期获得体重




此种断奶法的优点是省工省时, 便于操作, 多被工厂化养猪生产所采用,缺点是会引起仔猪应激和母猪烦躁不安。这种断奶法是断奶前3 天减少哺乳母猪饲粮的日喂量, 到断奶日龄一次将仔猪与母猪全部分开。


此种断奶法的缺点是会延长哺乳期, 影响母猪的繁殖成绩, 目前多不采用。这种断奶法是将一窝中体重较大的仔猪先断奶, 弱小的仔猪继续哺乳一段时间, 以便提高断奶体重。


此种断奶方法优点是可减轻断奶应激对仔猪的影响, 缺点是比较麻烦而费人力。这种断奶法于断奶前3~4 天减少母猪和仔猪的接触与哺乳次数, 并减少母猪饲粮的日喂量, 使仔猪由少哺乳到不哺乳有一个适应期。





[2] 杨公社.猪生产学. [M]中国农业出版社,2002. 197

[3] 蔡尚文.猪场高效益管理技术.[M]福建科学技术出版社, 2003.118~119

[4]刘振生.农村高效养猪新技术.[M]中国农业出版社、农村读物出版社,2007. 131~132


[6]黄志坚.母猪高效饲养.[M] 福建科学技术出版社,2003.113~115

[7] 樊丽.瘦肉型猪养殖技术图说.[M]河南科学技术出版社, 2001.78

Feeding and management of nursing piglets


The introduction is (3)

Physiological characteristics of 1 lactating piglets............... .4

1.1 growth and Development Law..... .. (4)

1.2 body regulation..... . (4)

1.3 digestive function..... . (4)

1.4 immunity (5)

2 feeding and management of the newborn period (5)

2.1 pick.................. .. (5)

2.2 cord (5)

2.3 shear canine (5)

2.4 tail (5)

2.5 to hit the ear number (5)

2.6 fixed nipple, early to eat and eat enough colostrum (5)

2.6.1 fixed nipple (6)

2.6.2 early to eat and eat enough colostrum (6)

2.7 cold insulation (6)

2.7.1 piglets self heating function (6)

2.7.2 the appropriate temperature of the breast feeding in each stage (7)

2.7.3 measures (7)

2.7.4 notes (7)

2.8 selective foster (7)

2.9 to prevent the pressure on (7)

2.10 piglets iron supplement..... . (8)

2.11 piglets to fill the selenium..... .. (8)

3 small boar trend (8)

4 epidemic prevention and quarantine measures (8)

5 the best time of weaning piglets (9)

6 conclusion (9)

Feeding and management of nursing piglets

Abstract:piglets because of its physiological characteristics and lactation is difficult feeding, such as poor management and extremely easy to death. Briefly the piglet birth period, Sibu feed period management and disease prevention strategies.

Key words:piglet feeding and feeding management physiological characteristics Physiological characteristics of 1 lactating piglets

1.Physiological characteristics of 1 lactating piglets

The piglets are from 21 to 35 days, and are the fastest growing stage and the weakest period of the resistance.

1.1 growth and development law

The growth and development of the piglets are fast and the material metabolism is strong. The growth intensity is higher than that of other domestic animals. The birth weight is 1%, but the growth and development are very fast. In February, the body weight of piglets can reach 1013 times of the primary body weight, and the growth intensity is big, so the metabolism is very strong.

1.2 body regulation

Suckling piglets temperature regulation function is not perfect, poor cold hardiness. Suckling piglets at birth. Development of the cerebral cortex is not perfect, by nervous system rinse section temperature difference. Coupled with the piglet skin thin sparse hairs. Less subcutaneous fat. Relatively large surface area. Much heat, gang. Piglets are particularly afraid of the cold. And piglets energy storage rarely. Encounter cold blood glucose quickly reduce, if not promptly to eat colostrum is very difficult to survive.

1.3 digestive function

Piglet digestive organ is underdeveloped, the digestive gland function is not perfect. Piglets born, digestive organs although has formed, but its weight and volume are relatively small. Piglet gastric only chymosin, lack of free hydrochloric acid: without activity of pepsin. Cannot digest proteins that lacked sucrase, not very good use of sucrose. Due to the higher value of the pH of the stomach and intestine, for entry of the bacterium lack of resistance, so piglet susceptibility to disease.

1.4 immunity

The immune system is not well developed in the L leaves of I. After the birth of leaves, it is a function of the following 20 days after birth.

2 feeding and management of the primary stage

In view of the characteristics of poor sensitivity, resistance, weak immunity, poor ability of cold resistance, poor ability of digestion, and vulnerable to injury, it is very important to strengthen the management of newborn piglets.

2.1 pick

Pregnant sows was on the verge of childbirth, midwifery staff to regularly observe the, and do a good job labor preparation. Childbirth must have special joint production and delivery, especially production sows, and pay attention to disinfection work swine. After birth, personnel should immediately with your fingers to the mouth of the piglets, nasal mucous pulls it out and wipe, reoccupy dishcloth body mucus wipe. In a timely manner to newborn piglets into the insulation box, so as not to catch cold.

2.2 cord

First to the direction of the piglets abdomen extrusion in the umbilical cord blood, then from abdomen 4cm in the Department with the finger nipped into the umbilical cord, cut with

tincture of iodine disinfection, if the umbilical cord is cut, excessive bleeding, available finger pinch broken lives, until not until the bleeding.

2.3 shear canine

Piglets born after the first day, for litter size more, especially in the number born alive litter than sow nipple number can be cut piglets canines. On the birth weight of small, weak piglets can also does not cut it. Get rid of the method of canine is used after disinfection of iron pliers, pay attention not to damage the piglets gum, cut the canines, the section should be cut flat. Cut the canine is prevent piglets competing nipple, nipple or piglets cheeks bites.

2.4 tail

For fattening pigs after birth, in order to prevent the fattening period of tail biting phenomenon, as far as possible early tail, and shear canine simultaneously. Method is used after disinfection of iron pliers cut to piglets tail 1 / 3 (about 2.5 cm long), then coated with tincture of iodine at the beginning of the wound to prevent infection. Pay attention to prevent bleeding and complications.

2.5.The ear number

The reservation reserve pigs by head ear number, 1 per piglet; to prepare as commodity pig piglets by head according to Wo ear number, per litter a number, littermates with number, future according to the ear, can be found to the birth date and parental generation for investigation of pig growth and development.

2.6 fixed nipple, early to eat and eat enough colostrum

2.6.1 fixed nipple

Namely, normal, and all piglets piglets nipple fixed to the piglets in order to suck the breast. Nipple fixed the basic principle is: a head of piglets can only eat a nipple. In order to make the whole litters of piglets orderly development, should the strong fixed behind less milk nipples (body massage the breast is strong, can increase the amount of lactation), small weak piglets fixed in front of milk nipple, to make up for its deficiencies. In order to ensure the sow breasts can be the suckling stimulus fully developed, as long as the sow physical expression, all of its effective papilla as far as possible without leaving empty (no piglet sucking the breast, breast atrophy), if the Zi pig number is not enough. In order to incorporate from other nests.

2.6.2 early to eat and eat enough colostrum

One month after the birth of the piglets, the main milk from the sow to obtain a variety of nutrients and antibodies. 3 to 5 days after the birth of milk, milk fat, milk for the regular

milk, two in the chemical composition is a big difference. Colostrum protein content is particularly high, and contains a lot of albumin and globulin, and to meet the needs of piglets, and is not easy to digest a lot of fat. 90ml average fast growth in the acidity of the environment quality and disease resistant ability and the ability to adapt; colostrum contains more magnesium salt, has laxative, can promote the meconium discharge; colostrum is high, can promote gastrointestinal activity; colostrum also contains accelerate intestinal development required unknown gut growth factor, the piglets born after 24 hours of intestinal growth rate of about 30%. Thus the piglets in the postnatal immediately eat enough colostrum has many benefits. Eat colostrum piglets to students after 1 hour within each piglet sucking milk 100ml, for example, the first born in 10 minutes has to eat colostrum, and at the end of the output of the piglets, due to colostrum immune globulin Protein decreased rapidly, the amount of colostrum suck less, growth will be affected.

Early, as early as stop is born along with the development of newborn piglets in pinocytotic function, intestinal epithelium intact the colostrum protein absorption to the cell interior, in transit to the lymph and blood for piglets absorption. With piglets intestinal epithelial permeability changes of protein absorption change. After 3 hours, the intestinal epithelium of antibody (gamma globulin) absorption capacity of 100%, 3 to 9 hours 50%, 9 ~ 12 hours and then decreased to 5% ~ 10%, 36 hours. It is important to piglets (born 0.5 ~ 1 hour at the latest not more than 2 hours) to eat milk, eat enough colostrum.

2.7 cold insulation

2.7.1 piglet's own heating function

Born in newborn piglets need more calories, born 24 hours of piglets can not use of milk fat and milk protein oxidation heating, the main heat source is to rely on the decomposition of body reserves of glycogen and breast milk lactose. In high temperature conditions, the piglets born 24 hours after fat oxidation heating ability to strengthen, and in the cold environment (5 DEG C), piglets born 60 hours in order to effectively use of milk fat oxidation heating. The cold is a piglet archenemy, the piglets become less active, loss of appetite, not to eat colostrum, the piglets were immunized with decreased ability to guide disease caused by swine. Thermoregulation function from the 9th day to open Begin to gradually improve, at the age of 20, was close to perfect. So do piglets thermal insulation cold work is improve piglet survival rate guarantee.

Appropriate temperature of 2.7.2 in all stages of lactation

Not suitable for heating cold is appropriate for different day old piglets most suitable temperature for 1 ~ 3 days of age, 30 to 32 DEG C; 4 to 7 days of age, 28 to 30 DEG C; 8 to 15 days of age 25 to 27 DEG C; 16 to 27 days of age, 22 to 24 DEG C; 28 to 35 days of age, 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. Relative humidity to 70 ~ 80%. Thermal insulation measures separately for the piglets to create warm microclimate environment. Because of the "pig" and "big pig afraid of heat, sows in 15 DEG C temperature comfortable, if the delivery room, to

sow, and the second is the consumption of energy economy.

2.7.3 measures

Or above; insulation; occasionally laying plastic film and separated by a parent drafts piglets weatherization measures: sow farrowing house to block the pens into the air, blocking attacks piglets, take a plastic film long corridor podium, also can be used in roof built under the shed shed, create the environment conditions to thermal insulation. Sow stalls soft straw or wood pad. Piglet insulating material for piglet nursery box shop soft straw, dry wood or sacks in the insulation box is installed a lamp that 250 Watt or 2 lamp 100 watt or outside the lamp, the lamp height and switch to adjust the appropriate amount of temperature in piglets fed with a sack kraft paper covering; conditions are good places can be installed electric heating thermostat Temperature plate (temperature 26 to 32 DEG C, adjustable).

2.7.4 notes

In the process of heat preservation, the breeder should often watch incubator thermometer, piglets was observed, such as each lot, concentrated in a heat lamp that insulation room temperature is not enough, to a heat lamp low; such as far away from the piglets and scattered around the insulation box, temperature is too high, the heat lamps increase.

2.8 selective foster care

Sows farrowing, insufficient milk or sows farrowing too little need and Waterloo, best by foster method to solve, in highly concentrated calving of the farm, in order to make the piglets per litter uniform development. At the same time, produced several litters of piglets weight size is of the order of mixed RE grouping, were sent to the first few lactating sows, making effective per sow nipple filled, leaving no vacancy.

2.9 prevent press

Statistics show that within seven day old piglet mortality accounted for 50% of death throughout lactation ~ 70%, and lactation for crushed accounted for 40% ~ 50%, visible newborn piglets anti trample to press is crucial.

Incubator is set in a column of sows, piglets fill material temperature occasionally piglet nursery box. Piglets after birth is put into the incubator rest, release of regular breast-feeding, generally every 1 to 1.5 hours breast-feeding a piglet by 2 ~ 3 days of training can develop freely and the habit of incubator. This is the most effective, the simplest approach.

2.10 piglets iron

The amount of iron in the newborn piglets is very little, and the 1kg is about 35mg. The daily growth of 7Mg, and the iron in the breast milk is only a few of the 1/10.4 ~ 5 days after birth, in training the fill blank at the same time, in order to prevent the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia in piglets should be timely for the piglets iron supplementation. Many methods of iron supplement, the most effective method is to pigs by intramuscular injection of iron preparations, such as ferrous culture injection, iron dextran injection, blood sacrifice of ET, generally in the piglets at the age of three days injection of 100 to 150mg

2.11 selenium supplement

Serious lack of clarity of area, piglets may Se deficiency diarrhea, necrosis of the liver and white muscle disease, suitable for 3 days after injection of 0.1% of sodium selenite, vitamin E mixture, 0.5ml per head, 10 day old fill the second needle.

2.12 piglets drinking water

Rapid growth of piglets, metabolism, more water, so from the beginning of 3-day-old must provide clean drinking water. Water tank should be set, also can be in per liter of water plus glucose 20g, NaHCO3 2G, vitamin C0.06g. at the same time, because the milk fat content as high as 7% ~ 11%, piglets and lively love, often a sense of thirst, such as supply of clean water, drink dirty water or urine, easily lead to diarrhea.

3 small boar trend

Castration is the kind of boar two testicular castration off. The most suitable time of castration is in 10 to 20 days of age. Since then the small piglets and easy operation; less bleeding after surgery; sow colostrum antibody protection, easy recovery. Castration to use sterilized, sharp knife tablets, before and after castration to 3% ~ 5% tincture of iodine and sterile crystal sulfanilamide on surgical site disinfected.

4 epidemic prevention and quarantine measures

Twice before a following in 1 day old to prevent white scour of piglets, eat colostrum prior to oral drug (arbitrary): synergistic trimethoprim oxygen hydrochloride injection, specifications 5 x 10ml, first eat colostrum oral drop clothes 0.5ml every day after two times, for 3 consecutive days; gentamicin sulfate, each 2ml, 8 million international units, the first time to eat colostrum before oral drop service 1 million international units per day, continuous 3 days 0.1 to 3 day old every day sooner or later each drop clothes a micro ecological preparation, adjust gastrointestinal flora to prevent diarrhea. Market used for the micro ecological preparation such as setting the diarrhea, promote the growth of bacteria, give Bai Jian, users can follow the instructions Book dose water amount of dilution, with a dropper amount in piglets glossal root ministry 4 day old nasal instillation of Porcine Pseudorabies

Vaccine 20 ~ 25 day old piglets of classical swine fever vaccine has for the first time immune.

5 the best time of weaning piglets

After farrowing sows, involution of uterus time general in 24 days or so, fully restored to 35 days. Studies have shown that, after the birth of the piglets weaned 3 to 5 weeks of age more favorable and premature weaning will cause reproductive disorders in sows. Practice has proved that piglets aged 4-5 weeks weaning has been applied.

In early weaned piglets should be adapted to supply the full price of the diet, feeding on clean, dry, warm pig house, to promote piglet growth, prevention of diarrhea, reduce pigs weak proportion, improve the survival rate, in order to gain weight, uniform piglet growth.

The method of weaning can be used for one time, the method of weaning, and the method of partial weaning.

5.1 a weaning method

This weaning method has the advantages of labor saving and time saving, easy to operate, was industrialized pig production the disadvantage is caused by stress of piglets and sows fidgety. The weaning method is 3 days before weaning decreased lactation diet, feeding amount, to weaning age a will of sows and piglets are separated.

5.2 partial weaning method

The weakness of this method is that it can prolong the period of lactation and affect the reproductive performance of sows. This method is not to use. This method is to start a litter of piglets with a larger weight.

5.3 gradually weaning method

Advantage of this kind of weaning method can reduce the influence of weaning stress of piglets, the disadvantage is more trouble and manpower costs. The weaning method at 3 ~ 4 days before weaning reduce sows and piglets of contact and the number of lactation and reduce sow diet, feeding amount, the piglets from less breastfeeding to not breast-feeding has

a period of adaptation.

6 Conclusion

The cultivation and management of piglets from neonatal period to weaning period is a very important part in production. The cultivation of modern pig breeding is not only in

quantity but also in quality. It is essential to study and practice the scientific management of nursing piglets.

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