

Crystal shrimp dumplings

Egg tart

Coconut tart

Milk yellow bag

Creamy dumpling

Barbecued pork bag

Pineapple bun

Durian crisp


江城色彩:Color of River City 昙花林Tan Hualin 武汉之夜Wuhan in Night 古德寺Gude Temple 户部巷Hubu Lane 武汉公交Urban Mass-transit 红钢城Honggangcheng 黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower 江汉关Hankow Customs 武大樱花城堡Sakura Castle of Wuhan University 昙华林:螃蟹岬、凤凰山、花园山像相拥而眠的小猫们,昙华林就安静地躺在他们温暖的躯体里面。 Tan Hualin:Crab Cape,Phoenix Mountains and Garden Hills are like cats relying on each other hugged and sleeping.Besides,Tan Hualin is lying quitely inside their warm bodies. 武汉之夜:夜里的武汉像一只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,武昌、汉口、汉阳是摊开的淡黄色翅膀。Wuhan in Night:Wuhan in night is like a dancing butterfly,Wuchang,Hankou and Hanyang are the spread yellow wings. 古德寺:她静静地守在上滑坡路的尽头,华丽与苍凉被奇妙地组合。 Gude Temple:She quietly waited at the end of the landslide road, gorgeous and desolation are wonderfully combined. 古琴台:龟山西麓,月湖东畔,清风明月本无价,流水高山自有情。 the Ancient Guqin Terrace:It’s located at the Mt. Nan of Tortoise Hill .The leisure is priceless and the scenery has its own feelings. 户部巷:惺忪的武汉从热气腾腾的“过早”中醒来,然后充满元气的一天就开始了 Hubu Lane :Dreamless Wuhan wakes up from steaming breakfast , and then begins with a day full of vitality . 武汉公交:这里有全国最疯狂的公交车。 Urban Mass-transit:Here is the most crazy buses in China. 红钢城:从空中鸟瞰,红钢城的八、九街就像一个中国传统的大红色的“囍”字。Honggangcheng :Honggangcheng's eight,nine streets are like a Chinese traditional character "Double Happiness" in aerial scene. 黄鹤楼:从三国的夏口楚城,再到宋、元、清的黄鹤楼,各个时代的建筑在蛇山叠加成了一个通天的黄鹤楼。 Yellow Crane Tower:From the Xiakou Chu City of Three Kingdoms, to the Yellow Crane Towers of Song, Yuan and Qing Dynasty, each era buildings in the Snake Hill superimposed into a Yellow Crane Tower that could nearly reach the sky. 江汉关:浑厚的钟声伴着长江里的浪花,穿过悠远的岁月,回到儿时闷热的夏夜,钟声敲响的时候整个城市都会变得安静。 Hankow Customs:ring in Hankow Customs accompanied with the Yangtze River waves are travel through distant years, backing to childhood sultry summer night.When the clock strikes, throughout the city will become quiet.


我的家乡英语作文(共6篇) 我的家乡(my hometown) my hometown is Guiyang, a small city in Southwest china, surrounded by rolling green mountains. A river runs through it, with locust trees lining along both banks. In Spring the locust trees all blossom at the same time, spreading the delicate fragrance all around the city. In Summer there will be little boats floating on the river, the laughter of childrenresonating with the sound of the running water. I was born and grew up in the city, and I’m very affecti onate to it. It rains a lot, but the climate is very mild, neither too cold nor too hot throughout the year.

It is small and not very prosperous, but people there are warm-hearted and straightforward. The life pace there is slow and peaceful. It’s a go od place for spending hot summer days. That is my hometown. I love her deeply from the bottom of my heart. 我的家乡是贵阳,一个中国西南的边的小城市,四周群山环绕。有一条护城河,两岸种植着槐树。春天槐树都在同一时间开花,全城都弥漫着淡淡的芳香。夏天的时候有小舟在河飘动,孩子们的笑声在在水流声间回荡。 我在这座城市出生、成长,我非常热爱它。贵阳常常下雨,但气候宜人,一年之间不会太冷、也不会太热。贵阳很小也不繁华,但是这里的人都很热情、直爽。这里的生活悠闲而安详。这是一个度过酷热暑假的好地方。 这就是我的家乡,我深爱的着的地方。 my hometown is Zhuolu county of


China Ancient Four Inventions Compass, gunpowder['ɡ?n,paud?], papermaking skill and typography[tai'p?ɡr?fi], is China ancient['ein??nt] four inventions, it is one of the signs that China become to the ancient civilized['sivilaizd]country, occupy['?kjupai]the important position in the history of human civilization[,sivilai'zei??n]. 罗盘、火药、造纸术和印刷术,是中国古代四大发明,这是中国成为这古老文明的国家,占据在人类文明史上占有重要地位的标志之一。 1. Compass指南针 The invention of the compass is the result of China ancient working people know to the object magnetism['m?ɡnitiz?m] in the long-term practice. 指南针的发明是我国古代劳动人民长期实践中认识到物体的磁性的结果。Because of productive labor['leib?], people have found the characteristic[,k?r?kt?'ristik] of the magnet['m?ɡnit]pointing to direction. Through experiment and research in many ways, invented the Compass at last. 由于生产劳动,人们已经发现了磁铁的指出方向的特点。通过试验和在许多方面的研究,发明了指南针。 The Compass give play to important function['f??k??n] in the navigation[,n?vi'ɡei??n] after introducing to Europ['ju?r?p]e. 指南针在传入欧洲后,在导航上发挥了重要的作用 2. Gunpowder火药 The gunpowder is made of niter, sulfur['s?lf?]and charcoal['t?ɑ:k?ul]three kinds of materials[m?'ti?ri?lz] mixing. 火药是由硝石、硫和木炭三种原料混合制成的。 In the Tang Dynasty['din?sti], the gunpowder begins to be applied[?'plaid]to the military['milit?ri] affairs [?'fε?]. 唐朝,火药开始应用到军事上。 People utilize['ju:tilaiz]the throwing stone machine [m?'?i:n], light the gunpowder bag and throw out, burn the enemy['enimi], this is the most primitive['primitiv]cannon ['k?n?n]. 人们利用抛射石头的抛石机,把火药包点着以后,抛射出去,烧伤敌人,这是最原始的火炮。 3. Papermaking skill造纸术


介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译【三篇】 导读:本文介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 I love the motherland, love people, love mom and dad, love my hometown - shaoxing more! "The long no water, sweet shaoxing wine." Simple and honest in shaoxing people has created a generation of great men. Shaoxing is a of the famous historical and cultural city, bridge township, the winelands, of course, is also a tourist resort. I love my hometown river, its green let a person enchanted, like a green and clean water. And like a wall, every one in shaoxing, guarded day and night. It clear enough to let us see the fish in the water. I love the hometown of the shade, it's lush leaves open to all around, as if in to meet one another out-of-town visitors. Its branches grow again and again, as if in said to us: "you want to study well, like I grow higher and higher, the more to learn, the better!" I love my hometown, because it is in shaoxing people carried out the construction of the place is so beautiful. The


虽然是在网站上找的,但是还是费了不少的力,希望对你有帮助那我的辛苦也就没有白费了! 1.自由女神像介绍: Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life. These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written……Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York.


武汉市 武汉市,简称汉,湖北省省会,因武昌、汉口、汉阳三地合称而得名,是中国中部地区中心城市。 武汉位于中国腹地中心、长江与汉江交汇处、江汉平原东部,是中部六省唯一的副省级城市,也是中部第一大都市。世界第三大河长江及其最大支流汉江横贯市区,将武汉一分为三,形成武昌、汉口、汉阳跨江鼎立的格局。唐朝诗人李白在此写下“黄鹤楼中吹玉笛,江城五月落梅花”,因此武汉自古又称“江城”。 武汉历来被称为“九省通衢”之地,是中国内陆最大的水陆空交通枢纽,中国的经济地理中心,国家重要的科技、工业、信息、产业、通信中心,内陆地区的金融、商业、贸易、物流、文化中心,被誉为世界开启中国内陆市场的“金钥匙”,经济发展的“立交桥”,具有承东启西、接南转北、吸引四面、辐射八方的区位优势。 Wuhan, composed of the three towns of Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, is the capital of Hubei Province. The three towns, separated by the Yangtze and Hanshui rivers, are linked by bridges, and because these municipalities are so closely connected by waterways, Wuhan is also called the "city on rivers." Being the largest inland port on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and a major stop on the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Wuhan is one of China…s most important hubs of water and rail transportation and communications. Wuhan has an old history and rich cultural traditions. It began to prosper as a commercial town about two thousand years ago, when it was called Yingwuzhou (Parrot beach). From the first century to the beginning of the third century, the towns of Hanyang and Wuchang began to take shape. During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the area became one of the most prosperous commercial centers along the Yangtze River. By the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Hankou had become one of the four most famous cities in China. Today, Wuhan is the political, economic, and cultural center of Central China. It boasts of one of China…s leading iron and steel complexes -- the Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation. Wuhan is also a city with a strong revolutionary tradition.


造纸术 造纸术是中国四大发明之一,纸是中国古代劳动人民长期经验的积累和智慧的结晶,它是人类文明史上的一项杰出的发明创造。东汉元兴元年(105)蔡伦改进了造纸术。他用树皮、麻头及敝布、鱼网等原料,经过挫、捣、炒、烘等工艺制造的纸,是现代纸的渊源。为纪念蔡伦的功绩,后人把这种纸叫做“蔡侯纸”。 纸是中国劳动人民长期经验的积累和智慧的结晶,纸是用以书写、印刷、绘画或包装等的片状纤维制品。 火药 火药是中国四大发明之一。人类文明史上的一项杰出的成就。火药,顾名思义,可由火花、火焰等引起剧烈燃烧的药剂。火药是以其杀伤力和震慑力,带给人类消停战事、安全防卫的作用,成为了人类文明重要发明之一。 四大发明 四大发明是关于中国科学技术史的一种观点,是指中国古代对世界具有很大影响的四种发明,是中国古代劳动人民的重要创造,是指造纸术、指南针、火药及印刷术。此一说法最早由英国汉学家艾约瑟提出并为后来许多中国的历史学家所继承,普遍认为这四种发明对中国古代的政治、经济、文化的发展产生了巨大的推动作用,且这些发明经由各种途径传至西方,对世界文明发展史也产生了很大的影响。这个发明清单被后来的著名英国生化学家、历史学家和汉学家李约瑟发扬光大。 指南针 指南针,古代叫司南,主要组成部分是一根装在轴上的磁针,磁针在天然地磁场的作用下可以自由转动并保持在磁子午线的切线方向上,磁针的北极指向地理的南极,利用这一性能可以辨别方向。 印刷术 印刷术是中国古代劳动人民的四大发明之一。雕版印刷术发明于唐朝,并在唐朝中后期普遍使用。宋仁宗时毕昇发明了活字印刷术。宋朝虽然出现活字印刷术,但并未普遍使用,而仍然是普遍使用雕版印刷术。


介绍我的家乡英语作文5篇 家乡是生我养我的地方,家乡是见证我成长的地方,家乡是无论我们走多远都会惦念的地方。下面是小编为大家收集关于介绍我的家乡英语作文5篇,欢迎借鉴参考。 【篇一关于我的家乡英语作文】 Welcome to my hometown! My home town is a good place . It is near a hill. There are many big trees、beautiful flowers and nice food. There is a shopping mall in the centre of the town.There are many shops in the shopping mall.Such as: clothes shops 、shoe shops、sports shops and KFC.It also has a park.You can go walking there .You can see green trees and lakes ,too. There is little air pollution,because cars cant go into the centre of the town. Peple here are very friendly and helpful . I think my home town is a wonderful place to live. I love my home town! 【篇二My Hometown】 My hometown is Haimen. Its not very large, but its very beautiful. There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other


西安几大著名旅游景点介绍(英文) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 鼓楼 The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty Xi'an: Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayanta) The Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayan Ta),is a Buddhistpagoda built in 652 AD during the Tang Dynasty and originally had five stories.The original construction of rammed earth with a stone exterior facade eventually collapsed five decades later but was rebuilt by Empress Wu Zetian in 704AD who added five more stories. A massive earthquake in 1556 heavily damaged the pagoda and reduced it by three stories to its current height of seven stories One of the pagoda's many functions was to hold sutras and figurines of the Buddha that were brought to China from Indiaby Xuanzang, a famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator.Xuanzang is a prominent Buddhist figure mostly known for his seventeen year overland trip to India and back, which is recorded in detail in his autobiography and a biography, and which provided the inspiration for the epic novel “Journey to the West”.


介绍我的家乡英语作文 我的家乡(My home town) Beijing is not only the city where I was born, but also the only place I've never been able to leave. 5 years ago, I moved from here to another city to begin my college life. The day I left beijing I felt as a fish out of water. beijing is the only place where I've walked past a schoolyard and pictured a future son or daughter of mine playing balls. I love this city. She’s small and quiet. Every day I live here, I could have the safety feeling which I got when my mother held me in her arms. I love this city. She is very beautiful and lovely. Everywhere you can see the flowers, grass and trees. The shops are full of all kinds of goods. When you walk in the street, you can feel the gentle wind touching your face and breathe the fresh air. I love this city. The climate here is very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoors activities. I love this city. She is where I have lived for fifteen years with my parents, my good friends, and my teachers who have supported me. She has almost all my memories. I love the night of beijing. People sit in the gardens of their houses or in the small restaurants, chatting, drinking and enjoying the delicious seafood which is abundant in our city.


四大发明英语六级翻译练习 英语六级翻译模拟练习题:四大发明请将下面这段话翻译成英文:中国的四大发明包括指南针、火药、造纸术和印刷术,它们是中 国在人类文明史上占有重要地位的标志之一。第一个指南针产生于战国 时期(the Warring States Period),是利用天然磁石(natural magnet)来辨别 方向的一种简单仪器。火药发明于隋唐时期,主要应用于军事领域,造 纸术于东汉年间由蔡伦改进,使纸成为人们普遍使用的书写材料。印刷 术,又称活字印刷术,大大促进了文化的传播。四大发明对世界经济的 发展和人类文化的进步做出了巨大的贡献。 参考翻译: Four great inventions of China include thecompass,gun powder,the paper-making techniqueand the printing technique.They are one of themarks that China occupies an important position inthe history of human civilization.The first compasswas invented during the Warring States Period.It was a simple device employing naturalmagnets to identify directions.Gunpowder was invented in Sui and Tang Dynasties and wasmainly used in military areas.The paper-making technique was developed by Cai Lun in theEastern Han Dynasty,making paper a commonly used writing material.The Printingtechnique,also called movable type printing,promoted the spread of culture significantly.Thefour great inventions of China made tremendous contribution to the development of theworld's economy and the progress of the culture of mankind. 1.第二句的主干是“它们是标志之一”,“标志(mark)”的定语很 长,可用that 引导的定语从句来修饰。 2.第三句“第一个指南针…”较长,可拆译为两个句子,前一句说


免费旅游景点详细介绍(含非免费景点) 免费景点: 1. 楚河汉街 地址:武昌中北路,公交车站----东湖路楚河汉街,14路; 411路; 552路; 578路; 701路; 709路; 810路,原武重宿舍,与大学、大学中南医院等建筑毗邻。 楚河夜景 楚河夜景

汉街雨景(此街两侧房屋里客购物、喝茶等) 汉街景象 此处进入为汉街,汉街旁的河为楚河,与东湖、沙湖相连。 楚河汉街是中央文化区一期项目重要容。项目规划面积1.8平方公里,总建筑面积340万平方米,是万达集团投资500亿元人民币,倾力打造的以文化为核心,兼具旅游、商业、商务、居住功能的世界级文化旅游项目。定位是“中国第一,世界一流,业朝拜之地”,将打造成世界文化新品牌。楚河汉街不仅是商业,更是城市历史文化和生态景观工程,经济社会综合效应十分显著。“楚河”贯穿中央文化区东西,是文化区的灵魂。楚河”全长2.2 公里,连通东湖和沙湖,是国务院批准的市“六湖连通水网治理工程”的首个工程。 2.东湖梨园


东湖生态旅游风景区位于市的东部,总面积82平方公里,其中水面33平方公里,是中国最大的城中湖。主席自建国后除了中南海外,在东湖居住的时间最长。东湖生态旅游风景区的核心景区之一——听涛景区以秀丽的江南风光和源远流长的屈子文化而闻名。景区岬湾交错、树种繁多,堤路将多个半岛相连在一起,亭阁相望,岸线绵长,四季景色美不胜收。东湖听涛景区还建有全国陆最大的海沙沙滩浴场、中国第一座寓言雕塑园、楚风园、鳄鱼园等。梨园景区在东湖西北岸,与对岸滩头相望。为东湖生态旅游风景区主要园林之一。建国后培育,占地500余亩,种有各种果树和名贵花木,其中以梨为主,因以园名。园中所有树木,皆依地势而起伏,高低重叠,苍翠幽深。一年四季,繁花不断,沁人心脾,尤其梨花盛开时,酷似无数粉蝶满园飞舞,殊为壮观。 3.省博物馆 地址:武昌东湖路,乘14、108、402、411、552、578、701、709路公交到省博物馆站下车,乘605、712、777路到黄鹂路下车即到。


Ganzhou, the second largest city in Jiangxi, also known as Gannan, is located in the south part of Jiangxi Province, covering an area of 39,400 square kilometers, with jurisdiction over 1 district, 2 county-level cities and 15 counties. It borders Hunan Province to the west, Guangdong to the south, and Fujian to the east, as well as Ji'an and Fuzhou city in Jiangxi to the north. Ganzhou is a very beautiful city with sound environment and pleasant climate. It is especially famous for its forestation and mountainous areas. More than 83% of Ganzhou, is characterized by many mountains.In spring, Ganzhou is covered with green and filled with hope.In summer, the trees are thriving; the flowers are in full bloom. Walking under the shadows with dear family members must be a wonderful experience.In autumn, it is cool and the breeze touches your face gently. It is also time for harvest. In winter, the climate here is cold. It doesn’t snow often. But here in Ganzhou, winter has its special charm. Ganzhou is also rich in different kinds of resources, such as agricultural resources, land resources, timber resources, abundant water resources, valuable animal resources, rare mineral resources, and so on. I hope you will make a visit here one day.

2021年旅游英语 石林旅游景点英语介绍

旅游英语石林旅游景点英语介绍 摘要:石林彝族自治县(简称石林县)是云南省昆明市下辖的远郊县,原名路南彝族自治县,因境内的石林地质公园而改名。以下是的英语文章:石林旅游景点英语介绍,希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。 The Stone Forest lies about 80 miles to the southeast of Ku ___ing. A geological phenomenon, the Stone Forest was a vast expanse of sea during the Paleozoic era——some 270 million years ago. Later, the movement of tectonic plates altered the earth’s crust, causing the sea to re ___de and its limestone bottom to appear, thereby forming land.Due to the constant seeping ofrain through the cracks in the limestone, some of the stone for ___tion dissolved and the fissures broadened, producing a group of great sculptures of different shapes, all molded by nature. In the midst of the forest, there is a huge rock screen on which two words——Stone Forest——are engraved in official script (in a calligraphic style typical of the Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.-220 A.D.). Among the s ___nic sights is the "Sword Peak Pond" with jadeite-colored water so clear
