

A Summary of balance of payments in 2014

£ million

Credits Debits

1. Current account

A. Goods and services515191549723

1. Goods295432419104

2. Services219759130619

2.1. Manufacturing physical inputs owned by others1965709

2.2. Maintenance and repair2444359

2.3. Transport2670619369

2.4. Travel2834138428

2.5. Construction19652185

2.6. Insurance and pension services201101374

2.7. Financial4922310004

2.8. Intellectual property109415924

2.9. Telecommunications, computer and information s163329413

2.10. Other business5713535508

2.11. Personal, cultural and recreational services21263143

2.12. Government24714203

B. Primary income144450177558

1. Compensation of employees10741517

2. Investment income141067173081

2.1. Direct investment7264270642

2.2. Portfolio investment4470567652

2.3. Other investment2307434787

2.4. Reserve assets646

3. Other primary income23092960

C. Secondary income1917744426

1. General government503225933

2. Other sectors1414518493

Total current account678818771707

2. Capital account

1. Capital transfers14781727

2. Acquisition/disposal of non-produced, non-financial a5461059

Total capital account20242786

3. Financial account

1. Direct investment-5340828192


1.1. Equity capital other than reinvestment of earning-69380

1.2. Reinvestment of earnings-9724

1.3. Debt instruments125696

In United Kingdom28192

1.1. Equity capital other than reinvestment of earnings16019

1.2. Reinvestment of earnings11227

1.3. Debt instruments2946

2. Portfolio investment1759599553


2.1. Equity and investment fund shares-17314

2.2. Debt securities34909


2.1. Equity and investment fund shares11664

2.2. Debt securities87889

3. Financial derivatives and employee stock options (ne-13955

4. Other investment11202631034


4.1. Other equity261

4.2. Currency and deposits70876

4.3. Loans41326

4.4. Trade credit and advances-127

4.5. Other accounts receivable-310


4.1. Currency and deposits-7902

4.2. Loans37561

4.3. Insurance, pensions and standardised guarantee schemes-251

4.4. Trade credit and advances -

4.5. Other accounts payable1626

4.6. Special drawing rights -

5. Reserve assets7113

5.1. Monetary gold -

5.2. Special drawing rights-14

5.3. Reserve position in the IMF-513

5.4. Other reserve assets7640

Total financial account69371158779

1 Debt instrument transactions on direct investment abroad represents claims

on affiliated enterprises plus claims on direct investors.

2 Debt instrument transactions on direct investment in the United Kingdom

represents liabilities to direct investors plus liabilities to affiliated


Source: Office for National Statistics
