

An Introduction to the Academic Word List

Averil Coxhead, Massey University, New Zealand

What is the Academic Word List?

The Academic Word List (AWL) is a list of 570 word families that are commonly found in academic texts. This list was selected by examining a large corpus (or collection) of written academic texts and selecting the words that occurred:

1?In texts from all four academic faculty

sections: Arts, Commerce, Law and Science. 2?Over 100 times in the corpus overall.

3?At least 10 times in each academic

faculty section.

4?Outside the 2000 most frequent words

on Michael West’s General Service List

(GSL). The GSL includes everyday words

such as I, house and do.

These principles ensured that only words that occurred reasonably frequently in a variety of study areas were selected.

The AWL targets vocabulary that occurs most often in written academic texts. These words also occur in newspapers but not as often as they do in textbooks. The AWL words appear even less in fiction. If your focus is learning academic vocabulary, you need to make sure you read academic textbooks so that you encounter these words in context.

How is the AWL organized?

The AWL is organized into Word Families. Word families are made up of the ‘parent word’ and ‘family members’. Take for example the word maximise. Its family members include inflections of the verb such as maximised,

maximises and maximising as well as the noun maximum. The word family also includes the British spelling of the noun maximisation, as well as maximization, the US spelling.

If you learn the verb maximise, you will be able to recognise other family members such as maximised when you encounter them in your reading. These words are closely related and the meaning is likely to be the same or similar. When you are looking for words in this dictionary, think about other word family members too. Finally, there are some academic words that

do not have a word family. These words occur on their own and do not have any inflections. Examples include nonetheless,so-called and behalf.

Why is the AWL important?

The AWL is intended as a reference for students who are studying or preparing to study at a tertiary level in English. As a university lecturer, I was aware of the difficulties that students had in mastering the vocabulary necessary for written assignments. The AWL does not include ‘content’ vocabulary for particular subjects which students obviously need to learn as well. The AWL focuses instead on the non-subject-specific vocabulary that students of any discipline will need to master in order to produce coherently-structured written assignments.

The AWL covers up to 10% of the vocabulary covered in written academic texts. This means that, on average, one word in 10 in an academic textbook is in the AWL. Look at the following extract from an academic text:

&6301&"/ &/7*30/.&/5"- 10-*$: Environmental issues are truly global. Many of the problems, like the releasing

of CFCs into the atmosphere, have global effects and require global action. Some problems link to the exploitation of global commons – the resources shared by the international community such

as ocean beds and the atmosphere. Sometimes small local problems, such

as poisonous gases leaking from landfills and water pollution, are multiplied so many times in any local contexts that

they become major world hazards. The environment is a global concern requiring global policies.

Academic Word List

Academic Word List

The highlighted words are all on the AWL.

This sample illustrates clearly that the AWL

can help with decisions about which words are important for you to learn if you are studying in an English-speaking country.

How can the AWL help me with

my academic studies?

Knowledge of academic vocabulary is vital for students studying at an English-speaking university, particularly for reading and writing.

If you compare estimates of how many words a native English speaker might know by the age of 18 (approximately 18,000 to 20,000 words) and how many a learner who has had two or three hours of schooling in English over

several years (roughly 2000 to 3000 words depending on the language background of the student), this gap is enormous. In order to read and write successfully you need to be able to recognize as many words as possible in your textbooks and use as many as possible in your essays. The bigger your vocabulary, the more you will be able to cope with the high reading and writing demands of your studies.

Academic writing tends to be quite formal in style. The vocabulary items that you use in your writing can affect the level of formality. Writers need to know whether a word can be used in a particular situation. T ake for example consequent. This is marked as formal. You would probably

not choose to use this word when speaking with friends but you should use it in written English to take your language to a higher level of formality. The AWL will help you to focus on issues of formality. Look out for the formal label in this dictionary.

Remember that the AWL covers approximately 10% of all vocabulary in a piece of academic writing. You should aim to have roughly the same percentage in your own academic writing too. If you go to the AWL highlighter website

by Sandra Haywood (http://www.nottingham. https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd4651162.html,/~alzsh3/acvocab/awlhighlighter.html) you can copy and paste your text into it and it will highlight the AWL words for you. This will enable you to see how many AWL words you are using overall and whether you repeat the same words many times in your writing.

When looking up words from the AWL in this dictionary you should also focus on the bold phrases that are highlighted. These show you the key grammatical patterns and collocations for that word. Collocations are words that commonly occur together or near each other in a text, for example ‘effect on’. Collocations and phrases are important because they help with fluency

in writing and indicate that you are working at a higher level with academic vocabulary than just using a word from your own language and its translation. The collocations in the following text have been highlighted in blue.

%&$-*/*/( #*0%*7&34*5:

Whatever the effects on this planet’s climate, rain-forest clearance has another undeniable impact. The disappearance of rain forests is a major factor eroding the earth’s biodiversity, or, more simply causing many thousands of species of plant and animal life to disappear forever. While rain forests account for just seven percent of the earth’s surface, they are home to almost half of this planet’s living species. Estimates

of the total number of species of animals

and plants range from 1.5 million to as high as 30 million. Researchers, in fact, have identified more than 1,000 species of ants alone (Wilson, 1991).

What strategies can I use to help

learn the AWL words?

Remember that building your vocabulary takes time. You are not likely to learn everything you need to know about a word the very first time you see it. And don’t expect to remember everything about a word after looking it up in a dictionary once. Try some of these ideas to help you with vocabulary building:

Make the most of the information given in this dictionary to build up your knowledge of a word. Look at the bold phrases highlighted in the entry. These show important grammatical patterns and collocations. Learn these rather than the word in isolation.

Even if you think you already ‘know’ a word, look it up in the dictionary to see if there is any additional information that you don’t know.

Research has shown that repetition helps people to remember things. Make sure you build repetition into your learning. You could do this through using word cards to test yourself or by keeping a vocabulary notebook.

Academic Word List

Studying words ‘actively’ will help your learning. People do learn words through reading but the chances of remembering vocabulary is higher when you focus on the words and make a conscious effort to learn them.

Look out for common collocations, phrases and grammatical patterns of words when you are reading academic texts.

Work with the AWL alongside you when you are writing. Try to use words from the list that are relevant to your writing.

How is the AWL shown in this dictionary? The words on the AWL are marked with AC in this


The AWL does not include the 2000 most frequent words used in general everyday English. In this dictionary, however, the 3000 most frequent words in written English are also marked with W W and W and the 3000 most frequent words in spoken English are marked with S S and S .

In some cases, these overlap with the AWL.

Averil Coxhead is a lecturer in English for Academic Purposes

at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. She

compiled the AWL in 2000. For further information on the AWL go to Averil’s website at https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd4651162.html,/staff/awl/


Acknowledgement: Extracts on the subject of European environmental policy and declining biodiversity are reproduced with permission from Sociology:

A Global Introduction, third edition, by John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer,

?Pearson Education Limited 2005.

abandon1v abandoned adj abnormal adj abstract1adj abstract2n abstract3v abstraction n academic1adj academic2n academy n access1n access2v accessible adj accommodate v accommodation n accompaniment n accompany v accumulate v accuracy n accurate adj achieve v achievement n acknowledge v acknowledgement n acquire v acquisition n adapt v adaptable adj adaptation n adequate adj adjacent adj

adjust v

adjustment n

administration n

administrative adj



advocacy n


advocate2 n

affect v

aggregate1 n

aggregate2 adj

aggregate3 v

aid1 n

aid2 v

albeit conj

allocate v

allocation n

alter v

alteration n

alternate1 adj

alternate2 v

alternative1 adj

alternative2 n

ambiguity n

ambiguous adj

amend v

amendment n

analogous adj

analogy n

analyse v

analysis n

analyst n

analytical adj

analyze v

annual1 adj

anticipate v

anticipation n

apparent adj

append v

appendix n

appreciable adj

appreciate v

appreciation n

approach1 v

approach2 n

appropriate1 adj

approximate1 adj

approximate2 v

approximation n

arbitrary adj

area n

aspect n

assemble v

assembly n

assess v

assessment n

assign v

assignment n

assist1 v

assistance n

assume v

assuming conj

assumption n

assurance n

assure v

attach v

attachment n

attain v

attainment n

attitude n

attributable adj

attribute1 v

attribute2 n

author1 n

author2 v

authoritative adj

authority n

authorship n

automate v

automated adj

automatic1 adj

automatically adv

automation n

available adj

aware adj

awareness n

Academic Word List

The following is a list of the words from the Academic Word List that are highlighted in this dictionary. Words shown in bold are one of the ‘parent words’.

Academic Word List

behalf n beneficial adj beneficiary n benefit1 n benefit2 v

bias1 n

bias2 v

biased adj

bond1 n

bond2 v brevity n

brief1 adj

brief2 n

brief3 v briefing n briefly adv

bulk1 n

bulky adj

capability n capable adj capacity n category n cease1 v challenge1 n challenge2 v challenging adj channel1 n channel2 v chapter n

chart1 n

chart2 v chemical1 n chemical2 adj circumstance n citation n

cite v

civil adj clarification n clarify v

clarity n classic1 adj classic2 n classical adj clause n

code1 n

code2 v

coded adj coding n coherence n coherent adj coincide v coincidence n coincident adj coincidental adj collapse1 v collapse2 n colleague n commence v commencement n comment1 n

comment2 v

commentary n

commentator n

commission1 n

commission2 v

commit v

commitment n

committed adj

commodity n

communicable adj

communicate v

communication n

communicative adj

community n

compatibility n

compatible1 adj

compensate v

compensation n

compensatory adj

compilation n

compile v

complement1 n

complement2 v

complementary adj

complex1 adj

complex2 n

complexity n

component1 n

component2 adj

compound1 n

compound2 v

compound3 adj

comprehensive adj

comprise v

computation n

compute v

computer n

computing n

conceivable adj

conceive v

concentrate1 v

concentration n

concept n

conception n

conceptual adj

conclude v

concluding adj

conclusion n

conclusive adj

concurrent adj

conduct1 v

conduct2 n

confer v

conference n

confine v

confined adj

confirm v

confirmation n

conflict1 n

conflict2 v

conform v

conformation n

conformist adj

conformity n

consensus n

consent1 n

consent2 v

consequence n

consequent adj

consequently adv

considerable adj

considerably adv

consist v

consistency n

consistent adj

constancy n

constant1 adj

constant2 n

constantly adv

constituency n

constituent1 n

constituent2 adj

constitute v

constitution n

constitutional1 adj

constrain v

constrained adj

constraint n

construct1 v

construct2 n

construction n

constructive adj

consult v

consultancy n

consultant n

consultation n

consultative adj

consume v

consumer n

consumption n

contact1 n

contact2 v

contact3 adj

contemporary1 adj

contemporary2 n

context n

contextual adj

contextualize v

contract1 n

contract2 v

contractor n

contradict v

contradiction n

contradictory adj

contrary1 n

contrary2 adj

contrast1 n

contrast2 v

contrasting adj

contribute v

contribution n

contributor n

controversial adj

controversy n

convene v

convention n

conventional adj

converse3 adj

conversely adv

conversion n

convert1 v

convertible 1 adj

convince v

convinced adj

convincing adj

cooperate v

cooperation n

cooperative1 adj

coordinate1 v

coordinate2 n

coordinate3 adj

coordination n

coordinator n

core1 n

core2 adj

core3 v

corporate adj

corporation n

correspond v

correspondence n

corresponding adj

couple1 n

couple2 v

create v

creation n

creative1 adj

creativity n

creator n

credit1 n

credit2 v

creditor n

criterion n

crucial adj

cultural adj

culturally adv

culture1 n

currency n

cycle1 n

cycle2 v

cyclic adj

data n

debatable adj

debate1 n

debate2 v

decade n

decline1 n

decline2 v

deduce v

Academic Word List

deduction n define v

definite adj definitely adv definition n definitive adj demonstrable adj demonstrate v demonstration n demonstrative adj demonstrator n denial n

denote v

deny v

depress v depression n derivation n derivative1 n derivative2 adj derive v

design1 n

design2 v designer1 n despite prep detect v detection n detective n detector n deviate1 v deviation n device n

devote v devoted adj devotion n differentiate v dimension n diminish v diminution n discrete adj discretion n discretionary adj discriminate v discrimination n disestablish v displace v displacement n display1 n display2 v disposable adj disposal n dispose v disproportion n disproportionate adj dissimilar adj distinct adj distinction n distinctive adj distinctly adv distort v distribute v distribution n

distributive adj

diverse adj

diversify v

diversity n

document1 n

document2 v

documentation n

domain n

domestic1 adj

domesticate v

domesticated adj

dominance n

dominant1 adj

dominate v

draft1 n

draft2 v

draft3 adj

drama n

dramatic adj

dramatist n

dramatize v

duration n

dynamic1 adj

dynamic2 n

economic adj

economical adj

economically adv

economics n

economist n

economy1 n

edit v

edition n

editor n

editorial1 adj

editorial2 n

element n

eliminate v

elimination n

emerge v

emergence n

emergent adj

emerging adj

emphasis n

emphasize v

emphatic adj

empirical adj

empiricism n

enable v

enabling adj

encounter1 v

encounter2 n

energetic adj

energy n

enforce v

enforced adj

enforcement n

enhance v

enhanced adj

enormity n

enormous adj

enormously adv

ensure v

entity n

environment n

environmental adj

environmentalist n

equate v

equation n

equip v

equipment n

equivalent1 adj

equivalent2 n

erode v

erosion n

erroneous adj

error n

establish v

established adj

establishment n

estate n

estimate1 n

estimate2 v

estimation n

ethic n

ethical adj

ethnic1 adj

ethnic2 n

evaluate v

evaluation n

eventual adj

eventuality n

eventually adv

evidence1 n

evident adj

evidential adj

evidently adv

evolution n

evolutionary adj

evolve v

exceed v

exclude v

excluding prep

exclusion n

exclusive1 adj

exclusively adv

exhibit1 v

exhibit2 n

exhibition n

expand v

expansion n

expansionism n

expansive adj

expert1 n

expert2 adj

expertise n

explicit adj

exploit1 v

exploitation n

export1 n

export2 v

exporter n

expose v

exposed adj

exposure n

external adj

externalize v

extract1 v

extract2 n

extraction n

facilitate v

facilitator n

facility n

factor1 n

factor2 v

feature1 n

feature2 v

federal adj

federation n

fee n

file1 n

file2 v

filing n

final1 adj

final2 n

finality n

finalize v

finally adv

finance1 n

finance2 v

financial adj

financier n

finite adj

flexibility n

flexible adj

fluctuate v

fluctuation n

focus1 v

focus2 n

focussed adj

format1 n

format2 v

formula n

formulate v

forthcoming adj

found2 v

foundation n

founder1 n

founding n

framework n

function1 n

function2 v

functional adj

fund1 n

fund2 v

fundamental adj

fundamentally adv

funding n

Academic Word List

furthermore adv

gender n generate v generation n globalization n globe n

goal n

grade1 n grade2 v graded adj grant1 v

grant2 n guarantee1 v guarantee2 n guideline n

hence adv hierarchical adj hierarchy n highlight1 v hypothesis n hypothesize v hypothetical adj identical adj identifiable adj identification n identify v identity n ideological adj ideology n ignorance n ignorant adj ignore v illegal1 adj illogical adj illustrate v illustration n illustrative adj image n imagery n immature adj immigrant n immigrate v immigration n impact1 n impact2 v implement1 v implement2 n implicate v implication n implicit adj imply v impose v imposition n imprecise adj inaccessible adj inaccuracy n inaccurate adj inadequacy n

inadequate adj

inappropriate adj

incapable adj

incapacitate v

incentive n

incidence n

incident n

incidentally adv

inclination n

incline1 v

incline2 n

incoherent adj

income n

incompatible adj

inconceivable adj

inconclusive adj

inconsistency n

inconsistent adj

incorporate v

incorporated adj

indefinite adj

indefinitely adv

index1 n

index2 v

indicate v

indication n

indicative1 n

indicative2 adj

indicator n

indiscretion n

indistinct adj

individual1 adj

individual2 n

individualism n

individualist n

individuality n

individually adv

induce v

induction n

inevitability n

inevitable adj

inevitably adv

infer v

inference n

infinite adj

infinitely adv

inflexible adj

infrastructure n

inherent adj

inhibit v

inhibition n

initial1 adj

initially adv

initiate1 v

initiation n

initiative n

initiator n

injure v

injured adj

injury n

innovate v

innovation n

innovative adj

innovator n

input1 n

input2 v

insecure adj

insert1 v

insertion n

insight n

insightful adj

insignificant adj

inspect v

inspection n

inspector n

instability n

instance1 n

instance2 v

institute1 n

institute2 v

institution n

institutional adj

institutionalized adj

instruct v

instruction n

instructive adj

instructor n

insufficient adj

integral adj

integrate v

integrated adj

integration n

integrity n

intelligence n

intelligent adj

intense adj

intensify v

intensity n

intensive adj

interact v

interaction n

interactive adj

intermediate1 adj

internal adj

internalize v

interpret v

interpretation n

interpretative adj

interpretive adj

interval n

intervene v

intervening adj

intervention n

intrinsic adj

invalidate v

invalidity n

invariable adj

invariably adv

invest v

investigate v

investigation n

investigative adj

investigator n

investment n

investor n

invisible adj

invoke v

involve v

involvement n

irrational adj

irrelevance n

irrelevant adj

irreversible adj

isolate v

isolated adj

isolation n

isolationism n

issue1 n

issue2 v

item n

job n

journal n

justifiable adj

justification n

justified adj

justify v

label1 n

label2 v

labor n

labored adj

labour1 n

labour2 v

laboured adj

layer1 n

layer2 v

lecture1 n

lecture2 v

lecturer n

legal adj

legality n

legally adv

legislate v

legislation n

legislative adj

legislator n

legislature n

levy1 v

levy2 n

liberal1 adj

liberal2 n

liberalism n

liberalize v

liberally adv

liberate v

liberated adj

licence n

license v

Academic Word List

licensed adj likewise adv link1 v

link2 n linkage n locate v location n logic n logical adj logician n maintain v maintenance n major1 adj majority n manipulate v manipulative adj manual1 adj manual2 n margin n marginal adj marginally adv maturation n mature1 adj mature2 v maturity n maximize v maximum1 adj maximum2 n mechanism n media n mediate v medical1 adj medium1 adj medium2 n mental adj mentality n method n methodical adj methodology n migrant n migrate v migration n migratory adj military1 adj military2 n minimal adj minimize v minimum1 adj minimum2 n ministerial adj ministry n minor1 adj minority n misinterpret v mode n modification n modify v monitor1 v motivated adj motivation n

motive1 n

motive2 adj

mutual adj

mutually adv

negate v

negative1 adj

negative2 n

network1 n

network2 v

networking n

neutral1 adj

neutrality n

neutralize v

nevertheless adv

nonconformist n

nonetheless adv

norm n

normal1 adj

normal2 n

normality n

normalize v

normally adv

notion n

notwithstanding prep

nuclear adj

objective1 n

objective2 adj

objectively adv

obtain v

obtainable adj

obvious adj

obviously adv

occupancy n

occupant n

occupation n

occupational adj

occupier n

occupy v

occur v

occurrence n

odd adj

odds n

offset1 v

ongoing adj

option n

optional adj

orient1 v

orientate v

orientated adj

orientation n

oriented adj

outcome n

output1 n

output2 v

overall1 adj

overall2 adv

overestimate1 v

overestimate2 n

overlap1 v

overlap2 n

overseas1 adv

overseas2 adj

panel n

paradigm n

paragraph n

parallel1 n

parallel2 adj

parallel3 v

parameter n

participant n

participate v

participation n

participatory adj

partner1 n

partnership n

passive1 adj

passive2 n

perceive v

percent1 adj

percent2 n

percentage n

perception n

period1 n

periodic adj

periodical n

persist v

persistence n

persistent adj

perspective n

phase1 n

phase2 v

phenomenal adj

phenomenon n

philosopher n

philosophical adj

philosophize v

philosophy n

physical1 adj

physically adv

plus1 prep

plus2 n

plus3 adj

policy n

portion1 n

pose1 v

pose2 n

positive1 adj

positively adv

potential1 adj

potential2 n

potentially adv

practitioner n

precede v

precedence n

precedent n

preceding adj

precise adj

precisely adv

precision1 n

precision2 adj

predict v

predictable adj

prediction n

predominance n

predominant adj

predominantly adv

predominate v

preliminary1 adj

preliminary2 n

presumably adv

presume v

presumption n

previous adj

previously adv

primacy n

primarily adv

primary1 adj

prime1 adj

principal1 adj

principally adv

principle n

principled adj

prior1 adj

prioritize v

priority1 n

procedural adj

procedure n

proceed v

proceeding n

proceeds n

process1 n

process2 v

processed adj

professional1 adj

professional2 n

professionalism n

professionally adv

prohibit v

prohibition n

prohibitive adj

project1 n

project2 v

projection n

promote v

promoter n

promotion n

proportion1 n

proportional adj

proportionate adj

prospect1 n

prospective adj

protocol n

psychological adj

psychologist n

psychology n

publication n

Academic Word List

publish v publisher n publishing n purchase1 v purchase2 n pursue v pursuit n qualitative adj quotation n quote1 v quote2 n radical1 adj radical2 n random adj range1 n range2 v

ratio n rational adj rationalism n rationalize v react v reaction n reactionary1 adj reactionary2 n reactivate v reactive adj reactor n readjust v reassess v reconstruct v reconstruction n recover v recovery n recreate v redistribute v redistribution n refine v refined adj refinement n regime n region n regional adj register1 n register2 v registration n regulate v regulation 1 n regulator n regulatory adj reinforce v reinforcement n reinvest v reject1 v rejection n relax v relaxation n release1 v release2 n relevant adj

reliable adj

reliance n

reliant adj

relocate v

reluctance n

reluctant adj

rely v

removable adj

removal n

remove1 v

remove2 n

require v

requirement n

reschedule v

research1 n

research2 v

reside v

residence n

resident1 n

resident2 adj

residential adj

resolution n

resolve1 v

resolve2 n

resource1 n

resource2 v

resourceful adj

respond v

respondent n

response n

responsive adj

restoration n

restore v

restored adj

restrain v

restraint n

restrict v

restricted adj

restriction n

restrictive adj

restructure v

retain v

retainer n

retention n

retentive adj

reveal v

revealing adj

revelation n

revenue n

reversal n

reverse1 v

reverse2 n

reverse3 adj

reversible adj

revise v

revision n

revolution n

revolutionary1 adj

revolutionary2 n

revolutionize v

rigid adj

role n

route1 n

route2 v

scenario n

schedule1 n

schedule2 v

schematic adj

scheme1 n

scheme2 v

scope1 n

section1 n

section2 v

sector n

secure1 adj

secure2 v

securely adv

security n

seek v

select1 v

select2 adj

selection n

selective adj

selector n

sequence n

sequencing n

sequential adj

series n

sex1 n

sexism n

sexual adj

sexuality n

shift1 v

shift2 n

significant adj

significantly adv

signify v

similar adj

similarity n

similarly adv

simulate v

simulated adj

simulation n

site1 n

sole1 adj

solely adv

somewhat adv

source1 n

source2 v

specific1 adj

specific2 n

specifically adv

specification n

specify v

sphere n

spherical adj

stability n

stabilize v

stable1 adj

statistic n

statistician n

status n

straightforward adj

strategic adj

strategist n

strategy n

stress1 n

stress2 v

stressed adj

stressful adj

structural adj

structure1 n

structure2 v

structured adj

style1 n

style2 v

styling n

stylish adj

stylized adj

submission n

submit v

subordinate1 adj

subordinate2 n

subordinate3 v

subsequent adj

subsequently adv

subsidiary2 adj

subsidize v

subsidy n

substitute1 n

substitute2 v

substitution n

succession n

successive adj

successor n

sufficiency n

sufficient adj

sum1 n

sum2 v

summarize v

summary1 n

summary2 adj

summation n

supplement1 n

supplement2 v

supplementary adj

survey1 n

survey2 v

survival n

survive v

survivor n

suspend v

suspension n

sustain v

sustainable adj

sustained adj

sustenance n

symbol n

Academic Word List

symbolic adj symbolism n symbolize v tape1 n

tape2 v

target1 n target2 v

task1 n

task2 v

team1 n

team2 v technical adj technically adv technique n technological adj technology n temporary adj tense1 adj tension n terminal1 adj terminal2 n terminate v termination n text1 n

textual adj thematic adj theme n theoretical adj theoretically adv theorist n theory n thereby adv thesis n

topic n topical adj trace1 v

trace2 n tracing n tradition n traditional adj traditionalist n transfer1 v transfer2 n transference n transform v transformation n transit n transition n transitional adj transitory adj transmission n transmit v transport1 n transport2 v transportation n transporter n trend n trigger1 n trigger2 v ultimate1 adj

ultimately adv

unaccompanied adj

unaffected adj

unaided adj

unalterable adj

unambiguous adj

unanticipated adj

unapproachable adj

unattached adj

unattainable adj

unavailable adj

unaware adj

unbiased adj

uncharted adj

unconstitutional adj

unconventional adj

undeniable adj

underestimate1 v

underestimate2 n

undergo v

underlie v

underlying adj

undertake v

undertaking n

underwent v

undiminished adj

uneconomical adj

unethical adj

unfounded adj

unification n

unified adj

uniform2 adj

uniformity n

unify v

unique adj

unjustified adj

unlicensed adj

unobtainable adj

unparalleled adj

unprecedented adj

unpredictable adj

unprincipled adj

unpublished adj

unregulated adj

unreliable adj

unresolved adj

unresponsive adj

unrestrained adj

unrestricted adj

unscheduled adj

unspecified adj

unstable adj

unstressed adj

unstructured adj

unsustainable adj

utility n

utilize v

valid adj

validate v

variable1 adj

variable2 n

variance n

variant n

variation n

varied adj

vary v

vehicle n

version n

via prep

violate v

violation n

virtual adj

virtually adv

visibility n

visible adj

visibly adv

vision n

visual1 adj

visualize v

visually adv

volume n

voluntarily adv

voluntary1 adj

volunteer1 n

volunteer2 v

welfare n

whereas conj

whereby adv

widespread adj


历年托福阅读真题高频词汇收集整理(5) Key 关键的important Converted修改 changed Antecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor Appealing吸引人的 attractive Local 场所place Boosted推进 raised Scope 范围extent Prolific多产的,丰富的 productive Eager 热心的,渴望的enthusiastic Engaged使用,雇佣 hire Subsequent后来的 later Sums 总数amounts Identical同样的 exactly alike Graphic生动的,鲜明的 vivid Undoubtedly 毫无疑问的certainly Components 组成部分parts Besides 除此之外in addition to Flourished繁荣,昌盛 thrived

Grumbled 抱怨,牢骚complained Serve服务,适合 function Sole 的only Detecting 发现finding Sedentary久坐的,不活动的 inactive Subjected 受影响的exposed Essence 本质,精华basic nature Diverse 不同的different Noted 注意到 observed Emphasize 强调stress Accessible易接近的,可靠近的available Account for 解释,说明explain Smooth operation 顺利进行 effective functioning Cluster 成群 group Alert 警惕 ware Scurrying 急跑,匆忙走rushing Formidable 艰难地,令人敬畏的difficult Intent 目的,意向 purpose Regardless of 不管,不顾no matter what Marked 显著地noticeable Confine 限制 restrict


A break with 分开a departure from Abundant 丰富的,充裕的plentiful Accelerated 加速increased Accessible易接近的,可靠近的available Accordingly 因此,从而consequently Accordingly 因此for that reason Account for 解释,说明explain Accumulated 积聚,积累built up Acute 敏锐的,剧烈的intense Adequate 充分的,足够的sufficient Adhere 坚持stick Administered 管理managed Adorned 装修decorated Advent 出现,到来arrival Adversely 逆向/反的negatively Aesthetically 美学的,艺术的artistically Affront 侮辱,冒犯insult Agents 动因,代理人causes Aided 帮助的helped Alert 警惕ware Allay 减轻,减少reduce Altered 改变changed Alternative 选择:option Altogether 完全的completely Annihilate 消灭,征服conquer Antecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor Apace with 快速的,急速的as fast as Appeal 吸引attraction Appealing吸引人的attractive Apply to 应用于used for Appreciated赏识,意识到recognized Aptly 恰当的appropriately Article 物品object Ascribed to 归功于,认为assumed to be true of Assembling 聚集gathering Assortment 种类variety Astounding 惊讶的surprising At any rate 无论如何regardless 不管Attachment to 倾向于preference for Attained 达到,获得achieved Attained 达到,获得achieved Attained 获得reached Attendant 伴随的accompanying Attests to 证明give evidence of Attire 服装clothing Avail themselves 利用make use Barren 贫瘠的:infertile Besides 除此之外in addition to Bias 偏见prejudice Biting 尖锐的sharp Boosted 鼓舞raised Boosted推进raised Bound 系,绑tied Bounds 限制:limits Bring about 引起cause Brittle易碎的,脆弱的easily broken By virtue of 由于because of Calculated 计算,决定determined Came of age 出现了,成名了established itself Came to the forefront 来到最前线/变得很重要became important Carried on 继续continued Carry 承担:support Ceased 停止stop Celestial 天文学的:astronomical Chance 偶然的:unplanned Chronicle 记载,记录,编年史describe Circumscribed 限制restricted Classified 分类categorized Cluster 成群group Coarse 粗糙的crude Coarser 粗糙的rougher Cohesion 凝聚力unity Coincided with 一致,符合happened at the same time Coined 组成,创造:created Comparably 相似地:similarly Compelling 强迫地,又说服力的forceful Components 组成部分parts Concealed 隐藏covered Concentrated 集中:clustered Conclusive 总结性的definitive Concomitant with 同时发生的,与之伴随的in conjunction with Confine 限制restrict Confined 局限:limited Conflicting 对立的:apposing Conjectural 猜测的based on guessing Consciously 有意识地,故意地purposely Consequence 结果result Conserve 维持,保留retain Consist 一致的,协调的constant Consorted 交往associated Conspicuous 明显的noticeable Constant 持续的,一致的consistent Constituents 组成部分components Constituting 组成making up Consumed消耗,吃eaten Consumption 消费,吃eating



Airport International Arrival Departure Domestic Expand domestic demand Transfer Connection Non-stop flight Terminal Terminate Terminator Interview Er ee Reserve Book In advance Ahead Ticket fare Fee Single ticket One-way Return First class Economic class Economy Business class Luggage Baggage Carry-on Hand Registered Checked Check in Boarding pass Passport Duty-free shop Tax On board service Blanket In-flight entertainment Lavatory Toilet Washing Rest room Occupied Occupy Occupation Landing card Place of issue Custom(s) Sponsor Health certificate Declare Declaration Baggage claim Shuttle bus Accommodation Dorm dormitory House renting Homestay Landlord Landlady Owner Agency Location Urban Suburban City centre Downtown Suburbs Countryside Village Living quarters Address Road Street Avenue Lane Postcode Contract Contact Flat apartment House En-suite Structure Single bedroom Double


托福阅读核心词组汇总(1) 托福阅读考试离不开词汇的考核,下面小编整理了托福阅读考试的核心词汇,希望能帮助大家备考。 1. a couple of 两三个,几个 Although he thought of the key idea in 1951, the first maser was not completed until a couple of years later. 2. account for 解释 Variations of clay composition and the temperatures at which they are fired account for the differences in texture and appearance. 3. adapt to 使适应于 They have been able to adapt to ecological changes. 4, adorn with sth 用…装饰 Some pots were adorned with incised or stamped decorations. 5.appeal to 吸引 Publishing literature consisting of exciting stories that would appeal to both children and adults 6.apply to 适用于 Ethological theory began to be applied to research on children in the 1960’s. 7.at best 充其量,最多 Hunting is at best a precarious way of procuring food, even when the diet is supplemented with seeds and fruits. 8.at intervals 相隔一定距离 However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. 9.at the expense of sth 在损害…的情况下 A multitude of microorganisms make their livings directly at the expense of other creatures. 10.at the height of sth 在…最鼎盛时期


托福阅读核心词汇汇总 1、Although 即使 Although he thought of the key idea in 1951, the first maser was not completed until a couple of years later. 2. account for 解释 Variations of clay composition and the temperatures at which they are fired account for the differences in texture and appearance. 3. adapt to 使适应于 They have been able to adapt to ecological changes. 4, adorn with sth 用装饰 Some pots were adorned with incised or stamped decorations. 5.appeal to 吸引 Publishing literature consisting of exciting stories that would appeal to both children and adults 6.apply to 适用于 Ethological theory began to be applied to research on children in the 1960s. 7.at best 充其量,最多 Hunting is at best a precarious way of procuring food, even when the diet is supplemented with seeds and fruits. 8.at intervals 相隔一定距离 However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move


建筑学词汇(上) architect 建筑师 architecture 建筑学 arch 拱形baroque style 巴洛克 rococo style 洛可可 pillar post 柱 bar tendon 钢筋construction 建造 icon 肖像,画像statue 雕像 dam 坝 tunnel 隧道 canyon、gorge 峡谷monument 纪念碑 church 教堂abbey 教堂 landmark 路标里程碑suspension bridge 悬浮桥 beam 梁dome vault 穹顶 granite 花岗岩collapse 坍塌 magnificent 壮丽的 reinforce 加强 stable 稳定的absorber 减震器 masterpiece 杰作,名著skyscraper 摩天大楼 sideways 侧面的 erect 盖,树立 peg 钉,栓sway 摇晃 upright 垂直的vertical 垂直的 wedge 三角木storey 层 eave 屋檐watchtower 瞭望塔 staircase 楼梯 overhang 悬垂 roof 屋顶trunk 树干 craftsman 工匠column 圆柱 flex 弯曲 concept 概念 concrete 混凝土toughened glass 钢化玻璃 建筑学词汇(下) aerial view/bird eye view 鸟瞰图 symbol 象征 statue\sculpture 雕塑 blueprint 蓝图 sketch 草图 building orientation 建筑朝向 building structure 建筑结构 civil 土木 water supply and drainage 给排水 plot plan 总图 H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and a ir conditioning) 采暖通风 electric power supply 电力供应 electric lighting 电气照明 telecommunication 电讯 instrument 仪表 heat power supply 热力供应 civil architecture 民用建筑 piping 管道 fire-prevention 防火 aseismatic, quake-proof 防震 anti-corrosion 防腐 dump-proof 防潮 water-proof 防水


托福词汇汇总 分学科词汇----part1.天文类 1 ASTRONOMY 天文 astronomy 天文学astronomical 天文的astronomical observatory 天文台astronomer 天文学家astrophysics 天文物理学astrology 占星学pseudoscience 伪科学 cosmos(universe) 宇宙cosmology 宇宙学 infinite 无限的 cosmic 宇宙的 cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射cosmic rays 宇宙射线 celestial 天的 celestial body (heavenly body) 天体celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图celestial sphere 天球 dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星 quasar 类星体,类星射电源constellation 星座 galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系cluster 星团 solar system 太阳系 solar corona 日冕 solar eclipse 日食 solar radiation 太阳辐射 planet 行星 planetoid (asteroid) 小行星revolve 旋转,绕转 twinkle 闪烁 naked eye 肉眼 Mercury 水星 Venus 金星 Earth 地球 Mars 火星 Jupiter 木星 Saturn 土星 Uranus 天王星 Neptune 海王星 Pluto 冥王星orbit 轨道 spin 旋转 satellite 卫星 lunar 月球的 meteor 流星 meteor shower流星雨 meteoroid 流星体 meteorite 陨石 comet 彗星 space (outer space) 太空,外层空间spacecraft (spaceship) 宇宙飞船spaceman ( astronaut) 宇航员,航天员space suit 宇航服,航天服 space shuttle 航天飞机 space telescope空间望远镜astronaut 宇航员 star 恒星 stellar 恒星的 intergalactic 星系间的 interstellar 恒星间的 interplanetary 行星间的 asteroid 小行星 nebula 星云 space debris 太空垃圾 ammonia 氨 corona 日冕 chromosphere 色球 photosphere 色球层 convection zone 对流层 vacuum 真空 infrared ray 红外线 chondrite 球粒 absolute magnitude 绝对量级radiation 辐射 emission 发射,散发 high-resolution 高清晰度interferometer 干扰仪 分学科词汇----part2.地理类GEOGRAPHY 地理 geography 地理 geographer 地理学家 hemisphere 半球


新托福阅读核心词汇分类总结 思考类动词总结 Think/assume/conceive/conclude/expect/ determine/hold/judge/presume/reckon/see/ sense/suppose/comprehend/consider/deduce infer/deliberate/evaluate/examine/meditate/ mull/mull over/muse/ponder/rationalize/ reason/reflect/resolve/ruminate/speculate/ study/turn over/weigh/contemplate/convey 思考类名词总结(观点/概念/理论) Notion/idea/view/concept/perception perspective/observation/examination witness/judgment/approach/hypothesis impression/supposition/theory/thought apprehension/comprehension/realization consideration/interpretation/understanding speculation/version/picture/inclination/ideology 支持类单词总结 Support/maintain/insist/hold/uphold/agree/ accede/admit/consent/assent/verify/revel in/


Exploit 利用 Deliberate 故意的 Probe 探索 Feud 结仇 Ensue 接着发生 Contention 争吵,看法Exclusive 唯一的 Endorse 赞同 Coordinate 协调 Livelihood 生计 Render 报答, 使成为, 呈现Meticulous 小心翼翼 Linger 逗留 Optimum 最好的 Hail 赞扬 Slot 缝 Formulate 规范 Susceptible 易受影响的Pronounced 明显的 Ascertain 弄清楚 Twist 扭 Spawn 大量生产 Prone 易于.. Primitive 原始的,基础的,最初的Instinctive 天生的 Scorching 炎热的 Intense 剧烈的 Parching 炎热的 Strenuous 费力的 Mitigate 减轻 Epic 宏大的,史诗 Devise 计划,发明 Contour 轮廓 Reel 轮 Deteriorate 恶化 Circuit 线路 Entail 使。成为必须 Slender 苗条的 Secrete 分泌 Elaborate 详细解释 Intimidate 威胁 Entomology 昆虫学 Shed 蜕皮 Lodge 借宿

Mantle 覆盖物 Mollusk 软体动物 The bulk of 很多 Revolt起义 Terrace 叠层 Indigo 靛青 Unravel 拆开 Motif图形 Saddle 鞍状物 Take on a role 扮演 Have one’s heart set on= set one’s heart on Give it a shot试试 Tract土地 Meager 极少的 Erg 沙质沙漠 Gypsum 石膏 Brood 沉思 Relive 再经历 Stifle 抑制 Vaudevilles 歌舞杂耍 Amorous 多情的 Suffice it to say that 只想说 Suffice 足够 Take hold 掌握 Get the credit for 因..得到称赞 Narrow down 减少 Kayak皮艇 Affliated with 隶属于 Grove 小树林 Sap 树液 Spout 喷出 Bear a resemblance to 相似 Crust 地壳 Asthenosphere 岩石圈 Proficient熟练地 Intermidiate 中等的 You bet 不客气 Venture 冒险 Prose 散文 Vernacular 当地的 Legacy 遗产 Matamorphosis 变形Holometabolism完全变态 Molt 脱皮


TOEFL核心词汇21天突破(第一天) 前言:每天只要你2小时, 2个小时平均分成四大块, 每一块只要你30分钟, 够吧, 那就背咯! 第一天 (30分钟, 尼玛一共26个单词, 难道一分钟背一个你都做不到?) abandonn. 狂热;放任vt. 遗弃;放弃 accumulatevt. 积攒vi. 累积;积聚 adverseadj. 不利的;相反的;敌对的(名词adverseness, 副词adversely) amazingadj. 令人惊异的v. 使吃惊(amaze的ing形式) approvevi. 批准;赞成;满意vt. 批准;赞成;为…提供证据 assemblevt. 集合, 聚集;装配;收集vi. 集合, 聚集 avidadj. 渴望的, 贪婪的;热心的 bartern.贸易;物物交换; vt. 以…作为交换; vi. 进行易货贸易;讨价还价 biographyn. 传记;档案;个人简介 bouldern. 卵石, 大圆石;巨砾 bulbn. 电灯泡;鳞茎;球状物vi. 生球茎;膨胀成球状 canv. 开罐aux. 能,可以n. 罐头,开罐器 casualtyn. 意外事故;伤亡人员;急诊室 chancen. 机会;运气,侥幸;可能性vt.偶然发生;冒…的险vi.碰巧;偶然被发现 civilianadj. 民用的;百姓的, 平民的n. 平民, 百姓 conceivevt. 怀孕;构思;以为;持有vi. 怀孕;设想;考虑 consecutiveadj. 连贯的;连续不断的 conventionn. 大会;惯例;约定;协定;习俗 crabn.螃蟹,脾气乖戾的人;起重机vt. 抱怨;破坏;使偏航vi.捕蟹;发牢骚 Curriculumn.课程 defendv.保卫(国家等);防御, 防守, 保护…使免于 detectv.发觉, 发现, 检定 disciplinen. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚vt. 训练, 训导;惩戒 divertvt. 转移;使…欢娱;使…转向vi. 转移 dynamicadj. 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的n. 动态;动力 emanatevt. 放射, 发散vi. 发出;散发;发源 (第二个30分钟, 也是26个单词) entailvt. 必需, 使承担;[律]限定继承n. 限定继承, 限定继承权;限定继承的财产 etchvt. 蚀刻;鲜明地描述;铭记vi. 蚀刻n. 刻蚀;腐蚀剂 exploitvt. 利用、开发, 开拓;剥削;开采n. 勋绩;功绩 fantasyn. 幻想;白日梦;adj. 虚幻的vt. 空想; vi. 耽于幻想;奏幻想曲 flapn. 拍打,拍打声;副翼vi. 拍动;(帽边等)垂下vt.拍打;扔;拉下帽边;飘动 foragen. 饲料;草料;搜索vi. 搜寻粮草;搜寻 fuelvi. 得到燃料vt. 供以燃料, 加燃料n. 燃料;刺激因素genren. 类型;流派;风俗画adj. 风俗画的;以日常情景为主题的 gradientn. 梯度;坡度;倾斜度adj. 倾斜的;步行的 hangvt. 悬挂, 垂下;装饰;绞死; vi. 悬着,垂下;被绞死;n. 悬挂;暂停, 中止 herbn. 香草, 药草 householdadj. 家庭的;日常的;王室的n. 家庭;一家人 imaginevt. 想像;猜想;臆断vi. 想像;猜想;想像起来 incentiven. 动机;刺激adj. 激励的;刺激的 initialadj. 最初的;字首的vt. 用姓名的首字母签名n. 词首大写字母 insultvt. 侮辱;辱骂;损害n. 侮辱;凌辱;无礼 invadevt. 侵略;侵袭;侵扰;涌入vi. 侵略;侵入;侵袭;侵犯 journaln. 日报, 杂志;日记;[经]分类账 lathevt. 用车床加工n. 车床;机床 librariann. 图书馆员;图书管理员 logvi. 伐木vt. 切;伐木;航行n. 记录;航行日志;园木 magnifyvt. 放大;赞美;夸大vi. 放大;有放大能力 matchvt.使相配;敌得过, vi. 比赛;匹配;相比n. 比赛,竞赛;匹配;对手;火柴meteoriten. 陨星;流星 missionn. 使命, 任务;代表团;布道vt. 派遣;向……传教 mosaicadj. 摩西的;拼成的;嵌花式的n. 马赛克;镶嵌;镶嵌细工 (第三个30分钟, 同样是26个字母) nebulan. [天]星云;[医]角膜云翳 nostalgian. 乡愁;怀旧之情;怀乡病 occupyvt. 占据, 占领;居住;使忙碌 orchidn. 兰花;兰科植物;淡紫色adj. 淡紫色的 overturnvt. 推翻;倾覆;破坏vi. 推翻;倾覆n. 倾覆;[经]周转;破灭 passagen. 一段(文章);走廊;通路 per capitalprep.每人, adj.按人数分配的 photosynthesisn. [化]光合作用 plateaun. 高原;稳定水平;托盘;平顶女帽vi. 达到平衡;达到稳定时期 portableadj. 手提的, 便携式的;轻便的n. 手提式打字机 precipitaten. 沉淀物vt. 使沉淀;vi. 沉淀;猛地落下;冷凝adj. 突如其来的;急促的primaryadj. 主要的;初级的;基本的n. 原色;最主要者 promisen. 许诺, 希望vt. 允诺, 许诺;给人以…的指望vi. 许诺;有指望, 有前途provokevt. 驱使;激怒;煽动;惹起 quartzn. [矿]石英、水晶 rationvt. 配给;定量供应n. 定量;口粮;配给量 recognitionn. 识别;承认, 认出;重视;赞誉;公认 regeneratevt. 使再生;革新vi. 再生;革新adj. 再生的;革新的 remnantn. 剩余adj. 剩余的


list1 abandon abbreviate abnormal abound abrupt absence absolutely absorb abstract absurd abundant academy accelerate access accessible accomplish accord account accumulate accuracy accurate accuse accustom acid acknowledge acquire adapt additional additive adequate adjust administer admire admission admit adopt advanced adventure advertise advocate aesthetic affirm afford agency aggressive agreeable alarm list2 alert alien allergy alleviate alter alternate alternative altitude amateur amid amount ample amplify amuse, amusement analysis, analyze ancestor ancient angle announce annual antibiotic anticipate antique apartment apparent appeal appetite applicable appointment appreciate approach appropriate approve approximate architect arrange artifact artificial ascending aspect assert assign associate list 3 assure astronomy athlete atmosphere atomic attach attempt attendance attract, attractive attribute audience audio audition auditorium augment authority authorize automatic automobile available aviation aware, awareness awful awkward bake bald barbecue bare barrel barren barrier basin battery beam beat behave behavior belt beneficial benefit benign beverage bias bill bind biography blade blanket blend list 4 block bloom, blossom blur board boast bold boom boost botany bounce bound, boundary brand breakthroug h breed brief brighten brilliance, brilliant brush bubble buddy budget bulb bump cabin cable cafeteria calculate, calculus calendar campaign candidate capability capacity captive carbon cardiac, cardinal carnivore carve list 5 cast catalog catastrophe category cautious cease celebrate, celebrated, celebrity cell cereal ceremony certificate champion channel character chart chief chimpanzee chip chromosome chronical circuit circular circumferenc


The Origins of Cetaceans cetacean[s?'te??n]鲸鱼;鲸类动物 porpoise['p??p?s; 'p?p??s] 海豚;鼠海豚 mammal ['m?m(?)l] 哺乳动物 gill [g?l]腮 affinity [?'f?n?t?]密切关系 sea otter [脊椎] 海獭(见于北太平洋沿岸) pinniped ['p?n?ped]鳍足类的 walrus ['w??lr?s; 'w?l-] 海象 envision [en'v??(?)n] vt. 想象;预想 pakicetus 巴基鲸:是一种已经灭绝的古代鲸鱼,生活在始新世早期,发现化石的地层分布在古地中海沿岸。 archaeocyte原始细胞 jawbone ['d???b??n]颚骨 mesonychids 中爪兽 breed [bri?d]繁殖;饲养;养育,教育 sediment ['sed?m(?)nt] 沉积;沉淀物 Tethys sea 特提斯海(即古地中海) expose 美[?k'spoz]vt. 揭露,揭发;使曝光;显示 expose to 暴露于;使处于…的影响之下 vestigial [v?'st?d???l]adj. 退化的;残余的;发育不全的 ambulocetus natans 走鲸陆行鲸 retain[r?'te?n]vt. 保持保留 locomotion[l??k?'m???(?)n]n. 运动;移动 propulsion[pr?'p?l?(?)n]n. 推进;推进力 Desert Formation desertification美[d?,z?t?f?'ke??n](土壤)荒漠化;沙漠化(等于 desertization[,d?z?t?'ze??n]) erosion美[?'ro??n]n. 侵蚀,腐蚀 particle美['pɑrt?kl]n. 颗粒微粒; 极小量 ridge 美[r?d?]n. 山脊;山脉;屋脊


托福阅读地理学核心词汇梳理 托福阅读*题材广泛,涉及各类学科领域,需要考生掌握比较多的学科专业词汇才能更有效备考,而地理学是托福阅读考察比较多的学科领域之一。下面就和大家分享托福阅读地理学核心词汇梳理,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福阅读地理学核心词汇梳理 托福阅读核心词汇(地理学专业词汇) 1.geography地理26.coastland沿海地区 2.geographer地理学家27.island岛屿 3.hemisphere半球28.continentalisland大陆岛 4.meridian子午线,经线29.volcanicisland火山岛 5.parallel平行圈,纬线30.coralisland珊瑚岛 https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd4651162.html,titude经度31.islet小岛 7.longitude精度32.peninsular半岛 8.elevation海拔33.continent大陆9.altitude高度34.continentalshelf大陆架10.temperatelatitudes温带地区35.ranges山脉11.horizon地平线36.valley峡谷12.equator赤道37.canyon峡谷13.tropics热带地区 38.channel(strait)海峡14.Arctic北极39.remote-sensing遥感的 15.Antarctic(Antarctica)南极40.terrestrial地球的,陆地的16.expedition 探险41.terrestrialheat(geothermal)地热17.timezone时区 42.terrestrialmagnetism(geomagnetism)地磁18.topography地形,地形学 43.continentaldrift大陆漂移学说19.plain平原44.sea-floorspreading海床扩展20.plateau(highland)高地45.evaporation蒸发21.lowland低地 46.salinity含盐度22.basin盆地47.oceanbottom海床23.cavern(cave)洞穴48.sediment沉淀物,沉积物24.terrain地域49.tropical热带的 25.subterranean(underground)地底下50.temperate温带的 托福阅读长难句:植物体 These include conducting vessels that transport water and minerals upward from the roots and that move the photosynthetic products from the leaves to the rest of the plant body and the


xx新托福阅读核心词汇总结分类 导语:新托福阅读核心词汇分类总结:包含思考类动词、思考类名词、支持类单词、反对类单词、核心的;主要的;基本的;内在的、重要的;显著的等等,以下四为大家一一分类,仅供大家参考! 思考类动词总结 Think/assume/conceive/conclude/expect/ determine/hold/judge/presume/reckon/see/ sense/suppose/#prehend/consider/deduce infer/deliberate/evaluate/examine/meditate/ mull/mull over/muse/ponder/rationalize/ reason/reflect/resolve/ruminate/speculate/ study/turn over/weigh/contemplate/convey 思考类名词总结(观点/概念/理论)

Notion/idea/view/concept/perception perspective/observation/examination witness/judgment/approach/hypothesis impression/supposition/theory/thought apprehension/#prehension/realization consideration/interpretation/understanding speculation/version/picture/inclination/ideology 支持类单词总结 Support/maintain/insist/hold/uphold/agree/ aede/admit/consent/assent/verify/revel in/ glory in/believe in/dictate/celebrate/value


TPO1 令狐采学Task3 Administration 行政 Sculpture 雕塑 Reserve 保留,预约 Donor 捐赠者 Versus 表示两方相对Assumption 假设 Tuition 学费 Task5

Elementary school 小学 A bunch of 一群,一束Van 货车 Rental agency 租赁公司Schedule 计划表Supervise 监督 TPO2 Task3 Elimination 消除Discontinue 停止Parking lot 停车场 Out of date 过时的

Off campus 校外Task5 Geology 地质学Run into 碰到Spring break 春假Exhibition 展览TPO3 Task3 Dining hall 食堂Assortment 分类Omelet 蛋卷饼Cereal 谷物

On campus 校内 Task5 Institute 协会Award ceremony 颁奖典礼On one’s behalf 代表Schedule 计划表Struggle 挣扎 TPO4 Task3 Department 部,系Evening class Enroll in 注册登记

Costeffective 划算的 Task5 Psychology 心理学Lecture hall 大阶梯教室TPO5 Task3 Semester 学期 Food ingredients 食物配料Chef 主厨 Extra cost 额外花费 Task5 String quartet 弦乐四重奏乐团
