




[摘要]目的:观察葛花、枳椇子不同比例配伍对酒精性肝损伤大鼠肝组织超微结构的影响。方法:采用白酒灌胃的方法复制酒精性肝损伤的模型后,将W i star模型大鼠160只,按体重随机分为空白组、模型组、东宝肝泰对照组、葛花组、枳椇子组、葛花枳椇子配伍11、12和21八组。连续灌胃8周,于8周末取材,摘取肝脏,制成超薄切片,在电镜下观察大鼠肝脏的超微结构变化。结果:模型组见不同程度的核固缩,核膜凹凸不平,线粒体畸形,线粒体内糖原增多,出现空泡,粗面内质网扩张脱颗粒,细胞内脂滴数明显增多,可见髓样物和絮状物;葛花和枳椇子配伍组见肝细胞核膜凹凸不平,未见明显畸形线粒体,线粒体内糖原沉积较少,粗面内质网扩张不明显,细胞内脂滴减少。结论:大量饮酒可以导致肝脏受到损伤,葛花与枳椇子不同比例配伍对酒精性肝损伤大鼠肝细胞具有保护作用。



E xper i m en ta l study of differen t pr opor ti on of

F l os Puera r iae L oba tae and H oven i a e Se m oven ia e Se-m en on u ltra structu ra l organ iza tio n of exper im en ta l ra ts w ith a lcoholic liver d isea se/LI UH a i-yan1,W A N

G X i1,Z HO NG Gan-she ng1,SU N

H ong-m ei1,G E Gui-lin g2,XU H on g1,G A O Y u-shan1,C HE N Sha o-hon g1,L


J ia1//(1.Colle ge o f P reclinic a lM e dicine,Beijing Unive rsity o f Chinese Me d icine,Bejing100029,China;2.Science and Technolo gy Dev elo p mentCe nter for Trad itiona lCh ineseM e dicine,Beiji ng Univ ersity o f ChineseM e dicine,Beji ng 100029,China)

[A bstract]Ob jective:I n or der to o bserve the eff ect of different ratio co mpatibility of Flos puerariae a nd seeds of H ov e nia dulcis Thunb.o n patholo gical h istol og y of alcoholic liv er-injur y ra.t M ethod:The a lco holis m ratmo del were i nduced by ad m inistrati ng w i ne.W istar rats were rando m l y d i vi ded i nto nor mal gr oup,mo del gr oup,positiv e gro up,Flos puerariae gr oup,seeds ofH o ve nia dulcis Thunb.gro up,and dif ferent rati o co mpati b ility gr oups.A ll the rats were k illed and t heir li verswere taken pathol og y exa m i natio n.The morpholo gical changes of li ver cellswere ob-serv ed under e lectr on m icr oscope.R esu lt:The resu lts sho wed t hat hepatic cells i n mo del gr oup exhibited diff erent degrees of kary opycnosis,and kary ole mma changed ro ugh and uneven.M itocho ndrio n abnor mality can be seen,gl y-co gen i ncreased i n m itochondria,r oug h endoplas m ic retic u l u m appeared extensio n,the nu mber of li p i d dro p let in-creased si gnificantly and medullarymaterial and fl oss appeared.In the gro ups of dif ferent ratio co mpatibility of F l os puerariae and seeds ofH o v e nia dulcis Thunb.,kary ole mma changed ro ug h and uneven.Bur cells had no o bvi ous malf or med m ito cho ndri o n,less glyco gen depo sited i n m itocho ndrio n,ex panded ro ug h endo p las m ic reticulu m was not o bvio us and lipid dro p lets reduced i n cells.Co nc l usio n:The results sho w that dif ferent rati o co mpati b ility of F l os puerariae and seeds ofH o ve nia dulcis Thunb.can prev ent rat hepati c cell f ro m alco hol s destructi o n.

[K ey w ords]A lcoholic li ver d isease;F lo s puerariae;seeds ofH o ve nia dulcis Thunb.;hepatic tissue;u ltra-structural or gan izatio n








二十世纪以来由于长期过量饮酒引发的肝损伤病例日益增多,并且已成为继病毒性肝炎后导致肝硬化的第二大病因,为此防治酒精性肝病(alcoholic liv er disease,ALD)问题受到社会各界的关注[1]。酒精性肝病是因长期过量饮酒(乙醇)引起的肝脏损害。现在随着人民生活水平的提高,交际应酬也越来越多,酒精性肝病的发病率也明显增加[]。有研究表明重度饮酒精者中%以上有一定程度的脂肪肝,%~

38中药与临床Phar mac y and Clinics o f ChineseMa teria Me d ic a2011;2(2) Em a i:l li uha i an2112.co m

Em a i:l honggansheng so hu.co m 2010-11-01


