


(一)1、Linguistics:Linguistics is generally defined as scientific study of language.

2、Language can be generally defined as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.

3、Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between the word and the thing

4、Design features”refers to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.

(1)Arbitrariness :the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relational to their meaning

(2)Daulity:the property of having two levels of structures.

(3)Creativity:it refers to the property that language enables language user to produce or understand an indefinite number of sentence.

(4)Displacement:human language enable their user to symbolize object,events and concepts which are not present at the moment of communication.

5、Informative function:Language is the instrument of thought and people often feel need to speak their thoughts aloud. The use of language to record the facts is a prerequisite of social development. The informative function is indeed a crucial function of language.

6、Interpersonal function:he interpersonal function is concerned with interaction between the addresser and addressee in the discourse situation and the addresser's attitude toward what he speaks or writes about.people establish and maintain their status in a society.

7、Performative function:The performative function of language is primarily to change the social status of persons, as in marriage ceremonies, the sentencing of criminals, the blessing of children, the naming of a ship at a launching ceremony, and the cursing of enemies.

8、Emotive function:The emotive function of language is one of the most powerful uses of language because it is crucial in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something.

9、Phatic communion:Phatic communion refers to the social interaction of language

10、Recreational function

11、Phonetics:studies speech sounds, including the production of speech, that is how speech sounds are actually made, transmitted and received, the description and classification of speech sounds, words and connected speech.

12、Phonology: studies the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables.

13、Morphology is concerned with the internal organization of words. It studies the minimal units of meaning —morphemes and word-formation processes.

14、Morphemes serve different purposes. Some derive new words by changing the meaning or the part of speech, others only refine and give extra grammatical information about the already existing meaning of a word.

15、Syntax is about principles of forming and understanding correct sentences. The form or structure of a sentence is governed by the rules of syntax, which specify word order, sentence organization, and the relationships between words, word classes and other sentence elements.

16、Semantics examines how meaning is encoded in a language. It is not only concerned with meanings of words as lexical items, but also with levels of language below the word and above it, e.g. meaning of morphemes and sentences.

17、Pragmatics is the study of meaning in context. It deals with particular utterances in particular situations and is especially concerned with the various ways in which the many social contexts of language performance can influence interpretation. In other words, pragmatics is concerned with the way language is used to communicate rather than with the way language is internally structured.


1、Phonetics mainly deals with the description, classification and transcription of speech sounds.

2、Phonology explores the patterns that govern the combination of sounds, i.e, it studies how speech sounds are grouped together to convey meaning in linguistic communication

3、phone (音素,语音)—the phonetic segment and unit is called a phone

4、Phoneme—a sound segment with distinctive value. It is the smallest unit of sound in a language to distinguish words.

5、allophones (音位变体)—the different phones that represent the one phoneme are called allophones of that phoneme.

6、minimal pair/minimal set:For two words (pronunciation concerned), if they are identical in every way except for one sound segment that occurs in the same place in the string, then they are minimal pairs(最小对立体).If more than two sound combinations are involved, then they are minimal sets(最小对立组).

7、Distinctive features:It is this phonetic feature [±voiced] that distinguishes the two words.

8、General rule1:In English, a vowel is nasalized before a word-final or syllable-final nasal consonant.

9、General rule 2:In English, a voiceless stop is aspirated when it occurs word initially or syllable initially.

10、(1)If they are two distinctive phonemes, they are said to be in phonemic contrast.(2)If they are allophones of the same phoneme, then they occur in different phonetic contexts but not contrast meanings. Then, the allophones are said to be in complementary distribution.

11、phonological rules:The patterning of phonemes in a language is rule-governed. The phonological rules determine how phonemes are combined to form permissible words in a language for communication.

12、Distinctive features that occur in units larger than sound segments, such as the syllables, words, phrases and sentences, are called suprasegmental features (超音段特征).


1、Morphology: the study of the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.

2、The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.The smallest meaningful unit of language

3、A syllable is a phonetic and phonological unit. In PHONETICS, a syllable is defined as a chest pulse. In PHONOLOGY, a syllable is defined by the way in which VOWELS and CONSONANTS combine to form various sequences. In a word, the definition of a syllable is related with pronunciation and has nothing to do with meaning. A morpheme may be represented by one syllable, like boy and dog, or by two or more syllables.The syllabic structure of a word and the morphemic structure of

a word don’t always correspond

4、Free morpheme----is one that may constitute a word (free form) by itself Bound morpheme----is one that may appear with at least one other morpheme. They can not stand by themselves

5、Affix: Collective term for bound formatives or word-forming elements that constitute subcategories of word classes. Affixes are classified according to their functions and then their placement on the stem.

6、Derivational morphemes —the morphemes which change the meaning, or grammatical class of words, e.g. Inflectional morphemes —the morphemes which are for the most part purely grammatical markers, signifying such concepts as tense, number, case and so on; they never change their syntactic category, never add any lexical meaning, e.g.

7、Prefix: Morphemes that occur only before other morphemes. (Bound morphemes that precede the stem.)Suffix: Morphemes that only occur after other morphemes. (Bound morphemes that are attached finally to free morpheme constructions)

8、A root is the basic form of a word that cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity. That is to say, it is that part of the word left, whether free or bound, when all the affixes are removed. It carries the main component of meaning in a word.

9、A stem is a form that is of concern only with inflectional morphology, i.e. only inflectional affixes (but not derivational affixes) can be added to it. (Bauer 1983:20) A base is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added. It is the form that the morphological operation applies to.

10、There are two kinds of root morphemes: free root morphemes that can stand by

themselves and bound root morphemes that can not stand by themselves and whose number is relatively limited

11、A word can be defined the smallest meaningful linguistic unit that can be used independently. It is different from a morpheme in that a word can constitute by itself a complete utterance while a morpheme cannot sometimes.

12、A minimum free form: the smallest unit that can constitute a complete utterance by itself, eg

13、Closed-class words: New members cannot normally be added, egOpen-class words: New members can be added, eg

14、Determiner: all the articles, demonstratives, and quantifiers that appear before the noun and its modifiers.

15、Derivation: refers to the process of how new words are formed.

16、Compound: refers to those words that consist of more than one lexical morpheme, or the way to join two separate words to produce a single word.

17、Orthographically: a compound can be written as one word with or without a hyphen in between, or as two separate word.

18、Syntactically: the part of speech of the compound is generally determined by the part of speech of the second element.

19、Semantically: the meaning of the compound is often idiomatic, not always being the sum total of the meanings of its components.

20、Phonetically: the stress of a compound a word always fall on the first element, while the second element receives second stress.

21、Invention: technological and economic activities

22、Blending: a new word is formed by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word

23、Back-formation: A shorter word is derived by deleting a supposed affix from an already existing longer word.

24、Analogy: words are created in imitation of other words. It is also called reanalysis.


1、Syntax (句法学) is a branch that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences. To put it simple, it is the study of the formation of sentences.

2、A sentence is a sequence of words arranged in a certain order in accordance with grammatical rules.

3、Tense: indicating time related to the time of utterance.

4、Aspect: the internal temporal structure of a verb.

5、Concord: the forms of two or more words in a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories.

6、Government: a word of a certain class governs the form of others. Usually the verb or the preposition determines the form of pronoun after it.

7、Positional relation, or word order, refers to the sequential arrangement of words in

a language. This positional relation is also called horizontal relation or chain relation

8、endocentric construction向心结构is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents

9、exocentric construction 离心结构refer to a group of syntactically related words where none of the words is functionally equivalent to the group as a whole

10、Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence,a noun phrase or a verb.

11、.yntax categories (句法范畴) A syntax category is a word or phrase that perform

a particular grammatical function.

12、Subordination structures the structures in which there is only one head, with the head being dominant and the other constituents dependent.

13、Conjoining: Refers to the process where one clause is coordinated or conjoined with another.

14、Embedding: refers to the means by which one clause is included into another sentence (main/matrix clause) in syntactic subordination.

15、Cohesion:It refers to relations of meaning exist within text, and defines it as a text.

16、Semantically, specifiers make more precise the meaning of the head; syntactically, they typically mark a phrase boundary.

17、Complements themselves can be a phrase, they provide information

18、A transformation is a special type of rule that can move an element from one position to another. It can be inversion (倒置), insertion (插入) or other kinds of movement.


1、Semantics is generally considered to be the study of meaning in language.

2、Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real , physical world.

3、Synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. Words that are close in meaning are called synonyms.

(1)Absolute or complete synonyms are words identical in meaning in all its aspects, i.e. words that are mutually substitutable under all circumstances.

(2)Relative or near synonyms may differ in different ways.

4、Dialectal synonyms(方言同义词)Synonyms belonging to different dialects of the language

5、Stylistic synonyms (文体同义词)Words having the same cognitive meaning but having different stylistic meanings

6、Synonyms differing in emotive or evaluative meaning

7、Semantically different synonyms These are synonyms that differ slightly in what they mean

8、Dialectal synonyms---- synonyms used in different regional dialects

9、Stylist synonyms----synonyms differing in style

10、Antonymy--- is used for oppositeness of meaning.words that are opposite in meaning are antonyms

11、Complementaries (互补反义词) = binary antonyms the denial of one member of the pair implies the assertion of the other.

12、Contraries (相对反义词) = gradable antonyms there are often intermediate forms between the two members of a pair.

13、Converses (逆反反义词) = relational opposites exhibit the reversal of the relationship between the two items.

14、Polysemy--- the phenomenon that the same one word may have more than one meaning.

15、Homonymy --- the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form, e.g. different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.

(1)Homophones when two words are identical in sound

(2)Homograph when two words are identical in spelling

(3)Complete Homonyms when two words are identical in both sound and spelling 16、Hyponymy (上下义关系) is the sense relation between a more general word, a inclusive word and a more specific word.

17、(1) Synonymy (同义关系)(2) inconsistency (自相矛盾)(3) Entailment (蕴涵)(4) Presupposition (预设)(5) X is a contradiction (自相矛盾)(6) X is semantically anomalous (反常的)(7) Implicature (含意)

18、Synonymy (同义关系) :X is synonymous with Y

19、inconsistency (自相矛盾) :X is inconsistent with Y

20、Entailment (蕴涵): X entail Y

21、Presupposition (预设)X presupposes Y

22、Semantic components (语义成分) or semantic features (语义特征) are the smallest units of meaning in a word. The meaning of words may be described as a combination of semantic components or features.

23、There are two aspects to sentence meaning: grammatical meaning and semantic meaning

24、Predication analysis (述谓结构分析) is a way to analyze sentence meaning, proposed by the British linguist G. Leech. (P81)Predication (述谓结构) is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence. A predication consists of argument(s) (变元) and predicate (谓词).An argument is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal elements in a sentence.A predicate is something said about an argument or it states the logical relation linking the arguments in a sentence.

25、Predication (述谓结构) is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence. A predication consists of argument(s) (变元) and predicate (谓词).An argument is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal elements in a sentence.A predicate is something said about an argument or it states the logical relation linking the arguments in a sentence.


1、Pragmatics:A general definition: The study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successfully communication.

2、If we think a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes an utterance, and it should be considered in the situation in which it is actually used.

3、Sentence meaning: abstract, detextulazied .Utterance meaning: concrete, and context-dependent

4、Constatives: utterances which roughly serves to state a fact, report that something is the case, or describe what something is

5、Performatives: utterances which are used to perform acts, do not describe or report anything at all; the uttering of the sentence is the doing of an action; they cannot be said to be true or false.

6、Conclusion:The distinction between constatives & performatives cannot be maintained.All sentences can be used to do things.

7、A locutionary act is the act of uttering words, phrases, clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology.

8、illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention; It is the act preformed in saying something.

9、A perloutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; It is the consequence of , or the change brought about by the utterance

10、Directives指令类: are attempts by the speaker to get the hearer to do something.

11、commissives承诺类: committing the speaker himself to some course of action. When speaking the speaker puts himself under obligation.

12、Expressives表达类: expressing feelings and attitude towards an existing state.

13、declarations: bringing about immediate change by saying something.


1、Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.


3、Language determines culture (linguistic determinism)Culture determines language (culture determinism)

4、(1)Culture is a wider system that completely includes language as a subsystem. The relation of language to culture is that of part to whole.

(2)Language both expresses and embodies cultural reality.

(3)Language plays a major role in perpetuating culture (or consolidating it over time)

(4)Culture affects language.

5、Benjamin Lee Whorf studied at Yale University under Edward Sapir and became interested in Sapir's ideas. He was influenced by the work of 18th-century German philosophers John Gottfried von Herder and Wilhelm von Humbolt, who theorized, based on their study of European languages, that language had a bearing on how people viewed the world.

6、Linguistic determinism: L may determine our thinking patterns.

7、Linguistic relativity: Similarity between language is relative, the greater their structural differentiation is, the more diverse their conceptualisation of the world will be. (modified hypothesis)


Chapter one Introduction 1.1什么是语言学 1.1.1定义 语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 1.1.2The scope of linguistics语言学分支必考P2 普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. The study of sounds, which are used in linguistic communication, is called phonetics.(语音学) The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. (音位学) The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology. (形态学) The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax(句法学) The study of meaning in language is called semantics. (语义学) The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics. (语用学) 1.1.3 Some important distinctions in linguistics 成对的概念辨析差异必考P3 (1)Prescriptive and descriptive 规定与描写 If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive, if it aims to lay down rules to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be prescriptive. Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar. Traditional grammar is prescriptive while modern linguistics is descriptive. The task of linguists is supposed to describe the language

《语言学概论》学习建议 第一章 语言和语言学 本章的教学内容是语言学 ...

《语言学概论》学习建议 第一章语言和语言学 本章的教学内容是语言学最基本的理论问题,是理解、把握本课程的重要理论基础。主要包括语言的性质和范围、语言的结构和功能、语言学的任务和发展等。本章需要重点掌握的内容包括: 1、语言的符号性。需要了解什么是符号,语言符号的性质有哪些,其中重点理解语言符号的任意性特点,可结合不同语言或方言现象来加深认识。 2、语言和言语。了解二者的区别和关系并能在语言实践中对二者加以区别。 3、语言的层级。认识语言的二层性结构,并了解语言层级系统的特点。 4、语言的基本关系。需要掌握组合关系和聚合关系的概念及其关系,认识到二者在语言符号系统中所起的重要作用,并能结合语言实例对这两种关系进行讲解。 5、语言的社会功能:重点掌握语言的社会功能是其本质功能,理解语言是人类最重要的交际工具及其在社会生活中的重要作用。 6、语言学的发展:了解语言学发展的大致脉络,对于现代语言学和当代语言学的主要流派,要求掌握其代表人物和主要观点。 对于这些重点内容,要求有比较深入的理解,而且要求熟记。本章内容理论性比较强,不仅要求掌握基本概念和分类,而且要求掌握各种理论的要点,能够结合实例说明各种理论问题。本章除了重点内容之外,对于语言的结构类型、语言与文化、语言与思维等问题也应有所了解。 第二章语音学 本章介绍了语音学的基本内容,包括语音的性质、语音单位的分类及发音原理、音位的划分原理、语音的组合等。本章需要重点掌握的内容有; 1、语音的声学性质:认识语音的发音原理;领会语音四要素的含义及其在

语音系统中的表现和作用。 2、语音的生理属性:通过人体发音器官进一步认识发音原理,了解发音器官各部分的构造和功能。 3、音素的分类及其描写:掌握元音、辅音的区别;掌握二者各自的发音特点,学会描写各种类型元音和辅音。 4、音位:掌握音位的划分原则;认识音位与音素的联系与区别;了解音位、音位变体及相互关系。 5、语音组合:认识音节的构成;了解常见语流音变的种类并能结合语言实例进行辨别。 本章的概念比较多,对于各种重要概念,要求熟记定义和分类,结合实例和自身发音实践深入领会。对于音素、音位、音节,还要求能作具体分析和描写,此外还应该熟练掌握常见的国际音标,能够用国际音标标记汉语和英语的语音。 第三章语义学 本章介绍了语义学的基础理论、基本知识和语义分析方法。本章需要重点掌握的主要内容有: 1、语义的性质和类型:要了解语义最基本的三对性质,结合具体语言事实深入体会;关于语义的类型要明确概念意义和附加意义的区别。 2、义素分析法:了解义素分析法的原则,掌握义素分析法的具体步骤。 3、语义场理论:了解语义场的性质;掌握语义场的类型并能对具体的语义场类型进行辨别。 4、语义的聚合关系:认识语义的纵聚合与横聚合关系;了解同义词、反义词的特点。 5、语义指向:了解什么是语义指向分析法;认识语义指向在语义分析中的作用。 对于这些重点内容,要求有仔细了解、认真领会。除了要求掌握各种重要概念及其分类,还要求掌握各种理论的要点,能够结合实例说明各种理论问题,而且要求熟练的掌握语义分析的方法,主要包括语义类型的分析、义素分析、语


语言学概论期末复习 1. diachronic linguistics Linguistics that studies language over a period of time, also known as historical linguistics, study of the Chinese language since the end of the Qing dynasty up to the present. 2. arbitrariness Language is arbitrary for the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural resemblance to their meaning. The link between the linguistic signs and their meanings is a matter of convention, and conventions differ radically across languages. 3. langue According to Saussure, langue refers to the abstract linguistic systems shared by all the members of a speech community. It can be thought of as the generalized rules of the language that members of a speech community seem to abide by. 4. competence Chomsky defines competence as the abstract ideal user's knowledge of the rules of his language. According to him, anyone who knows a language has internalized a set of rules about the sequences permitted in his language. This internalized set of rules is termed as a person's competence. 5. morpheme The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme. The “morpheme' is the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit which can not be divided without destroying or drastically altering the meaning. 6. Morphology Morphology studies morphemes and their different forms and the way they combine in word formation. So it refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed 7. Semantic triangle According to Ogden and Richard's semantic triangle, there is no direct link between language and the world, or between the symbol ( the linguistic elements, the word, the sentence) and referent ( the object in the world of experience). The link is via thought or reference, the concepts of our minds. 8. Lingua franca Lingua franca is the general term for a language that serves as a means of communication between different groups of speakers. 9. componential analysis Componential analysis is a way to analyze lexical meaning, and it defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic components. 10. Cooperative Principle Cooperative Principle (CP) was proposed by Paul Grice, under which there are four maxims: the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relation and the


名词解释 1、词汇 是一种语言中所有的词和成语等固定用语的总汇 2、音位的自由变体 有些音位在同一语言环境中,可以自由替换,而又不能区别词义,不受前面其他音位的影响,没有任何条件的限制 3,语言 语言是社会现象,是社会交际工具。同时是心里现象,是人类思维的工具 4,自源文字 是在某种语言的基础上自发产生并逐步完善的文字 5,同化和异化 同化现象是指,一个音位受相邻音位的影响儿而又在某个区别特征或音位整体上的趋同现象;异化现象,是指两个本来相同或相近的音位,如果连着发音有困难,则其中一个发生变化,变得跟邻近的音不同或不相近 6,黏着语 没有词的内部屈折,每一个语法范畴义都有一个粘附语素来表示,而一个粘附语素也只表示一种语法范畴义的语言类型 7,语音 即语言的声音,是语言符号系统的载体,人的发音器官发出,负载着一定的语言定义。语言依靠语音实现他的社会功能 8音质音位 以因素为材料,从音质的角度分析音位 9形态 同一个词与不同的词组合就有不同的变化。这些不同的变化形成一个聚合,叫做词形变化,或者叫做形态 10仿意词 是分别将外语中的构词材料按外语中的次序译成本民族语,使构词成分的选择和构词结构的选择与外语一一对应 12区别特征 具有区别音位的语音特征叫区别特征,也叫区别性特征 13符号 社会全体成员共同约定,用来表示某种意义的记号、标记、它包括形式和内容两个方面。它的作用是指称社会现实现象 14,小学 中国传统文学又称小学,包括分析字形的文字学,研究字音的音韵学,解释字义的训诂学,它们是围绕解释和解读先秦典籍展开研究的,因此又被称为经学的附庸 15,言内意外 用语言表达思想时留下的一些意义空白或将真实意义隐含在另一种说法中,或用一种意义采用不同说法以获取不同的效果 16文字 有两个意思,一个是指一个一个的字,一是指语言的视觉符号体系 17国际音标 是国际语音协会于1888年制定并开始使用的,不带民族特色。它的制定原则是:


引言、第一章语言的本质学习要点 1.古代语文研究主要有哪三个国家地区?它们各有怎样的成果(著作、人物、时间)和擅长?中国古代语文研究的三个分支是什么?代表性著作(《尔雅》《方言》《切韵》《广韵》《说文解字》)、人物、年代? 2.历史语言学的主要研究方法和成果是什么?代表性人物?“语文学”和“语言学”区别是什么? 3.现代语言学的代表人物(索绪尔、布龙菲尔德、乔姆斯基)、著作、时间、流派? 4.解释并举例说明:语言/言语、组合关系/聚合关系、共时语言学/历时语言学 5.为什么说语言具有符号属性?语言符号由哪两个要素组成?试证明语言符号的任意性、线条性、稳定性。 6.语言的要素有哪些?如何理解? 7.为什么说语言是最重要的交际工具? 8.为什么说语言具有社会属性(生理、心理、个人)?怎样理解语言是全民的交际工具? 9.语言的定义是怎样界定语言的? 第二章语音和音位学: 1.复述语音的四个物理要素,举例说明其辨义作用。 2.画出舌面元音舌位图,标出8个正则元音。 3.元音和辅音的区别在哪里?能够描写8个正则元音及普通话中的元音辅音,能够用宽式国际音标记录普通话。 4.复述并举例说明:音素、音节、复元音、复辅音、开音节、闭音节;音节和音素的关系。 5.举例说明语流音变:同化、异化、弱化、脱落、增音。 6.复述并举例说明:音位和音位变体、分布、对立、自由、互补、宽式记音与严式记音、音位系统。 7.举例说明如何归并音位,说明音素和音位的关系。了解普通话的声韵配合。 8.什么是非音质音位?举例说明调位和重位。 9.什么是音位的区别性特征?举例说明。 10.现代汉语语音有哪些特点? 第三章语义复习 1.语义单位有哪些? 2.举例说明义素(语义特征)分析的过程。 3.语言中为什么存在大量同音词?汉语同音词主要有哪些来源?多义词和同音词有怎样的异同? 4.什么是语义场?上下位词、义类词指什么?语义场对语言研究有怎样的价值? 第四章复习 1.举例说明概念:词法、句法、语法、语素、词、词组、句子、单纯词、合成词、复合词、派生词、词根、词缀、词干、词尾、形态、句法结构、语法形式、语法意义、语法手段、语法范畴。 2.构词法和构形法各有哪几种?构词与构形有何不同?举例说明。 3.句法结构的构成方式有几种?举例说明。 4.词类划分的依据有哪些?举例说明。 5.能够切分语素、区分构词与构形、分析词的构造方式、分析句法结构的构造方式、划分词

语言学概论 第一章 语言和语言学

第一章语言和语言学 第一节语言 一、语言和人类社会一样古老,是人类社会的特征(特有财富)。 1、人类以外的动物不具备语言能力,所以不可能学会人类的语言。 2、其他动物的交际方式如叫喊、舞蹈等,即所谓的“动物语言”和人类语言有着本质的区别。 单位的明晰性结构的二层性 任意性开放性 传授性不受时地、环境的限制 二、语言是符号系统 1、什么是符号?它有哪些因素构成? 符号是一个社会全体成员共同约定用来表示某种意义的记号、标记。 符号包括了形式和内容(意义)两个方面的要素。形式和内容互相依存。 eg: 十字路口的红绿灯就是一种符号。 2、符号和征候的区分:符号和所标记的事物是具有约定性的(或者是由某些人规定,或者是社会习惯),而征候与它所标记的事物之间往往具有自然(本质或必然)的联系。 3、符号的分类: 象征(有一定的含义,有一定的理据) 狭义的符号(没有理据,任意约定的) 4、语言是一种符号系统? 语言具有符号的一切特征:语言是由语音和意义两个方面统一构成。语音和意义在具体的语言中统一于一体,密不可分,二者互为存在条件。语音和语义的联系是社会成员约定俗成的,个人不能任意改变这种联系。 注:具体来说语言中的词可以分为三种情况: 一类是“哈哈” “啊”等叹词,它们可以说是人类感情的本能的反应,可以归入征候。 一类是“哗啦” “汪汪”等拟声词,用事物所发出的声音来记录事物本身,和事物间有着一定的联系,但同一种事物的声音在不同的语言中往往有着不同的记录,也体现了它的社会约定性,可以归入象征。 剩下的语言中绝大多数的词,它们的音和义之间关系完全是社会约定俗称的,没有任何理据可言,属于真正意义上的狭义的符号。 5、语言符号的任意性和线条性特点? 任意性和线条性是语言符号的两个最基本的特点。 语言符号的任意性是指语言符号的音义关系是由社会约定的,用什么样的“音”去表达什么样的“义”人们说不出什么道理,完全由社会约定,这种音义关系又叫约定性。语言符号的任意性是就语言创制时来说的,语言符号一旦形成,在整个社会范围内的执行就具有强制性,因而也就表现为一定的稳固性(可变性)。——民族性;——时代性 语言符号的线条性是指符号的使用只能在时间的线条上绵延,一个符号跟着一个符号依次出现。语言符号的排列只能成一条线,线条性限制了语言在组合时的空间位置。 语言符号组合时的线条性和层次性结合起来理解。 6、语言符号的系统性? 语言里的符号不是互不相干的一盘散沙,而是成系统的。语言符号的系统性集中体现在符号的组合和聚合关系之中。 组合关系是指符号和符号互相组合起来的关系。符号和符号的组合不是任意的,而是有规则的,有选择的。 聚合关系指在某一环节上具有相同作用的能够互相替换的符号之间的关系,处于相同聚合群的语言单位,具有相同的语法功能,互相可以替换。 三、语言的功能 1、语言的社会功能。 2、语言的思维功能。 四、语言和说话 说话由三部分组成: 1、张口说话的动作(言语动作); 2、说话所用的那套代码(语言); 3、说出来的话(言语作品) 语言并不等同于说话,语言是说话的一部分。 五、语言存在的方式 语言是一套单位和规则,这些单位和规则是社会的现实,是不依个人意志为转移的客观存在。


2019南开大学语言学概论和现代汉语考试大纲 一考试性质 本考试是全日制语言学及应用语言学专业、汉语言文字学专业、少数民族语言文学专业的入学资格之专业基础课考试。 二考试目的 本考试的目的是选拔全日制语言学及应用语言学专业、汉语言文字学专业、少数民族语言文学专业的硕士研究生。 三考试要求 考生应具备“语言学概论”“现代汉语”的基础知识,理解这两门课程的基本概念,能用所学的知识和方法分析简单的语音、词汇、语义和语法的事实。 考生要用汉语答题,书写工整,卷面整洁。 四考试内容 “语言学概论”部分 第一部分语言的性质,包括语言和言语、语言是人类最重要的交际工具、语言的其他派生功能、语言是自然形成的符号系统。 第二部分语音,包括语音的物理属性和生理基础、音素、音位、音位的组合。 第三部分语法,包括语法的性质和单位、构词法、构形法、句法。 第四部分语义,包括词汇、词义、词聚、句义、歧义。 第五部分语言的发展,包括语言发展的原因和特点、语言的分化和统一、语言的接触、语言系统的发展。 题型 一名词解释(略) 二判断 示例:洋泾浜不是自然语言。 答:对。洋泾浜是两个不同民族的人在某些特定场合临时把各自的语言混合在一起而造成的交际工具,不当作母语使用,离开特定的交际场合双方都不再使用它,所以不是自然语言。 三简答 示例:两个同义词可以在哪些方面有差别? 答:同义词之间的差别:a语体色彩或风格色彩、b感情色彩、c形象色彩。 四分析 示例:指出下面每个词是单纯词还是复合词,还是派生词: 剪刀克隆taller 绳子棕色菠萝氧吧dancer 质子actually 答案:单纯词有“克隆、菠萝、taller”,复合词有“剪刀、棕色、氧吧、质子”,派生词有“绳子、dancer、actually”。



<语言学概论>复习重点与难点 指导老师陈蓉 1.1语义就是语言的意义,是语言形式表达的内容。语义包含两个方面的内容,一是思想,也就是所谓的“理性意义”,一是情感,也就是所谓的“非理性意义”。理性意义也叫做逻辑意义或指称意义,是对主客观世界的认识。理性意义是语义的基本要素。非理性意义是说话人的主观情感、态度以及语体风格等方面的内容,它一般总是附着在特定的理性意义之上的。 语义是同语言形式结合在一起的意义,同语言形式的结合是语义的基本特征。 语言形式粗略的说,包括“语汇形式”和“语法形式”两类。语汇形式就是一种语言里所有的实词和固定短语,语法形式包括语序、虚词、形态、重音、语调等形式。由语汇形式表达的语义通常叫“词汇意义”,由语法形式表达的语义叫“语法意义”。

在语言里,语素、词、词组、句子等各级单位都有意义,它们的意义都是语义。其中句子的意义和词的意义具有突出的地位。 语言形式所表达的意义有一般与个别、稳定与临时的分别。在通常情况下都能够存在的意义是一般的、稳定的,在特定睥上下文、特定的交际场合中或特定的知识背景下才能出现的意义是人别的临时的。前者叫“语言意义”即语义,后者叫“语境意义”。 1.2 语义的概括性 概括性是语义的重要属性,无论是词义还是句义都是概括的。 1.3 语义的模糊性 所谓的模糊性是指词义所反映的对象只有一个大致的范围,而没有明确的界限。但也不是所有的词语都如此。不少词语的词义是精确的。 1.4 语义的民族性

语义的民族特点比较突出地体现在词义上。语义的民族特点也体现在词语的非理性意义方面。 2.1 词义的构成 词义是指词的语音形式所表达的内容。词的意义包括词汇意义和语法意义两部分。词义可以说是由理性意义和非理性意义两部分构成的。 词的理性意义是通过人的抽象思维对物质世界和精神世界的各种对象的概括的反映而形成的。 词的理性意义由于概括深度上的差异而分为两种类型:一种是人们对事物所具有的一组非本质特征的反映,这种词的理性意义可以称之为“通俗意义”;另一种是人们对事物的本质特征的反映,这种词的理性意义可以称为“科学意义”。 词的理性意义是词义的基本的和核心的部分。 词的非理性意义是附着在词的理性意义之上的,因而又叫做词义的附加色彩。


合作原则—— 基本点:交际双方为使交际能够顺利下去,双方必须合作。 具体内容由美国语言学家格赖斯提出,其认为交际双方的合作,必须遵循四项准则: (1)量的准则:所说的话提供的信息要与交际的目的相适应,不超出不少于交际目的需要(2)质的准则:所说的话是真实的 (3)相关准则:所说的话同对方的话题相关联 (4)方式准则:说话简明清楚 问多答少、言语晦涩、含混啰嗦等都不利于交际的进行。 变异概说—— 任何一种语言都不是绝对划一的统一体,语言随着时间、地点和环境的改变而变化,处于一种缓变的状态中。 语言在共时层面的差异称为语言的差异。 语言的变异受到三种情况的影响: (1)说话者的地区背景和社会背景(母语、教育程度、职业等) (2)产生言语行为的实际情景,需要采取什么言语表达方式和超语言特征 (3)谈论的话题是什么 语言的变异分为三类: (1)地域变异:形成地域方言,即属于某一地域的群体使用的语言 (2社会变异:指不同社会地位、职业、行帮、种族、性别的区别在语言使用上产生的差异(3)功能变异:指说话人为了某一目的使受话人受到影响、产生反应而使用的言语方式 地域变异—— 语言的地域变异表现为地域方言,包括次方言,与之相对的有共同语和规范语言。 (方言—次方言—土语) 方言变异的表现(主要表现在语音和词汇上) 1、语音方面 闽方言、粤方言的变异较大,吴方言次之,客家方言、赣方言、湘方言又次之。 2、词汇方面 主要表现为同一意义用不同词语表现。 3、语法方面 主要表现在词序、虚词方面。粤方言中这种双音节词中修饰性词素位于被修饰性词素之后,是语法上的一个特点。例如:客人—人客、干菜—菜干 方言的形成与发展 汉语言发源地:黄河流域。秦汉以前,楚国南迁,吴方言、湘方言可能在东南部地区形成方言的形成除了由于移民、山川阻隔、政治经济的原因外,与异民族语言的接触和土著语言的混合也有一定的关系。 语言的分化和产生变异的程度,通常取决于共同语对方言的约束力。 方言发展的前途: 1、在社会封闭,甚至分裂的情况下,共同约束力减弱,语言分化的结果导致差别扩大,有可能形成独立的语言。 2、继续保持已有的地域差异状态,在地域范围内,优势扩大或者缩小自己的覆盖范围。 3、由于共同语的强大影响、社会的统一和发展,方言的使用范围逐渐缩小,或者方言本身逐渐向共同语靠拢。



Chapter 1 Introduction 1.What is linguistics? Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2.The scope of linguistics: (1 ). phonetics 语音学;phonology 音位学;morphology 形态学;syntax 句法学; pragmatics 语用学 (2). sociolinguistics 社会语言学; psycholinguistics 心理语言学; applied linguistics应用语言学 3.Some important distinction in linguistics (1)Descriptive vs. prescriptive 描述性与规定性 ①I f a linguistics study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive; ②I f the linguistics study aims to lay down rules for”correct and standard”behavior in using language, i.e. to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be


语言学概论(本科)期末复习要点 导言部分 一、语言学、语言学的对象和任务 1.语言学是以语言作为研究对象的科学,它以人类的语言为研究对象。语言学的基本任务是研究语言的规律,具体地说,语言学研究语言的性质、作用、结构,语言的发展变化,使人们懂得有关语言的理性知识,从而提高学习语言和运用语言的水平。 2.中国、印度、希腊-罗马是语言学的三大发源地。 3.我国的小学:小学是我国古代语文学的统称,由训诂学、文字学、音韵学三部分组成。训诂学解释字义,文字学分析字形,音韵学研究字音。 二、语言学在科学体系中的地位 1.语言的研究和其它科学的关系十分密切,不仅与社会科学有联系,而且与自然科学也有十分密切的联系。语言学是一门古老的科学,又是一门年轻的科学。 2.语言交际的过程:语言交际过程可分“编码-发送-传递-接收-解码”五个阶段。 三、语言学的基本类别 根据研究的对象的不同,语言学可以分为以下几类:共时语言学和历时语言学、专语语言学和普通语言学、。各类语言学下面还可以进一步细分,如专语语言学下面可分汉语语言学(例如现代汉语、古代汉语、近代汉语、汉语史等)、英语语言学、俄语语言学等等,普通语言学下面可分语音学、词汇学、语义学、语法学、修辞学等等。 四、语言学流派 比较重要的语言学流派主要有:历史比较语言学、结构语言学、布拉格学派、哥本哈根学派、美国描写语言学派、转换-生成学派、系统-功能学派、社会语言学。各个语言学流派的观点、代表人物有所了解即可,注意布拉格学派、哥本哈根学派以及美国结构语言学派(也称美国描写语言学)都属于结构主义学派,是这一学派的三个分支。关于语言学流派的具体内容阐述,请浏览《语言学网络课件》中的“望远镜”板块。 第一章语言的社会功能 本章需要明确的要点是:第一,语言的两大社会功能;第二,语言是一种社会现象。第一节语言是人类最重要的交际工具1.语言的交际功能:语言是联系社会成员的桥梁和纽带。 2.语言是一种社会现象:弄清楚语言是一种社会现象的内涵,语言不是自然现象,而是社会现象,是一定社会的产物,同社会的关系非常密切。 3.语言是一种特殊的社会现象:没有阶级性,具有全民性特点。语言是人类最重要的交际工具 第二节语言是思维的工具 1.语言和思维的关系 思维活动的过程不可能离开语言而单独进行,思维离不开语言,语言也离不开思维,二者是互相依存,共同发展的。 2.思维能力是全人类共同的,语言是各民族不同 本节其它一些问题可一般了解:一、儿童学习语言的过程,二、思维不能离开语言的实验根据,三、关于聋哑人的思维,聋哑人失去语言能力对他的思维能力的发展产生了严重的消极影响,四、人类思维在机器中的再现。 第二章语言是符号系统 本章有三大要点:语言是符号、语言的任意性特点、语言的层次性第一节语言符号的性质和特点一、什么是符号 1.符号的含义:符号是人们用来指代某种事物的标记。符号是由一定的形式构成的表示一定意义的记号或标记,它包括形式和意义两个方面,指称现实现象。如: 2.符号的构成:符号是由形式和意义两个部分构成的结合体。 二、语言符号及其特点 1.语言符号:从本质上看,语言也是一种符号,也有形式和意义两个方面。注意语言符号同一般符号的区别。 2.语言符号的特点:语言符号具有任意性和线条性的特点 第二节语言符号的系统性一、语言的层级体系 弄清楚语言层级,各个层级的构成及其特点,以及语言二层性的核心。 二、组合关系和聚合关系 1.组合关系:组合关系就是两个同一性质的结构单位(比如音位和音位、词与词等)按照线性的顺序组合起来的关系,也


Front vowel [ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ ? ] [ ] central vowel [ : ] [ ? ] [ ? ] back vowels [ u: ] [ ? ] [ : ] [ ] [α: ] Close vowel [ i: ] [ i ] [ u: ] [ ? ] Semi-close vowel [ e ] [ : ] Semi-open vowels[ ? ] [ : ] Open vowels[ ? ] [ ] [ ? ] [ ][ : ] Stop (Plosive)塞音(爆破音) [b] [p] [t] [d] [k] [g] Nasal 鼻音[m][n] *?+ Fricative 擦音*f+ *v+ *θ+ *s+ *z+ *∫] [З] Approximant 中通音[ j ] [r] [w] Lateral 边通音[l] Trill 颤音[r] Tap and Flap 触音 Affricate 塞擦音*t∫+ *dЗ+ Closed words : their membership is fixed or limited. E.g. pro. prep. conj. art. etc. Open-class words: whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited. e.g. n. v. adj. adv. E.g. regarding / with regard to ; throughout, in spite of 1. The fact that there is no intrinsic connection between the word “pen” and the thing we write with indicates language is ______. A.arbitrary B. rule-governe . combined D. illogical 2. We can understand and produce an infinitely large number of sentence including sentences we never heard before, because language is _____. A.creative B. arbitrary C. understandable D. unique 3. ______ means language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. A.Duality B. Displacement C. Creativity D. Arbitrariness 4. By ____ function people establish and maintain their status in society. A.experiential B. referential C. metalingual D. interpersonal 5. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language? A.Arbitrariness B.Productivit C.Cultural transmission. D. Finiteness. 6. The distinction between parole and langue was made by __________. A.Hallida B. Chomsky C. Bloomfield D. Saussur 1./m,n/ are ________. A.fricatives B. dentals C. approximant D. nasals


语言学概论复习要点 《语言学概论》复习要点 导言 重点名词概念:语言学、普通语言学、专语语言学、共时语言学、历时语言学 一、语言学、语言学的对象和任务 二、语言学在科学体系中的地位 三、语言学的基本类别 根据研究的对象的不同,语言学分为共时语言学和历时语言学、专语语言学和普通语言学。 四、语言学流派 各个语言学流派的观点、代表人物有所了解即可,注意布拉格学派、哥本哈根学派以及美国结构语言学派(也称美国描写语言学)都属于结构主义学派,是这一学派的三个分支。关于语言学流派的具体内容阐述,不作考试要求。 第一章言语的社会功能 本章须明确两个大的要点:语言的社会功能,即交际工具和思维工具;语言是一种社会现象。 主要名词概念:语言、社会、社会现象 第一节语言是人类最重要的交际工具 一、语言是人类社会的交际工具 1.语言的交际功能:语言是人类区别于其它动物的一个重要标志。语言是联系社会成员的桥梁和纽带,是社会成员互相之间交际和交流思想的工具,也是协调社会成员行动一致的工具。 2.语言是一种社会现象:语言是一种社会现象,和人类社会有着十分紧密的联系,没有人类社会,就没有语言,人类社会以外的社会无所谓语言。所谓社会现象是指那些与人类共同体的产生、存在和发展等活动密切联系的现象。不同的民族有不同的语言,不同的地域有不同的语言,同时社会的变化也给语言以极大的影响,而离开了人类社会,就无所谓语言可言了。总之,语言就是一种社会现象,同社会的关系非常密切,其产生、发展等都要受到社会的影响。 语言不是自然现象,一方面,语言同社会有着十分紧密的联系,社会的发展变化直接影响着语言的发展变化,也就是说,语言的发展变化是受制于社会的;另一方面,从语言的音义联系看语言不是自然现象,而是社会约定俗成的,没有必然的本质的联系,如果语言是自然现象,世界上的语言应该一样的,没有区别的,而实际上世界上的语言多种多样,而且许多语言中还有方言,这说明语言决不是自然现象。 3.语言是一种特殊的社会现象:语言不但是社会现象,而且是一种特殊的社会现象。语言


语言学概论语言和语言学 The following text is amended on 12 November 2020.

第一章语言和语言学 第一节语言的性质和功能 一语言与言语 (一)语言 语言是一种特殊的社会现象,是人类用于交际和思维的最重要的工具,是音义结合的符号系统。 人类语言与动物“语言”(交际)有着本质区别: 1.人类语言的功能开放性。 2.人类语言的构造灵巧性。 3.人类语言的习得性。 4.人类语言的易境性。 (二)语言和言语的关系 广义的语言包括语言系统、言语活动和言语作品。狭义的语言只指语言系统,而言语则包括言语活动和言语作品。 语言是存在于全社团成员大脑里的相对完整的抽象符号系统;言语是个人在特定语境中对语言的具体运用。 语言与言语既有一系列区别,又有密切联系。主要区别在于: 1.语言是抽象的,言语是具体(物质)的。 2.语言是社会(全民)的,言语是个人的。 3.语言是现成的,言语是临时的。 4.语言是有限的,言语是无限的。

5.语言是稳定的,言语是多变的。 6.语言是后时的,言语是先时的。 语言与言语又有密切联系,二者互相依存:一方面,语言来自言语,依存于言语。语言系统是从言语中抽象概括出来的。没有言语,就没有语言。另一方面,语言又制约着言语,指导人们的言语实践。语言系统一旦形成,又是人们进行言语交际的依据。 二语言的性质 (一)语言的符号性 用甲事物代表乙事物,而甲乙两事物之间没有必然的联系,甲事物就是代表乙事物的符号。其中甲事物就是符号的能指(形式),乙事物就是符号的所指(内容、意义)。 符号都具有任意性和约定性。 任意性是指能指与所指之间没有必然联系。是符号最根本的属性。 约定性是中指能指与所指之间的联系是人为约定的,一旦约定人们就要遵守这种社会共同的约定。 (二).语言的系统性 所谓系统,是指由若干互相联系的元素构成的整体。所谓系统性,就是指系统元素之间的联系性。 (三).语言的社会性 语言是一种社会现象,社会性是语言的本质属性:


语言学重点 Semantics 1. Sense relation between sentences(简答、语料分析) A.X is synonymous with Y X: He was a bachelor all his life. Y: He never married all his life. B.X is inconsistent with Y X: John is married Y: John is a bachelor C.X entails Y X: A boy had broken the window Y: A child had broken the window. D.X presuppose Y X: John’s bike needs repairing Y: John has a bike E.X is a contradiction X: John is neither alive nor dead F.X is semantically anomalous X: The table has had intentions Y: The golf kicked him. 2. Sentence Meaning: Katz’s Semantic Theory(essay question) I. Structure of the theory and its aims {Grammatical classification} dictionary (semantic markers) Katz’s theory semant ic information Projection rules [distinguishers] Universally applicable metalanguage ⅡKatz’s dictionary --2 types of semantic information --(semantic markers)语义标记: which are the links binding the vocabulary together and are responsible for the lexical relations; --[distinguisher] 辨义成分: the word-specific semantic information that identifies the lexical items. Ⅲprojection rules --projection rules: to give rules showing how the meanings of lexical items build up into the meaning of phrases and phrases up to sentences. amalgamation process (合并) --PR use trees to structure the amalgamation of word meaning into phrase meaning and phrase meaning into sentence meaning. selection restrictions --AS the PR successively amalgamate readings, the selection restrictions will limit the final output. 3. Referential theory (简答) ①Linguistic symbols stand for things, the linguistic symbol(word) and the things they refer to are not related directly, the linguistic symbol and the things it stand for are arbitrary. Different linguistic symbols are used in different languages to refer to the same thing. For example, they are related via concept. For the speaker and listener to reach mutual understanding, they have to have the same concept of the target things. ②There is a direct relation between linguistic symbol and the concept because
