



1、Hunting is allowed in this area, though not officially permitted.这个地区是可以狩猎的,尽管法律上不允许。allow指“听凭”,“不禁止”,含有消极的意味。permit指正式地“允许”或根据法律规定“许可”, 比allow来得积极。

2、I received his gift from him, but I didn’t accept it .我收到他的礼物,但我没有接受。

3、You should be ashamed of your shameful behaviors.你应该为你的可耻的行为感到羞愧。

4、The boss insisted that the man had stolen the money and insisted that he (should) leave the company at once.老板坚持说那个人偷了钱并坚持要求他立刻离开公司。

5、There are so many cakes for me to choose from that I can’t make up my mind which to choose.有那么多的蛋糕可供从中选择,我无法决定选择哪一个。

6、Be sue to get to the airport on time, and make sure everything is ready before you start.务必要准时到机场并且确保在出发前一切都准备好了。

7、It seemed that she was not a bit worried, but in fact, she was not a little worried about it.表面看来她似乎一点也不担心,事实上她非常担心。

8、He felt so sleepy that he soon fell asleep.他觉得很瞌睡很快就睡着了

9、I called at his house, but he wasn’t in. So I left a message telling him that I would call on him the next day.我到他家拜访,可他不在家。所以我留下口信告诉他第二天再去拜访他。

10、I know him, but when I saw him last night, I could hardly recognize him.我知道他,但当我昨天见到他的时候几乎没认出他来。

11、The motor cost me 4300 Yuan. But I don’t think it’s worth that much.这辆摩托花了我4300元,但认为它不值这个钱。

12、They got married in 1995. So far they have been married for 10 years.他们是1995年结的婚(瞬间动作),到现在已经结婚(延续动作)十年了。

13、when she found her necklace missing, she knew that the necklace was lost forever.当她发现项链不见了便知道它再也找不着了。

14、Don’t believe what he says. Work hard and believe in yourself, and you’ll succeed one day.不要相信他说的话,努力学习,相信你自己,你会成功的。

15、He cut down the tree and cut it up for winter use.他把树砍倒并砍碎准备过冬用。

16、The sailor has rich experience and he often tells us his interesting experiences.这水手有丰富的经验,他经常给我们讲他有趣的经历。

17. I was greatly moved by this moving story. 我被这个感人的故事深深感动了。

18、I’m very pleased with my own cooking .It has a pleasant smell and I’m sure it will please my husband.我对自己做的菜感到满意,菜闻起来不错,肯定能令丈夫高兴的。

19、The boy lied that a hen was lying under the tree laying eggs.那男孩撒谎说有只母鸡(躺)在树下生蛋。

20、My suitcase contains some clothes, including a few sweaters and trousers.我箱子里面有些衣服,包括几件毛衣和几条裤子。

附:The whole book contains 12units, including two mainly revisions.整个这本书有十二个单元,包括两个单元的总复习。

21、These shoes cost too much. What’s more, they are much too small for me.这鞋花费太多,而且我穿着太小。

附:I’ve got too much work to do on a much too cold winter night.在一个非常寒冷的冬夜,我有太多的工作要做。

22、I can’t think of his name, but I’ll think about what he has said to me.我想不起他的名字,但我会考虑他跟我说过的话。

23、I used to rise very late during the summer vacation, but I’ve got used to getting up very early .我(过去)在暑假期间常常起得很晚,但现在习惯了起得很早。

24、He is sitting in the front of the car and can see a pond clearly in front of the car.他坐在轿车前部可以清楚地看见有一个池塘在前面。

25、Last year, my total income, with my reward added to, added up to 15000yuan.去年我的总收入,加上奖金,总计为一万五千元。

26、The bed made of wood is mad up of three separate parts.这张(由)木制的床由三部分组成。

27、Japan lies to the east of China in the east of Asia. It faces the Pacific on the east.日本在亚洲东部(范围内),中国东面(不接壤),东临太平洋(接壤)。

28、We were all deeply shocked when we heard that some workers were deep in the well.当我们得知一些工人被深埋井下时都深感震惊。

29、His life was in danger when facing the dangerous tiger.面对危险的老虎,他的生命处于危险

30、He lives alone in a lonely mountain village, but he doesn’t feel lonely.他独自一人住在一个偏僻的山村里,但并不觉得孤独。

31、——David has made great progress recently.最近戴维进步很大。

——So he has, and so have you.他确实进步很大,你也是。

32、Gibert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the light bulb.吉波特发现了电,然而是爱迪生发明了电灯。

33、For once we heard a loud noise so we stood at once.有一次我们听到一声巨响,都立刻站了起来。

34、I read the newspaper and read of his death.我读了报纸,得知他死去的消息

35、She looked for her cellphone everywhere and found it at last.她到处找她的手机,最后找着

36、Whatever David says sounds right to Helen. That’s why she has made up her mind to live with him whatever (no matter what) happens.对海伦来说,无论戴维说什么(名词性从句)都是对的。这就是为什么她决心无论发生什么事(状语从句)都要和他在一起。

37、An ordinary worker in Beijing earns 1800 yuan a month, which is common nowadays.北京一个普通工人一个月能赚一千八百元,如今也很常见了。

38、He went specially to see her in such an especially hot summer.在这样一个特别炎热的夏天,他特意地去看她。

39、A respectable man is one who is worthy of being respected.一个令人尊敬的人是值得受人尊

40、Though he is not young any longer, he has a youthful attitude towards life.尽管他已不再年轻,他对人生仍有年轻人般的态度。

41、One may have a character, but may have many characteristics, all of which constitute one’s character.一个人可能只有一种“性格”,但可能有多种“特征,特点”,所有这些“特征特点”便构成了一个人“总的特征,品质”。

42、It is possible(有可能)but not probable (很可能)that it will rain before evening.傍晚前可能下雨,但不见得会下。

43、Electronic games don’t have many effects on grown-ups but affect students a great deal.电子游戏对成年人影响不大,但是对学生影响很大。

44、Sometimes changes take place in matter and the substances never return to their former condition.有时物质(总称,不可数)发生变化,(这些具体的物质,可数)再也不会恢复到原来的状态。

45、The doctor treated her headache with a new medicine, but didn’t cure her. 医生用一种新药为她治头痛,但没把她治好

46、He worked no more than

(仅仅,只有)a week, so he could get not more than (至多,不超过)100 yuan. 他只干了一个星期,因此他至多能得到一百元。

47、I used to be dependent on my parents. Now I’m independent of them. 我从前一切都依赖父母,现在我独立了。

48、You may be tired with reading, but you should not be tired of it. 看书可能使你疲劳,但不应该对看书感到厌烦。

49、Here is another tip: Don’t touch the tip with the tips of your fingers. 还有一条提示:别用手指尖摸小费。

50、He is shooting at a bird, but he doesn’t shoot it.他向一只鸟射击,但没有射中。

51、Anything imaginary is the products of an imaginative person’s mind.任何虚构的东西都是有想象力的人的产物。

52、Considering Tom (to be) fit for the office, the boss considered taking him on.认为汤姆称职,老板考虑雇用他。

53、My father is an officer in the army, while his father is an official in the government.我爸爸是部队里的军官,而他爸爸是政府官员。

54、She had borne two children but they were born deaf.她生了两个孩子,但他们生来就聋。主动语态中,只能用borne,在被动语态中由引导行为主体要用borne,其他情况用born。55、One may be conscious of fear, but not altogether aware of the danger which is going on about him.人们可能会心感恐惧,但并不能全然察觉到周围将发生什么危险。

56、You shouldn’t have scolded the boy at all, he is a child after all; above all, he made only two mistakes in all.你根本不该责备那男孩,他毕竟还是个孩子;更重要的是,他总共才出了两次错。At all根本; after all毕竟; above all首先; in all总共。

57、This article is well worth reading, but it is not worthy of being translated(=to be translated).这篇文章很值得一读,但不值得翻译。

58、I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.我发现给孩子提建议的最好的办法是先弄明白他们想做什么,然后再建议他们去做什么。Find指一种客观结果,find out实指主观有意识的找出、查明。59、I have kept company with him for five years, and I enjoy his company. Now we’re working in the same company.我和他结交已经五年了,我喜欢与他在一起。现在,我们在同一个公司工作。company公司;同伴;keep company with与---结交

62、She is very strict not only with all of us, but in all her own work..她不仅对我们都很严格,对她自己的工作要求也很严格。

63、Questions are easy to answer but it is hard to solve the problems.回答问题容易,但要解决这些问题很难。

64、The reason for his departure was that he wanted to look into the cause of the accident.他离开的缘由是想调查事故的原因。

65、Everybody in the class ( besides the teacher) except Li Ming himself thinks that the composition is very good except for some spelling mistakes.班里的人(甚至老师)除了李明本人都认为这作文除了一些拼写错误之外,写的不错。

66、The man who used to work in a chemical works is now a chemistry teacher.那个过去在化工厂工作的人现在是一个化学老师。

67、The writer went to the village every day so as to get familiar with the everyday life there.作家每天去那村子,为的是想了解那儿的日常生活。

68、People generally quarrel because they cannot argue.人们通常因为不能辩论而争吵。

69、I saw a saw saw a log into four.我看到一把锯把一根木头锯成了四块

70、A number of teachers are present today, the number of them is 300.许多教师今天都出席了,(数量)有300人

71、I would like to go out for a walk; I like walking in the rain.我想出去散散步,我喜欢在雨中行走。

72、A reason explains why you do something. A cause makes something happen. Reason 解释做某事的原因,cause(导致)某事发生。

73、The wet wood on the fire was on fire an hour ago.一小时前在炉子上的湿木头着火了。

74、The policeman seized the thief who snatched the girl’s purse.警察抓住了抢那个女孩钱包的小偷。

75、It would be foolish to let such an opportunity slip, it is the chance of a lifetime.让这样千载难逢的(好)机会溜掉,实在是太愚蠢了。

76、The enemy soldiers were fleeing in all directions, but few of them could escape.敌兵四处逃窜,但很少能逃出去。

77、At last we found him in a trap in the forest, still living but not alive.最后我们在森林里的陷阱里找到他的时候,他虽然还活着,但已是奄奄一息。

78、I often attend meeting and sometimes I take part in its discussion.我经常出席会议,有时参加大会的讨论。

79、Though we lost the first two games, we managed to win the match at last.尽管我们输了前两


80、The teacher is preparing the reviewing exercises, and the students are preparing for the final examination.老师正在准备复习用的练习,而学生们正在为期末考试做准备。

81、Have you read Steinway’s latest novel? It’s much better than his last one. 你读过斯坦威的最新小说吗?比他的上一部小说好多了。

82、“Is there (any) room for me to sit down here?”“Yes, there’s a place in the corner.”“这里有我坐的地方吗?”“是的,在角上有。”

83、Yesterday I beat John at chess. He won only one set, while I won two sets.昨天我和约翰下棋,赢了他。他只赢了一盘,而我赢了两盘。

84、When no more letters came from her, I knew she was no longer in Canada.当她没有信来时,我就知道她不再在加拿大了。

85、In order to keep the children from swimming in sea, he keeps them staying at home all day.为了不让孩子们去海里游泳,他让他们整天呆在家里。

86、I threw a stone to Tom and he picked it up and threw it at the dog.我把一块石头扔给汤姆,他拾起那块石头打狗。

87、Jane’s pale face suggested that she was ill, and her parents suggested that she (should) have a medical examination.简苍白的脸色表明她生病了,她父母建议她做一下医学检查。

88、Their reform is a decided victory, but whether it is a decisive one only time can tell.他们的改革取得了成功,但是否决定性的胜利只能用时间来回答。

89、In the corner of the office stands a desk, on the corner of which lies a book.在办公室的角落里有一张桌子,在桌角上放着一本书。

90、My favorite TV show has a favorable review in the newspaper.我特别喜爱的电视节目得到报纸的好评。

91、Mr. Black was afraid to climb the tree, for he was afraid of falling down from it.布莱克先生不敢爬树,因为他怕从树上掉下来。

92、The manager was angry at seeing his employee murmuring in the office then warned them not to whisper again.经理看到员工在办公室里窃窃私语非常生气,于是警告他们不要再私下交谈。

93、Mrs. Smith, you can’t take as much the fruit as freely though they are free today.斯密斯夫人,尽管这些水果今天免费,但也不能不受限制拿那么多。

94、He took my bag in error, while I took yours by mistake.他不巧错拿了我的包,而我错拿了你的包。

95、The little girl is fond of ice cream but she doesn’t like ice cream today.这小女孩一向喜爱冰淇淋,但今天却不喜欢。

96、He got up early so as to catch the train. And in order to rise early, he set the alarm clock the previous night.他起的很早,为的是能赶上那趟火车;而为了能早起,他前天晚上就定了闹钟。

97、Since I’m not nearly ready, I have almost nothing to say.由于远没有准备好,我几乎没什么可说的。

98、Joe is a computer fan-he likes surfing the Internet all the time and playing computer games.乔是个电脑迷,他喜欢上网,喜欢玩电脑游戏

99、The majority of people are against the plan. I mean, most of the people are against the plan.大多数人都反对这计划。

100、Compared with your ***, mine is ***.I often compare it to ***.与你的***相比,我的是***。我常把它比作***。

101、It is better to know one thing than to know about ten thousand things.深入了解一件事情强于对一万件事情一知半解。

102、She drove direct to school, so that she was not directly affected by the traffic jam.她直接驾车去学校,所以并没有直接受到交通拥挤的影响。

103、They were divided into 4 groups, though they were not actually separated.他们被分成四个组,尽管(在空间上)并没有分离。

104、The necklace is worth 1000 dollars at most and 500 dollars at least.这项链至多值1000元,至少500元。

105、After a few days he came back, but he said he said he would leave again in a few days.几天后他回来了,可他说他将在几天后要再度离开

106、He collected waste paper as a means of living, and he liked such a way of living.他以收集废纸为生(活手段),并且喜欢这种生活方式。

107、We stayed there and begged Mrs. Denver’s to reconsider our suggestion, but her answer remained “no”.我们呆在那乞求丹佛夫人重新考虑我们的建议,但她的回答仍然是“不”。108、He is working on a math problem, and I don’t doubt he can work out it.他正忙着一道数学题,我毫不怀疑他肯定能解答出来。

109、He got up late yesterday and when later he got to school, he found he was half an hour late.他昨天起得晚,之后当他到学校的时候,发现自己迟到了半小时。

110、The wind arose and raised the fallen leaves from the ground.风来了,刮起地上的落叶。

111、On Monday morning, we were watching the children raising the national flag, and we saw it rising slowly in the wind.星期一早上,我们在观看孩子们升国旗,我们看到国旗在风中徐徐升起。

112、After the collision, he examined the considerable damage to his car. Fortunately it was not completely ruined.撞车之后,他检查了受重创的车,所幸的是车还没完全报废。

113、I asked Lily to fetch me an English book, but she brought me a Chinese book, so I asked her to take it back to the teacher’s office.我让莉莉去给我拿一本英语书,她却拿来了一本汉语书,于是我让她拿回老师办公室。

114、Why not weigh the baby to find out how much it weighs?怎么不称称看婴儿有多重呢?

115、They are determined to effect their plan though it has been much affected by the present conditions.他们决心实施他们的计划,虽然目前的条件对此不利。

116.The students were much too tired after they finished too much homework 学生在完成太多的家庭作业之后太累了。

117. This is the third time that I've been to beijing,Iwant to be there for a fourt time


118. All the possible means have been tried , but not a means has worked . means 用作‘方式,方法’时单复同形。

119.Before he lefthe put on his overcoat that he once wore ten years before.

*The man wearing a black jacket is dressing the boy.

put on 表示“动作”wear 表示“状态”dress表示给"人"穿衣

120..Tt's my fault to make such a mistake .

faul 指过错强调过失应负的责任.mistake 指不正确理解而造成行为或认识上的错误。121.love sees with its heart and not with its mind

heart 指情感之心mind指理性之心

122.I took part in the meeting at which I joined the League.Then I joined in the disscusion at the meeting which all the League member attended.

take part in积极参与attend参与join加入并成为成员join in 加入某个活动

123.Tom asked me if i agreed to spend a holiday in the south .I said I agreed to the idea.So we agreed on a date for it ,and my wife agreed with what we did.

agreed to do sth 同意做某事agreed to sth 接受agreed on sth 协商一致agreed with sth 同意赞成

124、Suddenly I heard a strange sound downstairs, then came a man’s voice, “Who is there?”我突然听到楼下有一种奇怪的声音,然后传来了一个男人的声音:“谁在那儿?”

125、Mother is preparing us a meal. We may wash our hands and prepare for the meal.妈妈在为我们准备饭菜,我们洗手准备吃饭吧。

126、It’s hard to get in touch with Lily, since We haven’t been in touch with each other since graduation.很难与李丽取得联系,因为自毕业后我们没有保持联系。

127、At one time he was a good eater, he would eat 4 cakes at a time.曾经有段时间他很能吃,一次能吃4个蛋糕。

128、Many animals and plants are in danger. We should take measures to save the endangered animals and plants.很多动植物处在危险中。我们应该采取措施挽救这些面临危险的动植物

129、Children should be forbidden to play with fire, for it is easy to cause fires. Fire 作“火”讲为不可数,作可数名词意为“火灾,炉火”。

130、What really interested Shylock was the interest people owed him.真正使夏洛克感兴趣的是人们欠他的利息。

131、We all went there except him last time. This time we’ll all go besides him.上次除他没去外,我们都去了。这次除他去以外,我们也都将去那儿

132、An earthquake happened when I happened not to be there.碰巧不在那里的时候发生了地震。

133、Their house was burnt, so the family had to make their home in a hotel for a time.他们家的房子被烧掉了,于是他们一家人暂时在旅馆里安了家

136、Mother wants me to water the trees which want watering.母亲要我给那些需要浇水的书浇水。

134、The changes of quantity cause the changes of quality.量变引起质变。

135、He lit/lighted a candle and handed the lighted candle to me.他点燃一支蜡烛,然后把燃烧的蜡烛递给我。Light的过去分词是lit或lighted.作定语只能用lighted.

136、You are a green leaf filled with the tinges of spring; you are a drop of water full of golden glowing.你是一片绿叶,盈满着春天的气息;你是一滴水珠,包含着金灿灿的光点。

140、She tore at the cloth but couldn’t tear it. tear at表示动作,意为“撕,扯”;tear表示结果,意为“撕开,扯开”。

137、The cook tasted the soup to see if it tasted tasty.厨师尝汤看看汤是否可口。前一个taste 表示“尝”,及物动词;后一个表示“尝起来”,连系动词。

138、He paid the doctor and paid for his medicine, too.他酬谢了医生,并付了买药的钱

139、The player is in very good condition, but his living conditions are very bad.这位选手的健康情况非常良好,但生活条件非常糟糕。

140、No one who returned from the front failed to express admiration for Doctor Bethune whenever his name was mentioned and none remained unmoved by his spirit. no one只用于指人,后不可接of短语;none后可接of。

141、That mean wasting a lot of labor. –Really? I don’t mean to waste any labor.-mean doing sth.“意味着干什么”;mean to do sth.“打算干什么”

142、The rich are rather possessed by their money than possessors.富人与其说是金钱的占有者,不如说是被金钱所占有。

143、My riches consist not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of my wants.我的财富不在于财产之多,而在于欲望之少

144、This is a valued gift though it is hardly valuable.这是件很珍贵的礼物,尽管它几乎不值什么钱。

145、“Please take your place, everyone,”said John Smith. “From now on I will take the place of Mr. George as chairman of the meeting.”“诸位请坐,”约翰史密斯说,“从现在起我将代替乔治先生担任会议的主席”。

146、The foreigner enjoys Beijing opera very much although he does not appreciate it.这位老外很爱听京剧,虽然他听不懂。

147.I ask Lily to fetch me an english book ,but she brought me a chinese one,so I ask her to take it back to the teachers' office.

fetch : go and bring sth back ; brought :carry sth to where the speaker is ; take :carry sth away from where the speaker is

148、The player can jump really high, so we all speak highly of him.这位选手跳得的确很高,我们都给与他很高的评价。

149、I like dancing, but I don’t like to dance with you.我喜欢跳舞,但不想和你一起跳。

150、You may avoid all known sources of contagion, yet not easily escape infection.人们可以避开所有已知的接触性传染病源,却难以摆脱非接触性传染。

151、Alice, whose father was very ill, worried him instead of worrying about his illness.艾利斯父亲病的利害,她不为他的病担忧,反而使他烦恼。

152、They tried time and again and at last they managed to escape to South America.他们试了一次又一次,最后设法逃到了南美。

153、Einstein who cared little for money never cared about his salary.爱因斯坦对金钱不感兴趣,他从不在乎薪水多少。

154、Is this a true story or a real life?这是一个真实的故事还是从真实生活文章:

155、In England Marx went on studying English. After mastering English he went on to study Russian.马克思在英国继续学习英语。掌握了英语后他继续学习俄语。

156、In order to keep the children from swimming in sea, he keeps them staying at home all day.为了不让孩子们去海里游泳,他让他们整天呆在家里。

157、This is the first time that I’ve been to Beijing. I want to be there for a second time.这是我第一次到北京去,我想再去一次。

158、Jane’s pale face suggested that she was ill, and her parents suggested that she (should) have a medical examination.简苍白的脸表明她生病了,她父母建议她做一下医学检查。

159、Vanity keeps people in favor of themselves who are out of favor with all others.虚荣使人得宠于己,而失宠于人。

160、A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.教师的影响是永恒的;他的影响之深远是无法估计的。

161、So far it has been by far the tallest building in the city.到目前为止它是这座城里最高的建筑物。

162、Desperate disease require desperate remedies.险病要用猛药医。前者意为“绝望的,极严重的”,后者指“孤注一掷的”。

163、Some days she is satisfied only by an enormous meal, while other times she is contented with a bowl of cereal.有时候只有大餐才能令她满意,但有时她只要一碗燕麦片就满足了。-content 指安于现状的满足。Satisfy指需要得到充分实现的满足。

164、He has longed for his mother for long.很长时间来他非常思念母亲。

165、The Customs were searching for drugs when I came through the airport. They searched everybody’s luggage for them, and they searched the man in front of me from head to foot.我经过机场时,海关人员正在搜查毒品。他们检查每个人的行李,把我前面那个人从头到脚搜了一遍。

166、As far as I know, the railway reaches as far as the next town.就我所知,这条铁路一直延伸到下一个城镇。

167、What may be done at any time will be done at no time.任何时间都可以做成的工作,往往什么时候都做不成。

168、The children grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy home environment.孩子们在美丽的环境中长大,但是却缺少一个幸福的家庭环境。

169、He who died fighting for his country is the most honorable and glorious among the dead.为保卫国家而战死者,是死者中最有名誉,最光荣的

170、They looked sadly at the master, because the master himself looked sad.他们难过的看着老师,因为老师自个儿也显得悲伤。

171、I feel freezing cold in such freezing weather, and I’m half frozen.这如此冷的天气里我感到冷极了,我都快冻僵了。-freezing(cold)“(感到)极冷极冷的”frozen冻僵了。

172 you shouldn't have scolded the boy at all, he is a child after all;above all, he made only two mistakes in all . at all根本after all毕竟above all首先in all总共

173、Tigers of this kind are dying off,and they will die out in time.这种老虎正在一个一个死去,它们迟早会灭绝的。

174、We believe in communism and we believe that communism is certain to be realized.我们信


175、Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.有些书浅尝即止,有些书可以囫囵吞枣,少数则需咀嚼消化。

176、I called him this morning, but he could not come. We’d better go and call on him at his office.今天早上打了电话给他,但他不能来。我们最好去他办公室拜访他。177、Although he was disabled when he was only ten years of age, yet he aimed high, for which his classmates spoke highly of him.尽管他十岁就有了残疾,但他志向很高,他的同学对他的评价很高。

178、The wine made in China is made from corn and wheat.这种酒来自中国,是由玉米和大麦酿制的。

179、Generally speaking, all of us respect our parents, but not all admire them.一般说来,我们都尊敬我们的父母,并非都钦佩他们。

180、He is known to us as a scientist for his discovery of X-ray.他是作为一名科学家,因为发现X射线而为我们所知的。

181、The class are doing experiments on heat and light in the laboratory, and this afternoon this class is going to have its picture taken.同学们在实验室做一个关于光和热的试验,今天下午这个班级要让人拍他们的集体照。

182、This kind of short stories is worth reading, but novels of that kind are not worth reading.这种短篇故事值得一读,但那种的小说不值得一读

183、-Does the young man standing there have possession of the company? –No. The company is in the possession of his father.是站在那边的年轻人拥有这家公司吗?不,这家公司为他父亲所拥有。

184、Don’t make up any excuses for your being late. What you have to do is to make up for the time you have lost.不要为你的迟到找借口,你需要做的是补上失去的时间。

185、When he was young, he was deeply interested in maths and often studied deep into the night.当他年轻的时候,对数学极度地感兴趣,经常学习到深夜。

186、The actual damage to the car was not as great as we had feared. Actually, it’s not serious.汽车实际损毁的程度并不如我们担心的那么大。事实上,并不严重。

187、My sweater is not made by machine. I made it with my own hands.我的毛衣不是机器织的,是我用手工做的。

188、The number of the employees has increased to 1200. This means it has risen by 20 percent.从业人数增加到1200,也就是说上升了20%。

189、They agreed with me on a picnic. So they agreed to my proposal.他们在野餐问题上与我达成一致意见;因此它们同意我的计划了。

190、Though she was frightened, she sat still and answered with a calm voice.虽然感到害怕,她还是坐着一动不动,平静的回答了问题。

191、They are going downtown by bus instead of on their bikes. By bus, by train, by ship, by bike 表方式,但on one’s bike表具体。

192、Can you believe that in such a rich country there should be so many poor people? Such a/an +adj+单数名词,So +adj+a+单数名词;so不能修饰复数名词和不可数名词,但若前有few, little, many和much则用so修饰。

193、The apples taste good and sell well. Taste 系动词+形容词表语,sell well“畅销”。194、I am deeply interested in English. I often work at it until deep into the night. Deeply是程度副词,deep into the night固定用法。

195、If we had followed his plan, we could have done the job better with less money and fewer people. Less修饰不可数名词,fewer修饰可数名词。


MBA英语必须掌握的50句高能例句(2017版) 1.Lei Jun advocates that the whole process of producing a smartphone is harder than it used to be. 雷军声称,与过去相比,生产出一台智能手机的整个过程难度更大了。 2.We learn from the expert that a big development of science and techonology requires a strong economy growth. 我们从专家那里得知,科技的巨大进步需要强有力的经济增长来支撑。 3.The big bang theory has explained the origin of the universe. 大爆炸理论解释了宇宙的起源。 4. A big amount of experts are studying on improving individual behavior to decline in climate warming. 众多专家都在进行通过个人行为改善来减缓气候变暖的研究。 5.These links constituted the product cost elements. 这些环节构成了产品的成本因素。 6.The big amount of local government debt is likely to cause serious consequence in China. 大量的地方债可能对中国造成严重影响。

7.It’s your responsibility to return my login account and pin which you maintain to me. 归还你所持有的我的登陆账号和密码是你应有的责任。 8. A few brave experts are beginning to spot that the jobless rate is likely to "stay high" . 有几个勇敢的专家开始指出失业率可能会“保持高位”。 9.Google’s investment in DeepMind project has created a new master AlphaGo, and AlphaGo’s self-evolution has sparked heated debate for the development of artificial intelligence in these days. 谷歌投资设立的DeepMind项目,造就了AlphaGo这个新的围棋大师,在这些天里,它的自我进化引发了关于人工智能发展的热议。 10.Advertising industry will get benefits from the process of reasonable economic inflation. 广告行业将在合理的经济通胀过程中受益。 11.People tend to present their private opinion as if it were a social opinion. 人们总是陈述自己个人的观点仿佛它是一个社会的观点。 12.These evidences directly show that we must take immediate action to solve the environment pollution. 这些证据直接表明了环境的污染情况。 13.The local government intends to establish a fund to award the industrial innovation.


词汇的形象色彩与对外汉语教学 词语的形象色彩是指很多词语用于解释普遍存在的概念意义外,还同时具有形象感,它们通过人们的感官如视觉、听觉、味觉等诱发人们的联想,给人以生动可感的形象感。例如:猫头鹰这个词就比较形象地反映出这种鸟头部像猫的特点;哗啦啦,是人耳边回现出流水的声音;而甜丝丝会让我们如同品尝到了甜味的食物。这些都是日常生活中非常常见的例子,可见词汇的形象色彩在生活中的应用是很广的。 正由于应用广泛,有形象色彩的词很丰富,所以对这些词的分类显得有点困难。本文将采取兰宾汉先生对具有形象色彩的词的分类,即将它们分成形感、动感、色感、声感这样四类。下面分别加以阐释: 形感:有些词的意义能给人十分具体的形象。如佛手、木耳、浪潮,大家眼前会浮现出这种事物的整体的形状。木耳是一种长在腐朽的木头上的一种可供食用菌类,形状像人的耳朵;浪潮顾名思义,想浪花一样的潮流;这是对事物整体情状的比喻。又如喇叭花、鹅卵石,灯笼裤、斑马线则是在对事物的性状的比喻之后加上了一个类名。斑马、驼背、白头翁是对描摹事物的突出的特征等等。它们的突出的特点即是让人们很容易地联想到所指事物的外在形状,我们称之形感。 色感:有些词的意义给人以鲜明的色彩感。如血红让人联想到血的颜色;草绿则浮现出一片青草的的画面,联想到充满生机的绿,还有鹅黄、橘红等。具有色感的词多为形容词,比如ABB式的白茫茫,红彤彤,绿油油,金灿灿等;又如ABC式的白呲咧、血呼啦;还有A 里BC、A不BC式的,如血里呼啦,白不呲咧;还有ABCD式的如黑咕隆咚。这些词当中的词缀部分意义很虚,但它们结合在一起具有描摹性,给人们造成一种很模糊的印象,从而给人一种形象感。 动感:有些词的意义能让人产生特殊的动感。如席卷,会让人联想到用席子卷的这样一系列的动作,从而给人一动作快,范围大的感觉。而蚕食则让人们想到蚕不分昼夜沙沙吃蚕叶这样的动作行为,从而给人一种连续不断地侵食这样一种动感。这样的词还有摇曳、撞车、碰钉子、炒鱿鱼等。一些带如字的词常带有动作感:暴跳如雷、血流如注、泪如雨下、不绝如缕等。象点头哈腰、东倒西歪、俯首帖耳等次也是对存在事物的动作状态的直接的描写。声感:有些词能给人以如闻其声的感觉。这些词多为拟声词如呵呵,哈哈,嘻嘻,啧啧,喔喔,咩咩等。还有ABB式的如笑哈哈,笑嘻嘻,轰隆隆,哗啦啦;A里BC式的如稀里哗啦等,看到这些词自然会联想到自然界的一些声音,这也是其形象色彩的特点之所在。 当然,这只是众多对具有形象色彩意义的词的分类中的一种,而且也只是一种大至的分类,比如有的词就不只属于其中的一种,而是兼具两种甚至是多种形象色彩。如银河是因为看起来像一条白色的河而得名,它的意义中就包含了形感和色感两种形象色彩。有如扑啦啦,既有拍翅膀的动感又有拍翅时的声音的形容,也兼具两种形象色彩。 不仅仅是词,在词汇系统中的固定语中的一些成语同样具有形象色彩。例如狼吞虎咽明显是对动作的描摹,具有很强烈的动感;又如羊肠小道则是很典型的对于事物形状的描绘,具有形感。其它的成语如坐如针毡、骨瘦如柴、口若悬河等。还有一些成语以其呈现的整体的画面共同显示它的形象色彩。如隔岸观火,会使人的头脑中浮现一幅画面,隔岸是空间位置,观火是动作行为,如果接受者再补充一个动作行为的主体,就形成了这幅整体的画面。这是由于固定语的内部结构相对来首比较复杂,所呈现的信息量较大,因而信息的叠加呈现出了整体的画面,这个画面对整个成语的理解起着烘托得作用。如按下葫芦浮起瓢、拨云见日、兵临城下等。还有一些词语,其表层的给接受者提供两个形象单位二者结合在一块儿很容易使人想起它的深层的涵义,这一类成语形象感的形成和我国古典诗歌中意境的形成非常相似,既由表层的关系使人联想到深层的意蕴。如南辕北辙,辕向着南边而辄却朝着北,想去南边而却走向了北边,比喻行动和初衷是相违背的。如果对这个成语稍加体会其深沉含义是


2017考研英语高频词汇及例句汇总(十) 考研英语中词汇是英语的基础,复习备考的过程中,考生格外注意的是英语真题的考研英语高频词汇,这样可以更好地把握考研英语复习。为大家整理的一系列关于考研英语高频单词,希望对考生有所帮助! 1. adapt vi. 适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to); vt. 改编,改写; 改变…以适合(for); [例句]The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change. 世界会变得不同,我们必须做好准备以适应其变化。 2. additional adj. 补充; 额外的,附加的; 另外的,追加的; 外加; [例句]The US is sending additional troops to the region. 美国正向该地区增兵。 3. aggressive adj. 侵略的,侵犯的,攻势的;(美)有进取心的,积极行动的; 有进取心的,有闯劲的; 好争斗的,借故生端的,爱打架的,要打架的;

[例句]Some children are much more aggressive than others. 一些孩子比其他孩子更好斗。 4. amateur n. 业余爱好者; 外行,生手; adj. 外行的; 业余的,非职业的; [例句]Jerry is an amateur who dances because he feels like it. 杰里是个业余跳舞爱好者,他跳舞是因为自己喜欢。 5. analysis n. 分析,分解; 梗概,要略; [数] 解析; 验定; [例句]Her criteria defy analysis. 她的标准让人搞不明白。 6. apply vt. 申请; 涂; 应用,运用; 敷(药); vi. 申请,请求,适用; 适用,适合; 专心致志; [例句]I am continuing to apply for jobs. 我正在继续找工作。


词义在表达反映人们对客观事物的理性认识外,还会因人们的主观感受,而表达出对该事物的评价。这种评价就是词的附加意义,又称色彩意义。量词的主要作用是表量、计算,但有些量词还兼有色彩意义。现代汉语量词的色彩意义包括三方面:形象色彩、感情色彩、语体色彩。一、量词的形象色彩“词义信息在传达人们对其所称谓事物的理性认识外,往往还会因人们的主观性而表达出对该事物的评价及在情态、格调、形象方面等作出的补充描写。汉语量词的理据,在它具有描绘性和比喻性时,就给人以具体的形象感。这种形象感包含着人的主观意味。量词所负载的这种形象意味,也就是汉语量词的形象色彩。”汉语量词的形象色彩具体有三种形式:1、量词本身具有的形象色彩这类量词一般是表示事物的物量词(包括个体量词和集体量词),如:串、座、朵、缕、株、丛、片、颗、团……本身具有形象性,它们和中心词搭配在一起,能引起人的联想和想象,具有生动性和形象性。例如:(1)他迫使自己打了一串外交式的哈哈。(沙汀《沙汀选集》) (2)金达莱一大片一大片的。鲜红娇艳。一朵花,一朵青春,每朵花都展开眉眼,用笑脸迎着春天。(杨朔《三千里江山》) (3)听后,她的脸上闪过一缕木木的,淡淡的哀愁。 (柯如《长夜星光》) (4)不但是得慢走,还须极小心地慢走,骆驼怕滑:一汪儿水,一片儿泥,都可以教它们劈了腿,或折扭了膝。(老舍《骆驼祥子》) (5)不论是近百年的和古代的中国史。在许多党员的心目中还是漆黑一团。(毛泽东《改造我们的学习》) 例(1)中用“串”来写“打的哈哈”很有创意,既有声音又有视觉上的形象感。例(2)中的“一朵花”,“朵”是用来描写“花”的量词,既表量同时可供人想象,在“一朵青春”里,运用了拈连的修辞手法,把本来表示“花”的量词用来表示“青春”的量,使得抽象名词“青春”变得生动、形象,增加了诗韵。例(3)用“缕”同样把抽象的“哀愁”写得逼真、可见。例(4)用“汪”来写“水”。把到处都是水的情景写得很逼真。例(5)用了个量词“团”来写许多党员把那个问题没搞清楚的情况,具体形象。2、借用来的量词具有的形象色彩这一类量词主要是借用名词和动词。而且中心词和量词间属于超常搭配。例如:瓣、粒、方、泓、树、点、圆、角、堆、带、钩、星、条、根、柱、丝、道、圈等。(6)看见岸上歪过来一株柳树,一瓣黄月朦胧。(贾平凹《浮躁》) (7)忽在那万里波涛的汹涌处,溅起一粒浑圆湿润的清露似的月,滚向蓝丝绒般的天空,给你披上一身洁净清爽的光。(崔合美《海火》) (8)难得如今好气候,才钓得一方和平,才钓得一泓宁静。(管用和《山行》) (9)奈何闲人仍继续用一身感慨唱一树凋零,宛如一叶落下就升上一枝愁,为愁而忙……(许达然《也看萧瑟》) 这四个例子中的量词和中心词间都属于超常搭配。超常搭配指把原来修饰甲事物的词语用来修饰乙事物。这种“超脱寻常文字、寻常文法以至寻常逻辑形式,而使语辞呈现一种动人的魅力。”量词这种不寻常的搭配,能创造出浓郁的修辞色彩,给人以形象、鲜明的审美享受。例(6)把本来用在“花”上的量词“瓣”用来修饰“黄月”,给人以丰富的联想和想象,使得月的形象更鲜明,而且创造出了深邃的意境。例(7)把本来用于表示颗粒状东西的“粒”用来修饰“清露似的月”,反衬了天海的浩瀚。例(6)(7)用量词“瓣、粒”修饰“月”,这种超常搭配营造了一种冷寂、幽静的意境。例(8)(9)是通过量词和名词的超常搭配,把抽象的“和平、宁静、愁苦”用具有形象感的量词构成数量短语:“一方”、“一泓”、“一枝”去修饰,使之变得具体化、形象化。人们似乎可以感到“一方的和平”、“一泓宁静”,可以体味“一枝的愁苦”。汉语中量词和名词超常搭配形成的短语很多,例如:“一轮圆月”、“一道山”、“一叶小舟”、“一柱烟云”、“一带吊桥”、“一堆白雪”等。3、量词重叠后具有的形象色彩有些量词本身具有形象色彩,重叠后形象色彩更浓厚。如;滴滴、簇簇、点点、道道、片片、丝丝、重重、朵朵等。(10)右边是幢幢米色的宅地,左边是一座高走的宫殿。(郭小川《塔什干诗抄》) (11)湖里有十来枝荷花,苞子上清水滴滴,荷叶上水珠滚来滚去。


英语四级高频词汇(带例句) 第四部分 372. enthusiasm n. 热情,热心We were received with enthusiasm 373. entry n. 进入,入口处;参赛的人(或物)How many entries are there for the high jump 374. environment n. 环境Children need a happy home environment 375. episode n. 插曲,片段The episode of this film sounds good 376. equation n. 方程(式)I can't make this equation come out 377. restrain vt. 阻止,抑制He couldn't restrain his curiosity 378. restraint n. 抑制,限制His rage was beyond restraint 379. resume v. (中断后)重新开始They will at any price resume their lost child 380. severe a. 严重的He's suffering from severe mental disorder 381. sexual a. 性的There is a report about a sexual harassment in the office on this newspaper 382. simplicity n. 简单;朴素The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity 383. simplify vt. 简化That will simplify my task 384. sorrow n. 悲哀,悲痛Sorrow has always been her portion 385. stuff n. 原料,材料vt. 填进,塞满He stuffed the apples into the bag 386. temporary a. 暂时的,临时的The boss hired some temporary workers 387. temptation n. 诱惑,引诱I can't resist the temptation 388. terror n. 恐怖She let out a scream of terror 389. thrust v. 挤,推,插He thrust his hands into his pockets 390. treaty n. 条约,协定The treaty was the result of long negotiation 391. arise vi. 产生,出现,发生;起身An opportunity has arisen 392. arouse vt. 引起,激起;唤醒His sufferings aroused our sympathy 393. burden n. 重担,负荷I don't want to burden you with my problem 394. bureau n. 局,办事处He works in this bureau 395. marvelous a. 奇迹般的,惊人的Oh, that's marvelous


词语的形象色彩 一、什么是词的形象色彩? 词的形象色彩,是指词除了它所代表的对象及其属性这种理性意义之外,还同时含有的该对象的某种形象感。所谓该对象的某种形象感,是指词所代表的对象的种种形象在人们意识中的一种感性反映,它是依附于词的理性意义的一种感性上的印象。形容词、名词、动词、象声词、叹词等实词大多都有较浓厚的形象色彩。如: 黑—不仅具有“颜色的一种”这样的理性意义,而且还给人们一种“象墨或煤炭色、晦暗阴冷”的形象感。如说“黑古隆冬”,则其形象色彩更明显。 牛—除了具有“反刍与家畜”这种理性意义外,还具备一种具体的形象感:体强大,四条腿,趾端有蹄,头上有一对角,浑身有毛,尾端毛尤长等。如说到“黑牛”,则其形象色彩更显豁。 二、词的形象色彩的种类 外界事物只有通过人们的眼、耳、鼻、舌、身五种感官才能反映到人的意识中。形象色彩词的理性意义,是各种具体的事物通过五官在人们意识中的反映之抽象化的结果,那么,依附于词的理性意义的词的形象感也只有通过不同的感官才能体会出来。 1、视觉形象感 词的视觉形象感指词所代表的事物外部形象通过视觉器官(眼)在人们意识中的一种感性反映。词语的形象感以视觉形象居多。如: ……驼背五少爷话还未完,突然闯进了一个满脸横肉的人,披一件玄色布衫、散着纽扣,用很宽的玄色腰带,胡乱才国在腰间。(鲁迅《药》) 这里的“闯进”,“满脸横肉”,“玄色”,“散”,“很宽”都不仅具有理性意义,而且还给人一种视觉形象感。作者通过这些视觉形象感词,把康大叔的行为、形态、妆束、生活习性等特征都反映了出来,给读者以如见其人之感。 视觉形象感词以形容词居多,其次是具体名词。如 密密麻麻抖抖索索白茫茫黑糊糊汗津津羞答答亮晶晶六盘山黄河喜鹊猫眼镜蛇 都能给人以具体而直观的形象感。 2、听觉形象感 词的听觉形象感指词所代表的事物的声音“形象”通过听觉器官(耳)在人们意识中的一种感性反映。象声词,叹词都能给人以听觉形象感。如: 凤姐……刚欲往秋爽斋这条路来,只听唿唿地一声风过,吹得那枝上落叶,满园中唰唰唰地作响,枝梢上吱喽喽的发哨,将那些寒鸦宿鸟都惊飞起来。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》) 这里的“唿唿”、“唰唰唰”、“吱喽喽”不仅各代表一种声音,而且还似乎能听到具体的风声、落叶声,枝梢的鸟叫声,给人以如闻其声之感。 3、味觉形象感 词的味觉形象感指词所代表的事物的滋味“形象”通过味觉器官(舌)在六们的意识中的一种感性反映。如: 一开瓶子塞儿,就是那么一股甜香,调上半杯一喝,甜香里带着股清气,很有点鲜荔枝味儿。喝着这样的好蜜,你会觉得生活都是柑的呢!(杨朔《荔枝蜜》) 当你读到“甜香”、“鲜荔枝味儿”、“蜜”、“甜”这些字眼时,口中会很自然地分泌出一


2017考研英语高频词汇及例句汇总(一)考研英语中词汇是英语的基础,复习备考的过程中,考生格外注意的是英语真题的高频考研英语词汇,这样可以更好地把握考研英语复习。为大家整理的关于2017考研英语高频单词及例句,希望对考生有所帮助! 1.create vt.产生; 创造,创作; 封爵,把…封为(贵族); vi.[英][俚] 大发脾气,大发牢骚; [例句]We set business free to create more jobs in Britain. 我们放开对企业的限制以便在英国创造更多的就业机会。 2.decline n.下降;(力量、健康、品格、权力、价值等的)衰退; 下倾;(人、生命等的)衰退期; vt.辞谢,谢绝(邀请等); vi.(道路、物体等)下倾;(太阳)落下;(在品格、价值上)降低; 衰落,谢绝; [例句]The number of staff has declined from 217,000 to 114,000. 员工人数从21.7万减少到了11.4万。 3.hard

adj.硬的; 困难的; 有力的; 努力的; adv.努力地; 猛力地; 严重地; 沉重地; n.英〉硬海滩,登陆处; [例句]He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor. 他拖着脚在硬木地板上走动。 4.ability n.能力,资格; 能耐,才能; [例句]The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job. 公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。 5.professional adj.专业的; 职业的; 专业性的; n.专业人士; [例句]His professional career started at Liverpool University. 他的职业生涯是从利物浦大学开始的。 6.spot n.地点,场所; 斑点,污点; [股票] 现货; 职位,职务;


1.【答案】A中公解析:此题也可从感情色彩角度进行判定,句中作者并没有明确地否定“毕业后找一份工作,稳步发展”的做法,故不应选贬义词“墨守成规”、“人云亦云”、“步人后尘”;“按部就班”为中性词,故当选。 按部就班:按照一定的条理,遵循一定的程序,多形容按照老规矩办事。墨守成规:指思想固执保守,守着老规矩不放,不思改革进取。人云亦云:人家怎么说,自己也跟着怎么说,指没有主见,只会随声附和。步人后尘:跟在人家后面走,比喻追随模仿,没有创造性。 2【答案】B。中公解析:本题的关键点在于对“规模化”、“市场化”、“产业化”等一系列相关经济学术语的理解。句中可再生能源之所以未能大范围推广应用,主要原因在于成本过高,因而降低成本便成为可再生能源“规模化”发展的关键。 3.【答案】A。中公解析:本题可从第二空入手。由“开始怀疑资产阶级共和国的救国方案”可知前文指的是看到了西方社会的种种不好的方面,而“现象”是一个中性词,既可指好的方面,也可指不好的方面,排除D。“通病”与前面的“种种”语意矛盾,排除C。社会矛盾这一概念很泛化,每个社会都存在社会矛盾,不能成为否定资产阶级共和国救国方案的根本原因,排除B。 4.【答案】C。中公解析:此题可根据第二空快速解题。四个选项中“换回”一词明显过于口语化,缺乏文学色彩,排除。“激活”与“挽救”、“拯救”相比,更加形象,也更富感染力和表现力。故本题答案为C。 5.【答案】D。中公解析:由“终于出色地完成了任务”可知,作者对“他”是持肯定、欣赏的态度的。因此前文空缺处的词语不能为贬义词。“沉溺”、“沉沦”均为贬义词,故可排除A、B。“沉陷”指(地面或建筑物的基础)向下陷。词义与句意不符,排除C。“沉浸”为中性词,比喻进入某种境界或思想活动中,符合句意,故答案选D。 6.【答案】D。中公解析:由“而是经历了长达600年以上的”可知,第一空说的是这一演进不是短时间、非常容易就完成的,“自然而然”不合句意,第二空中,“摸索”与“发展”、“改进”相比,形象色彩比较突出,能让人联想到在黑暗中小心地探索寻找东西的画面,填入句中更能体现出从陨铁的锻制到人工冶炼铁的出现这一漫长的过程中人们艰辛的探索过程。故答案选D。 7.【答案】A。中公解析:此题需要从作者的感情色彩和词语的形象色彩来解题。阅读题干,由“嘹亮的”、“披着”、“踏着”、“花香”、“欢笑声”等词汇,我们可以看出作者描绘的是一个愉悦、清新的画面。“遮天蔽日”用来形容树木的枝叶非常茂盛,把太阳都给挡住了,给人的形象是比较阴暗、不明亮的,不符合作者的感情基调,排除。“翠绿欲滴”形容草木的颜色非常翠绿,像要滴下来一样。用在题干中,视觉效果非常形象,很容易让人联想到茶叶的嫩绿、新鲜,与作者所流露出的欢快、愉悦的心情非常吻合。而“枝繁叶茂”、“郁郁葱葱”却没有这样的视觉效果,故本题选A“翠绿欲滴”最合适。 8.【答案】B。中公解析:“为虎添翼”比喻帮助坏人,增加恶人的势力;“如虎添翼”比喻强有力的人得到帮助变得更加强有力;“为虎作伥”比喻充当恶人的帮凶;“引虎拒狼”比喻引进另一种恶势力来抗拒原来的恶势力,其祸患将更甚。A、C、D三项的成语均为贬义,用来形容“中国海军”显然立场不合适。 9.【答案】B。中公解析:阅读题干,从语体色彩来看,题干为文艺类的散文。第一空,与“慢慢”相比,“缓缓”的散文风格更明显,故第一空应选“缓缓”。“亮堂堂”给人的形象是某个房间或空间非常明亮,而“明晃晃”则很容易让人联想到闪亮、锋利的刀。也就是说“亮堂堂”给人的多是空间上的印象,而“明晃晃”则更多的是具体的某个事物的形象。结合题干,应选“亮堂堂”。“来临”与“降临”相比较,“来临”侧重的是由远及近,而“降临”更侧重的是由上至下。结合题干,“光明”是从天上照下来的,故用“降临”这一具有空间感的动词更契合语境。故答案选B。 10.【答案】C。中公解析:“虚浮”、“虚无”与“理论”搭配不当,很容易排除A、B。“贯穿”与“体现”是辨析重点。“贯”意为通,从这头通到那头;“穿”,穿透。由“贯穿”可以联想到这样一个画面:一个中空的圆筒,中间一根棍子平行穿入其中。所以“贯穿”相较于“体现”,侧重的是通过事物的内部、中间,强调的是从头通到尾的过程,如:贯穿全文的主题是感恩。题干说的是“艺茶过程中”,因此应选“贯穿”。 安徽人事考试网安徽公务员考试安徽选调生考试安徽政法干警考试六安事业单位招聘


绝地学社___绝地无边,携手并肩,汇聚良师,提供最有品格的大学生成长课程people [5pi:pl] n. 1.[用作person的复数]人; 人们 2.[the ~]人民,国民;民众;平民 3.[用作单或复]一国人民;民族v.居住于,构成…的人口 【例句】The government of the ~, by the ~, and for the ~ shall not perish form the earth. 民有、民治、民享的政府将永世长存。【认知】广义词。“peop”与“pop”为变体,含义为“crowd; nation”(人民;民众)。在言语中使用时常不包括说话者自己在内。 job [dVCb] n. 1.(一件)工作,活儿,活计;零活 2.做的工作,需特别费力的事 【例句】Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small ~s. 如果化整为零,什么 工作都不会太【认知】本词的核心意义与“工作”具有关联性。本词侧重于困难性。 world [wE:ld] n. 1.世界,地球,天下2.人类;世人;众人 3.人世,今世;来世 【例句】Naked came I into the ~. and naked must I go out. 我赤身来到民世上,也必须赤身离去。【认知】G。本词的核心意义与“人—纪元”具有关联性。本词强调人文的方 面。 work [wE:k] n. 1.工作(量),劳动,作业 2.职业,差事 3.工作成果;产品,著作,作品4.作用,效果v. 1.工作;干活,劳动(~ out)2.起作用,有效 【例句】The English public takes no interest in a ~ of art until it is told the ~ in question is immoral. 在有人说一件作品不道德之前,英国大众对这一作品不感兴趣。【认知】广义词。本词的核心意义与“to do; act”(做;行为)具有关联性。society [sE5saiEti] n. 1.社会,2.(社会)阶层,界 3.交往,相处;交往活动 【例句】Books introduce us into the best ~; they bring us into the best ~; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. 书籍把我们引入最好的交际圈, 带我们去见古往今来最伟大的智者。【认知】广义词。词根为“soci”,含义为“companion; to join”(联合)。 age [eidV] n. 1.年龄 2.成年;法定年龄 3.生命中的一个阶段(for ages)4.老年;老v. 变陈旧;变老;显老 【例句】Age is very high price to pay for maturity. 年龄是为成熟付出的极高代价。 first [fE:st] a. 1. 第一(位)的,首要的;第 一流的,(地位、职位)最高的 2.最先的,最早的,最前面的 3.基本的,概要的n.第一个人;第一件事 【例句】Read the best books ~, or you may not have a chance to read them at all. 先读最好的书,否则你也许永远没机会读它们了。 【认知】本词整体含义具有积极色彩。 study [5stQdi] n. 1.学习;攻读;[常作studies]学业 2.研究;探讨 3.书房v. 1.学习;攻读;研读 2.研究;调查 【例句】I ~ myself more than any other subjects; it is my metaphysics, and my physics. 我研究自己多于别的任何题目。这是我的形而上学,我的物理学。 well [wel] ad. 1.好,妥善地有利地令人满意(或愉快)地 2.完全地,充分地 3.很相当;


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f57483141.html, 体会语言的形象色彩 作者:伏瑞霞 来源:《初中生世界(初一年级)》2006年第07期 你想把作文写得形象生动吗?如果想,那么就不能漠视词语的色彩。词语有感情色彩,比如褒义词、贬义词,这是大家都熟悉的,但还有一类词语具有另一种色彩——形象色彩,这一点可能许多人都没留意。 “词的形象色彩”是指由词内部的组成成分所引起的对事物视觉形象或听觉形象的联想。如:同是描写黄颜色,“鹅黄”会使人联想到小鹅绒毛的颜色,“杏黄”会使人联想到杏的颜色,“橘黄”会使人联想到橘子皮的颜色,“金黄”则会使人联想到黄金的颜色。这里每个词都会使人联想到某一事物的具体形象,这种联想就是词的形象色彩。 在语言中,用摹状、拟声方法构成的词语大都具有明显的形象色彩。如“天蓝”、“桃红”、“鹅卵石”、“狮子狗”、“马尾松”、“席卷”、“俯身”、“侧耳”等都是以摹状方法构造的词语,它们都会引起人们对事物视觉形象的联想;“蝈蝈”、“布谷鸟”、“乒乓球”等都是以拟声方法构造的词语,它们都会引起人们对事物听觉形象的联想。 除了上述这一类的词外,像我们所熟悉的动词中有很多本身也具有形象色彩,像“伸”、“缩”、“攀”、“钻”、“挤”等。 修辞手法中拟人、比喻这两类也极具形象色彩。如:远看长城,它像一条长龙,在崇山峻岭之间蜿蜒盘旋。这个句子用读者熟悉而又喜爱的“长龙”来比喻“长城”,给人飞舞之感,气势壮观,形象生动。 “桃树、杏树、梨树,你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿。”——句中各种果树会像人一样“争着、抢着”来开花,让人联想到一片绚烂的春景。 这也告诉我们,写作中不光要充分运用词语的形象色彩,还要考虑到句子的形象色彩,要将有形象色彩的一类词语和各种有描摹作用的修辞联合使用,这样就能使表达生动形象起来。 我们先从鲁迅先生的文章中来看看有形象色彩的词语的运用。《从百草园到三味书屋》一文写道:“不必说碧绿的菜畦,光滑的石井栏,高大的皂荚树,紫红的桑葚;也不必说鸣蝉在树叶里长吟,肥胖的黄蜂伏在菜花上,轻捷的叫天子忽然从草间直窜向云霄里去了。” 这一段中那些加了点的词语都是极具形象色彩的词。“长吟”从听觉上引起我们对蝉鸣叫声的联想,耳畔仿佛真的听到了夏季的蝉鸣。其他几个词语则全是从视觉方面让人产生联想。写静态的菜畦、井栏、皂荚树和桑葚时,就让人联想到它们的颜色、质地、形状;而写动态的黄


1. abnormal[?b'n?:m?l] a. 不正常的> I’m normal, you’re ~ ! 2. abolish [?'b?li?] v. 废除> CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer 3. abrupt [?'br?pt] a. 突然的, 唐突的> Your~ manner embarrassed her! 4. absurd [?b's?:d] a. 荒唐的>What an ~ idea! 5. accessory [?k'ses?ri] n. 附件, 零件>Handbag, lipstick, etc. are women’s accessories. What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse. 6. accommodate [?'k?m?deit] v. 提供膳宿> How can a small town ~ the Olympic Games? 7. addict [?'dikt] v. 上瘾>I’m ~ed to computer games. Please save me! 8. acquaint [?'kweint] v. 使熟悉> Are you ~ed with that MM? 9. adhere [?d'hi?] to v. 遵守>Adhere to your own principle 10. adverse['?dv?:s, ?d'v?:s] a. 不利的, 有害的>Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage. 11. aggravate['?ɡr?veit] v. 加重>Smoking ~s cold. 12. alleviate [?'li:vieit] v. 减轻>No one can ~ my pain. 13. alternate [?:l't?:n?t ]v./a 交替(的) >a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~ 14. ambiguous[?m'biɡju?s] a. 歧义的>The policeman is looking for a man with one eye. -----Whynot use two? 你知道此幽默在何处? 15. amplify ['?mplifai] v. 扩大(声音)> 16. analogy[?'n?l?d?i] n. 类比by analogy 17. anonymous [?'n?nim?s] a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter. 18. applaud [?'pl?:d] v. 鼓掌; 赞许> I ~ your suggestion. 19. apt[?pt] a. 易于>One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure. 20. array [?'rei] n. 陈列, 一系列>the ~of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket 21. arrogant['?r?ɡ?nt] a. 傲慢的> An ~ man is a self-important person. 22. ascend[?'send] v. 上升> The balloons are ~ing. 23. ascribe [?'skraib] v. 归因于>He ~d his failure to his small vocabulary. 24. aspiration[,?sp?'rei??n] n. 抱负Your ~ is your ambition or strong wish. 25. assault[?'s?:lt] n. 攻击, 袭击>A robber ~ed him. 26. assert [?'s?:t] v. 断言He ~ed that the thief would come again. 27. assurance [?'?u?r?ns] n. 保证, 把握>I give you my ~ that the product is safe and reliable. 28. attendant [?'tend?nt] n. 服务员, 随从


不可忽视的汉语教学——词语的色彩 词语的形象色彩是指很多词语用于解释普遍存在的概念意义外,还同时具有形象感,它们通过人们的感官如视觉、听觉、味觉等诱发人们的联想,给人以生动可感的形象感。例如:猫头鹰这个词就比较形象地反映出这种鸟头部像猫的特点;哗啦啦,是人耳边回现出流水的声音;而甜丝丝会让我们如同品尝到了甜味的食物。这些都是日常生活中非常常见的例子,可见词汇的形象色彩在生活中的应用是很广的。 正由于应用广泛,有形象色彩的词很丰富,所以对这些词的分类显得有点困难。本文将采取兰宾汉先生对具有形象色彩的词的分类,即将它们分成形感、动感、色感、声感这样四类。下面分别加以形感:有些词的意义能给人十分具体的形象。如佛手、木耳、浪潮,大家眼前会浮现出这种事物的整体的形状。木耳是一种长在腐朽的木头上的一种可供食用菌类,形状像人的耳朵;浪潮顾名思义,想浪花一样的潮流;这是对事物整体情状的比喻。又如喇叭花、鹅卵石,灯笼裤、斑马线则是在对事物的性状的比喻之后加上了一个类名。斑马、驼背、白头翁是对描摹事物的突出的特征等等。它们的突出的特点即是让人们很容易地联想到所指事物的外在形状,我们称之形感。 色感:有些词的意义给人以鲜明的色彩感。如血红让人联想到血的颜色;草绿则浮现出一片青草的的画面,联想到充满生机的绿,还有鹅黄、橘红等。具有色感的词多为形容词,比如ABB式的白茫茫,红彤彤,绿油油,金灿灿等;又如ABC式的白呲咧、血呼啦;还有A 里BC、A不BC式的,如血里呼啦,白不呲咧;还有ABCD式的如黑咕隆咚。这些词当中的词缀部分意义很虚,但它们结合在一起具有描摹性,给人们造成一种很模糊的印象,从而给人一种形象感。 动感:有些词的意义能让人产生特殊的动感。如席卷,会让人联想到用席子卷的这样一系列的动作,从而给人一动作快,范围大的感觉。而蚕食则让人们想到蚕不分昼夜沙沙吃蚕叶这样的动作行为,从而给人一种连续不断地侵食这样一种动感。这样的词还有摇曳、撞车、碰钉子、炒鱿鱼等。一些带如字的词常带有动作感:暴跳如雷、血流如注、泪如雨下、不绝如缕等。象点头哈腰、东倒西歪、俯首帖耳等次也是对存在事物的动作状态的直接的描写。声感:有些词能给人以如闻其声的感觉。这些词多为拟声词如呵呵,哈哈,嘻嘻,啧啧,喔喔,咩咩等。还有ABB式的如笑哈哈,笑嘻嘻,轰隆隆,哗啦啦;A里BC式的如稀里哗啦等,看到这些词自然会联想到自然界的一些声音,这也是其形象色彩的特点之所在。 当然,这只是众多对具有形象色彩意义的词的分类中的一种,而且也只是一种大至的分类,比如有的词就不只属于其中的一种,而是兼具两种甚至是多种形象色彩。如银河是因为看起来像一条白色的河而得名,它的意义中就包含了形感和色感两种形象色彩。有如扑啦啦,既有拍翅膀的动感又有拍翅时的声音的形容,也兼具两种形象色彩。 不仅仅是词,在词汇系统中的固定语中的一些成语同样具有形象色彩。例如狼吞虎咽明显是对动作的描摹,具有很强烈的动感;又如羊肠小道则是很典型的对于事物形状的描绘,具有形感。其它的成语如坐如针毡、骨瘦如柴、口若悬河等。还有一些成语以其呈现的整体的画面共同显示它的形象色彩。如隔岸观火,会使人的头脑中浮现一幅画面,隔岸是空间位置,观火是动作行为,如果接受者再补充一个动作行为的主体,就形成了这幅整体的画面。这是由于固定语的内部结构相对来首比较复杂,所呈现的信息量较大,因而信息的叠加呈现出了整体的画面,这个画面对整个成语的理解起着烘托得作用。如按下葫芦浮起瓢、拨云见日、兵临城下等。还有一些词语,其表层的给接受者提供两个形象单位二者结合在一块儿很容易使人想起它的深层的涵义,这一类成语形象感的形成和我国古典诗歌中意境的形成非常相似,既由表层的关系使人联想到深层的意蕴。如南辕北辙,辕向着南边而辄却朝着北,想去南边而却走向了北边,比喻行动和初衷是相违背的。如果对这个成语稍加体会其深沉含义是


中考英语重点高频词汇及精选例句 A ability 能力;1- He has ability to solve the problem 2- All he needs is an opportunity to show his ability absent 缺席的;He will be absent from the meeting tomorrow. abroad 到国外;Steven has been working abroad for five years. achieve 获得,实现;Many people will work hard to achieve these goals activity 活动;You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching advanced先进的,高级的;The company bought many advanced equipment last year. adventure冒险,奇遇;I set off for a new adventure in the United States. advantage优势; 1-Our advantage is we are familiar with all the roads. 2-I will take advantage of (利用) this trip to buy all the things that we need. advertise登广告;They put some advertisement 名词on the newspaper. affect影响;This will affect our mood. afford 买得起;The car is so expensive that we can’t be able to afford it. agriculture农业;Agriculture is very important for all the countries. announce 宣布;The director announced that we had won the competition. anxious 焦虑的,渴望的;He is very anxious to go aboard. apologize道歉;I need to apologize for what I did. appearance出现,外表; 1-It was the president's second public appearance to date 2-She care about her appearance very much. appreciate感激,欣赏;We appreciate what you did for us. astronaut 宇航员;I saw an astronaut driving the spacecraft. atmosphere大气,气氛;very good atmosphere 很好的气氛或氛围 attempt 企图,尝试;We are attempting to persuade him to work for our company attract 吸引;
