Language work--Unit 9

Language work--Unit 9
Language work--Unit 9

Unit 9 Hollywood

1Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams. Hollywood suggests luxurious houses with vast palm-fringed swimming pools, cocktail bars and furnishings fit for a millionaire. And the big movie stars were millionaires. Many spent their fortunes on yachts, Rolls-Royces and diamonds. A few of them lost their glamour quite suddenly and were left with nothing but emptiness and colossal debts.

2Movies were first made in Hollywood before World War I. The constant sunshine and mild climate of southern California made it an ideal site for shooting motion pictures.

Hollywood’s fame and fortune reached its peak in the 1930s and 1940s, the golden days of black and white movies. Most of the famous motion picture corporations of those days, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Columbia and Warner Brothers, are still very much in business and great stars like Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Charlie Chaplin, Gary Cooper, and many others besides, have become immortal.

3In those days Hollywood was like a magnet, drawing ambitious young men and women from all over the world. Most of them had only their good looks to recommend them and had no acting experience—or ability—whatsoever. Occasionally they got jobs, if they were lucky enough to be noticed. Gary Cooper was one of the few who was noticed. He started as

a stunt rider, and from there rose to be one of the great stars of the early Westerns. Many of

the girls got jobs in cafes or gas stations, and as they served their customers they tossed their heads and swung their hips, hoping to attract the attention of some important person connected with the movies. Most of them hoped in vain.

4As for the stars themselves, they were held on a tight rein by the studio chiefs who could make or break all but the stars with really big appeal. The stars were persuaded to sign seven-year contracts, during which time the studios built up their images. Under their contracts the stars did not have the right to choose their parts. Their studios decided everything.

5No country in the world has developed so expertly the skill of advertising as the Americans. They advertise everything, from ice cream to candidates for the presidency. The Hollywood studios, by means of advertising, turned starlets into superstars. Many studio chiefs were tyrants, determined to get their own way at all costs, no matter how unscrupulous the means.

6Stars were often typecast and if he or she appealed to the public as a lover, then he or she always played the part of a lover. A star who was a hit as a cowboy or a bad guy got the same kind of role again and again. There was little arguing, “you’re the perfect dumb blond, baby, and that’s how you’re going to stay,” they would say. The y even tried to interfere in their stars’ private lives: No, sugar! You just can’t marry Mel Billigan. He’s too intellectual.

He’d destroy your image. Only when they ceased to be stars did some of them discover that they were also good actors! Movie stars like Bette Davis, Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy and James Mason gave distinguished performances in character parts as well as leading roles.

7Hollywood is no longer the heart of the world’s motion picture industry. Most movies

today are filmed on location, that is to say, in the cities, in the countryside and in any part of the world that the script demands. The Hollywood studios are still standing, but most of them have been leased to television networks. About 80% of all American TV entertainment comes from Hollywood.

8Yet Hollywood has not lost all its glamour. Movie stars still live there, or in neighboring Beverley Hills, and so do many of the famous and wealthy people who have made their homes in southern California. There is also the attractive Holly-wood Bow, the huge outdoor amphitheater where every summer since 1922 “Sym-phonies under the Stars” are played by America’s best orchestras before packed audiences.

9Hollywood, above all, has the glamour of the past. It is a name which will always be associated with motion picture making, and for many years to come the old Hollywood movies will be shown again and again in movie houses and television screens all over the world.

Paragraph 1

Words and Expressions

1. glamour:n.

1) the exciting and charming quality of sth. unusual or special, with a magical power of attraction

e.g. Foreign travel has never lost its glamour for me.

She is always attracted by the glamour of a job in the pop music business.

2) strong personal attraction, esp. sexually exciting beauty, which excites admiration

e.g. Sophia added a touch of glamour by wearing a beautiful dress.



glamorous: adj.

glamorize: vt.


attractiveness, charm

2. fulfill: vt.

1) carry out a promise; satisfy a desire, prayer, etc.

e.g. That man often fails to fulfill his promise, so he is not trusted.

If he is lazy, he will never fulfill his ambition to be a doctor.

2) perform or carry out a duty, task, etc.; answer or satisfy a need or purpose

e.g. The conditions of the contract must be fulfilled exactly.

A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick.

3) finish or complete a period or piece of work

e.g. They fulfilled their project 30 days ahead of time.


fulfilled: adj.

fulfillment: n.

Comparison: fulfill, realize

realize: make actual or real something that has previously existed only as a plan or desire Collocation:

fulfill oneself: fully develop one’s abilities and character

e.g. He was able to fulfill himself through music.


Exercise: Choose the proper word in its appropriate form to fill each blank in the following sentences.

fulfill realize

1) They_____ all the boss’s demands just to please him. (fulfilled)

2) It was really disheartening that our worst fears were_____. (realized)

3) The travelling library _____ an important need for people who live in country areas. (fulfills)

3. colossal: adj. extremely large; of immense size;remarkable; splendid

e.g. It requires government spending on a colossal scale.


colossus: n.


remarkable; splendid




Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams. (Paragraph 1)

Explanation: Hollywood, district of Los Angeles, California, was famous as a center of the motion picture industry in the United States. It is also a major center of the U.S. television industry.

Translation: 好莱坞意味着魅力,是那些憧憬靠小运气就能成为大明星的少男少女们美梦成真的地方。

Activity: Making a Story

Direction: Make a short story by group discussion. Use the words “ glamour, fulfill, colossal” in Paragraph 1. The representative from each group should tell the story in front of the class and will be judged by other groups.

Paragraphs 2-8

Words and Expressions

4. constant: adj.

1) fixed or unchanging; invariable

e.g. Pressure in the container remains constant.

2) continually happening or repeated; regular

e.g. The entrance is in constant use; do not lock it.

3) loyal; faithful

e.g. She is a constant friend of mine.


constancy: n.



Comparison: constant, continuous

continuous: refering exclusively to something that is unbroken throughout its entire length, great or small, whether its extension is through time or space.

Exercise: Choose the proper word to fill each blank in the following sentences.

constant continuous

1) Despite its large population, the rate of population increase of India has been _________

in recent years. (constant)

2) Many students prefer ____________ assessment to a once-for-all approach. (continuous)

3) This video player provides high-speed dubbing and ____________ play facility. (continuous)

5. peak:n.

1) a sharply pointed mountain top; a whole mountain with a pointed top;the highest point, level

e.g. The plane flew over the snow-covered mountain peaks.

2) the highest point, level, value, rate, etc.; a time of greatest success

e.g. Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning.

She’s at the peak of her career.

Comparisons: peak, summit, climax

summit: the top of a mountain, or a meeting between heads of government

climax: the most exciting, important, or effective part in a story, experience, set of events, etc, which usu. comes near the end

Exercise: Choose the proper word to fill each blank in the following sentences.

peak summit climax

1) Demand for coal is at its _____ in January and February. (peak)

2) Western leaders are gathering for this week’s Ottawa _____. (summit)

3) His first book was published when he was at the _____ of his powers. (peak)

4) The ____ of the film is a brilliant car chase. (climax)

6. immortal: adj. that will never die; that will live forever; that will continue or be remembered

for a long time

e.g. The soul is immortal.

Shakespeare wrote many immortal plays.


immortality: n.

immortalize: v.



e.g. All human beings are mortal.

7. ambitious: adj.

1) having a strong desire for success, power, wealth, etc.

e.g. He is an ambitious young man, studying hard to be a scientist.

2) showing or resulting from a desire to to sth. difficult or sth. that demands great effort, unusual

skill, etc.

e.g. His next production was a very ambitious musical.


ambition: n.





Only ambitious students can get best marks.


His next production was a very ambitious musical comedy.

8. recommend: v.

1) praise as being good for a purpose; provide information about sb. or sth.

e.g. What would you recommend for removing ink stains?

She was strongly recommended for the post.

2) advise or suggest as a correct or suitable course of action

e.g.I wouldn’t recommend you to go there alone.

I recommend that you resign.


recommendation: n.

recommendable: adj.


recommend sb./sth. (to sb.)

recommend sb. for /as sth.

9. persuade: v.

1) make sb. willing to do sth. by reasoning, arguing, repeatedly asking

e.g. You try and persuade her to come out with us.

How can we persuade him into joining us?

He persuaded his daughter to change her mind.

2) cause to believe or feel certain; convince

e.g. I am not fully persuaded by the evidence.

We are persuaded of the justice of her case.


persuasion: n.

persuasive: adj.


persuade sb. into/out of sth.

persuade sb. of sth.

10. expertly:adv. in a way typical of an expert; in a skillful manner

e.g. Never have I seen anyone handle such a tough situation as expertly as he.


expert: n. / adj.

expertise: n.


expert at/in/on sth./doing sth.

e.g. He is expert at/in cooking good cheap meals.



11. at all costs: at any cost; whatever the cost; no matter what the cost

e.g. We must at all costs prevent them from finding out about the plan.

We must avoid war at all costs.


at the cost of: involving the loss or sacrifice of sth.

to one’s cost: from one’s own unpleasant experience

Exercise: Choose the proper phrase to fill each blank in the following sentences.

at all costs to one’s cost at the cost of

1) As I learned _________ when I was ill in New York, you should always take out medical

insurance before you go abroad. (to my cost)

2) We must win the game ______. (at all costs)

3) She saved him from drowning but only ________ her own life. (at the cost of)

12. interfere:v. enter in or take part in a matter which does not concern one, and in which one is

not wanted

e.g. It is unwise to interfere between husband and wife.

Don’t interfere in matters that do not concern you!


interference: n.

interfering: adj.


interfere in sth.

interfere between sb. and sb.

13. destroy:v. damage (something) so severely that it cannot be repaired; put an end to the

existence of something

e.g. They have destroyed all the evidence.

All hopes of a peaceful settlement were destroyed by his speech.


destruction: n.

destructive: adj.


ruin, wreck

14. cease: v. stop (esp. an activity or state)

e.g. The officer ordered his men to cease fire.

Hostilities between the two sides ceased at midnight.


cease: n.

ceaseless: adj. not stopping; without end


without cease: without stopping; continuously

15. distinguished: adj. having excellent quality or great fame and respect

e.g. The actor gave a distinguished performance on the stage last night.

He has become a distinguished man for his scientific achievements.


distinguish: v.

distinguishable: adj.



16. performance:n.

1) the action or an act of performing (a character in) a play, a piece of music, tricks, etc., esp. in

the presence of the public

e.g. His performance of "Hamlet" was superb.

The orchestra will give two more performances before leaving Britain.

2) the action or manner of carrying out an activity, piece of work, etc.

e.g. She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest.

His performance in the test was not good enough.


perform: v.

performer: n.


in performance: performing in a concert or other entertainment

e.g. Come and see her in performance with the new band.


1. Most of them had only their good looks to recommend them and had no acting experience — or ability — whatsoever. (Paragraph 3)

Explanation: The phrase "most of" cannot be used before a noun that has no determiner (article, possessive or demonstrative word). You can say "most of the people", or "most of these people", but not "most of people".

I’ve eaten most of the salad.

I’ve read most of your books.

Translation: 大多数人仅靠姣好的外貌作为资本,没有任何表演经验或才能。

2. As for the stars themselves, they were held on a tight rein by the studio chiefs who could

make or break all but the stars with really big appeal. (Paragraph 4)

Paraphrase: The stars were firmly controlled by the studio chiefs who could make or break nearly all the stars except super-stars.

Translation: 至于明星本人,他们被制片厂的老板们牢牢地控制着,除了那些名气很大的明星外,这些老板可以造就或毁掉任何人。

3. Many studio chiefs were tyrants, determined to get their own way at all costs, no matter how unscrupulous the means. (Paragraph 5)

Explanation: “Get their own way” means do what they want to, even though someone else wants something different.

You shouldn’t let the children always get their o wn way.

Translation: 许多制片厂老板都非常专制,一意孤行,不计代价,不管采取如何卑鄙的方式。

4. Stars were often typecast and if he or she appealed to the public as a lover, then he or she always played the part of a lover. (Paragraph 6)

Translation: 明星们经常被指定扮演同一类型的角色,如果他们成为大众情人,他们将永远都扮演情人的角色。

Paragraph 9

Words and Expressions

17. associate:v. connect in thought, memory, or imagination

e.g. I associate summer with holidays.

The scientist decided he didn’t want to be associated with the project, and left.



association: n.


associate with


《英语语言学概论》课程教学大纲 一、课程说明: 《语言学概论》课程是英语专业本科阶段的一门必修课。 《语言学概论》研究始于20 世纪初,其目的是揭示人类深层结构,对语言和语言交际作出客观、科学描述。现已形成了语音学、音系学、形态学、句法学、语义学、语用学等一系分支学科。语言学研究社会学等人文学科的结合逐步形成了社会语言学这样的交叉学科。 对于主修语言学的学生来说,了解语言学的知识和语言理论是完全必要和有益的。 本课程的对象是英语专业高年级学生,在本科阶段第6学期和第7 学期开设。其中第一、二、三、四、五、七、八、十一章为必修,其余章节为选修。 二、教学目的及要求: 本课程的具体要求是:比较全面,系统地了解《语言学概论》这一领域的研究成果,以及一些最主要、最有影响的语言理论和原则,从而加深对人类语言这一人类社会普遍现象的理性认识,并具备一定的运用语言学理论解释语言现象、解决具体语言问题的能力。 本课程是一门知识性比较强的课程。在教学过程中,应重点讲授主要理论、原则、和研究方法,使学生着重掌握基本概念和基本理论,在理解消化的基础上记忆。 本课程的对象是英语专业学生,在讲解过程中原则上采用英语范例,但不排除一些有助于学习者理解的、针对性强的汉语例子。应鼓 励学生结合自己的语言实践提供更多的例子来解释相关理论,以达到理论和实践相结合的目的。

三、教学重点与难点: 本课程的教学重点是语言学的基本知识和基本理论,语音学、词汇学、句法学、语义学和语用学这些语言学的核心内容。 本课程的教学难点是音韵学理论、句法结构和各个语言学流派的理论观点及其局限性。 四、与其它课程的关系: 本课程是一门主干性课程。与其相关的课程,如语法学、词汇学和语体学等都是语言学的分支,属于选修课程。 五、学时与学分: 学时:72学时 学分:4学分 六、教学内容: 第一章绪论 本章主要教学内容: 1.语言学习的意义 2.语言的定义。 3.语言的定义特征 4.语言的起源。 5.语言的功能。 6.语言学的定义。 7.语言学的核心内容。 8.宏观语言学的定义及分支。


Chapter1.Body language Listening, Speaking, Using English, Writing 一、章节分析(Section Analysis ) (一)综述 本章节是语言运用部分。通过听,说,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。针对高一新生情况using language 的任务是培养学生如何正确有效的使用字典,为以后的学习打下基础。 (二)目标 Listening 1帮助学生通过抓关键词培养其听力理解能力。 2听说结合,提高听力教学效果。 Speaking 1帮助学生运用本课关于肢体语言信息,培养他们良好的礼议。 2鼓励学生在此过程中动脑动口,学会推荐自己及如何评价他人。 Using English 1帮助学生如何有效的使用字典。 2培养学生自习自研能力。 Writing 1了解书信式“提醒单(reminder )”和邀请信的写作思路。 2掌握写作方法。 3根据简要提示写出符合要求的reminder as well as 邀请信。 (三)重点和难点 Listening 培养学生抓关键词汇:adj /adv attentively; politely; serious ,nervous n art; steps; movements; sages; points messages v dance Speaking 通过表演掌握如何推荐自己以及如何评价他人,同时能运用Do’s 和Don’s 句型。Using English 了解字典中不同符号的含义以及如何能有效地运用字典,培养自学能力。 Writing 根据提示写出符合要求的short messages 并能采用生生互评。

语言学 重点概念

Chapter one Introduction 一、定义 1.语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2.普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. 3.语言language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。 4.识别特征Design Features It refers to the defining poperties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. 语言识别特征是指人类语言区别与其他任何动物的交际体系的限定性特征。 Arbitrariness任意性 Productivity多产性 Duality双重性 Displacement移位性 Cultural transmission文化传递 ⑴arbitrariness There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. P.S the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it makes it possible for language to have an unlimited source of expressions ⑵Productivity Animals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send. ⑶Duality Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures ,or two levels. ⑷Displacement Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. ⑸Cultural transmission Human capacity for language has a genetic basis, but we have to be taught and learned the details of any language system. this showed that language is culturally transmitted. not by instinct. animals are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species. 5.语言能力Competence Competence is the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language. 6.语言运用performance Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. 语言运用是所掌握的规则在语言交际中的体现。 7.历时语言学Diachronic linguistics The study of language change through time. a diachronic study of language is a historical study, which studies the historical development of language over a period of time. 8.共时语言学Synchronical linguistics The study of a given language at a given time. 9.语言langue The abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community. 10.言语parole The realization of langue in actual use. 11.规定性Prescriptive It aims to lay down rules for ”correct” behavior, to tell people what they should say and what should not say.


Design features(定义特征): the distinctive features of human language that essentially make human language distinguishable from languages of animals. Synchronic(共时的): said of an approach that studies language at a theoretical “point” in time. Diachronic(历时的): said of the study of development of language and languages over time. Prescriptive(规定式): to make an authoritarian statement about the correctness of a particular use of language. Descriptive(描写式): to make an objective and systematic account of the patterns and use of a language or variety. Competence(语言能力): unconscious knowledge of the system of grammatical rules in a language. 对于一门语言的语法规则系统的无意识获得的知识。Performance(语言运用):

the language actually used by people in speaking or writing. 人们说话写作时实际使用的语言。 Langue(语言): the language system shared by a “speech community”. 一个“语言社团”共有的语言系统。 Parole(言语): the concrete utterances of a speaker. 说话人实际说的话语。 Phonology(音系学): the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of language. It aims to discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, and to explain the variations that occur. International Phonetic Alphabet(国际音标): a set of standard phonetic symbols in the form of a chart (the IPA chart), designed by the International Phonetic Association since 1888. It has been revised from time to time to include


对比语言学的定义、起源与发展 对比语言学(Contrastive Linguistics的定义 1、语言学中的比较与对比 比较是人类认识事物、研究事物的一种基本方法,也是语言学研究的一种基本方法。如果说,语言学的根本任务是对语言的某种现象加以阐述的话,那么要对某一语言现象作出阐述,总是需要对这一现象的种种表现加以比较和分析(Harlmann1980:22。因而,按其本质来说,对比语言学也是一种比较,不过是一种具有特定含义的语言学中的比较。下面,先让我们来看看对比语言学的比较,与语言学中其他分支的比较有什么不同,从而使我们能够确定对比语言学在整个语言学中的位置,及其与其他语言学研究的联系。 在进行语言学比较时,根据比较对象的不同,可以沿两条轴线来进行。一方面,可以选择共时或历时的语言现象来进行比较;另一方面,可以选择在某一语言内部或各种语言之间的语言现象来进行比较。这两条轴线的互相交叉,便形成了如下四个象限,这四个象限将语言学研究分成四大类性质和目的不同的比较。

象限I代表了同一语言内部的共时比较。这类比较是对某一语言在其历史发展的某一阶段(特别是现时阶段的语音、语法和词汇等系统的内部构成成分及组织结构的比较。 在共时语言学研究中,要对某一语言的某一结构系统进行描述,就必须对这一结构系统里的各种语言现象加以比较分析。例如,如果我们要研究一种语言的语音系统,我们就要比较这个系统里的各个音素的发音部位和方法有什么不同,它们的声学物理属性有什么不同,在音节中的分布又有什么不同的规律,我们就必须比较这个语言中各类词的语法作用有什么不同,组合搭配有什么特点,等等。而且,要确定一个语言中的词可以区分为哪几个词类,这本身就要进行大量的形态、语义、语法特征等方面的比较。因此可以说,同一语言内的共时比较是语音学、语法学、词汇学等构成当代语言学主流的各个分支学科的一种主要研究方法。 象限Ⅱ代表了同一语言内部的历时比较。这类比较是对某一语言在其历史演变的不同阶段的语音、语法和词汇等系统加以比较,从而使我们了解这一语言的发展历史,找出其基本发展演变规律。例如,通过对英语的历时比较,语言学家一般认为,英语的演变经历了古英语、中古英语、早期现代英语和现代英语等四个阶段。其语法演变的总趋势表现为从一个综合型的语言逐步向一个分析型的语言发展,即词的屈折变化逐渐减少,语法意义的表达越来越多地依赖语序以及介词等语法作用词的运用。这类比较是对某一语言的语言史及其分科(如词源学、古今比较语法学等研究的主要方法。 象限Ⅲ代表了不同语言之间的历时比较。这类比较是对不同语言(一般是亲属语言在各个历史发展阶段的语音、语法和词汇等系统进行比较,其目的主要是探讨语言之间的历史联系,并据此对世界上的语言进行谱系分类,重建或构拟某一组亲属语的共同原始语(proto-language,找出它们之间的某些共同发展规律. 例如,语言学家通过对印欧语系诸语言之向的历时比较研究,使我们能够大致了解这些语言在历史演变过程中的关系,推断出原始印欧语的大致形式。不同语言之间的历时比较往往


get around/round to: do (something that you have intended to do for a long time.) e.g: I was meaning to see that film but I just never got around to it. 我一直想看那部电影,但始终还是没能去看。 just as well/as well: suggesting that something will be a good thing to do/or that it was luckily that something was done or happened. 正好,幸好,不妨 e.g: “Shall I phone to remind him? ” “That would be just as well.” It was just as well you’re not here. You wouldn’t like the noise. get by (Line 3): be good enough but not very good; manage to live or do things e.g: It is a bit hard for the old couple to get by on a small amount of pension. 如果我们坚持到底,我们就能熬过难关。 We’ll get by if we hold on to the end. get across: be understood Did your speech get across to the students? get away with: run away without being punished The teller had been stealing money from the bankand got away with it. 这个出纳一直在偷银行的钱却能侥幸逃脱。 get through (Line 45): come successfully to the end e.g: We’ve stored enough food and fuel to get through the cold winter. 为了度过寒冬,我们已经储备了足够的食物和燃料。 make it (Line 9) : be successful, fulfill the purpose e.g: Having failed for thousands of times, he eventually made it. 她最后成功地成为了一家大公司的总裁。 She finally made it as a CEO of a big corporation. haul (Line 16) v. transport, as with a truck, cart, etc. e.g: These farmers haul fruits and vegetables to the market on a cart in the early morning every day. v. pull or drag sth. with effort or force e.g: A crane has to be used to haul the car out of the stream. long-overdue (Line 20) adj. Being something that should have occurred much earlier. e.g: Changes to the tax system are long overdue .She feels she’s overdue for promotion. supplement (Line 21) v. add to sth. in order to improve it (followed by with) e.g: 1) Forrest does occasional freelance to supplement his income. 2) The doctor suggested supplementing my diet with vitamins E and A. supplementary adj. additional, auxiliary spray (Line 22): v. force out liquid in small drops upon (followed by with) eg: I’ll have to spray the roses w ith insecticide to get rid of the greenfly. freelance (Line 23) adj. doing particular pieces of work for different organizations rather than working all the time for a single 自由职业者的 e.g: Most of the journalists I know are/work freelance.

Body language 课文

Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university's student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year's international students. They were coming to study at Beijing University. We would take them first to their dormitories and then to the student canteen. After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them. The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. After I met them and then introduced them to each other, I was very surprised. Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek! She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. I guessed that there was probably a major misunderstanding. Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling, together with George Cook from Canada. As they were introduced, George reached his hand out to the Japanese student. Just at that moment, however, Akira bowed so his nose touched George's moving hand. They both apologized - another cultural mistake! Ahmed Aziz, another international student, was from Jordan. When we met yesterday, he moved very close to me as I introduced myself. I moved back a bit, but he came closer to ask a question and then shook my


Desig n features (定义特征): the disti nctive features of huma n Ian guage that esse ntially make huma n Ian guage disti nguishable from Ian guages of ani mals. Synchronic (共时的): said of an approach that studies Ianguage at a theoretical point "in time. Diachro nic (历时的): said of the study of developme nt of Ian guage and Ian guages over time. Prescriptive (规定式): to make an authoritaria n stateme nt about the correct ness of a particular use of Ian guage. Descriptive (描写式): to make an objective and systematic acco unt of the patter ns and use of a Ian guage or variety. Compete nee (语言能力): uncon scious kno wledge of the system of grammatical rules in a Ian guage. 对于一门语言的语法规则系统的无意识获得的知识。 Performa nee (语言运用): the Ianguage actually used by people in speaking or writing. 人们说话写作时实际使用的语言。 Langue (语言): the Ianguage system shared by a speech community ” 一个“语言社团”共有的语言系统。 Parole (言语): the con crete uttera nces of a speaker. 说话人实际说的话语。 Pho no logy (音系学): the study of the sound patter ns and sound systems of Ian guage. It aims to discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in Ianguages, and to explain the variati ons that occur. Intern ati onal Phon etic Alphabet (国际音标) a set of standard phonetic symbols in the form of a chart (the IPA chart), designed by the Intern ati onal Phon etic Associati on si nee 1888. It has bee n revised from time to time to include new discoveries and changes in phonetic theory and practice. Cardi nal Vowels (基本元音): a set of vowel qualities arbitrarily defined, fixed and unchanging, intended to provide a frame of reference for the descriptio n of the actual vowels of exist ing Ian guages.


articulatory phonetics(发音语音学)--the study of the production of speach sounds. acoustic phonetics:(声学语言学) --the study of physical properties of speech sounds. Allophones(音位变体)--the different phones which cab represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of taht phoneme. consonant(辅音):a major category of sound segments produced by a closure in the vocal tract,or by a narrowing which is so marked that air can not escape without producting audible friction. compositionality(综合性原则):the meaning of a sentence should be viewed from both the grammatical structure and the word meaning.In other words,the meaning of a sentence depend on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined. cooperative principle(合作原则):1,Maxim of Quantity.2,maxim of Quality.3,Maxim of relatiob.4,Maxim of manner. Constatives(叙事句):a constative sentence is a description of what the speaker is doing at the time of speaking.It can be said to be ture or false. Endocentric(向心结构):is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents,i,e,a word or a group of words,which serves as a definable centre or head. Exocentric(离心结构):it refers to a group of syntactionally related words where none of the words is functionally equivalent to the group as a whole,that is,there is no definable "center" or "head" inside the group


Linguistics - Terms Metafuncion: The general roles language plays are termed metafunctions. Language plays three metafunctions: 1. the ideational function, to identify things, to think, or to record info; 2. the interpersonal function, to use it as a medium to communicate in a community; 3. the textual function, to organize message in a logical way; to bring units of language into unity. Contractive distribution: sounds appearing in the same environment. a. minimal pairs: two words differing by only one sound in the same position (e.g. sip, zip); b. minimal sets: words distinguished by one segment in the same position (e.g. beat, bit, bet, bat). Complementary distribution: allophones that are not found in the same position, but share phonetic features Free variation: if segments appear in the same position but the mutual substitution does not result in change of meaning, they are said to be in free variation. Segments in free variation are generally dialectal variation (e.g. economics). Morpheme: the smallest meaningful unit of language is called a morpheme. The morpheme can be classified into free morphemes, bound morpheme (inflectional morpheme and derivational morphemes). Allomorphs: a morpheme may be represented by different forms, called allomorphs. (E.g. the prefix:in has four allomorphs as found in the words impossible, immoral, irregular, irresistible.) Inflectional morphemes: indicating grammatical categories (e.g. indicates case and number of nouns, tense and aspect of verbs, and degree of adjectives and adverbs.) Derivational affixes: Derivational affixes are bound morphemes added to existing forms to construct new words. The process of putting affixes to existing forms to create new words is called deviation. Syntagmatic relations: chain relations, supported by TG grammar, regarding language as an abstract system, analyzing its form; It is a method of analyzing sentences by looking into their constituents and generalizing the pattern. Paradigmatic relations: choice relations, supported by SF grammar, emphasizing the vertical relations in order to explain the realization of the function of language; It focuses on the language in use. Transitivity: Transitivity is the syntactic structure as representation of experience. The ideational function is realized by the transitivity system of language. It is a type of linguistic process which represents what exists and what is going on around us and


第一节语言的本质 一、语言的普遍特征(Design Features) 1.任意性 Arbitratriness:shu 和Tree都能表示“树”这一概念;同样的 声音,各国不同的表达方式 2.双层结构Duality:语言由声音结构和意义结构组成(the structure of sounds and meaning) 3.多产性productive: 语言可以理解并创造无限数量的新句子,是由双层 结构造成的结果(Understand and create unlimited number with sentences) 4.移位性 Displacemennt:可以表达许多不在场的东西,如过去的经历、将 来可能发生的事情,或者表达根本不存在的东西等 5.文化传播性 Cultural Transmission:语言需要后天在特定文化环境中 掌握 二、语言的功能(Functions of Language) 1.传达信息功能 Informative:最主要功能The main function 2.人际功能 Interpersonal:人类在社会中建立并维持各自地位的功能 establish and maintain their identity 3.行事功能 performative:现实应用——判刑、咒语、为船命名等Judge, naming,and curses 4.表情功能 Emotive Function:表达强烈情感的语言,如感叹词/句 exclamatory expressions 5.寒暄功能 Phatic Communion:应酬话phatic language,比如“吃了没?” “天儿真好啊!”等等 6.元语言功能 Metalingual Function:用语言来谈论、改变语言本身,如 book可以指现实中的书也可以用“book这个词来表达作为语言单位的 “书” 三、语言学的分支 1. 核心语言学 Core linguistic 1)语音学 Phonetics:关注语音的产生、传播和接受过程,着重考察人类语 言中的单音。Its main focus is on the articulation, transmission and reception of human sounds, especially isolated sounds 2)音位学Phonology:从功能的角度出发对出现在某种特定语言中的语音及其 组合、分布规律进行研究的语言学分支。The branch of linguistics which studies the sound patterns from function perspective. 3)形态学 Morphology:研究单词的内部构造the internal structure of words 4)句法学 Syntax:研究组词造句的规则the rules governing the combination of words into sentences.


语言language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used by social group for communication. Arbitrariness: the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. Productivity:language is resourceful because of its duality and its reclusiveness. We can use it to create new meanings. Duality:the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of element of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization. Displacement:human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present(in time and spare) at the movement of communication. Cultural transmission:language is not genetically inherited. Passed from generation to generation, it requires some learning. It is true human are born with language capacity, but a particular language a person learns to speak is a cultural one, rather than a genetic one like the dogs’ barking system. Interchangeability:any human being can be both a producer and receiver of messages. Language function: informative: language is the instrument of thought, record the facts. The use of language to record the facts is a prerequisite of social development. Interpersonal: by far the most important sociological use of language, and by which people establish and maintain their status in a society. Performative: the performative function of language is primarily to change the social status of persons Emotive: to change the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something. Phatic communion: we all use such small, seemingly meaningless expressions to maintain a comfortable relationship between people without involving any factual contents.
