With the rapid development of technology

With the rapid development of technology

With the rapid development of technology, the world is closely connected, known as the “global village”. In fact, this phenomenon not only provides chances but also challenges to the journalists. One the one hand, as more and more people depend on the media, the journalists will have more chances to get employed and display their talent. On the other hand, the transition of information becomes more convenient and worldwide for the development of technology, which requires the report to be more accurate and in time. As a result, the journalist has the responsibility to collect the related information and reorganize the information timely and correctly.

As is mentioned in this story, the editor asked the journalist to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall, which in fact, is a misunderstanding of the accuracy of the information. In this story, we can see that the power has decisive effect on the media technology. Different media technologies to different power characteristics and media technology determines the property ofpower.

The intention of the author in telling the story is to satirize the misunderstanding of the accuracy in the media industry and call on the people in this field pay more attention to the need of the reality and the audience. Besides, it also requires that the journalist should have their own idea and should stick to their stand which they think is true. We should understand that the aim of the media technology is to explore and find something important and sometimes to reveal something qualitatively rather than quantitatively.
